ash apgov ppt

Post on 15-May-2015



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Federalists3 point clue

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Promised a bill of rights.

Constitution would benefit the growing middle class of tradesmen as well as the wealthy plantation owners.

This group of people wrote the Federalist papers.

McCulloh V. Maryland3 point clue

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Chief justice Marshall ruled against states.

States battled the formation of a national bank.

1819 Supreme court case reinforced supremacy of the National government.

Writ of Habeas Corpus3 point clue

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This may not be suspended

Prisoners often seek release by signing this.

This directs a police officer who has a person in custody to bring the person before a judge..

hyperpluralist3 point clue

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The proliferation of political groups has weakened the government.

This group of people agree with the pluralists about the number of groups represents interests of public, but they contend that so many groups are essentially glutting the whole policy making system.

Against interest/political groups.

Line item veto3 point clue

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In 1996, President Clinton signed this act, passed by the 104th amendment..

It left Congress free to craft bills in ways that would give the President few opportunities to veto.

This law gave the President authority to selectively eliminate individual items in large appropriations bills.

Block grants3 point clue

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This is like revenue sharing.

This grew more slowly than categorical grants because of the different kind of political coalitions supporting each.

Money from the national government for programs in certain general areas that the states can use at their discretion within broad guidelines set by congress.

Mandates3 point clue

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This must be observed only if a state takes any federal grants

This applies to all state governments whether or not they accept grants.

.This tells state governments what to do with money.

Categorical grants3 point clue

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Can be used to build an airport.

Requires that state must put up money to “match” some part of the federal grant.

One for a specific purpose defined by federal law.

Natural rights3 point clue

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John Locke defined these.

We have these no matter what.

1st ten amendments.

Fiscal Federalism3 point clue

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not relevant for all kinds of government via unitary, federal and confederal

System in which a central government shares its revenues with lower levels of government.

The system of distributing federal money to the states.


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A part of the result of the debates and compromise to create the constitution..

main focus was the lack of bill of rights.

Feared constitution favored tan elite minority; failed to protect too many  individual freedoms; strong central government would limit the power of states

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Concurrent Powers

The power to tax, make roads, protect the environment, create lower courts, borrow money etc.

These were established to make sure that the federal government does not become a totalitarian government and for the federal government to have enough power so that it would not fail, like under the Articles of Confederation.

Powers reserved for the federal government and states.

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Cooperative Federalism

served as a euphemism for centralization of policymaking in the national government at the expense of states' rights and autonomous state policymaking.

it refers to federal grant‐in‐aid programs, which established the national regulatory programs in which the states administered, and congress funded..

Levels of government has destine responsibilities that don’t overlap..

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New Jersey/ Virginia Plan

drafted by James Madison for a new national government

one favored the people be governed by a strong national government, the other favored equal representation.

makes up the Great Compromise

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Power is concentrated on the hands of limited people.

Money is power.

Government favors wealthy, wealth is proportional to political influence, big business groups don’t have access to policy making or equal power.

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Unitary Government

the oldest political philosophy upon which the governments of several nations are based.

contrasts with federalism

One central government has authority over nation

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Articles of Confederation

created little more than a “league of friendship” that could not levy taxes or regulate commerce.

adopted by the continental congress; first constitution of the US on Nov. 15th, 1777.

weak central government, leaving the states with most of the powers.

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8th Amendment

originated in the English Bill of Rights in 1689.

part of the Bill of Rights

states that the federal government cannot impose excessive bail, excessive fines, nor cruel or unusual punishments.

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Bill of Rights

Introduced in 1789 to the first congress by James Madison.

The first two articles weren't passed.

makes up the first 10 amendments of the United States constitution.

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Amending the Constitution

A two part process to change.

3/4ths state legislature and state approval.

both must be proposed by both houses with 2/3rds votes.

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The Madisonian Model

A philosophy of the use of presidential powers.

First presented by James Madison.

James Madison warned that both the majority (poor and less educated Americans) and minority factions could pose a threat to the solubility of government.

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Dual Federalism

Each level of government has distinct responsibilities that don’t overlap

States were equally supreme.

A constitutional theory that the national government and the state governments each have defined areas of authority, especially over commerce.

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A political system

Power is decentralized

A theory that competition among all affected interests shapes public policy

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Bills of Attainder

One of the liberties guaranteed in the constitution.

None of this may be passed by Congress of the States.

A law that declares a person, without a trial, to be guilty of a crime. The state legislatures and Congress are forbidden to pass such act by Article I of the Confederation.

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Should not be allowed to create political conflict.

No ________ should have the opportunity to prevail upon others

A group of people who seek to influence public policy in ways contrary to the public good

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Related to federalism

The United States was a ________ from 1776 to 1787 under the Articles of Confederation.

A political system in which states or regional governments retain ultimate authority except for those powers that they expressly delegate a central government.

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Federal System

In this system, the government and constituent governments act directly upon the citizens.

power is divided between central and state or local governments.

A system which sovereignty is shared so that on some matters the national government is supreme and on others the state, regional, or provincial governments are supreme.

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5th Amendment

To testify guilty

Due-process clause.

The right not to be compelled to give evidence against oneself.

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Constitutional Convention

Delegates got together in Philadelphia

Produced a totally new constitution still in use today..

A meeting of delegates in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation

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Connecticut Compromise

Most important agreement reached at the convention in Philadelphia.

Also called Great Compromise

Reconciled the interests of small and large states by allowing the former to predominate in the Senate and the latter in the House

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