asmsu student government...

Post on 29-May-2018






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ASMSU Student

Government Elections



Table of Contents General Assembly

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources…………………………………………………………. 3 College of Arts and Letters………………………………………………………………………………….... 4 Broad College of Business……………………………………………………………………………………5-8 College of Education………………………………………………………………………………………………9

College of Engineering………………………………………………………………………………………….10 James Madison College…………………………………………………………………………………….11-14 Lyman Briggs College……………………………………………………………………………………………15 College of Music……………………………………………………………………………………………….16-17

College of Natural Science…………………………………………………………………………………18-19 College of Social Science……………………………………………………………………………………20-24

Sophomore Class Council………………………………………………………………………………………………25-30

Wayne Askew Amber Addrow-Pierson

Jason Barnett Jared H. Gajos Abigail Reed Caitlin Whitlock Junior Class Council………………………………………………………………………………………………………31-38

Matthew Thornburg Abigail Everard Corey Thai Elizabeth Ferguson Anthony DiPonio Rachael Harrison Calvin Manitowabi Gabrielle Lossia Senior Class Council……………………………………………………………………………………………………39-40

Ashley Anderson Dolores Sinistaj


General Assembly: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Ashley Anderson

Major: Dietetics

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

Hello. My name is Ashley Anderson and I am going to be a Senior in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and a Dietetics major within the college. For the 2014-2015 school year, I would love to be part of ASMSU’s General Assembly as one of the representatives for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For the past year and a half, I have served on ASMSU as a representative for the College. In addition to running for this position, I am also running for a position on Senior Class Council as I am passionate about both serving ASMSU as well as Michigan State itself. By hopefully being elected for both or at least one of these positions, I will continue to be even more involved. Currently, I am involved in several on campus organizations

including NSCS, FNA, AOπ, Order of Omega, HSTNG, and a part time job. While I am involved in several organizations, ASMSU has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had while here ate State, I promise to work hard and represent MSU and my college well. Please, vote for me!


General Assembly: College of Arts and Letters

Edward Budeca

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

As a representative of the College or Arts and Letters, I intend on making sure that this ill represented college is well funded and that its voice is heard. Additionally, I will do everything I can to represent the creative organizations on this campus so they may better serve the student population. I will also make sure that these organizations, and the events they host, are responsibly funded. I am, however, more than just a representative of the College of Arts and Letters. As a General Assembly member, I will do my part to ensure that this great school follows a path of responsible spending. The first priority of ASMSU should be the students and organizations that enrich their time here on campus. Much can be improved in terms of ASMSU activities and I will be an active participant in this proves. Lastly, as an immigrant myself, I will represent the international community on this campus. It is vital that we build a global community and create a welcoming environment. MSU plays the part of an ambassador of sorts, let us play that role well. By voting for me, you can be sure that I will pour all my energy into doing all the things mentioned above. Let me not only represent the College of Arts and Letters, but also the student body as a whole, and those of it who are not as well represented.


General Assembly: Eli Broad College of Business

Leslie Seery

Major: Supply Chain Management

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

Born and raised in Royal Oak, Michigan, I am the daughter of a small business owner and a business enthusiast myself. I am a freshman, Supply Chain Management major and an avid runner. As a freshman, I have spent a lot of my first year finding out what MSU has to offer its students. I love being a Spartan and I want to do whatever I can to make this the best school for my fellow Spartans. ASMSU has a lot of potential to make a large positive impact on all undergraduate students, and I want to make sure all students get the most out of their time here at MSU. If elected, I look forward to representing the thoughts and ideas of my constituents in the Eli Broad College of Business. I plan to work with the General Assembly to make sure that we prioritize the ASMSU budget to benefit all students. I also am dedicated to creating more transparency and trust between the students and their government. Together we can grow this organization to directly impact and help students in their everyday Spartan lives. Go Green!


General Assembly: Eli Broad College of Business

Pranav Julakanti

Major: Supply Chain Management

Year: Sophomore

No personal statement was given.


General Assembly: Eli Broad College of Business

Gregory Jackson

Major: Supply Chain Management

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

I have been a committed representative over the past year, advocating for an expanded business analytics course, promoting good sportsmanship across campus, and collaborating with business college leaders to better the Eli Broad College of Business.


General Assembly: Eli Broad College of Business

Amber Addrow-Pierson

Major: Supply Chain Management

Year: Sophomore

No personal statement was given.


General Assembly: College of Education

Patrick Harris

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

My name is Patrick Harris and I am seeking to become a representative of the College of Education for ASMSU. My reason for entering this election lies within the fact that I’ve built relationships and learned lessons from students from all walks of life that still feel their presence is ignored and their voice isn’t heard here on campus; I want to shine the light on these students. As a student leader for MRULE (Multi-Racial Unity Living Experience) and a Programming Board Director for ASMSU the past two years, I’ve had the great opportunity, through facilitating intercultural engagement programs and passing bills that are allocated for cultural programs, to gain understanding of the many issues students face at MSU and how I as an influential leader, can be the bridge of change that bring these student issues to center stage. As a representative I will dedicate myself to representing all students adequately, ensuring members of the College of Education feel connected to their representative and college, and continuing and improving and defending the reputation of the #1 College of Education in the nation!


General Assembly: College of Engineering

Matt Wesolowski

Major: Electrical Engineering

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

I want to be part of ASMSU for a second year. I have faith in the organization and believe that under proper leadership it really can make a huge difference for students now and in the future. I want to make several impacts on the MSU community, specifically Spartan Engineers. This university and city have given so much to me and it is my job as a Spartan to give back.


General Assembly: James Madison College

Bryn Williams

Major: International Relations and Comparative Cultures and Politics

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

My name is Bryn Williams, a student in James Madison College, majoring in IR, CCP and a minor in Arabic. I am in incredibly devoted and passionate student. Over the year, I have been working in the Office of the President and with a Programming Board Director at ASMSU to learn the intricacies for the organization. I am committed to ASMSU and have a deep love for JMC and Michigan State University. I am confident that I will be able to represent my fellow students well. It is important to me that their voices are heard and that their tax dollars are spent wisely.


General Assembly: James Madison College

Kathryn Maass

Major: Undeclared

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

Kathryn Maass is a sophomore studying Social Relations and Policy in James Madison with a minor in educational studies. She believes she can be a good representative because she is driven, compassionate and approachable. She firmly believes that the student’s voice should always be heard accurately and has full confidence in her ability to represent the students of James Madison College and is also vice chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. By voting for Kathryn to be your representative, you are voting for someone on your side, who will take the time to hear out your needs and wants, for not only James Madison College, but also for ASMSU.


General Assembly: James Madison College

Dolores Sinistaj

Major: International Relations, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy

Year: Junior

Personal Statement:

Having served this past year as a James Madison representative for the General Assembly, I have become not only better acquainted with ASMSU’s role, and its impact on campus, but have grown passionate about our mission. We are here to represent the students and provide events and services that cater to their interests. ASMSU has pushed me to grow not only academically and socially, but professionally as well and I hope to continue being a part of this influential, hard working community.


General Assembly: James Madison College

Jeffrey Litten

Major: Undeclared

Year: Freshman

Personal Statement:

I grew up in a small town outside of Detroit, Lake Orion. At Lake Orion I was able to participate in many things that have prepared me for ASMSU. I was selected to be an officer of NHS, and I was also a committee chair for our schools leadership class. I was also a part of Youth in Government, where I was selected to represent the state at the national conference, two years in row.

I am now a freshman, and am ready to take on this new challenge, the time commitment will not be a problem. Currently I am a full time student; I work, and am an intern at the Capital. I believe we need a new face in ASMSU. I love James Madison College, and Michigan State University, so please elect me to represent you.


General Assembly: Lyman Briggs College

James Conwell

Major: Human Biology

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

I came to ASMSU two years ago because I wanted to make student’s lives easier, and to level the academic playing field to ensure that every student had an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Accordingly, I have made my goal to fight for student’s rights in an academic setting. This past session, I served as the ASMSU Academic Affairs Committee Chairman, and in this capacity, I introduced a bill that aims to change the university’s professional interview policy to ensure that every student can have a future they choose by ensuring that they are not penalized for missing a class for an interview. Another bill I introduced was to allocate money for the mental health awareness week to help all students succeed, and to go ask for help with their mental help issues. For me, these bills are not where the fight for academic equality ends. I want to make sure this campus has adequate resources for all students to succeed academically, and to start a peer-mentoring program, as well as carry on supplemental instruction. We need to make sure that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed at MSU. I am running for reelection because I want to keep fighting to make life easier for students and make this campus fairer to all undergraduates, and to continue being the voice of Lyman Briggs College.


General Assembly: The College of Music

Emily Bedard

Major: Music Performance

Year: Junior

Personal Statement:

Emily Bedard is a third year Bachelor of Music Performance student in the College of Music. She is a highly involved member of the music fraternity, Sigma Alpha Iota, as Editor/Historian and has been a member of the Wind Symphony for two years.

As one of the current representatives for the College of Music, Emily hopes to earn back her seat in the General Assembly and continue to serve her colleagues.


General Assembly: College of Music

KC Perlberg

Major: Music Education, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

I’m a double major in Music Education, and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy. I’ve been involved with ASMSU as the College of Music Representative, Community Liaison, and Policy Committee Chair. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with a dedicated group of people on important issues for students such as academic governance, community relations, and governmental policy. I hope to continue to work hard on behalf of the student body.


General Assembly: College of Natural Science

Claire McCarthy

Major: Genomics, Molecular Genetics and Biomedical Laboratory Science.

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

Claire McCarthy is a sophomore with a dual major in Genomics, Molecular Genetics and Biomedical Laboratory Science. She is currently serving as one of three ASMSU representatives for the College of Natural Science. Claire does not only enjoy the enthusiasm of ASMSU, but she is also engaged in the work ASMSU does and the services the association provides to the undergraduate students. If reelected, Claire plans to strengthen relationships with her fellow peers, and to become a more prevalent and approachable representative. Her main goal as a representative is to reach out to her constituents in order to bring their concerns to the association. Claire McCarthy promises a strong student voice for the College of Natural Sciences.


General Assembly: College of Natural Science

Felicia Jansen

Major: Biomedical Laboratory Science

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

My name is Felicia Jansen. I’m a pre-medical student pursuing a degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science. I’ve held several leadership positions on campus including serving as the College of Natural Science Representative this year. During my time at ASMSU, I have been a member of the Policy Committee as well as the Health and Wellness Committee. One of my goals is to improve nutrition on campus (don’t worry, your desserts are safe!) It has been an honor representing you this year, and I hope to continue the serve you next session.


General Assembly: College of Social Sciences

Matthew Bedard

Major: Social and Political Science

Year: Junior

Personal Statement:

As a current sitting member of our student government here at Michigan State University, I am eager to continue my involvement; I will continue to advocate for fiscal responsibility and greater transparency.


General Assembly: College of Social Sciences

Ryan Smith

Major: Public Policy

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

How do you benefit from ASMSU? Most students I pose this question to find difficulty in formulating an adequate response and I find that incredibly disheartening. The fact of the matter is most students are uninformed of how exactly our own student government is involved with student affairs, and the few I’ve found that are aware display an unfortunate disdain for the organization. This however is not the fault of an uninterested public but rather an uninvolved union and this is more reflective than ever in last year’s dismal 9.2% voter turnout and in the General Assembly, where seats remain vacant. While it is true that ASMSU has become disconnected with their constituency I still believe that under the right circumstances our student government possess great potential to enhance and expand upon the opportunities in student life. It is my mission to bring a fresh perspective to ASMSU in order to bridge this gap that has formed as well as instilling some more reasonable and responsible spending habits. I look forward to a competitive campaign season and wish the best of luck to all the candidates that hope to improve ASMSU as well. My name is Ryan Smith, I am a sophomore with a major of Public Policy and I’m throwing my hat in the race to represent the College of Social Sciences in the General Assembly.


General Assembly: College of Social Science

Jason Porter

Major: Political Science

Year: Freshman

Personal Statement:

Fellow Social Science Students,

My name is Jason Porter and I am running to represent the College of Social Science. As a freshman coming from New Hampshire, studying Political Science, I have grown to love this great university we both attend. However, two things worry me and that is why I am running. Each student is a taxed $18 dollars per semester which helps fund ASMSU. I am worried this money is not being spent productively. Also, I am worried our student body doesn’t know what ASMSU is, and those who do, do not trust our student government. I promise to work assiduously in order to fix these problems. I am a viable candidate because I am currently a part of ASMSU’s Freshman Class Council, and also president of Akers Hall. I promise to represent your voices, and to do what is best for our great university. Go Green and vote Jason porter.

Thank you,

Jason Porter.


General Assembly: College of Social Science

Evan Schrage

Major: Social Science

Year: Junior

No personal statement was given.


General Assembly: College of Social Science

Jameil Hall

Major: Philosophy

Year: Senior

Personal Statement:

I am currently one of the 3 representatives for the college of Social Sciences. Over my time as a representative I have witnessed the great potential ASMSU has to impact the student body for good. It would be my honor to serve once again for my fellow students and ensure that change happens.


Sophomore Class Council

Wayne Askew II

Major: James Madison College

Year: Freshman

No personal statement was provided.


Sophomore Class Council

Amber Addrow-Pierson

Major: Supply Chain Management

Year: Freshman

No personal statement was provided.


Sophomore Class Council

Jason Barnett

Major: Eli Broad School of Business

Year: Freshman

Personal Statement:

As a current freshman at Michigan State, I am now just beginning to understand how our undergraduate student government works. Serving on the Freshman Class Council this year has taught me the basics and now I am ready to truly make a difference. My ultimate goal is to strengthen the connection between MSU undergraduate students and their undergraduate student government (ASMSU). There are many students who are unaware of an $18.00 tax on their student tuition and along with many other components of ASMSU, it is the Sophomore Class Council’s job to provide programming to the sophomore class that both builds relationships between classmates and uses the tax revenue to provide services such as test prep, free newspapers, free printing, events, legal services, yearbooks, and loans can truly begin to prosper. ASMSU is an essential part of our education here at Michigan State, it gives students a say in big decisions that affect everyone on campus, and I want to give each sophomore a say in these decisions as the voice of the sophomore class at Michigan State.


Sophomore Class Council

Jared H. Gajos

Major: James Madison College

Year: Freshman

Personal Statement:

My name is Jared Gajos. I am an International Relations Major with a specialization in International Justice and minor in French. I am from Hazel Park, Mi. Currently, I am the Vice President for the Freshman Class Council. I wish to represent SCC because I understand what the basis of being on a university class council is and I am 100% committed to taking the Sophomore Class Council past the perceived expectations, and fully launching a council that represents every individual’s ideas, hopes, goals, and dreams. A flaw that I realized this year in FCC is that there was very low participation with my fellow classmates, and with SCC, I hope to change that by putting on events that appeal to the masses.


Sophomore Class Council

Abigail Reed

Major: James Madison College

Year: Freshman

Personal Statement:

I am currently a freshman in James Madison College planning to declare a major in Social Relations and Policy and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy by my sophomore year. I joined Freshman Class Council my second semester of my freshman year. I would like to continue to voice ideas from the student body to benefit our academic and social environment by increasing student involvement throughout our campus, and through the community.


Sophomore Class Council

Caitlin Whitlock

Major: Advertising

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

I’m a sophomore majoring in Advertising with a specialization in Public Relations. I’m seeking the opportunity to represent the sophomore class and advocate the rights of our student body.


Junior Class Council

Matthew D. Thornburg

Major: Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy (James Madison)

Year: Sophomore

No personal statement was provided.


Junior Class Council

Abigail Everard

Major: Eli Broad School of Business

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

My name is Abby Everard and I’m a sophomore student with a major in marketing. I’m currently a member of ASMSU Sophomore Class Council and look forward to being a part of Junior Class Council next year if voted on. I think there is a lot that Junior Class Council can do for the junior class here at MSU. Giving them resources and putting on events to help the class become closer are only a few things I look forward to doing as a part of JCC.


Junior Class Council

Corey Thai

Major: Finance

Year: Sophomore

No Personal Statement was provided.


Junior Class Council

Elizabeth Ferguson

Major: Advertising

Year: Junior

Personal Statement:

I was a member of Sophomore Council and I am excited to be running again for class council next year. If elected, I look forward to seeing what we can help our class with. As a tour guide on campus and a member of the MSU Hearing Board I love being involved with our university. Please give me the opportunity to serve as a representative of the Junior Class Council.


Junior Class Council

Anthony Diponio

Major: Lyman Briggs

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

Hello! My name is Anthony Diponio, and I would like your vote so that I can represent the Class of 2016 on the ASMSU Junior Class Council. I am a sophomore physiology major through Lyman Briggs, and my future plan is to attend medical school. I am also currently a member of the Sophomore Class Council. I know what it means to be a leader, and I hope that together, we can all bring the Class of 2016 closer together not just as students, but most importantly as Spartans. Thank you!


Junior Class Council

Rachael Harrison

Major: James Madison College

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

Rachael Harrison is a sophomore in James Madison College majoring in Social Relations and Policy. She has been on class councils for the past two years, serving as Secretary for Freshman Class Council and Vice President of Sophomore Class Council. As secretary of Freshman Class Council, Rachael managed all important documents for the council, as well as led the creation of a “Freshman Survival Guide.” This year as Vice President of Sophomore Class Council, she has worked to help the Sophomore Class Council establish its purpose as well as its overall goals. She is also involved in a project to create a resource for sophomores to go on ASMSU’s website that includes helpful information on academic and career guidance, as well as to become more involved on campus. In addition to class councils, Rachael is also the Alumni Development Coordinator for ASMSU, meaning she is a liaison between current members of ASMSU and the ASMSU Alumni Association. Over the past year, she created a newsletter for alumni as well as helped to promote the celebration of the 50th anniversary of ASMSU next year. Rachael is seeking to represent the junior class by being a part of ASMSU’s first-ever Junior Class Council next year. She hopes that Junior Class Council will be a way to not only unite the Junior Class, but also to


address issued raised by her classmates to the General Assembly as well as University Administration.

Junior Class Council

Calvin Manitowabi

Major: Kinesiology

Year: Sophomore

No personal statement was provided.


Junior Class Council

Gabrielle Lossia

Major: Business and Theatre

Year: Sophomore

Personal Statement:

My name is Gabrielle (Gabby) Lossia and I am a second year student here at Michigan State University. I am currently double majoring in business and theatre and I hope to work in live theatre business after graduation. Outside of academics I am a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and currently hold the position of Vice President of Membership Recruitment. More recently, I was accepted into the Greek honor society, Order of Omega. This past year I became involved in AMSU’s first ever Sophomore Class Council. I hope to continue the work that Sophomore Class Council has done within the university and throughout the community as a member of the, newly created, Junior Class Council. With the transition from underclassman to upperclassman come new challenges for the junior class, and I would like to help the entire junior class navigate through this time by being a comprehensive resource for all things leading up to graduation. More importantly, I want to help make the most out of the junior classes’ remaining time at Michigan State. I believe the best way to accomplish these goals is for the Junior Class Council to truly be


accessible to the junior class, and work as a voice for their wants and needs. I hope you will take the time to voice your vote for junior class council. Thank you for reading and as always… GO GREEN!

Senior Class Council

Ashley Anderson

Major: Agriculture and Natural Resources

Year: Junior

Personal Statement:

Hello everyone: My name is Ashley Anderson and I am currently, a junior in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For this coming year, I would love to hold a position of ASMSU’s Senior Class Council. For the past year and a half, I have served in ASMSU as the representative for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. In addition to running for that position for this coming year, I also am running for Senior Class Council as I am passionate about both serving ASMSU as well as Michigan State itself. Additionally on campus I am involved in NSCS, FNA, ADII, Order of Omega, Help Save the Next Girl, and part time job. While I am heavily involved on campus, ASMSU has and continues to be one of my favorite and most rewarding experiences during my college years. I promise to work hard and represent MSU well. Please vote for me!


Senior Class Council

Dolores Sinistaj

Major: James Madison College

Year: Junior

Personal Statement:

Having served this past year as a James Madison representative for the General Assembly I have become not only acquainted with ASMSU and its impact on campus, but have grown passionate about our mission. One of the groups with the potential to do an immense amount for its students is Senior Class Council and that is one reason why it would be an honor to be a part of this group and aid classmates who are at the same point in their undergraduate career.

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