at. closing or out bdow at any ^gsst!! price! · 2018-03-23 · stand that, uou i give her m good...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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1 HOW •• CtWMb M1KMID.

•jstsr iMw, fennSjr •MMsila, cigar boxee

Jorenue dreeeeij tui \rtlm|>efi^


is imn buck, U. 8. B. * fapnes Iiele,


CtUCll Villi towa.

•ifty'i ^^sssriSssiisirT f ® CwWIftlf wOOEBmiK ^yTwBj 1 ealte,eqailU, spB doctor* I

ty'i ft^arer-Mor#lim# joaad bsb$p,1 Mt« *ji#p.«tc.. ^e. fm jiwt Uu Toii iiow I|M OMigM> Iiim wwiyi iM Bsnneat, moat tea custard, buhful fellow jtob ertr dideee; it WMkiufcf, »B*jltM i»l*4itken

S'th tbe abuts every time I nw * pretty I approaching ma, udPd v«H the itreet

nmj tiM ratbvr than faoe ana; 'twaen't be­rate ! didn't like the ctitteri, for if I wu

tehind » fence looking through a knot-hole, couldn't look at one long eooagh. Well,

ht Rnd 1 •iv (inter Lib gua a part; one nig Mayod awn; from home Decauee 1

^Bashful to face the raasie. 1 bang around e house whietling 'Old Dan Tucker* dan-Og to keep my feet warm, watching the

jeadi bobbing up and down behind tho win­dow curtains aod wishing the thundering "jjnrty wuyld f>reak op.*? I could get »o my •worn. 1 ammolitlp aJmneb *argars, and fja it was getting late andanghty aiMomfort-

3)>le, L eaacluded to ahin up tbe doer poet, jia eooner aaid than done, and I toon found •fcjielf anug in bed. 'Now,' aaya I, 'let her flip! Dance till vour wind circi oat!' And fuddling under t&e qailte, Morphea* grab­bed me. 1 was dreaming of aoft-ahell crabbs

nd atewed tripe and waa having a good imo when somebody knocked at the door

wad woke me up. 'Bap' again. I laid low. IQUp, rap, rap!' Then 1 beard a whieperin

Beaa, win Hoyt


J moot Bunn, Km

Cum. Il r Baltimore 8*' Meuti. Johnetoa ft Bra. " Eobert Garret Marsh Smiih, I^.

Atw York. Jno. Thompeoo, Ksq.

P' »p!' Then I beard a whtepei I knew there was a whole raft of girls

Siotaide. 'Rnp, rnp!> Then Lib ainga out, Jack, are you in there?' 'Yes,' says I.—

jfhen camps roar of|augh|er. 'Let us in.' anya (he. 1 won't,' says I, 'can't you let a fellow alone V 'Are yon a-bed t' says (he. *1 am,' eaye L 'Get up!' saysahe. 'I wont,' •laya I. Then came another laugh. By $hund«r ! I began to get riled. 'Get out, Jetticoateil scarecrows!' 1 cried; 'can't you set a beau without hauling a fellow oat of Ued? I won't go home with you—I won'

: to you may clear oat!' And throwing a boot at the door, 1 felt better. But, presently, 4>h! mortal buttona! 1 heard a atiil amnll Toice, very much like sister Lib's and it said 'Jack, you'll havo to get up, for all the girls things are in there!' Oh, Lord, what a pickle ! Think of me in bed, all covered with shawla, muff*, bonnets and cloaks, and twenty girls outside the door waiting to get in. 1 rolled out among the bonnet-ware and ribbons in a hurry. 'Smash!' went the millinery in every direction. 1 had to dress in the (fork—for there was a creek in the door, and the girls will poep—and and the way I fumbled about was death on straw bats. The critical moment ewe. I opened the door, mid found myself right among the women. 'O my leghorn!' cries one. 'My dear, darling w'inter velvet!' criet another, aad they pitch in—they pulled this way and that, boxed my ears; and ono bright eyed PittT.' piece—Snl her name was—put her arms ri^ht around my ncck, and kissed me 'Tight on my lips. Human nature couldn't

Helen. Caleb

Cel. Jno. Williams,

" Richard Tatee, 1. ft. Elliott ~



••after* * Bealtn in Exdtaa(«,

- • wiutoii. tujrra, iowa. -? r-IOLLECTiOKS MAPS AND PROJfPri.r tumil) Vv at Current Kate* ot Bachange.

mils of Exchange, (fold and Silrer, Currant aad aa-currcnt Honey Bought and Sold.

Lifcid Warranta Boagbt MM and Bntergden Time InMreat raid oa Special Deposits. Money Loaned on Baal Katate and Personal Security Tun paid (or Resident and Non-ltesident pnffic-

tors. OMreepondenia may rely upon pronptnaa HclMr

and oar peraonai attention to tbetr interests in the tranaaction of any baalneee which may be entroatad to

^ c^ri :

American Bzchanse Bank, Kew Tofk Ci9< 4. P. Thompfoa, ** •' •* Bank of Illioa, Illion, K

^Otiondaca Warren Bank, Soutti Uanvtra, Mat*. A. 1. Stereo, fc Co., Bankera, Ft. Doamolaaa. Hrtirr Farnham, Prea. C. a B. I. K R., Chicago,Ilia Jn E. Maary, Ha^a. M. laM. R. R. Daranp^rt. Iowa c>x>k. Sarfentft Mcoy, Bankan, Iow» City, Iowa. Westeta Mafias % fire laauraacc Catalany, Omaha

City, N. T. Le Roy Tuttle, Omaha City. James C. Mitcbell, Esq., Florence, N*. T. X. ft. Mi Iba,, Chicago. ' 1 ~ '

. Metdumt*',' Savliiga, Loan ft Traat On., CliMe. Carta. MwMliMnt Alaiaadrtaf, Ta. J. U Urnneti, Agt. j€tn* fire Inturanca Company,

Cincinnati, Obiv. Jaow« btfaa, U. S8, Xt. Plaaaant, Iowa.

. Ktal.% Cuttia. M O.. Kaoksk, Im. Coolbaugh ft Brouka, Bankera, Burlington, Iowa. July 4-nlO-u [Bugle c»py.

*<J. N utt. f. y^TklTLi:, , J. JS. Xntmiwt

Merchant's Exchange Bank


H. G. NUTT & CO.,

Council BlnffSf Iowa*

MONBTS B*CBIV*D ON DEPOSIT, PAYABLE ON demafid or at specified date, with or without in-

ttre*t, as per agreement with depositors. Tranfcferabl<tCcriitic*ies of Pepo&iia issued * beade-

ilrcd. we daw <itre«t en V«* Tork, Bonoi, witMyMa

Petrcrtt tnd Chkago, and hweciso perfected *u srranfe-uirnt by which we issue Draft* and Letters of Credit on the principal Bankers in One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Citieo of Europe*

Collections made in Western Iowa and Eastern Ne* . . . braska, free of charge, and remitted at current rates of

stand that, uou I give her m good as snc! Exchange. t£OL It W»» tba ilrtft time that 1 evor had1 We recrive orders to Buy and Sell on Commission

' Real K*Uie in Wwa or Nebratka 1nYot Hvatty for Capiulisu, aod Boy an4 Stll &*<l



H«lr PalBt« Wines and B

My atsck pare and

J^fhywc carefaliy com

ily fteceipu

the popi of the day

New Advertisement!

WW* 9* Kluffehcy icill bt*

. j J a k e » M i »

yi. O. Andms'f

.. (f I W^LtSA^.1 AMD BS&rtl .

Orpcery m4 Provision Kert,

Whicke mat be found a fkbsh assobtmbkt of Provisions, via: Buuar, Bgga, Laid, Chacaa,

Bacon. Oata, Fotatoea, Flour, alio, an


Stock o! HaaTy an« Faary fiHaocrtaa, wbicb will b* aold at amall proflta, a-oiotig wbicb may b« to and the follow­ing articlta:

48 hhda N O Sngat 126 bbla «rm>Md doj , 100 bbli clartflfd duj 1

96a MMi lataaM* \ 100 do Sugar Houae SyrwM ISO kega 4e , 220 bbla Cracker^" ' ISO bx> 1, a » Tobaaxs tOO do Soap; 300 do Star CandtBT. . . 120 do Sterine tuf**1*'* .2 100 do Candies; ,m

100 cheats Teaj , loo hf do do; 1«0 sck» Rio CulTee;

40 bale IlattK; 50 d<>z freth Penchea;

100 dvs assorted PreserYet, 100 do assorted Cans; 60 do Picklea# gallons; 40 do do % do 60 do do H do

300 M Cigars. Remember tbe place, Middle Brand *my,

ctl Bluffs, Isira, eppesltc Gove'a Ou lh«f» November 3l-a

HtbMs rectified Whisky; 60 di> liourboa do •0 do Old Kye do 75 do Mrnongahelftdof 1 6 c M f t s B r a n d y ; • 10 bblfiold CofCDaA 90 d6 Holland Gik| 10 ckaPort Wioe| 6 do Madeira;

76 baskets ChampifMf . 60 cases Claret; 96 tierces Rice;

loo do* Broom*; 100 do 3 hoop pattsS 75 do wash buardt|

100 bxs Raisins; 60half dodo;

300 bxs Herring; 76 bbU N uts a«*>rtndf 36 do Soiokiug Tobecco;

6600 sacks Flour; 600 bush Corn Meal*

»taste, mid it was powerful good. I bo-licre I eould h:\*e kissed thet gal from Ju­lius Caesar, to Fourth of July. 'Jack,' said •be,'we are sorry to disturb you, but won't tou see me home?' 'Yes,'said I,'1 will,' I did do it, end had nnother smnck at the gate, too. After that wetook a kinder tnr-tlo-doTing after each other, both of us sigh­ing likff 11 Dnrrel of new cider when we were from e:«eh other. 'Twos at the close of a glorious summer day—the sun was letting beyond a distant hoe-pen—the chickens were going to roost—the bull frogs had com­menced their evening songs—the pollvwogs in their nut ire mud puddles, were preparing tlteraselrea for the snades of night—and Sal and myself aat upon an antiquated back-log

llErEKEHCEl I.r. ncRAY k Co, N T City Dncxxi. & Co, Phila., Pa, Vcbmont Baku, Ilont'r,

Vermont. Harvey Kiko, Esq. Boston L. G. Bekby li Co. Adrian,


naEEN, Thomas It Co., Copuauoh k Bbooks,

Burlington, Iowa. WaikenCo. Baxk.IIU. David B. PariTon koi

Detroit. Micbigan-[aJBu.

CHERRY PECTORAL, Par rapid Cwra af





1837. 1837.


Council Bluffs, Iowa.

THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LKASAD ' tbe above well-known HOTEL, takes (bis op-

purtuuiiv of presenting its claims lo the trav-.. , - —— eling commtiiiity. He haa secured the mo»t Iltteoing lo Ura mufic Of oature, such as tree attentive and Obiigihx HELP, and hi* TABLK Will al-tOildt. rooslerf find ffruDtiDff-pim. And now! WdX* he furnished With the Terr best the market af-

i .f- „# . . .-fords. Tbe most diligent attention will be given to in-then th# nellOW inusio of R distant ^ gure the comfort^ and to cater to tbe wants of all who

jackass was wafted to our e:irs b^' the gentle j ntav become irtietis. No pains or expense win be spar-•rpbjrs that sighed among the mullen stalks < e,im,ke ,hi» * OTn"»»»b'<- k'™<- <»' ho may

eitbrr permanently or temporarily extend their patron­age to it. Ctargfs aMdrrati ss4re|ilatr4tsniil Ike U«ss.

There is attached to this Hotel, a commodious, weJI-set'iirrd BRICK STABLE, with an atteniivehost-ler at all time* in waittog. JOSEPH WKIE1CH.

Council Bluffs, October 24ntt-a



and came heavy luden with the delicious , «4or of ben roosts and pig styes.

The Inst lingering rays of the setting sun, glancing from the brass buttons of a solitu-

Tv Korsetnnn shone through a knot-hole in the hog-pen full in Sal's face, dyeing her hair witli au orange-peel hue, aod showing off my thread-bare coat to bad advantage-^ one of my arms was around Sal'a waist, my hand resting on the small of her baek—she

. toying with my auburn locks of jet black Imo - she was almost gone, and I was ditto.

»She looked like a grasshopper dying with tho hiccup*, and 1 felt like a mud-turtle •choked with a codfish ball. 'Sal,' says I, in a voice musical as the notes of a dying swan, 'will you have me?' She turned her •yea heavenward, clasped me by the hand, had an attack of the heaves and blind stag­gers, and with a sigh that drew her shoe­strings to her palate, said, 'Yes!' She gave clear out, then, and squatted in my lap—she corkscrewed ami 1 curflumuxed and rolled in it. I hugged her till [ broke my suspend­ers, and her breath smelt of onions which she eat the week before. Well, to make a story short, she set the day, and we prac­ticed for four weeks every night how we would walk into the room to be married, t.ll we got so we could walk as graceful as a couple of Muscovie ducks. The night, the company, and the minister came, the signal was given, and arm in arm, we marched through the crowded hall. We were just entering the parlor door, when, down 1 went kerslap on the oil-cloth, pulling Sal after lue. Some cussed fellow had dropped a ba­nana skin on tho fleor, an4 it floored me.— It split nn awful hole in toy oassimers right Wnuer my dress coat tail. It waa too late $o blfck out, so clapping my hand over it, . we marched in and were spliced, 1 watched the kiss sing the bride operntion. My grooms­man wns tight, and kissed her till 1 jumped up to take a slice, when, oh, horror! a little • nil year old imp had crawled behind me,! CliOTIIIiTO, mx and pulling my snirt through the hole in my pants, had pinned it to the chair, and in jumping up, I displayed to the admiring

<gat<« of the astonished multitude a trifle more white muslin than was pleasant. The women giggled, the men roared, and I got fnad, but was finally put to bed, and there >11 my troubles ended. Good-night,


* A writer in tho Norfolk iiytu 4** %enbes the statue of Washington in Rioh-

a u i

Thompson & Siegrist







OLAffiWiU, •».•« w

: **%«» 3 r i - f « t

They will clot* oat tbelr ENTIRE STOCK at

P R I M E C O S T F O R C A S J I !

REMEMBER1.—At the 'Bee Hive,' Store, W*. 1, Palmer's Block.

- Aw-tf - - rno*psov * sifcrfiiisf.

mond, Ya., as having its eyes fixed on the House of Delegates and its right forefinger I _ nn ...... pointing to the penitentiary. '500 ".OUB—aperlor br«<u, for

OAA BUSH. rOTATOES—Juit reciiid tod for «•!«, at tka KB HIVK.

A rather thick-headed witness in a police CKMtrt, •mm asked the«)uesti(Wi, wheth­er So and so 'stood on tho defensive.* •

'No sir,' he replied, 'he stood on a bench!'


OA BBLS. SYRUp—Jn»t received and for n.ile at * V tbe BKK HIVK.

185T. 1S5T.

Spriag A Suuier Arraafenest. (TyA voter, deficient in personal beauty, A

•aid to Sheridan,'I mean to withdraw asjj Omaha ® Council SlQuS countenance from you.' Many thanks for the fuvor, sir,' replied the candidate, 'for it is the ugliest mug I ever saw !'

Why is a room full of married ^er-1 OlHIliblUI Trfllf ! sons like an empty room ? Because is not a singlo person in it. Chartered by the LegUUUwrt of Nebradta.

TWO FOUR KOUI OMNIBU3X8 W1LI. RUN* BE-tween tbe above place* daily.

lift ever i ererr notable, at 8 o'clock, A j Leaves Cnuacil Bit X , and rcmraiof from Oauba in tlSM to dine at Conn- ! cil Blutr«St 1, PH.

LeavesConacil Bl«flk at 3 o'clock, t M. and returnins S, P M. The above time will be obterved oat 11 farther notice, i nt«-o I. D. HARL.

£5" A young widow in New Orleans, be­ing asked after her husband's health, an­swered with a soft, quiet smile, 'lie is dead, 1 thank you.'

^"°w do you know there were rail-1 »tjji. f * toads in the days of Solonon? Because it m stated that when the Queen of Sheba ri«-

"fted hini, she came with a great train. j. m. palmer.

. ty^Two persons, contending very sharp- J M. MltlST At (Ja,. ly on matters regarding a late election, got . "v* ** to rather high words, when one of them j Bankers *. Real Estate Agent*, •said, 'You never catch a lie coming out of ' "*iy mouth !' The other replied, 'You m«y I Offlse—!*•. 3. Palmer'a Black, Brwdwar, well say that, for they fly out so fast that 1 COl'XClt. BIA'VFs, low 4. nobody can catch then.' ; ticHAXGB and land wamUnts

\ t.,1 . . Vy fcoiWht mi *)l* Oillectiona in Wastsra low* and Ung Irishman, who had married Nebraska promptly atiended to; City and Town Pro|i«r-

Wuen he was about nineteen fears of age, V a«tlanil» Mtn-baaad and auld; Jtuuer wrested aad complaining of the difficulties to which hia T"w P*,d n>«er'« pa><< on Special lWpfl«lt». airli ninri!... u„i . i • . | , • . , , Easecial atteniion (iven w Burins and Selliai Proe-eariv marriage had subjected him, aaid he erty in Omaha city, X. t.


. .>! } ; V / U from Iowa City to Cfcicaco withsat

chance ofCara, creealae the

MTciwrt, RMk blaad Cklcae*

~ ^atf mita at tU'taat,

annoyaace of Perries, and cfcaagaa, aa by other imM.

35 Miles Distance |»rc« JL

ry By tbla Boste Trarellera tnm Ci—ril B(w and Port Dee Moinea will tare Tweoty-flve Milea di»-Unce. Pare Lower than by any other Route.

Fear Tratsi Leave lewa CUj Dstljl

siiisfcs*^ whtimifam. 3 S-16 A. MPreisbt k. Kmirrant. #-J0 A. M.—Mormng Expreaa for Muacatiae. I>3ven-

port. Bock lalaad, Chios* and all pointe at the Mw4. A. M —PreUht aad Kmiirant. P. Evenine Raprau iur MaacaUae, Davaa-

port, Chicago, and all pointa eait. Trains arrive at Iowa City 10 16 A. M.t IS St A. S-r

4 46 P. M. and 8 «6 P. H. Three Tr»ln« Leave Maseatlee StaUfi, | y

*"• '* (SlStiirS'BldCTtED.) • • 'i®. 1:0S A. M Morning Expreaa for Davenport, Bock

lAitad, Ch«ca$o» ***! au^oim* BmI. 19:60 P. reigbt aod ImiereoL 1:56 P. H.—Evening Expreu for Davsapart, Bock

Itland, Cbicafco, ami all pointa East, Traina arrive at Miucatine at t.60 A. I:M P. V.,

and 1:66 Jr. U*f4r trWelloraWar

•«t, quickest, aod oiuatreli this ro4#fitftt chW|>-

elial>fef and its advantages superior to any other offered, connecting at Muscatine with boats uu tbe MistiMippi Rirer for St. Louis and New urifaoij at Davenport «i(k beau lor Gs)«as, Dw-leith, Dubuque and St. Fan], at Bavtaa JoaeUoA wilfe train* (or Peoria, at LaSalle vitb lUiMia €«Mrai B»il road Kortb for Dixon, Freeport, Galena. Df*WiU a«d Dubuqoe; South for Bloomington. SpriogfleM, Jackson­ville, Naples, Cairo, Alton and St. Louis} aod at Chica­go with Michigan Central Kail road, and Michigan Southern Railroad feral I ttagpouthern and Eaatern Stales • . - .t

|3*Tbrough Tickets for all tbe principal fester* Points, can be procured at tbe Ticket OfBce* in Iowa City and Muscatine.

Baggage re-checked at Cbleago, aAd transported free to connecting lines.

HaOTftON DAT, S«p't. B. L. CARROLlvTrgirettag AmaU »»-•

aintTdV tbe relief of consumptive patients In advanced stages of the di^ease.

We need not speak to the public of its virtues.— Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of tbe American State*, its wonderful cures of pulmonary com­plaints have made it already known. Nay, few are the families in any civilized country on this continent with­out some personal experience of its effects; and fewer yet tho communities any where which have not am^ntf them some Imnic trophy of its victory over the subtle and dangerous di>easo;i of the (hroat andlunrs. While it is tbe mn*t powerful antidote yet known to man for the formidable and dangerous «1i«ea*esof the pulmonary organs, it is aho the plea*.intest and safest remedy that can be employed for infants and voting persons.— Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared, we have abundant grounds to believe the Chehry Pectoral saves more lives by the consumption# it prevents, tban those it cures. Keep it by y«.ti and cure your eolda while they are curable, not neglect them until no hu­man skill can master tho inexorable canker that, fast­ened on the vitals, eats your life away. , _

A l l k n o w t h e d r e a d f u l f a t a l i t ? o f l u n g d i s o r d e r s , a n d j # # ' v as they know too the virtues of this remedy, we need : i not do wore than assure them it to still made the best it can be. We spare no cost, nor care, no toil to produce it tbe meet perfect possible, and tbns afford those who rely on it tbe best agent wbicb our skill can furnish for tl^elr curc.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATIR, Chemist, Lowell. Mass., and aold bv all re«pei taMe Druggist!* everv where.

Sold by j. D. IIONN. Council Blunt; J.\S C. TSR II CO., i)maba j BKRXARD h. CO., St. luuis, aad Agenta in every town in tbe United States. n28-41-lm.


Railroad. Tsine (Chicago, Burlington end Quincy, Central and Mil­itary 'tract, and P*ora mnd Oquawka JUtf Road*.)

IS NOW COMPLETED, AND TRAINS NOW run the entire distance, from Burlington, Iowa, to

Chicago, without change of Cars. . , • TleoMst direct rente to CbicajK y^wToft, Boet«<it Philadelphia, and all other importent points East.

Two daily trains leave Buriiugton, Sundays excepted. 1. Day Eipre«. Through, 7^0. A. M, A r r i v i n g a t C h i c a g o o n t i e s a m e e v e n i n g , p a s s i n g

through Monmouth, Galerfhurg. Princeton, and connect­ing at Mcudota with thejijjnois Central Rail Roada, to LaSalle, Bhiomtield, S^ringfleld, Decatur. Jacksonville, aud Naples. Also wilt Galeua and Dunieitb.

3. Expreu. Tkreagh, 7 JO. B. tL Connecting with Illinois Central Rail Road atMendo-

ta for St. Louis and Cairo. Trains on the above roads run in close connection, gveiding all laying over at anj of tbe points.

This road connects at Chicago witb tbe Michigan Cen­tral and Michigan Southern roads, and with all (be roads leading to the Atlantic Cities, Obio> Kentucky and Penn­sylvania.

Passengers leaving Burlington at 7.SO, F. X., reaches Galena and Dunieitb in 12 bours, and St. Louis in SO hours

By this mute passengers will reach the interior of Ohio and Indiana in less time, and with fewer changes, tban by any other route, connecting via Michigan Cen­tral st Michigan City with the New Albany and Salem Rail Road, thence to all points south and south-east.

Baggage checked through to Chicago, and no charge for handling at any point.

{[^Through ii< kau by tttis rente can be pnrrti—ed I the Rail Road office in Bnfiinffott.

C. G Mammopd, Superintendent. D. Rtiiicn. Ticket Agent. Buriinston. nl«*

iuib hf!«

lo roi&J

fi mm*

«. gtfiri

> art J PHI { »1

It / -»ff J /hi

r-nt.iM~-i.9ofj «»t'-nr;?>fcY .n

to •«« _


! i» hat if .;', i i J* *

Matt .. 0»' /J»

Dealer m foreign and Domettic Hardware aru. f Mechanic*' Toob,

* Steel, Nail* and AgricuUural ImfUmemt*. I ham•< It - . 'V • .

f wm in my Store, and to arrive throughout the eeaeon,

' fen?,?T fc ^ Largest and bent anorted ttoek of Hanhtxm

v>in#er befw offered Wt$t of the MissUsippi

— Mixer, which toill he told (m, the tiWfl

ni ,er-rt*"»"f /»i -i-tlwi fcfts* W . u HlDiUsKt^il

1" T-jfJOWl f»' tfilitltrtK ifjlil

W ?<li I' ll ft; .rf iiicH h .

^ Bi ll

"c.fcrf-. reasoitable lerms for '0A$JL\ '• ' • , | f #rji *•<! ; i»ift -,*/

e-'.ie' i • ' .. t-H ,'i (.a...

MBCHAK1C'* TOOM Of eeeff atrilyM*. enoelMiaa 1" pert *f N4 VeaUMflUM, Im, mere. Batcbeta. Kaad OKI BcaMl Ax—, A4aea, 94 wee, Berela, Aafera, Draw Kai^aa, Ami aad

fro* and Wood Bench Sain, iarlU, Vitee, SUlow^ SMfee, TerM-mM, SWI ni Wee, Strew wrei - - — — e •»wiM0f» aad Madaaa, aatf a naalrartetj " - - -Brtak. flaateriac aad Ce«ker Cmrela, Stoae rftttnMi

of other article* need by lalMm. it hnd tiMftf laproeeiMata.—

A. MUMkaf the celebrated KUIXNS mamm hawl, aad lor aale lew.—

-noiUHU'l CASDWAU—CewiaUat ut mia aal llortue Lorta awl Latchee, SUdlM Door Trimaiaei X) B«tta aad Btaee* ot all klada, Screwi, fallcii Bart Boot Itfferi, IMor Mb aadrulta, aad a large nent of other article* need br Bnildera.

AOrnCCLTOTIAL IMPLKMBKTS—h (TMt vartetr, eeaMninc all tke ri4>VU FUOWSII A. tnilaua

UTTLB OUNt Cora aad Coh Jlllla.

SMGO >N0 moU UMWitA eeeaylete Mock ot all liiw, 01 the after* hraadi, coaaUsUv oa haad. Mr Stock ot ItUL la farfe—cenalatiat of Caat, Bli.ter, Oeraan, ne# aadToeOork Steel. Ibo. leriM BorM

Iheee, Kail Bad, art— aad American H.ree Kaiu. AN0 KASn-A tof«e Mock of all kiada aod ilMe a/ MKHUTlaad ether aakea.

CIRCULAR uwt^ot all alaea, lr«i• toee iaek,«t Braach, Crookee fc Oe>a mnnlW aaahet' alakMNilr Mill, Baler, rut, Croei-€at aad Teaoo Saw,.

BRCTtKO AND MtAH PACKING—iatber BelUae fnM « to n lpet > *M < piyt IMtier, Hemp tad Cottoa Packing, a fall stock alwaya on haad. Alee Block Tin, Babbitt Watal, Spelter m* MMitg line, oa haad.

aad LIN, Bee* WoW,«nlira aadOaln Pomp., with Weed. Oalwiaed aad Lead ripm.

•pors Bnpeef au klada *Bd »«»ee—Blotha mi Pnlleyai Wheel Barrow*, Plaatarlag Hair; . XI Pari*, Grind Stone., Caat Kettlee aad Doc Iroaa, platform Scale*. Counter Sealee, Pire-PiW Safe*, ChalAa, all kindii Choppiag im and Handle*, Seringa aad Ailee, Thimble Skeina, Haam, Bagf, aad Team WU^. JJOCSB-rUBMlSII 1XU GOODS—Japaaed Ware, Britiania Ware aad Silver Plated Gooda,4tt., Be.

1am alee Ageot for the'aale of TBBBSBING MACHINES, Keepers aad. Menan Psrtohle OrMi Mlk Mar Milla, Water Wheels aad fee Machinery aad CaeUags generally.

THB PUBLIC ie respectfully Invited to examine M* STOCK AWD PKfGEB, before parchaalwelaewhvw, aa I wm eoogdent that I can make it to their Intereet to purrSaeo of MB, hartaga lane stock, which la of.

c. j.rsi.

fared at the Council Bluffta, January, 19, lHt8-n88.


At. or Bdow ^Gsst!! h»

BEnn DETERMINED W SELL «VT. I SfO** RnpRTnUT Cilt TBE A TU)K of all. to my STOOK, aad particalarly, -pWTrraia which are TWSBMt fkaei kaa Kaaa nffaeait in ika WlfM »

whWl are apeetlr staple, BOOTS aod SBOES at or UBIT^ waj rv^tm Bsaadal at^mtiaa la called to

Hijt'n+L HP !•» 4lisi%Si



Faper AVi. ST **d 39, leseaf OTreef.

a. p. ladev, r. j. rciaa, wm. aaiOBT.

L A D E W , F E E R S & C O . ,


PLAIN A> DOR>AMENTAL TYPE. PRINT-1NG InkB,<.'^rd» and Card Bo-irds, News, B*K>k, 619

Letter, Envelope, Colored and Manilla Papers. Keep constantly on hand Type from all tbe Poundriee

in the United States. Wood Type of all varieties, Cha-»es. and everything requisite for the flt ews, Book or Job Ofke, lurnisbedat Phil

adelpbia Prices. al-u


Forwardinq &. Commission Merchant*, JTo, i* Empire Block, Ct/rner qf

Main and Broadway Streets,

5V,.-*. Sign of the

Council Bluff*, lotra.

The vndersigxed rkspectfi'li.y inforroa tbe ciuieas of WKSTKKN IOWA k NB-

BRASKA, that they bave just received one of the finest aud largest stocks of

Spring ft Summer Goods

ever brought abore St. Joseph. Oar Goods was PUR­CHASED for CASH, of first hand manufacturers and Importers in the Cities of New York, Boston and Phil­adelphia. and have bren selected with greatcare, by an experienced bnyer expressly for this market, and our stock was purchased l>efore tbe late advance in Cotton GiKids. which will enable uato sell LOWER than any other hou.e in the West . WE Pledge Oarselrea U sell Gooda at St. Louis Prices, adding transporta­tion—to Country Merchaats. ,

B»r*s »r <A« rnttphmmt. COL-NOII. BUTFYS, IOWA, ; ,



a2-a 9

UAW, PARASOLS. FINE. FANCY AMD J? Black Dress Silk. All of the latest styles just re­ceived aad for sake by


CHILDS* B Cbamiel FLATS—beautiful styles


O H O n u - O F " T - L O U I S E X T R A C I T Y « v U B r a n d F l o o r , w a r r a n t e d t o b e a N o . 1 a r t i c l e , Ju*t received aad for aale at the Klephant, by


ONE OF THE LARGEST * BEST ASSORT­ED stocks of Groceries A Provialoaa in the city,

just received and for aale (heap, by Bin TOOTLK II JACKSOW.

A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING Ic Oentlemena' Furniahing IM of late Styles, for

tale cheap, at the Elephant, by nl-u TOOTLK k JACKSON.

Plows! Flows!!

OWEN'S CENTRE DRAFT. Peerta Break-I KG and ooe or two Hor»e Plow*, for sale cbeap,


i tt^The queation but often been uked, what ie tiie adage ipoken ot in Lady Mu-beth'* lines,

"Let tint l dare not wait npoo I would, Like tbe poor call' tne adacef

It ii thie: "The eat loves fith, but dares •ot wet iter feet."

ot wk to the futare, bae been arreated for

jyTi'be boT who was eaught lookiac in-1 ) tbe futape, baa been arrested for looking I

at tbe show without paying.

.* fcSrw tij do tbe police always danaga a | — •«ateb if tbej Sad it in tbe bands of a t£i«ft; "D "% Beaasa tbey alwaye stop it. '

W. Towaenn, Caahier CheMer go. Mok, Pa. ' • *?rrx*xoT-r, Corn*, k Co.. PhflSHelphiC WS** C. F. Corns, Cashier, Kichmuod, ladiana. i-.- ;r-,, *- S. T. Mobto*. Centreville, Indaaaa. BETKOUH, IfATCHEH k. fl EKCI. UtllftMblM t •* Mew TorkCiiy. -?f WOOD, Ua k co . > — v Homaw II Co. | Cincinnati, o. * Ba. On. B. h»UTM,ls. ! -* V "

Lambenaea, St. Toona t faaiaiaa, St. Jseeah. Ma. ^

•f Qoaacil Blufl., Iowa. i- Vj a liUlt, H. Deaeta. Iowa.

Bargatns! Bargains!! AT

"Flmplre BloobL


I HATE TO SELL AT LOW RATES:*-t tiie I<OT oo tbe Pubfte iqnare— ». • " business LOTA on Broadway— t " ftetadeDce LOTS on Bancroft Street-*.* , t 14 " in tiritnee' AfMitioa** f • •' l^otn in Beers' Addition—

SO "LOTS in Everett'* A4ditH»— § 1 T £ 36 « •• Howard* " 1 f I • f5 " •« B'irn'« k ^ 5 S6 " " Bitylisi' 3d " , 1$ •• Sail lUad "** - , I I TO A^res of Land in ser. 34, "Town To, K. M7 40 " " " " " 59, " 76, " 44.

Also, Lots in all parts of tbe City. Also, 6000 Acres of FARMING LAND in Pottawat-

taaiie and adjoining Counties, at pricee to suit purchas­ers.

OflSce in Rmpire Block, opposite Pacific Bout. D. C. BLOOMSE, Lmmi ifcat

Conacil Blvflb, May 1867-ola

WM. Lucai. C. L. THOMfaow. WM. 8. Gviw,

Fan 1837.

LUCAS, THOMPSON ft CO., (Successors to C. M. MiClung k Co.,)

*e. 90. Mala Straet. St. Laals, Ma.


»SY400»S, Among whlcA mar ke fnaad a c.iasplete line of Printa.

Delanes, Cashmeres, llerinoc?). Alpacas, Saltinetla. Indian Cloths, B<)[nbaaines, Cloths, Caaetnieres,/

Jeanii, Twee«ls, Over Coating, Biaakata, Itc. Onr Stock of Faretfa Gearia will embrace all tbe

Latest STVLca and Newest UooDa offered to the trade.

••r ITMIs CT»*4i SaMai trill le fllled with a very choice selectlon»f evervthinn under thai We will also keep a complete line of

jwTimjr timing, Whick we will offer to the trade npr.n good terms, at houses exclnsivel? in that business, Oar stock of

STRICT LA ST \FLES. Brown Mnslins, Keneva, Ticking, Bleathed do,, KwrnGixrfi, Shirting Stripes. Osnahnrgs, i>ril lings. '• Tweeda. I.irwers, Apron Checka, Barging, kc. W i l l b e f o u n d a s c o m p l e l e a s a n y i n t h i s m a r k e t . W e are determined toofler these goods al very close prof­it and desire to c?U the auaatioa ot alt CASH, or PaoMrr Tuu Buriuisto then.

L10AS, THOMPSON k CO jaly 25-nl3-lm.


tHBCO-PAltTNJttSHIP BXRRTOFOBB BUSTING under tbe name and style of kl'HN* h HAGOBB-

TT,i# this day dissolved by mutual consent. Allac-eoonts srainst the above firm, will be paid by CTRtT3 C * KUIIS, and all I eniand* due said Arm, wilt be paya­ble to CTRCS ('. L,HN—who will continue tbe bnsi-ue«s at tbe old stand, uoe door West of the Pont Offlce


Conacil Bloflk, Angnst t»-nlS-a


W* EATS NOW IN STOItff TOR FOM.OWI.VG Goods, wbit-h if not culled for andchargea mm

We will sell on the Mih day of November neit, to fay freight andchargea, at our Warehouse in Council Blidb


1 bale Linen. H. S. DENIIOK. S hxa mtUe, I hareaal J table; *«Aair,f T 1 wasbstand; 1 child's chair; ' 1 bed steady 1 crib; 1 matrass;

O. W. MAT. 1 box mdse$

SAMUEL WiESLER. t box mdse;

J G. CABSOM. 1 box mdse.

C. J. iomi. 1 box mft<-hinery

October i?-uS6-u

^AlH ALtCir. 1 box mdse*

& I chest do» % bandies do

L W . R . 9 bbl ndsef

TBCMANR. now. 1 bbl corn;

^ J Baker* 1 boat Mae

Wm. Burton. 1 box raises

.1. Todd. 1 box mdse.

ItlCfH KlAIU>J«AM 1 box mdse;

C. M. ROBINS, 1 (Mml Ceuiuln ait ftnmu^,:

M E R C H A N T ,

Z«*««—Cmmtil Mi/n, isw«. urn to

Joa. VcSaTrac st. Loan. Geo. peobam » B. I. PceaAM k Co., OeaadillaA. 8. Docoutt k Co, « - : Babbitt A Ross, An. '

July 11-nll-iy. »ro*I



HAS OPtKBD ON UPPKR SROADWAT, OPPO-aite the Store Of 0. VOORUIH, a Bakery k. Confectionary

pstabliihment, where le will be pleased U> meet his eid friends and the public in general. , He will keep constantly on hand PRRSH BAUD Bread, Cakes, Pies, Ac., together with Candies, Frail*, jjpyiters, Sirdiues, Lobsters, Pickles, Ac.

DVI-ita C. E. HAGGIRTt.'

rorPLZTOaA. BTSBa, CKy, W. *. Paich ACL W. Woodwabs, .Chicaao iirifcu.

Ceaadl Blift. Jw »<ei ^

fc SMOKS—a very lacga ateck ni Obi'i W" »ad laiaaa's wear~-tor sale

*ttk* SEB HJTB.

PIANOS! PIANOS!! TT7-B BATE JC9V UCBITKD SOUK PIANOS, WW GUITARS, laatraetlon Books, and a flne rumrm

assortment of SHSKT-MCSIC, of the latest ialb publication*. All of whlth may be oblainedSHK ea the aseet reaeenaMa tenaa, by aspiring «e

k« J. M. HEW.

1 6 1 m * A OKIHD 8T«m»-

< cks. Iax Chains^ SOO bis. Glasa, from S by 10 to M by 4e. M D P a a e l D o o n ; - r » r c . n . r •00 Doc. Saab aaeotteS siiee— • .1 (

'MeSale Chisa, at the Blephant. by TOOTLE It JACKSON.

Weekly Packet from St. Joe to Conacil Bluffs K Omaha.


and Council Slnflk every PRIDAT, enn-nectinj at St. Joe with the l.lthtninc 'Be BaiiroadT [nT-a.

JSSLi Lme of tbe Pacii

SncerftM, a.

:*r - - . •« ; i . : , « ( • . i f - . f . S a r d i n e s , . t > , * r*«rtt rtwats* \ -j , •

st#rtt%wrrt#t, Cherries,

Piae Apple,

Blackberries,^ .rfaoatS « mvA

I .<s«

Bran Pickles, Plain fc Assorted,

iy Peackes, tue. 'WVSOim •* - ftS .v •? !

i;»»i ! JtunH i

Al«<>. Ili» attentif, G A R D N E R , a s S p tbey want, in short.

» a.... a .. the BLACKFlMITH. to my stack of TOOLS and IRON"; aad the FAtlHES aad . appn.HClilng. tu a One lot of HOBS, RAKES, SHOVELS, SPADES, aad anything ite all to come and buy.

'u^iaji'^ai^ " jUCtWBKAT. OATS* CORN» Bl'llKX, £Q68, asd Pieriilooa alwaii on hattl at )WHT PE1CES. Iraiain the wa»H»aw Stand '

"Olieap OaaK Oorner," lt>y


- ( " " . m m it*-*

a > 0 1 » ktoticb I T ,T . **'' V •non " Poaaible, aa my BOOKS are POSTED and reedy for i M. J t J strlkihg Valancrs, and itTs my eealre and deteemlaatiea to — V. Janury 'i8, 1«3II>b39 ^1 H^JTr.


pSSES J»eMWMBri^<^iyMaMMBt fat Oae BN«

"*• «•! n^eWy Mmprtm ••Wgte'abOAUfcef aaaos, aad will to daba apoo the fellowiac uwma:

Copies.... ^ S per al TWO (kl^ieieae»*,eWH»«>, 6 " yir«Cupiei.....M*.aM.IMe4... It 26 "

*" M4U.W axrmatM, »' Evealai Iditloa, at the selection of tha

totdTJSSi'. "»y. paysMe To eaabie all Vbe prefer to Jndge the "Kxraru'

e*M Me nartfe fee Iheaasslves, Sp**»sea f-Tftr win be wax fit* l« ao f addreee, npuo apptkatioa to

#. * jt. nun Comer ^all aad KasaaaStreaU, New Tort.

lASMlMadi be aapplled to

Single O

Dissolntio ! T™_'50-pa»tkebship herctopokb exist-

IN^ uOder the name aad arm of GRKENC. w£ABE4 WKTfNt'li tbiatfay dissvlved by no*

'** w*OIHeme*ae OBOBOB GBEEBB y**M> J*v t»W taping diMueed «< their

iSdSS4"j nAt * J' '

The bnsineas *''1^*'<wojBC<ed. aa heretofore, by our


co*MimiciiiHip Nonee.

T"A25t?L*,K1, <•* *° tb* '»«• *rm el GUINI, TKAU h BBJKTOV,) have this day

foraied a Co-partnership, aader the style and Srmof BBNTCW It TOWH, for the parpaae ot tranaactsaa a general Exchange aad Baaklnjt aaslaese.

As Mj. Bcbtob, tbe reaideat aaa acting fartaer ot the late flraa of GBEUX, Wxabe k Bebtob, ia o«-nected with tbe upw Heaae, then wilt he ao material change in the business. Mr. Town, formerly of Elgin, lllltioia, la sell kaawa lo the Oissiatsii eeaaaanlty in that vicinity, and ala*io Mew Tork. Oar constant aim Wfll be «• merit theewiSdence and patronage of the pub­lic. THOMAS H. BttiTON, J a.

JOSEPH J TOWN. Oaaaeil IlaA, lewa, Aagaat 1BU. ISH.-alS^B -

^EsSS^PaS MNMSmaliU t29!rS!!!WiN^fi


_^c*-aowaa|Hrw u a. «^Ity of

tfcaparpeee ot Mr. -m,,. , ip la, to Beep aa that aataikaae whsek -• Isliksniir^M^r aiaeeryJJj^j— liuca! calcalatloo in ISM.aa JT*'.—*«l> tbea fwned u po«r„i u>e deeUalae MtLTi!!!** efMaltoB lowhiA tl*»e who ser5JiJa,

k2J*5«" coajdently (or the perpetaatloa * iw7-JT ^Iste

Tbareare large bodies o< oar imaf*"' ejtha Ontea, wheatplere ^iTmSTTi *"*"'• Uoaal party at the I

It ostraciaae (Be (be cituensof the slav tloe and

d to by political gamblers la proposed by the undersigned, u 1 ipapee at U« City ot Waahwgtea. -

V««w 1 oar 2ft. ••••paper will be m/j«4 Tkg ImiT •mwmIiNhvwtoMilnfIn a nationality nrrtailt—as l vifwa, vortty of iu mm.

Regalar St. Leafs, fsaaell Blaffs. A WW SHAHA PACKET.

THE splendid TASSEX6 ek steamer "STAR OP TIU VIM," «. OHLMAB^Itaater, will oo the opening MaaMoce running to of navigation, commence running to the above and ail

intermediate places, aad' coDtinoe tbronghont tbe sea-aoa. TheStar at the Wast haa recently been etied up and furnished la tbe latest slyle, and as for business tad aeeeaaedatieas fer paeeengere, ahe baa no superior ia tbe trade. Qer officers thankful for tbe liberal pal-roaagebeatowed oa them the past season, mpeclfollj ask fer a eaattnoaace el tbe nine.

Caft. M. OH Lit AX, M. I. JfcIK»AU>.

Cf'or freiftU, passage, information, he., apply ta JOS. McKSTIRB, Afent,

ll»B 9$ Levee and I Commercial at.# St. Leaia.


THOMAS E. TUTT, Tm 6I«i>i», Lnifttn, St. Jottfk, ttarmak,

Ittea Point, fietrtk* City, Cornell UJuJi. Situ* Citf, Fort Pierre and Mouth Tetlow


freight and passenger steamer THOS. E. Tl'TT, P. M. Doiieb, Maatea wil)

>|wt»iDg of narijatioo, commence her regular trips to tbe abore, and a!Y intermediate puiuta .m tbe MiMonrt Eiver, and oontinne in the trade during tbe season.

Tbe undersigned retnrn their tbanks to their frienda and the sabltc generb(ly# far favors heretofore extended to them, and respectfnlly solicit a share of busiues* the comiag season. 9. M. POKIER,

nl-a B. A. POZILB,


^Hjcoxjisrciid blupps, iow4i'i:,iM;

Pubtif atiention jr rttptetfvOjf requested to this EktaMMm**, vith the tutmtmc* that

hmm SatlaJaeUw* will fea (Wem, aa te«aT«a Tjmiiiky. rraa Werk aM c*M«SB,

®» n>oee wm require Panry or Common, Larga or Stoall Work



Regular Packet for Ktmtat, Omaha, Coun­cil Blufft A Sioux City

The mew. elegant, fast aiwcom-XODIOU3 passenger steamer, OMAHA, Andrew

Winetand, Master, J. J. Wilcox, Clerk, wilt run as a regular packet for the above and all iniermedivte points on the Missouri rirer. Patrons can rely upon her con­tinuing tbe trade daring the entire seasen.

The Omaha having been placed in the most unexcep­tionable onJar for tbe trade, her oAcers hop*, that by s t r i c t a u — * * • < * m o t awi, so aerit a liberal share ot pers ami iht public *ener«Uy

A. ITISEI.AKD, Master. 4. 2. V1IXOX. Clerk.

^Attempt to attain a mirnibii __ . pnnglemf u the aaasuiM of UsaisMrv Tkt^tpnkHe will resolutely oppoae an Administ/at^

•»»*S«3( jv*» **** An iiffletlMi st'achment u the Uatoa a r!Trrs.nii

lee ibaCeeeCMatueot IbeUait*) waeeeTto 21^5? eat aciievemeat of bnmaa wisdon- . ._L *•" «y. a. to eaaauai ooConai-

peace aad iaaliee ia .or twataa fortttj daCtoa el ear etiUiiaUw at "^aoll-pre«al»e. ee daaaawu -dadiraliea W oar presaat pablic doaaia — S« P™Xfrou» iadnstryof freemen, and. •itktwVuT

tbe prohibition of MatraMer emept - ' Utiea to actual settlers; such, briefly, are the pnndnbl^ yetfa* 0l>)®C,,' ,"'icb wl" ,lT* x**<Tn?j&

Itwill be one of the aiais of Tit ienUU u sa-eperatea reduce, the eapeodKar*. "fT>s a.i.!T

t**n •»»"« to seventy milUuasw end oorrapiioaof thepJSr m P"»»er. The revenues ot the owur are JSr

®*®Jrthwj4 by AU free laborers, while its lisbir— years, have been Bade with very

^ Public employmenta, mitt-ury, nav"i mx ju„ ^ fteesee by a pecttiar elaea, tUeh hears a nut* ^ public burdens, and which haa lh* hnia ikimhLs ti^« to angmetit salaries and ftpwfttmr

Thepabiicati.«0f 3»e MefmUht will beosaaaeated in the first or next September. The prices IM termaolsabeaiptHaara given below. It ia auaw that a daily publication will he added, to coSaeZ W'?, ,b* " Coogrese The Weekly Ba-puthc will he printed on a suuumetb sheet, PlhyM inches. The Semi-weekly win he printed oa a dai » be M inches.

1IAN1EL R. GOODLOE, or Xorth Carolina, haa been engaged to assist in the editorial maaaeemeet at *g Republic, and other additiona will be aiade to ita<*• ef political and iUerary contributors.

..,-f ' GEOROE M WESXOX. H , _ Editor tf Proprietor.

Woamaerea, p. c., Jaaaeu. lien. t

Teraaa el the RrpahUc. & IES1-MIUT, ,

Single copy, eaeyear Tw copies « Piveuopiee, " One copy, aiz moatha, .'. Two copiee " ......... Pive copies, "

WEEALT. One cupy, one year,............. Three copies " Tenuupiea. " Twenty copies, Oneoopy, aix months, Pive copiee, " Ten copies, •' Twenty copies, " Payment always in advance. Money may be forwardedhy matt, II tbe letter <*e-

taining it be registered, at my risk. Large amoaata bad better he reeaitted in drafu.

Addre>a— GEORGE X. WESTON, Wnkineton, 3. C.



... .&,se



I ' a i t e d S t a t e s rpm CNDKKSI6XSD PROPOSE 1

rirnxs HUKDSSD pa

patrvnage from ship-



S E C T I O N A L H A P O F I O W l e

THE LARGEST AND BEST MAP OF THE I State of Iowa ever published. Thi# in the only i

PLAIN a FANCY Are such u will enable aa ta. any

expeditions and satisfactory manner,

pertinent of Job Printing, and are pre-

tfceafcertest poeefWe Botic*. Vkrtnf

t , : S H -

A dm 9 ha tim* mf

/ m ^ C A B O f

' deeerlpttea or qaa

We pay particnla

' pared to eaeeata •

in snccesafal epe BOOOLSt PATENT

CAROPftlNTINfi **rlftiee or qaaatity e< it, in the aseet

We pay particnlar atteation to tbla de-

pared to eaeeata all la goed style aad og • . ' • .i 'ifwse '

in aneceaafal eperatiaa e^,e«0 '

Cartiel mmj Celer* Mm «r FHe®, In na ahert n apace ef tia« mm reaM to w%tMk

BeaMee enr Card and larte lint Hand Press, we have in operation one of

WELLS' CELEBRATED POWER JOB PRINTING PRESSES, KaaMlat at to exheute, with'tbe atmeet expeditioa, and la tbe beet style of tbe art: w !

••is ot yfcra,

Certlflcatee, Clrcalara, »wA',W _ _

Caacert BIDa,

Ml Vlafcela, :-r-.


v _ , . E a v e l a p e s , f a a t a r a , L a b e t o , k t ,


EXECUTING EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTINfl! s being, by far, the most extensive aad complete establishment ia thia aartion «» ,v. ur,..,, .T-thennblic mav he ** ho pain, will be spared Sionrln*"

* AT* AMD A LOMp fr*frUi*r»o WEST," the pnblic may be fntty and preaiptly.

(Siteof Faires 10 by 90 inches.) The object of the r. S. Pirecturr win be; let, to give tbe Name aod Pmt CMbce Address of i Mml0 Msrauii (W ikm rnmm 0/ >•

in tbe I'nited State* 2d, to give the Xame of every Post Office and 1

Vaster in tbe Utaiied Htatei. 3<1, give tbe Name and place of Publication of tim

Paily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly paper and Hl9> anne, publubed in the United State*.

Kach State, City, Town, Viilafe and Pott Ottte, be Alphabetically arranged.

Tbe Name of each person will be Alphabetically ranged undor the head ef their mint live Peet Address.

As the r. S. Directory will be a matter of Intel?* 10 ev^ry residenl uf America, we respectfnlly a«M

Map that haa tbe Railroad Lines contemplate*! and those { *a*'ers and others, in all parts oMm OBisbed laid down. To Land Agents, and all those who I cuunUlr'in u^ULUm» »»' aeadtng them «aaa soon as possible

la making op lists, write the name of ike Pout Ofla, w i **«»»?»«* «t the bead tbe Sheet, then CU tbe

Price oo Hollers and Mo anted, A 00 ' prm*,n<ler w,th distinctly written name*, of Mate

want a correct Map. we adn»e w get this Price in Pocket Form Tacks, $3 00 Price in Mvshn Case*, 9 60

A liberal discount given to dealers. Copies mailed to any address in the I'oited States, pottaft paid, on re­ceipt of the price.

UKXN h LEE, Publishers h Booksellers, ^ No. 140 Lake-st., Chicago, ID.

tJ*P. S —Agents wanted in every Countv in the State to caavaaa for thia map. Very liberal terms will be given to Agenta. Some uf onr canvassers are clear­ing from $lt<o fflOdaily on this map. Apply for terms as above. nl-u c. k l.

; 3 K I a n t n

Stoves for 1SS8. **v b'-iinq

HILTON RUBERS. :-<w»s a M »(•>•••( •>!!< .•hw-j-i wt egnai^** H»

»• >a aeeetl-.Tea pilHtm •• '»* •>! Unn- iitAt • :i -ii -rsaTaAa


«— f.

'< -> ii<x <U

.*? .<«*»< •*'»

Sign of the Cook Stove, lfi f"H *> 2, "

^ A 18, Upper Broadway, ytf Oounoii Bluffs, lowai,:

- • . • . ^ r a n a s ' a i ^—


OTOVKS and veatifacture ot till, COPPM k SHUT l*ON and BBAU-WAKK

The citiieaa of Weaura Iowa and NetM&a, "ulVerti.


A beantilal (te<k el UMet SMet^begefry, Ing Ladies' -nd Rents' Ptlffi, STCftS, SfJtKVR-BtlT-KUII, in a. 'ariety nt Sell lags, Pure Oold Xbiatblea CROSSES, BRACELETS, Ac.

At tbe City Jewelf ateee al A. P. ROBiygQll.

QDIIImwiri-a laive am uimbibI af goad styles, can be fonad at tbe in BITS.

QVWlSV-a targe snpply at tbe

wish to parchaae ia thie line, are reepectfafty eolldted to call and examine my extensive and —«-ja~«. atock, before purcbaaing eliewbere.

Tia-Roedng aad all descriptions of noaae-CaUere aad Spouting, promptly done aad warranted. Ir 'OB WOU ia the trade, deae witb irtiia aad


T« SferehMat*.

T'Sr. MIKT-W.* k JAPANNED WAJIE. •to»ee aad Trimatiags ot eaperior naa of ac­

ta™. et wboleeale pricae. ie k 18, SlOjr 0P TBI STOPS.

ai~" i. moons.

Funaitarcl F«Mit«relI

rnrow waivt to acr cheap mm-_ TTTRR el aU binda, call at oaf Pnrnitare Ware " ' ' eppotite Ctnpire Block, on Main Street.


ir«. ie a is. B®™'* CELEBRATED IMFIteTID PAT-

***'";CtlPPRR"—PHJJtt'S HO| AIR •<CHAR-TE^OA^-MUPO,', lmpceved NSW »A Cook

^KPjPeir gal« <baep at tbe Stan or TRK OOOK "P M. ROGERS.

Flo^flr* IL1TATIB BUCK'S 'Tailed Statea," or Elevated Oeea.

C.o"fSt'aL^!?W*f' Aretic Alr Tl«ht"«»Ooldea Karp

StS"of" ,", T*T '« 0A«H. »» IfceBteee 5i2IL2I M. Mnaaa

IJ AT*—* »err Urge stock of Silk. Beaver, Par. £1 Caaalmara, Wool, Panama; Kagllab, |lia». |»

Leel, jaet reoetved aad ler gala at tbe ne" RBB BITB.

DOOR RV«B—eoeaetbiag aew ibey caa ha eaaad »' th« BU BITB.

at tbe |Q1

HARPER'S WEEKLY. A Journal of Civilisation.

NEITHPR LABOR JIOR EVrESSE WILL be spared to make it tbe beet Pamh.tXew(papkb

id the World—one whose cheerful >i»<* genial cbarcter will render it a welc*»oje visiter to every household, while its constant devotion w the principles of right and justice shall win the approbation of tbe wi?e and the good, lie object will be to aet forth sound views on Political, Social, and Moral question*; to diffuse useful information; and to cultivate tbe gmcef ul amenities life

Haupkb's Weekly will contain a full and impartial Summary of the Political, Social, Religions Commercial, and Literary News of the day. it will chronicle tbe leading movements of the age, record tbe invention* of teiious, tbe dieooverie* of science, and the creations of art. It will, in a word, aim to present an accurate and eompletepietnre of the age in wbicb we live

It will also give a doe share of attention to the taate, the imagination, and the feelings. Us regular contents will embrace Tales, Incident* uf Travel and Adventure Sketches of Character and Social Life and Essays unon Art and Morals. ^

Tbe Publishers have made arrangements with the beat American writers, who will contribute to the various Departaeala tbe Paper. The large apace at their die-posal win enable the Conductors to avail themselves of ample eeiectkma frem tbe best and moat healthful liter-ature of the Old World. They win keep vigilant eje

®®es ef tbe Koflith, French, and German Pe­riodical press, the best productions of which win transfered to the paper under their charge.

BAKPEft't We&kxy will attain Sixteen rapes of the siae of the London llhutrated Sen each Number eeaapriainf as mqch matter as any duodecimo volume, •t will be printed in a form and upon paper suitable for bindittt; rtd netfce yagee will be electrotype*!, the back Numbers can always be supplied, m> that lukscri bers will beable at anytime to cumpete their files. At "^e tjoeeelencb volume, neat and appropriateoorera win he prepared lor the convenience of those who wiab la btad ibe paper.

TERMS. Haapxa'a WaiatT will appear every SATVBDAV

MoBNixa, and will braold at Pi*E Ccara a Ce«y. It will be mailed to Subscribers at tbe following rstes. payment being lavariably repaired ia advance:

One Copy for Twenty Weeka, %\ oo. OH Copy for One Tear, tSO. Oae Cepy for Twe Tearfl^..«.«#« 4Q0* Pive Copiee for One Year, $ oo Twelve Copies tor One Tear 90 00. Twenty-Ave Copies for One Tear 4000.

Clergymen aad Teacbert supplied at tbe lowest Civm PBicca.


Persons living in theCuies or New Torkor Brooh-lya, aad wishing "Barper'i Weekly" supplied at their hotisee, win please send their names and residence to tbe OIHce of Pnhlication. Tbe carriers who deliver the paper will collect pay for tbe aame.

Ecaontn SvsgcBtacBawili have their Copies regularly lorwardedpat Bail (U. 8. peetage paid), npoa payment of thirteenshillingasterlingtoSAjtPioaLow, SOBjfcCo.. tbe American Bookaellers,74Ladga'.eBill,


suns only, ot the age ol fifteen Tears and upwards, apt as soon as you have sofiapni to All on envelope Re­ward them on immediately. e

A Prospectus will be sent Poet paid to any per sea ale may order il. S

To PBETEKT MiiTAhca.—Write distinctly •* hasin. Office. Conntv, and Stata.

MORRIS, UAK11NER A W1LAKS, -t Publishers, Cinciunati. Olwe.

K. B. Publishers inserting the above prospectaaa* eluding this notice, three timet in their WKEKLT »-per. aad calling aHenUoa to the same in their EditeMi columns, will receive acopy of the U. S. Uirectery,de­livered at their oflloe free of charge. Direct all «»-change papers to the U. S. Directory.

New Misssari Rirer Packet* lUgtdar Council Blufft, Omaha City and

Florence Packet. Omaha City, Ceaarll


NOW THE CHEAPEST PAPER I* A World. T%is splendid Weety Paper has just cbMi

its Secvnd Volume. The Two Volumes eontain nem^f Oi*E Thocsawd Kxoiavikgs. which have been pee* duced at an expense «f over Thimtt Tiodiaio Ml* LAES.

It is generally admitted that no Paper has ever bdio produced in tbi» a»untry which can a^ all compare w^h the Illustrated Newspaper.

It has portraits or aii the liviv oelebrities, K|m Churches, Pnblic Buildinm, and Arts and Sciences art duly illustrated, ii also contain* the best Original W* mances of the day. beautifully illustrated, short Talii» Anecdotes, Chess, and the Latest Poreign Sewsupla the hour of going to press. W about losing its hitbertn distinctive character of a newspaper, it will assume much more of a literary nature. In addition te the above features, it wili have Thrilling Adventures, Nevetlettes, Discoveries, Inventions, asefal hints le everybody, and tbe greatest p^jble variety of mi seel* laneous reading matter. While the Bditerial force tMC talent of tbe Paper will fee increased, the Artistic afeitt will not be diminished. In every department it wMI without a rival on this Continent.

TSKMS TO CLUBS. 17 Weeks IL# 1 Tear tm

One Copy*. One Copy. Twe CopieSe.ea Or one Copy.. Five Copies.. Ten Copies.... Twenty Copiee. nl-u

1 Tear S Tears 1 Tear 1 Tear 1 Tear

office, 11 h u gravee ST., New.Tefk^

shf ansa* r devoted tp toftbeday. t to* mmilp


Frtce, $1 a rear. Tweaty-flve Cap tea fhr |N<

THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TIMES » published every Saturday, at No. IM Namav St.

ewoer of Beekaan. New-Tork Citf. It ia printed npmi a very*tarKe quarto- tbeet, cunuining eight pejn of lis enlunns each, in clear type and npsngeed paper, n

U conuin atl the matter of general interest tathg Bailt Times, including ITewi from every quarter el the World, Corrcspoimiici frem all the princiftf points of interest N.tb in Europe and America, aad lie iToaiALt upon ail subject* of internet that may arM. Besides this, one page every week wiu be choice selections from the current Literatureof t in order to make the paper more acceptable I perusal. Brery possible eflbrt will benade, by Pn>pn» etors and Kditora, to make the Nkw-Tena Week%# Time* tbe be»t weekly nevspaper jb tbe United 8tate^

Bubscriptiona oa the terms given above, are resped" fuiiv solicited.

t^The r».tag» oa tbe Wrtatr TtMrs teaaypMft or the United States, is eaUr e 1-4 tenia pee «aarMfc paid in adrance. .


r. PTBLISITKB EVERY T1K5DAT Jim FE1HAT, at »»per year, jMyaMe ««eana*^tae#

vaacr. Tbis paper is made np e\i>res»ir for the aiW> and oootaia. all the readiag matter of the Daily. PI** Copiee will be sent for (12 SO; Ten Copies lor $f*- >


_ M * .rear Xouih, 8uadaya ewepted. It »ill B Beneeae, »t Ms^'.' Wy'^il^'cui! LuSrm,' **"' ",*il *° P*rl 01 t*e Vu,tti SUm'" * * •r«»«yjll.. ta^B. O^aT WWle oS* M,nnm

P.! lewa Petal, hnwk, M. Jaeeph, kx~, ke.

THE EMTIRELY NSW, SWIFT aad elegant paaaenger steamer, B1N-B-BA-BA. Capt C. >. BABSa. W. H. VwMer, Clerk, wilt, ran as a regalar

.. ®»e and intermediate pointa, ooatlnaing tjjae SI off City trade daring the entire boating sea-

Captaia Baker, thaakful te the pablic lor ita vary (eaena* support bestowed ap«a the Admiral while aa-«er ki* emnmaad, hereby he*a leave ta tender hia ae> nowndgmeate, ami to solicit ler his aew boat a caa-tinnance ef ita eooSdenca aad patronage, pledging aa-

^ *,'™el' and tSttn to giee fell sat-tilactiea to thoee with whaee hnaines. he may be

.Ti? Hia-a-ha-Bah wae haUt expresaly lac .'.cJUfw ™u® trade, aader the apecial supereisioa

el Capt- Saber, whe has spared ao troable or ezpeaee te Make her a anmhsr ese Miseeari BtTer steamer, aad beo Ui Mairehts frieada, that ahe ia moat admxrabty

**"" " * "* being ol great Ike #aata ol tbe rirer, e«reaath. Ughtaaae el «raaght, aaaim •ach applicatioa el machiaary, aa i

the 'aat ooee, with cabin arraagemeats aad ac-" aad not excelled hy i ol a saperfor or^er

•at ia Oe rtw, eec saawft all

iag will he waating beloa«ia> to theee of a «m daae Ann Returns, aim

ee Xiseen B Onmminlal Sweat.

P»M PEACHES, CHRRRIRB, ea haad. aad for sale at the SI

P» i? % taaiitp, ter aale »nb«

nMfUM-A SBNla tlamrnn Clethlag, for aale tow at


iT'Th* postage oa the Pailt Ti«M «e any »»ay iihm the United SUtea, is »cease pereaarter, ia a*.

r within the United Statea,

™"*' KATHQirS, IBUBT It CO., Pahllsheei

PROsrEcrcis of the



TUaea,"—aa Sreaing paper—wtil he . ea or before tbe 15tb Da* or Jcbb ae*- U« » ariatad ea a large, eight oslama sheet, .f tbe beeteaa B i. of ntner. and with new type. In Politic! 't_^

• III ty of piper, and with new type. I» be jMfcpeadeal ftpaWtea, aad lateat Political, Commercial. I*cal and

natSI-WSBELT MBS9willbejewdeeweedafc Tharaday aad Sataiday *»eata» aadww "»»»•• the News and Sditortal matter ot they iy

ibe vBuur tugs iu »*. Tirrr day morning, aad will he a bigh-t^ed rAWILT

Ii* BdMwS giatter el the Daily. ItwUl amhna e ttateNituMarf0' the events off te(ereet, and

Yt^fiSeSuS a let* -<«• FStZS^mS'JSSS^h^s^ a^MBdeUr le the waate ef Ike maaiaBaw/.

TERMS! paot. f* f TBI-W8BU.T .it " " „ . »

to Civa*-i Ca»*ee » Oeptg Bated ef Aduillilai, seasaae^eeaer iei p-»wsea»»»eB»Mepl^»* ,

?i -iv


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