assignment 3

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Class: 2nd Year High School

Level : Elementary

Trainee teachers: Piazza, Maria Eugenia and Daniela Czemernicki.

Lesson Date: 21/8/2012

Time allotted: fifty minutes.

Communicative Goal: Talking about future plans.

Grammar focus: -

Vocabulary focus: couple,

Recycled language: hotel, shops, holidays, shows, going to

Warmer (5 min)

The teacher will write the word our holidays will brainstorm some ideas about it. T will ask about their

favourite places to go on holiday; who they go with and their possible activities.


Activity 1:  Webquest:   Time allotted: 30 min

Name: Webquest Part 1

Type: communicative

Focus: reading and writing.

Pattern of interaction: Pair work.

Brief explanation: SS will work in pairs in the computer lab on the first part of the webquest. They will

imagine that they are travelling to London. They will have to find the cheapest prices for the flights

and complete the chart visiting these websites:

and .

  Yahoo Expedia Octopus Travel



Flights + Hotels      

What next                                                        Time allotted: 10 min

Students will share their plans and findings with the whole class. Teacher will ask questions about the

hotels they are going to stay and the flights they get visiting the websites.



Class: 2nd Year High School

Level : Elementary

Trainee teachers: Piazza, Maria Eugenia and Daniela Czemernicki.

Lesson Date: 22/8/2012


Time allotted: fifty minutes.

Communicative Goal: Talking about future plans.

Grammar focus: -

Vocabulary focus:

Recycled language: hotel, shops, holidays, shows, couple, going to

Warmer (5 min)

The teacher shows the students four different pictures of different places to go on holidays. The idea is for

the students to think about different activities to do, places to go, etc. They may be using the “going to”

form o create sentences.


Activity 1:  Webquest: Time allotted: 30 min

Name: Webquest Part 2

Type: communicative

Focus: reading and writing.

Pattern of interaction: Pair work.

Brief explanation: SS will work in pairs in the computer lab on the second part of the webquest. The

second part consists of answering some questions about the activities you can do and the places you can

visit in London. They will have to visit two different websites to find the answers to the questions. They

will go to: and

They will use this guide in order to answer the questions.

1. Go to and choose the option Accommodation from the menu. Choose three types of accommodation you would like to stay and write:




Time of arrival and departure

2. Go to the Places to go section. Click on Attractions, and look for this information:What are the top attractions in London? Choose at least two

Where are they?

How can you get there?




3. Finally, go to what’s on section. Click on Special Events section, and look for information:Which are the special events in London? Choose at least twoWhat are they about?How can you go?DatesTimes

4. Go to and choose the option bars and restaurants from the menu:Choose two bars and restaurants that you like and write:Special offers and pricesOpening and closing times

5. Go to the section Shopping. Click on Oxford Street Shopping Guide. Go to Oxford Street FAQ and look for this information:What is the best time to go shopping? How can you get there? Where can you find a toilet?Are there pickpockets?

What next:                                   Time allotted: 10 min

After finishing answering the questions, Teacher will write on the board:

Find someone who:

…is going to go to Big Ben.

… is going to watch a football match.

…is going to visit a museum

…Is going to visit a bar.

After that, Teacher will encourage SS to work in pairs asking questions to see if one of them have done these activities. Then, Teacher will ask the questions to the whole class and the pair who has done the activity mentioned, will raise their hand.



Class: 2nd Year High School

Level : Elementary

Trainee teachers: Piazza, Maria Eugenia and Daniela Czemernicki.

Lesson Date: 29/8/2012

Book: New English File Elementary

Time allotted: fifty minutes.

Communicative Goal: Talking about future plans.

Grammar focus: -

Vocabulary focus: -

Recycled language: hotel, shops, holidays, shows, couple, going to

Warmer: Time allotted: 5 minutes

Students will go to the computer’s lab. They will sit in pairs to work on the last part of the webquest that

will be assigned later. First, the T will write: London’s Olympic Games and she will brainstorm the

different sports played in the Olympic Games. If necessary, she will show images of sports SS may not



Activity 1: Webquest: Time allotted: 30 min

Name: webquest part 3

Type: communicative

Focus: reading and writing

Pattern of interaction: Pair work

Brief explanation: The students will complete the last part of the webquest in pairs. After visiting the

websites and collecting information about London and the Olympic Games, they will create a brochure

with the places or sport events that they liked and send it by E-mail to the teacher using this websites.

Teacher will explain the steps to log in and some basic tools that students can use.

What next: Time allotted: 10 minutes

After finishing the brochure, Teacher will exchange SS works and a pair will have to make sentences about

the other pair’s plans. For example, Mary and Christian are going to…


Ivatt, Clare & Fyfe, Quenton.1999.About Britain

This website is all about Britain, here you can find any information you want about Britain, for example,

hotels, attraction, towns, among others. It is very well organized as everything is divided in categories so

you know where to find what you want. This website is up-to-date, and we can know this because it tells

you, on top of the page, when it was last updates. It seems o have very interesting and attractive contents. It

has pictures that illustrate different places in Britain. It has also links to other pages about the UK. It is

really complete. There is a link which says “link to us”, where you can find more information about this

page, and it offers you the chance to contact the possible authors, maybe, so it seems to be accurate. It is

really an interesting page if you want to know more about UK, especially Britain.


This website doesn’t have an “about me” link. Although it seems to be very useful, I do not know who the

authors are. It has a lot of dialogues about different topics, and types of English; for example, business

English, English for beginners, etc. and the content seems reliable and accurate. The website is up-to –date

due to the different role-plays and dialogues it contains, for example, accounting English; making a

telephone conversation or booking a flight at the airport. However, we do not know when it was updated.

The website was launched in 2000 and it is protected by copyright until 2008. The content is very

interesting because of the different types of English that can be practised. The website contains role-play

activities, online tests, and audio files such as telephone conversations, or dialogues about different topics.

The website functions really well and you can listen to the audio perfectly. You can navigate through the

contents easily, because each dialogue is labeled and belongs to a category. The website is quite attractive.

Dunton , Caroline. 2009. BBC Learning English.

This website belongs to the BBC and it is run by a BBC team which is presented in the website when you

click the button “about us” This person, , has worked for the BBC for a long time and now runs this

website. She speaks German, French and Spanish, so it seems to be a qualified person. The website is up-

to date; in fact, it was updated on August 23 rd, 2012. The website is very stimulating because it contains

podcasts, videos and also a TV-series called “The Flatmates” It has exercises, new vocabulary, news and a

special section for teachers. The links to videos and audio files function very well. It’s very attractive and

you can navigate through the content easily because of the photographs included.

2007. BusyTeacher Free printable worksheets.

This website is useful to download and adapt worksheets for different classes. Despite the variety of

worksheets the website may contain and that the content seems to be reliable, there is no author or “about

me” section. It is a community who shares and uploads different worksheets to be used among the

members who had signed up to it. The website is up-to-date because new material is added every day. The

content is stimulating and useful because you can search the topic or the grammar item you need and you

can have video worksheets, songs and grammar practice. It is a website exclusively for teachers as it also

contains articles about teaching different topics. On the other hand, finding a useful activity takes time

because you cannot always find exactly what you need and you have to adapt the activities or change them

before using them. The website is attractive visually and navigating through it is very easy. The website

functions very well and there are not broken links.

Poehland, Joerg. 1999. English- hilfen Learning English online

This website is useful because you can find a lot of grammar exercises, but the fact that the author is

unknown cannot guarantee the accuracy of it. The website does not have an “about me” section and the

only thing we can infer is that the website is German. Despite this problem, the content is accurate and

adaptable to use with different students. We cannot state that the website is up-to-date because we do not

know when the last entry was written. The content is quite interesting because there are a lot of exercises,

download material for teachers, a forum, games and vocabulary exercises. The website is easy to navigate

through it because there is a column on the left of the page where you can find whatever you need.


This website is similar to the one in Yahoo. It is the world’s largest online travel company. It doesn’t contain

and an “about me” link, so we don’t know the author or the authors. The content is very useful and interesting. It

doesn’t seem to be very reliable. Although this, it’s easy to navigate and it works well as there are no broken

links in it. The different sections are labeled and divided in categories so it is easy for you to find what you are

looking for. The content seems to be up-to-date but we don’t know when it was last updated. It is a website that

offers you the opportunity to book your trips, the opportunity to find a place to go, different hotels and it also

gives you the chance to explore different activities you can do in different places. One important characteristic

of this website is that it is in different languages, so this allows people from any part of the world to use it.

Prepsl, Patrick,  Santorcl, Martin & Smola, Roman. 2007.Glogster

This website is used to create posters and brochures. I think that it could be useful for students. This

website has no author but includes an “about us” section. It’s visually attractive. It’s like a community in

which students share their works, comment and also they can participate in contests. The links are

working and the website is easy to navigate but you need to sign up to start using the tools and creating

the projects.


This website is not accurate enough. We do not know who the author is or a “ about us” section.

Despite this, the content seems to be reliable. In the homepage you can select different options and play

Hangman. We do not know if the page is up-to-date because it has no entries at all, but the website has

a lot of options to play this game. The website is quite attractive because of the colours and the way the

game is developed. The website is easy to navigate through and visually attractive. The content is quite

interesting as the categories contained can be for example, Harry Potter or just favourite misspelled

words. In my opinion, this website is good to break the ice in a first class or just for an activation of a

certain topic. The page functions perfectly and the sound can be listened very well.

The London organizing committee of the Olympic and Paralympic games. 2007. London 2012

Paralympics and Olympics games.

This website is useful to find out about The Paralympics Games. We don’t know who the author is

but the website contains a “contact us” link. The content is reliable. You can find out about the

different sports that are part of the Games. The website is up-to-date, especially because it is

dealing with a topic that id due to start in a few days. The content is stimulating and attractive

because there are pictures, videos, links to others websites containing information about London.

The links work perfectly and the website is easy to navigate as the sections are divided in different


2011.Octopus travel.

This website is another site similar to the one of Yahoo and the other one called Expedia. This kind of website is one

in which you can consult different places to go, hotels where to stay, activities to do, and you can book your trips

online as well. In order to do so, you need to have an account to enter, so you need to register. As the others, it does

not have an “about me” link, so we don’t know who the author is. We think the content is reliable and up-to-date,

although we do not know when it was lat updated. The site works perfectly well, the links are not broken, and it

seems to be organized, what makes it easy to navigate. It contains fewer pictures than the others, something that

makes it less attractive and stimulating. Different from “Octopus”, this website is only in Spanish or in English, so it

can be a bit difficult for people who know neither English nor Spanish to use it.

Time Out Group .2012.Time Out Feedback

Time out is a very interesting site that offers information about many cities or countries in the world.

To do so, you have a list of different places so you can access to the one you prefer. For example if you

click in Barcelona, you can find out whatever you want about it. The site is very interesting and

attractive enough. The content seems to be updated. However, we don’t know when it was last updated.

It contains a link that says “about the site”, if you click there, you can find more information about it,

even where and how to contact the possible creators. Everything is well organized and you can access

the links perfectly.

Yahoo inc. 2012. Yahoo Travel

This website does not contain an “about me” link because it is part of a Yahoo page. So we do not know who the

author is, or who the authors are. The content is very useful and reliable; it offers many opportunities for the

students to explore many trip plans as well as travel guides, and it also offers people the chance to book a trip

through this website. The website is up-to –date due to the different pictures, ideas it offers and the information about different places it provides is reliable and updated. However, we do not know when it was late updated. The content is very interesting and stimulating especially for students. It is really attractive because of the colorful and real images it has. And it is also easy to navigate as each topic is labeled and belongs to a category. The website works perfectly well.

Visit Britain. 2010. Visit Britain

This website is about Britain like the other one. It contains an “about me” link but, we don’t know the

authors. It does not seem to be up-to-date, because it it still dealing with the Olympic Games. Although

this, it has very interesting information and you can find out about destination, thing to do, Britain’s

heritage as well as its culture. It may be attractive due to the illustrations it has. It works well, the links

are not broken. They are very well organized. The sound, the videos and the animations work really


London & Partners. Visit London.

This website is an official one. It is run by an official promotional organization for London, attracting and

delivering value to business, students and visitors, so we can infer that the information is accurate. The

website provides information about the different events taken place in London during the year, the

activities people can do and some places to visit. The website is up-to – date because it contains

information about the weather and the last entry of the blog was on August 24 th. The website is stimulating

because it contains a lot of information about travelling to London, accommodation and different festivals

and events, and also videos. It’s easy to navigate and visually attractive. There are no broken links and the

videos function perfectly.

Dodge, Bernie. 2007.

This website is useful to learn how to do webquests. The page is run by Ph.D Bernie Dodge. There’s no an

“about me” section in this website but you can contact this person if there’s a problem. The web is not up-

to-date because the last entry was on October 28th, 2008. This site is interesting because you can create,

find and share webquests with people from around the world in a community and the other members can

comment on your webquests and give recommendations. It’s attractive and you can navigate through the

content easily. Despite not being up-to-date, the links are not broken and you can access the links perfectly.

Zunal Administrator.2001.Zunal WebQuest Maker

This website is useful to create webquests. We don’t know who the author is but the website contains an

“about us” section The content is reliable. You can create and have examples of different webquests about

a lot of topics. This website is a community where people can share their works. The website is up-to-date

because you can also access the website on Smartphones. The homepage contains rankings of the latest

webquests; however, we cannot say where the last entry was written. The content is quite stimulating

because there are webquests in different languages about diverse subjects such as Social Studies, Science,

etc, The links work perfectly and the website is easy to navigate as the sections are divided in columns and

the webquests are divided into different categories.

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