aug 08 busch gardens williams burg, va) cool shades)

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8/9/2019 Aug 08 BUSCH GARDENS Williams Burg, VA) Cool Shades) 1/12

David Cook and the Anthemic -- Busch Gardens (Williamsburg, Va) -- 8/8/10


[first part of banter unavailable]

David: Kinda chilly, isn't it?

[crowd cheers] 


[first part of banter unavailable]

David: We uh...we've been uh, off the road for awhile. This is actually...uh, kinda-- we're doin' shows

this weekend, and this is our last one. And...we go back to workin' on another record...

[crowd cheers]

David: And's great. You know, we, we really enjoy bein' on the road, but sometimes it's nice to

take a break. And...ya' know, get to go home, and I get to see my family, and my dog, and...

[crowd cheers]

David: And a little TV. And, and I watch a lot of sports. And, I was tuning in to the

uh...what NBC was calling the "NBC Championship Season," and...

[crowd cheers]

David: And uh...ya' know, so they, they would have all these vignettes. [ pauses] And I was watchin' it

with my dad...and uh...they, they start the animation, and this... [starts air drumming with one hand ] 

kinda drum build-up thing comes in with some guitars. I'm like: "Man, I kinda know that song."

[crowd laughs and cheers]

David: "Where do I know that song from?" [ pauses] And then all of a sudden it hit me. [ pauses] That's

my song.

[crowd laughs, then David laughs]

David: So we're gonna play it for you now. This song's called "Heroes." 

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David: Thank you so much.

[crowd cheers. David opens a water bottle and wipes his face with a towel .  As he's doing so, he spots a

sign in the audience]

David: That's...I gotta do it. [ points to the sign and reads it ] "A pick for your littlest fans" question mark?

Bring 'em up.

[Crowd awwws]

David: We did this yesterday. I'm pretty sure security's pretty pissed at me right now. But that's OK.

[David takes a drink of water, then sets the bottle down as the crowd cheers and shouts things at him]

David [to the people sidestage]: I'm gonna need more picks.

[David tosses a white towel over his shoulder. A crew member runs on stage and adds more picks to

David's micstand . While he's doing so, David walks to the front of the stage and reads signs in the

audience. One in particular catches his eye. He goes back to the microphone, but just as he's about to

speak, a couple people in the crowd scream. David looks in their general direction, then wipes his face

with the towel ]

David [referring to the children holding the sign that caught his eye]: So we're gonna, we're gonna, we're

gonna bring 'em around. And uh...we'll make a whole presentation of it. In the meantime, talk amongst


[crowd cheers. David sees another sign]

David [to audience member ]: You came from Italy? I don't know Italian. [wipes his face with the towel ]

Except for...spaghetti.

[crowd laughs]

David: Lasagna?

[someone in the crowd says "pizza" ]

David: Pi-- Pizza's not Italian. It's Greek. Wikipedia. [shakes finger ] Nothin' false is ever on Wikipe-- I'm


[David steps back from the microphone and wipes his face with the towel. He then steps back to the

microphone as the children holding the sign make it on stage]

David: Alright, give it up for our special guest!

[crowd cheers as two children come on stage]

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David [ putting emphasis on the last "s" ]: Guestsss. Guestsss. [to the children] Hello. [to the older child ]

What's your name?

Child: Hadley

[David looks around and back at the band . Crowd laughs, then David laughs]

David: Hadley, nice to meet you. [extends hand for a shake] I'm David. How are you?

[Hadley shakes David's hand ]

David [to the younger child ]: What's your name?

Child: Ainsley

David: Awww. You might be the cutest thing ever.

[crowd laughs]

David: You might be. Alright, so you guys had the sign that said guita-- you wanted guitar picks, is that


[Hadley and Ainsley nod ]

David: Yes? OK, well here you go. [hands guitar pick to Hadley ] One for you. [hands guitar pick to

 Ainsley ] One for you.

[crowd cheers]

David: Give the audience a big one of these [waves to the crowd ]. Wave big! [continues to wave and chuckles]

[Hadley and Ainsley wave to the audience]

David: Alright, I'll tell you what. You guys... [looks around the stage] where's security? SECURITY!!

[crowd laughs]

David: Alright. [to Hadley and Ainsley ] You-- can you guys go back that way [ points to stage left ]?

They're gonna take you back to your folks and we'll, we'll see ya' after the show.

[Hadley and Ainsley walk off stage]

David: We're gonna get 'em some meet and greet passes, so...

[crowd cheers]

David: Everybody give it up for security, yeah?

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[David applauds as crowd cheers. Kyle does a rimshot ]

David: They're either keeping us safe, or they're keeping you safe. One or the other. [wipes his face with

a towel ]

[someone yells out "I love you" ]

David: I love you, too. Guys, thank you so, so much for comin' out. I know it's...a little...

[crowd cheers]

David: ...a little humid. And I know you guys have been out here for awhile. So hopefully uh...hopefully

we walk off this stage here in about an hour and change, and you guys feel...way too entertained, know...

[crowd cheers]

David: So in the meantime...I'm gonna-- we're gonna play one of uh...this is actually one of my favoritesongs on uh, our first record that came out. Uh, [scratches his nose] -- sorry, my nose itches -- came out,

uh, November 2008.

[crowd cheers]

David: This is called "Mr. Sensitive."



[crowd is cheering]

David: So we came out here yesterday, and we didn't have, uh...we didn't have any fans or anything,

and..the last few a little dicey, there. [wipes his face with a towel ] they brought these

fans on stage, and...the only thing I can think of while I'm singin' all these songs is uh...I forget which

Michael Jackson video it was. It was that one where he was like: [steps back from microphone, puts his

arms out to his sides, and shimmies]

[crowd laughs and cheers]

David: And like did the: [ pretend to rip his shirt open  and repeats the same action as before]

[crowd cheers]

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David: Anybody know what video that was?

[crowd yells answers]

David: "Black or White?" No it wasn't! I know that's wrong. [ points to audience member who suggested 

it ]

[crowd shouts more suggestions]

David: "This Is It?" [ pauses] Oh, OK. [shrugs] It was one of those videos. [shrugs again] But anyway...

[steps back from microphone, puts his arms out to his sides, and shimmies again] 

[crowd cheers]

David: Sometimes the banter segues [moves arm in a wave motion] into a song, and sometimes it

 just...hangs out. 


[crowd is cheering]

David: So this next gonna require...just a little bit...of audience...participation.

[crowd cheers] 


David: Nicely done, Virginia!

[crowd cheers as David takes a drink from his water bottle and then fiddles with his guitar ]



[crowd is cheering. Neal uses the closed-circuit mic to tell David about a specific sign in the audience.]

David: Where? [looks out into the audience] Where's the sign? [ pauses] There's a sign up front...that I

have to see. We have this closed-circuit microphone over here, [walks to stage right ] Neal just

informed-- [reading sign] "My dad has a man crush on Monty."

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[David and the crowd laugh. David turns to Monty and pumps a fist in the air.]

David [to audience member with the sign]: Is he here? I'll play matchmaker.

[crowd laughs]

David: Where is he? Where's-- DAD! RAISE YOUR HAND! DAD!

[crowd laughs]

David: Where's he at? I'll--I really wanna know. I'll hold up this whooole show.

[crowd laughs]

David: He's gonna make Monty come find him, isn't he? [to audience member with sign] Your dad got

shy. [walks back toward center stage] It's cute, though. [laughs]

[ As David reaches center stage, the crowd starts telling him where the person is]

David: Where? Ahh, wait. [addressing someone in the audience] So-- you're the dad? [ pauses] Well

come up here, dad!

[crowd laughs and cheers as the sign-holder's dad makes his way through the crowd ] 

David: If security can get Dad up on the stage... [laughs] Yeah.

[The band starts playing "Love Me Sexy . David laughs. The man climbs over the railing to get to security ]

David [singing]: Love Me Sexy...

[crowd cheers. The man looks up at David and flashes devil horns. He is then escorted by security around 

the front of the stage to access it from the back . He high-fives audience members as he makes his way 


David: Oh my God, what is happening to the show!?

[crowd cheers. David laughs]

David: You guys have no idea. This is worth, like, a week of givin' Monty hell when we get off stage. This

is fantastic.

[crowd cheers]

David: I kinda dug that. [sings and bops back and forth] Love Me Sexy...

[crowd cheers]

David [vocalizing with the song as the band continues to play ]: Ahhh. Ahhh. [looking at the man as he

 finally makes his way on stage  from stage left ] Come on on up here, Pop.

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[crowd cheers as man makes his way to center stage]

David: Alright. I need, I need silence. I need silence. [to man] Sir, what did-- [extends hand for a shake]

hi, how are ya'?

[man shakes David's hand and responds off microphone]

David: What's your name?

Man: Gregg

David: Everybody give it up for Gregg.

[crowd cheers. Gregg flashes devil horns]

David: I will uh...I'll let this happen naturally. [motions to Monty  while addressing Gregg] Go ahead.

[Gregg walks over to Monty and shakes his hand. The two exchange pleasantries while David looks on

and laughs. Crowd laughs and cheers]

David [responding to something he heard in their conversation]: You guys met at a bar in Providence.

[Monty and Gregg bump fists. David laughs]

David: Well, we gotta get a hug out of the deal or somethin'. I mean, these people need somethin'.

[Monty and Gregg hug. Crowd cheers]

David: Aww. Aww.

[Monty throws a shirt at David . David laughs]

David [shaking Gregg's hand ]: Thanks for comin' up, dude. Pleasure. [laughs and beats the stage with

the shirt . Gregg leaves the stage]

David: Now...there's two trains of thought, here. We could keep playin'...

[crowd cheers. Monty approaches David and points at something in the audience]

David: Or we could just flat-out stop, cuz that's as good as it's gonna get, I promise.

Andy [ pointing at the same thing Monty was pointing to and addressing an audience member ] Believe itor not, that's not the first time that's happened.

[Monty points to the item and laughs]

David [reading a sign]: "I support Monty for--"

Andy: On a--

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David: What is all the Monty signs about?

Andy: Uh-- no, on an Etch-a-Sketch. [ points at Etch-a-Sketch, which is actually a magnadoodle]

[Monty throws his arms in the air in victory ]

David: Good Lord, dude.

Andy: An Etch-a-Sketch face of Monty.

David [looking at Magnadoodle in the audience]: Oh my God, that's incredible! I didn't even see that!

Forget the show, we're just havin', like, Monty hour! [walks to stage right ] This is fantastic. [to audience

member ] Can you toss that up here, please?

[security guard hands David the Magnadoodle]

David: Guys, I'm sorry. I know some of you came here to see a show but, eh, you know...

[David holds up the Magnadoodle. Crowd cheers. David laughs]

David [to Monty ]: Monty, come here. Come here. Stand right here. [ points to spot on the stage] Stand

right here. [looks at Magnadoodle] This looks like a police sketch.

[crowd laughs]

David [to Monty, who is now standing beside him] What did you do?

[Monty looks at Magnadoodle as David holds it up to his face]

David [to Monty ] No no. No no. Just...

[Monty looks straight ahead ]

David: Stare straight forward [laughs]

[crowd cheers. Monty goes back to his spot on stage. David laughs]

David [looking at Magnadoodle and chuckling]: It's uncanny.

[crowd laughs. David doubles over laughing]

David [to audience member ]: Can we keep this up here for a little bit? OK. Oh my dear God. [walks toback of stage with Magnadoodle] Are we playin' a show anymore? I don't think we should. [Sets

Magnadoodle down in front of the drumkit ] Oh my God.

[David walks back to center stage as crowd cheers]

David: Alright.

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[crowd cheers. David laughs]

David: Kyle! [turns to Kyle and makes a mock "throw" gesture, signaling for him to start the song]

[Kyle starts the next song. David reads a sign in the audience, and responds by mouthing "thank you" 

and giving a thumbs-up]

David: Count if off with me, Virginia!

[Crowd counts off 1-2-3-4 with David ] 


[crowd is cheering]

David: Some of you-- as we start this next song, I gotta, I gotta ask, many people in the

audience...this evening, this afternoon...uh, how many, how many people are in a love-- uh, a

loving, wonderful relationship?

[crowd cheers]

David [to someone in the audience]: Sir! Sir! You gotta be a little bit more...enthusiastic about it.

[crowd laughs]

David [to audience member ]: She's standing next to you. So... [makes a face]. We'll try it again. How

many people are in a loving, wonderful relationship?

[crowd cheers]

David: OK. Now, if you weren't one of those people, I don't want you to cheer. [ pauses] I just want you

to understand one thing. [ pauses] And that is this: this next song is dedicated to every single one of you.

[crowd cheers]

David: So for those of you in the loving, wonderful relationship... [ pauses] I'm sorry. 


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[crowd is cheering. David wipes his face with a towel ]

David: Thank you guys so much.

[The crowd continues cheering. A group of girls shouts "We love you David!" ]

David: Not as much as we love youuuu.

[David sees something in the audience, and looks at the person holding it as if to say "come on...really?"  

He puts a hand on his hip]

David: I feel like this has happened before. [to audience member ] Alright. I'll bite. Send it up here.

[Someone tries tossing the item to David. They miss.]

David: Oh-for-one

[ A shrieking sound is heard ]

David: What was that? It's always good when it's dead silent in the audience and you hear

a...microphone squeak.

[crowd laughs, then David laughs]

David [reaching for object ]: Give me that. Here we go.

[Security tries tossing the object up to him. They miss and it lands on the stage. David leans over and 

 picks it up. It's a black shirt.

David: So I have a friend...

[David holds up the rshirt for the crowd to see. It has David Archuleta on the front. Crowd cheers. David 

walks over the drumkit, takes off his guitar, and puts the shirt on as the crowd continues cheering. He

then puts his guitar back on and returns to center stage]

David [to audience member who tossed him the shirt ]: We'll get-- we'll get ya' one of mine if I can keep

this one.

[ Audience member responds. David laughs and does a little jump]

David: One girl goes "Ohh, yeah!" and the other girl goes: [in an exasperated tone] "Alright."

[David and crowd laugh]

David [to audience member ]: I'll-- I'll get it back to you along with one of mine, if that's OK.

Thank you very much. It fits great , though.

[crowd cheers as David shows off the shirt ]

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David: We gotta hurry up and do the song. I can't breathe.

[crowd laughs]



David: Virginia, thank you guys so much! 


[crowd cheers as the band takes the stage]

David: Virginia, thank you guys very, very much.

[crowd cheers]

David: So at the beginning of uh, towards the beginning of the set, I told you guys that, that uh, we'veactually been off the road workin' on another record, and...uh...

[crowd cheers]

David: We uh... [ pauses] so we have some of the songs...are kinda know?

[crowd cheers]

David: So for those of you who uh, who weren't here last night...this uh, this'll be the first time that

you've been able to hear this song.

[crowd cheers]

David: This song's called "Paper Heart."


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[crowd is cheering]

David: Uh...You know what? You, you see these, you kinda...get into the routine as a, as a re-- as absurd

as this whole routine is, you know? And, and to be able to...take time off for the road...I mean, we

haven't really toured since December of last year, and...played very...sparingly, uh, so far this year. And

to come out here...uh, after... [looks back at bandmates] I think our last show was two, three months

ago. And uh, to come out here...for two nights, and have this many people show up in two nights...

[crowd cheers]

David: Not, not only show up, but, uh, I mean...participate. You guys have been some of the best

audiences we've ever had a chance to play for.

[crowd cheers]

David: And I know...I'm sure you'll go see a bunch of other acts, and they'll probably all say the same

thing, but I swear to God, I...I, I am...constantly amazed [ puts arm up and makes a sweeping motion] by

all of this. So thank you guys so much.

[crowd cheers]

David: This is uh...this is "Come Back to Me." 


David: Virginia, thank you guys so much!



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