assessment plagiarism

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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8/19/2019 Assessment Plagiarism 1/2


Assalamualaikum ayah su. How you’re doing? I hope you’re doing good

and always in Allah’s blessings. Currently, I’ve been always thinking about

plagiarism. It’s about copying, stealing others idea, and also a violation.

What is plagiarism? y searching on Wikipedia resulting that plagiarism is

wrong!ul appropriation and stealing and publication others ideas or

thought and represent it as their own masterpiece. In other words, we can

say that plagiarism is the act o! presenting another work or ideas as your

own. We can also called it as a !raud.

"owadays, we are witnessing plagiarism everywhere. #here is no doubt

that most o! the students plagiari$e in theirs work. %ome said that

plagiarism is a hot topic in academic world. As e&ample, plagiarism

through assignment, video assignment or class presentation. %ome o! 

them dare to use the video !rom others and combine it to theirs work.

'esides, students nowadays pre!er the easiest way to (nish up their

assignment by doing )copy and paste’ the in!ormation !rom internet

without inserting the citation. I’ve read and heard some comments and

complaints !rom a !ew o! lecturers about the originality o! assignment

represented by the students. %o it’s have been such a di*culties to the

lecturer in other to trace their student’s assignment.

Is plagiarism is a really bad thing? I think the answer is yes, because its

looks like we were hero o! others sacri(ces. 'ut can it be a good matter? I

think it is yes. +or e&ample, we’re doing the )copy and paste’ in what’s

app to share good news or articles or bene(cial things. eanwhile, the

8/19/2019 Assessment Plagiarism 2/2

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