assignment ict ! design

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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A program or piece of code that is loaded onto the computer. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are manmade.

A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems. Since 1987, when a virus infected ARPANET, a large network used by the Defense Department and many universities, many antivirus program have become available. These programs periodically check your computer system for the best-known types of viruses.

Some people distinguish between general viruses and worms. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs.

Computer viruses are generally defined as a program inputted into a computer that allows replication of the program installed. As it replicates, the program intentionally infects the computer, typically without even the user knowing about the damage being done. A virus, unlike worms or Trojan horses, needs an aid to transfer them to computers. Viruses usually take a large amount of computer memory, resulting into system crashes. Viruses are categorized to several parts based on its features.

Example : LOGIC BOMB

The logic bomb virus is a piece of code that are inputted into a software system. When a certain and specific condition is met, such as clicking on an internet browser or opening a particular file, the logic bomb virus is set off. Many programmers set the malicious virus off during days such as April Fools Day or Friday the 13th. When the virus is activated, then various activities will take place. For example, files are permanently deleted

This article refers to a form of malware in computing terminology. For other meanings, see trojan horse In the context of computing and soft ware, a Trojan horse, also known as a trojan is a form of malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions that allow unauthorized access to the host machine. As such, a computer worm or virus may also be classed as a Trojan horse if they display these characteristics.

a) Remote Access b)Data Destruction c)Downloader/dropper d)Server Trojan(Proxy, FTP , IRC, Email, e)HTTP/HTTPS, etc.) f)Disable security software g) Denial of service attack(DOS)

TIME BOMBS :-Activate on particular date or time.

LOGICS BOMBS :- Activate on certain conditions met by the computer

Since Trojan horses have a variety of forms, there is

no single method to delete them. The simplest responses involve clearing the temporary internet files file and deleting it manually. Normally, anti virus soft ware is able to detect and remove the trojan automatically. If the antivirus cannot find it, booting the computer from alternate media, such as a live cd, may allow an antivirus program to find a trojan and delete it. Updated anti-virus programs are also efficient against this threat. Most trojans also hide in registries, and processes.

Trojan Horses are most commonly spread through an e-mail, much like other types of common viruses. The only difference being of course is that a Trojan Horse payload is hidden. The best ways to protect yourself and your company from Trojan Horses are as follows:

a) If you receive e-mail from someone that you do not know or you receive an unknown attachment, never open it right away. As an e-mail user, you should confirm the source.

b) When setting up your e-mail client, make sure that you have the

settings so that attachments do not open automatically. Some e-mail clients come ready with an anti-virus program that scans any attachments before they are opened.




We can learnt about the viruses. The more unsecured the computer is, the more easy to be infected by viruses, try to download from a trusted source or website. Furthermore, to ensure more protection to your computer download an antivirus program such as, Norton Antivirus, McAfee and Active Virus Shield. Everybody must learnt about this virus .

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