assurance of fruitfulness student

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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    Assurance Full Success

    B1 (Believer-1)

    Assurance of Salvation

    B2 (Believer-2)

    Abundance of

    B3 (Believer-3)

    Success in The Blessings


    Assurance of Fruitfulness

    D2 (Disciples-2)

    Abundance of Love


    Assurance of Personal

    L2 (Leader-2)

    Abundance of Wisdom


    L3 (Leader-3)

    Success in the Market Place

    L3 (Leader-3)

    Success in The Ministry

    SSeenniioorr PPaassttoorr SSaatteelllliittee PPaassttoorr iiCCaarree LLeeaaddeerr

    Lesson Objectives The objectives of this lesson are: Producing new iCare leaders, that Will be leading new iCare groups, and Multiplying existing iCare groups When you complete this class, you will be ready to lead one iCare group. Those who are already iCare leaders will be equipped to develop and multiply their iCare (give birth to new iCare groups).

    house of prayer students worksheet


  • Note: PUKAT (now known as iCare) = Persekutuan Kasih Antar Teman / Tetangga (Loving Fellowship between Friends / Neighbors) These are the practical objectives which we hope to reach through this ASSURANCE OF FRUITFULNESS class together. As an advanced class, emphasis is no longer put on the theory, but rather, on setting a clear goal for each participant so they can be fruitful, even before this class ends. The end result of this class is to make each participant a PUKAT (iCare) leader who will be in charge of one or several iCare groups. Those who are not yet leaders are expected to form and lead new iCare groups while those who are already leaders are expected to produce new iCare groups (multiplication). Since producing new iCare leaders/groups is the goal of this class, you need to keep in mind that you will not only be learning about theology. You probably did not yet know that God will use you to become iCare leaders through this class.

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  • Week 1

    House of Prayer

    (House Of Prayer)

    I. Opening

    A practical goal that we will try to accomplish in this class is:

    Each participant becomes A Prayerful Individual

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  • Praying in Times of Crisis

    A short prayer of a sailor once went: O Lord, I have not asked anything from you for the past fifteen years, so if you would deliver us from this storm and take us back into dry land safely, I promise I will not bother you ever again for the next fifteen years. The story above reminds us that there are many believers who do exactly the same thing. That they rarely pray to God, just like non-believers do. They only remember to pray when there is no hope. And once crisis passes, they forget about God and wont pray until the next crisis comes.

    What about your prayer life? Do Not Pray Only When You Are In Crisis.

    There is great power in the prayers of a believer.

    A great prayer movement is happening today all over the world:

    David Barret predicted 170 million Christians around the world pray every day for revival. From this number, 20 million consider intercession as their primary ministry (Source: The Days of Gods Visitation, Charisma magazine January 1997).

    It was predicted that 10 million prayer groups meet regularly to pray for revival in the world (From the same source)

    We definitely do not want to be left out. Therefore, in this class we want to learn about: How to build our personal prayer life and how to be involved in Gods worldwide prayer movement.

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  • II. My House shall be called the House of Prayer HOUSE OF PRAYER

    Matthew 21:13 recorded Jesus word on the purpose of the synagogue, which was a house of prayer. Likewise, our spiritual temple of God, which is in the heart of each believer, is a house of prayer. This is because in the New Testament, the definition of the temple of God is everything that is in the hearts of believers. This means that every believer who has not made Gods temple a house of prayer is indirectly turning it into the house of robbers.


    The question is, What is the proper way to pray that will bring us into the presence of God? The apostle Paul taught us in Romans Roma 8:26-27 to pray in the Spirit, because He knows best how to pray and He alone can intercede for our unspoken desires. And because it is the Holy Spirit who prays, God understands His intentions because He prays according to the will of God.

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  • III. What hinders our prayer:

    _______________ sins (Isa.59:1-2; Ps. 66:18).

    Some sins that specifically hinder our prayer are: 9 Anger/conflict (1 Tim. 2:8) 9 Lack of sympathy toward the weak (Proverbs 21:13) 9 Idolatry (Jer.11:11-14; Eze. 8:15-18) 9 Forsaking God (Jer.14:10,12) 9 Refusing Gods calling (Proverbs 1:24-25,28) 9 Blood spill (Isa.1:15; 59:3) 9 Paying no heed to the Word of God / Law (Proverbs.28:9; Za.7:11-

    13) 9 Pride (Job 35:12-13) 9 Deceitfulness (Job 27:8-9) 9 Thinking of oneself as the most righteous (Luke 18:11-12,14) 9 Unkindness to servants / ministers of God (Ps.18:40-41; Micah 3:2-



    James 1:6-7 says that without faith we will never receive anything from the Lord. For this reason, we need to exercise our faith through the hearing of Gods Word (Romans 10:17). We need to be constantly filled with the Word of God, both from our meditation and from the teachings of Gods Word.

    ________________ Motivation

    James 4:3 9 Prayer to satisfy the flesh 9 Prayer that is centered on oneself 9 Prayer that comes out of pride 9 A righteous prayer is marked with a desire that is in line with Gods desire

    Gods glory will disappear when we continually seek Him for what He can give us

    and not worship Him for who He is to us (Larry Lea)

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  • IV. Prayer Changes Everything

    Prayer changes you

    9 Prayer gives us _____________ (James 1:5; Acts 1:8) 9 In our prayer, we align our wills with Gods

    9 Prayer keeps us watchful (Matthew 26:41)

    Prayer changes your family

    9 As the head of the family, a husband is responsible to be the _______ in his family.

    9 As a priest, he is responsible to build and to lead the family _______.

    9 The husband prays for the members of his family.

    Prayer changes your business

    9 Your job / career belongs to ____. 9 You must be a testimony in your workplace.

    9 You can be a blessing in your workplace.

    9 Pray and bless your workplace.

    Prayer changes your neighborhood

    9 It is not a coincidence that God has placed you in the neighborhood where you live. 9 Your neighborhood is ___________, your church is your neighborhood. 9 Pray and bless your neighborhood.

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  • V. The Ministry of Prayer in Your Life

    The Prayer Shield

    9 A prayer shield is someone with a commitment to pray for his/her pastor or spiritual leader

    9 Your pastor needs your prayer because they are role models they have a great

    influence and responsibility. The higher a mans position in Christian leadership is, the more they become the devils target.

    9 Pastors and Christian leaders are those who need the prayer shield ministry most. They are Gods chosen people to build His Kingdom. Faithful and sharp intercessors will help make these men of God become people that live according to His will. Interceding for your pastor plays a very important role so that Gods plan can be unfolded and fully implemented in the church, the nation, and the world.

    9 A research was conducted in America by Nancy Pfaff to find out the benefits of the prayer shield ministry for a pastor. A group of intercessors was trained and agreed to pray for one of 130 leaders, at least 15 minutes each day for one whole year. About 89% pastors in the list said that prayer had brought them a positive impact in their ministry, made them more effective, more sensitive, and helped increase their prayer life. A pastor from Pennsylvania testified that within those 12 months of prayer, his church has grown from 15 members into 600 members.

    The Prayer Lighthouse

    9 A Prayer Lighthouse is one household that prays for 12-20 families. For example: your

    family can pray for 3 families on the left, 3 families on the right, 3 families in the front, and 3 families behind your house.

    9 Each day, this Prayer Lighthouse shines out and echoes the prayer needs of the

    neighbors. Pray for the families: for Gods blessings, for unity, and for eternal salvation in Christ.

    9 It is not difficult to start this ministry. Know your neighbors; find out their names and

    their childrens names and other things related to their family. Invite them in your familys special occasion or birthday. Find the right time to dine together so you can get to know one another.

    Prayer Fortress

    9 A Prayer Fortress is a prayer group that consists of several Prayer Lighthouses in an area.

    The Prayer Fortress meeting can be done weekly or monthly, depending on the commitment of the families involved. If your family only prays for 3 families in your familys Prayer Lighthouse, then in the Prayer Fortress you can pray for: Your communitys prosperity, security and peace, so as to open their hearts to the Gospel.

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  • 9 As God had commanded Gideon, he built fortresses on Baals altar which he had destroyed (Judges 6:25-26). Likewise, we should not let the devils territory that we have overcome to remain vacant. We need to build Prayer Fortresses on it. When we look at the real meaning of the word fortress, it means both a defensive place and a place where we center our attack to the enemy.

    Prayer Gathering Matthew 18:19-20

    9 In its original language, it is sumphoneo which means symphony, Jesus used this musical term to describe the word agree. We know that although musical instruments have different sounds and notes, in a symphony orchestra they sing the same song. Likewise in a prayer gathering, two or more believers sing the same song, which means praying with unity and getting in tune with the heavenly symphony, that is the will of God.

    9 The first thing that the disciples did after Jesus ascension was to pray in one accord (Acts 1:12-14). The first church was born not out of revival meetings or church organization structure but through the prayer gathering of the disciples!

    9 In our church life, prayer gathering is very important. Thus, we have pre-service prayer, prayer concert, prayer in iCare, etc.

    Tips for prayer gathering: 1. While someone leads the prayer, show your agreement by saying Amin or

    Yes, Lord 2. Pray your requests specifically 3. Share your testimonies for your answered prayers.

    VI. Testimony The prayer of a family

    What happened if a family prayed together? Lets listen to the Schultzs testimony from Tacoma, Washington.

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  • Lewie Schutz challenged himself and his family to pray for their neighbors. After the discussion with his wife and 6 children, they agreed to use the 5 for 5 strategy. They chose 5 people and prayed 5 blessings for them for 5 minutes every day, for 5 weeks. His children chose 5 of their friends. Even the youngest one (3 years old) participated, with the help of the other siblings! The result was very powerful!!!

    His daughter Sarah, 7 years old, began to pray for her two friends at the corner of the street. One day, her friends mom suddenly stopped Lewies wife at the supermarket and asked if she could go to church with them, Schultz reported. That neighbor accepted Jesus that Sunday and joined in the Schultzs Prayer House. She prayed for her husband who was on a business trip for a few months. When he returned, he agreed to visit the church with his wife. Then he told Schultz that one morning while he was on his business trip, he was suddenly awoke to pray. That moment, the Holy Spirit Spoke to Schultz, See, every time you pray I begin to move. Two weeks later, this man accepted Jesus and was baptized, together with his wife and his two children! The Schultz continues to pray. His target is to build 10 Prayer Houses in their house by next January. (Adapted from The Remarkable Story of a Praying Family, Discipleship Journal, Issue 9, 1998)

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  • VII. Closing

    I believe that prayer will change my life, my family, my community, even the life of this nation. Therefore, I will commit myself in:

    Personal prayer, every day ............minutes. Becoming a Prayer Shield for my pastor (Contact your pastor

    immediately). Dedicating my house as a Prayer Lighthouse. Building a Prayer Fortress. Joining the 2000 Intercessors Movement.


    For our spiritual preparation, I encourage each participant to be fasting at least one day during the following week.

    Start to pray for the names that God puts in your heart, whether they be your pastor, your

    family, friends, or even your government. You will see the fruits of your prayers in extraordinary ways. Prayer changes the lives of those we pray for.


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  • Week 2

    House of Power

    I. Opening Do you long to see your ministries filled with signs and wonders? The Lord Jesus had promised that 2000 years ago (Mark 16:17-20), signs and wonders will follow every believer who preaches the Gospel. So, our goal for this weeks lesson is:

    Goal: 1. Every participant experiences the divine miraculous power of God

    2. Power and wonders will accompany every ministry

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  • Pushing the Car

    Johnny pushed his car every day. Consequently, he became exhausted and complained a lot when, in fact, his car was a sports car that could run very fast because of its great engine power. His friends all laughed at him. That is a tragic depiction of many believers, where they never make use of the tremendous power given to them by God Himself. Perhaps they may even neglect the works of the Holy Spirit, making their lives miserable and filled with failures. Their spirit is empty because it is not filled with the presence of the Holy Ghost which should become the motivator of their lives. They refuse to learn deeper about the power of the Word either and think that it is normal to live a life full of problems and misery.

    What about you? Have you experienced His divine power so that your life is constantly victorious?

    Or is there any sin that hinders you including the sin of unbelief in miracles that hinders the Holy Spirit to freely work in your life?

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  • II. Lord ... ! Show Your Power Throughout history, God has always demonstrated His power in the lives of men and that power is now available for us, His people (Acts 1:8) Power comes from the word ________________ which means strength (physical), miracle, ability, abundance, power. ________________ which means unstoppable power to move; to have; to control, to use or to

    overtake something or someone. Power to perform miracles and wonders followed the disciples in their ministry and it is the same way today. (Mark 16:17-20; Acts 2:43; 3:6-8; 9:34). III. Power Ministry Power Ministry is all forms of ministry that are related to the demonstration of Gods power through the work of the Holy Spirit to save people. Power ministry can be in the form of divine healing, deliverance from the power of darkness, prophetic ministry, all kinds of spiritual warfare, including the gift of knowledge, listening to the voice of God, and other kinds of miraculous demonstration. This power ministry is not only monopolized by those who have special gifts or call but is also available to all believers (Mark 16:17-20). 1. That power comes from the Holy Spirit that dwells in us (1 Corinthians 6:19). And when the

    Holy Spirit dwells in us, we will receive:

    Power of deliverance from _______________ (Romans 8:1) Power over sin and __________________ (Romans 8:2) Power as ______________________ (Romans 8:16) Power as Gods _________________ (Romans 8:17)

    2. That power is available to every believer (Luke 10:19; Mark 3:13-15) 3. The power to be a witness: (Acts 1:8)

    We will receive _________________

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  • The Holy Spirit will give us ____________ We will be _________________________

    4. The power which believers have and can use: Power over ___________ (Mathew 16:18)

    This power is not only to raise the dead but is also related to eternal salvation. This means that we have the power to save others from eternal death.

    _______________ and wonders (Mark 16:17-18; Acts 2:43)

    Every believer can perform miracles because that was what Jesus promised to us when He commanded us to go.

    The power to ____________________ snakes and scorpions (Luke 10:19)

    This power is the power that we have over the devil and all his inferiors. This means that the power of believers is greater than that of the devil because that power comes from Jesus.

    All the things above will happen when the Holy Spirit is manifested in the lives of believers. Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you... The Key to Receiving the Power of God

    1. Be filled by __________________ (Ephesians 5:18)

    Since it is the Holy Spirit that works in power ministry, then each minister must be filled with the Holy Spirit.

    2. Believe in _________ (Mark 11:23-24)

    Miracle begins from impossibility and faith means expecting miracles to happen.

    3. Go, preach the ___________________ (Mark 16:17-20)

    If we do not go and preach the Gospel, miracles will not take place. Therefore, do not wait until we receive the gift of miracle; we need to go first then miracles will happen.

    4. Do it ______________________ / consistently (Luke 18:1, 7)

    Do not quit power ministry only because you fail. Do not stop praying for the sick only because they are not healed. Learn to do it persistently.

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  • The Primary Cause of Failure in Power Ministry

    Lord Jesus Himself said that whosoever believes in Him will do the works he did (John 4:12), even greater works. Two primary causes of failure in Power Ministry: 1. We limit ___________________

    We try to understand the limitless God with our small and limited brain. That means, we do not fully believe what we believe. Or in other words, we are not confident with our own words. For instance: when we are sick, we know and believe with our mouth that God is Jehovah Rapha (God who heals). We have also prayed for healing, yet we still look for a reputable doctor to give us a prescription. Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 32:17, 27; Matthew 13:58; Mark 14:36; Luke 1:37; John 4:48 and Acts 26:8.

    2. We limit ___________________ God has invested the gifts and talents into each of us. However, those gifts are still in forms of potentials that we still need to develop to become truly manifested. Those potentials will remain potentials if we limit ourselves by saying that we do not have those gifts. More often, we are not sure of the specific gift that God has given to us, that is why we never develop or use it in our daily lives. Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23

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  • Closing

    Please answer the following questions:

    Personal Life

    1. Do you believe with faith that the power of God can be yours?


    2. What power/signs that have followed your ministry when you go to preach the Gospel?



    3. Do you long to see your ministry filled with power and miracles?

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  • Homework For those who have followed through this class, you need to exercise what you have learned in class. As your exercise, find someone you know who needs prayer for healing, deliverance, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and personal problems that need Gods intervention or miracles. Before your exercise (Power Ministry) you should take time for prayer and fasting. Everyone must be prepared to enter into spiritual warfare so that nobody will be attacked by the evil spirits.

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  • Week 3

    House of Worship

    I. Opening This week we will get into the third lesson that will bring more joy into our lives, that is, a lesson on the House of Praise and Worship. Do you long to worship in Spirit and in Truth? Because only those who worship in Spirit and in Truth who will be pleasing to the Lord (John 4:23-24). And this is the time for Gods end-time people to fulfill it, including you and me. Amen. So, our goal this week is:

    Goal: Every participant will be able to worship in Spirit and in Truth

    Substitute Speaker

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    What about you? Who are we really looking for, some big name preachers or the Lord Jesus?

    Is there anyone who deserves our worship more than Jesus?

  • II. Worshipping In Spirit and In Truth

    We know that worshipping in spirit and in truth is very important. The question to Christians today is: How do we worship in spirit and in truth? What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? What should we do to apply this Word of God in our lives? (Exodus 25- 40 about the Tabernacle of Moses brings light to worship in spirit and in truth which is found in John 4:23-24. Read Psalms 100 also.)

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  • 1. _____________ ________________

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 is our foundation to always start everything with thanksgiving. There was only one entrance into the Tabernacle of Moses. Likewise, there is only one way to enter into His presence, with a thankful heart. Psalm 100:4a clearly says: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving . If we still insist on entering in yet not through the gate, we can but we have to jump over the fence. It means, we can begin our service to the Lord without thanksgiving but that would mean our service is not perfect and pure it becomes a natural thing. This means that we do not worship in Spirit and in Truth.

    2. _________

    After we enter into His gates with thanksgiving, we will get into the courts of the Temple. Psalm 100:4b and into His courts with praise and Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Therefore, we always open our service with praise. 2.1. The Altar of Burnt Offerings

    Here, as royal priests (1 Peter 2:9) we no longer bring burnt offerings such as goats or sheep to be offered up on the altar of burnt offerings. However, we offer up our spiritual offerings (1Petrus 2:5), that is, the sacrifice of praise.

    Nine expressions of our sacrifice of praise:

    2.1.1. With Our Voice

    Speaking, saying words of praise to the Lord with our mouth (Psalm 34:2). Singing. We sing the songs of praise (Psalm 47:7-8). Shouting. We sing with shouts of joy (Psalm 27:6).

    2.1.2. With Our Hands

    Lifting our hands. We can lift our hands when we praise God (Psalm 63:5) With musical instruments. It is also a good thing to praise God with the

    musical instruments (Psalm 33:2-3) Clapping our hands. We set ourselves free to clap our hands (Psalm 47:2)

    2.1.3. With Our Posture Standing. We can also serve God standing, even in praise (Psalm 134:1) Bowing, or bow down with our face flat to the ground (Psalm 95:6) Dancing. Also with dancing (Psalm 149:3)

    2.2. The Basins

    In this courtyard were also basins which remind us of holiness, in order to enter deeper into the presence of God, into the Holy Place, because without holiness no one will see the Lord (Heb. 12:14)

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  • 3. THE HOLY PLACE & THE ___________ ___ ________________

    3.1. In the Holy Place there are:

    3.1.1. The Altar of Incense that symbolizes our worship and prayer/intercession. 3.1.2. The Table of Showbread, symbolizes our spiritual food, that is the Word of God

    that gives us life and growth.

    3.1.3. The Golden Lampstand, symbolizes the light of the Word, the revelation and the guiding of the Holy Spirit in doing the Word.

    These three things we can experience and enjoy in His Holy Place

    3.2. In the Holy of Holies there are:

    3.2.1. _______________ _______________________

    The Ark of Covenant symbolizes the presence of God and intimacy with God that will bring fruits/success in our lives. As we consistently dwell in Gods presence, which means that God is always with us, we will always succeed in whatever we do and say. And that success is marked with real fruits that others around us can see and enjoy.

    As we do all those principles, we will be constantly connected with God intimately, so that our lives and ministry will bear fruits. That means, we will be successful, both in our personal lives, family, and ministry.

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  • III. The Result of Praise and Worship By praising and worshipping God, we will receive the following results: 1. We show our _____________________ to Him. Psalm 150:1. 2. We experience _______________________. Psalm 22:4. 3. We experience _______________________. Psalm 149:6-9. 4. We enjoy Gods _______________________. Psalm 92:2. 5. God declares His ____________________. Isaiah 42:13 (Read from verse 10) 6. Our heart is ____________________________ to receive the Word.

    Our heart is like the ground and the word is the seed (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23). The presence of God is like the rain (Hosea 6:3). Gods presence will prepare our heart for the Word, like the rain that fertilizes the ground to

    receive the seed (Psalm 65:11). 7. ______________________ bursts out.

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  • IV. Closing

    Please answer the following questions:

    Personal Life 1. Have you ever sensed the presence of God in praise and worship?

    2. Can you freely praise God (shouting, dancing, etc.)?

    3. What powerful experience have you ever had in your life through praise and worship?

    Practical Application What specific steps that you are going to do this week to apply this lesson in order to be a HOUSE OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP today? 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ......


    Homework Begin every morning in your meditation with praise and worship to God. You can choose songs that are not too difficult to sing. If you have a family altar, begin to take the role of the worship leader to make it into a habit. This is the beginning of a practice that may lead you to do it in a bigger setting or in a service at church or some other places.

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  • Week 4

    House of Covenant

    I. Opening Welcome back to iGrow! We have passed 9 weeks filled with joy and this week we have come to the next lesson, that is, the House of Covenant. Do you want to have a true commitment to your ministry and local church? Because only those, who have willingly given up their rights fully unto the Lord and His Church, that will continue to grow spiritually. This is the time for you to make an important decision, which is to make a covenant with your local church. So our goal this week is:

    Goal: Each participant makes a decision to be covenanted with the

    Church of God.

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  • Solomons Temple

    Hiram, king of Tyre, had a forest that was rich of the best cedar and cypress logs in the world. When King Solomon reigned in Israel, he planned to build the temple of God. Some of the most necessary materials were cedar and cypress logs, which Israel did not have. Regardless of all the riches that Israel had, they did not have cedar and cypress logs, and neither did they have wood experts. Meanwhile, Tyre was in need of food and protection from a great and strong nation like Israel. Then they reached an agreement: King of Tyre would send his laborers to cut the cedar and cypress logs according to the needs of the Temple that Solomon was going to build. As a reward, Solomon would then give King Hiram twenty thousand kors of wheat and twenty kors of pressed oil every year, and in addition, they made a peace treaty with one another. This story was recorded in 1 Kings 5:1-12. The history gives us a picture of how an agreement took place between two sides that were in need of one another. In such a situation, the agreement was mutual for both sides. Likewise is the covenant between the congregations and the Church of God.

    What about you? Will you make a covenant with your local church?

    Or Do you prefer to be free of any commitment?

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  • I. Unity is the Foundation of Strength For the Body of Christ Unity is the foundation that Jesus taught in His Body, because unity between the congregations and the Church is biblical. Therefore, as the Body of Christ, we should not be hesitant to bind ourselves to His Body the Church. If we as members of the Body are not attached to His Body, can we still live and bear fruits? It is like a branch disconnected from the vine, that is, the source of its life (John 15:1-8). This fact needs to call the attention of those who refuse to be attached to any church, freeing themselves from choosing just one church to commit to. It does not mean that we cannot go to other churches to worship, but we must have a clear priority as to which church is our home, the one that shepherds us, and which church is our vacation site. The congregations and the Church need one another. The congregations need to be pastored so they wont be homeless. The Church needs the congregations because without them, the Church will just remain a building. In John 17:20-23, Jesus prayed for the unity of His people, like water that tends to blend with other water sources when they meet, and unlike rocks that break each other when they crash. God will command His blessings where there is unity. Covenant began from God Himself. The Bible says that God is a God of covenant; He makes a covenant, He fulfills the covenant and reveals His covenant. In our church life, the Bible speaks a lot about covenant. This covenant can be applied to the local church. In general, God only built one Church, but geographically, God uses many local churches to build His people. Lord Jesus said: ...on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18.

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  • II. Covenant

    A covenant is an an order, or a

    contract between two or more people / organizations /

    groups. This agreement happens because of the needs of

    both parties in agreement.



    In an agreement between men, both sides what they have written on the agreement. And what they have agreed upon must be executed by all parties bound by the

    agreement because the content of the agreement itself is a mutual contract.

    In our covenant with God, He all the conditions. God is a sovereign God, therefore man has to agree with His conditions because every covenant

    that God makes with man is always good and it will bring blessings for man.

    Gods purpose is never to bring misery to the lives of man because His nature is always to


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  • III. The Church As A Place To Exercise Our Covenant

    The church is a place to exercise our covenant, because:

    1. The Church is ______________________

    Therefore, as one body, the congregations are attached to the head (Colossians 1:18, 24). Congregations who are not in covenant with the local church are like members of the body that are detached from its head.

    2. The Church is described as ________________________ As members of the family, congregations need to submit themselves under a local church, like children who are registered in a Family Identification / Certification Card (Ephesians 2:19; 1 Tim. 3:15)

    3. The Church as ____________________________

    As Gods people, the congregations should also be in the Temple of God (2 Cor. 6:16; 1 Peter. 2:4-5)

    4. The Church is _________________________

    As good soldiers, the congregations should join in the Army of Christ (2 Tim. 2:3) so that they wont fight alone like a Lone Ranger.

    5. The Church unto Christ is like _____________________ to the vine.

    As branches, the congregations cannot live apart from the vine in order they can bear fruits. The matter of life or death lies in the vine (John 15:5).

    6. The Church is like _________________________ that needs to be shepherded.

    As a part of the company, congregate members should join with one another and under the covering of a pastor (Luke 12:32).

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  • IV. The Benefits of Covenant


    The Benefits of Covenant In A Local Church: Below are the benefits that we will enjoy as we make a decision to join with a local church: 1. Bringing _________________________ growth.

    In the church of God, all gifts and ministries are to equip the congregations with everything they need (Ephesians 4:11-16).

    2. Exercising our _________________________. In ministry, we complete one another with different tasks and assignments (Romans 12:4).

    3. Receiving spiritual _________________ that will keep us from false teachings (Ephesians 4:14). Congregations who do not submit to a local church can be frustrated by all kinds of teachings and different doctrines from different churches.

    4. _______________________ one another. Every church member can correct one another openly and lovingly, strengthen, discipline, encourage, exhort, and comfort one another (Matthew 18:15-17; Proverbs 27:17).

    5. Bringing ______________________.

    As we dwell together in one local church, God will command the blessings to come upon His people (Psalm 133:1-3) 6. Becoming __________________ witnesses for Christ (John 17:21).

    This is so that the world will believe and join together with the Church of God because of the unity that they have seen. If the congregation themselves refuse to be committed and to be in one accord, how can they win others and encourage them to unite?

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  • V. The Covenant Can Break

    Things that can break a covenant: __________________________ (Titus 1:7). ___________________ words / tongue (James 3:6). ______________________ / unfulfilled expectations (Mark 6:3; 10:22; Luke 7:23). _______________________ (Ezra 9:4; 2 Chr. 33:8). Beware of those things mentioned above so your covenant with the local church will not break. Let us avoid having to move from one church to another repeatedly, only because you have fallen into the one of the traps above, which could be:

    An attitude of pride, that is, always having a sense of self-righteousness and criticizing others, the church, the pastor or the elders. Pride hinders ones submission to the authority God has put him under. Humility is the key to having a heart that is willing to make a covenant with the local church. Piercing words/tongue that give you false information regarding your church, your pastor or elders will lead you to a false perception against them. If you are not careful and if you fail to filter such information, you will fall into the snare of the devil and become the enemy of your church, your pastor, and your elders. Eventually, you will be disappointed or expect things that are not in line with the facts that exist in your church. You cannot be faithful in this kind of situation, then your covenant will begin to waver.

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  • VI. Closing As homework, please answer the following questions:

    Personal Life

    1. Are you keeping any disappointment towards fellow members of the church/the pastor/the elder at the present that prevents you from making a covenant as a member of a local church?


    2. Do you need to be shepherded in your spiritual life?

    .. 3. Have you asked the Lord as to which church you will be covenanted with?


    Practical Application What specific steps are you going to take this week to apply todays lesson of being a HOUSE OF COVENANT? 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ......


    house of covenant students worksheet 32

  • Week 5

    House of Bread

    Welcome back to iGrow class! We have passed through week 10 with enthusiasm and this week we will discuss the next lesson that will complete our knowledge of the Word, that is, the House of Bread What is the House of Bread? Do we have to study the Word of God every day? How can we become a house of bread? We are going to learn these things together so that you can understand the Word of God wholly, and so that you can explain the Word to those who are in doubt, without confusion. Too often, people only debate theologically which in the end only leads to misunderstanding instead of repentance. Therefore, our goal this week is:

    Goal: Every participant has the heart to study the Word of God and to

    convey it properly

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  • Every Day: Rice and Water Without rice and water, our body will be weak and miserable. Likewise is the Word of God to

    Christians, it is our spiritual food and drink that will refresh and strengthen our soul.

    That is why Christians are never tired of hearing the Word of God even after years.

    The same way we eat rice and drink water every day without getting tired of it, every believer

    should never be tired of reading the Word of God every day. In fact, they should be hungry if they

    miss a day of reading the Word.

    Let no one be tired of hearing, reading, and meditating on the Word. Gods Word is like bread and

    the living water that refresh believers souls.

    What about you? Are you often tired of reading/hearing the Word of God?

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  • I. The Purpose of Gods Word for the Body of Christ 1. Gods Word is given to the congregation with a purpose of ______________________ and

    cleansing His people from the infiltration of sin. for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer (1 Tim. 4:5). Isnt the written Word of God also called the Bible? If He called them gods, to whom the Word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken. (John 10:35) in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out (Acts 17:11).

    2. And through His Word we can come to ___________________________ God.

    ....My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). It is also written ....the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits (Daniel 11:32).

    3. Gods Word also and leads us to success, because

    Gods Word reveals Gods plan and the Bible is the guide book for our lives. (Psalm 1)

    4. To Gods Word, we can learn from the Bible, because the Bible is the written Word of God or LOGOS.

    (Psalm 119).

    5. Gods Word is Gods ____________________________ for man.

    Obadiah 1:1; Haggai 1:13; 1John 1:5

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  • II. How To Dig The Word of God 1. Some helpful tools:

    The Bible Guidelines for Abundant Life Holy Bible - NIV Concordance (Manual or soft ware) Bible Dictionary Encyclopedia

    2. The Basic Methods of Preaching - Homiletic

    The most important thing in preaching is how to make the audience in the Word we preach, more than the delivery and explanation technique.

    message: A message based on a certain topic, for example Love. message: A message based on a certain context, for example The

    Good Shepherd (John 10) Whats important in preparing our message is the making of the

    until it becomes a sub-topic that will be explained further. It will be more supportive if each sub topic has a supporting .

    3. Common Principle of Interpretation Hermeneutic

    As a beginner, you are required to of the Theologians, especially for difficult-to-understand, prophetic, and symbolic scriptures. Some example tools are: Bible Encyclopedia or books written by Bible interpreters.

    For beginners, it is suggested that they interpret simple scriptures

    (plain interpretation). Especially in interpreting certain scriptures, always remember the

    of that scripture towards the related paragraph or chapter, as well as the time, history, situation, culture, and location.

    It is best to look into the ; however, you can also look at

    the translation in other languages you know. In this case, the English Bible or Bible Dictionary will be very helpful.

    The meaning of each , both peoples names, locations, or other

    necessary names, because it is very clear that throughout the Bible, names were always important to God. By knowing the meaning, we can have a better interpretation of verses.

    are necessary to read so we can understand the

    context, the meaning, and the interpretation better.

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  • 4. Memorizing Primary Scriptures For those who want to learn to apply the Word of God, it is important to memorize

    primary scriptures. How can we preach better if we cannot recall at all? What memorizing means here is in particular memorizing the book/chapter/verse of

    certain statements we will preach about. A Bible concordance will be very helpful here. However, if we do not remember a word

    from the scripture we are looking for in the concordance, it is impossible to find what we look for. We should at least have 1 2 key words from that scripture that we can look up.

    The Bible Software Program that is now available in the market can help beginners by much. However, we still need to know 1-2 certain words in the scripture we are looking for.

    III. Homework

    As your homework next week, each of you is required to read the scriptures below, with the interpretation and meaning. 1. Luke 5:27-32 2. John 15:1-6 3. Psalm 23:1-6 In our class next week, each of you will share your interpretation and understanding of the scriptures in small groups of 3 or 6. Each person must meditate on at least 1 verse from each paragraph above, so that every participant will have 3 scriptures to meditate on from 3 different paragraphs. For example:

    There are two groups (I - IV), each consisting of 3 people (A, B, C, etc.), then: Person A from Group I meditates 3 verses: Luke 5:27; John15:1 and Psalm 23:1 Person B from Group I meditates on Luke 5:28; John 15:2 and Psalm 23:2 Person C from Group I meditates on Luke 5:29; John 15:3 and Psalm 23:3 Person D from Group II meditates on Luke 5:30; John 15:4 and Psalm 23:4 Person E from Group II meditates on Luke 5:31; John 15:5 and Psalm 23:5 Person F from Group II meditates on Luke 5:32; John 15:6 and Psalm 23:6 Group III and further can repeat the scriptures above. If you have 6 people in the group, then the assignment of verses is the same as above, except that A-F are all members of Group I.

    So next week we will be practicing on interpreting the meaning of the Word. Furthermore, in the next two weeks you will begin to practice preaching briefly; and everyone will definitely have an opportunity to do so. So, prepare yourself thoroughly! Please remember to bring your aides (Bible, concordance, dictionary, & encyclopedia).

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  • IV. Closing

    Personal Life

    1. What does the Word of God mean to your life? ..

    2. Has the Word of God become a rhema in your personal life? ..

    3. What scriptures you have memorized do you remember at this moment?


    Practical Application What specific steps are you going to take this week in order to apply todays lesson of the HOUSE OF BREAD?

    1. ......

    2. ......

    3. ......


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  • Week 6

    House of Mission

    We have passed through this ASSURANCE OF FRUIFULNESS class to week 13 with commitment, and this week we will discuss our next lesson that will enlarge our capacity, that is, the House of Mission. What is the House of Mission? That is what we are going to learn together, so that you can fully understand the Lords heart for the lost and so that you can adopt His very heart. Therefore, our goal this week is:

    Goal: Each participant will have a heart for mission

    and the burden to win the lost.

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  • Without A Backup Plan

    Before Jesus ascended to heaven after completing His assignment on this earth, this was His last command: Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. That is what we know as the Great Commission until this day. This is how we can think of the following fictive story: As He ascended to the clouds and reached Heaven, all the angels of Heaven welcomed Him with triumphant shouts of joy because He had successfully completed His mission and was now ready to sit on the right hand of the Father. Then, an angel asked Him this question: Are You sure that Your disciples will carry out Your Great Commission with accountability? Jesus replied: I am sure they will. Then the angel asked another question: What if they fail to do it; do you have a backup plan (Plan-B)? Without hesitant Jesus answered: No, I have no backup plan at all because I trust them fully that they will do it for Me. Jesus has such confidence in His disciples, which includes you and all of us, that they will carry out His Great Commission with accountability. This is demonstrated clearly by His boldness to declare no back up plan for His Great Commission. Therefore, it is very important that we do not misuse His trust by not spreading the Gospel. When we meet Him face to face in eternity, God will ask each one of us the following question: How many people have you won for Me in your entire life? This should remind us to always think, if God calls us home today, are we ready? Have we finished our primary assignment, that is, to win souls? Let no one feel that he has plenty of time and thus delay this very important assignment.

    What About You?

    Are you going to misuse His trust or will you do His plan wholeheartedly? It all comes back to each of you.

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  • I. Evangelism is an assignment for every believer 1. The gift of_________________________

    God chose some of His servants to be evangelists. Therefore, He gave them special gifts and burdens.

    An evangelist can win souls in greater

    numbers compared to average people. It is commonly done in Revival

    Meetings. 2. ________________________________

    This Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-

    20 was given to all believers without exception. That means, every believer must do it because it is an order!

    We cannot argue and make an excuse by

    saying that we do not have the gift of evangelism, therefore we do not preach the Gospel.

    The gift of evangelism and our duty to preach

    the Gospel are two different things. The difference lies in the fact that different results are achieved by those possessing the gift

    of evangelism and ordinary believers. Those with the gift of evangelism will produce a greater number of repentance in their ministry.

    It is generally done one on one.

    The similarity is that both kinds of ministers still have to carry out the same Great Commission and will receive the same reward. In other words, not having the gift of evangelism does not mean that one is excused from doing personal evangelization.

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  • II. The Map of World Mission 1. The statistics of _______________________ in the


    650 millions are well-committed Christians 1350 millions are lukewarm Christians

    2. The statistics of Christians in ____________________ It is predicted that 10 million are committed enough 15 millions are lukewarm Christians 50 millions have heard the Gospel but rejected it 130 millions have never heard the Gospel even once in their lives

    3. The ___________________________ Fund

    God has entrusted >50% of the riches of this world to the hands of Christians Not all Christians have paid their tithes accordingly. On average, the churches allocate 3% of the money to fund the mission

    4. The number of evangelists and _________________________

    The average percentage of ministers who become pastors = 90% Those who become evangelists = 9% Those who become missionaries = 1% The number of Christian missionaries throughout the world = 200.000, Moslems

    propagators = 2 million

    5. Mobilization of _________________________ Most evangelism is done only by fulltime ministers. We need to mobilize the congregations to win and disciple one soul each year.

    6. The target of World _____________________________

    Year I 650 million Year II 1300 million Year III 2600 million Year IV 5200 million Year V finished

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  • III. The Difference Between Mission and Evangelism

    The difference between Mission and Evangelism is as follows:



    1. term program

    2. The missionaries for several years 3. It is . 4. The end goal: .

    Short term program The evangelist visit for a few days It is usually in forms of revival meetings Main purpose: Repentance

    A missions assignment is to send people (missionaries) to cross-cultural areas, where there is no church at all, with a purpose of planting a church through a long-term socio-cultural approach. Generally, most mission foundations attempt to send missionaries to faraway places with completely different cultures. Their first approach will not be to preach the Gospel but to first mobilize the local communities before speaking about the Gospel. Therefore, the missionaries have to stay in a place for a long time. The similarity is that both leave their hometown/country or local church with a purpose to win souls. Another similarity is the extra protection from God for evangelists and missionaries, particularly through power ministry. Because according to the Word of God, signs will follow believers who go to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:17). No wonder, miracles happen more in ministries outside the church than inside the church. That means power ministry is more real on evangelistic and mission fields than in the church building.

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  • IV. Winning Our Communities It is not a coincidence that each of us is where we are at this moment, both where we live, work, or where our family lives. God has a plan for us by putting us in a particular place. 1. Communities are Fields for Evangelism

    ____________________ Communities Where you live right now is not a coincidence. God has a plan for each of us to reach our next-door neighbors. Think about your neighbors on the left and on the right, behind and in front of your house. Introduce yourself to them if you do not know them yet, because God is putting them into your hand. The least you can do is to pray for them, especially those who have not believed in Jesus.

    ____________________ Communities The same way with your co-workers, including your business partners or the next-door stores if you open a store. God put them all into your hand so that you will bring the good news to them.

    ______________________________ and close friends

    God also puts our friends and relatives into our hands, because He had promised that if a person is saved, his/her household will also be saved. (Acts 11:14; 16:31) ..... by which you and all your household will be saved (Acts 11:14). and you will be saved, you and your household (Acts 16:31)

    2. The iCare group is an evangelism media

    Since we have declared our church as a cell church, we can use the iCare group as a primary media to invite others to come and know Jesus. The concept of iCare group is to get the meeting ____________ to the residential area so

    that people will not be hesitant to come. Therefore, there must be an iCare group in each residential complex. If there isnt any iCare group in your area yet, you can use your house as a meeting place.

    iCare group is the most effective ____________ for new people, in accordance with the

    concept of a cell church. This is because people who have never come to church will be reluctant to come to one upon invitation. However, if we invite them to our house for a thanksgiving, more likely they will come.

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  • 3. Harvest Momentum (Momen Tuaian)

    Harvest Momentum (Momen Tuaian) must be a ____________ of the harvest of our iCare groups.

    We should not bring new people to the Harvest Momentum (Momen Tuaian) first then to our iCare group because the result will not be optimum.

    The reason is because most people whom we have successfully taken to the Harvest Momentum (Momen Tuaian) are those who have received Jesus previously or have ever been a member of a local church.

    It is more effective to bring a new person to our iCare group first. These are people who have never known Jesus or been to church because an iCare group meeting in a house is the most neutral one for new people.

    V. How to Win New Souls

    We should never set ourselves to a thought that in order to win new souls we have to preach the Gospel, because to bring new people we do not always have to first preach the Gospel to him/her. 1. In general, what we need to do is only invite them to come to our iCare meeting. We can tell

    them that we have a thanksgiving in our house and as a neighbor they are invited to come. Thats all! Of course, we must first be prepared through spiritual warfare for those whom you will invite or introduce yourself to if you do not know them yet.

    2. Once you get used to it, you can now begin to explain John 3:16 to the new comers (refer to the first lesson, ASSURANCE OF SALVATION on p.13)

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  • VI. Closing

    We have come to the end of our session today and as our commitment to this lesson, please answer the questions below:

    Personal Life

    1. What does a soul mean to you? ..

    2. How many souls have you saved in your entire life? ..

    3. Are you willing to be used by God to save your community?


    Practical Application What specific steps will you take this week to apply todays lesson of the House of Mission?

    1. ......

    2. ......

    3. ......


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  • Homework Let us practice our lesson today, that is to win souls for Christ! 1. So, throughout the week we all must pray and fast for those whom we desire to be saved. They

    are the communities that we have discussed above (The Map of the Journey): Our neighbors Our co-workers Our relatives and friends

    2. Next week, each of us will visit their houses after we first make an appointment personally with

    them. 3. Therefore, those who have written their names in the Map of your Journey will make the

    contact and appointment. You do not need to visit everyone. If 1 3 persons are willing, the iGrow participants can be sent to visit the those places. There, a few other participants and you will be able to share about Jesus or to give a testimony and to pray for that person so they can accept Jesus and be born again.

    Since this is a spiritual warfare, every iGrow participant must pray and fast.

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  • Week 7

    House of Balance

    Welcome back to iGrow class!

    We have passed this ASSURANCE OF FRUITFULNESS class till week 16 with discipline and this week we will enter the next lesson that will increase our capacity as iCare group leader, that is, the House of Balance. Why do we need to be a house of balance? A balance in what areas? How can we be a house of balance? These are the things we will learn together this week to help you understand the benefits of being a house of balance and how to become one. Hopefully then, you can share it with your friends. Therefore, our goal this week is:


    Each participant becomes a house of balance in his/her life.

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  • Balancing

    Why do your wheels need balancing from time to time? So do your car tires pressures, or they will disturb the cars stability.

    An unbalanced car engine will also not produce optimum power.

    It is the same way with us if our lives are not balanced. If we put too much focus on the success of our career, we may neglect our health and our relationship in the family. This kind of life needs to be re-balanced. There is also a kind of imbalance that results because of differences between intellectual ability and spiritual maturity. This will result in an unbalanced life as a whole. Our lives are not in balance when we are physically healthy, yet are spiritually ill, or vice versa. Discrepancies in teaching inside the church can also cause problems. For example, churches that put more emphasis on material blessings in their congregations lives will cause them to put aside an emphasis on their spiritual wellness.

    Do you have a balanced life? Are you easily tossed to and fro by every wind of


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  • I. Several Factors Why The Church Has Lost Its Balance

    1. The The Human Factor

    2. Factor Men often lose their balance because it is a part of human nature. On one hand, humans naturally get easily bored with the old. However, at the same time it is also difficult for them to change from their old characters. This is the primary cause of imbalances in mens lives. In addition, the nature of men has been destroyed by sin and thus lost its God-given character that should have controlled their perverted minds and behavior. Therefore, the apostle Paul addressed immature believers as accursed children. 2 Peter 2:1, 14.

    2. The Leaders Role

    Oftentimes, the congregations go astray and follow an extreme teaching because of the pastor or the leaders fault. Pastors, teachers and leaders are responsible to protect and watch over their sheep so that they do not go astray and fall to deception. The Word of God says that leaders are responsible for the congregations wellness and spiritual life. Psalm 23:3; John10:7; 1 Tim. 3:2; 2 Tim. 2:2; Hebrews 13:17 and Ezekiel 33:6. It is the duty of the leaders in the local church to teach the congregations and to lead them to spiritual maturity so that they will not be easily deceived by extreme teachings. God gives the apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers to His Church to prevent her from such deception.

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  • II. How to Keep the Balance

    1. Hold fast to _______________.

    When a leader reads the Word of God to study a new topic, he needs to pay attention to Scriptures that are clear in meaning. Do not look for complicated Scriptures that Theologians have been debating over for centuries because of difficulties in interpreting them.

    2. ___________________ the important ones.

    The possibility for the Church to deviate will be lessened if we prioritize on what the Bible prioritizes and not emphasize on what the Bible does not emphasize. It does not mean that we have to neglect the less important but rather we should not exaggerate it.

    3. Teach the congregations to be _____________ . We need to build protective walls for the congregations by opening their eyes to heresies and helping them realize the wolves disguised as sheep. They need to know that the devil can also transform himself as an angel of light. Refer to 2 Corinthians 11:14. They need to know the tricks that the false apostles use. Our church will be much safer if the sheep themselves are alert to deceivers who craftily deceive believers (Ephesians 4:13-14).

    4. Watch and ______________.

    Our fervency in prayer will help prevent the balance inside the Church. Jesus said to His disciples: Watch..... Matthew 26:41. You probably say: Do not worry, we will not lose balance and be extreme. Our church will not deviate from correct teachings. Indeed, good wills exist in every person, and not one person nor church plans to be led astray by false teachings. But because the flesh is weak, do not rely on your own strength.

    5. ________________ with other pastors.

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  • No one knows all truths, not even a pastor. That is why we need to seek different sources in studying the Bible in order to keep a balance. Pastors who can understand others perceptions will find it easier to make rational decisions. However, although listening to others opinions is beneficial, we need to first of all be deeply rooted in the truth. To understand certain teachings, we may need to check with other sources. We may need others opinion so we can have a healthier and more balanced perception. Proverbs 11:14; 12:15; 15:22.

    6. Study ____________ .

    We need to study new teachings that we have just heard carefully. Oftentimes, we tend to be more open in receiving teachings that satisfy our intellectual hunger. This is also true especially if the one who conveys the message has charisma. We need to check thoroughly what he is really trying to say and the consequences of accepting the teaching. For that, we need the courage to study certain teachings in depth.

    7. Do not ______________. When a new teaching sweeps over Christians, do not rush to deliver that teaching to the congregations. Study that teaching first in the light of the Holy Spirit. Do not be afraid that people will label you as conservative. That is why pastors who have a low self-esteem are very easily influenced by new things. That kind of people often becomes the guinea pig of the new teaching. For a churchs stability in the long term, its always better to have an attitude of caution, but yet still open enough to receive new developments.

    8. Be a _______________ leader. Pastors need to have the prophetic gift because a prophet is one who is sensitive to Gods voice. Should a controversy take place, this prophetic gift can help in clearing up muddled waters. And the possibility of encountering extreme & false teachings can be reduced.

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  • III. A Balanced Ministerial Pattern To keep our ministry balanced, we need to look thoroughly at the following foundation of ministry: 1. The core of our ministry is , not skill/ability/professionalism/charisma. 2. The measure or the value of a ministry lies on its SACRIFICE, not its . 3. The execution of authority in ministry is , not position. 4. The motivation of the ministry is LOVE, not . 5. The tool in ministry is , not education. 6. The characteristic of ministry is SERVING, not . 7. The purpose of ministry it to , not self 8. The model/example in ministry is JESUS CHRIST, not . 9. The power of ministry comes from , not fluency of speaking. 10. The fruit of our ministry is , not personal pride.

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  • IV. A Balanced Life Thoroughly, each individuals life consists of seven primary aspects, which are: 1) Physical

    Physical health is an important factor in our lives because success that is not followed by physical health will not lead us to full enjoyment of that success. There are many kinds of food that we may need to avoid because of certain diseases in our body. The Biblical term for this area is body.

    2) Mental

    The thinking force, passion, attitude, and emotional maturity are practical things we need, and they all come from our mental state. The biblical term for this area is soul.

    3) Spiritual The spiritual factor is the third factor that makes up a mans whole existence. Each of us is expected to be healthy physically, in the soul, and spiritually. This means that our lives are in good balance when we are physically, mentally and spiritually healthy. These are all related to the spiritual/religious world.

    4) Family For married people, family life becomes an important factor, because unsupportive family members will create unhappiness in the family. A harmonious husband, wife and children relationship is what everyone desires.

    5) Social

    Men are social beings because they like to socialize. However, many people are too occupied with their career and family that they have put aside their social life. Besides the professional world and family, men also need to enter into the social organization world so they can have a balanced life. A lot of town residents nowadays do not even know their own neighbors.

    6) Career

    This is the professional world, the office world, the world where men can actualize himself by pursuing achievement, reputation and career. The career world is not for money alone but also all the achievements man can ever have, such as sports championship or an artistic craftsmanship.

    7) Finances

    The modern world has come to worship money more and more that financial achievements are considered more precious than any other achievements. This happens because money is believed as the tool to cover all weaknesses in other areas. For example, family unity can be bought with money and health can be afforded if there is money.

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  • V. Closing

    Please answer the questions below:

    Personal Life 1. Do you have balance in your life: between your job, your health, your family and your


    .. 2. Is your mental stature balanced with your spiritual maturity?


    3. Are there things with more emphasis and things with less emphasis in the teachings that you have received?


    Practical Application What specific steps are you going to take throughout the week to apply todays lesson, Becoming a HOUSE OF BALANCE? 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ......

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  • Homework

    Next week, we will fill out a questionnaire related to our lives as a whole that covers seven main aspects. We will complete the questionnaire honestly, according to what is currently happening in our lives. This week, please take time to reflect on the different areas of your lives, so that next week you may know where you are clearly.

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  • Week 8

    House Of Giving

    With Gods grace we have studied 7 weeks of this ASSURANCE OF FRUITFULNESS class. This week we are entering into the next lesson, the House of Giving, that will bring blessings to those that apply this lesson into their daily lives.

    Why do we have to give? Does God need our giving? And what if we do not give? That is what we are going to learn together, so that you will fully understand the benefits of being an individual that gives. You may then share this with your iCare members. Therefore, the goal this week is:


    Every participant will be able to give joyfully and become a channel of blessings to others.

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  • Giving the Best?

    Oftentimes, Christians have a reluctant attitude when they have to give to the Lord. They are too stingy and unwilling to give the best for the glory of God. Think about this, what would happen to all of us if God is so tight with His blessings and grace? We may not be able to breathe anymore because every breath taken is a very special blessing of God to us (Lev. 27:33; 2 Cor. 9:7).

    Have you given the best to the Lord? Have you given your offerings willingly ?

    Let us reflect on this question: If we are hesitant in giving, what if God does the same thing to us?

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  • I. Giving is a Christian Lifestyle

    Gods Word teaches us to come into His presence not with an empty hand but with an offering, according to the blessing that the Lord your God has given to you (Deuteronomy 16:16b-17). Why We Need to Make Giving Our Lifestyle 1. Our offering brings

    We give to the church because God wants to bless us, not because He wants to take something from us. God wants us to be blessed through our obedience in giving our offering. (Deut. 5:4; Mal. 3:10-12; Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6).

    2. To become

    Believers must become a blessing in their neighborhood, so that the love of God can be manifested through their lives. If we can bless others, that means God has first blessed us. We know that since the days of Abraham, God has continually blessed His people so that they can be channels of blessings to the world. (Gen. 26:4; Ps. 37:26; Pro. 11:25; 21:26; 28:27; 1 Tim. 6:18-19).

    3. To be obedient to

    Only those who are spiritually mature can give, because giving is an expression of our obedience to Gods Word. We do not need maturity and obedience to receive. (Lev. 27:30, 34; Deut. 12:11; 14:22-23; 15:7-8; Matt. 6:1-4; 14:16).

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  • 4. For the storehouse of It takes money to build the house of the Lord and so do all administrative issues and the lives of fulltime ministers. God has set everything in such a way that all of the relatives of the Levite tribe are to work secularly for income. But God has chosen the Levites themselves for full time ministry in the house of the Lord and they did not have to work. Therefore, God told the other eleven tribes of Israel to give one tenth of their wages for the house of the Lord (Nu. 18:21; Mal. 3:10; Heb. 7:9). 1 Chronicle 29:1-9 tells us how king David prepared the building of the temple by making special offerings. Another example is Moses. Moses made a special offering when God told him to build the tabernacle (Exodus 35:21; 36:2-6; 2 Kings 12:9).

    5. For

    A huge amount of money is needed to preach the Gospel to the ends of the world. Preaching the Gospel to every creature is not an easy job. It takes a great amount of funds to translate the Bible to thousands of languages. It takes experts and patience to break through cultural strongholds from 12.000 tribes that have not heard the Gospel. Often in the mission field, tens of years of hard work still do not bring instant fruits. The cost for the sacrifice and the soul is much higher than the ministry in a local church. The use of technology such as radio station, airplanes and helicopter is not a luxury but simply a necessity and is often the only facility available. Unfortunately, it is here where self is visibly magnified. At this moment, 3 billion of the 6 billion population of the world are unreachable. 12.000 out of 24.000 tribes in the world are also unreachable. There is no effective evangelism and church planting, yet only less than half a percent of the Christian funds is given up for these. (1 Cor. 9:14; Phil. 4:15-18).

    6. Because God has first

    We can give because God has first blessed us. If we only receive and keep what we have, we become selfish and no different from the peoples of the world. How can we become living testimonies in this world if we who have received Gods blessings refuse to give? (Deut. 14:24; 15:6; 1 Cor. 4:7).

    7. To help

    In many occasions, Jesus taught about giving to the poor. If all of Gods people do as He commanded, there should be no poor people in the midst of Gods people. However, the lack of attention to the poor is the reason why poverty still exists today. Many people live in abundance, but their neighbors, relatives, or close friends live in financial difficulty. (Pro. 19:17; Matt. 6:1-4; 19:21; 25:35-36; Mark 10:21; Luke 12:33; 14:13-14; 18:22; Gal. 2:10; 2 Cor. 8:14)

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  • II. Different Kinds of Offerings

    1. ___________________________

    The financial management that God has given to His people is a perfect one. If every believer applies that principle properly, poverty will be eradicated. Basically, God tells every believer to give an offering, which is ten percent of all his income. This is what we call tithe. Tithe is given to the house of the Lord and to the minister of God and is an obligation, not a right. That means, not paying our tithe is robbing God. Leviticus 27:30 and Deuteronomy 14:22 speaks of one tenth of the fruit of our efforts being a property of the Lord, and not ours. God distributes this part through our hand, and He wants us to show our loyalty. (Lev. 27:30-32; Nu.18:21-26; Deut. 12:17; 14:23-28; 26:12; 2 Chr. 31:5-6, 12; Neh. 10:38; 12:44; 13:5, 12; Mal. 3:8-10; Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42; Heb. 7:9)

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  • 2. ___________________________________ offering

    In addition to tithes, God also commanded us to give our firstfruit offering. This offering does not have a set amount and is voluntary. Therefore, this is a right, and not an obligation like the tithe. This offering is given at the beginning of each year or the beginning of something (for example, first salary). The law of sowing and reaping still applies here, which means that the more firstfruit offering we give, the greater the blessing that God has provided for us throughout that particular year. Firstfruit offerings should never be taken from our tithe, which means that it is given on top of the compulsory 10% we must give to the Lord. (2 Chr. 31:5; Eze. 44:30; Lev. 2:12; 23:10; Deut. 18:4; 26:2, 10; 2 Chr. 31:5; Neh. 10:35; 12:44; Prov. 3:9; Hos. 9:10).

    3. ________________________ offering

    Besides the two offerings we have discussed above, there is another type of offering which is called special offerings. It is voluntary, a right, can be of any amount, and is incidental (when the need arises). You can give this offering to Non-Church Organizations such as Mission Organizations. And this offering is in addition to our tithe and firstfruit offerings.

    4. ________________________ offerings

    The three kinds of offerings above are given to the Lord. There is another kind of offering, called donation, that we can give to public organizations or the needy, such as orphanages, poor widows, etc.

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  • III. Closing

    We have come to the end of our session today and please answer the questions below:

    Personal Life 1. Do you bring your tithe regularly to the house of the Lord?

    .. 2. Have you given your Firstfruit Offering this year?

    .. 3. Have you done all that joyfully and willingly?

    Practical Application What specific steps are you going to take this week to apply todays lesson, the House of Giving? 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ......

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  • Week 9

    House Of Excellence

    (House of Excellence)

    We have diligently learned through 20 weeks of this ASSURANCE OF FRUITFULNESS class, and this week we will get into the next lesson that will bless us all, the House of Excellence. In this lesson, we will learn about how to be the best and how to give our best to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Why do we have to become the best? Is being good not enough? Can everyone be the best in his/her life? That is what we will learn together, so that you will understand the best things that God has invested in your life and how to use them. Never believe that we cannot give the best to God.

    Therefore, our goal this week is:


    Each participant will become a house of excellence and give her best to Him.

    house of excellence students worksheet

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