askari report

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Askari Report


    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary...........................................................................................................5CHAPTER 1.......................................................................................................................6Introduction........................................................................................................................6

    Banking Hitory..............................................................................................................6Hitory o! Akari Bank........................................................................................................"

    #otivation o! Akari Bank..............................................................................................."CHAPTER $.....................................................................................................................11#iion Statement...........................................................................................................11%iion................................................................................................................................11Core %a&ue......................................................................................................................11'()ective o! Akari Bank................................................................................................11

    Ho* C+a&&enge *i&& (e de&ivered..................................................................................1$CHAPTER ,.....................................................................................................................1,'rgani-ation 'rganogram.............................................................................................1,

    #anagement Sty&e...........................................................................................................1/Cor0orate Banking and inancia& Intitution 2rou0.....................................................1/

    Cor0orate and #erc+ant Banking 3iviion...............................................................1/Internationa& 3iviion................................................................................................1/Treaury....................................................................................................................15

    Retai& Banking 2rou0...................................................................................................15Invetment Product 4nit.......................................................................................15

    Aet Product 4nit..............................................................................................16Credit Card 3iviion................................................................................................16

    '0eration and Credit 2rou0.......................................................................................16Sytem and '0eration 3iviion............................................................................1

    E&ectronic Tec+no&ogy 3iviion.................................................................................1Credit 3iviion..........................................................................................................1HR Human Reource7 3iviion...............................................................................1"inance 3iviion.......................................................................................................1"

    Audit 3iviion............................................................................................................18Regiona& Area................................................................................................................$9CHAPTER /.....................................................................................................................$1Code o! Buine Princi0&e............................................................................................$1

    Cor0orate P+i&oo0+y...................................................................................................$1Cutomer Re&ation+i0...............................................................................................$$Em0&oyee Re&ation+i0..............................................................................................$$

    Tec+no&ogica& Innovation..............................................................................................$,Et+ica& %a&ue...............................................................................................................$,Cor0orate Citi-en+i0...................................................................................................$/2ro*t+..........................................................................................................................$/Cor0orate Ac+ievement...............................................................................................$5

    #anageria& Po&icie..........................................................................................................$6inancia& Po&icie.........................................................................................................$6

    Source o! und.......................................................................................................$6

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    4e o! und............................................................................................................$6Procurement Po&icie...................................................................................................$#arketing Po&icie........................................................................................................$Promotiona& Po&icie.....................................................................................................$":ending Po&icie...........................................................................................................$"Perona& Po&icie..........................................................................................................$8

    CHAPTER 5.....................................................................................................................,93e0artment....................................................................................................................,92enera& Banking 3e0artment.....................................................................................,9

    Account '0ening 3e0artment..................................................................................,9Remittance 3e0artment...........................................................................................,/Ca+ 3e0artment.....................................................................................................,5C&earing 3e0artment................................................................................................,6'n&ine Banking........................................................................................................./9:ocker...................................................................................................................../1oreign Trade 3e0artment......................................................................................./1

    Credit 3e0artment......................................................................................................../"

    T+e ;ature o! 3e0artment......................................................................................../"T+e Bai o! Credit.................................................................................................../"Ty0e o! Credit........................................................................................................./8Ty0e o! Credit Intrument.....................................................................................59

    CHAPTER 6.....................................................................................................................5$Product and Service.....................................................................................................5$

    3e0oit.......................................................................................................................5$Current Account........................................................................................................5,Saving Account.......................................................................................................5,

    Advance......................................................................................................................5,unded !aci&itie........................................................................................................5,

    ;on< unded !aci&itie...............................................................................................5,'t+er Product.............................................................................................................5/Perona& inance......................................................................................................5/#ortgage inance.....................................................................................................5/Buine inance.....................................................................................................5/

    AS=CarCar inance7..............................................................................................55AS=Card...................................................................................................................55Trave&&er C+e>ue....................................................................................................55

    AS=Po*er................................................................................................................55%a&ue P&u.................................................................................................................56Com0&imentary CIP and RA?A: :ounge aci&itie.................................................56

    Agricu&ture inance...................................................................................................5=ian arm #ec+ani-ation.....................................................................................5"=ian arm Tran0ort !inance................................................................................5"

    CHAPTER .....................................................................................................................58S?'T Ana&yi................................................................................................................58

    Strengt+......................................................................................................................58:eading Private Sector Bank....................................................................................58

    Automatic '0eration...............................................................................................58

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    u&& 3ay Banking......................................................................................................58AT# ;et*ork............................................................................................................58Cutomi-ed So&ution...............................................................................................58Cutomer 'riented Banking.....................................................................................69E&ectronic Banking....................................................................................................69E&ectronic und Tran!er........................................................................................69

    P+one Banking.........................................................................................................69Et+ica& Concern And Pu(&ic Image.........................................................................69?eaknee.................................................................................................................69

    ;ot Hig+&y Automated...............................................................................................61#anua& Bookuity R'E7...........................................................................................1

    S+are In!ormation.........................................................................................................$Earning 0er S+are EPS7........................................................................................$

    Ana&yi....................................................................................................................$CHAPTER 8.....................................................................................................................,Intern+i0 Activitie..........................................................................................................,

    Branc+ :eve& Hierarc+y................................................................................................,Intern+i0 Ex0erience................................................................................................/

    irt ?eek................................................................................................................./Second ?eek...........................................................................................................6T+ird ?eek..............................................................................................................."ourt+ ?eek............................................................................................................."9i!t+ ?eek.................................................................................................................",Sixt+ ?eek................................................................................................................"/

    3i!!icu&tie aced.........................................................................................................."5Conc&uion and Recommendation..............................................................................."6

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    REERE;CE...................................................................................................................""Pu(&i+ed Re!erence..................................................................................................""'n&ine Re!erence.......................................................................................................""Peronne& Re!erence..................................................................................................""


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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    SBP has prescribed the Askari Bank Ltd. For me. I had completed my

    internship in the Askari Bank abdali road. I worked at various department of

    the bank. Such as In account opening department accounts department

    cash department and did some work at clearing and remittances

    department. !he working environment at Bank was very good. !he staff was

    very cooperative and friendly. I had learn a lot form the bank and observe

    the marketing system of this bank i.e. how it works and to what e"tent it is

    successful. I spent most of my time during internship in account opening

    department where I interact with people and know how to deal with

    customer. And also about the working and procedure of the account opening.

    I also stamped all the documents of account opening form# I dispatched the

    account opening form in a file. !hrough this internship I learn about the

    marketing system of this bank i.e. how it works and to what e"tent it is

    successful. $ith this internship I enhance my intellectual skills. I deal with

    customer and help those customers who are confused help them in such a

    way by filling credit or debit slips. In cash department I sort out the cash

    and count the cash. In accounts department I had filling different reports. I

    also check the daily activity such as online customer and %L. In clearing

    department I clear the che&ues I stamped the che&ues. 'aintaining good

    relationship with the customer has polished my interpersonal skills and

    resolving customer(s Problems give them a feeling that the company

    employees care for them. I used to maintain the record of each che&ues

    book and A!' issued both on the registered. I also used to place the

    document on their proper file.

    Executive Summary

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank



    Banking HistoryBanking History

    T+e *ord Bank i o! a Euro0ean origin and i derived !rom t+e Ita&ian *ord BA;C'D

    *+ic+ mean a ta(&e or a counter. Bank i a !inancia& intitution &icened (y a

    government. It 0rimary activity i to &end money. #any ot+er !inancia& activitie *ere

    a&&o*ed over time. or exam0&e (ank are im0ortant 0&ayer in !inancia& market and

    o!!er !inancia& ervice uc+ a invetment !und T+e &eve& o! government regu&ation o!

    t+e (anking indutry varie *ide&yD *it+ countie uc+ a Ice&andD t+e 4nited =ingdom

    and t+e 4nited State +aving re&ative&y &ig+t regu&ation o! t+e (anking ectorD and

    countrie uc+ a C+ina +aving re&ative&y +eavier regu&ation inc&uding tricter

    regu&ation regarding t+e &eve& o! reerve7.

    1947, banking in Pakistan was dominated by branches of British banks. The State Bank of

    Pakistan, the central bank, was formed after partition in 194. !t ass"med the s"per#isory and

    monetary policy powers of the State Bank of !ndia. !n the period of $%s to 7%s the emergence of

    a n"mber of speciali&ed de#elopment finance instit"tions '()!s* s"ch as !nd"strial (e#elopment

    Bank of Pakistan '!(BP* and the +gric"lt"ral (e#elopment Bank '+(B*. These ()!s were

    either controlled directly by the state or thro"gh the SBP, and were intended to concentrate on

    specific priority sector lending. !n 1974 all domestic commercial banks were nationali&ed by the

    o#ernment. The Pakistan Banking -o"ncil was established, which ass"med the role of a

    banking holding company b"t with limited s"per#isory powers. owe#er, PB- was dissol#ed in

    1997, lea#ing the SBP as the sole reg"latory a"thority for banks and financial instit"tions in

    Pakistan. /ationali&ation of the banking sector led to pet pro0ects. The the branch network of

    /-Bs also proliferated in an effort to pro#ide banking ser#ices to all regionsterritories of the

    co"ntry, often with disregard to the #iability or feasibility of s"ch e2pansion

    T+e (anking ector i categori-e in di!!erent categori-e centra& commercia& indutria&

    and invetment (ank. Centra& (ank i (anker o! a&& (ank and regu&ate t+e monetary

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    0o&icy. Commercia& Bank uua&&y acce0t de0oitD make (uine &oanD and o!!er

    re&ated ervice. Agricu&ture (ank 0rovide t+e &oan !or agricu&ture.

    History of Askari Bank

    T+e (anking ector +a *itneed a dramatic c+ange during t+e &at ten year *it+ t+e

    deve&o0ment o! Akari BankD *+ic+ i not on&y rede!ining 0rioritie and !ocu o! t+e

    (ankD (ut a&o t+reatening t+e domination o! traditiona& 0&ayer.


    Centra! "ank

    Commercia! "ank

    Exc#ange "ank

    Industrial bank

    Agriculture bank

    Investment bank

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    The story begins with the incorporation of +skari -ommercial Bank limited in Pakistan on

    3ctober %9, 1991, +skari Bank -ommenced 'begin* to operations in +pril 199, as a p"blic

    limited company. The bank is listed on the 5arachi, 6ahore and !slamabad Stock 2changes and

    the initial p"blic offering was o#ers"bscribed by 1$ times.

    ?+i&e ca0turing t+e target market +are amongt t+e vie* (ankD Akari +a 0rovidedgood va&ue to it +are+o&der. It +are 0rice +a remained a00roximate&y 1$ +ig+er

    t+an t+e average +are 0rice o! >uoted (ank during t+e &at !our year.

    +skari Bank has e2panded into a nationwide presence of 8 Branches, and an 3ffshore Banking

    nit in Bahrain. + shared network of o#er %% online +T:s co#ering all ma0or cities in Pakistan

    s"pports the deli#ery channels for c"stomer ser#ice. +s on (ecember 81, %%4, the Bank had

    e;"ity of looking

    strategy in terms of +skari market emphasis. +s a res"lt, +skari de#eloped a geographically

    di#ersified assets base instead of a concentration and hea#y reliance on b"siness in the ma0or

    commercial centers of 5arachi and 6ahore, where most other banks ha#e their operational ead


    $otivation of Askari Bank$otivation of Askari Bank

    ?hile s"ccessf"lly penetrating the key domestic markets thro"gh strategic e2pansion and

    b"siness di#ersification they remain ali#e to the challenge emanating from the de#elopment in

    the global financial markets@ the opport"nities and threats engendered by greater dereg"lation

    and increased c"stomer e2pectations. These pro#ide them the impet"s 'moment* to make the best

    "se of a#ailable reso"rces, incl"ding modern technologies, to meet the challenges ahead.

    Hitorica&&yD Akari core marketing !ocu !or it aet (ae +a (een t+e midd&e and

    u00er midd&e (uine +oue inc&uding *+o&ea&er and manu!acturer7 o0erating in

    t+e &arge ur(an center o! PakitanD *+ic+ are 0rimari&y oriented to*ard !oreign trade.

    T+i egment contitute igni!icant revenue to t+e (ank. T+e &ia(i&ity ide remain

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    !ocued on t+e midd&e and u00er midd&e c&a retired and erving government and

    armed !orce 0erona& and midbanking gro"p in "ly %%%, the mobile +T:As facility is first time started by

    +skari commercial bank in %%= dedicated to ser#ing the "rban cons"mer market@ +skari is

    committed to aggressi#ely market this segment. The strategy is to pro#ide their c"stomers with a

    basket of inno#ati#e prod"cts to meet their #arying needs.

    Akari Commercia& Bank i t+e on&y Private Sector (ank t+at +a (een a00roved (y t+e

    ?or&d Bank a a Partici0ating inancia& Intitution !or t+e 4SG $99 mi&&ion :ine o! Credit

    anctioned aut+ori-ed7 to t+e 2overnment o! Pakitan !or t+e inancia& Sector

    3ee0ening and Intermediation Pro)ect.

    +skariCs emphasis on f"rther broadening its core foreign trade b"siness translated into handling a

    higher #ol"me of 2port and !mport b"siness of

  • 8/9/2019 Askari Report


    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


    $ission Statement

    To (e t+e &eading 0rivate ector (ank in PakitanD *it+ an internationa& 0reenceD

    de&ivering >ua&ity ervice t+roug+ innovative tec+no&ogy and e!!ective reource

    management in a modern and 0rogreive organi-ation cu&ture o! meritocracyD maintain

    Hig+ et+ica& and 0ro!eiona& tandardD *it+ 0roviding en+ance va&ue to a&& our

    take+o&derD and contri(uting to ociety

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


    To (e t+e &eading (ank in t+e region...

    Core &a!ues

    T+e intrinic va&ueD *+ic+ are corner tone o! Akari cor0orate (e+aviorD are






    '"(ectives of Askari Bank

    A Akari Bank &ook a+ead to t+e !uture (y moving t+roug+ t+e decade o! t+e 1889 it

    e!!ort are guided (y a (road !rame*ork o! cor0orate o()ectiveD *+ic+ are a !o&&o*

    Akari i committed to it identity o! ecurity trut and *i&& endure to u0+o&d

    t+i image at a&& t+e time.

    It *i&& endure to 0rovide it cutomer *it+ a many creative !inancia& ervice

    and 0roductD a i re>uired. A today cutomer demand a 0ackage o! ervice

    uited to +i 0articu&ar (uineD Akari 0&an to deve&o0 di!!erent and ne*

    0roduct to cater to t+e cutomer demand. Akari (ank +a t+e trengt+ to (e a

    market &eader.

    Bank *i&& kee0 tanding and (y and deve&o0D it +uman ca0ita& (ae. It i

    0&anning to 0rovide a&& t+e re>uired training to it ta!! to*ard ac+ieving a +ig+er

    &eve& o! 0ro!eiona&im. Akari *i&& continue triving to (ui&d a trongD motivated

    and dedicated *ork !orce *+ere tota& commitment *i&& (e to*ard cutomer

    ati!action and *ea&t+y gro*t+ o! organi-ation. Akari (ank *i&& endure to 0rovide a com0etitive return to it +are+o&der and

    *i&& trive to maximi-e it +are va&ue. T+e en+ancement in it ca0ita& and return

    *i&& (e a continuou 0roce. Akari (ank i intereted in (eing one o! t+e mot

    !inancia&&y via(&e intitution. So it &ay great em0+ai on gradua& (ui&ding u0 to

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    a +ea&t+y de0oit mix. In t+e year a+eadD t+e (ank *i&& en+ance it !ocu on

    gro*t+ t+roug+ o0erationa& e!!iciencyD creating trategic a&&iance deve&o0ing


    40*ard riing a&e


    'rgani+ation,s 'rganogram

    Page 1

    B'AR- '. -IRECT'RS

    Executive Committee

    President and C#iefExecutive

    Interna! Audit

    Cor0. Banking in. Int. 2rou0

    '0erating andcredit grou0

    Region Retai& Banking2rou0

    Credit Card

    Internationa&Credit Ra*a&0indi

    JI&ama(ad AetProduct

    P&anning and

    Cor0orate a!!air

    Treaury E&ectronicTec+no&ogy

    ;ort+ Invetment0roduct


    Cor0orate and#erc+ant Banking

    Sytem and'0eration

    :a+ore inance

    3ata Re0orting Eat

    :ega& A!!air Sout+ I

    Sout+ II


  • 8/9/2019 Askari Report


    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    $anagement Sty!e

    The bank basically works "nder three gro"ps named asE

    1. -orporate banking and financial instit"tions gro"p

    $. Retai& (anking grou0

    ,. '0eration and credit grou0.

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Cor/orate Banking and .inancia! Institution 0rou/Cor/orate Banking and .inancia! Institution 0rou/

    T+i 2rou0 i re0oni(&e !or erving t+e need o! &arge cor0orate c&ient in 0u(&ic and

    0rivate ectorD managing corre0ondent (anking re&ation+i0 and undertaking money

    market tranaction. T+e 2rou0 i organi-ed in t+ree diviion name&y

    Cor0orate and #erc+ant Banking 3iviionD

    Internationa& 3iviion

    And Treaury.

    Cor/orate and $erc#ant Banking -ivision

    T+i 3iviion i engaged in 0roviion o! !inancing !aci&itie to &arge cor0orate c&ient

    inc&uding mu&tinationa&. Princi0a& activitie inc&ude yndicated &oanD guaranteeD and

    *orking ca0ita& !inanceD under*riting and adviory ervice. T+e 3iviion +a 0&ayed anim0ortant ro&e in 0roviding deve&o0ment !inance !or t+e moderni-ation and ex0anion o!

    t+e country core indutrie. Credit rik i *e&& diveri!ied *it+ ex0oure in ector &ike

    !ue& energyD c+emica&D texti&e and !erti&i-er. T+ree unit +ave (een et

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


    Re0oni(&e !or managing Bank &i>uidity and !oreign exc+ange tranactionD our

    Treaury in one o! t+e mot active in t+e market. T+roug+ re0orted tranactionD

    0urc+ae o! 2overnment 0a0er and !oreign exc+ange tradingD t+e 3iviion add

    u(tantia&&y to t+e Bank utained earning.

    Retai! Banking 0rou/Retai! Banking 0rou/

    Retai& (anking grou0 *a !ormed in $999D t+i grou0 i re0oni(&e !or erving t+e

    need o! t+e retai& market. ocuing on individua& conumer and ma&& and medium

    i-e enter0rieD !or 0ur0oe o! 0roduct di!!erentiationD t+e grou0 i managed in t+ree

    (uine arm.

    Invetment 0roduct unitD

    Aet 0roduct unitD

    T+e credit card diviion.

    Investment Products nits

    Re0oni(&e !or deve&o0ing and managing (rand *+ic+ erve t+e invetment need o!

    t+e conumer marketD t+i unit !ocue on de0oit mo(i&i-ationD 0roviion o! va&ue added

    ervice (aed on modern tec+no&ogy and undertaking t+e centra&i-ed marketing and

    advertiing !or t+e Bank. T+i unit i a&o active&y invo&ved in t+e ac>uiition (uine

    and +a igneduidity on a&& time de0oit and !ree Privi&ege

    Card mem(er+i0. T+e 4nit i a&o adminitering t+e a&e and ditri(utionD inc&uding

    arrangement !or trategic 0artner+i0 a&&iance !or Akari< i

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    oD (ut t+e need o! t+i egment +ave (ecome extreme&y divere. In order to utain

    com0etitionD it i (ut im0erative to continue o!!ering innovative conumer credit

    c+eme. ?it+ t+e &aunc+ o! Akari Bank Perona& inance an Akar auto

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    $991D t+e diviion +a 0ro0oed evera& cot cutting initiative (aed u0on im0rovement

    o! our exiting 0rocedure and documentation reduction. Seven ne* (ranc+e +ave

    (een o0ened during t+i year. T+e diviion ucce!u&&y im0&ement t+e mode& (ranc+

    conce0t during $991D *+ic+ +a (een 0roved to (e a mi&etone to*ard im0roving our

    cutomer ervice tandard and ac+ieving 0roce uni!ormity *it+ o0timum reourceuti&i-ation.

    E!ectronic Tec#no!ogy -ivision

    T+i diviion o0erate a t+e (ack(one !or a&& o0erationa& !unction in t+e (ank.

    Re0oni(&e 0rimari&y !or t+e deve&o0ment o! (anking o!t*are and 0roviion o!

    com0uter +ard*are to a&& (uine unitD t+e diviion a&o engaged in t+e deve&o0ment

    o! tec+no&ogy (aed va&ue added cutomer ervice 0roduct. T+e diviion +a +e&0ed

    t+e (ank in 0&aying t+e 0ioneering ro&e in o!!ering Internet (anking ervice e

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    more e!!ective monitoring and contro&. urt+er te0 are (eing taken to tream&ine

    credit a00raia& 0rocedure and training to credit o!!icer at a&& &eve&.

    HR 2Human Resource3 -ivision

    Strategica&&yD 0er+a0 t+e mot im0ortant diviion at t+e +ead o!!ice i re0oni(&e !or

    +uman reource managementD inc&uding recruitment ta!! training and eva&uation. T+e

    diviion a&o +and&e matter re&ating to adminitration. T+i diviion o0erate on !uture

    oriented trategy !ocuing on em0&oyee 0erona& and 0ro!eiona& gro*t+.

    Sta!! deve&o0ment activitie are geared to en+ance t+eir ca0a(i&itie !or a00&ying t+e

    kno*&edge and !act to*ard deve&o0ment o! 0ractica& ituation. 4nder our +uman

    reource management 0o&icyD *e deve&o0 and groom our management 0erona& !or

    0oition o! greater re0oni(i&itie ana&ytica&D inter0erona&D conce0tua&i-ed and

    0ecia&i-ed ki&& to ena(&e t+em undertand caue

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Pre0aring t+e (ank annua& account and coordinating externa& audit i a&o a direct

    !unction o! t+e !inance diviion. T+roug+ t+e dedicated e!!ort o! ta!! at t+i diviionD t+e

    (ank +a (een *inning variou a*ard !oe t+e (et 0reentation o! t+e annua& account

    and a&o t+e management +a a&o (een a(&e to monitor and revie* t+e (ank

    0er!ormance in 0roactive manner.

    Audit -ivision

    T+e audit diviion re0ort direct&y to t+e (oard t+roug+ t+e executive committeeD *+ic+

    i a&o t+e audit committee. T+e audit diviion i com0&ete&y inde0endent o! t+e

    management and i re0oni(&e !or c+ecking and re0orting on t+e management

    com0&iance *it+ t+e (oard 0o&icie and directiveD a a&o t+e 0rudentia& regu&ation

    and ot+er directive o! t+e SBP. Ho*ever t+eir ro&e i not intended to )ut t+at o! !au&t

    !indingL (ut a&o guiding and aiting (ranc+e in im0roving t+eir o0eration.

    T+e diviion i re0oni(&e !or eva&uating every a0ect o! t+e (ank o0eration *it+ t+e

    goa& o! im0roving t+e e!!ectivene o! rik management and interna& contro&. T+ere i

    a&o a regiona& audit !unction attac+ed to eac+ area o!!iceL t+e nature o! t+i (uine i

    o! more >ua&ity aurance rat+er t+an trict&y audit. T+e regiona& audit re0ort to t+e area

    managerD and ait t+em in enuring t+at t+ere i 0ro0er com0&iance *it+ a&& t+e

    re&ative directiveD and a&o t+at cutomer ervice tandard are maintained and

    im0rovedD at t+e (ranc+e in t+e area.

    Regiona! Areas

    T+e ytem o! regiona& and area o!!ice +a (een introduced ince 1888 !or e!!ective

    u0erviion and contro& o! (ranc+e. T+e co0e o! t+e ytem a&o 0an t+e

    deve&o0ment and management o! (ank (uine and activitieD on a regiona& (ai.

    T+e (ank (ranc+ net*ork +a (een divided into 6 region

    17 ;ort+ region

    $7 Com0arion o! I&ama(ad and Ra*a&0indi area and t+e nort+ area.

    ,7 Centra& region

    /7 Com0riing o! :a+ore and Eat area.

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    57 Sout+ region and

    67 ?et region

    A 0roce o! e!!ective decentra&i-ation +a (een im0&ementedD *it+ de&egation o!

    aut+ority and greater re0oni(i&ity and accounta(i&ity. 4nder t+i ytem t+e regiona&

    +ead +ave t+e 0rimary re0oni(i&ity !or (uine deve&o0mentD 0ro!ita(i&ity0roductivityD o0erationa& e!!iciency and credit >ua&ity.

    T+e ytem +e&0 t+e cutomer t+roug+ >uick deciion

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Create and &everage trategic aet and ca0a(i&itie !or com0etitive advantage.

    Cor/orate P#i!oso/#yCor/orate P#i!oso/#y

    5T#e C#a!!enge666 to "ring a dream to !ife7

    rom kno*ing Akari cutomer re>uirement to undertanding em0&oyee needD

    !rom uti&i-ing modern tec+no&ogy to making re0oni(&e ocia& contri(utionD !rom

    en+ancing take

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    ser#ices are as di#erse as +skari market segments. +skari ha#e str"ct"red and syndicated

    financing arrangements, working capital finance, Balancing>:oderni&ation

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Cor/orate Citi+ens#i/Cor/orate Citi+ens#i/

    "The greatest of life's pleasures are shared"

    Akari ro&e a a re0oni(&e cor0orate citi-en i a im0ortant to ACB: a t+e

    0roduct and ervice t+ey o!!er.

    Akari +ave made ue!u& contri(ution in t+e area o! 0ortD cu&tureD 0overty

    a&&eviationD +ea&t+ medica& cienceD education and cienti!ic reearc+.

    Akari *a one o! t+e co

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    rom a +um(&e (eginning *it+ )ut (ranc+e in 188$D today Akari en)oy a net*ork

    o! , out&et in PakitanD 0read acro t+e country. A net*ork o! e&!uity (ae tand atR. $.5" (i&&ion *it+ $9 gro*t+ over t+e &at 5 year. T+e +uman reource ca0ita&

    o! t+e (ank today exceed 1D$99 em0&oyee. A 0art o! Akari gro*t+ trategy Akari

    i no* extending Akari (anking ervice to t+e remote and rura& area.

    Cor/orate Ac#ievementCor/orate Ac#ievement

    "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.

    Amidt toug+ com0etitionD Akari e!!ort to go an extra mi&e in 0roviding u0eriorervice to Akari cutomer +ave (een ackno*&edged at t+e nationa& a *e&& a

    internationa& &eve&. T+ee ackno*&edgement erve a a great ource o!

    encouragement and a00reciation at one +and and in0ire ACB: to 0er!orm even

    (etterD on t+e ot+er.

    T+e 2&o(a& inance #aga-ine +a +onored Akari *it+ t+e T+e Bet Bank in

    Pakitan a*ard. Akari *on t+e Euro money and Aia money a*ard a ear&y a

    188/D 1885 and 1886. Akari +ave A&ND t+e +ig+et 0oi(&e credit ratingD !or t+e


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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    /. Promotiona& 0o&icie

    5. :ending 0o&icie

    6. Perona& 0o&icie

    .inancia! Po!icies

    .inancia! Po!icies

    T+e !inancia& 0o&icie o! any (ank are t+e mot im0ortant 0o&icie t+roug+ *+ic+ t+e

    *+o&e (anking activity i conducted. T+ee 0o&icie are 0rimari&y conducted on

    Source o! !und

    4e o! !und

    Source of .unds

    T+e (ank !inance 0o&icy i ac>uiring !und !rom t+e !o&&o*ing ource

    3e0oit o! account +o&der.

    Interet on advance and &oan granted to t+e (orro*er.

    Income and commiion !rom t+e ervice 0rovided (y t+e (ank.

    Bank o0en variou ty0e o! account !or it cutomer Service are 0rovided !or


    Interet income and commiion (ank 0roviding t+e ervice to it cutomer.

    se of .unds

    +fter the ac;"isition of the f"nds their ac;"isition becomes necessary. The bank seeks the best

    way for making in#estment to get more profit with the ma2im"m sec"rity. The bank has an

    in#estment portfolio in which it allocates its f"nds for crediting to borrowers, in#estment in the

    stock market, in#estment in the real estate property etc. for allocation of f"nds a bank has to

    follow some banking policies and the pr"dential reg"lations of SBP these areE

    1. A (ank +a to maintain &i>uidity *it+ centra& (ankD i.e. $5 o! it tota& de0oit.

    $. A (ank cannot invet a&& o! it !und ot+er*ie it *i&& (e di!!icu&t to meet urgent


    A u(tantia& 0art o! !und i received !rom interet on &oan and advance. Be!ore

    granting a &oan t+e (ank ana&y-e and o(erve t+e (orro*er and conduct a com0&ete

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    ratio ana&yi. Bank 0re0are credit &ine !or t+i 0ur0oe t+e ma)or t+ing i granting an

    advance i t+e ecurity o!!ered (y t+e (orro*er and it actua& market va&ue.

    Procurement Po!iciesProcurement Po!icies

    Procurement 0o&icie are more concerned *it+ manu!acturing organi-ation. In (ank

    indutry t+at i ervice indutry 0rocurement mean t+e 0rocurement o! !und !rom

    variou ource uc+ a de0oit. It invo&ve attracting and +o&ding t+e !und o! t+e

    de0oitor. A!ter t+e ac>uiition o! !undD t+e (ank invet t+e ac>uire !und. 'ne

    a&ternative i to &end it money and earned interet marku0 or invet in govt. ecuritie

    etc. a a&ready mentioned in t+e a(ove 0aragra0+ t+e ma)or ource o! !und !or a (ank

    are t+e de0oit o! t+e genera& and t+e ot+er ource o! income inc&ude interet or

    marku0 c+arge received !or variou ervice o!!ered (y t+e (ank to it c&ient.

    A (ank trie to attract maximum no. '! account o t+at it can increae it de0oit and

    t+ee &ending a(i&ity. In order to get maximum no. o! account t+e ta!! o! t+e (ank mut

    (e e!!icient a com0ared to t+e ot+er (ank and t+e manager o! t+e (ranc+ mut take

    0erona& interet in attracting de0oit. 2ood >ua&ity o! t+e ervice i t+e key to


    $arketing Po!icies$arketing Po!icies

    :arketing policies are also one of the most important policies beca"se they are related to the

    growth of the organi&ation. :arketing for a bank wo"ld meanE

    1. Creation o! ne* 0roduct and ervice.

    $. T+e (ank marketing mut (e conumer oriented.

    o&&o*ing are t+e marketing 0o&icie o! t+e ACB:.

    a. =ee0ing t+e track o! &atet deve&o0ment in t+e *or&d and incor0orating t+e

    &atet and mot modern e>ui0ment to make t+e (anking 0rocedure

    im0&e and eay !or t+e cutomer.

    (. 3eve&o0ment o! 0roduct !or t+e cutomer.

    c. 2iving good ervice and maintaining good re&ation *it+ t+e cutomer.

    T+ee 0o&icie can (e im0&emented (y 0roviding t+e rig+t 0roduct and ervice to t+e

    cutomer at t+e rig+t 0&aceD at t+e rig+t timeD at t+e rig+t 0rice.

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    It i neceary !or t+e manager to kee0 in touc+ *it+ conumerD o(erve t+eir need

    and deve&o0 0roductD *+ic+ meet t+eir need.

    Promotiona! Po!iciesPromotiona! Po!icies

    Pu(&ic re&ation and advertiing +a aumed a great im0ortance in t+e modern (anking

    (uine. A !or a 0romotiona& activitie are concernedD t+e main o()ective o! t+e (ank

    i to in!orm t+e exiting c&ient and ot+er 0eo0&e a(out it ne* 0roduct or c+ange in t+e

    exiting ervice. ACB: eta(&i+e it 0ur0oe t+roug+

    1. 3irect contact *it+ cutomer.

    $. Re&ation *it+ (uine organi-ation.

    ,. Community re&ation.

    :ending Po!icies:ending Po!icies

    Every (ank +a it o*n &ending 0o&icie exce0t !or t+oeD *+ic+ are common !or a&& t+e

    (ankD i.e. t+e 0o&icieD *+ic+ are im0oed on a&& t+e commercia& (ank (y t+e SBPD are

    kno*n a 0rudentia& regu&ation. T+e &ending 0o&icie o! ACB: are a !o&&o*

    1. T+e (ank on&y invet in t+oe ound and via(&e 0ro)ectD *+ic+ +ave good rate

    o! return.

    $. Bank 0re!er to advance &oan to t+eir account +o&der.

    ,. :oan i given to re&ia(&e 0eron on&y.

    /. ;o 0o&itica& &oan i anctioned (y (ank.

    5. Any account +o&der can a00&y !or running !inance or demand !inance. T+e

    manger a00raie t+e 0at record o! account +o&der and +i credit *ort+ine. I!

    +e !ind anyt+ing *rong +e can re!ue to anction t+e amount.

    6. T+e (ank *+i&e taking ecurity 0re!er govt. Securitie to +are.

    . It a&o advance *orking ca0ita& &oan.

    Persona! Po!iciesPersona! Po!icies

    Perona& 0o&icie +ave an im0ortant ro&e in t+e ucce o! an any organi-ation. ACB:

    +ave it 0ro0er 0erona& 0o&icie. 2ood 0erona& 0o&icie motivate t+e em0&oyee

    to*ard +ard*orking.

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    o&&o*ing are t+e main 0erona& 0o&icie o! ACB:

    1. Se&ection o! em0&oyee on merit

    $. Se&ection o! ca0a(&e em0&oyee.

    ,. Attractive a&ary 0ackage !or motivation o! em0&oyee.

    /. To train and deve&o0 t+e !uture management o! t+e (ank.5. Every em0&oyee mut +ave certain et o! c&ear&y de!ined dutie

    6. E!!ective communication at a&& &eve& o! t+e organi-ation.



    2enera& Banking 3e0artment Credit 3e0artment

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    0enera! Banking -e/artments0enera! Banking -e/artments

    Banking 0rocedure are divided (et*een variou de0artment. 3i!!erent de0artment

    do t+eir )o( in occurrence *it+ t+e (ank 0o&icie. In ACB: eac+ (ranc+ i divided into

    variou de0artment. Head o! de0artment manage eac+ de0artment o!!icia& o! t+e

    (ranc+ !o&&o* 0rocedure.

    T+e de0artment *orking *it+in a (ranc+ are a

    +. Account opening department

    ,. -emittances department

    . )ash department

    /. )learing department

    Account '/ening -e/artment

    Functions of Account Opening Department

    Providing account o0ening !orm according to t+e cutomer re>uirementD

    2uide t+e cutomer a(out t+e re>uirement o! t+e account o0ening and !orm


    C+eck t+e !orm *+et+er t+ey are correct&y com0&eted or notD

    Pre0aring c+eck&itD

    Stam0ing on t+e !ormD

    #aintaining account o0ening regiterD

    Pating o! !orm in regiter a!ter re&eae !rom genera& (anking in c+argeD

    Iuance o! c+e>ue (ookD

    Iuance o! account maintenance certi!icateD

    C&oure o! account

    Page 1

    Account '/ening In

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    %eri!ication o! ignature in cae o! c+e>ue 0reented (e!ore re&eaing o! account

    o0ening !rom SS card i not yet canned

    Introductory References for A/C Opening

    !ntrod"ctory references +s soon as a person opens an acco"nt with the bank, the banker c"stomer

    relationship is established. !n s"ch sit"ation this is ad#isable the banker sho"ld not open new

    acco"nts of "nknown persons "nless references regarding the integrity and responsibility of the

    p"rposed persons are obtained from respectable parties.

    )ail"re to e2ercise this care may res"lt in serio"s conse;"ences not only for the banker

    concerned b"t also for the other bankers and general p"blic. !t is not s"fficient to obtain the

    reference b"t its gen"ineness m"st also be #erified. 3mission of this may ha#e serio"s


    !n practice we see that there is to"gh competition among bankers for proc"rement of deposits, so

    to press a prospecti#e new c"stomer to find the desired reference may offend him, yet he is to be

    welcomed by the banker as a so"rce of fresh deposits. B"t these practical diffic"lties ha#e to be

    handled tactf"lly beca"se the risk in#ol#ed to carry o"t this re;"irement partially or wholly may

    lead to "ndesirable res"lts.

    Precautions to Avoid Fraud

    I! 0re&iminary neceary in>uirie mentioned a(ove are not made and account i

    o0enedD it i 0oi(&e t+at an undeira(&e 0eron i 0rovided *it+ a c+e>ue(ook to

    de!raud innocent 0eo0&e or t+e 0eron (eing an underc+arged (ankru0t may 0ut t+e

    (anker in di!!icu&t ituation.

    Sa!eguard againt un

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Proo! !or Reaona(&e Care and In>uiry

    nder section 181 of negotiable instr"ment act, 11 a collecting banker is protected pro#ided

    he collects the che;"es of his c"stomers in good faith and witho"t negligence. B"t if the banker

    fails to make preliminary in;"iries he may be depri#ed of stat"tory protection, being g"ilty of


    Account Opening Procedure and Precautions

    Know Your Customers

    T+e o()ective o! kno*ing a cutomer i to +ave a !air idea a(out t+e identityD !inancia&

    reourceD and genera& in!ormation a(out t+e cutomer at t+e time *+en t+e re&ation+i0

    i eta(&i+ed. A (anker mut +ave !o&&o*ing in!ormation a(out t+e cutomer

    Cutomer name

    Enter com0&ete name a mentioned in origina& I3 card Jot+er (uine document.

    ;ature o! (uine J0ro!eion i! cutomer i o! a&aried c&a enter +i em0&oyer name.

    I! t+e cutomer i a (uinemanD traderD o&e 0ro0rietorD enter t+e (uine nameD !or

    exam0&e @ami& Traderetc.a&o enter t+e cutomer tit&eJ0oition and addre o! t+e

    (uineJem0&oyer. Addre *it+ P.'.B'O i not acce0ta(&e. Simi&ar&y remark &ike

    Private ServiceD (uine are not acce0ta(&eD rat+er 0eci!y *+at ty0e o!

    com0anyJ(uine t+e cutomer i aociated *it+ !or exam0&e #anager P+i&i0

    E&ectrica& Com0any.


    Enter t+e com0&ete (uineJreidentia& addre. ?it+in t+e (racket you may a&o

    0rovide 0rominent addre identi!ication mark !or eae o! 0+yica&&y &ocating t+e


    Contact ;um(er

    Enter +omeD o!!icia&D mo(i&eD !ax num(er and e

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    S0ecia& intruction

    -lear>c"t special instr"ctions m"st be obtained from c"stomers. !f the c"stomer has not gi#en

    any special instr"ction specified col"mn m"st be cancelled by drawing a line, as this col"mn

    m"st not be left blank in any circ"mstance.

    ExitingJot+er (anker

    A&mot mot a&& t+e (anker uua&&y +ave a (anking re&ation+i0 *it+ anot+er (ank. In

    cae o! cutomer *+o doe not +ave an exiting (anking re&ation+i0D or doe not *ant

    to dic&oe t+e exiting re&ation+i0D t+en it i trong&y recommended t+at at &eat !or

    ome time t+i 0articu&ar account mut (e ke0t under o(ervation.

    Types of Accounts

    Accounts for enera! Customers

    #inor account

    I&&iterate 0eron account

    @oint account

    Account for "pecia! Persons

    Pro0rietor+i0 account

    Partner+i0 account

    :imited com0any account

    Account o! c&u( ocietie and aociation

    Agent account

    Trut account

    :i>uidator account executer and adminitrator account

    Remittance -e/artment

    Functions of remittances department

    T+e !unction o! remittance de0artment are to +and&e *it+ t+e !o&&o*ing intrument

    Pay 'rder

    3emand 3ra!t

    Pay &i0

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    Te&egra0+ic Tran!er

    Payment o! Remittance

    Cance&&ation o! 0ay order demand dra!t

    T+e remittance de0artment dea& *it+ t+e tran!er o! money !rom one 0&ace to anot+er.

    T+i de0artment dea& *it+ t+e &oca& currency tran!er on&y. ACB: 0rovide t+ee

    ervice to (ot+ cutomer nonue

    2et t+e a00&ication !orm.

    Iue 0ay order a!ter recovering c+e>ue.

    3o neceary vouc+ering.

    #ake entry in P' iue regiter. A&& 0ay order +a&& (e croedM 0ayee account on&yM.

    C#arges on issue of Pay Order

    Amount 2Rs3 C#arges 2Rs3:e t+an 199D999 59

    A(ove 199D999 ;i&

    Dup!icate Pay Order$

    C+eck t+e record to inure t+at 0ayment +a not (een e!!ected. 2et a00&ication !or iuing o! du0&icate P'.

    Recover c+arge.

    Iue du0&icate 0ay order.

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Demand Draft

    It i an intrument on demand !or *+ic+ va&ue +a (een receivedD iued (y t+e (ranc+

    o! t+e (ank dra*n i.e. 0aya(&e at ome ot+er 0&ace (ranc+7 o! t+e ame (ank. In cae

    o! agency arrangement< demand dra!t can a&o (e iued (y one (ranc+ o! t+e (ank

    0aya(&e to ot+er (ranc+ o! t+e ot+er (ankE.g. 33 iued (y ACB: 0aya(&e (y #CB.

    C#arges on issue of Demand Draft

    Amount 2Rs3 C#arges 2Rs3

    1 < 19D999 $519D999 199D999 59 or .1

    199D999 < 1999D999 $99 or .9'ver 1999D99 1999 or .95

    PAY "%IP!he bank for settlement of its own payment issues pay slip.

    0o e"cise duty

    0o commission

    Cas# -e/artment

    A&& 0+yica& movement o! ca+ in t+e (ank i made t+roug+ t+e ca+ de0artment.

    ;orma&&y ca+ de0artment 0er!orm !o&&o*ing !unction



    Act according to any tanding intruction

    Tran!er o! !und !rom one account to anot+er

    Hand&ing o! AT#

    %eri!ication o! ignature


    Hand&ing o! 0ri-e (ond

    Cas# receipt section

    In t+i ection t+e ca+ier in !o&&o*ing manner receive ca+

    Page 1

    Process of de/osits

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Cas# payment section

    In this section honoring the che&ue through following process makes


    C!earing -e/artment

    &eaning of C!earing

    The word clearing has been deri#ed from the word F-learG and is defined as F a system by which

    banks e2change che;"es and other negotiable instr"ments drawn on each other within a specific

    area and thereby sec"re payment for their clients thro"gh the -learing o"se +t specified time

    Gin an efficient wayG.

    1. Since c&earing doe not invo&ve any ca+ etc. and a&& t+e tranaction take 0&ace

    t+roug+ (ook entrieD t+e num(er o! tranaction can (e un&imited.

    $. ;o ca+ i needed a uc+ t+e rik o! ro((eryD em(e--&ement and 0i&!erage i

    tota&&y e&iminated.

    ,. A ma)or 0ayment are made t+roug+ c&earingD t+e (ank came manage ca+0ayment at t+e counter *it+ a minimum amount o! ca+ in vau&t.

    /. A &ot o! timeD cot and &a(or are aved.

    5. Since it 0rovide an extra ervice to t+e cutomer o! (ank *it+out any ervice

    c+arge or cotD more and more 0eo0&e are inc&ined and attracted to*ard


    Page 1

    i&&< u0de0oit &i0

    3e0oited onRecei0t


    Ca+ier count t+eamount and !u&!i&&ot+er re>uirement

    C+e>ue i0reented at token


    C+e>ue i recorded token Q i a&&otted

    Ca+ier countt+e amount 0ayment i

    Cance&&ation o!!icercance& c+e>ue

    Poting i madeT*o ignature on(ack o! t+e c+e>ue

    (y cutomer

    Process of /ayment

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    C!earing 'ouse

    It i a 0&ace *+ere re0reentative o! a&& (ank it toget+er and interc+ange t+eir c&aim

    againt eac+ ot+er *it+ t+e +e&0 o! contro&&ing ta!! o! State Bank o! Pakitan And *+ere

    t+ere i no (ranc+ o! State Bank o! Pakitan t+e deignated (ranc+ o! ;ationa& Bank o!

    Pakitan act a contro&&ing mem(er intead o! State Bank o! Pakitan

    &em(ers#ip Ceases

    It ceases to be a scheduled Bank.

    It i not a(&e to meet it &ia(i&itie.

    State Bank o! Pakitan or Centra& 2ovt. 0ro+i(it it to receive !re+ de0oit.

    Ru!es and Regu!ations of C!earing 'ouse

    Timing#onday t+roug+ riday7

    o 1t C&earing at 1999 a.m.

    o $nd C&earing at $.,9 0.m.

    Eac+ (ank *i&& end com0etent re0reentative to exc+ange t+e c+e>ue.

    Eac+ (ank i re>uired to inure t+at a&& c+e>ue and ot+er negotia(&e intrument

    are 0ro0er&y tam0ed and uita(&y dic+arged

    An o()ection memo mut accom0any eac+ and every c+e>ue *+en return un0aid

    du&y initia&ed. Eac+ (ank i re>uired to maintain u!!icient !und in t+e 0rinci0a& account *it+

    SBP to meet t+e 0ayment o(&igation.

    T+e State Bank o! Pakitan de(it t+e account o! eac+ mem(er o! t+e

    c&earing+oue *it+ t+e 0ro0ortionate *orking ex0ene incurred on t+e o0eration

    o! c&earing +oue. T+ee ex0ene are very nomina&.

    Outward C!earing

    T+e !o&&o*ing 0oint are to (e taken into conideration *+i&e an intrument i acce0ted

    at t+e counter to (e 0reented in out*ard c&earing

    T+e name o! t+e (ranc+ a00ear on it !ace *+ere it i dra*n.

    It +ou&d (e ta&e or 0otdated or *it+out date.

    Amount in *ord and !igure doe not di!!er.

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    Signature o! t+e dra*er a00ear on t+e !ace o! t+e intrument.

    Intrument i not muti&ated.

    T+ere +ou&d (e no materia& a&terationD i! oD it +ou&d (e 0ro0er&y


    I! order intrument uita(&y indored and t+e &at endoree account

    (eing credited.

    Endorement i in accordance *it+ t+e croing i! any.

    T+e amount o! t+e intrument i ame a mentioned on t+e 0aying

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    ". T+e grand tota& o! t+e +oue 0age i taken and agreed *it+ t+at o! t+e out*ard

    c&earing regiter.

    8. T+e intrument a&ong *it+ du0&icate c+edu&e and +oue 0age are ent to t+e

    main o!!ice.

    Ho*ever t+e amount i ke0t in !&oat ti&& !ina& tatu o! variou intrument i kno*n !romre0ective 0aying (ank in econd dea&ing.

    T+e entry o! t+e intrument returned un0aid i made in C+e>ue returned Regiter. I!

    t+e intrument i not to (e 0reented again in c&earing t+en a covering memo i

    0re0ared. T+e covering memo a&ong *it+ returned intrument and o()ection memo i

    ent to t+e cutomer *+o ent t+e ame to +i account.

    Inward C!earing

    The particulars of the instruments are compared with the list.

    T+e intrument are detac+ed and ort out de0artment *ie.

    T+e entry i made in t+e in*ard c&earing regiter eria& no. Intrument no. Account

    no. I *ritten7.

    T+e intrument are ent to t+e re0ective de0artment

    T+e intrument are crutini-ed in eac+ re0ect (e!ore +onoring t+e ame.

    Outward C#e)ues Returned *npaid$

    T+ee are t+e c+e>ue returned un0aid (y u in in*ard c&earing due to ome o()ection.

    Inward C#e)ues Returned *npaid$

    T+ee are t+e c+e>ue retained un0aid to u *+ic+ *ere &odged (y u in 'ut*ard


    Return of C#e)ues after C!earing 'ouse$

    Su00oe a&& c+e>ue received in t+e in*ard c&earing are 0aed and &ater on it i !ound

    t+at a c+e>ue +ou&d +ave (een returnedD in uc+ caeD *e contact t+e co&&ecting

    (ranc+ and re>uet t+em not to make 0ayment againt t+e 0roceed o! t+e c+e>ue

    *+ic+ *a not returned un0aid (y u in due time. t+e c+e>ue *it+ o()ection memo

    a&ong *it+ a covering &etter i ent to t+e co&&ecting (ranc+D making re>uet to iue a

    0ayment order in !avor to (a&ance t+e Ca+

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    account undry de(tor *it+ t+e a00rova& o! t+e manager. ?+en t+e 0ayment order i

    receivedD it i &odged in c&earing and u0ene accountD undry de(tor i ad)uted


    "pecia! C!earing$

    In addition to t+e norma& c&earing !unction at C&earing +oue it i mutua&&y agreed to +o&d

    an extra c&earing at t+e c&earing +oue on t+e 0articu&ar day and time *+ic+ i kno*n a

    0ecia& c&earing it i arranged due to t+e ru+ o! *ork ariing out o! ayD more Ho&iday

    dec&ared (y t+e Centra& 2ovt. at a timeD (ut norma&&y 0ecia& c&earing i +e/&d on &at

    *orking day o! our +a&! year&y and year&y c&oing i.e. ,9t+ @une and ,1t 3ec. every


    'n!ine Banking

    'n&ine (anking mean t+at t+e cutomer o! ACB: can de0oit J *it+dra* !und in J !rom

    ot+er (ranc+e o! ACB:. Akari (ank 0rovide on&ine !aci&ity to a&& it (ranc+e.

    On!ine C#arges

    !mount of eposits #harges $ %s&(,))) or below ()

    (,))) * )),))) +))

    )),))+ * ()),))) ()

    ()),))+ * ))),))) ())

    !bove ))),))) ()


    Askari bank offers facility of lockers to its customers. !here are three si1es of

    lockers available2


    -ie of lockers %ent of locker $%s& p.a.

    Large ,344

    'edium +344

    Small +444

    .oreign Trade -e/artment

    oreign trade de0artment dea& in

    oreign currency account


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    Foreign Currency Account

    #ain&y t+i account dea& in individua&D 0erona& and com0anie account

    Criteria for Opening Foreign Currency AccountT+ere are not +ard and !at ru&e !or (ecoming t+e oreign Currency Account +o&der.

    Bank *ant on&y introduction o! t+e C&ient and very &itt&e a(out t+e (ackground. I.3 card

    i a&o not necearyD i! omeone +aL *e&& and goodD ot+er*ie no retriction *i&& (e

    t+ere !or +im.

    Features of Foreign Currency Accounts

    T+ere *i&& (e &ega& 0rotection !or t+e account +o&der.

    According to !oreign exc+ange ru&e and regu&ation every citi-en o! PakitanD

    eit+er *it+in t+e Pakitan or outide t+e PakitanD can o0en t+e !oreign currency


    Reident !irm and Reident Com0anie inc&uding invetment Bank can o0en

    oreign Currency Account.

    A&& !oreign nationa& and !oreign Com0anie in Pakitan or a(road can o0en

    oreign Currency Account.

    '0ening o! oreign Currency Account in t+e )oint name o! reidentJnonuetioning to +im a(out t+e currencyD *+ic+ +e

    *ant to de0oit t+at !rom *+ere +e got t+at money.

    ;o akat *i&& (e deducted on t+ee accountL no Income Tax deductionD no

    ?ea&t+ Tax deduction *i&& (e t+ere.

    T+ee incentive rein!orce and motivated t+e 0eo0&e to invet in !oreign currency

    account rat+er to kee0 t+e !oreign currency id&e.

    oreign currency account can eai&y (e tran!erred !rom one 0eron to anot+erD

    one 0&ace to anot+erD *it+ in t+e A=B: Branc+e or in ot+er Bank.

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    T+e account +o&der can tran!er t+e !und !ree&yD in any currency to any 0art o!

    t+e *or&d.


    T+i account 0rovide !o&&o*ing !aci&itie

    Trave&ing >uota

    'ut *ard remittance

    In *ard remittance receiving

    To make remittance 0rocedure !&exi(&e


    4ua&&y t+e ex0orter doe not re&y on t+e credit o! a (anker in t+e country o! im0orterD

    and init on a con!irmation !rom a (anker carrying on (uine in +i o*n country.

    T+u t+i de0artment o! a (ank +e&0 t+e ex0orter to ett&e do*n t+eir !inancia& a!!air.

    or ex0orting it i neceary !or ex0orter to get ex0ort &icene !rom t+e c+ie! contro&&er o!

    im0ort and ex0ort a!ter regitration.

    3ocument are re>uired !or t+e regitration uc+ a ;. I. C. CardD income tax certi!icateD

    (ank certi!icate *+ic+ +o* t+at t+e ex0orter i +i account +o&der and +ave a good

    dea&ing *it+ t+em. In re0one to t+e &etter o! credit ex0orter u(mit t+e !o&&o*ing

    document to t+e negotiating (ank.

    Bi&& o! exc+ange


    Bi&& o! &ading or Air*ay (i&&Jrai&*ay recei0tJtruck recei0t

    Inurance document

    Packing &it

    Any ot+er documentD i! o re>uired.

    T+e negotiating (ank *i&& end t+e ame document to t+e iuing (ank. In accordance

    *it+ t+e term and condition &aid do*n in &etter o! credit.

    Foreign Bill Purchased (FBP)

    )ollowing re;"irements m"st be f"lfilled before the p"rchase of )oreign 2port Bills. 2porter

    sho"ld be acco"nt holder of the bank. Bank iss"es the )orm>. )orm> sho"ld be filled correctly

    and then bank a"thenticates the >)orm. 2porter goes to the c"stom a"thorities for c"stom

    clearance. Shipping -ompany iss"es Bill of 6ading or +irway Bill. 2porter sho"ld bring other

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    doc"ments like certificates of 3rigin, commercial in#oice, packing list etc. Bank scr"tini&es the


    +fter f"lfilling these re;"irements, bank p"rchases the e2port bill and makes payment for the

    #al"e of goods in Pak

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    goods. )or this p"rchase of bill bank gets more charges as compare to )BP. :ainly e2port deals


    ;egotiation o! document

    Sending t+e document !or co&&ection


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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    licensing a"thority. The importers can only get their merchandi&e cleared from the c"stom

    a"thorities if they ha#e the import license d"ly iss"ed in their names. The import licenses iss"ed

    by the !mport Trade -ontroller are re;"ired to be registered with the State Bank of Pakistan.

    $ontract o# sale

    +fter getting the license, the importer then negotiates with the e2porter. ?hen they reach to anagreement on all terms of sale, they sign a contract. Th"s contract incl"des all information of

    terms and condition of sale.

    Letter o# credit

    )oreign trade payment problems are mainly sol#ed by a letter of credit. + letter of credit is iss"ed

    by the importerAs bank. !f the g"arantees payment to the e2porter "p to specified amo"nt of

    money pro#ided the terms and conditions laid down the 6- are f"lfilled. + letter of credit is a

    commitment on the part of b"yerAs bank to pay or accept draft drawn "pon it, pro#ided drafts do

    not e2ceed a specified amo"nt.

    + letter of credit th"s is a '!* written "ndertaking by an importerAs bank to e2porterAs bank. '!!*

    That it will pay or accept draft drawn "pon it "p to a stated amo"nt with a specified time. '!!!*

    The payment will only be made to the e2porter if he compliers with the terms of credit.

    Parties to a letter o# credit

    There are fo"r parties in#ol#ed in letter of credit.

    +cco"nt partyE The b"yer or the importer on whose acco"nt and re;"est the letter of

    credit is opened is known as acco"nt party or opener.

    !ss"ing bankE The bank which iss"es or opens a letter of credit at the re;"est of

    importer is called iss"ing bank.

    2porter or sellerE The seller or the party in whose fa#or 6- is drawn is the e2porter.

    e is also called beneficiary.

    /egotiating bankE The paying bank in the e2porterAs co"ntry, on which the draft is

    drawn, is called negotiating bank or paying bank.

    O%ening o# letter o# credit

    The main steps in#ol#ed in the opening of the letter of creditor as followsE

    A%%lication #or letter o# credit

    The importer will re;"est with own bank or any other bank, which deals in foreign trade

    transactions to iss"e a letter of credit in fa#or of the e2porter. e will prepare an application on

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    the prescribed form a#ailable from the bank. The information, which are s"pplied in the

    application are based on the contract of sale and incl"de only the important feat"re of contract,

    s"ch as #al"e of merchandise, port of shipment, doc"ments to be presented, port of "nloading,

    brief description of goods, import license etc.

    &crutiny o# a%%licationBefore iss"ing a letter of credit, the bank will scr"tini&e whether the importer is of good financial

    standing, possesses the import license iss"ed by import control. +"thorities, the amo"nt a#ailable

    co#ers the letter of credit applied for, market demand of goods, collateral offered to co#er the

    credit etc.

    $ash margin

    The bank asks the importer to deposit cash or sec"rities with the bank. The bank depending "pon

    the credit worthiness of the importer decides the proper margin of cash or sec"rities to be


    Issue o# the letter o# credit

    The importer bank after being f"lly satisfied will iss"e a letter of credit in fa#or of the e2porter.

    The 6- may be sent directly to the e2porter or the ad#ising bank in the e2porterAs co"nty. !n

    s"ch a case, the ad#ising bank will inform the e2porter abo"t opening a letter of credit.

    &hi%ment o# goods

    ?hen the e2porter recei#es 6-, he e2amines it to ens"re that it conforms to the terms of

    contract of sales. e then shifts the goods and presents all re;"ired doc"ments along with the bill

    to negotiating bank.

    !ole o# negotiating bank

    The negotiating bank after recei#ing all the doc"ments and the bill from the e2porter will

    scr"tini&e them whether these conform with the terms of letter of credit. !f the doc"ments of title

    accompanying the bill are in order, these will be sent to the importers bank for payment.

    Liability o# the issuing bank

    3n receipt of doc"ments and the bill, the iss"ing bank will e2amine them. !f the doc"ments on

    the face appear to be in order, the payment wo"ld be released by the bank. !n case any defect is

    fo"nd in the doc"ments and the draft is honored by the iss"ing bank the importer can claim

    damages on the iss"ing bank. The iss"ing bank is only acco"ntable for the completeness of

    doc"ments, not to see whether goods conform to the contract of sale.

    Payment by im%orter to the bank

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    )irst the importer pays all his obligations to the bank then the bank releases the doc"ments. !n

    case of sight draft, the importerAs bank pays the amo"nt on the same day charging the importing

    c"stomerAs acco"nt. !n case of a time draft, the importer discharges his obligations to the

    accepting bank on or before the mat"rity date of acceptance. The accepting bank will then

    release all the shipping doc"ments to the importer.Payment to the e'%orter

    The e2porter can obtain payment from the negotiating bank by disco"nting the draft '6-*

    immediately after shipping the goods and obtaining shipping doc"ments.

    &ubmission o# onthly !eturns

    !t incl"des reporting of )orm>: and )orm> to SBP.

    !e%orting o# Form*

    #ery 2porter is re;"ired to s"bmit a declaration to c"stom a"thorities for goods e2ported. This

    declaration is s"bmitted on prescribed )orm> in ;"adr"plicate, which is certified by a"thori&ed

    dealer. )o"r copies of )orm> are maintained. )orm> is reported to SBP at the end of the

    month, in which the amo"nt is reali&ed. There is a prescribed Performa "sed for the reporting of

    )orm>. !t incl"des the reporting period, c"rrency, Serial /o. of )orm>, amo"nt, -ode /o. of

    co"ntry and commodity.

    !e%orting o# Form

    #ery foreign bank ded"cts some charges from the #al"e of goods. !t is for miscellaneo"s

    p"rposes like foreign bank charges or foreign agent commission. )orm>: is "sed to declare this

    o"tflow of foreign c"rrency. +t the end of the month of reali&ation of the amo"nt, )orm>: is

    reported. !t incl"des the list of Serial /o, amo"nt and p"rposes of e#ery )orm>:.

    Credit -e/artmentCredit -e/artment

    +ltho"gh the st"dy of money is important for the "nderstanding of the way in which o"r

    economic system operates, we m"st recall this point that most e2change transactions in this

    system are carried on today witho"t the "se of act"al money, i.e. Those are carried on by means

    of credit and credit instr"ments rather than money. ?hile money still forms the basis of credit

    and deferred payments, it is necessary to e2amine the nat"re of credit operations, and the

    instr"ments and instit"tions tro"gh, which these operations are carried on, in considerable detail.

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    T#e Nature of -e/artment

    'n t+e ur!aceD credit o0eration a00ear to (e o! many kindD (ut t+ey a&& +ave a

    !undamenta& imi&arity. In credit tranactionD one 0arty to t+e tranactionD t+e creditorD

    turn over to t+e de(tor a certain amount o! moneyD commoditie or ervice at t+e

    0reent time and re&ie on t+e de(tor to re0ay an e>uiva&ent amountD uua&&y t+e moneyin t+e !uture 0&u interet at ome !uture time.

    T#e Basis of Credit

    T+ere +a (een muc+ dicuionD concerning t+e eentia& (ai o! credit or (orro*ing

    o0eration. Some *riter on t+e u()ect +ave tout&y inited t+at con!idence i t+e (ai

    o! a&& grant o! credit t+at i! one did not +ave con!idence t+at t+e (orro*er *ou&d re0ay a

    &oan one *ou&d never t+ink o! making t+e &oanD ave on ground o! !riend+i0 o!

    0+i&ant+ro0y. 't+er +ave +e&d 0ro0ertyD rat+er t+an con!idence i t+e (ai o! a&&genuine credit tranaction. Some init t+at c+aracter i t+e eentia& !actorD *+i&e ti&&

    ot+er *riter +ave indu&ged in a 0ro0enity o! a&&iteration (y tating t+at t+e (ae o!

    credit are c+aracterD ca0ita& and ca0acityL or t+e man and t+e meanL or re&ia(i&ity and


    Ty/es of Credit

    T+e veritie o! credit may (e c&ai!ied in numerou *ay< according to t+e tatu o! e+

    de(torD according to t+e tatu o! t+e creditorD according to t+e time !or *+ic+ t+e credit

    i grantedD and o onL (ut t+e mot !ruit!u& c&ai!ication uua&&y indicate t+e ue to

    *+ic+ t+e credit i 0ut.

    Pu(!ic and Private Credit$

    In t+e !irt 0&aceD a ditinction i uua&&y made (et*een 0u(&ic and 0rivate credit. Pu(&ic

    credit com0rie t+e 0romie to 0ay o!! governmenta& (odieD t+at iD t+eir ac>uiition

    o! good in t+e 0reent in return !or 0romie to 0ay in !utureL and 0rivate credit re!er to

    t+e 0romie to 0ay a&& non

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    de(entureD and (onded o(&igation. re>uent&yD t+e term (ank credit i retricted in ue

    to re!er on&y to t+e demand de0oit &ia(i&itie o! t+e commercia& (ankD and one mut

    contant&y (e on guard to recogni-e t+e em0&oyment o! t+e term in t+i retricted ene.

    A a u(ui0ment. '(viou&y *+at t+ey need i &oan o! ca0ita& running over a conidera(&e0eriod o! year.

    Commercia! Credit

    In addition to eeking credit in &ong term invetment in !ixed aetD mot (uine

    0eriodica&&y ak !or credit in t+e !orm o! +ort term &oan. Commercia& credit i (uine

    u00&ier !or current (uine o0erationD uc+ a manu!acturing and marketing o!

    good. It o!ten take more (uine ca0ita& t+an (uine can t+eme&ve u00&y to 0ay

    !or ra* materia&D to make t+e out&ay !or *age and to carry inventorie o! !ini+ed

    good unti& t+ey can (e converted into ca+. To +e&0 !inance uc+ o0eration +ortuick aetD uc+ a ra* materia&

    and !ini+ed goodD *+ic+ are in contant 0roce o! &i>uidation and t+ere(y 0rovide t+e

    ca+ *it+ to extingui+ &oan.

    Consumers credit and producers. credit

    Conumer credit invo&ve advance o! 0urc+aing 0o*er !or economic good to

    conumer !or conum0tion 0ur0oe. It ditingui+ c+aracteritic &ie in t+e !actor t+at

    t+e t+ing ac>uired (y t+e de(tor a reu&t o! t+e &oan are not u00oed to !urni+

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    t+em *it+ t+e mean o! re0aying t+e &oan t+e &oan mut (e re0aid out o! t+e income o!

    t+e (orro*er.

    Ty/es of Credit Instruments

    T+ere are variou ty0e o! credit intrument. T+e more im0ortant credit intrument are

    a !o&&o*

    -i!!s of e,c#ange$

    A (i&& o! exc+ange i de!ine (y negotia(&e intrument act a Man intrument in *ritingD

    containing an unconditiona& orderD igned (y t+e makerD directing a certain 0eronD to

    0ay certain um o! moneyD on&y to or to t+e order o! a certain 0eronD or to t+e (earer

    t+e intrumentM.

    C#e)ue$A C+e>ue i de!ined a (i&& o! exc+ange dra*n on 0eci!ic (anker and not ex0ree to

    (e 0aya(&e ot+er*ie t+an on demand.M

    C+e>ue may (e o! variou ty0eD *+ic+ are a !o&&o*

    Bearer c+e>ue

    'rder c+e>ue

    '0en c+e>ue

    Croed c+e>ue

    #arked c+e>ue


    T+ee are (i&& o! exc+ange iued (y a (anker on +i (ranc+ o!!ice. Bank dra!t &ike

    (i&& o! exc+angeD are o! great im0ortance in t+e !inancing o! tradeD e0ecia&&y !oreign


    Promissory note$It i an intrument in *riting containing an unconditiona& undertakingD igned (y t+e

    makerD to 0ay t+e certain um o! money on&y to or to t+e order o! a certain 0eron to t+e

    (earer o! t+e intrument. a 0romiory note in order to (e t+e oD mut !u&!i&& a&&


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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


    Products and Services

    T+e 0roduct ervice o! Akari commercia& (ank &imited are deve&o0ed kee0ing in

    vie* t+e cutomer need *antD t+e ex0ectation t+at t+e cutomer attac+e *it+

    it !inancia& intitution.

    A 0roduct ACB: inc&ude a&& t+oe ervice *+ic+ cutomer norma&&y re>uired !or

    e!!ective&y managing +i (uine.

    ACB: o!!er t+e !o&&o*ing !inancia& ervice to it cutomer.




    Internationa& (anking ervice

    Agency ervice to cutomer


    'ne o! t+e (aic !unction o! commercia& (anking i to receive de0oit. ACB: acce0t

    de0oit in (ot+ &oca& !oreign currency.

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    :oca! currency de/osits

    Current Account

    P:S Saving Account

    Term 3e0oit

    ;otice 3e0oit

    Akari aida Account

    Akari S0ecia& 3e0oit Account

    %a&ue P&u Saving Account

    Akari Advantage

    Current Account

    + c"rrent acco"nt is a r"nning H acti#e acco"nt, which may be operated "pon any n"mber of

    transactions d"ring a working day. The banker "ndertakes to repay these on demand H therefore

    theses acco"nts are called demand deposits.

    Transaction fee

    The bank charges no transaction fees if the minim"m balance re;"irement is met. owe#er, if

    the a#erage balance falls below the min. balance then the fees is charged at the rate of

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    ACB: o!!er t+ee !aci&itie in t*o !orm

    unded !aci&itie

    ;on< unded !aci&itie

    .unded faci!ities

    In !unded !aci&itie t+e (ank actua&&y advance money againt !urt+er re0ayment. T+ee

    !aci&itie are kno*n a ca+ credit.

    Non< .unded faci!ities

    ;on< unded !aci&itie are t+oe in *+ic+ (ank u(titute it o*n credit !or it


    ACB: o!!er to it cutomer are &arge num(er o! non

    T+ee !aci&itie inc&ude

    1. 2uarantee

    $. :atter o! credit

    Irrevoca(&e &etter o! credit

    Revoca(&e &etter o! credit

    Sig+t &etter o! credit

    4ance &etter o! credit

    't#er Products't#er Products

    Persona! .inance

    Perona& inance i a 0arameter driven 0roduct !or catering to t+e need o! t+e genera&

    0u(&ic (e&onging to di!!erent egment. 'ne can avai& un&imited o00ortunitie t+roug+

    Akari Bank Perona& inance. ?it+ unmatc+ed !inance !eature in term o! &oan

    amountD 0ay(ack 0eriod and mot a!!orda(&e mont+&y inta&&mentD Akari BankPerona& inance make ure t+at one get t+e mot out o! +iJ+er &oan. 'nce a good

    credit +itory i eta(&i+edD t+e door to o00ortunity o0en muc+ *ider.

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    $ortgage .inance

    +skari I:ortgage )inanceI offers the con#enience of owning a ho"se of choice, while li#ing in

    it at its rental #al"e. The installment plan has caref"lly designed to s"it both the b"dget H

    accommodation re;"irements. !t has been designed for enhancing financing facility initially for

    employees of corporate companies for p"rchase constr"ction reno#ation of ho"se. Thema2im"m financing amo"nt is financing

    scheme, which pro#ides o"r #al"able c"stomers an opport"nity to own a brand new #ehicle of

    their choice. ?ith minim"m down payment, lowest ins"rance rates and widest range of a#ailable

    car makes and models, +skcar offers the best #al"e to o"r esteemed c"stomers.


    AS=CAR3 mean !reedomD com!ortD convenience and ecurityD o t+at you can +ave

    retai& tranaction *it+ com0&ete 0eace o! mind. AS=CAR3 i your ne* +o00ing

    com0anion *+ic+ en+ance your >ua&ity o! &i!e (y &etting you do +o00ingD dine at

    retaurantD 0ay your uti&ity (i&&D tran!er !undD *it+dra* and de0oit ca+ t+roug+ AT#

    any*+ereD anytime.

    Trave!!er C#e>ues

    The range of o"r prod"cts and #al"e added ser#ices enhances with introd"ction of

  • 8/9/2019 Askari Report


    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


    +sk power represents a "sef"l tool with which to make sec"re payments witho"t the need to ha#e

    any acco"nt, a debit or credit card. This card comes with a n"mber of "ni;"e feat"res and

    di#ersified "sage capabilities like cash withdrawal from +T:s, payment of "tility bills thro"gh

    +T:s and internet Banking, transfer of balance to another card and refill option. The prepaidcard is en0oying a great s"ccess all o#er the co"ntry.

    &a!ue P!us

    T+e !irt &ia(i&ity 0roduct &aunc+ed (y t+i unit i +o*ing a remarka(&e acce0ta(i&ity in

    t+e market. T+e gro*t+ o! t+i 0roduct i *itneed (y it +areD *+ic+ +a 0reent&y

    reac+ed at R. 1D98 #i&&ion even a!ter &o*ering do*n t+e 0ro!it rate due to u!!icient

    &i>uidity in t+e market.

    Com/!imentary CIP and RA?A: :ounge .aci!ities

    T+e next time you trave& internationa&&yD (e a 0rivi&eged guet at t+e CIP &ounge o!


  • 8/9/2019 Askari Report


    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    15 on ami&y Hea&t+ C&u( mem(er+i0 on&y

    15 at t+e Buine Center

    19 on Con!erence J #eeting Package Rate cannot (e ued in con)unction

    *it+ Ha&& Renta&

    19 at Beauty Sa&oon

    19 on Rent a Car

    Agricu!ture .inance

    Akari Bank Agricu&ture Credit Sc+eme *are &aunc+ed in $99/ under t+e um(re&&a o!

    Agricu&ture Credit 3iviion continue to (e an attractive Product !or meeting '; arm

    and ' arm !inancia& re>uirement o! t+e !armer.

    Kissan +ver reen Finance

    Akari Bank +a &aunc+ed t+i 0rogram *it+ t+e o&e motive to 0rovide dignityD

    0ro0erity and !reedom to t+e ti&&er o! t+e &and. T+e 0rogram i deigned to +e&0 ma&&D

    medium and &arge !armer in meeting t+eir +ortuirement againt one

    time anction and automatica&&y rene*a(&e u0 to , year u()ect to it ti0u&ated

    uti&i-ationJ0eriodica& ad)utment. T+e credit &ine i anctioned in t+e &ig+t o! avai&a(&e

    ca+ !&o* and in0ut re>uirement i.e. SeedD erti&i-er Peticide etc.

    Kissan Farm &ec#ani0ation Finance

    Akari Bank +a &aunc+ed an Akari =ian arm #ec+ani-ation inance !or t+e

    aitance o! t+e ma&& !armer and 0rovide !inance !or !arm e>ui0mentD trai&erD

    t+re+erD dri&& rotavator etc.

    Kissan Aa(pas#i Finance

    Agricu&ture !arming i im0oi(&e *it+out ade>uate *ater. Akari Bank +a tarted a

    0rogram !or !armerD to !inance inta&&ation o! Tu(e

  • 8/9/2019 Askari Report


    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank

    avai&a(i&ity at +i !arm.. T+i 0rogram +a t+e added advantage t+at (eide !u&!i&&ing +i

    o*n !ami&y conum0tion need +e *i&& (e a(&e to market t+e ur0&u and earn

    additiona& income. T+i *i&& !urt+er im0rove t+eir ca+ !&o* to re0ay t+eir ot+er :oan J

    Revo&ving Credit on due date.

    issan .arm $ec#ani+ation

    Akari Bank +a &aunc+ed an Akari =ian arm #ec+ani-ation inance !or t+e

    aitance o! t+e ma&& !armer and 0rovide !inance !or !arm e>ui0mentD trai&erD

    t+re+erD dri&& rotavator etc.

    issan .arm Trans/ort finance

    Akari Bank +a &aunc+ed an Akari =ian arm Tran0ort inance. A grave +andica0

    t+at a!!&ict t+e !armer i t+eir ina(i&ityD due to &ack o! 0ro0er !aci&itieD to take t+eir

    0roduce to t+e market t+roug+ e!!icient mean o! tran0ortation. 'ne can a!e&y

    conc&ude t+at i! 0rovided *it+ a00ro0riate and 0eedy tran0ortD t+e !armer can (ene!it

    (y en+ancing +i e&&ing a(i&ity and t+u increae +i income J ca+ !&o*. it i 0ertinent to

    mention t+at a num(er o! BankD :eaing Com0anie and Private Agencie +ave

    geared t+eir marketing e!!ort to concentrate on and +ave main&y ca0tured t+e ur(an


    Page 1

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    Internship Report: ASKARI Commercial Bank


    S?'T Ana!ysis

    An ana&yi indicating to*ard t+e organi-ation trengt+D *eakneeD o00ortunitie

    and t+reat i termed a S?'T Ana&yi. Suc+ an ana&yi i very im0ortant !or t+e

    management in retaining t+e trengt+D overcoming t+e *eakneeD ca0ita&i-ing over

    t+e emerging market o00ortunitieD and carving *ay to ucce!u&&y tack&e *it+ t+e

    t+reat and u&timate&y converting t+em in t+e trengt+ !or t+e organi-ation.3uring ix *eek o! my tay at Akari Commercia& BankD A(da&i Road Branc+D #u&tan. I

    +ave come acro t+e !o&&o*ing S?'T ana&yi o! t+e (ank.


    :eading Private Sector Bank

    Akari commercia& (ank i t+e &eading 0rivate ector (ank in t+e (anking net*ork in

    Pakitan *it+ many o! t+em on&ine (ranc+e in ma)or citie o! t+e country

    Automatic '/erations

    T+e o0eration 0er!ormed (y t+e (ank are +ig+&y automated t+at reu&t in aurance !or

    t+e cutomer t+at t+eir tranaction are com0&eted re&ia(&yD e!!icient&y and ecure&y.

    .u!! -ay Banking

    'ne can avai& t+e (ene!it o! t+e ervice 0rovided at t+e (ank ti&& 599 P.m. *+ic+ i

    +ig+&y ue!u& !or t+oe cutomer *+o !ind it di!!icu&t to &

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