asean tourism market

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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ASEAN tourism market will continue to grow from year to year, this is because currently all countries in Southeast Asia who are members of the ASEAN organization container continues to spur tourism industry to reach the ASEAN market and the world market.

Currently the ASEAN region is the region's most stable levels of economic growth and has a large number of middle class, so it is a good opportunity to develop the tourism potential. State's top three tourist destinations of ASEAN, namely Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore today many offer very attractive tour packages to lure tourists to visit the countries. Indonesia offers Bali as a tourist destination center that must to visit, Thailand offers the beauty of Phuket, Singapore offers a shopping paradise and services.

Malaysia also continues to spur the growth of the tourism industry, Malaysia continues to build infrastructure to attract tourists from the State-states of ASEAN and also the international community to visit the country.

The tourism industry offers a lot of things and an incredible experience to be felt. The tourism industry will be able to encourage the industry to develop the local economy and raise the living standards of the local community.

ASEAN countries have a great potential in developing the tourism industry because it has many cultural features. Promotion of the region as well as tourist attractions and culinary wealth is an interesting thing to be felt by the tourists who want to spend time on vacation and looking for a new atmosphere.

Indonesia as the largest country in South-East Asian region has the greatest potential to develop the tourism industry, has thousands of beautiful islands and incredible natural exotic, it must be used properly to develop the tourism industry.

Development of human resources to be educated as experts in the tourism industry is a necessity that can not delay it again. Indonesia is the largest potential was time for each area of infrastructure built to support the tourism industry. Because this is a tremendous opportunity to develop this industry. Tourism education needs to be done by the government that each region has a wealth of natural, cultural wealth, culinary riches. So that it becomes a strength that we can sell to the international world.

Citilink airline company is one example of a company that managed to see great potential in ASEAN tourism market by opening an international flight route is the route Surabaya-Johor Bahru and Surabaya-Kuala Lumpur. The opening of this route is Citilink business expansion in strengthening the ASEAN market and see ample opportunity for the development of the company's business in anticipation of the ASEAN free trade. Citilink is expected with the opening of this new route could become a major regional player in the ASEAN region.

The opening of the new route can promote the city of Surabaya as a business destination and tourism destinations and accommodate the Indonesian migrant workers working in Malaysia. For Indonesian workers working in Malaysia, the airline Citilink provides special services of the service, so that will make it easy for Indonesian workers who use the services of Citilink flights, these will also facilitate the Indonesian workers who want to return to the homeland by using Citilink flight.

Passengers to Johor Bahru to Indonesia is dominated by the Indonesian migrant workers which is about 60-70% by the Indonesian students studying and also people who vacation in Johor Bahru for tours. When Johor Bahru is a tourist destination which was developed by the Malaysian government and the area is growing very rapidly and has a playground that is Legoland, Sanrio Hello Kitty Town and shopping attractions Johor Premium outles (JPO) which to sell the fashion branded.

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