at well and e active ducational toolkit · half your plate vegetables and fruit, one quarter grain...

Post on 21-Jul-2020






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Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Go for orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and winter squash each day.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Involve children in choosing foods at the grocery store by teaching them how to use the Nutrition Facts table.

Read the Nutrition Facts table on food packages when grocery shopping. Compare the calorie, fat, sugar and sodium content of different brands or varieties of foods.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

In-line skating is an aerobic activity. Aerobic activities help your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Read Tips to Get Active to learn more.

Drink more water in hot weather and when you are very active.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Include a small amount of unsaturated fat (such as canola, flaxseed, olive or soybean oils) each day to get the fat you need.

Be sure to include at least one dark green vegetable like broccoli, romaine lettuce or spinach each day.

Explore the variety of colours, tastes and textures the Vegetables and Fruit food group offers.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Check out your local community recreation department. They may rent out sports equipment and offer lessons.

Read Tips to Get Active online for ideas on how to spend active time outdoors and on the water !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Being active at every age is important to keep your muscles and bones healthy. Physical activity improves quality of life and prolongs independent living. Learn more about being active as an older adult with Canada’s Physical Activity Guide for Older Adults.

Check out examples of how to get started on aerobic and strength activities in Tips to Get Active.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Looking for ways to stay active in the winter ? Visit Be Heart Smart in the Winter for ideas.

Cross-country skiing is a great winter activity that you can do as a family. Get outdoors and enjoy the movement and fresh air.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Shovelling snow is a great winter-time aerobic and strength activity. Read Tips to Get Active for information on these types of activities.

Shovelling snow keeps your laneway clear and safe. It is also an opportunity to be active in the winter as a family !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Choose vegetables and fruit prepared with little or no added fat, sugar or salt.

How many Food Guide Servings of Vegetables and Fruit do you need each day ? What types of vegetables and fruit should you choose ? Get the answers in Canada’s Food Guide.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Healthy eating and physical activity go hand-in-hand. Bring a Frisbee or a soccer ball to your next picnic! Get ideas on how to be active as a family by reading Tips to Get Active.

Be a role model for healthy eating ! Start by having meals together as a family as often as possible.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Check out what workplace wellness programs are available. If none are available, organize lunch hour exercise with your co-workers.

Mall walking is a great way to stay active all year long, especially during bad weather !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Be active every day as part of a healthy pregnancy. See your health care professional before increasing your activity level.

Learn more about being physically active and eating well during pregnancy with The Sensible Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy and Canada’s Food Guide.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Make wise food choices wherever you go ! Visit Canada’s Food Guide online for healthy eating tips while eating away from home.

At the cafeteria, choose an apple, orange or fruit salad rather than a piece of pie or pastry for dessert.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day. Learn about whole grains at Whole Grains- Get The Facts.

How many Food Guide Servings of Grain Products do you need each day ? What types of grain products should you choose ? Get the answers in Canada’s Food Guide.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Make a family commitment to try a new physical activity. For example, play football, Frisbee or tag in the park.

Make wise snack choices. Snacks will keep you energized and can provide important nutrients.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Have vegetables and fruit more often than juice. Visit Canada’s Food Guide for more tips on choosing foods.

Have breakfast every day. It may help control your hunger later in the day. Visit Canada’s Food Guide for fast and easy breakfast ideas.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Encourage others to explore the outdoors ! Walking is a great way to start being active. Read Tips tp get active for more ideas.

Arrange to meet a friend or co-worker for a walk every day. Read Tips to Get Active for ideas on getting active.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Have 500 mL (2 cups) of milk every day for adequate vitamin D. Visit Canada’s Food Guide for more tips on choosing milk and alternatives.

How many Food Guide Servings of Milk and Alternatives do you need each day ? Visit Canada’s Food Guide for the answer.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Enjoy winter by taking advantage of on-ice activities. You can skate, curl, play hockey or broomball. Learn more about the benefits of being physically active with Tips to Get Active.

Looking for ways to be active at play ? Join a club or organization that coordinates active living activities.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Active transportation refers to human-powered transportation, like walking or cycling. It benefits our health and the environment !

Looking for activities you can do on the way ? Start a ‘walking school bus’ in your community.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Soccer is an aerobic activity. Aerobic activities help your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Read Tips to Get Active for more information.

Soccer is a great way to be physically active, meet new people and be part of a team !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Visit a farmers’ market. Try a variety of vegetables and fruit such as broccoli, rapini, cabbage, leafy greens, squash, pumpkins, apples, berries, peaches and pears.

Active transportation includes – walking, cycling, using a wheelchair, in-line skating or skateboarding.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Have meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu often. Visit Canada’s Food Guide for more tips on choosing foods.

How many Food Guide Servings of Meat and Alternatives do you need each day ? Get the answer in Canada’s Food Guide.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Stay hydrated ! Drink water regularly when you run and when you are active.

Jogging is an aerobic activity. Spread your sessions of aerobic activity throughout the week.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Trying to build physical activity into your daily work life ? Use the stairs, organise an active meeting or look into lunch-hour aerobics or yoga classes.

Physical activity doesn’t have to be hard. Build physical activities into your daily routine. Walk whenever you can – get off the bus early and use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

T’ai chi helps you to understand your body’s natural alignment, promoting good posture and the optimal alignment of bones and muscles.

T’ai chi is a low-impact form of physical activity; it improves physical condition, muscle strength, coordination and flexibility while minimizing the impact on your joints.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Aerobic activities help your heart, lungs and circulatory system stay healthy and give you more energy. Read Tips to Get Active for examples of aerobic activities.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Experiment with recipes that call for different leafy greens such as beet greens, chard, chicory, collards or kale. Make a salad with spinach or arugula instead of iceberg lettuce.

Make your own salad dressing with canola or olive oil. Add balsamic, rice, wine or other vinegars. Flavour with lemon juice, dry or Dijon mustard, garlic and herbs.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

How do I count Food Guide Servings in a meal ? Visit Canada’s Food Guide online for the answer.

What is a Food Guide Serving ? Learn more by visiting Canada’s Food Guide online.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

If you are going to be active for a long period of time, pack a healthy snack to keep energized and to provide important nutrients.

Winter provides an opportunity to try new ways of being physically active! Try snow-shoeing, skating, or skiing.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Snowboarding is one of the many great activities to help you stay active during the winter months. Read Tips to Get Active for ideas.

Looking for a new sport to try ? How about snowboarding with your friends !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Canada’s Food Guide includes a range of foods from a variety of ethnic cuisines and has been translated into ten languages in addition to English and French. Order your copy !

Looking for fast and easy meal ideas? Visit Canada’s Food Guide for breakfast, lunch, supper, and snack ideas !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Every little bit counts - you can add up your activities throughout the day. Adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every week.

Trade in your power mower for a push mower. Refer to Tips to Get Active for more ideas on getting active.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Be physically active with family and friends ! Walk to the neighbourhood playground and help your children climb and swing, play hide and seek, or go on a treasure hunt.

Physical activity is an investment in your health. Make it something you want to do, not something you have to do. Get active your way, every day - for life!

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Try making your own baby food. It’s nutritious and budget-friendly. Contact your local public health unit through your Provincial Ministry of Health for information.

Infants should be introduced to nutrient-rich, solid foods at six months of age with continued breastfeeding for up to two years and beyond.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

The workplace is a great place to eat healthy with your co-workers. Sharing recipes can be a great way to learn about and try new foods !

You can use Canada’s Food Guide to plan meals for yourself, your family and friends.

Take nutritious snacks from home to eat at school, at work or on the go. Pack snacks such as vegetables or fruit with dip.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

At school, get involved in sports and be active at recess. Build physical activity into your daily life. Visit Tips to Get Active for more ideas on being active at school.

Tips to Get Active for Children and Youth have ideas for young people on how to be active.

Or, ask your local community centre about community gardens where you can use land and learn from other gardeners.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

You don’t need a lot of room to start a garden ! Plant some herbs and small plants in pots and keep them by your window.

Looking for ways to incorporate orange vegetables into your meals ?

Try carrots, squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes or yams baked, boiled or pureed in soups.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development. Get moving as a family ! Learn more about how to be active at home.

Dancing is a great aerobic activity that you can do anywhere. Read Tips to Get Active for more information on aerobic activities.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

See how many different 10 - minute walking, wheeling or cycling routes you can find in your neighbourhood. Read Tips to Get active for more tips.

Physical activity offers a range of benefits for all ages and abilities.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Taking dancing lessons can be a great way to increase your physical activity while socializing. Read Tips to Get Active.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Choose fish such as char, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout. These types of fish are particularly high in omega 3 fatty acids which have been found to have heart health benefits.

Eat at least two Food Guide Servings of fish each week.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Fresh fruit makes a great snack. Visit Canada’s Food Guide online for more snack ideas.

Wash fruit, like strawberries, thoroughly under fresh, cool, running water. Learn more about safe food handling methods.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Use the % Daily Value to see if a food has a little or a lot of a nutrient.

Use the Nutrition Facts table and the list of ingredients to make informed food choices.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Active transportation provides an opportunity to be physically active on a regular basis. Think twice about using your car for every trip. Could you walk or use your bike instead?

Eating well and being physically active are essential components to healthy living. Visit Canada’s Food Guide and Tips to Get Active for information on healthy living.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Tips to Get Active recommend that youth accumulate at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

Basketball is a great way to be physically active and keep your body working well!

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Stair climbing can be accumulated during the course of the day, making a significant contribution to your recommended daily physical activity. Read Tips to Get active for more tips and information.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Not meeting your recommended Milk and Alternatives Food Guide Servings ? Try incorporating milk or fortified soy beverage in your recipes for oatmeal, soups and casseroles to increase the number of Milk and Alternatives Food Guide Servings you have each day.

Looking for fast and easy meal ideas ? Visit Canada’s Food Guide online for breakfast, lunch, supper and snack ideas !

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

You can eat well and save on your grocery bill. Refer to Canada’s Food Guide online for shopping tips.

Write out your grocery list based on the foods you plan to eat during the week. Learn more about planning meals using Canada’s Food Guide.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

What you buy is what you and your family will actually eat! Start by making wise food choices when you shop.

Keep your fridge stocked with foods from all four food groups in Canada’s Food Guide.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Get your copy of Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide today ! Keep a copy on your fridge.

Frozen vegetables and fruit are just as nutritious as fresh.

Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit

Eat a variety of whole grains such as barley, brown rice, oats, quinoa, and wild rice.

Use fresh or dried herbs, spices, flavoured vinegars or lemon juice instead of salt to enhance the flavour in your meals.

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