august prayer requests from the homeless

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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Atlantic City Rescue Mission will feed, cloth and houses more than 1,800 men women and children this month in addition to support we provide to areas impoverished but not homeless. Here are some of there prayer requests. We invite you to participate in a month of devotional prayer and worship in earnest support of their needs. God Bless You! - Atlantic City Rescue Mission


A u g u s t P r e p a r e

August25 Shawn asks you to pray that God will watch over him as he overcomes addiction and home-lessness and he is able to take advantage of all the assistance available at the Mission.

August26Jennifer requests prayer for the rela-tionship with her mother to improve, to grow in the Lord, and to be able to save money and live on her own soon.

August27 Roma request prayer over her son Shawn and friends Angel and Archie that they will know how much she loves them. May God restore a healing in their broken home.

August28Praise and thanks for Mark Ford, Operations/House-keeping Overseer and Cathleen Hanclich, Director of Develop-ment at the Mission to both have blessed birthday's.

August29Michelle, a resident at the Mission re-quests prayer for her family to be lifted up through the power of the Holy Spirit and God will penetrate their lives and they may overcome their situation. She also requests prayer for Jim, a Mission drop-in, to utilize the resources here to mend his body and spirit.

August30Pray that God's special blessing fall upon the children living at the mission that through the trials and tribulations of family life they will come to know the serenity and love of Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit bless and watch over them.

August31 Pray for Brenda who is homeless and recovering from addiction at the Mission. She also requests prayer over her son Samuel, serving in the United States Army.

“ He who has the Son has life; He who does not have the Son of God does

not have life.” - John 5:12

Thank You for Making Our Mission Yours!

Willam R. Southrey President & Chief Executive Officer 2009 Bacharach Boulevard, Atlantic City, NJ • Ph. 609-345-5517Follow us @

“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

– Matthew 11:28-29

Prayer & PraiseV I I I / M M X May Nancy’s heart condition stabilize and pray that Anna who underwent pre-mature labor will know to know the love of Jesus through her newborn.

August17 Kimberly, a Mission live-in resident requests prayer for homeless friends, Ms. Shirley and Ms. Judy to allow Jesus into their heart and surrender all worries to him.

August18 Pray that the Holy Spirit to lift up Karen, who is living at the Mission, that all her legal problems will be resolved and her spirit is at ease as she begins to turn her live around.

August19 Terri and William, a homeless couple living at the Mission request prayer over their marriage that they find strength in the Lord to deal with their homeless and financial situation and they through all their struggles that their marriage would be blessed and lifted up.

August20 Happy Birthday blessings to Morris Gbolo, Evening Chaplain at the Mission. Prayers and thanks for his service to the homeless.

August21Heather, a resident here requests blessing and heal-ing over her cancer. Let God per-meate her life and restore peace and trust in him as she faces the challenges of homelessness and cancer.

August22 Pray that the Mis-sion will receive the donations and resources to put a dental office in the Mission to help in the continued care and improvement of the homeless in our care.

August23 Prayers and birthday wishes for Marsha Keefer and her service, manager of Project Restart. Thanks for your service to the homeless and poor at the Mission.

August24 Lynn requests prayer over Georgette, another homeless woman at the Mission that God lights their way and keep them both safe. Strengthen and transform from their homeless situation.

August8Dorothy, a resident at the Mission asks for Gods help to do well in school and to bless and protect her family at this time.

August9 Praise and thanksfor Richard Springsteen, of Barnabas House, our 2nd. step program for men overcom-ing homelessness to have a blessed Birthday.

August10 Happy Birthday blessings to Fred Gathman, Case Manager for Community Outreach, and his service to the unemployed seeking housing assistance.

August11 Pray for George, who is a mentally chal-lenged 65 yr. old homeless man with medical issues that he is led by the holy spirit to come into the Mission for medical treatment and he finds the peace and love of Jesus and stays, recuperates and reclaims his life.

August12 Pray that the protection of the Holy Spir-it comes over the homeless seeking refuge or living at the Mission that they may feel the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit and deliverance from temptation.

August13 Linda request prayer for affordable independent housing and that the healing power of God restores peace in their household so that her sons Matthew, Marvin, Mark and daughter Christy can be returned to a stable home environment.

August14 Pray that all the street people not ready to seek help, that God will open their hearts and minds to embrace a hand from the Mission or their local church. May Gods mercy and love protect them through the harsh winter months.

August15Pray for Cynthia for safety and strength to remain clean and sober as she deals with her homeless situation at the Mission. May the Holy Spirit guide and protect her.

August16 Donna who is sick in the hospital will return to her Mission resident renewed in body and

August1Karen requests prayer for daughter Sydney to be surrounded by God’s people and keep her in his arms as she goes through the tough teenage years, May Gods loving mercy also help her with her health problems.

August2Pray for Gods blessing over the facility and staff who are devoting resources and funds to keep families struggling in Atlantic county from be-coming homeless and finding rapid rehousing solutions for the families who are in danger.

August3 An anonymous Mom at the Mission requests prayer for her son Jimmy who is in the Army and grand daughter Lacy who is having some hard times with her daddy being away.

August4 Prayers and thanks for Josh Gamble, IT/Network Admin-istrator for the Mission to have a blessed Birthday today.

August5Regina requests prayer for son and for a swift recovery and reunion and that the Holy Spirit continues to strengthen and guide her in her walk.

August6Mida, a Mission resident request healing and that the medical care here and the power of God will help her overcome Glaucoma.

August7Henri an homeless resident, awaiting a lung donation requests prayer for the donor, family and the doctors who will perform the surgery that God will lift everyone up through his loving mercy and everyone’s needs will be blessed.

“I have come that they may have life, & have it to the full.”– John 10:10

“The harvest is great, but the work-ers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ASK HIM to send more workers into His fields."

– Luke 10:2

Thou preparest a table before me...«“When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”– Matthew 9:26

Jesus clean away the rubbish in my life with the fire of your word that I may have the opportunity to harvest the field by coming under YOUR authority. You are the Lord of the harvest.

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