aspects ofthe natural history ofthe midwater fish ...€¦ · midwater maintenance program (sammp)...

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Pacific Science (1980), vol. 34, no. 2© 1981 by The University Press of Hawaii. All rights reserved

Aspects of the Natural History of the Midwater Fish Lycodapus mandibularis(Zoarcidae) in Monterey Bay, California!


ABSTRACT: Aspects of the biology of the mesopelagic fish Lycodapus mandi­bularis are considered, primarily on the basis of closing midwater trawl samplesfrom Monterey Bay, California. Major population centers focus in easternNorth Pacific submarine canyons and deep-water inlets. The species under­goes a diel vertical migration, but not all individuals may participate in eachperiod. Ripe individuals were found year-round and spawning is nonseasonal,probably occurring in midwater. Age estimates from otoliths showed thegreatest proportion of the population sampled was of age classes III and IV,the ages at onset of maturity. The oldest individuals found were 5 years old,but estimates from the oldest fish may be biased. Feeding during the day waschiefly in surface waters, but night or day feeding in deep water may haveoccurred. Food items of young fish were different from those of adults butboth fed heavily on planktonic crustaceans. Fish in California waters wereparasitized by the nematode Thynnascaris aduncum and to a lesser degree bythe copepod Cardiodectes medusaeus.

taxonomic confusion has existed in the liter­ature on Lycodapus, especially with L. mandi­bularis. However, Peden and Anderson (1978)clarified most of the systematic problems inthe genus. Peden (1979) identified populationsand investigated meristic variation in L.mandibularis but included little biologicalinformation on the species.

Published accounts of zoarcid biology arefew as most of the literature on this familyconsists of systematic studies. The most im­portant contributions to eelpout naturalhistory (Kliever 1976; Levings 1969; Olsenand Merriman 1946; Orach-Meza 1975)were conducted on well-sampled benthicspecies and virtually nothing is known ofthe life histories of rarer, deep-living species.Though for some time members of the genusMelanostigma have been known to be pelagic,only 2 recent brief notes have increasedknowledge of the biology of these fishes(Belman and Anderson 1979; Markle andWenner 1979). This study is a contributionto the natural history of L. mandibularis,currently the most abundantly collectedspecies in the genus. Data are presented onthe distribution, reproduction, growth, food,


1 This paper is based on an M.A. thesis submitted toCalifornia State University, Hayward. Manuscript ac­cepted 15 August 1979.

2 Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Box 223, MossLanding, California 95039. Present address: VirginiaInstitute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia23062.

BETWEEN MARCH 1974 and January 1976, aprogram to study the aquarium maintenanceand behavior of selected mesopelagic organ­isms of Monterey Bay, California, wassponsored jointly by Moss Landing MarineLaboratories, California State Universityand Colleges, and Steinhart Aquarium, Cali­fornia Academy of Sciences (McCosker andAnderson 1976). During the survey severalpreviously rare fishes were collected regu­larly, including the pallid eelpout Lycodapusmandibularis (Zoarcidae). For the first timea large number of specimens of L. mandi­bularis were available so that the biology ofthe species could be investigated.

Populations of L. mandibularis are knownfrom Pacific coast submarine canyons anddeep-water inlets from Prince William Sound,Alaska, to off La Jolla, California (Anderson1977; Peden and Anderson 1978). Much

182 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, April 1980


o 8



FIGURE I. Map of Monterey Bay, California, showing the SAMMP trawling areas. Contours in fathoms.

and parasites taken from fishes collectedchiefly in Monterey Bay.


Most specimens considered in this studywere taken during the Steinhart AquariumMidwater Maintenance Program (SAMMP)cruises between March 1974 and January1976 with a modified, opening-closing 1.8 mTucker trawl (see McCosker and Anderson

1976 for details of net design). The net wastowed at about 2 knots from the R/Y ST-908,a converted harbor tug. The net lacked aflow meter; consequently, the volume ofwater filtered could not be determined pre­cisely, but variation in time and ship speedwas minimal. Two to four I-hr hauls percruise resulted in 56 discrete depth samplesgrouped in IOO-m intervals from the surfaceto 800 m. Additional specimens were obtainedfrom 7 quantitative tows in the upper IOO mand open net hauls. In all, 41 quantitative

jJ ·&#64

Natural History of Lycodapus mandibularis-ANDERsoN 183

samples were taken during the day and 22 atnight. A total of 604 specimens of L. mandi­bularis was collected from 2 locations inMonterey Bay (Figure 1). Mean numbers ofL. mandibularis were calculated for each100-m interval and standarized to the totalnumber of tows, 63. Mean volumes of plank­tonic crustaceans later determined to be preyof L. mandibularis also were calculated.

Fish used rOt feeding and reproductivestudies were pte·served on shipboard in 10percent formalin. Preserved specimens weremeasured (standard length, SL) and examinedfor stomach contents, parasites, and repro­ductive condition. All gonads were excised,excess fluid and mesentery was removed, andgonads were weighed to the nearest 0.01 gmon an electronic analytical balance. Gonadindices were calculated according to thefollowing formula (Moser 1967):

G.I. = Wt. gonad x 1010(SL)3

Egg sizes were measured with an ocularmicrometer to the nearest 0.1 mm. Museumspecimens from other California localitieswere examined, but since sample size orpreservation state was inadequate for detailedstudy, only parasites were enumerated.

Otoliths examined for age estimates weretaken from 116 fresh specimens. Otolithscleared in anise oil were readable in 1-2 hragainst a black background. Marginal annuliin older fish were difficult to resolve as otolithsare thick and annuli closely spaced. Manyotoliths were deemed unreadable. Conse­quently, age estimates of the oldest fish maybe minimum estimates. Two validating cri­teria were used to determine if annulusformation occurred yearly: (1) otolith radius(OR), measured from focus to edge of ros­trum, was plotted over time to detect anyincrease in marginal annulus size for the mostabundantly sampled age group (age classIll, i.e., fish between their second and thirdyears); (2) temporal changes in marginalannulus translucency were studied to deter­mine season of annulus formation. Becauseof small sample size and bias in selectingfish for ageing, other otolith validating cri­teria in use, such as agreement with Petersen's

(1895) method or back-calculation fromotolith dimensions to observed fish lengthsat a given age, were deemed unsatisfactory.Age-length graphs were developed for bothsexes only from fish collected during wintermonths, due to large sample sizes during thatperiod.

Stomach contents were identified to thelowest taxa possible. The importance of eachfood category was indicated by plotting theIndex of Relative Importance (IRI) forjuveniles and adults separately (Pinkas et al.1971). Those fish considered juveniles wereless than 110 mm SL. Also, the degree ofdigestion and stomach fullness were sub­jectively scored (after DeWitt and Cailliet1972) to ascertain feeding chronology. Cate­gories scored for fullness were 0, empty; I,1/4 full; 2,1/2 full; 3, 3/4 full; 4, full; and fordigestion state: 0, empty; I, very digested,nothing recognizable; 2, some digestion,parts recognizable to higher taxa; 3, littledigestion, much recognizable; 4, intact items,readily identifiable (Figure 2). In this tech­nique it is assumed feeding progresses fromcategory A through D. Chi-square tests wereperformed for recency of feeding; stomachsfrom categories Band C were consideredrecent and categories A and D were con­sidered not recent. Significance of differencewith depth and time in categories was deter­mined using a two-by-two contingency table,and histograms of matrix categories wereplotted against depth and time.


Vertical Distribution

Although nighttime samples were scarcein all depth intervals, L. mandibularis ap­peared to exhibit diel vertical migration(Figure 3). The species was present in only3 of 15 hauls above 300 m during the day(both areas combined), whereas it occurredin 6 of 12 hauls above 300 rn at night. Below300 m capture frequencies were nearly equal;it occurred in 21 of26 day tows (80.8 percent)and in 8 of 10 night tows. L. mandibularis wasencountered less frequently offshore than

184 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, April 1980



A 0Not full Full but

or recent not recent

8 CRecent but Full and

not full recent

FIGURE 2. Categories of stomach contents condition (after DeWitt and Cailliet 1972).



















300 p --,

500 1----------........-1

600 1--.,...--------7'

700 1--'---------,

800 L..----........--.l...--4--..,'~'4-


400 1-------'-------,

CATCH, no.lhr.

FIGURE 3. Vertical distribution of L. mandibularis in Monterey Canyon, localities combined. Numbers in paren­theses show sample size in each depth interval.

3, . ±tffi .. ! h .!$ (¥ .; efit,m!t!z ¥hM¥¥¥¥&!W!!!!!II!'¥¥E± fft9H1'!!!t. it

Natural History of Lycodapus mandibularis-ANDERSON 185



150-165140-149130 -139120-129o


0 0 '-0.30 0,5-0,7 III.75 0'3-0'5~ >0 0 9 •(16)

0/0 F

egg sizes ,mm50

Millimeters, SL

FIGURE 4. Percent frequency ofegg sizes in ovaries ofadult L. mandibularis collected between September and April.Sample sizes of each length group are in parentheses.

inshore. Offshore (area 2) the species occurredin 7 of 14 tows and inshore (area 1) in 31 of49 tows (63.3 percent).

Postlarvae and juveniles were taken chieflyduring the day below 300 m (20 of 46 haulsor 43.5 percent containing young). Above300 m, 3 of 27 hauls (11.1 percent) containedthese fish. Young fish were too scarce to allowdiel differences in distribution to be detected.No differences were discernible in distri­bution by sex.

Gonad Morphology and Sexual Maturity

The testes are elongate, bilobed organs ofequal size lying in the posterodorsal sectionof the coelom. The sperm duct lies in adorsomedial groove along each testis andthere is no specialized genital pore or papilla.Immature testes are white and rod-like withrounded anterior tips. Spawning males hadgreatly expanded, dark gray "leaf-like" testes

which averaged about 1/3 the liver mass.Additionally, mature males have enlarged,recurved teeth which may playa role ininitiating spawning.

A single dorsomedial ovary lies in the pos­terior area of the body cavity in L. mandi­bularis. The oviduct is short and connectswith the urinary bladder into a urogenitalsinus. Immature ovaries are thin and flaccidwith ova 0.05-0.2 mm in diameter, and de­veloping eggs are readily discernible in eventhe smallest specimens.

Females under about 120 mm SL carrieda maximum of 400 immature ova, each lessthan 0.2 mm in diameter. In the ripest femalesa complement of about 100 ± 25 eggs wasobserved between 1.7 and 1.9 mm in diameter(Figure 4). Eggs of this size were never seenin spent ovaries, that is, the full complementof mature eggs was evidently spawned. Thenumber of mature complements producedannually could not be determined due to





..• 500]1: 400coCl








(17) (22) 1261 (30) (II) (I) (13) (8) (25) (II) (32) (4)


PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, April 1980



MALES150..• 125..,

E...,0 100c0



50 III25

I 1 0 I I i0

J F M A M J J A SON 0(12) (18) (23) (27) (l9) (I) (9) (7) (17) (9) 121l (4)


FIGURE 5. Monthy gonad indices for adult L. mandibularis from Monterey Bay. Vertical line and end bars re­present ranges, horizontal line the mean, and dark vertical bars the 95% confidence interval. Numbers in parenthesesare sample size.

inadequate samples for several months. Thesex ratio of 560 fish of all ages was approxi­mately equal with 54.3 percent females and45.7 percent males.

Spawning Periodicity

Nearly equal numbers of ripe adults weretaken in summer and in winter. Females con­sidered ripe had a complement of eggs largerthan 0.9 mm in diameter and gonad indexvalues above 60. Males considered ripe ex­hibited inflated testes with gonad index valuesabove 20. Chi-square tests for "ripeness"comparing summer and winter for males andfemales were insignificant at levels less than0.5. In summer 43.8 percent of 80 males and55.7 percent of 88 females were ripe. In winter67.8 percent of 87 males and 50.9 percent of112 females were ripe. This suggests thatgonad maturation is aseasonal and thatspawning may be dependent on state ofindividual growth and vitality.

The gonad indices for males closely par­alleled those for females (Figure 5), and malesreached maturity at the same age as females.Most males from winter samples had recentlyspawned (testes shrunken, low index values).It is difficult, however, to estimate how long

a given male has been in a spent condition,but gelatinous, expanded testes indicatingrecent spawning were observed in every sum­mer month except June (both years).

Age and Growth

The validity of otolith annuli for ageingin L. mandibularis was established using twomethods. First, otolith radii (OR) plottedfor 49 fish of age class III generally grewlarger with time (all years combined, Figure6). Sample size was inadequate to plot ORwith time for other age groups, but OR of23 age-class-II fish measured 0.41-0.49 mm(x = 0.451, SE = 0.0049). The OR of I Ifish of age classes IV and V measured 0.61­0.76 mm (x = 0.692, SE = 0.0144). Thesedata suggest the third annulus formed duringone year. Second, otoliths were studied fromall I16 fish to discover when hyaline "winter"and opaque "summer" margins formed. Theevidence indicates an annual progression ofthe zones: in summer 84.8 percent of 46 fishhad opaque margins, while in winter only15.7 percent of 70 fish had opaque margins.

A maximum age of 5 years was estimatedfor 3 females, the largest of which measured198 mm SL. The growth rate became nearly

ill! II '4,,% . #ffl#ttiffi# ffii§t¥¥hi£J1£iB2Z£QS' • £1 ",t! ,'eE;;. +!ffi!it ¥ 6S'Mibti'!4ite!fg;;:g@g

Natural History of Lycodapus mandibularis-ANDERSON









(6) (0) (3) (4) (4) (I)

J A SON D(5) (3) (7) (6) (5) (5)

FIGURE 6. Monthly otolith radius (OR) measurements for age class III L. mandibu/aris from Monterey Bay.Graphics after Figure 5.



i- ~ ~125~




25(9)18) (9)(9) (13)(15) (2)(2) (0) (3)

2 3 4 5


FIGURE 7. Growth relationships for L. mandibu/aris in Monterey Bay. Right, females; left, males in each ageclass. Sample size in parentheses. Graphics after Hubbs and Hubbs (1953).

linear after the first year and did not differbetween sexes (Figure 7). The linear com­ponent of the growth relationship coupledwith small sample size at the upper extremeled to a poorly fitted von Bertelanffy growthequation.

Length frequency histograms constructedfor the warmer and colder periods of theyear showed the greatest frequency of age

class I individuals occurring in the wintermonths (Figure 8). Age classes IV to VI wereinfrequently taken in both seasons. Thegreatest number of individuals taken wereof age classes III and IV, the ages at onsetof sexual maturity. Teeth became fully de­veloped in males by age class III (Peden andAnderson 1978, figure 8).







PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, April 1980



- I-,..... ,.....f-

.r h.20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

SL , mm


140 160 180

FIGURE 8. Length frequency histograms of L. mandibularis from Monterey Bay. A, October to March, N = 298.B, April to September, N = 261.


60Cope pods

401-/ Unidenl.%N Crustacea

20~ i. jalPS



40Sergesfe s spp.


20 40 600/0 F JUVENILES


/60 Sagitta ,p.

,.....,. ~40



~ /:"7 d


20 f- ~-J(\%V Amphipods

40Sergestes app.

60 PasipllQ.o sp.

M)'sid I

Other Decapod,

20 40 60% F ADULTS

FIGURE 9. Index of Relative Importance plots for stomach items of L. mandibularis from Monterey Bay. %F,

percentage frequency; % N, numerical percentage; % Y, volumetric percentage. Sample size: adults, N = 144;juveniles, N = Ill.

$F#f S!±#ih$5f $f -M Ii

Natural History of Lycodapus mandibularis-ANDERSON 189


PREY ITEMS OF 225 L. mandibularis TAKEN IN


Phylum: ArthropodaOrder: Copepoda

Calanus sp.unidentified calanoidsPareuchaeta japonica

Order: EuphausiaceaEuphausia pacificaThysanoessa spinijeraunidentified euphausiids

Order: AmphipodaOrchomene obtusaParacallisoma coecusunidentified gammarideansHyperia medusarumStilipes distinctaParaphronima sp.Primno macropaunidentified hyperiids

Order: MysidaceaBoreomysis japonica

Order: DecapodaSergestes similisSergestes halia(?)Pasiphaea pacificaPasiphaea sp.

Order: DecapodaGennadas propillquusPandaIus jordaniunidentified decapods

Phylum: MolluscaOrder: Teuthoidea

Gonatus onyxGonatus sp.Octopoteuthis deletronunidentified squid

Phylum: ChaetognathaSagitta sp.

Phylum: ChordataSalpidae, unidentifiedStenobrachius leucopsarusCye/o/hone signataLeuroglossus s/i1bius

Food Habits

PREY ITEMS: Lycodapus mandibularis ate awide variety of prey items (Table I). Juvenilesate chiefly euphausiids and copepods insimilar proportions to adults, but other food,such as squid and large shrimp, was foundonly in stomachs of adult fish (Figure 9).

A diel periodicity has been shown for the

vertical distribution of several prey speciesof L. mandibularis (Anderson 1978; Brinton1976; Frost and McCrone 1979; Pearcy 1972,1977; Pearcy et al. 1977; Roper and Young1975; Youngbluth 1976). In this study, al­though net mesh size precluded an analysisof the distribution of smaller prey, largerprey were found in greater numbers above300 m at night, with some groups concen­trating in the upper 100 m (Anderson 1977).

FEEDING CHRONOLOGY: The frequency ofthe four categories of fullness and digestionstate (Figure 2) for 225 stomachs with foodshowed only a slightly greater number withwell-digested food at night. A chi-square testamong categories to test day-night differencesin feeding was insignificant.

Correlating the two recent (B and C) andtwo not recent (A and D) categories withdepth during day and night showed thatduring the day fish that had fed most recentlywere captured above 400 m (Figure 10).Combining the 0-200 m and 200-400 mintervals of Figure 10 and testing for recencyin day-caught fish gave a X2 value of 5.024,significant at p < 0.025, I df. Similarly,combining the two deeper intervals (400­600 m and 600-800 m) showed most night­caught fish had recently fed (X 2 = 18.917,significant at p < 0.001, I df).

These results suggest daytime feedingoccurs in shallow depth intervals; mostrecently fed fish were found there as weremost empty stomachs (62.6 percent of shal­low-caught fish versus 41.8 percent of deep­caught fish). At night, most recently fed fishwere caught deep, but 57.1 percent of thesample there had empty stomachs while50.0 percent of shallow-caught fish had emptystomachs.


The point of attachment and frequency ofparasites were noted on examination of theinternal organs of 575 L. mandibularis fromall California localities. The most abundantparasite encountered was the nematodeThynnascaris aduncum (larvae); 29.2 percentof the adults and 15.2 percent of the juvenilescarried one or more of these worms. The









PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, April 1980


FIGURE 10. Day-night histograms from feeding chronology matrices of stomach contents in L. mandibu/arisfrom Monterey Bay. Light bars, day samples; dark bars, night samples. Sample size: day, recent, N = 86, not recent,N = 129; night, recent, N = 17, not recent, N = 21.

nematode was found attached to the stomachand intestinal walls, peritoneum, gonad, liver,heart, and beneath the skin over the epaxialmuscles. The greatest number ofworms foundin one fish was 8 in a very emaciated female,but most parasitized fish contained fewerthan 3 nematodes. The copepod Cardiodectesmedusaeus was observed in only 15 fish. Itwas found attached to the gill arch or isthmusarea of L. mandibularis and is well knownfrom other mesopelagic fishes (Noble andCollard 1970).


The majority of L. mandibularis captureshave come from the vicinity of submarinecanyons and deep inlets (Peden 1979; Pedenand Anderson 1978). Two collections fromCalifornia outside canyons (nonquantitativebottom trawls off Cape San Martin and PointArguello) indicate the species probably occursalong the open slope. Although obtainingonly 2 collections of the species from severaldozen deep hauls along the California slopethat I have studied indicates the species maybe rare there, this conclusion is misleading.Its small size and pelagic habitat warrant

its scarcity in bottom trawls. Collections ofL. mandibularis in northern waters consider­ably away from canyons and inlets arepresently unknown.

Peden (1979) suggested there may be littlemovement of fish between western Canadianinlets if they avoid out-flowing, near-surfacewaters. As yet, diel vertical migration innorthern populations has not been satis­factorily demonstrated and orientation tospecific water masses or currents is unknownin L. mandibularis. An analysis of the hy­drography of Monterey Bay may clarify someof the factors governing the distribution ofL. mandibularis and other mesopelagic spe­cies inhabiting submarine canyons and deepinlets.

Seasonal hydrographic changes have amarked influence on the temporal distribu­tion of several mesopelagic species in Mon­terey Bay (Aughtry 1953; Barham 1957; Fast1960). Fast provided a review of the hydro­graphy of the bay as it affected the distribu­tion of the lanternfish Stenobrachius leu­copsarus. He reported that during the "Oce­anic" period (generally July to October),offshore water moved into the bay bringingan "invasion" of plankton that concen­trated in the canyon. During the winter (the

3. § .rg . :eh±##- .p _i4e*s'!wee .se Lt'" , »$Ii M·E5R¥&!¥_lt£lfJ!!!. . @ii't.'8JII

Natural History of Lycodapus mandibularis-ANDERSON 191

"Davidson Current" period) the greatest in­crease in the population of Stenobrachius inthe bay occurred. Later, from February toJuly ("Upwelling" period), a decrease in thepopulation of older Stenobrachius occurred.Fast (1960) concluded that as the fish movedinto surface waters at night they were sweptoffshore by this subsurface movement.

Although no seasonality of the local L.mandibularis population was detectedthroughout this study, during periods ofstrong summer upwelling in which surfacewater is moved offshore, individuals thatconcentrate in shallow water could, con­ceivably, be moved out of the bay as Fast(1960) predicted for Stenobrachius. Duringthe subsequent "Oceanic" season (July toOctober), they then may be returned to in­shore areas as Pearcy (1976) showed formicronekton off Oregon. Seasonal hydro­graphic changes have a marked effect on theabundance of the planktonic food of L.mandibularis (Colebrook 1977; Hebard 1966;Laurs 1967; Youngbluth 1976) and an ad­vantage would be given to those populationsof L. mandibularis with a more stable foodsupply, that is, those able to resist dispersioninto food-poor oceanic waters. But do can­yons have a more stable food supply for thesefishes, especially during summer upwellingperiods when plankton is moved offshore?Unfortunately, there are no quantitative dataavailable to compare plankton abundancesbetween canyons and adjacent areas in orderto evaluate this question.

Diel vertical migration in mesopelagicspecies in order to feed in richer surface watersis well documented (Baird et al. 1975; Brinton1976; Clarke 1974, 1978; DeWitt and Cailliet1972; Gorelova 1974, 1975; Isaacs et al. 1974;Pearcy 1970; Pearcy et al. 1979; Pearre 1973;Youngbluth 1976). For abundant groups likeeuphausiids (Youngbluth 1976) or mycto­phids (Pearcy et al. 1979), population move­ments can be blurred by some individualsremaining at depth on a given night whileothers migrate. The feeding chronology andvertical distribution of L. mandibularis sug­gest that fish may migrate into surface watersat night or early dawn to feed. The data alsosupport the hypothesis that fish caught atnight in deep water may have fed there or

in intermediate depths and not in shallowwater the day before capture. However, night­caught fish in deep water of low temperaturemay experience reduced metabolic activityand slowed digestion rates (Pearcy et al.1979). This would mask the time and placeof feeding both of fish that remained deepand of those that migrated upward.

There is some information on the spawningof oviparous eelpouts, but much of it is briefbecause of inadequate observations. Meadet al. (1964) suggested zoarcids aggregate andproduce demersal eggs that develop close tothe bottom. Parental care and nesting, orburrowing, has been implied for the benthicspecies Macrozoarces americanus (Olsen andMerriman 1946; Orach-Meza 1975; White1939), Lycodopsis pacifica (Levings 1969),and Maynea cali[ornica (Kliever 1976).

No evidence exists that L. mandibularisutilizes the sea bottom for spawning, and apelagic spawning without parental care seemsmost parsimonious for this species. Markleand Wenner (1979) supplied some convincingevidence that the mesopelagic eelpout Me­lanostigma atlanticum shoals near the bottomto spawn in the North Atlantic. Their evi­dence consisted of a seasonal (summer) in­crease in captures by bottom trawls whichcorrelated with maximum ova diameters anda shift to a typically benthic parasite fauna.In L. mandibularis, a species with a similarhabitat and ecology, spawning, hence maxi­mum ova diameters, was aseasonal and theparasite fauna was more typical of mesope­lagic fishes. This suggests L. mandibularis maynot shoal near the bottom for spawning, butno direct observations have been made. Awide range in the vertical distribution ofpostlarvae was observed for both day andnight collections; hence, metamorphosis maynot be restricted to the lighted surface watersin L. mandibularis as it is for other mesope­lagic species (Marshall 1954).


The trawling program was initiated byJohn E. McCosker, Steinhart Aquarium, andwas supported by a grant from the CharlineH. Breeden Foundation. I would like to thank


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my graduate committee, G. M. Cailliet, G. V.Morejohn, J. W. Nybakken, and J. E. Mc­Cosker, for their patience and support. Mr.Otis Barton, explorer and inventor of thebathysphere, helped launch the program andinspired in me a profound fascination for thecreatures of the deep sea. Advice and techni­cal assistance was generously supplied by thecuratorial staffs at the California Academyof Sciences, National Museum of NaturalHistory, Los Angeles County Museum ofNatural History, British Columbia Provin­cial Museum, and Scripps Institution ofOceanography. Assistance was provided dur­ing life-history studies by Alex E. Peden, JohnE. Fitch, Peter N. Slattery, Earl E. Krygier,Shelly R. Johnson, Warren C. Freihofer,Milton S. Love, and Robert A. Behrstock.Previous drafts of the manuscript were im­proved with the help of G. M. Cailliet, J. A.Musick, K. J. Sulak, and G. R. Sedberry.Finally, my deepest appreciation goes to aspecial team who insured the ultimate successof this project, especially Brooke S. Antrim,Edwin K. Osada, Donald M. Baltz, Gary R.McDonald, Gregor M. Cailliet, Richard G.Kliever, Marty L. Stevenson, David A.Ambrose, and Vic E. Breeden, Jr., who alsohelped me develop the nerve-wracking artof midwater trawling in submarine canyons.


ANDERSON, M. E. 1977. Systematics andnatural history of the midwater fish Ly­codapus mandibularis Gilbert in Californiawaters. M.A. Thesis. California StateUniversity, Hayward.

---. 1978. Notes on the cephalopods ofMonterey Bay, California, with new rec­ords for the area. The Veliger 21 (2) :255­262.

AUGHTRY, R. H. 1953. The biology andecology of Cyclothone signata Garman inthe Monterey Bay area. M.A. Thesis.Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

BAIRD, R. c., T. L. HOPKINS, and D. F.WILSON. 1975. Diet and feeding chronologyof Diaphus taaningi (Myctophidae) in theCariaco Trench. Copeia 1975: 356-365.

PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 34, April 1980

BARHAM, E. G. 1957. The ecology of sonicscattering layers in the Monterey Bay area,California. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford Uni­versity, Stanford, Calif.

BELMAN, B. W., and M. E. ANDERSON. 1979.Aquarium observations on feeding byMelanostigma pammelas (Pisces, Zoarci­dae). Copeia 1979: 366-369.

BRINTON, E. 1976. Vertical migration andavoidance capability of euphausiids in theCalifornia Current. Limn. Ocean. 12:451­483.

CLARKE, T. A. 1974. Some aspects of theecology of stomiatoid fishes in the PacificOcean near Hawaii. Fish. Bull. 72(2): 337­351.

---. 1978. Diel feeding patterns of 16species of mesopelagic fishes from Ha­waiian waters. Fish. Bull. 76(3): 495-513.

COLEBROOK, J. M. 1977. Annual fluctuationsin biomass of taxonomic groups of zoo­plankton in the California Current, 1955­59. Fish. Bull. 75(2): 357-368.

DEWITT, F. A., JR., and G. M. CAILLIET.1972. Feeding habits of two bristlemouthfishes, Cyclothone acclinidens and C. sig­nata (Gonostomatidae). Copeia 1972: 868­871.

FAST, T. N. 1960. Some aspects of the naturalhistory of Stenobrachius leucopsarus Eigen­mann and Eigenmann. Ph.D. Thesis. Stan­ford University, Stanford, Calif.

FROST, B. W., and L. E. MCCRONE. 1979.Vertical distribution, diel vertical migra­tion, and abundance of some mesopelagicfishes in the eastern subarctic Pacific Oceanin summer. Fish. Bull. 76(4): 751-770.

GORELOVA, T. A. 1974. Zooplankton fromthe stomachs of juvenile lanternfish of thefamily Myctophidae. Oceano I. , Acad. Sci.,USSR 14(4): 575-580.

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