at goes on review - greenbelt news · each...

Post on 26-Mar-2018






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at Goes On

::, --· .-.: Review Mon~ May 12, 8 p.m. Public Hearing on

Refuse/Recycling; Publi.; Hearing on FY t998 Budge!: City Council Meeting, Municipal Building _

Thurs., f\'1a) 15, 7:30 p.m. Greenbelt Homes Annudl Mec-tmg and Elc~lion. Commu

l!y Center. Fri., May 16, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. GHI Ek~- \

ion continued, Commumty Center. < z :.:t:: _) cz:;U:: 15 Crc:-;ccm Rd .. Suite 100, Grc:-cnbc!t, !\.1D 20770-1!:187 -.-: ~ .t: ..D .-~

User 1 ~orR,

Increasingly Pay

I by Mary Lou w. ~otion Budget Costs

Years of concern over htnv ~ostly the Community C~.:nter op­

. erat10ns might be. how much 1 ~mild be offset by incoming rev­- enues and how l?ig a bite taxpay­. ers would get should ease some~

what with the first full y~ar of real numbers, This year's budget (1996-97) ~micip:.Hed revenues to cover 53 percent of costs - that percentage is coming in some­what better at 60. wiih reasonable expect.ation of continued improve-ment. .

Anotbet"lmponant city facility, the Aquatic· and Fitne~s Center's revenues have srabilized at about

· 87 or 88 percent of paying for its operating costs. Before the fit­·ness center opened in 1993, the pools took in revenues of 60 to 65 percent of expenses.

At the Recreation Department Budget worksession on April 23. some members of the Greenbelt City Co1-1ncil asked whether simi­Jai- kirids of figures could re de­veloped for the city's other facili-­ties -the Youth Center, Sj>ri·nghill Lake Recreation Cen­ter, and Scl!Jom Hills Park. Staff responded that such figures could be wOfked up, but that it mlght be difficult to identify which fa­cility should gel the credit fctr ac­tivities that aren •t clearly associ­ated with a building. Self-sup­porting programs- pay for their di­rect costs and some overhead througp fees and can be placed ~nyw,.ere there is space. Tradi­tionally the. accounting for all lhese progr.uns appeared together

.n a s.:parate account. Last year some of thcst:. pro­

grams were moved to the newl v ~pcned Community Center taking with them, for accounting pur­poses.- the :.t's~ociated fee". The Aquatic and Filne's C'c'ntcr likt·­wise includes in its :IL"I.:ounh lhL· fees for classes and the u:-.e (If tb

facilities. In the other centers. sclf-~up­

portin'g revenues are not used to offset operating expenses of the buildings. Also, the Springhill Lake Recreation Center is small, with no space in which to put special activities that 'might bring in added revenues. In· a similar situation. Schrom Hills Park also does not bring in much revenue.

Budge-t "Expenditures in lhe Recreation

and Parks budget, which account<; for 23 percent of the total city operafing budget. would increase 4.4 percent over last year to· $3.158,600 in the fiscal year 1997-98 (FY 98) budget proposed by City Manager Michael P. McLaughlin. Major accounts in­clude the Aquatic and Fitness Center ($747 ,000), the Commu­nity Center ($539,400), and Ad­ministration ($379,500). The dis­cussion of e~penditu~s for Parks ($690,600) was included in the Public Works workseSsion.

Whi.le no changes -in staff po­sitions are budgeted, significant personnel changes over the past several years will continue as Cathy Salgado, Community Cen­ter supervisor. has announced her departure for a job elsewhe¢.

Firemen Seek City Aid For Station & Equipment

b, James Giese Two iS.S:ues were debated but

not resolved irl CitY. Cou"ncil's l?udget worksession with the rep­resentatives of the Greenbelt Vol­unteer Fire Department on May I. First, how. much should the

-city spend in support of a service that is the assigned responsibility of the county? And second. how much should the _city do lo pro­tect its investment in a city bulid­.ing "that i-tih need of rcp;1irs and renovation, when it is leased to the Fire pepanment which j,. re­sponsible for it.'-i maintenance?

For more than five years. th-e city has been sclting usic.le the yield of a one cent tax lq\ y m its Repla-cement f\.md to he u ..;cd to

help supplement other monic" for lhe purchase of fire equipm~. City Manager MicJ1"adl McLaughlin h~s included such a set aside in this year's budget, $52,800. This set aside began after the city modified the firehouse lease to prohibit the building"'s use ·fo·r casino gam­bling.

Keeping its equipment in. top condition and up-to-date is the fi.-st priority of the Greenbelt Fire

Department, -according to its president. Jay Remcnick. There­fore, none or the $150,000 that will be in Replacement Fund Re· serves should be used for other Fire Department purposes. nor should on-hand funds for equip­rnent replaceme_nt of the depclrt­ment be used. Rcmenick told lhc· councti that Engine 351, a 1989 American Eagle truck and appa­ratu<i, will be ten years old in 19Y9 and -;hould be replaced he­fore :!002. Tha[ is anticipated to -.:o-.t S350 to S40(J thousand.

The department ha-. a further problem in that the t;ounty ha~ not honored ih commitmc~Jt in a thrce-wav deal for the fin;.m;.:t:d purcha~e .of Engine 352, the debt on which wa<, to be repaid over 5 years with fund" received fmm the state, the county and depart­mental funds. The <;Ounty com­mitment was made by then County . Executive Parris Glendening in his last year in of­fice, b!-lt County Executive Wayfle !Curry, faced with major budget ~hortfalls, has not come up with funds to meet the pay-


Each facility is workmg on plan... for bencr marketing of thi..'IC pro­grams to the commurnty.

Community Cenh.•r Expenditures for FY-<;;-o: ;m~

proposed at $519,400, of wh1ch ~~ percent is for personnl'l· and rdat.:d e.xpenses. the rest for op­erating expenses. Revenues arc expcded to provide .532~.000.

Salgado. in a memo .to coun­cil. told of the "<.:" In­

creases in Communitv Center programming this· year, .wtth con­

tinued growth expected kx:t year. Existing day camps were doubled in siLe. some ne,:w cam£"" oiTcred and an after school care prografl1, started this year for chLJdrcn at Greenbelt Elementary, m'ay be eXtended to Springhill Lake .ind Magnolia Elementary studcnb. Revenues are up by 150 percent for the fitness classes. R:!nlal.s, 69 for this year, have also been a good source of income ($50,000).

The Community Center has become a focal. point for commu­nity activities this year, Salgado wrote. Many Greenbelt groups use the ffieeting roorra::: This she noted, has been a good marketing tool, as many individuals return to rent space. The Dog Park As­sociation, Gi~] Scouts, Home and Garden Club and the Nursery School have held events on the front lawn and in rooms inside the

See RECREATION, page 9

A Tree Falls On Ridge Road

by Kerana Todorov An oak lree split and fell on

Ridge Road uphill from Mishkan Torah between 5 <md 7 couns of Ridge Road, 'Tue5day May 6, at I: 15 p.m. Abo!Jt 2.:000 customers lost electricity for more than an hour. Isaac Robimon, who fives nearb)r. said he heard three or four ''cannon shots."

''There were four loud bangs," said Janet Parker. "Then the an­swering machine beeped. ·the lights. went out, .and we went up to the former Tree Farm next to the 8 Court of RHJge to deter­rninc what had h;~ppened. A large tree had cr:1t ked ·and f.allcn over the power I ill~·- blocking 1he mner lane of Rid~~: Road. Pepco and A ... plundh ltree removers) were- on the joh within -half an hour. A call 1<-ttt:r to GHI resulted m the tree ~.:hippe-r finishing the joh. So~ln the c/e. ... tricny wa~ ba<:k on. foo~j \va.., -;afe and dinner wa-; cooking-.''

New ... Revicv.- 'itaffers wrote article.., by hand with piCnty of light from tht: tall windows once the shades were raised to the top. The generator for the Community Center roared to life outside those windows, stitunding lilc.e a tank. but providing lighted hallways in the building.

JThe city was reduced to one phone and the Co-op food store closed its doors.

Annual Meeting, Elections Of GHI Set for May 15

b\' :\-ian-· ::\1oicn The a~nual ~meeting of the­

membership of Green hell Homes, Inc. (GJII) will be held next Thursd;-~y, ~lay 15 at 7;30 p.m. at the Greenbelt Community Center. This yeJr the members v.ill he electing five board members as Wc:ll as all three memtx-r" of the ' Audit Committee and all mem­bers of the Nominations ~nd Elections Committee. In addi­tion, there are two general issues to be decided on: the first is a proposed bylaws change for deal­ing with loans and investments that was tabled at the 1996 an-· nual meeting; and the other in­volves a request to-loan money to the Greenbelt Development Cor­poration. a GHl subsi·diary.

Voting will be held at the re­cess of the annual meeting on Thursday evening and on Friday, May· 16, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Community Cenler ..

Elections Five GHI board n1em'bers are

completing their terms on the board -Bill Phelan, Ray Stevens, Nat Shinderman, Betty Deitch, and Keith Jahoda. ·Phelan, Stevens. and Shindennan have 1ndicated that they will not seek reelection. Deitch and Jahoda are seeking reelection. Three additional members have filed to run for the board of di­rectors - Julia Eichhorst, Steve Harpe£, and Sue Ready. Mem­bers can still file to run for the board or audit committee through May 8. All members running for the board have experience in various aspects of GHI's commit­tees as well ·as other activities. Biographies of aJI running for GHI offices are found elsewhere in this issue of the paper.

All three positions on the au­dit committee are elected on an annual basis. Two of the three current members - Deborah Cooley and Kathleen Weber -are seeking reelection. In addi­tion two other members have

· filed to date - L. Patricia

Adci<lidc and Andrcv.- Ll'vin There arc curn.·nlly four mem­

bers running for the Noi-mnatum~ and Ele-ctions Committee. tht• only elected Gll[ comrntttec. Th~y arc Sheila Alpers. Ch;trlt:~ Braun. Judith Gnld~;tcin. and Rohcrt Snyder. AIJ four an.· i.:ur­

rent members of the c.:ommlltc~..~.

Bylaws Change At last year's annual meeting,

a petition proposed ch;:mging the bylaw<> dealing with loans and in­vestments. The bYlaws c~rrently restrict investlng tu government­backed securities. The petitiOn sought to allow investing in mu­tual funds that were wholl~ ha ... cd on government securities. After discussion, the membership voted to table the petition to allow the board to look into the issue fur­ther and to bring it back at thi:-; year's meeting. The current hoard is in agreement that mem­bers adopt more flexible language with regard to investment of re­placement funds. The board is submitting a substitute motion which would give the board "authority to invest the funds of the Corporation, e"xercis­ing sound judgmenr and con"sult­ing with independent profession­als as appropriate." Both the 1996 motion and the substitute motion will be discussed at the annual meeting.

Loan to GDC Greenbelt Development Corpo­

ration (GOC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of GHI, owns and op­erates 60 apartments along with 52 garages located on Partway Road. GDC recently requested a loan from GHI to rehabilitate six apanments, install a new roof on some buildings, and to repair the heating system. The GHI bylaws ind1cale that the loaning of GHI funds for use in thi~ manner must have the 'PriOr approval of the membership. Thus it is being brought to the memOCrship at the annual meeting.

Asplundh worker, in the white bucket, methodically remov~s a large branch or an old oal< tree that broke in Tuesday'• high wind, breaking the power line on Ridge Road.

-photo by Judy Nelscm


Let the Council Know Open Letter To the People of Greenbelt:

C~:..i:1...:i! :~ in th.-:- u;;.happy po.<;i!lon of enher cutting h;t...:k on cl!y r:::·c~-,:: ~.:n.::..:e or ~a~->zr.g rate~. SirH.:e thec;c ctt} .1:-e prov1ded to o;.h .1bout .1 chlrd of the re-;!dents kontr:.t..:tor<; doing the restJ, the en:. ::-;~·~t :-ecov::r these -,;:O'ib thm~gh refu-,e !!!e:-. rather than through :..:-;e ·):' ·~:::-:era! rc·.~r:ue .. nr i)fO~rt'! t.:i.'(.::<..-

In an art1cle b" Karl Vick pub­ll~he-d in the ·s~nday. April 20 v..:ashington Pn--.1. l am quoted as d..::<>.:.:ribing Greenbelt homQ.s a~

lookmg hke --:--,~nkers:· This is a m1<>quore. During a telephone in­terviev. V.!ti": ~1r. \'ick, I was a<.,ked 1f thr.! to'>.~ n looked li~e a planned comr.iun1ty. To the best of m:v mcmor;.. th1-; was the. a.n­'>Wt:r

:-\:"'li;:I'!er fJct of li:·e h that d; .. mng the he-;t of times rc-.;.dmg re;.­er.! Jo ~ot pa:y ~:Or the ...:o'>t_ of ~olb::twn Right nov., it h the c! to :~c wor'>l of ttme--, The czt;.- rece1;,.es nnly '5-t,()()() for the 'ale of

;~~ .. :~~~~'~:~::~~~~.·;;~;~=g;~;,~~ :~~~~",S~:;~~:::;~:,~:c,?~~~;,;~~ "The '-=ent_er doe), especially. ;.;;-.. ·., .o!J:< tho:..:>:hh ·before the budget J', deczded upon Jt a ~fay I9

"".r·..._,_;~..,i0r. A ?ubl!.: i"' on the~ -:l" .• mge,, plu-.; the·FY 9~ bud­-;." .-.. ~L:-.e .. :bleJ ;"or !bee \1.J'- ! ~ councd !"ll<::etmg at S p m

-\: :~rc-.c:-:t. tt ~rrear\ th..1~ the m:IJOnt;- nr· '""oUn...:1l J<; m ... l1ncd tore-

But 11 looks lti...e a planned com~ munlt ... of th.1t ~r3. The architec­ture .:.a.-"' meant to be very modem and forward lookmg. But loday "orne of the r>ut!dmg~. (especially "-Ome uf the _Jpartment buildmgs), re-;emhtc: In~tltutJonal housing -like blocks or --.omethmg."

-~~-~:~;;~·· 1t •.~~-.J 1'~,~:~~{ !;,~~l~~:~c c~e;,:~-~~~~e~~ :~~~~e 0~ (~ni"'~~c1Je.t~~ t-.' .i ~ .. I~:~· •-:~~p~:~:.;:~rt~~~~· ~-:~ I:J~~'~:~(J;~;~< ~h):~n~:t~~.~~~~~~~~!~~ ~~) ~ ~~!: t:---. '"' '""'et:

GHI Notes

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Heart Woritshops At Doctors Hospital

Do .... ·1vrs Commumty Ho..-.ptt..ll ·.o. ~tt he. hostu1~ a Community \\::i -~'-="" Pr0:;.ra:n titled

:-\·?. :r~\ He:ut" On Wedneo.;dav-.; : .!f.: g t.he month- of ~lay Thts '('rz~ o:" four .:-1-.l..:;.;e;-. wtll n~gzn •:--. '-I.!: -. -...nh ··E..1tmg :"o:r ;_}_ H~.dr:t~ He.H!. · f,l!ln•, h)

H·· .1. :,1 L\H~.o::r YP"Jr Rt-;1-.. nf ~: -\~t.i~-;.. .. ,,;~ \Lt: I 4,

· ~''-' !'..!1:1 Y·z~;r !L·.t~~-, ';l~-

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.. ,' t •r.

<': · ... t·

. r.·--· ''·

Alice-Marie Gravely Photography Show

.--\rtz.;t Gr..ivel;.. a form<:r Greenbelt n:'-1denr. wdl r.:::{.h!htt her recent phot0grap:h" al the Cor.~erence Room gatlery of the Gr::enl'le!t \rtum..:tp .. d Buildtng r.hrough June ~ 7 The theme. "'Stgl-.h or. \-ty Walk"'." captUre<> the ·.~.o~zr:-:-.,;-. be~wt:. J.nd m,;od~ ot ... .Hz,)l.J<; land.,....:.tpeo; and ,:ti)\<.:.J?<="' rn the B.J-ttJmore and \\..t.'>~:r;g-!P:: meuopo!Jl:!n .:w:::a'>.

( ir.~vc l :· ~tJ.h::'>. "ll..ind-colon:lg :1::- :.,l,t~:k .!~Hf white rh<){ogr,lph-. ..1.l!m.~o" me to t.tke the creJtJve prrx::~~ ,,f photogr~ph;. one .;tep !•Jrlh<.·r It :-::mmd-., en~ of ~nting

;;,-;-',\ ,,: lhl: \l!d hl.lo.:io.. .!!ld

.... ~:!~ :.::l'\l~ll'ri ;! ... J ;::h!IJ .t:-:d

. ..._,,,:,L-r!::; ~,~.h,~t ...:1lior 1s that :~>'f<'l:'.<:' ·~ lr::~-. PT h .1 ~ree-n

l'r .::~.t'- 7---nttk :-..;en~ I ! be­._: a-~--.<:· IE ~ o~n be .tn;. color I chno~1"<:: ·

A ~radua!e of ·the C:-zlver~ttv

of ~1.;ry!J.:ld and Joh:--!s- Hopkm.s L:nP-~r-;tt.,__ Gr<Jvel ... ha'i been juned tnt.o a vane.IJ of local sho" "· and ex.h~bited :tt A Touch of .-\rt G..1llery in Alexandna last f.J.l!.

I JU't ... ar-:t rhc: people of Greenhdt to \...r.o~· ·that since being a!-> ked to '·" n~c: the play on Greenhelt\ hbtdr_:,.·. I have learned \),hat :l beauti!"ul and prOud place Greenbelt ha-. ~e-n and is. And I have been honnrcJ to have had the ch.tncC to !-.: .1 pan: of it. I'd hke to thank all !ho-.c who gave such. w:J:rrr. reo.;por.~e :.1r.d supporr to :0..1ar) tand Spc~..1.d Proje(.;t #I -The Greenlx:lt St11r:, I! is a chapter m m:- hfe ~hkh I ~h..tU alw:1ys trea~

Haniet Ray· Young

Wednesday's Film At Archives II

The :".t:: •r;.d .\r-.:hl\CS II at SAn l Ad:.·!;::-:: K,~.~_d \'-:Ill feature th..:: !"of!,)'J.t:-:..: ;:i;:: <~n Wednesday, \Lo:_. 1--1 .. lt ~\''''r:

"'Hu::-;- l.r·;o.~· · !9R5 (88 min~ utc" '· ');- K:._-: B:nn'o. Long built h1' cJreer .:-.. ..:(1\Cmor and sena~ tor of L:.>u.-:~~~.1 or. a populist pl.ltfor.~• o: ... ocial reform while dodgtn~ ..t..:.:usJ.t10!1'i of graft ar.d corrur:•.)n.

Fr;r mformation. call 202~501-500.1 Alt films are shown free to the public.

!f'arelvell cf(eceptidn for Cath9 Salgado


Thurs .. Mav 15. 1.:30..2,30 p.m. Communitv Center Dining Room

el7ef"!. one is invited!



Annual Meeting



Thursday, May 15, 7:30 p.IJI. Greenbelt Community Cente¥


Voting May 16, 7 a.m.·8 p_m; at Greenbelt Community Cen~er

I i ~

Thursday, May 8, 1997

Timing Trash · · 1 would like to draw attention to a rather little known fa~regard~

ing trash pick up: . the "backdoor" collection of refuse from GHI trash closets is very efficient. Ttlis is due to the geograpliicaJ layout of tl].e courts. The following table, published in the NoverJtber 8, 1996 "Rec­ommendations to the City Council from the Recycli~ Advisory Com­mittee ... illustrates this point

Collection time in seconds Type of Home Set·Out Place Average Range GHI backdoor 24 20-28 Det.ached curbs-ide 27 20-33 Detached backdoor 55 49-81

Thus a discussion about .. backdoor" vs. "curbside .. collection of garbage does not relate to 001.

Leonie Penney

Quick Response This is a follow-up leuer re­

g-arding my letter you printed two weeks ago regarding the rock­napping behind Plateau Place. The man who took the rocks wrote to me apologizing pro­fusely, and placed each of the rocks back. -_in their respective p-laces on the trail. It turns out that he really does like these rocks. which I mistakenly thought were igneous rocks. They are actually sedimentary rocks known as ironstone. I am humble-d b,. this man "s conscience and his swift actions to rectify the rOck­napping. \\'e all make mistakes. but how many or us compensate

for them in a timely manner. if at all? I for one would appreciate • an opportunity to conSult with this man about woodlands issues. I know you read the NewS Re­view, please contact me again.

Rochelle D; Spiker

Thanks Thank you very much for put>-'

· lishing my leue~ in your newspa:. per. And I want to thank your citizens for sending me very nice things 'to help me in my report.

Sincerely, Whitney L. Rader

Greenbelt Municipal Access TV Channel B-10 Schedule

MOIII!4J'. Mqy 12• qt a/oop.m. City Councjl Meeting including: Public Hearing on Refuse

Collection Proposal and Public Hearing on the FY 199S Budget.· Tvqdqv Mqy JJ. 1997 6:00 P-IlL "The Audrey Scott Sbow"

Audrey visits the Show Place Arena 6:JO P-IlL "Gn:enbell Police-Color Guard at the Baysox Opening 6:45 P-IlL "<J~ Uttle Leagui: Opening Day Parade" 7:00 P-Ill- "GHl Caodidatcs Night" (will also show on

Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.) I:JO p.& Replay of City Council Meeting of S/12 T1uvsdqy Mqy 15. 1997 6:00 p.a "The Audrey Scott Show" 6:JO P-IlL "Greenbelt Police Color Guard 31 the Baysox Opening 6:45 p.a "Gn:enbelt Little League Opening Day Parade" 7:00 P-IlL Replay of City Counctl Meeting ofS/12



15 Crescent Road, Suite 100, Greenbelt, Maryland 20n'D-1887 (301) 474-4131

A't·cC M S~o1'1r..:. Pres1d8'1l, 1959-1977 E'a '\C s~~.a;.,,..:__ PrcsojC:l!. 1977-1985

P·~sCc"'it E-e: .. us. 1985-

£t; :::· '.la-1 Lo..- ',\ · a-~;:.., '3')1! 4~1-2€'32 t,-;:,: f...-:·.:;· 2-ar~a•a '- ~G"'s". (3'J1! 474·9483

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H ... ;;. ''·-'2·~;,·.~ :..c:..'" Sa~·:• Su.::;,..~e Ba:•a 1/.r; ~·a Bea .. ::"la-p. La.J~a Bc::o<ert, Judr On• :.-. • -• ~;;1." ~·"n"'o:-' S· "'''='" C ac.·H~r ~a"~i Cm..,welge. Joo Croso;r:"d, Pa• Davis -, .• , """., ·:··'.~ · ·' ~:•r-3 -"! :J~·.-,.. .-.~,., <:;~·a-, E s E· r-e., F:-v- .. ,;- T,.., Fo--,s, .S:c·•c

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Thursday, May 8, 1997

Golden Age Club l:Jy Dolores Capotosto

The Wednesday. May 14, Golden Age. Club meeting will be

• held 'at 11 a.m. in the Multipur­pose _,Room of the Greenbelt Community Cenier. The program will feature a spelker from the ~eeing Eye AsS-G>Ciation.

Members should continue to .,,,bring_in donations for the Flea

Market/Y.J.rd Sa-le to be held in the Roosevelt center on Saturdav, June 7, during 1 Greenbelt Da~y v.cekend. The ram date is Satur~ day, June 14. f'(l .hooks. !-.hoes ()r other clothing will h~ a.c~

~epted. Contact Btl! if vou ..:an help at thb even:. .

The ~1cm~~r.,.hip C ... lmmiltcc h.t.., h1.!1.':l doing a gTl'~:t J<'!1. there :m.~ no-w 234 ml·mh,...r--.. th.u1~" to Eilil' Rir:-::tr J.nd .-\r!t.'JW Suu~er E!_lie's .hu-.;b:znd. "L"t~~..-1~.· Jo..:" Rimar 1.1. nte-; tlw ck...- ... ·r not.'llh v. hich EHi,.; rc~Ld>: ~~~ the n:.nnthly hinhda;. p.mie.~ a:1.J whJ( :: ~-'- :..·r~­or:.: <:njoy~ ;o mu~.:h.

Be ~ur~..: to \l,l;!l up !'tlr thl' ·~·by "2.9 trip to Wtn-.:11~:-.,tl'r. \',\

. aqd Bt'lgnne Plant,ttitm. S-._·e the Tra1. d Cqmmith.:-c men:hl·r--. at tht: ml:ctingo,;

The :\T.ty 2X-rtit·etin~ \l.ill k~t­ture ~s speak~r Su/annc I'logrn:Jn. a Grccnhelt rC':..idcnt and a riK·m~ her uf the Prince Gcor_t!~~·~

County Board of Education. Now that the weather I" "'hear~

a hie.'" c~me out and join in the Golden Age .activitic-;.

Gypsy Moth Meeting Alternative gyp:.y moth .:ontrol

strategies wiH he di-;cus..,ed on ruesday, May 13, at 7:;:\0 p.m. in the library at Greenbelt Homes,

1 1nc .. on Hamilton Plar.:c. The re­cent coOtrovcrsy \about the Dimilin spray progr~. which was avoided this year, has led some res·idento;; to form .J. group to study the matter. so that they will be prepared the next time the is-· sue comes up. All Greenhelters are welcome to attend. For niore information. call Mark Miller at 301-441-3298.

ERHS Grads Plan Sober Celebration

The Eleanor Roosevelt High SchoOi of 1997 will have an alco~ hoi-free celebration on June 4. Area businesses and residents

·wishing' to contribute food, gifts or money· for these seniors can contact Stephanie ll1rt on 301-776-5738 or Ruby Henley on 301-498-1041. Thanb for help­ing to m~ke this a rn~morabte night for the senior-;.


SAT., MAY 17 9-1PM

145 Crescent Rd-.



Community Events Join a Bike Tour

On either Sunday. May J I or _May 25. join a Park Ranger for a leist:trely seven mile bike ride throughout Greenbelt Park. Partici~ pants will be staying on· park roads and must wear helmets. Meet at the ranger station at 2 p.m.

Writers Group Holds , Open Reading j

The Greenbelt Writers Group (GWG) will host its next monthi.V open reading on Friday," May 1_~. in the Multipurpose Room of the Community Center. Sign-up wii1 start at 7: I) p.m., and the reading ~.-...-ill start at_. 7:30 p.m. Poetry. ftr.:tion. pcr-.;unal essays. natu~c writing. humor, and other cre:uive l!l~nrcs :tre V: clcome. Rc<~ders of f,oCrry will he limited to five rninut~~- and readers of pro,;;c \\ill he limi!t:d ·'to ten minute-;.

file fl·ading \\ dl b<.· followed b1. rcfr..:.~hnw!ll\ and ... :(lnvcr,,ltirln, • !~tcr 1,~h!Ch the- 1;r(lup \\Ill hold ;1

d:'-l"ll"->ion (1!1 the :-.taiL' of G\\'(_i anJ po-.<,ib[~ fll!lll"<.' Jt~UC!'oSIO!l

torte,_ For mor~ informatlllll. cdl Rubert .tt .\"Ol--l-7~-2SOY

Photo dub 'file Greenbelt Photo Club \\ill

nwct on Tuc<.,tla), !\.·lay 13 at "7:30 p m. in the Community Cl..'nter. P~lrttdpant.\1 arc invited to. bring Iheir prints (mintmum :-.i1e 5x7 ), for r.:ritique and feedback. Guest speaker Timothy Edhcrg.' of '"Leaning TowarJ Light Photogra­phy," will"s "Csing Photo Filters." Edhcrg is a member of the :\'orth American :"'attire Pho­togr~lphcrs A:-.sociation Jnd has exhihited hi-; work <tt g.J.IIeric-!-. in Califo.mia, Jowa, and Maryland.

The Grccnhclt Photo Club meets the second Tuesday of e:1ch month in the Community Ccnler. All skill levels arc welcome. Fpr more information call 301~474-6425.

\ Free Movie ·

This month's movie at tte Community Center will be sho n on Thursday, May 15 at 1 p.m. in the Senior· Classroom. The film, "Ship of Fools." with Simone Signoret. Vivien Leigh. George ~cgal and Lee Marvin, is based on Katherine Anne Porter's best­selling novel. (Porter was a Greenbelt neighbor at Westchester Park in her years). The film is about .J. voyage from Vera Cruz

·to Brcmerhavcn irt pre-WWIJ days and the eccentricities of its pa<;scngcrs.

Ftlms schcdtJied during the !-.ummcr month~ (June. July, Au­gust; wtll b~ ~h(,wn on \1onday'> in-.,tcad of Thur-;days.

NARFE Meeting The National Associafion of

Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, May 14. at noon, at the Greenbelt The speaker will be from Blue

· Cross and Blue Shield and will speak on He.J.Ith Exerd~e:-.. ,. All members and gue\IS arc in­._. it<..~d to attend.

At the Library P.J. Stnrvtirne for <:H!t"' -t-() wtll

Jm·ct Pll \V;dncsday. r-.:-1.~~ l·t at 7 pm.

On ·nwr~d~ly. \1ay 15, Dt(•p-Jn Stnrytime for agl':.. .1-S will !lll'Cl ;!I

10-1" a.m

Little League Standings as al 5-6-97

Ameri<on League Notional league

. Tl~t·r.. (;l:lllt;o..

Ath!t•lll'> Oriole-.;

\\"-1. \\1. 2•-o l!ukuh .: 1 2-0 l.10n:-. I ~

I· I I ..!rJ~ 1-~ 0-2 Cubs I l

S<hedvle ~ton, :\fay 1!, (, p m. --l.!~''h \:.,

ligcr:-; Tul':-. , \t.ay 13. 6 p m- ---Cuh-. v:..

o·s W~·d . .\tay~l-'1, 6 p.rn -lnd1an:-.

'-"A\ : Thur.-..,Ma}· l:_i,6p.m---Carth\:-.

<iiams i Fn, M.ay ~6. (, p m.--Ti~ers v~

Cubs : I ... fn, May 16, 7 p.m.---+0'' ,..:-.

Uom Sat., May 17, 10 a m.----Canb v:..

.-\'s i-S:u., May 17, I p m --<;ia11h \:-.


Fun at Goddard A spacLHhemed video .suitahle

for all ages will he shown on Sunday. May 11 at I p.m. at the Visitor Center. For ihformation call :io 1-286-8981.

Democratic Club The Eleanor and Franklin

Roosevelt Democratic <;:lub and the Bowie Democratic Club will meet jointly on Friday, May 16, at 8 p.m .. in the Terrace Room of the Greenbriar community Building. Hanover PJ.rk-way and Greenhelt Road. State Senator Leo Green and J),__."lcgntes Joan Pitkin and Jim Hubbard will present a lcgi-.!atl\<.' wrap-up of the .JU<.;t-compkt~·d Maryland General A<>sernhh ,c-.sion.

A de-.scrt wu:tl hour will fol+ low.

1 For i"nfnrn~:ltlon or to in+

qutrc :.~hout a ndc. ,·all 301-474-()66R.

Meet' Friday, May 16, 8:00 p.m.

'k1r:~H . ."t: Rm.(ireenhriarCor~ml. Bl~l~·

11uhlic ln\·irt•d to /Inn rlw

-"Md. A~~~oemh~): l.cgislati'\-'e \\-"rap-tfl


State Senator Leo Green and

Delegates Joan Pitkin and

Jim Hubbard

Join Bowie Democrat."i in a Dessert Social

Explore Diet/Exercise For ·weight Control •

On Frid.J.y, May J 6, Professor Richard A. Ahrens of the Univcr~ sHy of Maryland will be present­ing at Explorations Unlimited. Professor Ahrens earned his Bachelor of Scicnr.:e degree from the Liniverstty of \\iJsconsin 'in :...1adi~on and t-w; PtLD degrc:e in nutnt10n from the Unive-rsity of C;dil\mua - D.tVls. He hiL<; taught Jn "his f1eld for thl' past 31 years anJ ha~ been a profes:..or at the un1vcr:-.zty -.lm:c lt>7S.

lk \~JIJ he.· dt.._,,·u-.:-.znl.! the n:la­tton-.Jup ot d1e1 ,md c~cn:i"l' 111 \\l't).:ht ~-ontrnl

E\plor.LIIorh t 'nltlllltl"d I'> a

'Pt'.\h..<.'l :-.l'ttr..'"' lwld ei.Cf) l·ndj.iy· fnnn 1-~ p.m. at th~ Community (\·r!h.·r. Thi-. prc'ienl~ltion v.il1 he held rn the St'ni11:r Cla:..<;room. Evl·ryonC' is welcome to attend omJ que·aion-; :.uc J:lw~ys c-ncour­:t~l·tL Ple:t~c call 301-~tJ7-220X fnr more infonnation.

Greenbelt Greens To Meet Monday

The Grccnhclt Green~ will meet on !\1onday, May 12, <!t

7:.~0 p.m., in the Police Station at the t·nrncr of R1dge and Cn:! Roads

Thert' wlfl he a dis<..·u~--.ion of th<.· lntc:rcountv Connc~:tor, the nev. Clreen Co;.nmunity Garden, h<.tltot a<.:ccss and the fonhcommg Green meeting m Minnc3polis.

Refreshment-. will be: served. For further infonnation, call 301-474-I'JlJH.

Stroll a Pork Trail Join a Park Ranger at

Greenbelt Park for a leisurely stroll a:Jong a park trail in search of spririg wildnowers. Meet at the Doiwood Trail at 6 p.m. on Friday. May 9 or 23.

Belt Woods Topic Of Woodlands Mtg_

On Wednesday, May 14, P.un Cooper, manager of Land Trust, wiN. he the featured speaker of the Woodlands Comm1ttee. Coo­per was instruml'ntal in :..aving the Belt Woods from developers. She will discuss the Belt Woods project <:~nd the import;mcc of pre:-.cning green space. The mcctmg is at 7:~0 p.m. 111 the (iJIJ Undrd Konm. Thl." publtl· !'­

encouraged to .ttlend .

Gray Panthers Th~ next mcctHH! ,,f the

Grcc.:nb.dt C1r.ty P~lthel'o ~q!! he ht·!,l on Saturd.ty. \1ay 17, ;1! !:-4.) pm .. !1

the Cir,__·cnhclt Polilt.' StatJOJJ. 1'111~

SjXakcr wtH be Abc BJ,,nm 1n>nl

~1ontgomery County, a rncmlq of the National Board.

Bloom will provide mfonn.lti,:n about the statu.<; of the Cir.1y P:mthcr; Projl!ct Fund and the Nct~,~.orJ..-..

Thjs will be an opportunity (or ~Ul). one inle~1t.'t1 to le<un atx>Ut tJw-. age, r.lCC and gender neutra.l org:miz.ation.

For inronnation or for a ride, ca11 301474-6890 or 301474-666S

New Deal Cafe Open Fri-Sol

6·11 pm . '

Mu>ic 8:30pm No cover

FRIDAY, 9nd: Donny Brown

SATURDAY. lOth, The Resono!o11

Donations for Mu-sidons fncoutoged! New Deal f.Shitl Special S7.00 pmron-s

SS.OO ..-~unleers Greenbelt Community Center

(301) 474-5642

Come Blow Your Horn directed by: Ed Starr

Frl and Sat Tickets: $8 Sundays May 2""-24~ Senlorw & Student• $8 May 11• and 1a• at 8:00 pm at 2:00 pm

Come - Mra. Baker, her husband (the king of waxed fruit) and their two aona grow up, a little, while they clash over familiar Issues In this funny/aarloua coming of age

Flea Market The Greenbelt Arts Center Ia holding a flea market on May

17"' 10:00 am to 3 pm, to benefit the arts In your community. II you have anything you would IIIIa to donate to us, drop It off et the Arts Canter Monday-Thursday May 12"- May 15th from to 9:00pm. Please put a tag on

the llama with up the

Auditions It's A Scream by: David DeBoy

Looking for 2 malaa 20·- 30 and t mala 40+ 1 female 20 - 30 and 1 female 40+

Auditions will be 8 cold (Ndlng from the script. Head lhOia are dasll'lld, but not nacesaary.

Monday and Wednesday 12" and 14" et 7:30pm at the


Ruth D. Taylor Greenbelr Ptoneer Ruth D.

Taylor. 90. dted of hean failure 1:1 Doctors Cor:1mtomty HosfH[ai Ln the early houn of Tuesday. ~L.l.~· 6. She had beer: tran'iponed tc :he hosp:tal from the!I :\"urstr.g Center. '""here

B~..Hn 1n E~-thc-r..,.z!:t!. [oltN:J. .\1r-. T..1:!oJ .1nd her la~t: hu.;band 1 '":e:·)J,He R. T:n tor :::o'H!d to Gr~~1J::::It 1n F;br:..:.E)'. !93~ · S;e ~ec3~ne J;.;tl·..c~· n1 many firc-::nhe1r .tct:v!t:e.;, .1r:d '""as: .lr. n-r; ,;; r1 .. d meiT-.~er «" 1 v. w Ptnc= ... S..t:~m~.Z.-.. and Lo..1r.. !he Gr':!er:belt Cred1~ c·n1on. the Gree:1belt Gar· dcr.. C!ub. rte Grecnhelt- \Vomar: \. c: _:1. the D:-e:::1'"'"elt \1:JtCJ<d Hn:-:>::l\~ncr~ A~~OC!J.fion rth~

pre.J<.";...t:'>.;.or of G reenb<::: ~t Home->. l:rc .!r.d Greenhett Commumty C~Llr:..h.

r)~c of !he ;roup" \tn TJ:ylor !(.)o~ ?art m '-"J-> the Bener B:.~y­er'-. a ·~oman·., dh.:U'>".ton group, ...,.hu:.:h als.o hei.J !-t:.<jl:ng. partte.; ""here ( ,,('> ·"" Ilh dlf­f::r<:rH label" ·,.c:re t..l->ted and iu.J;::::J A:nong orhe~ rhrog~ the: ..~i~~~ ..;;~JdJeJ .J~f!.-erer.t g;aJes. of :11e.1: •• f'!d :7':~1lc H~r .:.on lame~ ra!o ID~. believe~ her :.t.:tn tty H'l

:hr-. ;!~·)Up nf,')U!;ht her the rec0g nttr<.:-- rh.Jt m.tdc t! ?I'"'Hble for ht·~ '" ::>c elcl.tcd to t!le ~e .. ·ond (;~ · ·"'cit Crt: Cnun._1i 1:1 J'):t~

'-)-:·: "-~~ t~.~ ~-:~ . ..;: ·.,;.~:-: ~ku~d

·:-~ !:Oe ;::-:­C-:· ,r .:;.'. ~

· ;~ -..t v:::; :"";:.!r:,l;er. Ro;. ( J::-: ,I: ·.~._:-,-; "'.:tt],:-.

•r:iy :-:.:r·~ .•:t~ l.w:;,!r:. ,L.r ·let:-,. th.1: ~'<:'·l?f~· .._~r;:: .lt

She :-x--ttc--...ed th;1t · v. •W'!lc-n .,.., ::1 • " . ..,rkeJ :-:c::Jc.J !<' X .1ble to

- _ ,·,,Jt kJ"J:-:Jn or. ·.~.~ei<'

.., .-::::·. t!1ev '""::re ·n.ome Thl! r' ·.~ .t• .1hni:..;h..::J hy the gen::r.1!

,,-.t,:::r Her .,.(m r>e-l:e.,ed hJ.;;

,.-,•l':Je:- '-"3." r.or .t >.>.nrne~·s ng.h!s ":::1""· :::r b-•Jt r-.tthcr -..,et1eved In

~-!_;.:! r:gh:. .. fllf e-vt:ryone. ~tr..,

r ... l,•:- ..... as .. ecretary to the rown ~;_,CJ~l.E.t:r and lVI.O :-n.lna:g.::r-. of (Jr.::::::Xlt C. .. m'>u~er·-. 5-:r.;ce

\1~ .. T.1~lor trved 1n se\dal ~~·~:e-, tn Gre:cnb.:-l-1, ::.he .1!so !! .. e:J 1n \L1n "s Hou,e · 1n

R1''--;..' tlk :1r.d ~netl: 1n Green R.: !_?:: Ho~-._.. B·:...:.lU'>t: ... he be·

Baha'i faith Knowledge tS pr;.U'>t"'*v."'ttv when

:1 l!. coupkd ethu.:.a.l c~ndna :md a ~l.rtuo_us ch~.acter.

:t ~--a d(.":ldh- pm-.;.rm. .lfr.g_hriufd:m~n

B:.lh.J.; :-;..~.,·rl·tl \l.'r.ttn~-.

~~~:t':,t ( """'"''H'd. ~·o fi,., :J' ·

(,r~~d .... ·:r '\til_::.,·

a 't- f 4 t. h1ivcly SttkinJ!:

ti + 'I and lndudint: ._, ·tu',. t ·\II Pt•oplt-

SL ( ;eorge ·s

Episcopal Church Sundays

9 am Folk Se~ke I 0 prn Sunday S<hool

I I am Sung Sen-ice

:\L, <\.:.-. · \1:, ' •· ,·;~r: P~r

Greenbelt. Arts Center Rans Flea Market of Champions

by Suzanne- ZappasOdi The Greenbelt Art<> Ce:nter is

holdmg a. Spring Championship Flea .\.1arkct· on Sat'-Jrday, ~ay 17. from tO a.m. to J p.m. The .. champions."' in this. mstance, are the cast and crew of J pia] from GAC'~ 0f1l!·Act Fe·HJ.,JJ las.t fall Fund'> r~J-.t"d wtll help off-.el e"(­pen<;e-; 1n<:urred 1n t:tking the tnp!e .!..,;trd-wmmng: ;:::rod\.Jr...t:on to a r;::g~~n..t! compeliiJnr.

The Art, Center· .. rroJuctJon. A \.\-'.t: \.\.'1th \.Vonh hy Frank D.

Gtlro;-. traveled to O!c::w, :"e...., York. the weekend of Apnl II to re~re-;r.;;-,; \!.lr:- land ..1t the Ea .. rem St..!tt:'j T.;e.±ter ,..\<;..,;.cx.·ld!Jon regtonal

'f'me ph;. ~h.::ally- incJ.p.t...:Jr..tted a f. ter l9AO. -.he wa.;; un.tb!e to re· m.:tm .!C!l'l.-: 1n the communlt;..

She 1s ~urvrved b\ her -.,on Jame-; of Gr~enbelr. ·daughter Judith T~:_-..lor Weed. Rockvdle. '>i'iter Verd A.mbahl. Harltngen, Te:x;d-;, brother Donald R!Ch.uJ,on. C.1ilfomJ.t. six grand­chtiJren and four great-grandchil­dren Her husbanJ. Theodore. precl!ded her in de.11h tn 1985.

Fur.er3l .. ervtces .md tntennent ""'111 X prl'•..tle .--\ f.t:n~l: mcmo­riJ.I '>e"n!..:c! ·~ dl he hc!d In

Gre--..:r:bt:lt Cornmuni!:O Church The :-.1md~ '>tigge\h th.l-t me~

:nonJt ~~1r.!nt">u!IOn-. ~ :-nadc: ro r~:: :--..:.~~~·,•r~.d Gr.n::~ D!,.;:hc­FPu:-:·.!.!~J•m. Bn.~.,.J~\J. :\11i1h C'.Jro­]Jn.l. \L1r;. ·~ .Hou ... ~ Jr. R"'·.-k' 1l!t: ''r .: ~~-1:'1~\ ·•f .>r.c·, :__ht>! ... c

competition. Earlier in 'January at the ~aryland Community Theater FestiVal held at Publick Playhouse. directors Laura Adams and Scott Bloom garnered Best Production award. Best Lighting and Besr Sound award<> •.-~.oent to designs by Scott Bloom. \ol. ho also acted in rhe show with S'Jsan Bodicker and Dan Young Producer Gene Oudrte. Stdgc :0..1ana.ger Jim'>. and T::chmcia.n Jess1e K.s.anzn0;k ht:l;')c..J pull it all to­g~ther

The L:harr.r~ rc:turned wi1h a Certificate ot PartJclpatton and empty pockl.':l" ~rom up the1r o'An tra·.~J expenses. They desen e a g;e:J.l round of applause for volunteen-,.m ahove and be­yond the "'co'>t" of duty. Mean­whde, GAC gladly paid their compett!lon r::g;~tratton fee.s -a hefr't sum, tr.J~eJ.

The pun e:- 1H~ of pre-owned pulchritude "J.r>Uid like to reheve your sprmg ..:k..1J1ing effort.s t:;>f any or J.!! of the following: house"'-ares. k1t<..her: gadgets. bric· a-brae. :.:Qlku:bk'>, sports equip­ment. hol1d:.t;.· decorations, cos­tumes. <>m.1ll ek ... tn..:als/electro'nics irt work1ng ..:nndJtJon, ch'ildren's clothing ~11:: A or under. and <,fn;,tll !urnllur:..: :'t<.:'-C~.

Dcn..:.teJ J.~l tc!es ma'y be dropped of~ ..1~ n--.c .-\rt'i Center lobb). next \u the Post Office \1J;. !:! ]) :m~ ..... to 9 p.m. Pk..J.\<o<..' pn:...c- tr~·nh ....,1th tape or tag

F"r rnor:: l:~(~Jf:-:1:.ttinn. c<..~ll Yn-~...;: ..... --~, ·'t ;IJ!-4-tl-9020.

Berwyn Presbyterian Church 6301 Greenbelt Road

9:30a.m. Sunday School VVorshipService 11:00 a.m.

All are Welcome Interim Pastor Rev. Jack Wineman 301-474-7573

ST •. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Md.

MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday a, 9:30, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

Saturday 5 p.m. Da1l)' Mass: 7: ·m a_m_ Monday-Fnday. 9 a.m. Monday-Saturday

Sacramem of Recone1hation: Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m. Rr;v. Thomas F. Crowley, Pastor

In Rc:..,1dence: Rev. Waller J. Tappe

10 R\llgt: RPa~J. (ir~ R!..:u>rhfHh..tJt>!li-..1 ( • · :'1\l."

Tu..:-... rn I'l'

'\!H'-.<..'f', ..1n,i rl.·ll:.:tr>~J' -...:ht~)h r.. ·, • ( ·.n,~iml311nn · ·\ f·uil R..H1_~~:: ;,( '-'•"-l.ll.!r.c! !{, 1:.'1.,~:~ ·\...!!Vltl~:-.

l·ud.t;- F\·-.•f1p',:: .l:hl ~-~'.:r.!.l·. -. ·r\ k'l.""

Rahhi Saul ( ;rift• ( '.tnror Phil (;r-i:enfield


\\·hc:Tc there l"- '--'-'-'1<..\>~llt' t~" thv ~<:.1;,:__, ~tnd ;,·on1TllUnl:\. '-" l!h Ptht•rv '~ :11' ~l.','!-\: \• ·\.~·and !ll'>'l'lr...·L'.

Museum is Seeking Flea. Market Items

The Friends of the Greenbelt Museum (FOGM) is now seeking donations for their spring Flea Market, to be held later this month. Items such as toys. 'jew­elry, crafts, dishes. , and kitchenware may be dropped off at any time at 2-G Gardenway. No books or clothing are desired. Donations are tax deductible. To arrange for pick-ups .. contact Lee Shields at 301-474-5321 The flea market. wit I be on Saturday, ~ay 31, from 9 a.m.' to 2 p.m. FOG~ is selling replicas of

the ":'>!other and Child .. statue by Lenore Thomas Strauss. Anyone interested may contact th~ FOGM office at 301-507-6582.

Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church

3215 Powder M,n ~oad. BetiLw•lte/Adelphi (301"937 -3666)

Welcomes you to our open. nurturing community

\by 11.9:341 A ll:JS .:.:m. ·GitlriiiiiSSIJ!PibiMa

GJDiiDa s,.r:e- •a~~~m·s 061 una/ masic Prtlfrltn.

® R<'llf(IDIU<'dwt:atu:m 019 JOun:1uos,

du/d CQIY QllatfrJhf<'

Thursday, May 8, 1997

~ecovery at Baptist C-hurch on Saturdays .

t "Steps of Grace" is a confi­dential, open, and non-denomina~ tiona! m~ng of Christ-centered recov_cry speakers that is held ev· ery Saturday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. at Greenbelt Baptist Church.

Celebrating Mother's Day, May 10, members of Steps of Grace will be speaking on "Mothers and Recovery. •• A re­

-freshment and social hour follows the meeting. Those interested in learning more about this life ap­plication topic should feel free to attend. ·

For more information· about these recovery programs. call the "Steps of Grace .. comment line at 301-523-2581. .

<:::>( Catholic

Community of Greenbelt


MuniCipal Building 10 A.M

Greenbelt Community Church


UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Hillside &.. Crescent Roads ·

Phone' 301-474-6171 mornings

SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:15 .. m. .

. Daniel Hamlin, Pastor .. A church oftlie OfX!n mind. thf: warm heart, • the soul. and tl•e .wcial vision ... ••

8:35AM 9:45AM

I 1:88AM 7:00PM 7:00PM

-, HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH 111 Fnendly people worshrping God a'oo serving their community.

"·Biut· .l•·an,. \\'t·lt·onwd!"' ~~Dress Down!'' • :"'Iunday \\-·orship !"'t·rvin·s: H:30 anfJ 11:15 a.m.

• Snntlay ~dwul anti Bil,lt• Class Cla .... st•,; 9:.)0 a.m. • ~-nuug: Atltth ~ltuly l.l{:_ Ft·llow:-:hip Cia!'.:> lst and 3rrf

~UJJ•t:t\ ,,f tht· mt;nth •Fr·,.,. Br···akf.t~l :{rd :-iunda~ of tht• month~

6905 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Visit us on the Web


Rev. Stephen H. Mentz, Pastor (301) 345·5111 -'='--====-==-==-·===-==-·:00::--~~--'=-==---~~===::o~=====i!!

Thursday, May 8, 199'7 GREENBELT NEWS REVIflW PageS

No Public Health Hazards Found in. BARC Cleanup

Gypsy Moth Spraying Canceled in Greenbelt;; by Betsy Likowski

by Elaine Skolnik malerial such as tree limbs and Spraying to kill gn;sy moth catcrpii.lars will not be done this year in any part of Greenbelt. State workers were in Greenbelt on April 28 and 29 looking for an infestation of gypsy moths and did not find enough caterpillar activity

Work is under way to clean up clippings, construction debris on portions o( a 70-acre rubble and general refuse were. wooded area off'Odell Road in disposed from 1940 to 1975. ln the BeltsvilJe Agricultural Re- 1994 this site was remediated as search Center (BARC). ~1aterials part of the land :ransfer from being removed from the surface BARC to the Washington Metro­of the tract iriclude wood and poli!an Area Transit AuthOrity for met31 scrap, decaying chicken use as the train yard at the end of coops. metal parts, and drums the Green Line:· (The site has and concrete and asphalt rubble, not yet been transferred, how­as well as laboratory glassware. ever.)

to warrant spraying . The original plan was to spray

several· hundred acres in Greenbelt and n~arby communities with Dimilin. in late April or early May as a preventive measure. The level of gypsy moth egg masses was very high in parts of Greenbelt Park. Since young gypsy moth caterpillars can float up to a mile on the wind, there was -concern of possible infestation outside of the park. •'Tile potential for blow-in was very high," said Linda Scott, Administrative Spe­cialist, Forest Pest Management Division of the Maryland Depan­ment of Agriculture.

Some of the debris had been dis- Continuing Assessment carded on the acreage by people Today BA.RC is continuing its who cut holes in the fence to in-depth review of the facility. gain access. Comparison of past and present

_ENTECH, contractor. for re- aerial photos, field reconnaissance ·moval operations, started the pro- of all pote.ntial areas of concern, Cess in March. They expect to questionnaires to all BARC em­complete the work in June. ·The ployees, and interviews. with U.S .. Department of Agriculture fonner employees are among the

' (USDA) is paying for the cleanup. methods being used. ·At this time public review is A January 1997 BARC update

welcorrie. Documents and reports repon states that upon completion · concerning the removal action are of these activities. ~~ARS and EPA available in Room 017, Building will determine ~hich areas of Caterpillars were found in nwn­

bers in New Carrollton and that community will be sprayed. The other three communities slated to be sprayed - Greenbelt. Berwyn Heights and College Park - will not be sprayed~ Green belt Park

003, at 10300 Baltimore AVe. in Behsv.ille. Comments should be sent to Kim Kaplan, information staff. ARS, USDA. Room 448, 6303 Ivy Lane. Greenbelt. MD 20770. For additional informa­tion; call Kaplan at 30-l-344-2446.

Background Acc<?rding to Kaplan. in No­

vember 1995 the Agency for ToxiC ·substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR) conducted a review of BARC and determined that potential environmental con­tamination posed "'no imminent threat to human health. •· Follow­ing ATSDR's site visit. the U.S.

. Environmental Protection Agency {EPA) requested that surf;;1ce de- · bris be removed from parts of the Odell tract. EPA noted that the purpo:.c of the action was "to eliminate any physical or chemi­cal hazard potentially posed by the material found ·at the site," which it described as a he;Ivily fore!'tcd ar'ea wilh traces of "a network of accesS roads."

.At pre.scnt, materials removed will ·be analysed. Bast:d on the

·results, USDA's subsidiary agency. the _Agricultur~d Rcscurch Service (ARS). in con!>ultation with EPA, will determine whether additional action is· needed, Kaplan said.

In the meantime the EPA is fi­nalizing a Fedenl Facilities Agreement that establishes tPc le­gal framework for dealing with cleanup 2ctivities at BARC. In-

;"cluded are guidelines for reports. timetables, approvals, priorities and penalties. Meetings between EPA and BARC representatives have spa~ned many years. · To comply with EPA regula­

tions, ARS in 1991 conducted an inspection of its 6,600-acre BARC site to identify locations thaf might be environmentall_y contamiriated. Of 44 sites of possible concern. 16 required fur­ther study. Because of this as­:<>:c<;;-;menl. EPA, on ~by 31. l91J-l. placed BARC "as a V..·holc'" on

: the N<~libn;d Priorilic-" Lt.,t for Hazardous \Vastes r:-.:PL).

Accordinf! to the Reg­ister ;.tt the lime. ""The td.:ntlfic.t­tion of :1 site for the ~PL i-.. In­tended prim~mly to guid~ EP.-\ for determining ""hich ~ite-.. v ... tr­rant further inve~tiga(ton to as~c-;s the nature ~md extent of public health, and environmental need!'." Thev would also recommend re­medial action If it should he rc­q'mred.

· An April 1994 BARC repon ri(llt!'d that "The listing ton the NPLi was based on conlamma­tion. identified by ARS in a four­

. acre stte where· bindegrad;1hlc

concern require more extensive examination of soil. groundwater and surface water and which ar­eas were merely 4Sed for normal agricultural practices and present ~o .threat to the environment."'

G-I-eellibe1-t; .A...q-u.a-t;ic & , Fi-t;ll1e&s Cell1-t;e:t-


Outdoor pool opens Saturday May 24,1997

Memorial Day Hours Indoor Pool 8am-8pm

Outdoor Pool10am-8pm

Summer Outdoor Pool Hours Monday-Friday llam-8pm

Saturday-Sunday 10am-8pm

•;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;4 H ~ ·~ H M

a Chef's Secret ~~ M H M M

i~ Restaurant ii M H M M ·H ·~

:: Your Neighborhood :: H M

:: .fine· Dining Establishment :1 .. .. .. .. H ••

:: En'J.O" :: •• J •• .. .. ~~ Moth(irs' cfJay 1Jiru wr g M M

:~ With Us :: •• •• .. .. .. .. :: Special Menu :: .. .. .. .. :J Open J 2 Noon to 8 p.m. :J .. .. " " =: Reservations Recommended ~= •• •• :: l ::

:: 5810 Greenbelt Rd. :: :: Greenbelt. Berwyn Heights :: :: (301) 345·6101 :: :: Lunch Hours: M-F 11 :30am-3:00pm :: :: Dinner Hours: Sun-Thur: 5:00pm-9:00pm, Fn/Sat 5.oppm-10:00pm :: M M ~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t~

pas. been sprayed with GYPCHEK. The state wiU continue to moni­

tor for gypsy moths for the next couple of months. The caterpillars can· onlv blow around in the first couple ~f weeks in their life. This year they h~tched out in mid-April.

Citizens who see gypsy ~ths are encouraged to call t~sw,te

. and repon it. The point ol the spray program is to. reduce the gypsy moth population to a low enough level that they arc no longer a threat, said Scott.

:.~~·~············:ll··················!il·.tl·······-·······!il·· : Please Vote For

a Julia Eichhorst

GHI Board of Directors

Committed to the cooperative and responsive to the needs of its members.

By Authority of the Candidate

~~~~~··············-·······~~~················-············ /.\ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL




l. ORGAI'lZATJON 1 Colt to Order

Roll e;,n 3. \tcd1tation ~md. -;.

1'\edgc of AllegJancc to the Hag "4. Con~cnl Agenda- Approval of Staff Rcl.:ornmcndJtiom

(The col/sent agrnda conn.\fs of tht)je ill'm\ lt·hich lwl'l.'

a.>tcrt.~ks {"' j placc"d hc.lidt• them .. 1uhjcu to .IIH h rc1 L\lflll.\ u.\ may he mudc hy the Cmmcrl puor to ap;nm·al)

5. Approval of Agenda and Adt!Jiuln~

l.l. C0~1~WSlCATlONS-

6. Prc'il"Jitat!on.., - Pmcl.unation "'B1kc lo \\'~ink Day" - Prm:l.un.llil>n ''National P1Jlict: \Vee!-."

- Proclamation "'Puhlic \\'orb Week"' - Puhlic l_kanng on Propo~cd Rcfu'>c and Rc~dmg

Colkctum Change.;; - Publi1,; H_eanng on Propo..,ed I·Y JI'9H Bt.alget

7. Petitions and Rcque..,ts ( Pt•tuton\· J ec t'il't'd ar the mN'IIn~ wiiii.Jol hem tt•d upon h) th£' City Council at this meeting 1mle.H flu· .\tani/mg rules,

arc Wa/\'Cd hy the Cuwrcil) H. Minutes of Meeting~ 9. Administrative Reports

* 10. Committee Reports

liL LEGISLATION II. A Resolution to Establish a Public Safety Advisory

Committee and RePeal Resolution. 498 - I st Reading ~.~ ·

12. An Ordinance to Transfer '!lmcts f~oin the Capital Projeus Fund to the Capital ImproVements Fund II - I st Reading

IV. OTIIER BliSl:->ESS U. Re~pon"c to Srnior Advi'iory Committee Annual

f-'t)nun 1·1. Grt:en Ridge: Hou..,e.: Park1ng 1 :". Rcquc-:-.t lor Rccognllton- (Jrn~nht:-lt A:-.,ou_a1ton fn1 the \'t-.ual

Ai~:-. l(jA\"A;' !fl. (;.-\\'A Proro-..:d to ("Clndutt Arh Prot'r;unrnm~·

17 .. '-.CJ>(' h:d::Jai_C.Lp!t;d lmpro\t:ll!l'llh l'ro;;r.w:

\:OrE: Th1' ts .1 prcltJ!Hfl..!f) a!!e.:ntl:1, ,uhJt.:lt to l..hilll!!C· Regul:1r Counul mcetm~-. an: open to !he pui--IK and all Jnlerc<.tcd citt/Clh ;,;c invt!c-d to a11cml. For mformallfm. plea'>C ca11101--l7.:l-3H7(J It '>pcci.:.d accornmn~atJOn~ are requ1rcd to make lh!'> meetmg accc<.;:-.!ble to any d!s<~bled pcr ... on, plca'ic c<~ll101· 474-RO<XJ or JOI­-.17-1-2046 ITDDJ to rcquc'>t ..,uch accommodation he fore 10:00 a.m. on the Jay nf the meeting.

Dav1d E. \-1oran City Clerk


Page~ f . GR£EIIBaT NEWS HYIEW Thursday, May 8, 1997

Biogr~phies of Greenbelt Homes Board and Audit Committee Candidates Candidates

The following member'i of GHI have consented to run fqr ~lection to the Board of D1re..;ror<>. Audit Committee, ~~d. the ~ominations and EtecrJor.s Committee. The ~:ection~ will be held at the r~ce'>'- of the GHI Annual ~Iee'lmg on Thu.r<Jday.. M.ay ! 5. and fndav. ~tav 16. from 7 J..m. to 8 p~m .. af the Com-

• 1

rr:•J:-::u:, Center

Board of Directors

!vote for five)


Dietch ! I : \ -~ 1

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Stever) R. Harper 31-A Ridge Road

Sre.,.·e Harper ha" !t-..e-d G HI '>Ll'!Ce t ':191. For the past 3 vear .... :-,e ha.., ch.1:red the Greenhelt 8JC)<..'Ie Co.Jlttwr., ·~oriur.g 1u make fir::cnbeh --.afer tor pedc-.tnan .... htcycli"ts and moton-.1"> Harper h..1-, al\o

v.orkcd '-"tlh GHI''> .-\rc.:hnccture .mJ E:-~·. 1rnnrnen~ I/\& E, Com­ 0n pr1•bkm'> r~L.:t;:1g: to ]Jrd lme"

H.1rper --..t}" th.1t. 1! elected. !-::: \loo~ld !d.;,<:- 10 ~n-,urc thc­Cil!l !-.. ~r:dh<Joio; b ..:k.1r!:. wnr­,._.,._ .tr:,! !b ;\ t'>lon:c- f.~ HI) en­

:,)r~e,l \Llf~> v.=.!t<>:;-.. ,Jr•.· (.ht:·l·

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fL1r;':.'r ,tn1ngt: --~:;>r···rt~ :h~·

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l·:rn. :·.1r .wr :h,mc.:~

Keith Jahoda -t5-C Ridge Road

. K.etth JJ.hoda h~t--- heen ::t mt:r:-:~er nf (jfJJ for q \-ear::-.. ::t mt:mhn nf !he Ad lf,),__: \\'ooJ. l..tnd-.. C:n:-t~mittt'e . • 1 c h3rler memhcr of the \\'(lPd­

lands Commntec .• tnli d fiHl Jtre'-.:!or for IV¥0 term~- He. ongmJ!Iy mo"ed to Gt-11 :;~r ll<;

prol(tmrty to the GoJ,LH·.! "i"f'.!Ct': Fltgh! Centt'r tGSFC'• v.hcre he= '""ork" .l" an a'>trt'P~''-t~t't j,lhi>• .. Lt', praHttic=-.. Cdfi ~.J .. o: t-cer. \Ao-0\ld(and-, prt:'-t:f'-.1-

.!tor~. :.:.Jn::u! plannrr:~ J:1d :I-­rl..lP.'--'H1~ of our rt:r!.h.'l';~t~·:-:.t rL·· .,t'f\ ~·., rr<)~f:lffi\ .. md th·~· :n.m:­'""u~· ... --urr.--Htndin~ rc-...tie, ,1(

(;ill .J"lH., !L· <.'fii<'::O' ~nr:~nt:ll •

tn~ ":' : .. ,It thrPu~!: ('ill .Hld

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lt~t.:"r H.n'--, ,,:;_ -\pd i '' ll.lV­

t~,; "l'r\ l'.i '" ,, tl'rF':-> ,,, r~:...: · B•'.lr:..i. r~.· hnr-:_· ... t,, ~~·!·1!--!:;e- tht: · .:.ntf:u ... :.l'--1~1 ,,~ .! rr:.·,~: rcr ... rc ... !1.\:: ·.~ :t~ the n: .. tgt:: ol .l.r< pt.'fh."!~-._..:-d B .. >.trd mcmb~·r

Susan J. Ready

. , JO-C Ridge Road ' S:..~~ Re.tJ.,_ g_r.J.du.lted fr,)rn

the l':'-.C .tt (Jr~cn-,l'-l'fO v.trh :1

:_..;:,H<;., R.:-.J,1)' V.,\<;. .t:-: cmrlo;. ... ·:: of fht.· G<ldd:ud Chr!ci Deve\np

~-~~~:·1 C~~ir:/~~n~i~;~~;; ;.c1•~;~,; 1':-1 thl· (;p.f~Lud ·Sr·.:,·~· J·I1::ht

DC. ~•'•'.f'c'~,!~l' ,_. -...__h.,l'i :.: >\ •· , • .._,,_i "':;.

.l ;'.lrc ·: "'' t:j. f·L·.: ~:- "~·c·. __ ·,! : ~ ) : -


: r •:n :h .. • I \! i !:.!' .. ·r·

College. Feehne that the combination

of qu:~lit)~ of !dl'- and affordable houo;mg cannot be matched out­side ·of Greenbelt and GHI, Ready hao; ltveJ tn GMI for 27 yea.ij.<> She found It a wonder­ful C.ommumt~ 1:1 \-\hich to raise her·two childn::-1 ·Ready ~curd JH<e to contn~Jt:: her time. en~ ergy and t=xp':rlt'>C to assuring the continun~ ,~:- our housing coopeutl\e J:·l 11~ ability to meet the nee,:~ n! rt.; members.

Audit Commiffee

!vote for three)

L. Patricia Adelaide

J-1- _..,outh"ay ·P.ttrt,__:J. :\: ·] ::-~..: ha-. bc~:-t .1

·r.l;.':l1ht.:r 'l: ( d 11 ~<lr O\ er I(':

;\ 1< >I~!~ I \;~;~·l > ( p.1ruc~:::~! -... !~-:--­!~l' Dt·.-l.•l<':~

::~~··.! fr11m !he '!:- lk:dth Dc­,-1.:: v.orked for -... ... }liJUJ fft:JJff:

Scnt.__·e-.. H:~ . ::.; ... :ltto:l~t h:.tck­groun,l .._nn-..t<~ ,,: B S. Catho­h .. : L :11\ cr"tr:- .-\::1:.!n:..·:1, 1966~

VI.S. Cath<•lt~ L'nJvcr!'iLt_y of Amenc-1. J<;)o,;

AdeL.~tJe 1" ::i..l:\e in the fol­lov.tng corr.rr~;tt,:e-. .Jnd u(ganiza­riom.· Archlk,:ttzr.: .md Environ­menr Commtt:~.··: ( JQ96~l997): Co--... h;.ur. H~>Lh<.: and Garden Tour (1996). L.t!:..,.,, [)J.\ Committee ( J99t\-l'J9~ '· i ':-.- ... td~nt, Grecnhe!t Hon:e ..1nd (urJen Club: Chair. Hou-.e .1:1,; Ci~rden Tour (!997).

Ade!.t.~..le bel1evec; the Audit CommH!·:c should .tctivdy aCt as ()ml->u, for GHl member ....

Deborah (::ooley I-F Plateau Place

Dehor.lh Coo!ey is a current !T'.c;,":llfx-r of the Audit CQmmittee and "' r~J~\:;trl.t: fnr a sec(~d tenn. Co1lk\ h.t .. h:ed in Grechbelt for .til ,,~ ··~~·r Ilk Cooley h&s a B.S. 1n \1.t:--:.q_:t-:11c;,"nl from \Vhe.:.Jing Jl',tJJ! C.>lk·ge Jnd :m ~1.R.A. m .-\:-~·,,;J:Htn:.: v. 11h honor~ from SP:,: :~··t"!er:'. L'ni..,.et':>it). After !:!"l•!·_J.!!t•,:l. --,lie accepted a job '•\ :!~ ~~~ t_ S. Senate D1sbursm~ <It:· :-.. .1:1 .-\udtt Counselor. ;:;;.!;.._, .~:!, . ..,,,rked on Capitol Hd! ~m t::c· ;·.t--t 10 )ears. coOley's '''.t.t~ •. L· .~>..11'- 1t1e~ include Trea­-.ur~·r ,,r ~:->c Circenbclt Labor Day F~·-.!t'- .. l ('(•;:1rnlff-:c and Prestdent nf l~w l :-tt\ erstty of ~faryland W,n::e:l ·~ Bas.ketball Booster Clu!-1 S!-:l· ha.-, lived in her own GHI ~t>::rt• for the past 4 years. .Sh-.· ,_~ll"-C GHI because she ~anted 1\l !J\e in a place with a re-al ::-.e:-: ... e (lr :..:t,mmunity.

(',,~,k: :-..1::-s that. "My ac­o:ounll:l~ .:ducation. my profes­stonJI ~-!~·!...::-:round in Auditing, m) p(hJ!tP~-h of leadership and ffi) c:. .... p~rLe:kc this past year on rhc Audn C--~~mtttce gi"'e me the k:ltw. kd,::..: .::-:d :::-:'(perience to rep­r~--.c:n :~~, ·:~~-·"'.!">er,hip ful!:- and

Andrew Levin

.1:--.J hi..; ·-~ i:c. ·, l li! li - :- ~'Jl ..

ago, drawn by the affordable housing. open space. ahd recre­ational and other attraction-s of Old Greenbelt. Levin believes GHI is more than just a place to 'Jive: it is also a community where residents take an active role in community affairs. Levin has been involved in Citizens for Greenbelt (past president and sec· retary), Recycling Advisory Board. GHI Finance Committ~e. GHf !'ominations and Electibn Committee (past chair) and :'\ew Deal Cafe (current president). \Vhile Levin thinks GHI needs ro look to the future, he is con­cerned with the board's decisions W continue to raise co-op fees on an ad-hoc basis to forward-fund the- repktcen1ent reserves. Raising cn-op fees iS a hardship to mem­berc; and discourages hom:e sale!';. He feels that the current board has not ·adequately considered al­tem::uives nor have they made the ca:-.e !n the memher<; for their cur-rr.:nt pohcy.

Kathleen (Kathy) Weber 1-E !"1\orthwav

Kathy \Veher ha'i be~n a mt:m~ ber of GHI since 1982. Cur­rently. she is a nlember of the Audit Committee and is seeking re-election. Weber feels that the Audit Committee is responsible to the membership and ro no one else. for watching_ over all GHI activities. As a past member of thl! Board of Directors. -Weber points _out that she participated in hinng ~the. present General Man­ager of GHI and helped the Board to lay foUndations for many improvements in servic-es While keeping firm control of the budget. Weber has a B.S. degree in mathematics fidm the Uni .... er­sity of New Mexi!'O- She h~ par­ticipated in many volunteer ac­tivities. including the Board of Directors and other GHI commit­tees. Weber is currently a mem­ber of th'c Finance and Marketing committees. Weber promises to keep a watchful eye on the board. staff. and activities cOn­cerning GHI. She believes thai GHI must alw:~ys be financially strong while preserving the coop­erative spiriL

Candidate-; for GHI Board of Directors - ~1ay 5, !997

Nominations & Elections Commiffee

(vote for five)

Sheila Alpers

30-D Ridge Road Sheila Alpers- has been a

member of GHI since movinl!; to Greenbelt in 1986. and is ; mcm"'..::r of the ol'O:llln:~ttnn<; & Eleuion..; onct _!he :\~v.:-.lctt<.'r 1.:0mmJttcL"'--. computer progr.1:11mcr .tn.Jl:-..t t\•r th<.: fcdcrJ.! Gnv<"rnmt.:"nt and

~::~~~1 U~~~ t~: :t~\'~;,';~,;~i~~~~:) ~~~~d ()r('t:'Jheh" the first llr:-le :-:he ";.t"' 1! ))e,__·,la.,e ('>f 11'> ht~ old \Fee~. the

Greenbelt Lake walking path, and. the intimate size of the commu­nity.

Alpers believes that the greater the number of GHI members who get involved by running for elected office. serving on one· of the many attending board meetings or contributing· to the GHI Newsletter, the better it is for the co-op. She sees her role on the Nominations & Elec-­tions Committee as one of help­ing pu-blicize the elections, seek­ing out and encouraging potential candidates, and making sure the elections are run fairly.

Walter Charles B.raun

4-D Laurel Hill Road Chllrlec; Braun has been a GHI

rt:sident for nearly 12 years .. . During that time he_ has served on the GHI :":ewslener Commit­tee. ,the Finance Committee. and is t;urrcntly a member of the \:'ominations & Elections Cotn· miuee. Other membership~-·in­clude tht: Grccnhelt Ans Advisnry Board. Board of Directors for the Greenbelt Foundation ~or the Arts. and Treasurer for the Greenbelt \\hiters' Group·. If elected, he will_ continue to push for early publicity of the annual meeting and elections and to en­courage an adequate number of interested members to run for each position, thef'eby guarantee­ing a full slate of caitdidates

Robert Snyder

12-A Hillside Road Robert has been a GHI

resident for 8 years. He has pre;' viously served on the Greenbell Arts Advisory Committee, Friends of Greenbelt National Park, Patuxent Art League, and. the GHI Nominations & Elections Corrimittee. Greenbelt and GHI attracted him because of the adja­cent green spaces and active; member participation in civic, community and environmerltal concerns. Snyder works as an art teacher in the Prince George•s CoUnty Public School System.

Judy Goldstein

56-C Crescent Goldstein has Jived .in GHI

since: Labor Day weekend, 1953. She has raised her family. con­ducted a photographk busioess. and has been active here in many organizations. -including the Ji- ~1. brary. the Cultural Arts Center. ' .,. and the News Review. Goldstein ·' is a current member of the Nomi­nations and EJectiOn Committee and says that she would like to devote another tenn to the impor-tant tasks of finding interested candidates to run for the GHl · Board of Directors a!'d other committees ;md 'assuring proper election proccdun;s.

! The. Biographies pfinted_ be­

i l~w were prepared by the candidates.

The space is paid lor by Greenbelt Homes.

PJu!e 7

afety, Trash FIRE DEPARTMENT sible threats. Hanover Crosswalk (Continued from page 1)

ments. Fire Chief Gene Davi.s speculated that part of the prob­lem is that the money •·just isn't there." In Greenbelt's case, the fire department has been paying the cOunty's share of the debt. Remenick said that another de­partment with. the same deal has had to default on its loan pay­ment.

. · Fire House Last year. the department

brought to the council·~ attention the condition of the fir'Chouse A· long list of needed m~1inten~1nce and improvement items was given ·to the council. \\'Uiiam Stratton, a focal architect. pro~ vided the city with a cost esti­mate for the work to ht: dnnt:­$250,000. Since then, the city and county cooperated in repav­ing the parking lot and driveway, reducing the cost of remaining work to be done by SSO,OOO. The department has accomplished a· few of the other smaiiC'r items as weJL

Remenick feels ·that some of the estimates may be high, others low. Overall, he thinks that to do all the remaining work will co,c;t $150,000 to $175,000, give or take $25,000. The top three pri­ority items are renovation of the bunkrooms ($40-$50.000: accord­ing to Remenick), the control room. with equipment moderniza­tion and ~ conditioning added_ (about $20,000) and repainting (about $9.000). · The only assistance the county has agreed 'to provide is the fur­nishing of paint and other con­struction materials. It expects the volunteer members to do the painting. Sirililarly, the county expects the-volunteers to do the bunkroom.' renovations, but will furnish construction materials.

..... · Bunkrooms Remenick caUed the architect's

eStimates: for the bunkhouse low. He wan~ to rep1ace the beds and redesign .the rooms to be attrac-tive to Fire Training Students at the Unive(Sityr of ·Maryland. who _would serve. as volunteers while

· living at the firehouse. To this enQ, an important need is a direct tie-in to the University computer system. Also. better female quar- . ters are needed. Boardmember Ed Hughes of-t~ department told cOuncil that while volunteers had done the w'>rk in the past. this time there was a need for skilled people to do the job.

McLauglin told the council that Governor Parris Glendening intends to budget $2.7 million over the next five years for fire departments. of which Grecnbeh would get $85,000. ·rn addition. Curry has pledged $16.000 over the next two years. The-;e rev­criues were pledged 10 make up for the loss of income from cq-sino gambling, which will no longer bC permitted after this _month. This would bring to Greenbelt $117,000 for use eiihcr to buy equipment or renovate buiJdi_ngs. However. Remenick n~ted that ,~he Governor's com­mitment extended beyond h1s preSent terin of office and that the legisJature had to approve each year's allocation as part of the annual J?udget.

What to Do? What to do about the prob~

lem? Council decided it should take the initiative. and bring the m~uter to the attention of County Councilmembcr Audrey Scott. with the hope that she could find some ·more money for the Ocpnrt-.menr. · · · Mayor Antoinette Bram asked

if the Replacement und monies should be used to inance the bui_lding costs. Co ncilmember Thomas White felt that this wasn "t a gqod idea-once you use city funi:Js to pay for some·

~ling for wliich others are obli­:ltcd. they will back off from oing it themselves. But

Couhcilmember Rodney Roberts ' pointed out that the firehouse wac; a city building. and that 'the cit)t should see that it is properly maintained. \Vhite rebuued that the ci_ty would he assuming a re­sponsihility it h:1!-.n't had before­the fire service is a c.:ounty scr- · vice.

Remenick noted a difference. "I don't know of any other fire department that hac; a building owned b)· !he municipality," he s::tid. Councilmember Ed Putens supponcd Roberts and urged hav­ing the' renovation work done qoickly. ..We have people living there and I'm ashamed." he said.

Remcnick opposed using the Replaci::ment Fund monies, be­cause he felt those funds would be needed for the replacement of Engine )52. Bram said she was hoping lhat. t):le state would re­place those : fund!i . Councilmeinber DaVis suggested that the depanment get a loan for the ·renovation work .. possibly from the city. Roberts suggested using the $}50,000 budgete.d for renovations at Roosevelt Center. ''I'm not comfortable with _spend­ing those funds," he said.

Remenkk suggested increasing the c1ty's contribution to the yield of a two-cent lax rate, compa­rable to that done by the City of

.Laurel for its depanment. Davis was willing to discuss the idea. but made it clear she was not saying how she would decide on it, "one way or the other."

White noted that the manager had proposed increasing the city,'s

St di d 't GEAC M ·u There have been complaints U e a . ee 'Dg from Greenbriar residents about by Dennis Jelalian to install the s~reetlight. • the amount of pedestrian and

. At the Greenbelt East Advi- Trash & Recycling vehicular traffic and the speed sory Committee (GEAC) meet- The proposed budget for FY of the traffic at the exlt/en-ing on April 3 at Greenbriar. is- 98 would. reduce tr~sh pickup trance to ERHS on Hanover sues discussed included traffic and recychng collecting .to once Parkway. Bram no,ted that problems at Hunting Ridge, city -a week each, for city custom- HanO-ver Parkway is not wide trash and recycling. and public ers. Mayor Antoinette Bram. enou~h to make two lanes each safety. :"ho attended the GEAC meet- way .. _; The problem needs to be

Hunting Ridge t~g, expressed ~er co~cerns that studied. Hunting Ridge pJ!cd-up trash 1s uns1ghtly and Hanover Shoulders

and vehicular traffic have been may attract rats. Although GEAC board member Kay having difficulty entering and some associations pay as little, Moomey reported that the exiting Hunting Ridge to and as $15 per year per house"'for'· shoulders of Hanover Parkway from Hanover Parkway :safely. private pickup. Bram said that "nc'lir Hunting Ridge arc disintc-

lt was reported that the city GHI residents prefer the city to grating-. due in part to the ac­has nO\\- adopted three sugges- (_io ihe work. although it costs tion of heavy construction ve­tions by Celia \Vilson. Sl8 per year per house. be.:ause hi~lcs. Bram promised to Greenbelt's director of Planning the city docs quality work. speak to City Manager :\-'lichacl and Community Devclopmcnl. Greenbrook Lake ~cLaughlin about the prohlem. to improve safely at the Hunt- Wilson sa1d that 1t will take Moomey further remarked that ing Rid'ge. entrance. They are: about another week to get the Hunting Ridge has no easement to install bollards to prevent necessary permits to resume to get at their water main for passing OQ the shoulders. to construction of the lake. and repairs; the builder still retains move the bus stop away from then another four to six weeks the rights. Bram promised to the Hunt'ing Ridge entrance, to complete the work. withhold city occupancy and and to install a temporary Hampton Inn use permits until a11 repairs streetlight at the entrance to GEAC Chairman Sheldon h,d,ve becm made. • Hunting Ridge. The bollards Goldberg reponed that Hampton Reserved Parking have been ordered. The city is Inn. a chajn of hotels. wants to Charlene MacAdams said that negotiating with Metro to_ move meet with GEAC, presumabJy Greenwood Village and other as­the bus stop. and with PEPCO to make a sales pitch about sociations are considering adopt-

annual contribution for capital· improvements to the yield of an eight-cent tax rate. He felt the fire department could compete for these funds along with other city needs. There would be no ::tuto-matic payment to the depanment. Roberts tho!Jght that this was a good ~dea ~nd was willing to add-on another cent for the next three years.

At the end of the session, Bram told the firemen, "It looks as though ·we will come up with some method to address your pri­oriti~s." White suggested the dc­panment should be represented at the final budget worksession on May 19. '"That's when the rub­ber hits the road,"' he said.

building on the Commerce Cen- ing reserved parking. She said ter II property on Hanover that most lots don't have enough Park way_. Bram stated that space for two cars per house­Hampton Inn's plan does not hold. Houses with garages and meet the covenants; and there- driveways will ne.!d to be con-fore they cannot build. sidered in any reserVed parking

Public Sarety plan. GEAC. member Dorcthy The city council is consider- Pyles suggested that a parking

ing establishing a public safety lottery may be need~d. committee to suggest ways to In Hunting. Ridg~, anyone deal with disasters such as ri- parking in an "A .. space without ots, bomb scares, terrorists, a permit will ·_be towed. All train wrecks or chemical spills. homeowners' associations have The city has certain resources; signed releases to allow police the county and the National access to association property to Guard have others. such as the tow cars . staff and the armored personnel The posslble annexation of carrier that were used in the re- P.arkside was also discussed. cent hostage situation. Still to Absent from the meeting be determined are other meth- were Edward Putens (who was ods of deati·ng with any pos- out of town). Richard Sellah and

Candace Culhane.

BEIJING of Greenbelt

Mother'S, Day Lunch '~~·-:" Buffet - $699 ..

I SUNDAY, MAY 11 • 11 :30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We will be opening for Lunch Buffet Saturdays and. Sundays, starting

.May 17 and 18

131 Centerway ~reenbelt, MD 20770 301 ... 345--3996


GOOD FOR $1.00

Toward Buffet Lunch Beijing of Greenbelt

Page 8 GREEIIIIEl. T NEWS REVIEW Thursday, May 8, 1m Manager Prop.oses 4% Budget· Cut for, General Government

sociation, as well as the dues 3.nd conference costs for members of city boards and committees in re­gional, state aiJ9 national associa­tLons. There was some discus-

consensus was apparent for drop­ any of lhe memberships. One additional irritant was the fact that Prince George's County, which used to pay half of the.... COG dues for the city (since the citizens are represented by both the c_ity !lnd county), stopped do­ing so last year. McLaughlin has proposed that the city pay the en­

b\ Diane Oberg -~.!, ~:->l:: qJ-:'0 het-.\:..'~':" -~::~ .t..:- 53;-;_5(J(:_ up tr:·:-:: t!-te 532.ROO sion among the councilmembers :..· Cj~:-:c-ra: Co•.e:-r-.~:::.:;-:.~ ·""'·_; !- ..:r: .. n~.:· .t:-::: i:-::1t for ~·r:-:.::-: ... :: ..:.nd bLJlt:!:::ed for ::~,· current ye~r at !he ~1arch 25 v.orkseSsion a~

.~d:':t·~;d.r.:t;·.~ ,o::r-.r'-'-'"' Thh .t ... .:Otl:-:t "•\t::r.., ·t!-t-e ctty·.., ro which of th~ organizations are \!_;_,, . 0·:-!:~ ~.t'-. ;'r' ;-''''<:"d -;:.,. du:.:. !:1 rJr<!.V"':l/ ·'::-;:-.. ">U>.:h :.1._, !h:.: n10'->t beneficial 10 the citv and

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:·~n- C ".H:_!J ;Jr (jr,.~·r:::1:cr:b rCOG_l '-'"ht:th:.:r the city o;hould dr~,p i.ts ,! .: ~ ;'u:- -! !l-:c \.1 'r\' ' \f:J:-11-.:iral ,.\..,- membership tn any of them. ~o

~~~~~~~~~~~~========, Ice tire COG dues.


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·'McLaughlin bas proposed establishing a revolving loan program to help city

employees purchase homes in Greenbelt. ··

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Finance and .-\dminl~lrative Sen·ices

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1997 SPRING MINI-SESSION Jn-pcr,on registration,, first-served basis. All classes have a limit <>n enrollment. Early registration improves your chances of get­ting the class you want! !~All registrants must sign up at the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center for aquatic & fitness classes .

CLASS FEES: All class fees are noted.·in the course list. A 10% dis­cour.I ''ill be given to all senior citizens, 60·years old and over. for non­"'cninr cla.s.::.e".

REF\ ·'d)S, The· Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center reserves the right to carH:el cla>Scs due to insufficient registrants or causes beyond its con­troL. Rdunds will be made if classes are canceled by the Center. Other rdund' will be made according to the provisions in the City ofGreenb<;lt Resolution t'-:o. 65. which also requires that refund requests, for vahd reason,. are to be submitted immediately in writing to the GAFC.

CITY RESIDENCY: Greenbelt residents are those who pay taxes to the Citv of Greenbelt A:-.ID are eligible to vote in City elections. That is as it •JwulJ be as our residents pay taxes to support the Recreation Centers and the Aquatic & Fitness Center in our community. However, just be­cau'e 'omcone has a Greenbelt address. does not necessarily mean they pay taxe' to the City of Greenbelt and are able to vote in City elections. We "ant tu be fair to the people who·se tax money supports our pro­~rranh. If vou are not sure that you have a Greenbelt address, are able to ~ote in CCty elections. and pay City taxes, call 397-2204.

\'IAI'\STREAMI~G: Anyone who is physically, mentally, and/or emo­ticm,dlv chall.cngcd is encouraged to participate in any of the Aquatic & htnc'~ C<Onter·; pri1grams. [f you need any special assistance. please .all 397-220~ or TTY 474-IRII and ask for Karen Haseley.

GAFC Class & Registration Dates Spring :\tini-Session: 'lay 1'1. 1997- June 13, 1997

l'a"holders & Residents register: :vtonday. \lay 12 & Tuesday. May 13 ~-nn-Rc'->idc-nts r<.'gi"iter: \\"cdn:..' .... day. \:by 14- Friday. May 16

Regester en person at lhe GAFC between 6:00am and 10:00pm for all dates noted above.

C aSS rates dO not include USe Of fiineSS Wif]g Or pOOl. before Or after times. Classes have been pro-rated fcjr Memorial Day Monday. '

Pa .... -; Holder"



:--.:onRcs­:"\crnPas'\ fiolders

Lan·d Aerobics Classes (16 years+) · . ...., -r:~.· "' \\_\\. F 6 3!l:lr:l·- !~.~~t

\IW F l.IIl ·\~ '\\'

\1 '\\. F


6: 3! )pn1 -7· I :=ip:n -.:_:.!);-':--:""!-"":l:":':!L ~: 3 1 Jr;::-~:: :"p::: · () _{!( I,H'!:1 -~):J),tll'

f, :;!Tt:: - l~rrn

Water Aerobics Classes (16 years+)



\,!. · "c.· .lr(lr·lrt)

\r!7':~.t:, .\yuJ.tlc·s D·-•c;~ \\.~~~·r Aerobics Det." r \\.'.trc:r .-\~robKS

Dt~cr W,:tcr Arthrius Sentur\1t.'e W.HI.'r Traimng W.Jter W.1lkmg

\1 '\\' F

\-T,"W 1~


T.·ill F ~1/W:F



S.(}j l,fri1-:-..A.".tr1l

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1S 23 25 28 23 23 25

s:u 33 o-

3-0 5

33 ~~ 30

. 33 27 27 30

S.'7 37 3!

5 37 3! 35 37 32 31 35



Thursday, May 8, 1997 Page9

RECREATION BUDGET meet the new minin\um wage of . S5.t5 per hour.

from last year. No changes in staffing are anticipated . Administration's budget wouJd in­Ciease by 6 per cent to $379.000 and includes senior perso.Mel and many shared expenses for the de­partment.

Selr Supporting The new R~cTrak computer

system that keeps track of all reg­istrations from various· points has opened the process to phone-in or mail-in registrations-providing a friendlier system for both the pub­lic and the staff. Creative and

·(Continued from page 1)

building Salgado would like to see use of the front lawn expanded.

Expenditures, she noted. should be less than budgeted this year. Savings in electricity used will be about SO pen:ent.

Partnerships The Community Center has be­

gun i! new partners~ip program. . The Center provides the space but

no staff resJX>nsibility by working ·with others who set up and ad~ minister· activities in pottery, use of the new dark room, and, if staJT 3.nd council agree. art classes. The Gree~belt New Year was a partnership with volunteers and sQm·e staff assistance. Space was prOvided for public workshops Spons~red by Co-op and to the police department for workshops and seminars.

Unmet Needs Salgado. expressed concern

about ·whether current weekend and evening· staffing of one person is adequate at the Community Center. Adding a second person during those times would cost $12.000. She also noted the need

' fOr replacing the 1937 metal frame windows in the building for a cost 9f $350,000. The windows leak, causing interior damage, and some are difficult to close, causing secu­rity concerns.

Rentals Much discussion centered on

the need for further refining poli- · cies governing rental of space in the building for private parties. Noise is one concern. Following a teen birthday with a live band, the s·taff determined that live. bands shoul_d only be permitted for large comm·unity activities. ·

1\vo incidents were more seiious. Both involved abusive ~ent of staff. · ·

The incident the first week the Center opened, involving only one person, was the worst. In the in­cident several weeks agq. a group went ahead with their plan to hold a large party even though they did not receive a pennit. They had only applied one day in advance. Salgado told council the experi­ence was .. overwhelming.... The people she spofe with were .. ..,_ gry and verbally abusive." but she felt safer because she had called in the police to back her up. Staff needs I 0 .working days in order to approve a permit to use a facility. They must determine what the in­tended use is and whether it is ap­propriate.

Aquatic & Fitness Center The department's- largest facil­

ity in tenns of annual. costs, per­sonnel numbers and public use is tlle Aquati~. & Fitnq:ss Center with its indoor and outdoor pools and fitness center. Some 211,300 people wjU have used one pr all during this fiscal year, or on~:;third of the ·people participating Jn .all of Greenbelt's recreation· 'pro­grams. Total expenditufes arc proposed to increase 4.8 percent to $747.000. Of that 88 percent or $645,200 will be paid fpr through the sale of passes. daily. admis­sions, rentals, classes, and other itCms. The remainder comes from geneml city "revenueS. A ~ percent increase is proposed for passes, but no change is expected fOr daily aqmissions. One change in expensds is the need to raise the lowest pay for part-time work to

Supervisor George Rogala ex­plained to cmmcil that' the percent­age of expenditures paid by in­~ome probably won't increase jn the future. To do so would rb­quire crowding during peak hours, raising fees significantly (to ov~­comc those who might ~rop out with any increase) and/or attract­ing more non-residents who pay more per service.

Councilmember Ed Putens asked Rogala to dec~e slightly what residents pay and increase what nonresidents are charged. Bram agreed there "should be a noticeable difference." Councilmember Rodney Roberts stated flatly that the facility is "ex­tremely cheap."

Rogala is proud of his place, "It's homey, .nice-looking, open. People tour here from all over the country." He says all the pools being built today are using the same roOf design.

Unmet Needs Rogala particularly wants a

new computer and to get included in the department's "RecTrak" system of registration for classes now in use throughout th~ rest of the recreation department. Consis~ tent reporting and accounling is also done through RecTrak.

Youth Center The Youth Center houses the

administrative staff and its own programs Wld, open gym and game area. The building was used by over 80,000 people this year. The fourth phase of building renova­tio~ is curreiHiy in progress. Rest rooms on the lower noor will be available to all, but are re­quired for pre-school program cer­tification. Total expenditures are proposed at $212,000, uo 2%

SHi. Center Springhill Lake Recreation performing arts, leagues and tour­

Center provides a gym and game naments, exercise/fitness, day room and an adjacent club house camps, pre-school and other activi­·and, last year, served almost ties provided much to do for 70.000 people. The budget for 114.000 people this year. The FY98 is to stay about the same. programs will cost the department A paper transfer moves some un- $188,700 for FY98, but will bring usual employee relevant expenses in $238,000 or 12 percent in rev­to another spot in the budget. enues. Here the recreation coordinator Other Progra~ hopes to build a closer relationship Under this miscellaneous cat-with the Springhill Lake manage- egory, budgeted for $136,500. ment to better provide more infor- • comes prognunming and expenses mation to apartment dwellers for special programs; Greenbelt about programs available at the Day, Independence Day, activities recreation center. related to the Labor Day Festival

The recreation center held a and, this year, Greenbelt's 60th special Teen Fair in April to pro- Anniversary. also· is found vide ideas for summer jobs. com- support for the many programs run munity setvice, now required for by community volllllleers such as high school graduation, and to the Little League, the Arts Center provide _help in filling out 'college ~nd the new Greenbelt Writers application fonns. ~ore than 80 Group. The budg~t for contnbu· area students attended. An area tions to organizations is $56.0CKJ. festival centering on SHL residents Therapeulis Recreation is being planned. Also under de- Prograrru; for special populations velopment are after:school pro- - the elderly, the disabled -will cost grams for Springhill Lake Elemen- $83,500. Fees and a grant from tary School students. Maryland-National Capital Park

Schrom Hills Park and Planning will bring in $! X,lXXJ The budget for Schrom Hills in revenue.~. 1bc city sponsors Ex­

Park will dip by 7 per cent to plorations Unlimited, cla..o;;scs. trips, $12,200. .Staffing here means card games and "f()(')(] and fncnd­those who provide access to the ship" lunches. The city co-srxm­buildirigs for group rentals and sors the Golden Age Club, ~cnior some programming, chiefly during softball, P.G. Community College the summN. Because no one classes and an exercise program ~ecms interested in renting the through the Department of Aging. buildings in the morning. the day During the summer the recreation will now be divided in half: 9 to department runs camps for ~pccial 3 p.m. and 3 to 9 p.m. populations.

5-9-97 Sales .Oates to 5-15-97

~ 7533 GREENBELT C]Reenbelt~Mom.JlariiL



Hours,.J. TH·9,00am to II ,oc)prn 3 0 1 3 4 5 0 5 98 Fri. & Sat. • 9:00am to I 2:00am • •


Se11gr11m's GIN







Fresh Lean

_s1a9 Ground

Chuck lb.

CO-OP Lean Beef

S1" Fresh Grade A

.,49 Bonele-ss Bottom Split Round Roast

lb .. Chicken Breasts lb.

CO-OP Lean Beef

•a" Fresh Lean Pork

.,.9 T-Bone Spareribs Steak lb. lb.

CO-OP Lean Beef

sa" C~PLean~fS~I9

Porterhouse Boneless Steak Rump Roast

lb. lb.

Perdue . r Fresh 93% Lean sr Boneless Seasoned$ · __ Ground Ch;cken Thighs · . Turkey Fajita-Honey Mustard· lb,. lb.

Kunzler Grill S e2 ·Meat Franks • . .


Original Scrapple

$1Z9 16 oz. 16 oz.

Weaver .,59 Barber sr Chicken --Breast Entrees

Chicken Roll

8 oz. 11 1F4 oz. Min.

i Blue Bonnet 49e ~. Eckric:~ . $ S89 j Vegetable . . · -·. Virg1n1a ..

1 spread Quarters lb. ii;_·' Baked Ham, lb.

Tropic:ana Jug $~9 'i:_• :-._ Wilson sa" Orange -- t',.,..,jj, Roast

" Juice ~~ Beef

~~~-ta .,~"'I=::"' $,.;;_· Singles . • : Cheese ..

l---------.:C12::...::o=z.::. · · lb.

Coffee Mate 99 I(.._ Ltqutd e E . ~- ;:;;::;r $199 Creamers ~·

:~:e;::ke89""Cti;:;7 •. s-p; Cream ~ . Macarom Cheese ,. · Salad

~----------~~8~0~Z~-~ Br~ic~k~~~ lb.

iti"71(J~~Ht1D.S:.._...-,..._ I;;; -:;.;;"":z...ft:jfawtl).;· ~-..;.·_....;.··__;;~ •. _.:~.;.· .....;·':.ii'.....i. ill·-..:L...IZL..J f.::..·" ·JI:l~~-wo k

Tasty·Pork Bar-B-Que Sandwich

Fresh $A-" •r· ;~;:s .. -Each lb.

J::==.=.=_.J:::&= ..... = .. :;:,::::;;:;::.~:r:.=,;=": ..... =:_.=;=ill~-~;:· :$:;1· ~=:e:::hun~s~~

i ~:~e~tyle 4J99C I Cook1es .

Viking Breaded Perch Fillets

16 oz.

, Era Ultra Liquid $~ Laundry • Detergent .

50 oz.

Pillsbury Del. uxe 99"' Fudge ~ Brownie Mix Original-Double 2 1 1 F2 oz. Best Yet Kidney Beans

.3.1$100 IS IF2 oz.

Royal Z9C Pudding Mixes . Regular-Sugar Free ·

1.7 oz. min.

Hanover ZJ99C Economy Size Tomato Sauce 28 oz. Spic: 'N' Span Ultra All Purpose ·Cleaners

Lucky Leaf

Apple Sauce 89,1. Plush & Soft '9"'

~ Bathroom .. ~ 23 oz. Tissue Roll

Success Brown Rice sr.

14 oz.

Nestea sr Iced Tea Mix --Makes zo qts.

Gain Ultra Z Dry Laundry Detergent

53 oz.

Glamour Kitty $~

Cat • Litter 20 lb.

Best Ye\_ 99e Complete · Pancake Mix

Hanover Family Size Cut Green Beans-Regular-Po s Ham


38 oz. min.

Sch'midts $ ~ Roman Meal •. sandwich Bread ·24 oz. Bounty $ C2_ Paper Towels • Selected Varlties 96 Sheet roll

Capri Sun Lunch Pack Fruit Drinks

sr 10 k.

Comet 49"' Green ~ Cleanser 14 oz.

Diantond Super 'Matches

$1Z9 8 k.

!:lefty Original Foam Plates

Ubby Corned Beef Hash

S1Z9 so pk.-9 in. sr

IS oz.

Comet $1Z9 Trigger Spray Bathroom Cleaner ·

1 7 oz.

Prego Spaghetti Sauce All Varieties 28 oz.

:,~.:-~;tergent .. 9e Regular--erial" .1 4 oz.

San 'Giorgio. Elbow


Reese's Peanut Butter

49e lib.

Cranbeny ----Ocean Spray. $~ 79 Cocktail & lllends · . Selected va-s 11"2 Gal.

Malt-o-Meal· ., 39 Colossal .. --Crunch Cereal ·

1 5 oz.

Hell,..ann's Mayonnaise Orlglnai-Ught­Low Fat

IIDunce --.,59 Singles . --. Fabric Softener 4o k.


Shoe Peg Corn

Rainbow Sweet Relish

Giorgio MushrOoms· Wholi!-Siiced

Large Bunch Broccoli

Hot House Tomatoes

Fresh Express Garden Salad Mix

Baby Peeled Carrots

Verdelli Spinach

Gilroy Chopped

99t Each

99e 10 oz. ., ...

4 IF4 oz.

crisp ·saw Granny Smith . · 17 ..... Apples


California 79e Strawberries ,

Anjou Pears

,Season'S First Peaches

Kiwi Fruit

Frest1 Ripe Mango


FREE Pi\CKH.AM J>FAR See Store For Details

Save More With Double

Value On



r;.AQ~~Al~?.~-- ...._---~MAY, I REDEEM 0NLYATGAEEN6ELTCO-OP . I

I MR. P's ~~~ !. 1 FROZEN I I . FREE

I PIZZA I I CHEESE·PEPPERONI<OMBO 10 oz. I I Wllhfl1s~&S7~~p::.... Ed8lgC<ll4loollem> I L _ ~...:.ORK..:•.:.P~:_vc::A=~ _ .J

JiAG~~Al)~~-- ~-- --~ -:_WRV-:1 I I I I I I



1 Lb.




L _ !.~::ORK.!:!P~x_::v::•=~ _ .J

r7r:-AQ~~11~- ~- ---~--- -;:3~ I REDE.E.M ONlYATGRE.E.NBELTCQ.~ I



I OtOC'NO~~~X8lKI153, I ~----El~.~I!8588-0~----.J

r:AD~~2-:::-_ ~ ~ -=---=-=~ -MRV, I REDeEM ONLY AT GAEamT cii<>P - I

I BREYERS .c I I YOGURT I I ANY FLAVOR 8 oz. I I I J WllhThlsCcqm&S7!";p:=.:;~Ca.4x>nfterns I L. _ _:u:_:oo:.:.~:: :_::: v::A.:_os:!_ _ .J

.35 oz. min. :

w::nThs~&S7e!,";~:.~~n~s 1

~.&!l~~AUM-12;8-- -.-~- -:f'~

:---MORTON . 9c_ :. I· TABLE


I W:'ft".T>\~U>..:r.r.&Sl~~=~:;:~~:~~eo..;tr~rtS I L _ _:u:_:o:.~.: :r;: v.:P::s:: _ ..J

Pa~e 12 GREEIIIIELT IIEWS 11EY1EW .' Thursday, May 8, 1997

"Pie in Your Face" for Safeway Win Greenbelt's Model Design Wins

Award fOr G&O l>y Eileen Farnham

Cu-;tomers at the Greenway S.afeway on a recent Friday af­t::r:-~oon were entertamed by p:e<> !lymg mto officials' faces at :he front of the store This <>lap<>tLCk, fun e-.. -ent was the b-!p;;ery department's· celebration :ur ·w·mn;ng the Great P1e Buy c::J!:::::1ge for the d!vis1.on r.\!.>.r· .. tand. DC. ~orthern Vi.r-2t:<ta. The s.t.ore i!reath ex­

~~::ded 1tos goals.. bearing the ,; !30-S.!Ote diYI<;IOn by a ... :,;.,: r;;a.rgm m the ·April- 6 - 12 ~.::::.,. e• ent.

Rt·..::p~ent'i of up-c!o-;e-and­~:.:~~-·n.1! banar..a crea.:-r~ p1es . Store \ P.:lt :-. .<: J:, and Dl..;tno:.:t :v'ianJger L~ . .: (jror:'Jc.:k B.tker: ~!.!:-·-.­

.:..::·:~ krr: S;g:er w.:1r..:hed ~,~,-nh

.l "o,: ;:;:~l:l a-., hJ:;, t::71pi0~·~:;:" ...

. .: ,-,·:d,~)" :l' a bJn,\:1..1 -..r-t:arr:

~~-~-~~ of ht'i. and the1r. !''HJ'>'>e~.

He: L!J'.!~melv <>aid. ··we be . .n .~.~ alw-a;.s do:" The swre

officials. draped in plastic from the neck down, took it in stnde. licking off whipped cream. and a good time was had b.., all.

Sllillvan has been manager at the Gi-eenbelt Safeway store fo,r nearly a year, Coming here from a Safewav on the Eastern Shore ~,~.;here h; wa-; known for s.t.aging store activ1t1es that are fun for shoppers and the com­r.lumty He has connnued that approach here. wnh a Sanra e"en! at Chrt\tm.Is. ''the -... or!d'.:; h1gge<~.t bro·,...·me"' on '\'a\ent1ne·., Dav and a.,­.. elied plan-, f~-r F.Hhe/~ Day. Gmr:heck. the Distn::.:t \tanager, '" the :ne..! 'iuperVI\or for 16 Safe"'-:.lY .;,.tore<;, Jn..::luding the nra:: 1n Greenway.

Business Silber Becomes Law Associate

Stacy Plotkin Silber, an asso- . ciate in the Planning. Zoning and ~unic1pal Affairs Depart­ment in the Greenbelt office of \\'ilkes. ArtJ<;, Hedrick & Lane. auorney<>. 6305 Ivy Lane, re­cently joined the firm as an as­\OCJale. She ~peciali:zes in land use. envm,nmental, government relations ... ondemnation and corporate l.1v.. She has devel­oped her ;.;nowlerlge in these areo.s of !:Jv. while working in prtvate lav. fnrns and in the federal and ... rate levels of gov­ernment. 1n.:ludJng the Environ­mental PrlJte..:tJOn Agency, the Justice D~partmc-nt's Environ­

_menta-1 Cr1me:., DivisiOn, and MarylanJ', Department of Natural Rt:-.•JUrceo;

Sdft:wa~ Distr-ict \tanager Eric- Gro-nbeck ... reft, and Store !\-fan­.1ger Par Sullh an after bei-pg .. _pied ...

Pnor to JOining r'he firm, Silber v..nrkeJ for Freer & McGarr-.·. P.C. and Zanecki Braddock &: Si!ver. P.C., on nu­merouo; prjt:t"-..1..;. on behalf of dcvelop ... ·r, til hoth Prince George·~ :1n,l :V1ontgomery CountJe" "1~::: h.:t\ appeared be~ fore the P:.J:::-:1:1g Boards of both co-ur.•:,:-, a:":d has repre~ ser.t~d ,;!.._·:.:, tn conde-mnation matter--. :.~~.1tn.,t the .\-1aryland State Hn-:h\'- .1v Administration and the \v.t._,h;ngton ~1etropoli­tan Area TrJn'>Jt Authority. She

,.-aha-h::t.., p·Jhl~->h~-:d :.~.n art1cle on !he ..:on..;!lt.Jl!CH1';Jiity of the af­fore~1atw~ pro" 1"1on of the For­'est Conscrv.Hwn Act.

· pho,,o b-y Thelm:.ll l.uret de .\-tola

Metro Storage Yard Services Green Liae

She hr,lds a B.A. from Emory Lmversity and a :J.D. from Cathollc t:niversity Co­lumh:J'i. School of Law .. She is a mcffiber of the Marylarid and D1qnct of Columbia Bars and 1s .1dm1lted to practice law in the L' .S. District Court for the District of Maryland and the L'n.ited States Court of C1'!ims.

· ... -er·.l-.'.: .-nd ~tor:..~ge y'.trJ · .. ..: \!-.:::~' (irt:t:~! Lint:. !o-

J.-..:-o~-.. the C ..!pttal H ':;· .... : .. :r,~:-n tf:<:: Grt!e-nhelt -,.t.l­

:. ,.. l~<,?~,c-.t on s~ptemh-er 9. .t..:.._,)r,l:;;;?' 1,, V.':Hh1ngton

\.:.:·r·,;->•• .·\r<.:.t Tr.Jn-..rt Au­•: .r::: -..y-•.A.:--.?t:=-;Q;~ Cha~l

'-~~-·:--:: T.•:: ~.r...:!ltt:- .:o-;t ~ -.:: ·, .1:1tHJ ~., :--, _; 1; .l .1 n.! c:-':1

-~..,,,u:. ~!'•; r"'";-'11<.· (.'>\<·r

overhaul ""'ork 1s performed at Lhe rr..lJntcnance butiJ1ng on model 2000 and 300(} r .til cars. The facilttv also m.l:Jnt.tins me­;;hanical ;qu1pment :.Hed for tra.::k and str-uctur.:t! m.:J.inte­nan..:e The sc-n•1-.·c :.:..:llttv is


. the rept'rtmg· location f11r ,·rain op~:-~1tor-; .md oth~r ... ~ Prkcr..; It .t!-..o .-.:nnt.llns v. nd.,..,:•wp-.. for plurn~cro;_ c::.rpenters. el~.._tn­

,:.t::~. ,Ill\~ -.:!t: ... !h':~H. !<.'Lhf:-11..1.1'~~

t:lvol"ed w11h -..yq;;.·::;, .md pL:nt r.u: .__.Jr .. :·nr :J">l" on :he m.t!!~!t:P.Jrt ... e

.~ur::•; ~;:·.h ;-,.,~~~~ .t':1.l

- ,J., ;-.::1 Cir~·~:~r.c:~t .tr~d Ft T~•l-

: :--: :-.;:: ;·e..::... ~ 1 :lh'"

Lions Club, to Award Two Scholarships

:,:.: c::-e:~~:~:--..::: Lt;':> ( :~ ..... · r~ .::: ..!~ .1: ~ .t'.., ..1: :~ .1! l:.._· .l"l

1-• · ~"~'rt ::,•:1-n::~(,··.-...:·~t: .:~.!

;,;- ,,., S.:h~)LH~ht? ,_rll~rt.l 1:.­k rr.u-..t he .: Green!:'>cl! n:--.1-

:-:-.ust: ~-;:- J. :~1~~ ,....._hoQl -.,e. :- .,•~ ,,r ..:olkgr: enro!!ed. and :-:-:1,: ~.kmon"!te. f1nJncial r.~·..._·.! Orr.: of l:,e sr...--+lOI..H-.hips ...,,:: t--e .1-.A..lrJe,J to .:r h1gh -..~ ~·--·P! -.enHH who tl'lrenJs ro l~'-t !'r :n edu.:.Htr-n. lnrerc:-;red Ci:-::::-:-:bdter\ :'n:l) pte;.. u:p ::n aptJl!.;atwn at the Gre-~nb.!h Youth Cenler, Eleanor R.,n .. t"·.elt H1gh School Glltd­. mc:: Off1ce or .call 301-47-t­~12~ for more mform.Hion. Ap­p!t.:-.uton deadltne t'> \-fay 15, f'J'-r Rec1pH~nh ""Ill be se­k.:l..:-d rn \!a)--June and -recog­!"".1/:::"j ,11 Jn AY\o-1-rds Dmner on June 24.

Mentors Needed

:":l'~'.!~ \ •ICJr<et~r-.. '" ··~::.:~ ... ur:··n. ~utJ.t:-,_~- .nd frtt:~ !-..~n: !c ;-::_· .c;:rJ:. ;·!:1r;,)\\.'d hPt~:,_-:c-. ... i'\C(T:t> \',•i tr.:~·::r~ :-r.c..-t '-~ 1;:· ,:!1~·;1:,

~\" :~.,_. .~ :11<•~!~ .mel 1.1~;._ f,\ :l:c:·• "': -i' 1 ~P~<C' '-\C't.'kJ;- f ~~r '~! !llr!:."la!H•n! BJ!l '-LC.u;· .:I :::n:::. ~q- -~ t...,.::J.

• J•ortrait.;,

• portfulws

• advertising

• f'4olllmt"r('ial phot~)graphy

J. Henson photographer


. Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitn. ess Center

' FREE CLASS !!! ...., .

· · Step&Tone Come try our class and our n("w instructor

Boaday, May 12 7:~·8:15pm WedDesclay. May 14 7:30-8:i5pm

Each class limited to 12 and you must sign up in pcr.son!!-

101 Centerway Call 301 397-2204 for directions.

Only one class per perSon. City employees are not permitted in class.

Free Home Sa~ Dalabase Available

~ Under the ·leadership of Susan ! Ballard, who heads the Military ~ Housing and Community Livin~ ~ Division of Gteenbcme & O'Mara, · Inc. (G&O), the firm has won

multiple new military housing ccn­" suiting contracts with various ' branches of the Department of De­

A new database is now ~ fense. Ballard is I)Wject manager available for anyone with ac- ; for the Seymour Johnson HO\&ng cess to the Internet. It includes ~ Community Plan at the North propenies sold since 1993 in j Carolina base. the Greenbelt. Beltsville.~-Berwyn Heights and College ~ Park ne;ghborhoods. · · i G&O Wins Award

To access the data, log on i f B "dg De • to: or n e Sign and select the Prior Sales Data- i The Maryland State HiJ!~way base. This site is sponsored by~· Administration (MSHA) titpped Realty l. Ha~e any questions? i the consulting· fum of Greenhome Please call 301-982-0044. & O"Marn. Inc. (G&O) to pre-

Million ~lor Magic Contest Repeated

w;th the 1997 Major League Baseball season alrCady under­way, Giant Food, Home Team' Sports (HTS) and the Orioles have teamed u·p again to launch another year of Orioles Million Dollar Magic that could enable a lucky fan to win $1,000,000.

The Qrioles Million Dollar Magic sweepstakes is simple: ~f an Orioles player hits for "the cycle'" - a single. double. triple and a home run - during any of the 150 telec3sts on HTS, W-JZ, ~UV, or.WBSO this season. the fan whose contest ent'ry was ran­domly selected prior to that game will win, S I .000.000. In addition, the entry drawn for each televised ~arne will automatically win a 27" Panasonic stereo color TV.

Orioles Million Dollar Magic entry forms. are available at the checkouts in all Giant .and Su­per G stores in the Mid~Atlan­tic Region. To enter. a cus­tomer completes the entry 'form and deposits it- in the ba11ot box at the front of each store. The contest ends September 17.

pare des;gns. plans, and spei:ifica­tions for replacing the Piney Creek bridge in Carroll County.

For this design, MSHA se­lected Greenhome & O"Mara for the •·Award of. Excellence'' in the Coftsultant Bridge Design ~at­egory of the Maryland with Pride Program. The award was ac­cepted by Ali Hedayati. P.E., the G&O design team ieader and project manager for !his bridge.

Ali ·uedayati, P.E., proje~t manager ror the westbOund Route 50 bridge over the

. Chicamicomico River, proudly displays the 1997 Maryland

· with Pride "Aw~·ard of Excel-lence." _

- photo courtesy of Greenhone A O'M•n~, hie.


Tht• G•·e('nbt•ll Rol~u·.'\ (_'lub We Meet Every Thursday Mom;ng at 7:30am-8:45am

For Breakfast-Greenbelt Marriott on Ivy Lane Rotary is a community service organization of

professional men and women who hve -oi- wor~ in the Greenbett Area.._ .

· for More Information W Martin McGehrin 30l-982-~S26 or Loui~ Pope 301-441~1100.

• Supporling Our Communiry •


Holiday Inn Montego Bay, Jamaica

$536* Roundtrip air, transfers, hotel,

meals & drinks included! •3 days, dbl occ. Restrictions apply.

Passport Photos Available

. 551 0 CHERRYWOOD LANE. GREENBELT. MD 20770 (301) 474-1300 •


Local artist Nancy DePiatchett adorned her garden-side yard at 7-A Hillside with a ponlt·tilled with aquatic plants,. and fish and surr!Junded by variegated ~ostas.

; -photo by L•sa Goldman

A tile Door, new wood cabln~ts in both the kitchen and dining room and lop-or-the-line appliances provide an elegant space In the GHI center-unit b"rick home or Avis and Marshall Cohen or 17-H Ridge Road.

Tour. ~rings Out Community Spirit by Ju~ia Eichhorst Two door prizes were pro-

."- It was a wonderful day, v'ided by Breads and Spreads full of community spirit as ai'ld Bittersweet Hill Nurser-the 1997 tour of Historic ics. The gourmet food bas-Gr;enbelt took place. It ac- ket Wo\s won by Rita Will-tually began earl'y in the day iams. daughter of Betty as balloons were delivered, I Polaschik of Greenbelt. Ri- · ribbons tied around interest- ~ c.:hard Compton of Hyattsville ing trees and participants won the herb pot. w,:::t,e .. bJI..SY with last minute I As the day closed, the •preparation for the tour. many visitors lo our city left

The tour began on the with a wonderful impression Com·munity Center lawn with, ot: the community· an·d our the opening ceremony which citizens. included Mayor Pro- Tern J Davis presenting a proclama-tion to Pat Adelaide and the i Greenbelt Borne and Garden

i., Club. Alan Turnbull. presi· .. dent of GHI spoke of the co·

Esther Rivinus (r), 6-L Ridge, shows off her garden-side, two~story

addition to ~ouse and gardep tour visitors~ . photo by Lisa Goldman

operative spirit of Greenbelt an<i thanked the city for the extro.. efforts spent with thc­I<J\t minute cleaning. A gift av.3rd of SI.SO was presented to (ireeilbelt Elementary S..:hool Principal Carol)n fJoff by clobmernber. K>!vin Donnelly for beautific:n'10n projectS Of the innr:r court \C!fd at ihc .school. J., Robinson was h'o·norcd as ·:c!ub Member of the Year" for his de'dicatlon and hard \\.ork with the <:arc and hc:.~u­

tifying of. Greenbelt. Over -lOO people vicwL·d

::!9 homes and g;adens on tour, inclu'ding th(:

II \1useum. The of a

k homes with and without The gardens wt:rc

with green gras-. and fo­e, spectilcular !-.prlng

rs and the last blooms dogv.oods and azaleas .

GHI \\:'oodland!» Commit· marked two nature trails vie\...'.ing. Throllghout the

people were walking one house to• another

:onlm•<nting on how great the s and gardens were .

ny ideas were gafhercd by tour takers to try them~

Th.e Model A cars transportation for

wanted a taste of

Small touches add to the i.:Opad or the shade garden at15~C Ridge Road. This award-winning garden, one of' the highlights or the GHI House and Garden Tour, is the proud work of Ruth and David Reuben at S~C Jit,idge Road.

-photo by Lisa Goldman

Rich and Tiffany Nichols of 73-L Hillside, who do most of the decorating and- remodeling work themselves, have done their kitchen in black and while with a one-person- breakfast bar and a pass-through window into the living-dining .:.,0::~ b~ Lin Goldnu~a

Council Reviews CARES9 Museum. and Capital Budg'ts by James Giese nities with small museums. such as rhe cost of repaymg the monies bor- In a past year. the city rece.!ved an

:-he Greenbelt C>ty Counc1l's Laurel. were funding curators. Cur~ rowed to build the Community ceo- unexpected $70,000 persOru.nxop­.\;:--r::.., workses..•non on the budget rent curator Ann Der.kler. who has ter, Schrom HillS Park, the police erty tax payment. So far. ~ii: bas ::k·,:.: wrLl-t one smaltdepartmem and been worktng for FQG_\.1 on a part- faciiHy. th!! Aquatic and Fi~ness been no information foithcOming

~ vf odds and ends I.:"! mtal. how· trme bac:;1<;. '-"Ill be lea .. In!! m ApnL Center and other city facilities to from the company as to why the e.-:::-. :hose s:nall potatoe-; :1mounted h..:tvmg oNamed her degre~ and now below an 18.5 cent tax rate .. All payment was only for one time or

-· •.. -~,·-_:::;_~_-' .. ,~ ... ~ ~T~~toc-~"-· te·-~_,",~;.~, ',.",·: being 1·n need of full-~1r:-:e emplo>- debt 1s. to be p.:11d off by the year whether it was correctly_paid to the

::: ~ . ,.-.., __ .. _ ',-'' .... ment lf~hecJtyJsnot.1bletofund ~007 . .\klaug!t:1proposedspend- city. Themoneyisbeingputinthe ~~-.: _..\, .. ~::ou.J-!,::-.e_vu:;..._lt:T:("rr.ber"' a full-t1me employee, !hen FOG~1 mgSSJ~')Ofn,mth<:CemeteryFund Replacement Fund for~.use there,

t:.::"t:J. J.">keJ ~ue-.t:••':'> ..!:-.J .:.te ...,.ou!d like 55.000 fur ..1r. endo..,. · th1s :car to tr:~t .. dl ;>.n irrigaEion sys- unless the company seeks to get it __ ;:-_..! .. ~ut e:~·.e im!e ::-~:...:..ttLor. .J-" ment to fund the cos.t r•! ...1 two-day- tern for the ..:::t; cemetery located back.

'-~.l: ·x:: :7-::?~~:dc ~oc~J.::!,!:.: rh; .t-· ... -;;ck xr,.on. \\-"n~·':...:r J. cur;Hor. on Ivy La~e: nt ro Capital Office .~:..-:~· :!":e 1:-:":pJ..:t or; the \'d..1n:teers of Park. T~~c m~r':7'.c- for rh:s fund~~

':;~_:·.:---:--::::: C-\RES. t:-.t! ~~::-·~ FOG-\1·;..d:~dram.t::..._.Jccordn:g dcn'-~d :ror.-. !."'.:: 1:1.:.:-ome realized :c.:.,: deti..l~mer.t.:d ,_.~:;.::,, •r..leJ ;:n L.~ng<:" Lmslror.-. c ~randed on b;:. 1:1\d:!'>lm~ the proceeds from the :~:: :.,,_,Js~: re·. ,c J>. CJ.r-•! thl'>, :;•.lttr.g th.J.t Den~<.kr 1-> prPfe..,- "ale. of t.emt.·'._·r:• lots. City Clerk

.·.:::·~ .. u t:--:: Yr·...:r:: .l.n:d F...:n~d:, "l••ruH~ !r~1fled.and~.:.::-:g.cra·,.·hole Davld \fora:-- . .<.hots. responsible ... -> B...:;·.:.:~·.;; .!;r· ·;.....1-.; !ol ~~)~:-Gone and I'> t"'C'.:cr able to for admr:"!:~g the sal~ of lot,.

.·:,_:.~, .. r. .... ~: .:ju.e-.t<ur.'. ~:::-.:: -~:,:-. n-rherprof~·--!Pnalo;,. s::e repor:ed th:tt·~=-:er;: are on_ly about

.:.:~· ·i:'.l:-:1e:-:t J.:1J ·..z~ !11 .:::

_·r :-:-.' ·:-,tr: ;·l)r ·.~e ~·:r~: ~~J:.; .... CI::c;; ..-. r~.e C.-\ RES .. :.1!·~· _, 1:1 he

,.: ::~·. ~e:h1-.::e,l h~ . .J:', o:"f"i.::e a~\l-..­

, ;-'( 'ltJOr: be:.r.~ ch.mged from . :r, r-aift:CT:e ""f:-:e ..;J!Y J.:1!11 . .:1~>t!t:"

r·~_r.::\'J:-:g .:1 y:-....,_(Jf;{> gr~.! fro~ the: ... ~ !:~ ...~,;~d a S~/J(;(J g:-.1:-:t from the­~·c.::-.::. ~n ~dp ;;u.pport 1:-:e S..:M.C.IflJ ... ...:,:g~t

:.~, .,~...._ !h1:1~r-- th.- '--·nl:..~r:t:!er'> !A or l~ lnh :<:::"~"..1!'.-...o!dinthetiny _,:;.; :' .thie to put :h.; mu-..eum

·r: ':-': .1 prot·..::~ .. tonal b.1~1"

;-...!~ .tho he!peJ obtatn :=r.:r,:_, :••r che rr.u-.e:1m. one of ·.• ":\-...~ ,:r:.!IJkd ~cr- rr, ·;..ork a -..e(-<'nJ J.1:- L".:Lh ·.o.cek L.1nge pomted out th..1l :r. ,,rJer fnr the rnu-.eum to

· hecome .ILC..redm:J .dong 'N!th other mu:-.eum<;. 1t muq h;l\-:- a full-t1me :::urJ.tnr

(.;Cm<.:ler:. I~ the Dc::-t Service Fund,

~kL1ughl tr. noted lhat there was a surpi:.J'> avaJl..~!"-ie of Sl72.744 for city u.;,e, bu!.lh.Jt it has been the poli<.:y to keep 11 on hand as a "rainy day"' fund m -::.1-:.e one of the pri­vate propertt-:-. ohl1gated ro pay speclal ..lS~c~ .. mcnts for public im~ proverr.enh f1:1..1n ... :ed by the city s.hould heco::~c" temporanly m ar­rears

Good Deed Funds The city accounts for 12 differ­

ent funds where the .money is given to the city for specific uses by vari­ous parties. Inciuded are two tiny funds that have helped pay for as­sistance for people in need. One is caljed the Good Samaritan Fund. and most of its rhonies come from area churChes. The purpose of the fund is to. provide assistance to roadside travelers who get stuck in Greenbelt. This may be buying a tankful of gas to help the travelers reach their destlnation or buying some food at a grocery stor~. The travelers are screened to avoid deadbeats and no funds are given

Tlwnday, May 8, 19!17

directly to the people in need. Pur­chases can be authorized by mem­bers of tbe police department or. local clergymen. The budget for · the coming year for this fund is $600.

Tile: other good deed fund is the Emergency Assistance fund. It re­ceives donatio.ns from various in~ dividuals and groups. The money is primarily administered by a vol­unteer who is dedicated to helping out Greenbelt families in need. The philosOphy is that it is much more difficult to restore a family to suit~ able housing if they become home­less than it is to provide n~eded as· sistance to prevent an eviction from happening. Councilmember Tho­mas White noted that this fund was getting low - only $295 was ex­pected to remain at the end of the year. Putens suggested that the fund needed greater publicity rn order to raise more contributions.

One of the Jal"ger· funds in this group of agency funds is the drug . and evidence fund, which accounts for the monies and properties con­fiscated from drug raids and busts . This year $40,000 will be trans~ ferred to thC:: General Fund to help pay for public safety expenses.

J•Jnng the pa~t :car. CARES m­,::C·-~-:!J a :·ee cl-~ttge fo-r ::onreo;;uJe:·w·,.

:.:k'r.;; GED cl.Js-..e'i m •Jnkr ':O ob­'.:t:~ :11gh sch0(11 degree .::erl.lfiCJ.te" R..-=.;tdems do r.m pay a fee. The _:)l,r.!y charges somewhat more rh.m !""'<: ...:l!v·._ nonre$ident fee for th1~

c.- ..:1:11ni;. The imposition of a fee ha.•;;. r:.:: '.!uced the number of p.art1cipant'i \f..!:· or A:Homene Brarn thOught that :c..-.:.: ·;.as a posHn·e resui!. because •:-c ..:;,as:; s1zes were now moreman­.>~e.Jhle Leventhal noted that coun­~c;,Jr J.:Jdyc Hernryg also felt thar the

Cmml..'dmember Judnh OJ.\- r.;; ~oto:::d !h.J.t Denlder ha..;; been hdp­int; de-... elop an edu~.: .. l!lonal unit on the museum for u-..e hy <>chools. Lm<>trorr. pointed our that the real re.1s-0r. ~or having museum..<.> lS for educ<.~t1on They are not to be just mteresting collection.;; from out of the .rttic, but muo.;t mclude a teach­ing and mterpretive program about the Jmp('Jrtance and meaning of the collections. on displa;:..

The Repla .... emenr Fund is tore­ceJve .1 S 199.-{~l conlnbution from the cit) 's oper...1twg fund. the Gen­eral Fund. The-..e- monies are put into reserves !'or the replacement of variou" ell) e4u1pmenr, when needed. Thi~ yt...-::tr, the city depart­men~s propo~ed purchases of $335.000 for computers, police ra­dio equipment. radar guns (Moror­ists beware~;. a brush chipper ma­chine. a t-ractor v.ith backhoe, a pa.'isenger van for the recreation department, tv.o p;ck-up trucks for parks, and playground equipment.

. Have to miss the GHI annual meeting and/or elections?

Deadlines for: • Proxies- must be returned 10 Board

Secretary or GHI offices 5 days prior to meeting, Sat., May I 0.

-• Absentee ballots- due in the GHI offices

Lange also urged council to re­<>tore the ~1other and Child statue. considermg its condttion critical. Asking th01t [he restoration n6t wait upon the renovation of rhe center ~all, FOG:vt urged that 1t be. com-

by c)ose of business May 14.

'\'\<"ashington Ear B~">-tde'i be1ng a rece1ver of pletdy restored for.the 60th Anni­

..:·...:·.'~. ·:-Je C!t\ t-:.J. .. .1!-...o bec"n a ver..,Jn. ce!ebra[JOn m ()(,.Iober. ·. :•: ~-.ttti":ou.b:~ the I){JI:lo-u. '" quHe A ir.1n.t for a bro(:hure with a

-· _,;: E..-.cept :·of or- map a-. a h .. lndout to Vl".llors to the Sycaitiore Hill

-'-~tHH"l<> ..lrl!""'ua:l~ rece1Ye,lm ..1nd ~he Comm"-'ntty Ccn- Senior A~si~t(·d Livin~ ., Lhe one ·~~ht'r gr.~:--;~ re-c1p:ent ter t"'> pend mg. Lomge <>atd She ex­~· '-k::n•~'!I:.J.:: \\<,:--~tngtnr. Ear. pec[S to h~..u from rhe St.lte H1:.tonc ~ :_ 1:~:1.::1c'r. ~~-!! ;"1r,•·. tt!C:.. rc.:•j- . Tru ... t on tht" dunfl£-tl"';c ~ummer. - _t ::"::• 'r:c· .::.,:n ~e:• t.;;t.·,· !!' tht: The ... upplementto "(ir:;:::~"'e!L Ht~-

Come up to a nigher QualitY o£ care }\._,_r,Jel' ~...:~~1.!:. d-e-H:lup­

·;:·~·-er :·.,~ ~h~ ·,".I!t,)~

·- ,·~..: '') ~-~j....: tho.: .~r.:~ .;.tl n:qtJt"""\ . :·. 'U:'P<'rt The \\".1~hm"!!~nn

-~ '· .. 1~ X~~ pnnndmg reading~~a-. k ~·~ ~.-1 the bbnJ forO\ cr 22 ;.ear;. -.... -~~ ~50 q1h.Hllce.r-> provtde .J.O

";~ ...:-'A~Ck rt.':.tdtnt:> <)!":!he r::J10. ·:-.~., :---:~ o~ the rco.,f1urce~ of 200

,---.:to..:::.l~nr."' The E~r nv'A cffers .J:

.1 ;:c·..,~~:lr~~ "cr'-:-.:e- '-"t!h thl! ·,\_, ... :-::r-:,:_~c-r. Po-.t. T:rn~ r.l~l.f.llt:'te.

\\2..-...~l~grom •. m .l:"'.d o(her puhh­,_c ... part:..:1p.i!::-:~ L"'en ..:.t:: ~;ct

--,,..:::·:.: ~~-_,,. :r::·L,IT:1.t!:i~:~ ~y thtr.~

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·r·::<J th.J.r II Gree:1b<::!t .re-...tJ<:r:t-.. : ~'-~ :~~ Jt<!l-tr. ~er...-:..::t" .~r:.d ~ ~"e the

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~'.:e-l \LL:~;~<:1:: 1 .. S! .1>0(1 (~--~· ;.e-..1r rFY 'l:'•. t!~..- .. 1t;. ~' -..1 ·'' Cu•.JnL limL·m~..:-r [:ju •. !r.! :· ,;,·r .. tr.JI<..'a:..-.J t:;.H b: v.,,u!.! l:k(.·

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) ~- •II J :· t~t: mo!l<:; ~..<~u!,! ~<;'" :l':1::J

i"""":e F~tend:-.. l~:~ !~~ Grcc-~hclt '-! .-.e-:...:m ~r-OG~t ..:~;:-,:: Jo·.o..n m

:,e tn prmect t~c .:n;. :-ndr..l_:;cr's >:hi~) propos~d t-•..-~l~~::t f{~r m.un­;.:_ --:r:1g the fxtl~r; .. md r~• ~ee-k a lot :-:-·.·rc- money. FOC:'-..1".;; pre->1Jent. 'l.t:")(lr .z L.1nse. ~ "ho ...... -..s t>.KkcJ up ~- bt'.tT" ~Lln. L,="l,rrC'm. B·.lr!::-ara H.Jvekost ... mJ Lee S:--:telds. ::,:._;:j !"or fU-P.dlng fm a full-time- cu­Llf'.'f She :10ted th::tt other ~nmmu-

tor)< of .1 Se\\ Tmo.n_,..h_;:-\pecled f,~ he out rn !.Jie- Jui:-- ,., .-\u~u-.;t L.Jnf_-:- r;ot-t.·d th.~t th..: nw1t:u~-: pro· vtdc:d !!_ood o-ut'tlic1t" f,r thr: . ..:it\- . th<:~t it had drawn J.!Ot of \-lSll(lr" to Greenbelt. and that th ,pon<>or"hlp of the, ··~.-1<-lr~ J .. .n1.J Proje-.:t ;;-I The Greenbeh Stor: ·· !-,J.d reccl'.·eJ · 13udat"~ rev!e"<Ao-.. m hnth,the \V.J. .... h­ington and Balr1m~>r<.: :1::· ..... papt.·ro.;

This and That

• Cozy dining room, dub room, sun porch and patio. • Well ness program, 24 hour supervision and medi(otion monitoring.

Assislome with bathing, dressing and personal core. • SO<iol and devolionol, recreotionol and physical fitness programs . • Housekeeping, louqdry and linen services. . • 3 Heolthv meals pliJs snocks.

~~ ...---... ... - -~ ·- --~

l.ess than 15 minutes rrom Greenbelt

\kL.Jughhn ·-..; budget propo~ed tn~sfernng S-)69.600 :1) the Cap1~ t.1l Projects Fund. T:n·. rcpre~ent.s the ~.1elJ from .1 ;;c~·~n ,_·r::nt prop­en: 1.1..-. !ev:w In ,tddlllPn·. he pn>­pn-.~d reducmg t~e -..n;. ·..._ YJrplus r:--;-nr.!r;:-... h;. s.::oo.oon. -...:-.;mg these l Cu:~(J<;. f0r ..:aptt,ll ;:m)!t:-..:t-. .ts v-el!.

3911 LottsfordVista Rd. Mitchellville, MD Call for directions

Qualit)'· \1anagcmcnl by f:.onslcllalion S.:nior Scniecs lnt· . ~ 301-918-9441· ~ r~c- .:··~r pf dc-ht .... ('r\ :,.:c !(l pror en:~ t.,..-.r.~~~.r-. L" ;(..·~-.. rh.m ,1:1 ! ~ ~c·m t.1'1: r.1tL• ... 11~ ·, Jcbt


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Thursday, May 8, 1997

Greenbelt's Senior Citizens

GIVES Senior- Services Help to Solve Problems

by Dorothy Sucher (Editor's Note: This arricle is

om.• in a series the News Review is pub./ishing in May to celehrale Older Americans Month.) .

·Less than two years old, the Greenbelt lntergenerational Vol'-"­teer Exchange Service, usually re­ferred to as GIVES, is one of Greenbelt's n"ewest organizations. Founded after a Period of study by the Senior Citizens Advisory Com­mittee and with the blessing of the Greenbelt City Council, GIVES is trying to develop a pool of volun­teers to provide assjstance to homebound seniors and the dis­.Jhled so that they can remain inde­~ndent. in their own homes. The (.:ity provides office .space in the Community Center, as well as photocopying.

"My sister and I realized we were· having trouble dealing \\'ith my _moiher's aging," t:x­plai·ned Pat Unger, one of the founders- of· GIVES. who was prc!'ident last year. "We couldn'r seem to find needed ~ervice~ .. I'm a teacher and Ill)

Sis.ter is a librarian, and \\C fig­ured .. that if we were finding this process difficult, other families must real1y be having m..1.jor:- problems."

Time Dollars Modeled after the commu­

·1 , mty volunteer pools and "care , J creJit'' banks that have <iprung ~5 up in other parts of the country. ~ GIVES ~s a cooperative 1n

·'' which caregivers receive a care ~ credit or a certain number of · "time dollars" for each hour

. ~-~ givea t-o.. the care receivers. The caregiVers may use these credits to receive services thein­selves, save them for future· use. or donale them to others or to the bank. N~ actual money

changes hands. Many kinds of services can

be exchanged. Janet Parker, the current president of GIVES, explained: "We know there are people who need help. but re­sist signing up because they say ·there· is nothing they can do for anyone else. But there's always something they· can do - sew on a button, telephone a shut~in who is having a birth­day, cook. a meal that someone else could deliver.

"One of our participants has a wheelc:hair-accessihle van. His wife i~ an invalid J.nd can't get ou~ of bed, so· when we need him to tr:ms.port Someone, another GIVES memhcr goes over and sits with his wife."

GIVES volunteers have helped out v. ith yard work, laundrY, visits to docwrs. and buying .. and wr;:tpping Christmas gifts. t:sually. women are p;tired up with \\"omen and men with men. Volunteers arc not pe-rmitted to give medication, lift people. or provide services that require a licensed profes­sionaL In the c<tsc of needs beyond GIVES' ~..:apacity, refer­rals may be made to ~ocial ser­vice agencies.

'-1ore Helpers than Clients Initially. 40 volunteer~

signed up, and the list has now reached 150. The main prob­lem of the riew organization seems to be how to match up helpers with those who could use a 1ittle assistance. GIVES. has tried advertising, with sparse -results. Members of the group have given talks to orga­nizations· <md <tl Green Ridge 1-Iou~e (Greenbelt's apartment house for the elderly). which resuited in some referrals.


But word of mouth seems to Gteenbelt"s Senior Citizens work best, as when people hear ·• H 1 WW7 k of. neighbbrs who have been rene ense , ..-or er, helped in some way by the or~ .

ganization and think, "Gee. I'd Activist9 People Person love to have that." Currently, the list of reciplents seems to by Dorothy Sucher be picking up. Irene Hensel, 65, is a gre-

Recipients may be of any garious woman who likes to age although the primary goal deck herself out in her large of the organization is to help collection of necklaces. rings, older citizens remain indepen- and braceleJs. every day. dent in their own homes. "I_'m part Irish gypsy.," she

Pride can prevent people who says. ••At )east, I know I'm need help from using GIVES' ser- Irish - I'm not sure about vices, an_d sometimes ... pe•o,;:p_le_re_a_r __ th_e__::g~y!;;..part. I

' will have to give up their in­QC(i'CnldCJoce if they ask for as.sis­

said Parker. But in the words of founder

, t Unger, "As the city of Greenbelt looks, fOrward to ct.:l­Qbrating its 60tti anniversary in hne of 1997. the Board and rhembcrs of GIVES hope "ro be <ible to point to the established ifltergenerational cx~.:hange ser­Vice as one of the most com­forting features of life in the ~i-ty for the senior population."


-pholo by Jlrospcro Zcllatlos

if I look different. The older you get. the Jess you ah<HII that stuff."

Irene has lived Jn

Greenbelt for 39 years and has su children. She ha~ an amicable relationship with her husband. Richard (also a Greenhclter), although the two have been separated for 13 years. '"'He's a loner:· she says. "Not a people person like me. So after a while I just went off and did my own

thing. You only live once." Irene has retired from her

jOb as a word processor at the Agriculture Departrrient, and is often to be seen these days at the Greenbelt "Community Center. where she works three days a week as a city em­ployee. On Monday, \Voednes­day, and Friday mornings she babysits with the kids whose mothers are leaping about in the aerobics class across the hall. At other times she helps out with lhe Food and Friend­ship program or sits in as manager in the office of

, GJVES (Greenbelt · Intergenerational Volunteer .Exchange). ' A former I st Class Petty Officer in the Navy, Irene met her husband while the two we're in the servi<.:e, where she served three and a half ve.trs. She said proudly thal her name will he on the new me­morial to women in the scr­vir.;c that will be dcd1catr.:d tn Arlington in October. An­other distinction 1s that she· was profiled in "Prince George's Women of Achieve­ment" a feW year.s ago.

She commented with a twinkle, "When we first moved here, my husband thought I wouldn't like Greenbelt. Then he said he couldn't get .me out of here." She chuckled. "Three

Page 16

POLICE BLOTTER Based on Information Released b:; the Greenbelt

Police Department \~ J.r;;:ed FJh~·::-r:. nc::.urr-::d

T;...Jr_-. . .!..1:•. \1..!~ ! . ~~vn~~ =-~ rr::d::!~!":t 1~ :~c 5')1.'(·

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T~e .z-.-.ail.mfo; back lo the1r ve~zcie a.nd :Jed the ;;cene ar: C!':errvwood Terrace tov.ard -S;-~:r:ghlll Dnve

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10438 Baltimore Ave. Beltsville. MD 20705 ·

(301) 937-0259

\;?o;Jk JJ ... tt-.:e s~, )t~--::-

A ·.-~.,):':'.:"- heJnn.:: .1 "'JH-.e on rh~ h.ti~.n!"',\ qf her .l:"· trt;:;er.: 1n the AJil(J hlock of Rr(:<:Lewood Court. :r•oi<ed out di.d 'i.t,.... ..t ... !:n.btr.g off t~e r-,=:dcr,ny v.l!!"l her 'rncycle. ;.t purple and ~rJ~ ,\or:J.ln's. mou:1~.11r. b1ke The man rode off on the b1~

cycie wv. ard Springhill Lane . The man ts described <!<; black, about 25 years old, 5 ·1 0". 200 lbs., black hair. brown eyes. weanr.g a gray ·hooded sweat· sl"n:'"t. The rhefl occurred on \\/edne,da~. Apnl 30. ar6iJnd 12·45 a.rr:

Greenbelt's finest mens bas.¢iball team, sponsored by Antrican · Realty~ finished the season.J'it_h a record or 802. Pictured l~rt .to right - Joel 8irner, Robby Reed, Boo Cantwe.Jl, Steve lombell, C ris Koennel & Kevin Cantwell. MiSsing from photo, Greg Varda, Jim Sterling & Shawn Brady.

01her hurg1aries reported In­

clude: -.tereo equipme:nr from a :r:edtcal offtce 1n the 73b0 block of Hano>v·er· Park""ay on \tondav. April 28: a -wal!'et from a -Je'ik m an offt~e in the 7-l.t)O Dinck of Greenway Center Drive Pn ~1onday. Apnl 28. a red H;.;H·:- men·:-. !(J "peed bt­.._~cle from BeltV~-·a~ on \font!J;.. April ~8 .. :.:. ·~al!et and ..:urrer!'-Y from a do;--.;.;. :nan of~ it ... <." ~u1k •n !he 7:'1 •(; :--.Jo<.:k of (Jr::er.-.... 1~ Center Dn-..e on \fonda~. Aprd 2K. ,\ metallic g-r-.:::::1: C"':-:r-~on.dak l x ::!-1.-speed :11er:· ... ~~~:·.:!t: from ..1:-. unlm.ked ,;::..~J 1:1 ~he !fll' ..,t~~ek of

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m..tJe \.J.::.Lllht"fl to. thc:t !rom. J.nd

"I Bike to Metro" Melro 1\ ~ponsOring Try­

Transit-Week. May 12 " 16, with "E Bzke ro Metro" events. "I Bike to ':'>.fetro" will include issu1ng Bike-on:~Rail Permits tWICe dailv" .Jt se!ected Metrorail Sl~1twns f;or.1 6.;}0 to 8:30 a·.m. and 5:30 to C:30 p.m. Pennits will be rs.<,ued at the Greenbelt st<:~tiGn on Fr1day, May 16.

After read1r1g the Bike,~on­

Rail rules and regulations, it ! take'> o_!lly 20 minutes to .take th~:": teSt and receive a permit There is a fee for the permtt v.h1ch ~" valid for three

The \V.J.:-.h1ngton Area Bi­nde .-\s<;·ociatto; (WABA) \viii p~m tde bike rmlle maps. sched­ult:d upcorr:1ng <;;lfe-bicycling cl.l.;;.se-., h;-l'>zc maintenance .1nJ -;afet) zr~tormati"on. ~1etro Poi: ... e. "'it! be at each '>!~C. tP<·. 1, provide 1nformallon ''r. pr ·:.:-U1ng t'>il.:;.ck'>

E.:~:":. person g.etting !he 8;;..;; :n1-Rail Pcrmlt at the~c t:\c.';o.:-.. ._.,Jll r.:-:eJv(" ..:~dint! ac-

.:':.:::·['1-:d th~ft from v~.:hil.:'k" v..:-. r..:pnrt~.:J 1n rhc foJIO'.I.Ing

5~00 blo..:k of c:-:~rr~o,~ood Tt.:rr..ll-'"t.: (lV.O m-.:i­,kr.;-. ·. fJ000 hlqck ftwo inn­d<.:::lh J.nd 7:''o0 block of Clr-:-e:-:r>·_·)t Road. 7700 block of H.!~''\l'r Parkv..3), :5 Court of Hd~ Road. and 7500 hlP..:i.. o:· \1andan Road.

Tradili<>nal Funenils

:1<1onuments Cremation Service

Donald V. Borgwardt Funeral Home, P.A.

Family owned and operated

.UOO Po"der \I ill Rd. Belts- ille. \ld. 20705-2751 1301 j937-171l7

Prc-'\eed Counseling By Ap~intment

Where: 0a;nt Scanch "n· Universalist Church Who: Children ages 4-12

When: Jcne 3G.July 4, 1997 Hours: 9 :: "' · 1 c '" "'·erded day till 5 p.m.

Fees: Pec.:e C:o-: 5~5 extended day: $50

Jazz Concert at UM The University of Maryland

School of Music will present the University of Maryland Jazz Ensemble. "1azz Lab, and Jazz Combo I performing their Spring Jazz Showcase Finale Concei-t on Monday. May 12, from 5-7 p.m. The concert will be .beld at the North Log­gia Courtyard of the Tawes Fine ATts Building at the Col­lege Park campus. Chris Vadala will conduct big band musiC of 3:11 eras and styles . Admission is free and the pub­lic is invited to ·bring lawn chairs and a picnic supper.· For additional information, pleaSe call 301-405-5519.'


127 Lakeside Dr$174,900 4 Bd, :\full baths, 2 firepl:J.ces.

rec nn. etc.

lOt: Soufhwav $49.500 2 addi11ons- End Un11 Soder room availahlc

new kirchcn. fenced yard.

.. Price reduced'' Tbree Bedrooms- $40,000

nl'q:: kitchen, fenced yard shed, separate laundry

7lK Ridge Rd.

3 Rd Brick $79.,500 I C Woodland Way simply gorgeous newer everything

.. One BedTOOffi n $32~00

Lower level End unn

Large feaccd yard

New carpet. A/C


l8J Ridge S45.000 Evcrythmg profcs~ionally

upgraded-ncar Llltlc League ficld-grc;.~t for young Orioles

Duple.,..-29.\ Rid~e SSS.OOO 'Vmyl n"t:r hiol.'k. 2 \aq;c lidnn.;, '-:.Jtch~·n

SU Snulh""·.a., S.'\l.,t)OH 2 Bd, dJ-.hwa,bcr. \V.l) . .-\(

~·.lf1X'I, k:-H.:ccl :oa:-d~

GEORGE CANTWElL 301-982-7148 .

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We tak8 care of all your electrical probfe"' j-looestty!

Can Gienn to"r a free eStimate· 301-552-4933•

301·617-:6'45 Beeper Licensed & Insured »101ti Pr. Geo.


Rarely available design with e:c:tra large rooms. 2-BR. huge LR & DR. new kitchen & den v."/sliding glass doors to yiJ:d.

- _28R...,_ condo. Separa DEll has been CUSbrizld wilt bull-In shiMng & deY \d. 2 Ful bilhs, tnatldast room. ~ dk*lg room ... ,_ ____ _ on .. balcony. _....., $77.900


JUSf LISTED 3BR BRICK END! Rlnmtld &ready., go. SouQtf-ar~oca~on. wa~:

10118 c... $111....., .....

UPPER mB. 1BR """"' .... OITlftc ____ ....... dl. pede$tll sir*. Allnillllct hardWood !kJors. Pul doWn ·:separate latrdymom. s.-.~,990

38R SRa END t.tiT will ~arn~y room NJOfTIOM ldDI locallon· ts ~ a short .. ., .. ~ Enormous fllncecl,.-11..

---... - ... -· Sep OR. 11tba11.6C1111nalans ... cai1MII WCOORALAIA!S111......, $14,900


-..~.,...- .. -· Modlin I*IBI W!llsbwalt1w, ~ 1111'1 ....... ..-. ...,....., $49,900

- LOll I'IICll. 2811 BlOCil -.. &,..carpet tklfe11x1711ieR. _ .. ____ . - -. FREE GARAGE! $3,1100 - .... Sill __ _

EM> l.lfiT Mri:&nd. tandlcaped lawn & ... --·.-·Liles. Addl!ld Cllbhilts & qRIIr5 ., kllctllln. Sep dDIIt WO'yllr! Wall:" .. Cedlr. 28Ft is .. _,_ ..., ...... $49.900

TfiEE-MEfiXIUS 2BR END lnl ~ priZMi IOcalion backs to woods. Terrill: inlltrlof. open modem ~*:hen. lauldy nn & .screened porch: Ill? ...... $49.900

UPP'MLEVEL 18Rfli0uitt ~~. .-.&mini-bllnrls. Opetlkrtehenwlll bfeaktastbar Fui-Sill!(lwaSher&~ Lar~fencedy;tro. $130......, $24.900

3 LEVEl END UNJP 48R's and Z & v.? oattrs Ful~w-tecroom&~ room New carpet~nt-R ~ docn 10 feoced bXIryard Olrw1g area ~ floofs Temt'ic counltiJr space in kJi::hErl wdh ltshwashel' $1151....., $99.900

--..~IP&n.....,ns..­~- '" down PJri"WWl t-*:lnll 30 , rar:I!S., ....... T ...... ~Jiso fiCUitco-opfles~ .. 5Uillletloetllftgl

REALTY 1 982-0044

Thursday, May 8, 1997

~ "Come Blow Your Horn" at GAC

owns this play. His portrayal is funny, wry, and intelligent; he gleefully careens through the role with the ease that is his trademarlt. The playbill ~otes that "Come

A Fast-Paced, Funny Show by ec*tte Zanin i

lt"s hard to ·go too far !Nrong with Neil Simon, whose funny, middle-America style lends itself nicely to conununity theatre pro­duc•ion. This proves true in Greehbelt Arts Center"s current show "Come BlOw YoW" Hom," di­rected by Ed Starr and produced

·by Gene Duarte and Marie Bowles. "Come Blow Your Hom," Nei]

Simon's first play, premiered on Broadway in 1962 but is st.ill cur­rent, with its tiwnorous theiines of family relatiOnships and corning"'lf­age traum~. ~ot that these themes ""'inhea:ntly amusing. .but funneled .. tllrQagb SimOn's quick wit and royf\11 writing, they can-

" Jt.ot help bu< be. 'Fhtaui)i our laughler r..:.iuendy w~ves, tlilUds Of self-~ition. 1lie" 1Uidience knows these people. for they have oftentimes· been us. _

The playbiLl states that while the aforementioned are themes to which Simon repeatedly retums. this particular play lacks "the com­plexity, texture. and subtleness" of later works. While this may be trUe. ··come Blow Your Hom" is

· neither superficial nor shallow. Simon's script allows us to make our owil inferences about what may hav_e created these people and set into motion the tensions be­

_tween them. Further, the younger sCt notic~bly changes. maturing over the duration of the play and


lending depth. to Simon's plot. . , Meet the Bakers

The play centers on a family:

J Mr. and Mrs. Baker and their two

' . . sons, the older, footloose Alan, and the younger, .. good boy" Buddy.

1The clan is flanked· by Connie Dayton and Peggy Evans, each of ,whom is involved ,with Alan Baker.

Generation Gap Mr. and. Mrs. Baker are of the

old school, with a traditional mar- Blow YoW" Hom" has been fun for riage and set ideas about how their him, and it couldn "t be clearu that ·offspring "s lives should proceed. he "s having a great time. Fortu­The sons. of cowse, rebel - par- nately for the audience, he's t~cularly the- older on~ 11/ho feels onstage more often than not . he isn't Cut out for his family's Mervine couldn't do this play business of inaking wax fruit. alone; other actors support him Also. at 33. he feels he needs ad- and give his character something ditional time to sow some oats. to push against. Mr. Baker. played Peggy, a flirtatious. would-be ac- by lrv Friedman, is a dead"'l!l per­tress, joins Alan in. oats-sowing, fonnance of a martyred patriarch while Connie, a responsible career spewing out diatribes to his un­woman. tries to secure her future grateful progeny. Friedman with him. achieves_ just the right balance of

Buddy. the younger brother, concerned patemaiism and blazing who has always been considered a self-righteousness. dutiful, obedient son, is having sec- As younger brother Buddy. Jus­and thoughts under the influence of tin Sondak successfully portrays an his more effervescent brother. This insecure. introverted boy who has hardly thrills the parents, who tend quietly lived under his father's to turn their disaopotntments on thumb for the frrst 21 years of his one another, th~ugh Alan and;, life. That is, until he decides to Buddy do not go unscathed. Mr. try a page out of his brother's Baker, especially, is both revered book. an" (eared by .his sons, who must The women ·s· parts are not as establish their manhood even at the strong as the men's, nor do the price of alienating their father. women get th: best lines. Jill Aline

Mrs. Baker is not a very well- Oleilik plays a [~ Cormie DaYton developed character. coming across as a woman who has reaChed the primarily as a shrill. hand-wringing end of her tether, due !<> a philander­nuisance who has little to offer her ing boyfriend. Her part is in sharp sons but worry and potroast. How-· contrast to Christine Mortenson's ever, given the. era when the play g<XXI-time girl. Peggy. Mrs. Baker, was wriuen, arid !he nature of fa- played by Jean Hudson, needs to be ther-son relationships, it seems rea- : either toned down or lightened up. sonable that Mr. Baker is prese""nted She is too abrasive for comedy. and a" the more influential parent.' ~ thus out of sync with the other ac-

The C~.t. tors. ThiS play works, thanks largely~ 1lte A1ts Centc.r shoW is marked

to its cast. Without the empathy· by good lighting, solid sound effect<, and recognition they create for and a pleasingly attractive Set Pc­tht=se confused yet well-meaning ricxl costumes hit the mark also. folks. "Came Blow Your Horn" This show is well-rehearsed, fast­might be reduced to a barrage of paced. and not too long, running just wittU:_ repartee and pointed barbs: a bit over two hours, including two Bu{"~ccause the portraits arc n.ot shan intermissions. "Come Blow one-dimensional, they become be- Your Hom" continues Fridays and lievable a< real people. Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May 24,

Mervine "Owns" the Play and Sundays, M~ II and 18, at 2 Keith. Mervine as Alan Baker p.m.

~ ... WEICHERT, REALTO~S ® ~s~~~Artow~pri-awt!!!t

BOWIE .,.,0\feo '"~ i#IA/il

3111 T.....,. ~on ._ AJIN£W (In last 2 y..-.) all country kllcheoo, ... de bath. ...-pet. CAC a Hea~ .-. v11ort tlllwi-s, wallc in closet,~

.........., decL Plus. freshly painted - ... 1 this for .,. unbelievable.---


BOWIE Levelt I.U

4 BR, 2 BA like ,_ split with country lcitchen, DR, LR, FA, MastetBath h• .. parate vanity area. Walk out lower level could be in-law apt. Deck overlooks a gorgeous112 private fenced yard with azaleas and tr•s. RIDING MOWER INCLUDED . Circular driveway. Immaculate eond.

REDUCED $1 0. 000 !! $149,990 '

c..11 MARY ANN ZUCKERMAN oFF: 301-718-4099 x4;n6 RES< 30i-306-0484 PAGJ;R, 301-817-5018

E-MAIL: )...,.,Arntfo MJLc-on.

BOWIE H~SweetHome-

[ Too N~ P1iOiil J ' 4BR. 28A Cape Cod on a q'biet s1:reer in

WaUdng distance to RockiHge Elem. N•w vinyt siding, 1 car g.arqe. big private y-ard, covered po11tio. New ps fur:nace & HWH. newer neutral carpet, paint a window rre•t· mentS. HUGE NEW FREEZER INCLUDErn!!

$142,990 Call

Mary Ann Zuckerman Res. 301-306-()484 or VM 301-718-4099

·· E-Mail: lronAgent@aotcom

LANHAM 01\C- Level, Lw.....,_

~:~. 0 .4~.VY:~~ (It•! .. ~ ~ ......

3BR, I & I /2 BA 60ft wide Rambler. For""'! Uving Room with FireplAce, separate DR. Family Room, .. Den. Eat in kitchen. Large level, fully fenced lot with shed. Very specious .,d .a great price!!!

$119,900 Other single family homes at townhouse prices available!!!

Call Joanne & Mike Mullikin



PUBLIC HEARING for Monday, May 12, 1997 at 8:00p.m.



' Licenses & Permits Revenue from other Agencies Service Charges for Current S'Crvices Fines & Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenues


~ppropri~ tion of Fund Balance


EXPENDITURES General Govcr~ent Planning and Com~unity Development Public Safery Public Works Social Services Recreation and Parks Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Fund Transfer~


$10,284,800 447,500 686,500

1,610,700 176,000 .ll2.6illl

$13.425 100


$13 695 100

$1,193,600 . 411,900

4,916,400 1,781,100

264,100 3,158,600

69,200 274,800


13 625 roo


Cen1ctcry Debt Service Eund Replacement Fund Temporary Disability Fund Unemployment Compenstion Fund

$5,000 $1,411,200

335,500 38,800



. CAPITAL IMPROVEM~ FUNDS Capita,l Improvements Fund, IV 0 Capital Projects Fund 927,500 Communiry Devdopment Block Grant FWld ~



$1 287 500


The Public Hearing will be held in the Council Room of the Municipal Building, 25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt Maryland. rublic attendance and participation are encouraged and all citizens of Greenbelt shall have. a. reass;>pable opportunity to provide written and oral comments, and to ask questions concerning the entire budget. ·

If special accommodaitions are required to make this meeting accessible to any disabled person, please call 301-4?4-8000 or 301-474-2046 (TDD) to request such accommodation before 10:00 a.m. on May 12.

Copies of the Proposed Buqget m2y be examined at the. City Offices, 25 Crescent Road, or at the County Library, II Crescent Road. For infonnation plca~c call 301-il-74-8000.

})avid E. ~1oran

City Clerk



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2 Bf-1: Bkwk Clean. trc<--h pamt. upd.Ited ~.~tchen. gn'.ll J,)('dllOn. levd y.1nl S-45.900

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S\1ALL Di\Y CARE CE~T£R-open 1n m;- ~' mc.l.ot<;. of a!ter.:rion and :·'"n 3C!:-.::Jc~ ~--,;- ~1-.l)-"·<!!·~·wme mother.. C3ll L:,.J. ::-r1 .. ..$"7-1.:691

£LASSIFIED ~~e!ed~~i. i.~~~p:~~~~; RATES

HOL"SECLI: -\:--;I."'G · Affordable Rate<;. G~.!r.:r.':.-eJ Sati'!ri:Ktion. All ~(jppl1e~ pr ··· :•.!c-J. Ref~n:ncc~ A\...!il­:1ble Cd!l _.,:.g~l 301-26:!-4()07

"Productions, Inc. 301-474-6748. CLASSIFIED: $2.50 mlni~

-LAW:'-0 CLT \t!c}l;;r GHI Lawn-.. $10. C.J!rSatK-:.-..-m P..~r.301-220-3273

GL:rTAR L·,~nn, - Sutc:.. chord-.. rheon. re<:H~-r:~ F:.!H-tlme tn~!n.:ctor :;n :-9r .H • -, .-

C:\LDWEl [.-; .-\PPLIA!S"CE SER· V!CE ~T, · ~'"'"':kc, r•.:p~ired C:.t~l af-:.:r" r m -~ ~...:.n.:-:0-1-.l


:: Wall to Wall Carpet :: E Enterprise Carpets a al('""i'·'krritt JOI-·i-tl-12665

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a ?:~-tr·.~::: r. ~:.~!·:~~ ~·;~~ ~~~·l~~ E :: n.·:...:H,,- :: ~ :z: ::x ::::::::::: :x:l:r.t:r::r:::xt!

Crescent Square ( >ld < .n:cnt-jdt

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Frc>!ll S'Jl).QQ

Vista Mgmt. Co. ),' l-982-46 36

Tired? low Energy? Don't Sleep Well?

Are you on your feet all day? Srt at a desk or drive for prolonged penods? ·

Untque Japanese heatth.and well ness products can help with relaxation. increase energy arid tn some cases ease discomfort. No obligation! For information call301-345-4148 today>

PIAt'O LESSONS - GREENBELT Prjvate lessons. Beginners. Advanced Kids. Adults. 301/345-4132.


. ment windoWs and doors and vinyl sid­ing .. Phonc 301/47-t-9434. MHIC 260~7.

CASH for your valuable~: kwclry. d1amonds. \\o.l:!Ches. camera<,, tools, gu:-1" \Vc bu)'. '-.(!11 and loan any~tung of \at:.~e.'-"n :.~u:o.'>. A-: Pav.n broh·r~ :;o: ·3-+5·0SSS. 1

~IAJLt::.;u LiSTS - Computer soft­w~m: t;ht.tll:.t!~<J:l. lro:..~hlc.,llo(l~/~;. dJ.-!:tl"-a~c. :-.r~~·-1..!~!-::.:ct pro~ram ... Y1~-4--1-\IJ.!-

R00\1..\i:\TE I.(J('AfORS lf \ IJU

h;.:.v•.: J ;-'I au.: to '>hare (lr r:·.:c-J ~ ri;~~{~ tu !:\•.: _.;f' l '.:~:!-f}l~..;fJ

Pl:\:--.;0 l.F":.SOSS- t·:-.i<{U(.;. p..~:1.::~;

!::.!.:h:ng. S(:/t:kt tr;cr:nJ anti mu"L :\!l :l"·.::!s ~~cL.•:n~ Fret: ,.,r;.

.~ ( ) ! .' r~ : -: -'J ~ .<: :.

WolDen's Group Therapy • Sepa~tion/l)ivorce • Depressi()n/Grieving

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Ginny Hurney LCSW



Ragged, Trimmed, Swept Yard Clean-ups

Gutter Cleaning Spt:cial





(301) 474-1600 GREENBELT


OPEN HOUSES Please Come!!

Sunda_v, May ri. 1997 Wr::dtand Htlls Br ;_:.. ·.1'Tit·~er. -!BR. ?BA. newfy remc;~c:<:j k1tchen ·i11l!"> ~k",!,;::r.: ."ir'r!

~ ~ >'•"~' ;a··:·~·'' S :59 90G. 122 No'1/'.w~-~ Sc..,.1 Jp,~n s·11 '97. i ~ 3C.r~

Ne ... t •sltn~·lakestde~! rambter.~n cul-c!e·sac. ~d::.c.s ~o "-'~ds . .c..~o:. d.~:.lnc::! · : o?,;;, 3Rt- :;;--;~ ~r·cner. w1!h f•rec~a.c ... cer.~. ~.~w s.;drn; re.•; 11\'AC

- rncre C!+.'.1'" s:..r~r.J ~~Z!C·Jv •. $192.500 7 Prr1ecres1 c;::;~r: .C;it::l • -! ~Opm

LORIE SCHEIBEL Lone& Fo,w 301-262-6900

AFFordable Insurance HEALTH

II' $2 M>lhan Lifetime Benefits II' $2G Doctor Vis1t II' $8 orescnpl!on Cost II' ACCidenl Coverage ol' Reduced Rates for Nonsrnol.ers

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SENIORS II' Long Term Care.Policies II' Life Insurance II' Asset Conservation lhrough Trusts II' Estate Planning & Tax Reduction II' Liquidity of Assets Assured II' FREE NO-OBLIGATION

evaluation of your situation ' .

Low cost TERM INS"RANCE is also available in 5, 10, 15 and 20 premium guarantees

mum for ten words. 15¢ each ad­ditional :word. No charge for iist­ing items Utat are found. Submit ad with payment to the News Re .. ,.-iew office by 10 p.m. Tuesday, or to the News Review drop box in the Greenbelt Co-op grocery s.tore before 7 p.m. Tue'sday, or mail to l 5 Crescent Road, Suite I 00. Greenbelt, !\laryland 20770.

BOXED: $6.00 column inch .. :\1inimum I 1/2 inches ($9.00). Deadline 10 p.m. ~onday.

Include n3me. phone no. and address with ad copy. Ads not con<:.idc-rcd accepted until pub­it<;hed.

L\\\:-< :<.lOWERS REPAIRED­Fa::.t. rcli.1~lt'. re3sonable ~crvice. Call 301/..l-:'4-S:!61. \

L!Gt.IT \10\T\"G. Jl.\l! U~G A;\:0 ODD J(JB") C:..:r Quin...:y. :'>01/345-5934.

HOL'S:E CLE.·\:'--ii:--;G I h;.~ve

Grccnh-.:1! rr..:k of 5 )·cars. v.c..:kly. biwcekly, monthly. S4."i to S55. :\1c1t)dy 301/805-9676.


PRE-ENGI:-.IEERED STEEL BLDGS. - X'ational company award­ing dealership in open market. High profit potential. -Constru1.:tion or sales. (301) 759-3200, Ext. 7900


HOST FAMILIES NEEDED for for­eign exchange students. To volun~ teer cafl Darlene Thompson at 301/ 474-2999.

~.:r::x-::z::x::xxmmn:::xx:rxx:::r~ § House Cteaning - I:

:: Do you need help with your H e house cleaning? Let us help. Wf a 8 :~·rk~nghui~a~=urana~cawi;~r 1~= t: .S.C\'Cn years with excellent ~ Grecr.~lt references. a We provide weekly. bi-monthly :: and a spring type cleanmg. Also

g._. availahle are wirldow c~aning

aod interior painting. MY MAID is an insured.

C:: reputable company.

§ Call John or Tammy " for Free estimates at § (301) 262-5151 ~xx:r:n:x:x::x:n:a::n:xm


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I Ve promise a fast and · pl~rLWll!l purd>ast Pre•y

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YARD/MOVING SALE: 3 Family, May 10 8 am-5pm. funiiture, organ. lamps, electronic equipment. china, clothing, knick knacks and much more. Lakecrest Drive off Greenbelt Road follow signs. RAIN or SHINE.


GREAT BUY - Two Bedroom/bath Greenbriar Condo. Family room. den. prjvate balcony (wooded view). new appliances. pool. tennis, $72,990. 1-~0 1/663-0682.

. HISTORIC GREENBELT. brick GHI, 2 BR plus; $74.000. I 9-R Ridge Rd. 301/474-7998.

AMERICAN REALTY -Your neigh­borhood re3Jtor, Mike McAndrew, 301/982-0542.


FOR RENT - 3 fi~ished level Glen o"ra TH. ·2 fireplaces, 3 BR, 31/2 baths, extra· den, $11 SO. Lone Scheibel, Long & Foster, 301/262-6900.

Female. non-s~oking to share 3 bed­room apt. private bath. washer/dryer. dishwasher. Ail utilitie-s included. $375 please ca!l,30!-794-2270.

Seeking 2 professional or graduate student ferrialc; rOommates for large single ramlly liOine in Greenbelt. Each gets own bedroom plus own siudy/den. ·FulJ use of kitchen, washer/dryer. living space. Family room and eat-in kitchen are fully fur­nlshed, y~uhave option to furnish liv~ lng arid dining rooms for your use at no extra charge. Beautiful home with fireplace near a park. $400 plus 1/3

·utilities each. CaB 301-552-8437.

- · 3BR/3BA detached ranch house in old Grccilbelt. Large master bedroom wilh J~cuzzi. Family room/finished basement. Large yaid backs to woods. Front and back dec~ Washer. DW, wood burning stove. Non-smoking please_::! SliOO a month. available Au­gust I.·

Call 301-474-0533 for more i-nforma~ •tlon.

We.'lllet you pJacc: a free ad to help find out.wJ:Io the ~r of a lost article: is.

Your home can be

on THIS list! 43-A ..... 37-A ..... 21 ....... 2~a-.IH. 1~ ..... 22-AIIIhllle 46-F ..... 19-CIIIslole 1-G ...... H. 69-6 .... 39.£ .... 5~ .... 2-11 ........ 65-1. .... 6-CIIIIIp

u .... 12-D ....

·N.._nh_ 26-DIIWto 37..J .... 62 ...... 23-llllldie 16-Z311Wto 13-IILIInH. 57-4111dge 36-M llhli• ~Rid ..

t 1-M Platea• 4-BI.aotoiH. 57-MIIdge

These homes have been 1 sold or ..;!tied by Realty 1 l since November. OUr ' unique and innovative

marketing programs have reached 9 times as many buyers as our near€-st I competition - with sellrng 1 prices averaging 99.3% ot l .appraised value.

Our li~tmg .invPntnrv r<> ne.arly dep!et('d and \'\.f-·

.need homes to promotf;'. h you .:tre thinkrng of ..,f·!l~ng.

fupd out how vvp < ar. ~{·:~

v~ur GrPPnbelt homt~ FAST ~~d ior TOP DOllAR. ·.Pick up the phonP nov.. ·a~d c3tl Realty 1 fo~ your FREE market -.analys1s. '

REALTY 1 982 0044


PT Medical Office Assistant. Experi· enccd Medical Assistant needed for Greenbelt office 10 perform patient care and office duties as needed. Must be flexible and a team player. FAX sl:tort re.sumc to: 301-345-0482 .

·Greenbelt Renaissance Group ·fanning. Interested singers, instrumenlaJists danc­ers, actors. Ca11301-486-0957.

WANTED, Gill MEMBERS to vol­unteer to register voters at the annual meeting on May I 5. Volunteers are also needed to work at the polls after the annual meeting on May I 5 and all day May 16. Please call GHI at 301-474-4}<'>1.

WANTED: GHI MEMBERS who neCd rides and me'mbers who can give rides to and from the GHI annual meet­ing on May 1 5 and to vote on May 16. I?Jeasc: call GHI at 301-474-4161.


QUAUTY DAY CARE has two im­mediate openings for infants/toddlers. Licensed, safe. and fun. 301/552-4933

NEED CHILD CARE for your~ tod­d_ler? Join our small group! Excellent references. degree jn early childhood education. Call Erika, 301/345-2459.


COUCH FOR SALE - Beige tweed. exceH~nt condition. $150. Call 30 II 474-5285.

BABY lTEMS- Century car seat (5-point harness)- $25: Two High Chairs - Sl5 and $25. 301-220-4q<l6.

Potpourn ' Anonymous Christian support for hurting people. Questioning personal significance? Come and meet with other Christians who combine prayer, scripture, praise and "al relationslrips. Thursdays- 7:00 to 8:30PM at Greenbelt Baptist Church CaU ~1-S2H581 for lnfonttlllon.

YARD SALE: Furniture,_ collectibles, china. air conditioner, bowling ball. what knotts. 59 FRidge Rd, Sat. May 10.9-3.

MULTI-FAMILY yard sale. 21 Court Ridge, Satur-day, May 10, Raindate -Sunday, May II, 9-till it's gone . Clothing. furniture, misc.

YARD SALE: 8-G Research Rd. Lot's of Goodies, 5/10,9-12 Rain Date, 5117.


Four wheels and tires, like new Fits Ford Escort. $100.301-345-7684

ZEUS ELECTRIC Custom Quality Work

Done w/ Pride! No job loo small.

Service work and new hom•~s. ALI. work done by Electrician

Insured #1142 Pr. Gr.u. ,. 301-622-6999 Bee..J""' 301-907-1025

Holbert's Home Imp.

Carpentry Painting Remodeling Repairs

M.H.I.C. 25916

Call Jack· 301345·9117

RESIDENTIAL House Cleaning ·

Cleaning done to your specific

needs We provide supplies


~01-699-1872 licensed,bonded, insured


SUMMER INTERN position available in the Finance Offic~- 40 hrs./week'. $5.00/hr. Must be able to file, distribute mail, data entry, and perfonn other miscellaneous duties. Applications ~ay be obtained at the Personnel Office, 25 Crescent Road, 8-4:30 Mon.~F.-i.

301-552-2160 301-483-9225 ,., 3cn-498-9582

~a.--· .. -- SerYice WE IDO LANDSCAPING

J · · Pruning

'~JAM;:;.~ 1,= ·- ~~.~~--.~~-- ~--~ -~- --~-~--~~ . .

cree_nbelt Auto & :rruck Repair INC. 1 59 centel!way Road

Gree.rbelt, Maryland 20770

~01·982·2582 A.S.E-

Master certified Technicians certified Emission Repair Technician

A c:amplete servic:e fac:ility equipppd 1:0 perform all servic:e requirements, that your manufacturer recommend-s to comply with Preventive Maintenance service schedules & extended warranty programs! Also, routine repairs that keel! your vehic:les , _:perating safely & 'eliably. .:II

If your car was scratched while parked by Community Ccnt.;r on Thursday, May I call 301-474-6184.

~f~\tt4~~~~\ ~--.......... . • FOR SALE • e LAKEWOOD • • Singlef8mily~m home-• •4~5.bedrooms. 2 112 baths• e . 1 ~ GreenhiH Rd. e

• Ainericali Realty • • Mike McAndrew ·• • 982·0542 • •••••••••••••

Fonrter A.sslskJnt Slate'_, Attorney YOUR PEitsCJNAL LAWYER


Page 19·,


FOUND: Eye glasses, in case, left during the house and garden tour. May b; retrieved by calling 301-4 74-6668.

BODif! a Business IJnprovements

WISLER CONSTRUCTION Dryw:all• Painting •Carpentry

• Acoustical Ceiling • Tile • Etc.

UcenKd • Bonded • Insured MHIC •40475 301-345-1261

.... To do all types of work in or around your home. Local references.





301-596-5 793

1 ii!Al Old Gree~belt Citgo -... · -4l=J Dave Meadows ~ . ,.,

Service Manager

Maryland State Inspections Oil Chang,es, Batteries Brakes, Shocks, Tires Exhausts & Tune-Ups 1'1 D State Lottery

301-4 74-0046 20 Southway

G,:eenbelt, MD 20770

• Open 24 Hours lor Gas and Snacks •

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(301) 937-20(.6

Computerized wheel alignment. Complete brake M:rvicc. EleciJ"Qnic engine c.:omrols. Fuel injcTtion service. Maryland Sta[c: in!>pection. Suspension/shocks/struts. Timing belts. · Wa.-ranty required malntenance. l(dly t~S/<fomputer bala':lcing. 24 hour 7 day drop o(f.

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with a tradition of Honesty, Caring. Compassion, and Quality Service

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Our staff of trained professionals are here to help with your lawn care needs!


) . • . . ... , .r. ;.-~ J.i!:.&"" • ,,., : •• :~ i'

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-·:·-.·:·. -:~-~ - -~· ~ jl"'', ::..ll't~"lo!S :' ·er-$ -;, :~ .~!:ol!!C jll!j. suttee~;~~~ 'tel:

~--··.:;o;. .... .JG;rx:t~ermr; Nie"'!Se"·t'

·: ·:··~: ill ;r.lfla: ~"' :''F ~~'

GIIEEIIIIEL T IIEWS REVIEw Thursday, May 8, l!l97

Greenway Shopping Center

24-Pack .·Pepsi

Large Black · Tiger Shrimp

Blooming ging Plants

8-inch baskets • Petunias Impatiens • New Guinea Impatiens

• Geraniums • Ivy Geraniums • Begonias • Assorted Foliage

$ for \

............................. $5.99ea ..

Oscar Mayer

5~ ·wieDers

•1&-oz.pacbp: gg~ •Umit2 p

-~=.··. "~5-~~.'.~.~.·.· .. \ ~-· ~· ,, \ . I ..... ··~ '[,


· . Safeway Deli Potato Salad • or Ma~aroni Salad or Cole Slaw ·2 $1 '-¥ •1-lb. Carton . ·



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