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  • Knollwood at WorshipAS C E N SION SU N DAY

    Sunday, June 2 , 2019 • 10:55 am

    To those who feel the need of light; to those who find doubts and fears in their hearts;

    to those who need courage for their daily tasks; to those who feel lonely and friendless;

    to those who wish to give service; to all who, in faith, will support and involve themselves

    to the limit of their ability in the work of the Kingdom of God which this church undertakes;

    to all who want rest, peace, and happiness — this church invites you to the fellowship of Jesus.

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    Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you!

    THE CHIMES Three chimes are sounded, awakening us to the presence of God, alerting us to the voice of Christ, centering us in the embrace of the Spirit. As we gather, we present ourselves “as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.”

    THE OPENING SENTENCE ................................................................................................. Lucrecia Norman One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.

    †THE PRELUDE “Rejoice, the Lord Is King” ..................................................................................... arr. Healey Willan

    Lauren Winkelman, organ

    THE CHORAL INTROIT “Heaven Arise” ........................................................................................................... David Lantz, III

    The Chancel Choir; Bryon Grohman, tenor Heaven arise, O glory! O heaven arise, Amen! Heaven arise in-a my soul. Hallelujah, glory! Let the glory of the Lord come down. Let the power of God break free. King Jesus rose up from the ground. And he won the victory! O listen sinner, to the news. His grace and mercy still abound. His righteous glory filled my heart, when He rose up from the ground.

    THE CALL TO WORSHIP ..................................................................................................... Lucrecia Norman One: In the stillness of this worship, hear our voices, Lord. All: Some of us are lonely and yearn for a comforting companion. One: Some of us are physically or mentally wounded and are crying for healing. All: Some of us are confused and ask for clarity and direction. One: Some of us in good health are ready to assist those who are suffering. All: We lift up all our voices, both weak and strong, as we seek the security of your holy and

    compassionate Spirit. ~Ben Wagener

    THE INVOCATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER .......................................................... Lucrecia Norman

    *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN OF PRAISE, NO. 95 “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” ......................................................................... CORONATION

    [Stanzas 1, 2, 4, and 5]

    * Those who are able will stand. † Ushers will seat those waiting. Hearing aids and large print hymns are available from the ushers.

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    CONFESSING OUR NEED FOR FORGIVENESS THE PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) ................................................................................ Josh Godwin

    Lord, sometimes when we seek you, we meet the mystery of your absence, as when the cloud separated the ascending Jesus from his disciples. We look for you in a story, a scripture text, an emerging vision, or a demanding circumstance, but we are baffled.

    Forgive us for not relying on the resources you have given us. Forgive us for our fear of failure, for our unwillingness to get involved with an injustice that demands our time and energy. Have patience with us, until we realize that you blessed us with the gift of being your co-creators. ~Ben Wagener



    LISTENING FOR GOD’S WORD THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: Psalm 47 .................................................................................. Steve Ball

    One: This is the word of God. All: Thanks be to God.

    THE NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: Acts 1:6-11 ................................................................. Gayle Anderson One: This is the word of God. Deacon of the Week

    All: Thanks be to God.

    THE CHILDREN’S TIME ...................................................................................................... Lucrecia Norman

    *THE GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 24:44-49 .................................................................................... Bob Setzer, Jr. Please rise in body or in spirit for the reading of the Gospel lesson.

    One: This is the Gospel of Christ. All: Thanks be to God.

    *THE HYMN OF DEVOTION, NO. 258 “Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise” ................................................................................... LLANFAIR

    During the last stanza, children who are in first grade through third grade are invited to meet the Children’s Worship leaders in the narthex. Worship Care for infants through kindergarten is offered weekly.

    THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE ................................................................................................ Josh Godwin

    THE ANTHEM “A Song to the Lamb” ................................................................................................ Donald Pearson

    The Chancel Choir; Annie Winkelman, handbells Splendor and honor and kingly pow’r are yours by right, O Lord our God. For you created everything that is. And by your will they were created and have their being. And yours by right, O lamb that was slain, for with your blood you redeemed for God, From every family, language, people and nation, a kingdom of priests to serve our God. And so to him who sits upon the throne. And to Christ the Lamb be worship and praise. Dominion and splendor forevermore and evermore.

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    THE SERMON ................................................................................................................................ Bob Setzer, Jr. THEOLOGICAL FORECAST: PARTLY CLOUDY


    THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP If you desire membership in this congregation, you are invited to come forward and the pastor will greet you. If you prefer not to come forward, you may speak to one of the ministers after the service. As an open membership church, we honor your previous baptism in any other Christian community. If you have not made a confession of faith, we invite you to do so and receive Christian baptism. Church members are invited to commit themselves anew to God and to God’s service in the world.

    *THE HYMN OF DISCIPLESHIP, NO. 648 “O Jesus, I Have Promised” .................................................................................... ANGEL’S STORY

    [Stanzas 1, 2, and 4]

    THE PASTORAL GREETING ..................................................................................................... Bob Setzer, Jr.

    THE PRAYER OF DEDICATION .......................................................................................... Gayle Anderson

    THE SERVICE OF GIVING The Receiving of Tithes and Offerings The Offertory

    “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” .................................................................... arr. George Shearing Lauren Winkelman, organ

    *The Presentation and Doxology

    DEPARTING TO SERVE *THE BENEDICTION .................................................................................................................... Bob Setzer, Jr.

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    *THE CHORAL BENEDICTION “Benediction” ................................................................................................................ Susan Borwick

    The Chancel Choir May the Lord Christ walk ahead of you, to prepare and plan your way; May the Lord Christ walk beside you, on your journey as you go; May the Lord Christ be under you to support and sustain you, when you fall; Walk ahead, walk beside, be under you; May the Lord Christ walk behind you, to finish what is left undone; May the Lord Christ be within you, to give peace and comfort. But above all, May the Lord Christ be over you, Watching, calling, guiding, challenging now and evermore; Amen.

    *THE POSTLUDE “Jesus Is Lord” ........................................................................................................... Matthew H. Corl

    Lauren Winkelman, organ

    ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦


    We extend to you a sincere welcome and the hope that you will find your worship experience meaningful. You are invited to the narthex for a brief time of fellowship following worship where you can meet church members and clergy, and learn more about this congregation. We would ask that you record your visit by filling out the friendship pad in the pew; email addresses are especially helpful. To learn more about Knollwood Baptist Church, find us online at You can also receive our newsletter and email announcements by emailing, or just call the church office, 725-1343. Sunday School at Knollwood begins at 9:45 a.m. KBC WELCOMING STATEMENT

    Knollwood Baptist Church is an inviting, inclusive family of faith open to all persons, whatever their race, gender, socioeconomic status, special needs, or sexual orientation, who want to walk in the way of Jesus. ABOUT OUR WORSHIP

    Today’s Call to Worship and Prayer of Confession were written by Ben Wagener. The acolytes are Chase Hulme and Ella Larmore and the crucifer is Evan Hulme. Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you! Printed music used by permission of #A-724940.


    The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Dr. Jack Ricks Noffsinger by Shirley & Lynda Noffsinger and family.

    The flowers in the narthex are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Cora May and Conrad Baldwin by their family.


    The Easter banner views Jesus’ resurrection from the inside of the tomb looking out. The grave clothes reflect the note in John 20:7 that the burial linens were left in the tomb with the head wrapping separate from the rest. The contrasting darkness within the tomb and the brightness outside point to the light of God’s new day breaking upon a “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17). As Jesus exits the tomb, clothed in a loin cloth, he is about to surprise Mary with the realization, “The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed!” (John 20:18). The artist who painted the banner is our own Bambi Setzer.

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    FOR THE CHILDREN Worship Care is provided for children, infant - kindergarten aged on the first floor of Bldg. B. Children’s

    Worship meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month for 1st through 3rd graders. During the second hymn, children meet their leaders in the narthex to walk to B244, where their parents will pick up their children after the service. For the 2nd and 4th Sundays children are invited to enjoy the worship service with their families. Children’s activity bulletins and crayons are available in the narthex. SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY ACTIVITIES

    Wednesday, June 12 - 5:30 PM Summer Picnic All Senior Adult are invited to a complimentary BBQ picnic. Dinner will include BBQ, sauce, slaw, potato salad, roll and banana pudding. Fellowship Hall. Please reserve by June 7, 336-725-1343. CHILDREN’S EVENTS

    Thursday, June 6, 6:30-8 PM -Stellar Skate Summer at Skateland USA in Clemmons Cost is $5 per skater. Registration required: Sunday, June 23, Vacation Bible School Open House Come to our Open House on Sunday, June 23, 3-4:30 PM, to confirm your VBS registration, meet our VBS leaders, learn some of the music and get a taste of all the fun our children will have during the week. This event is for registered children and their families. Sunday, June 30, VBS Music in Worship Our children will help lead worship by sharing some of the music they have learned during VBS week.


    During the summer, we take a healthy break from weekly Wednesday gatherings. But we also want chances to stay connected. Mark your calendar for two “Performance and Potluck” summer Wednesdays, July 10 and Aug. 14. On both nights we’ll share a potluck dinner, then enjoy stories, poetry, and musical performances from an array of our talented members of all ages. On July 10, we challenge the men of our congregation to compete in an “All Men’s Bake-Off” (and provide us with fun and fabulous desserts). Then on Aug. 14, we’ll feature a “Youth and Children’s Bake-Off.” Jot the dates on your calendar and let’s look forward to summer togetherness. JUNE 30, AN EARLY-SUMMER ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL ELECTIVE

    This is an opportunity to hear from CBF field personnel Eddy and Cindy Ruble about their vital work in Malaysia and Indonesia, focused on disaster relief (Eddy’s expertise) and innovative ministry to those who have experienced human trafficking (Cindy’s work). Meet in the Chapel. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS IN JULY

    Here is a great volunteer opportunity. Join us as we offer enrichment activities to the children living at the Ledges (now Residences at Diamond Ridge) every Wednesday in July, from 9:30 am until noon. We will combat “summer slide” in educational progress as we offer stations in literacy, math/science, arts/crafts, and music/movement to children ages 3-12. We’ll need volunteers to help with registration, opening activities, transitions, and each station. Come have a lot of fun while doing something wonderful for these children! Contact Dean Clifford to indicate your area of interest and the days you are available ( or 336-418-0278.) SPIRITUALITY AND THE NARRATIVE ENNEAGRAM—A SUMMER RETREAT, JULY 19-21

    Come join this three-day retreat. Explore the narrative enneagram while enjoying lovely surroundings with a lake, walking trails, swimming pool, and more. With Chris Copeland, Director of Leadership Development

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    and Spiritual Life, and Assistant Professor of the Practice of Spirituality, Wake Forest School of Divinity. The full brochure including link to on-line registration is at, and at KNOLLWOOD GRADUATES

    If a member of your family is graduating from high school, college, graduate school, etc., please e-mail with graduate’s name, school, and degree. A listing of this year’s graduates will be printed in an upcoming newsletter. HELP@KNOLLWOOD.ORG, ANOTHER OPTION FOR COMMUNICATION

    Volunteers are helping to staff the front desk. Email them at with your Knollwood questions. CALENDAR REQUEST FORM

    To request meeting or recreational space on the Knollwood campus, use this link on the website: (under About> Contact) CALENDAR

    The church calendar is online at

  • 330 Knollwood Street • Winston-Salem, NC 27104 • 336-725-1343 •

    Pastor Dr. Bob Setzer, Jr.Children’s Ministry Associate Mrs. Chrissy HardyMinister of Youth and Recreation Rev. Josh GodwinMinister of Welcome and Engagement Dr. Ben WagenerMusic Ministry Associate and Organist Mrs. Lauren WinkelmanMinister of Faith Formation and Education Dr. Diane LipsettMinister to Senior Adults and Weekday School Rev. Lucrecia NormanPastoral Associate for Congregational Care Mr. Ted PhilpottInterim Choral Director Dr. Bryon Grohman

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