assignment 4.1

Post on 24-Dec-2014






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  • 1. Assignment 4.1 SMART Boards (Interactive Whiteboards)

2. Board Lesson I ChoseWeb Link: content: Identifying Subjects and Predicates of sentences.Odd Reoccurring theme of lesson: Monkeys? 3. Targeted Learners-The subject area this lessonis primarily for is English or Language Arts class;specifically the elements of grammar.-This lesson is designated for grades K-12,however, I believe it is most appropriateforgrades 4-6. 4. How I Would Use This Lesson-I would primarily use this lesson in a Language Artsclass, as the start of a grammar unit.-This lesson is gateway to much morecomplex concepts in grammar such as: -Were I to use this lesson for a more advanced Language Arts class, I would teach it right before I would introduce diagramming sentences. Knowing how to identify the subjects and predicates beforehand can be immensely helpful with this practice. 5. How I Would Amend This LessonFirst, I would give more of a definition as to what a "predicate is before theslides where they are completing sentences by adding or finding thepredicates. My definition would be: Everything in a sentence that follows the subject.Secondly, I would get rid of the game at thevery end of thelesson and replace it with this Brain Poppresentation: think doing this would help visual andauditory learners take in the content more effectively. To show what mystudents know and to test their new skills as the game would have, mystudents would take the Brain Pop quiz at the end. 6. Amends ContinuedI would also use the following video towards the beginning of thepresentation to help introduce the content in a musical and entertainingway. 7. How It Supports Universal Design-With my amendments, this lesson provides multiplerepresentations of the content. The definitions for bothsubject and predicate are written out for linguistic learners, thestudents can move the words around on the board for kinestheticlearners, and the School House Rock and Brain Popvideos for visual and auditory learners.-There are various ways within this lesson that my students can express whatthey know. On more than one slide the students are to highlight or write in thesubject/predicate. There is one slide where students have to erase markup touncover hidden predicates. With Brain Pop, there is a quiz at the end which thestudents can use to express what they know. 8. Universal Design Continued-The Smart Board is inherently a entertaining andinteresting piece of technology. Because there is a wideselection of multiple intelligences employed with thislesson, all students are likely to be engaged andinterested in the content.

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