asig de edpe

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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The little kid that could

By: Gerardo E. Cruz Echevarría Sección- 036H

There once was a kid that was 9 years old and he lived in Puerto Rico. He went to school and he was always bored. He didn’t pay attention in class and he didn’t do his homework either. One day when he was returning from school he let a big sigh as he came in to his house.

His dad heard him and said “What’s wrong?” The kid replied “Why school is boring and do I have to go there?” His dad gave him a smile and told him that school is a

necessity that everyone must go through because otherwise he would not making out in the real world. If his dad hadn’t gone to school then he obviously would not have gone to college and earned a job that he loves and enjoys every day. So the father asks what interest the kid the most. He said “Computers.” His dad said

“Then how do you think computers where made if no one went to school? They wouldn’t exist right? Now if you really want to work with computers you need to gain the skills thought in school so you can study what you like and finally get a job doing what you love.

So from then on the kid was dedicated to his studies because he knew it would pay off in the end and it would be to benefit him completely. After he understood this perfectly he quickly started having fun learning and making the most of his experiences at school.As he grew up he started having fun learning all by himself even.

The years passed and he was an adult now. He was working part-time as a computer security consulter for airplanes and was a full-time student all before the age of 25.So let this be a lesson, that if he had not studied hard from the beginning he would have never gotten to where he is now.

The End

1. Do you think listening to his dad's advice help him?

2. Do you think he could have reached the same job by not going to school?

3. Is he truly happy of the professional adult the kid has become?

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