astrology for the soul

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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  • Astrology for the Soul

  • Quantum Theory

    Quantum theory teaches that our universe lives and breathes in what amounts to an immense sea of motion---a quantum sea of light. This vast underlying sea of energy is called the "Zero Point Field" which is the whole of existence.

    Zero Point Field theory explains that all matter in the universe is interconnected by energy waves, which are spread out through time and space and carry on to infinity, tying one part of the universe to every other part.

    This Earths energetic field is commonly referred to as 'the grid which is the gravitational and electromagnetic energy pathways on our planet that transmit energy, just like the chakras and neurological system receive and transmit energy, impulses and signals in the human body .

  • The universe is made up of billions of galaxies.

    The Milky Way galaxy is the home of our solar system as well as more than 200 billion other stars. About 70% of those stars are suspected to have solar systems.

    The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy ,with a bulged central section called the Galactic Center, and radial arms that form a flat pinwheel shape. Our Sun is located about two-thirds of the way out from the Galactic Center in the Orion Arm.

  • Milky Way GalaxyWE ARE HERE!!

  • Our Solar System is in the Sagittarius (Orion) Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy

  • The energy body of a human being is at the receiving end of a very long succession of energy transmissions from cosmic sources. The Galactic Center, Ursa Major, the Pleiades, and Sirius transmit energy via a corresponding zodiacal constellation which receives and transmits the energy to a corresponding planet in our solar system, and the Sun, Moon and planets in turn receive and transmit these energies to Earth and its inhabitants.

  • In astronomy, the zodiac is the ring of constellations that lines the path of the Sun across the sky over the course of the year. In astrology, these zodiac signs represent the etheric or energetic body of Earth which are divided into twelve equal zones.

  • When a Soul chooses to incarnate, it carries or takes on a slice of the current etheric pattern. The natal chart or horoscope is a two-dimensional map of the solar system that shows the relationship of the planets to each other and their positions in the zodiacal wheel at a particular time.

  • Astrology involves:

    Twelve zodiac signs

    Twelve planets

    Twelve houses

  • These 36 components work together

    Planets show what is happening (action, drives, motivations).Signs show how it is happening (the quality or tone of the action).

    Houses show where it is happening (the area of life).

    For example:

    Mars in Virgo in the seventh house.The drive (Mars) to work and serve (Virgo) others (seventh house).

    Saturn in Leo in the eleventh house.Tests (Saturn) of courage and heart (Leo) in the area of friendships and group associations (eleventh house).

  • In Soul-based astrology, the three key placements to consider are:

    The Sun The Ascendant or Rising Sign

    The Moon

  • 1. The sun sign indicates the present problem; it sets the pace or the established tempo of the personality life and outer life; it is related to quality, temperament and the life tendencies which are seeking expression during a particular incarnation. Fundamentally, the forces here found are indicative of the line of least resistance.2. The ascendant or rising sign indicates the intended life or immediate soul purpose for this incarnation. It holds the secret of the future and presents the force which, rightly used, will lead to success. It represents the harmony aspect of life and can produce right relationship between soul and personality in an incarnation. It thus points the way to the recognition of the force of the soul.3. The moon.This type of force indicates that which is past. It, therefore, summarizes limitation and the present handicaps. It governs the physical body and shows where the prison of the soul is to be found.

    Esoteric (Soul-based) Astrology teaches:

  • The Twelve Zodiac Signs

  • Each zodiac sign depicts a distinct pattern and unique quality in the world.


  • The Four Elements by Sign are:

    Fire.....Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    Earth.....Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    Air.....Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    Water....Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

  • Each sign expresses a quality.

    Cardinal: Enterprising, initiating, dynamic, outgoing

    Fixed: Determined, steadfast, inflexible, enduring

    Mutable: Adaptable, changeable, fluid

    Cardinal Signs Fixed Signs Mutable SignsAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquarius Pisces

  • Emphasis in a particular sign, element or quality indicates patterns and attributes that are powerfully coloring and shaping a persons life.

    However, every person has all twelve signs or patterns in their make-upeven if you are not an Aries, everyone has Aries somewhere in their horoscope!

  • Aries / March 21 - April 20 Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and like the first breath of Spring, Aries is associated with new things, fresh energy and new beginnings. Individuals born under this sign are active, dynamic, lively, forceful, adventurous, bold, courageous and pioneering. They can also be selfish or self-centered, boastful, impulsive and impatient. StrengthsAdventurous and energetic, pioneering and courageous, daring and confident, dynamic , sharp, quick

    Weaknesses Selfish and quick-tempered, impulsive and impatient, headstrong. forceful Esoteric Aries The warrior at the edge of a new frontier. Born to pioneer or initiate something bold or new that may require standing alone and remaining strong. Being a risk-taker; facing feelings of separation to come forth in the world and demonstrate leadership.

    *The house which Aries rules in your natal chart is where you will be challenged to be bold and pioneering; where new things will keep emerging. Where you will need to express leadership and take initiative.

    The Ram

    Rules the head, brain, eyes, face, muscles, pineal gland

    Fire Element

    Traditional Ruler-Mars

    Soul Ruler-Mercury


  • We can use the energy of Aries to:

    Try something new (initiate, pioneer)

    Be courageous

    Be bold


    Assert ourselves

    Use will-power

  • Taurus / April 21 - May 20 Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. It is associated with the month of May and the peak time of Spring . Individuals born under this sign are down to earth, practical, calm, patient, reliable, loyal, affectionate, and sensuous. Undeveloped Taurus can be lazy, inflexible, stubborn, envious, greedy or materialistic. Strengths Patient and reliable, warmhearted and affectionate, sensual, persistent and determined, mild-mannered , simplicity

    Weaknesses Possessive and greedy, stubborn and inflexible, lazy, attached to comfort and pleasure, overly simplistic

    Esoteric Taurus: Is here to manifest beauty, to be a wise steward of the Earths resources, to ground and anchor, and to illuminate.

    *The house which Taurus rules is where you will be challenged to create and manifest beauty and be a wise steward of resources.

    The Bull

    Rules the neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein, tonsils

    Earth Element

    Traditional Ruler-Venus

    Soul Ruler-Vulcan


  • We can use the energy of Taurus to:

    Grow and manifest

    Make music and harmonize


    Relax and be comfortable

    Be practical

    Be steadfast and loyal

  • Gemini / May 21 - June 21 Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac , associated with June. Gemini is youthful, fun and versatile. Individuals born under this sign are very sociable, fun-loving, curious, quick, versatile, lively, communicative, mentally active and friendly. An undeveloped Gemini tends to be scattered, inconsistent, unreliable or superficial.

    Strengths Clever, adaptable and versatile, communicative and witty, curious, bright, intellectual, youthful and lively

    Weaknesses Scattered, nervous, superficial, inconsistent, overly talkative

    Esoteric GeminiTo give love wisely and apply wisdom lovingly; to balance head and heart; to promote right relations; to bring dualities to resolution; to still the mind

    * The house that Gemini rules is where you will be curious, versatile and fun-loving; where communications will be important; where you will have a lot to talk aboutThe Twins

    Rules the lungs, arms, shoulders, hands, & nervous system

    Air element

    Traditional ruler-Mercury

    Soul ruler-Venus


  • We can use the energy of Gemini to:

    Educate and teach

    Learn and acquire knowledge


    Be inquisitive and ask questions

    Be sociable and relate to others

  • Cancer / June 22 - July 22 Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, represented by Summer. It is associated with home, family and domesticity. Individuals born under this sign are caring, emotional, creative, imaginative, sympathetic, and nurturing. The undeveloped Cancer is prone to changeability, moodiness, defensiveness, over-nurturing (smothering) or clinginess. Strengths Emotional and caring, creative and imaginative, domestic and security-oriented, protective and sympathetic

    Weaknesses Changeable and moody, overemotional and defensive, clingy and excessively attentive and/or attached

    Esoteric CancerTo broadly care for and nurture humanity; to purify the emotional body and become more impersonal; to be the Divine Mother

    * The house where Cancer rules is where you will be challenged to make yourself at home; where you are to build a lighted house, and demonstrate nurturing and caring.

    The Crab

    Rules the Stomach, Breasts, Womb, Abdomen, Pancreas

    Water Element

    Traditional Ruler-Moon

    Soul Ruler-Neptune


  • We can use the energy of Cancer to:

    Mother, care, nurture and protect


    Make a home

    Love our family

    Care for our planet (Mother Earth)

    Demonstrate empathy and sensitivity toward others

  • Leo / July 23 - August 22 Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, associated with the fullness of summer. Leo is magnanimous, generous, hospitable, enthusiastic, warm, authoritative, active and open. They are known to be exuberant, extroverted, and generous, with a natural flair for the dramatic. The undeveloped Leo can be self-centered, bossy, intolerant, prideful and arrogant.

    Strengths Generous and warm-hearted, creative, able to lead or direct, integrity, self-awareness, confidence

    Weaknesses Pompous and patronizing, bossy, intolerant, misuse of power, overly competitive

    Esoteric Leo:To be a radiant center of light and love in the world; to shine ones light in service; to demonstrate ones "royal" blood; to be authentic, courageous, and demonstrate integrity.

    * The house where Leo rules is where you will be challenged to "shine and take the lead; where you need to demonstrate courage

    The Lion

    Rules the Heart, Spine and Spleen

    Fire Element

    Traditional Ruler-Sun

    Esoteric Ruler-Sun (veiling Neptune)

  • LEO

  • We can use the energy of Leo to:


    Be brave

    Take center stage

    Compete; play; be dramatic, create

    Take pride in ourselves

    Assert ourselves

  • Virgo / August 23 - September 22 Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. It is associated with health, work and service. Individuals born under this sign are detail-oriented, industrious, analytical, orderly, and modest but can also be prone to fussiness, perfectionism, self-criticism and anxiety. Strengths Modest and shy, ,meticulous and industrious, practical and diligent , analytical and discriminating

    Weaknesses Fuss-budget, worrier , overly-critical and too harsh, perfectionism, too analytical

    Esoteric VirgoThe hands of God at work. Virgo is here to produce form and to nurture the life within form; to quietly serve and attend to the details of life and service.

    *The house that Virgo rules is where you are to work and serve dutifully; where you are to be devoted and helpful. The Virgin

    Rules the Colon and Small Intestines

    Earth Element

    Traditional Ruler-Mercury

    Soul Ruler-The Moon (veiling Neptune)


  • We can use the energy of Virgo to:

    Work and Serve

    Analyze, discriminate and discern

    Create order

    Attend to details

    Care for our bodies and health

    Get organized

  • Libra/ September 23 - October 22 Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with autumn. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a pleasant, articulate, charming, charismatic, fair, artistic, social, refined, diplomatic, even-tempered nature. Undeveloped Libra can be indecisive, flirtatious, shallow, evasive, or vague.

    Strengths Diplomacy, mediation, fairness, objectivity, equilibrium poise, peace-making

    Weaknesses Indecision, gullibility, too easily influenced or weak, difficulty with confrontation or being assertive

    Esoteric LibraIn Libra one chooses rightly between opposing factions and brings balance and right human relations into play. Through powers of cooperation, tact and diplomacy, Libra finds "win-win" situations that serve the highest good.

    * The house where Libra rules is where you will be challenged to find balance; where you may have to make difficult decisions. The Scales

    Rules the Kidneys & Adrenals

    Air Element

    Traditional Ruler-Venus

    Soul Ruler--Uranus


  • We can use the energy of Libra to:

    Create peace, balance and harmony

    Weigh our options, make good decisions

    Juggle more than one thing

    Create justice and fairness

    Mediate and bridge

    Relate well to others

  • Scorpio / October 23 - November 21 Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac, associated with the fullness of autumn. Scorpio natives are deep, intense, private, passionate and magnetic, and are also thought to be mysterious, complex, perceptive and penetrating . Undeveloped Scorpio can be prone to extremes, compulsivity, jealousy, secretiveness, possessiveness, cruelty and cunning. Strengths Powerful , passionate, magnetic, creative, resourceful, insightful

    Weaknesses Jealous and resentful, compulsive or obsessive, secretive, manipulative, sneaky

    Esoteric ScorpioTest, trial and triumph! The task of Scorpio is to transmute lower desire into Higher Will through the testing and purging of the personality; to become victorious over the lower nature.

    * The house Scorpio rules is where you will be challenged to radically change or completely transform your life.

    The Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix

    Rules the generative organs, bladder, prostate, urinary tract

    Water Element

    Traditional Ruler-Mars

    Soul Ruler-Mars


  • We can use the energy of Scorpio to:

    Be powerful and strong

    Transform, change or rebirth

    Research and investigate

    Maintain privacy

    Fight for the things we believe in

    Add depth and understanding

  • Sagittarius / November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and late autumn. It is associated with travel , expansion, aspiration, intuition and wisdom. . Individuals born under this sign are thought to be forthright, free-spirited, generous, open, optimistic and philosophical. Undeveloped Sagittarius is prone to restlessness, excessiveness or carelessness, impatience and judgment. Strengths Optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial, honest, straightforward, philosophical , wise, ability to see the big picture

    WeaknessesBlindly optimistic , careless , reckless, irresponsible, unfocused, tactless, blunt, restless

    Esoteric SagittariusThe task of Sagittarius is to experience all facets of life in order to develop a complete acceptance, understanding, and love of all cultures and people; to become spiritually focused and learn to trustones vision.

    * The house Sagittarius rules is where you will be challenged to explore and expand your horizons; where you can dream the impossible dream.

    The Archer (or Centaur)

    Rules the liver, hips, thighs, pelvis and the femur

    Fire Element

    Traditional Ruler-Jupiter

    Soul Ruler-Earth


  • We can use the energy of Sagittarius to:

    Aspire toward a goal

    Expand your world, travel and explore

    Be adventurous

    Be free-spirited

    Be optimistic, happy and positive

    Be honest and frank

  • Capricorn / December 22 - January 19 Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, associated with winter. Individuals born under this sign are hard-working, ambitious, responsible, reserved, practical, purposeful and persistent. The undeveloped Capricorn is prone to coldness, conservatism, rigidity, materialism, and dullness. Strengths Practical and prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, responsible, pragmatic

    WeaknessesPessimistic, gloomy , miserly, grudgeful, negative , materialistic

    Esoteric CapricornThe task of Capricorn is to develop patience, persistence, and perseverance by working productively within the limitations of matter, time and space in order to progress spiritually; to become increasingly involved with the Forces of Light, and assume greater responsibilities in helping to manifest the Divine Plan on Earth.

    * The house where Capricorn rules is where you are here to achieve, accomplish, and live with greater purpose. The Goat

    Rules the teeth, knees, back, skeletal system, skin

    Earth element

    Traditional ruler-Saturn

    Soul ruler-Saturn


  • We can use the energy of Capricorn to:

    Work hard

    Live with purpose

    Be disciplined and responsible

    Accomplish, achieve

    Be more practical

    Concentrate and focus

  • Aquarius / January 20 - February 18 Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, associated with the fullness of winter. Individuals born under this sign are independent, innovative, intellectual, inventive, progressive, friendly and original. The undeveloped Aquarian is erratic, unpredictable, rebellious, cold and impractical.

    StrengthsFriendly and outgoing; humanitarian, original, inventive independent and intellectual

    WeaknessesIntractable and contrary , unpredictable, unemotional, aloof

    Esoteric AquariusThe task in Aquarius is to build community and develop group life and spirit; to champion humanitarian causes; to demonstrate fellowship and Brotherhood. The task of Aquarius is to wake up to the universality of Spirit and unity of all beings.

    * The house Aquarius rules is where you will be challenged to be progressive or seek alternative methods; where you will awaken or be awakened.

    The Waterbearer

    Rules the circulatory system, ankles, calves, shins, breath

    Air element

    Traditional ruler-Uranus

    Soul ruler-Jupiter


  • We can use the energy of Aquarius to:

    Work in groups and on teams

    Serve humanity

    Be more detached and impersonal

    Be more independent

    Be inventive, progressive and futuristic

    Demonstrate brotherly love

  • Pisces / February 19 - March 20 Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac, associated with the end of winter. Individuals born under this sign are gentle, kind, tolerant, dreamy, romantic, emotional and receptive. Undeveloped Pisces are prone to exaggeration, overwhelm, passivity, fear, hypersensitivity, and paranoia. Strengths Imagination, sensitivity, compassion, kindness, selflessness, sacrifice, healing, devotion, idealism , gentleness

    Weaknesses Escapism and idealism, fanaticism, victim-consciousness, hypersensitivity, easily overwhelmed, weak-willed

    Esoteric PiscesThe goal of Pisces is to detach from the non-essentials of life and serve humanity with great compassion, tolerance and understanding. Pisces serves humanity selflessly and tirelessly; is gentle, tender and kind.

    * The house where Pisces rules is where you will be challenged to discern between illumination and illusion. Here is a doorway either to spiritual transcendence or fantasy. The Fish

    Rules the feet

    Water element

    Traditional rulers-Jupiter and Neptune

    Esoteric ruler-Pluto


  • We can use the energy of Pisces to:

    Be compassionate, loving, kind and gentle

    Devote ourselves to a cause

    Increase our sensitivity and receptivity

    Be self-reflective: Pray, dream, chant, meditate, practice yoga, dance or movement, write poetry or heal

    Become more graceful



    the animating life force, source of light, energy, creativity, radiance, identity, individuality, self-expression, vitality, character, individual consciousness and personal power .

    the personality


    nurturing principle, emotions, feelings, wants, desires, instincts, habits, conditioning, the mother principle, home, family, tribe, day-to-day life, receptivity, sensitivity, biological karma, the past, response mechanism, mass consciousness

    the astral body, the solar plexus chakra


    fashions, moulds, destroys attachment to form, works to create detachment from physical realm and reorients to the Soul


    the concrete mind, rational thought, logic, communications, messages, information, knowledge, reasoning ability, dialogue, the busy mind, mind as a channel for insight


    loves, attracts, harmonizes, refines, merges, blends, relates

    concerns relationships, resources, talents, skills, music, art, money, values, tastes, aesthetics

    the solar angel

  • MARS

    desire, passion, action, physical energy, fighting spirit, personal drive, what you do, ambition, motivation, force, strife, striving, competition, stamina, aggression


    field of service, the physical location of service, what one must accomplish and ways to go about it.


    encourages, brightens, uplifts, expandsrelates to consciousness, higher education, travel, optimism, generosity, abstract mind, the path, faith, trust, abundance, spiritual principles, fusion of heart and mind to produce wisdom, synthesis, higher courts, philosophy


    disciplines, focuses, structures, restricts, blocks, tests, frustrates, limits, achieves through effortrelates to inhibitions, obstacles, lessons, control, responsibilities, foundations, boundaries, karma, the dweller, authority figures, the law, the material world


    awakens, shatters, shocks, surprises, radically changes

    concerns group consciousness, intuition, group service, freedom from the matter, universality, space, brotherhood, humanity, space, inventions, progress


    inspires, uplifts, idealizes, imagines, envisions, transcends...

    relates to compassion, spirituality, religion, transpersonal love, devotion, meditation, yoga, prayer, chanting, spiritual practices

  • PLUTO transforming, changing, regenerating, shattering, renewing, rebirthing, researching, examining.relates to power, might, intensity, endings and new beginnings, life and death, degeneration and regeneration, internal conflict, in-depth (esoteric) psychology, search for truth and deeper meaning, shared resources, corporate holdings and wealth, corruption, the underworld


    The mansions of the Soul

    Areas of material and spiritual life

    Fields of activity.

    It is through the fields of activity signified by the houses that the energies of the material and spiritual self meet, blend and express themselves in the present incarnation.



    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning The physical bodyThe Body of the SoulThe physical appearanceThe auraActivities of the personalityEmergence of Soul purpose/potentialCharacteristics of the egoQualities of the Ray typeBrain and headCrown chakraUrge for personal spaceExpression of the manifested willThe ego in action Activities of the Soul


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Finances, personal resources and values Spiritual resources and values; pranaPersonal uses of material reourcesUses of material forms for Soul purposesAttitudes about money The shaping of matter as an expression of Soul purposeLosses resulting from incorrect valuesGains resulting from the right use of resourcesGains resulting from the right use of resourcesIncrease in the ability to manifest form


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Rational mind and mental processesMind substance energy, manasCommunication; spoken and written wordMental telepathySearch for knowledgeThe Path to WisdomShort journeysDeveloping the Rainbow Bridge Gains resulting from the right use of resourcesSteps along the PathBrothers and sistersSoul brothers and sisters; companions along the Way


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Biological inheritanceBiological karmaMother and immediate familyThe World Mother, the Group Soul (source of our Soul brothers and sisters)Psychological foundationsFoundation for the building of self-consciousnessEndingsKarmic conclusions to life circumstancesHomeAshram of the Master, spiritual home of the Disciple


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Personal creative willExpression of the Spiritual WillCreative activitiesActualization of the Higher SelfRomance, love affairsWill expressing as LoveChildrenThe Soul as ParentHobbies, favorite activitiesThe Will to serve


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning ServantsServers Health and well-being Synthesis of the lower vehicles; wholeness Employees Those who are served Pets Service to the Animal kingdom WorkService to Humanity Techniques and skillsThe knowledge to build the Antahkarana


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Open enemies The Dweller on the ThresholdPartnersSoul mate and/or special co-workers Marriage The Path of Union


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Transformation and regenerationThe Path of DiscipleshipSexualityVehicle of rebirth into the consciousness of the Soul Transmutation of values Transmutation of personal desires into the needs of the Soul Other peoples resourcesResources needed by the groupDeathTransformation of form


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Long journeys The Path Religion and philosophy The repository of Universal Truth Differing orthodoxies The synthesis of all beliefs Higher Education Higher Mind Legal activities Cosmic Law


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning The father Spiritual Will expressed as Purpose Authority figures The Masters, Hierarchy, your Teacher Honor and status in the world Opportunities for spiritual advancement Social responsibility Enforcing the Will of the MastersCareer and profession Externalized field of service MC: Point of material culmination MC: Point of initiation


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning FriendsMembers of your group of co-workersHopes and wishes Spiritual visions and aspirations Organizations and clubsThe New Group of World Servers Political activities Service to Humanity


    Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning Hidden enemies Unredeemed past karma Self-undoingInversion of the Soul force Prisons and institutions Bondage to the personalitySecret activities Selfless service to Humanity Hidden resources Awareness of past lives Crucifixion of the personality Service to the World Savior

  • SIMPLE TOOLS IN ASTROLOGICAL INTERPRETATION 1) Consider the overview or chart emphasis by:a. Hemisphereb. Quadrant c. Signs or groupings of planets2) Consider the Sun Sign, the Ascendant and the Moon placements. (Present, Future, Past respectively)3) Study the exoteric and esoteric (planetary) ruler of the Ascendant and Sun sign. 4) Consider the Nodes. 5) Consider the Saturn placement.


    **Humans have existed as a species for a few million years and modern recorded history began just over 4000 years ago. *********************************************************************************

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