ashleigh crighton semester 2

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Semester 2



1. Type of brief: I feel like the best type of brief that I respond to is a tight brief, if I have one that is too open I try to do too many things and waist time. I prefer to have a tight brief because I know more what is being asked from me, and can get on with it.

2. Integral elements:I feel like typography plays and integral element in my work, I like to lay out type when being asked to do a editorial brief. I struggle with typography when making posters because I feel I have to much to choose from. I wish to develop this by continuing to do editorial magazine layouts, but try to use more typefaces that I am not comfortable with.

3. Success:I think I have been most successful in editorial briefs, I feel this way because I really like having the freedom of lots of white space and being able to use oversized text and images.

4. Problems:Problems have arisen when I have had an brief that is too open. I feel like I waste too much time try-ing to decide on what I want to do. I have managed to overcome these problems but feel like I am then rushed and have not made the final piece to the best of my ability.

5. Personality:I am interested in editorial magazines and equestrian and feel like when we were asked to design a magazine that involved transport I could bring the both of them together which really drove me in this project and I feel like that is the best piece of work I have made this year. This would be the perfect direction that I would like to go in but editorial magazine in general is what I would prefer to do.


University Logo

D&AD - PackagingMeldown final poster

Sally Mann Photographer Book



1. I chose the packaging brief because I thought it would be the best suited to me as I work in a bar and have the opportunity for regular access to scotch whisky and thought with the research I could gather. I felt the constraints of the brief because we had to design it to a 21st century woman, and were I am from not many woman drink whisky and all bottles and packaging are mostly targeted towards men. I don’t think my research work influenced my final piece but it helped me go in a totally different direction because if I done something similar to my research it would not of been for a woman.

2. I came up with the concept of a wine shaped bottle so that a woman would recognise it and not see it as something too different, my label for the bottle is just plane typography but a nice clean black label. The packaging itself is my favourite part, I like how the pyramid shape would catch the viewers eye and it is nice and clean, not over done. The packaging on the inside is defiantly aimed towards woman with the pink pat-tern inside so when you take the square cover off the packaging it falls open to reveal the pink inside.

3.I feel that I have successfully met the creative demands of the brief because I think it is the most woman aimed whisky I have seen. I have done this by using feminine colours and something that could interact with the woman its not a plain boring box. Its not a typical whisky bottle either, most are a shape of orange/brown and masculine typefaces, i think mine is defiantly more feminine.


INVESTIGATEI forgot to scan my images from the D&AD brief before i put them in. So these are not the real images from my sketchbook, these are one’s i had to try replicate off the top of my head.









The idea i was trying to communicate through my written manifesto was just me. I started off thinking about serious things like how i feel and things i believe but thought it could do with a bit of the more funny me in it. So that’s when i added the sell wheelchairs to frogs and keep eating soup one.

I don’t think i have translated my written concept to my visual artefact because i don’t think they match, The final artefact doesn’t match what my written part says. What i like about it is that you can play with it. It would keep some ones attention more than a piece of paper would.

Now that i have wrote and designed my manifesto, i think it can inform my process because it is fun to play with and i would like to pick it up and play with it which would make me read it at see what i have done.



1. Spelling n gramar: Need to learn how to spell and use propa England.

2. Try new things: Dont be afraid to push boundaries, dont always stick to what you know.

3. Jot down thoughts i have: i always have random thoughts and end up wishing i had wrote them down so i can look back on them later.

4. Facebook: Friend or Foe, dont waiste time on it.

5. 21: My lucky number.

6. Dont move away: Being away from my mum and dad was not as good as i thought it would be and i missed home too much.

7. Sell wheelchairs to frogs: Frogs that have had their legs eaten by evil frenchmen.

8. Keep trying: When you feel you cant do anymore.

9. Live every day: Make the most of every day, and dont let things drag you down.

10. Keep eating soup: Lets me have a break and go back to work with a fresh head and a full belly.




The 2nd rough is the flat prototype, i had then went on to adjust the typography that would be seen on the back of the transformer to line it up and make it look neater.





1. I will develop and broaden my technical ability by hopefully getting work placement through the summer and being given live briefs that are a mix match of different things to make me able to work on anything that is handed to me.

2. I will develop and broaden my knowledge of contemporary practice by continuing to use blogs to do my research and development, as i found that helped a lot and was good because i am bad for not keeping a record of were i found research so if i post it on a blog it will always be there and i don’t have to go hunting for it.

3.I will nurture and develop my current strengths buy continuing to blog through my summer, i will start work on my dissertation by using the new method of blogging to keep my focus on work through the sum-mer.

4. I need to strengthen my game at the beginning of each brief, i feel like i waist to much time trying to fig-ure out what i am going to do. I will change this by when i am given a brief, write down my first three idea’s and try use one of them straight away.


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