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Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

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Monthly Events:

BOCES Presentation @ Liberty Board

of Ed Mtg 4/23

Statewide BOCES 5/2 & 5/3

School Business Officials- 5/8/2013

DEHIC- 5/15/2013

Staff Recognition 5/30/2013

Regional ASBO-5/31/2013

The mission of the Management Services Division is to provide opportunities to share resources, increase efficiencies

and enhance cost effectiveness, thereby creating savings that will drive resources back into the classroom.


Business Office and Management Services


INFORMATION ITEMS Final Services Our component districts submitted the 2013-2014 final services requests on Friday, April 26th. A summary

spreadsheet is attached for the Boards reference. We did experience some changes in service requests, primarily in

the areas of Distance Learning, School Improvement and Itinerant Services. As a result of these changes, department administrators were asked to adjust their staffing and their proposed budgets accordingly. Overall, the

BOCES services remain stable or are expanding to meet additional district needs.

Statewide BOCES Our semi-annual Statewide BOCES meeting was held May 2 – May 3, 2013. Sullivan County BOCES was represented by Susan Schmidt, Keith

Menges and Jessica Garigliano. Topics included: WinCap Budget Development, BOCES State Aid Reconciliation, BOCES Advocacy Update, Central Business Office Panel Discussion and Healthcare Reform. In addition, a new strand for Central Business Office coordinators was created and will be

offered as part of the ongoing statewide BOCES meetings.

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

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Briger Security The BOCES security guard service began rotating the security guards in our various buildings. This new rotating schedule came from the request of the BOCES Administration. In addition, the security guard reference books at each front desk were updated and new checklists were developed to

ensure that primary and substitute security guards have satisfied both the employment contract obligations of Briger Security services as well as the

contractual requirements of the BOCES.

Management Services Expansion and Reorganization As some of our relatively new management services continue to expand, we are at a juncture in the management services division, where we need

to re-organize and re-assign various functions in order to meet current demands. Attached for the board’s review is a revised organizational chart,

along with a narrative explaining the various recommended changes.

Internal Audit Committee Meeting Our Internal Auditors have completed the 2012-2012 Internal Audit Report. The report will be presented to the Audit Committee on June, 2013.

The focus of the audit was attendance and payroll. Reduction in Force meetings The BOCES is anticipating a reduction in workforce in the 2013-2014 school year. The reduction is a direct result of decreases in services requests in specific cosers or due to the act that a grant has been exhausted or reduced. Each individual was met with individually and a resource packet

was provided to each person. In addition, the BOCES Human Resources department will be assisting with the coordination of a NYSDOL workshop regarding unemployment, resume writing and job seeking skills.

Administrative Evaluations As requested, all four (4) of my administrative evaluations are complete. This is the first year that we are formally utilizing the new Administrative

APPR. While the new evaluation tool is more labor intensive, the evaluation process is more meaningful to everyone. In my direct experience with the new rubric, overall administrators appreciated the feedback and felt the new evaluation system was more objective and more meaningful.

On the Horizon

SCBOCES External Audit – June 17-21, 2013

Medicaid Compliance Training – June 25, 2013 End of Fiscal Year Closeout

Completion of Management Confidential Evaluations

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

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Program/Class Name 2012 - 2013

Enrollment (To Date)

2011- 2012


2010- 2011


Literacy 1,307 1,267 1,366

Career & Continuing Education 422 524 467

Total 1,729 1,791 1,833


The New York Association of Continuing / Community Education (NYACCE) proposed slate of officers includes Elizabeth Hayter as a Hudson

Valley Regional Coordinator. Liz and six other members of the Adult Program team will attend the 62nd Annual Conference on May 6 & 7,


With the Advanced Level of the HVAC program in progress, on-site EPA 608 certification testing has now taken place. All eight (8) trainees

have sat for the test, conducted in separate sessions on April 11 and April 25, 2013. Each achieved a measure of success on the 100-question exam. Six (6) of these individuals passed all four Types, earning Universal Certification, issued by the Mainstream Engineering

Corporation in recognition of the Technician’s competency and fitness to practice Refrigerant Recycling, Recovery and Reclamation under the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Act. One (1) of our Technicians achieved a perfect score of 100 correct

answers. The comprehensive Medical Assistant Career Track (MACT) course concluded on April 17, 2013, with each of the five (5) trainees having

passed all five (5) component National Healthcareer Association certification exams in the duration. Specifically, each trainee has earned

certifications identified as Medical Administrative Assistant, Billing and Coding Specialist, Clinical Medical Assistant, EKG Technician, and

Phlebotomy Technician. ABE/HSE instructor, Greg Feicht, recognizes that recent GED® testing has produced at least two (2) graduates from our program.

Adult Education Elizabeth Hayter May 2013

Director of Adult Education Enhancing Our Community One Family at a Time

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

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The Lorax Inspires Adult and Continuing Education

In January 2013, Adult Program faculty introduced their academic and vocational program

learners to Dr. Seuss’s Lorax character and the principles and practices promoted in the

children’s classic of the same name. Ensuing lesson plans of the teachers’ design served as

guide and motivation. Various classes rose to the challenge to

envision, design, plan, and carry out group projects. Coinciding

with Earth Week 2013, April 24 found the teams sharing the

wealth of their experience and

initiative with one another and with visitors in a full-day “show

and tell” event held in the St. John Street Education Center (SJSEC) Gymnasium. Students and staff of other classes; other SJSEC occupants;

learners’ family members; BOCES Administrators and Board Members

benefited from enlightenment sparked by Dr. Seuss and fanned by the ingenuity of our program participants. The resulting displays promote such green concepts as natural resource conservation and management, renewable energy, recycling, and more, while

demonstrating learners’ advancing grasp of applied academics.

Adult Education Elizabeth Hayter May 2013

Director of Adult Education Enhancing Our Community One Family at a Time

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 5 of 18

Teacher, Valeria Henry, reports from her

ESOL/GED classroom located at CACHE regarding

some of the important aspects of the Lorax Project: Students formed groups for independent

work, where English was the language of their

joint communication, research and selection of project themes, and execution of work plans.

Achievements resulting from their self-targeted goals include experience in usage of technology;

creativity and organization; team work; comprehension and summarizing; time

management. Eleven display boards were part of

the Show & Tell at St. John Street. Each one was researched by the students and included

local recycling programs and businesses.

Professional Development for Adult Educators In the April 8, 2013, monthly Staff Meeting, Liz Hayter facilitated collaboration of ABE / HSE team and

ESOL teams of instructors striving in pursuit of student achievement and SED standards.

On April 26, 2013, the Hudson Valley Catskill Partnership (HVCP), our area Regional Adult Education

Network (RAEN), hosted a session as part of the Adult Literacy Educators Core Curriculum (ALECC) conference. The agenda included TABE training for instructional staff.

Adult Education Elizabeth Hayter May 2013

Director of Adult Education Enhancing Our Community One Family at a Time

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 6 of 18

WINTER-SPRING 2013 CLASSES RECENTLY SUCCESSFUL: Medical Coding and Billing: 7 candidates, March 11 through June 10, 2013

Medical Assistant Career Track: 6 candidates, April 9 through October 29, 2013

Grant Writing III: 6 participants, April 30, 2013

Eight Hour Pre-Assignment Training Course for Security Guards: 5 licensees, April 17, 2013 Home Firearm Safety Course: 7 participants, April 20, 2013

Dog Obedience: 8 handlers, April 9 through June 4

Family Welcome Center Update

The Adult Education Literacy Zone Program continues to present a series of ten workshops entitled “Healthy Living, Happy Life.” This

series is supported by SC Public Health grant called Rural Minority Health Program and is running from April 1 through June 5, 2013.

Workshop coordinators, Malek Rabadi and Kathy Meckle, have introduced Health Literacy education in several important topics such as Health Care Vocabulary, Communication with Health Care Providers, Medication, Prescription Drugs and Household Chemicals Safety, and

Communicable/Infectious Disease and Prevention. Most of the Health Literacy presentations are prepared and delivered by professionals and experts in the particular fields.

Following our Health Literacy activities, the SC Public Health Committee on Rural Minority Health Program presented SC BOCES Board and

the Adult Program with a hard copy of the Sullivan County, New York Minority Health Assessment Report. The SC BOCES Adult Ed Literacy

program was instrumental in helping SCPH complete its assessment studies by participating in two (professional and public) focus groups. The copy of the Minority Health Assessment Report was presented to Malek Rabadi, Literacy Program Coordinator, who also serves as a

committee member in the Rural Minority Health Program. On April 9, 2013, the FWC hosted a one-on-one meeting between a representative from the Maternal-Infant Services Network (MISN) and

our under and/or uninsured students to help them and their families obtain some source of affordable health insurance. Four (4) of our

GED® preparation students were able to find answers for their needs.

On April 25, 2013, the FWC hosted Hudson Health Plus to help our students obtain health insurance. One (1) ESL student was enrolled for

health insurance. On the subject of community outreach, the Adult Ed. Literacy program is proud to announce the opening of new GED® classes across

Sullivan County, each meeting six hours per week in evening formats:


Adult Education Elizabeth Hayter May 2013

Director of Adult Education Enhancing Our Community One Family at a Time

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 7 of 18

o A class held at the Fallsburg Library began enrolling adults on April 29, 2013. (An ESL class has been underway there since March 2013.)

o We will launch a group meeting at the Eldred High School on May 9, 2013.

o The Daniel Pierce Library in Grahamsville is the venue for a class for which we plan a June 1, 2013 Open House event. Class schedule will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30 PM.

Further, our longstanding evening class held in Liberty recently changed from a traditional class at the High School to a distance learning tutoring setting at the Public Library, with teacher available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.


Our 24th annual High School Equivalency Graduation Ceremony is planned for Friday, June 7, 2013. Please plan to join us at 7:00 PM in the Nesin Theater for this celebratory event.

Adult Education Elizabeth Hayter May 2013

Director of Adult Education Enhancing Our Community One Family at a Time

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 8 of 18

Director of Human Resources The Director continues to work on streamlining and enhancing our human resources processes. Highlights from the month of April 2013 include: -Recruitment Efforts: Currently recruiting and/or interviewing for Substitutes, Personal Enrichment Instructors, Account Clerk Typist, Summer School, Teaching Assistant, Part-time Typist and Educational Support Programs Coordinator. -Retirement: Scheduling and preparing for group/individual meetings with potential retirees to review required paperwork and to assist with retirement planning. Group/individual meetings with members of

SCBTA and CSEA retirees are scheduled in early May. -Unemployment Hearings: Participated in an unemployment hearing on April 30, 2013, preparations continue for an additional hearing in early May. -Staff Recognition: Assisting with preparation and planning of the annual Staff Recognition Event. Several fund raisers took place in order to off-set the costs of the recognition/retirement dinner scheduled for May 30, 2013. -Open Enrollment: Continue preparations for health insurance open-enrollment which is scheduled for May 20th through June 14th 2013. Human Resources will visit each campus during the week of June 3rd in order to answer questions and collect documentation. A Benefit Fair will be held on June 6th where representatives from Empire, Delta Dental, Sun Life Dental, Stacy Braun, The Workplace EAP, SC BOCES Benefits Trust and HR will be present to answer questions and give out information to the employees. Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Delta Dental and Stacy Bruan (Financial Consultants) will do brief presentations to give an overview of their services including web access for employees. -Assisted with various Employee Relations issues.

NEW HIRES April 2013

Department Position Total

Food Services Cook Manager 1

Food Services Total


Sub Pool Multiple Appointments 2

Sub Pool Total


Adult Education Personal Enrichment Instructor, GED Teacher, Vocational Instructor (Welding)


Adult Ed Total 3

Special Education

Long Term Substitute -Health Teacher


Special Education Total


Grand Total 7

Human Resources Update Jennifer DeFrank

Director, Human Resources May 2013

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 9 of 18

Seasonal Projects: Mowing of all grounds Installation of window AC units at WSS Mulching of flower beds Preventive Maintenance Projects: Serviced all Bradley Sinks AC condensing units at RPEC serviced Projects on the Horizon: Installation of HVAC units for A B C wings at RPEC Replace pavement behind RPEC by shop area Replace overhead shop doors at RPEC with insulated doors Replace ramp windows Installation of a generator at RPEC Replace a Spec. Ed Cafeteria exterior door Replace D Wing exterior door at end of ramp Replace A Wing exterior door Add BEST swipe card reader to AgMech Replace Admin Conference Room 1 roofing Replace Admin Building exterior siding Summer of 2013 interior and exterior painting of all locations New lighting in C&T Dining Room Special Projects: Replaced 16 light fixtures at SJS Gym Installation of new intruder locks at WSS

Work Order Requests Total Work Orders Completed Work Orders

Custodial 15 15

Electrical / Plumbing 20 19

Office Furnishing/Moving 12 12

General Maintenance 103 59

Preventative Maintenance 6 6

Total 150 105

Operations & Maintenance Update Dan Ackerley May 2013

Supervisor, Maintenance

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 10 of 18

Program Name YTD 12-13 Work Orders YTD 11-12 Work Orders

BOCES 57 50

All Districts 39 26

Eldred CSD 17 11

Fallsburg CSD 10 8

Liberty CSD 15 6

Livingston Manor CSD 6 4

Monticello CSD 22 19

Roscoe CSD 7 8

Sullivan West CSD 12 11

Tri-Valley CSD 7 5

Other 9 15

Total All Work Orders 201 163

Fingerprints 175 228

BOCES Accident Reports (CY) 24 21


Work Orders and Fingerprints are tracked on a School Year basis. These numbers represent the period of Jul 1st to Apr 30th BOCES Accident Reports are tracked on a Calendar Year (CY) basis. These numbers represent the period of Jan 1st to Apr 30th

BOCES includes AHA classes for C.N.A., LPN, and Public Safety Students. All Districts includes open to the public AHA classes.

Health & Safety Update Mike Lafountain May 2013

Coordinator, Health & Safety

To work with our BOCES and Component Districts to ensure a safe work environment for everyone through regulatory compliance

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 11 of 18

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS/UPDATES: Completed filing of 2012-2013 Annual Visual Inspection Reports with SED Consultations Fingerprint Consult for Sullivan County BOCES Environmental Testing IAQ with Mold and Allergens at BOCES Administration Asbestos Testing at Sullivan West Jeffersonville

Fingerprinting 14 LIVESCAN Prints and two reprints taken ID Cards/Security: Processed 3 new and 5 replacement (1 damaged, 4 lost) ID badges for Sullivan County BOCES employees Injury/Illness Reporting Processed 5 Employee Injury/Illness reports for Sullivan County BOCES employees Meetings Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Liberty CSD District Safety Team, Monticello CSD District Safety Team, Elizabeth Hayter (BOCES Adult Ed) re: CPR trainings, SCBOCES Wellness Committee Meeting Staff Development Attended webinars on School Safety/Active Shooter and Changes to OSHA Electrical Standards Trainings Given Four AHA CPR/AED classes Bloodborne Pathogen/Right to Know Two Hour Initial Training ON THE HORIZON: NOAA Severe Weather Awareness Week Drill on 05/02

Health & Safety Update Mike Lafountain May 2013

Coordinator, Health & Safety

To work with our BOCES and Component Districts to ensure a safe work environment for everyone through regulatory compliance

Upcoming Events:

Basic Life Support for

Healthcare Providers Tuesday, May 14h, 2013,


Heartsaver AED Adult/Child

Tuesday, May 14h, 2013, 12:30PM

Basic Life Support for

Healthcare Providers

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013, 5:00PM

Heartsaver AED Adult/Child

Tuesday, June 11h, 2013, 8:30AM

Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers

Tuesday, June 11h, 2013, 12:30PM

Heartsaver AED Adult/Child Thursday, May 20h, 2013,


Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 12 of 18


Food Service Coser Update Our SCBOCES Food Services Coser is bringing on some exciting changes to the districts involved in our Coser. Dawn and Dara have been working diligently, as a team, in the newer districts. With the positive outlook, Grab and Go Breakfast Kiosk is set to kick off in Liberty (tomorrow) May 7,

2013. Dara met with MS Art Teacher Mr. Cormier to launch a Student Healthy Eating Poster Contest and to organize a PR Campaign for the Grab and Go Kiosk. She also met with Jack Strassman and created other ideas to work on include, International Food Fair, Forming a Student

Food/Nutrition Advisory Group. All districts now are partaking in regular structured Food Service Staff Meetings. Liberty and Fallsburg have

introduced Smoothies into their breakfast lines with the help of the Commercial Blenders brought into the district via a grant from Public Health Nursing as part of our collaborative efforts. Commercial Continuous Feed Food Processors are being implemented this week, another grant from

Public Health Nursing to help jumpstart the farm to school efforts in our plan. Boars Head sandwiches have hit the Tri-Valley Vending machines and Layered Fruit Parfaits and Layered Vegetable/Cheese & Cracker Parfaits have all been fabulously received by the student population All districts

are implementing their charging policies.

Gretchen has left us, but only to advance her studies with her next preceptor. Upon finishing her rotation with CRMC, she hopes to become a

permanent fixture at the hospital. She still checks in regularly to keep us all posted with her progress. We wish her nothing but the best and

appreciate the assistance her internship work provided.

Farm to School-….Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock … down to the wire! Our USDA Farm to School Implementation Grant has been submitted. It was a HUGE team effort! We are hoping that we are to be the proud

recipients of the $100,000.00, but if not, we will not be deterred and will reapply next year. In the interim, we are looking into straight salad bar

grants and equipment grants in general. Career and Tech Culinary Teachers have also expressed an interest in the farm to school connection. Special thanks to the Team…no part is a small part: Nancy McGraw, Elizabeth Higgins, Amanda Langseder, Greg Sandor, Larry Thomas, Susan

Schmidt, and Keith Menges.

Food Services Update Dawn Boyes May 2013

Food Service Director

The mission of the Food Service Coser is to promote healthful choices, increase efficiencies within the Food Service Departments and strive to

go above and beyond State Ed and USDA expectations while maintaining a cost conscious outlook in multiple districts.

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 13 of 18


Image – Statewide BOCES Planning Committee – Our committee has drafted a vision statement for the BOCES. The statement

will be submitted to the District Superintendent’s Subcommittee for review and approval. Once approved, the statement will be used to promote all BOCES across the state.

Public Relations –

Staff Appreciation – On May 7th, we will recognize staff in honor of National Teacher Day.

NYSSBA Innovation Article – Every month NYSSBA highlights a BOCES for their innovative efforts. In June, Sullivan BOCES will be featured. I am currently in the process of drafting our article for the issue.


Brochures: The Adult Education Spring/Summer cover was created for the new mailer. I will also be working with the printer to produce and distribute the piece.

Postcards: Postcards were created and produced for the Animal Science Open House.

Newsletters: Internal Newsletter was distributed in the first week in May. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Communications Update Donna Hemmer May 2013

Director of Communications

"Promoting a positive image for BOCES and its’ programs by providing timely and accurate information to our students, parents, staff, and community

Upcoming Events:

Please refer to the BOCES website for a complete list of

course offerings and upcoming events and workshops.

Sullivan County BOCES | Calendar of Events

May 7th

Staff Appreciation All buildings

May 16th LPN Capping

SJS 3:00pm

May 23rd Honor Society Induction

RPEC 6:00pm

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 14 of 18

Ongoing Efforts Nurses Week – a ¼ pg display ad was printed in the SC Democrat Insert School Scene – ¼ pg. display ad was printed in SC Democrat Insert Adult Education Radio Campaigns – GED Spots and Overall Adult Education BOCES Radio Campaign

NEWS RELEASES: For a complete list of all New Release submitted to the media please click on the In the News tab of our website or BOCES:

- Barbara Hackett Blakey receives NYSAWA Leadership Award - Article printed in River Reporter - Leadership Sullivan Class raises funds for RISE – Article printed in SC Democrat - Leaning in? Women superintendents making mark in public education – Article printed in On Board


- GED class forming at Manor Library – Article printed in SC Democrat ARTS IN EDUCATION:

- High school student art at CAS –Article printed in River Reporter - Sullivan Co. High School Art Show opens April 13 – Article printed in Times Herald Record - The best scholastic art will be displayed – Article printed in SC Democrat - A gathering of the best scholastic art – Article printed in SC Democrat

Communications Update Donna Hemmer May 2013

Director of Communications

"Promoting a positive image for BOCES and its’ programs by providing timely and accurate information to our students, parents, staff, and community

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 15 of 18



- Nursing Program holds open enrollment – Article printed in River Reporter - BOCES students get a jump on cosmetology – Article printed in SC Democrat - BOCES Animal Science sets April 20 open house – Article printed in SC Democrat - Once in a blue moon – Article printed in River Reporter

- Sullivan BOCES’ Animal Science Holds Open House on April 20th - Release Distributed - LPN Program at Sullivan BOCES Holds Open Enrollment for September 2013 Session – Release Distributed - LPN Students Graduate from Sullivan BOCES – Release Distributed - Career & Tech Center at Sullivan BOCES Announces Honor Roll – Release Distributed

Prevention Services:

- Court appearance at BOCES – Article printed in SC Democrat - Sullivan BOCES Breaks Ground on Sports Court - Release Distributed


- Autism Awareness Day on Tap – Article printed in SC Democrat - Autism Support Group – Notices printed in Times Herald Record

- Sullivan’s Autism Awareness Day April 13 – Article printed in SC Democrat - Autism Awareness Day Slated for April 13, 2013 – Release Distributed

Communications Update Donna Hemmer May 2013

Director of Communications

"Promoting a positive image for BOCES and its’ programs by providing timely and accurate information to our students, parents, staff, and community

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 16 of 18


Short term: Include student announcements within our Messaging System Integration of Points of Pride Photos in our facilities Long Term: Enhanced communication with parents via messaging system Increase emphasis on presentation and representation of BOCES within the community

Instructional Support Services: Video Training for Race to the Top Items

Communications Update Donna Hemmer May 2013

Director of Communications

"Promoting a positive image for BOCES and its’ programs by providing timely and accurate information to our students, parents, staff, and community

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 17 of 18

Program Highlights: Shared services, team efforts and continued support from outside services prove to be effective.

Attached is a comparison chart that depicts shuttle savings for SC BOCES.

Attended a CPI class that was hosted by Rolling V. The instructor was Bill Hoosty. He is employed by PTSI (Pupil Transportation Safety

Institute). This organization prides themselves with up to date and hands on knowledge with handling students, transportation, safety in

schools and accident prevention programs.

SBDI’s (School Bus Driver Instructor) are recertified every year with training tools for school bus drivers. My class was April 17th in Hurley,

NY. NYSED was there to evaluate our class. It was great to see that they were insuring that the NYS SBDI’s were getting the training and

tools needed to keep our children safe.

Transportation Update Lorinda Schmitz May 2013

Transportation Director

SC BOCES creates a supportive, encouraging learning environment for all school districts served and their school children. SC BOCES does this through

professionalism, knowledgeable ideas and utilizing the best resources to achieve safe and cost effective transportation to all our programs.

Assistant Superintendent and

Management Services Report Susan A. Schmidt

Assistant Superintendent for Finance/Management Services May 2013

Page 18 of 18



AM Eldred/SJS $ 14,875.00

PM Eldred/SJS $ 5,250.00

AM Stone Wall Farms/Animal Science $ 21,000.00

PM Stone Wall Farms/Animal Science $ 21,000.00

AM Construction-Bethel $ 21,000.00

AM Clinical (Achieve, CRMC, SCACC) $ 16,200.00

PM Construction & Clinical (Achieve & SCACC) $ 14,520.00

PM CRMC/Community Base, Health OC & New Visions $ 21,000.00

AM LES/LHS (SW vs. Contract) $ 10,500.00

PM LES/LHS (TV vs. Contract) $ 10,500.00

AM/PM (Eldred vs. Contract) $ 21,875.00

AM CRMC (Monticello vs. Contract) $ 21,000.00

2012/2013 Savings $ 63,875.00

Districts contributing / Not contracted Out


Cost $198,720.00

Shuttle Savings $(63,875.00)

Total Shuttle Cost $134,845.00

top related