australia. australia basics island continent only country that is also a continent

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Australia BasicsAustralia Basics Island continent

Only country that is also a continent

Australia BasicsAustralia Basics Home to 20 million people

Canberra is the Capital city Sydney is the most

important city Australia is divided into 6

provinces (states)

Physical Physical GeographyGeography

3 different landscapes and climates

Tropical rainforest Northern and eastern coasts

Desert Interior 2/3 of the continent

Snow- capped mountains Great Dividing Range

Southeastern coast

The OutbackThe Outback One of the largest and harshest deserts

Temperatures can reach 120 F Alice Springs and Cobber Pedy are towns at

the center of the Outback People in Cobber Pedy live underground to avoid


Ayer’s RockAyer’s Rock Known as “Uluru” by the Aborigines

Very sacred to the Aborigines Aborigines believe the rock is hollow below ground

The hollow area is inhabited by dozens of gods These gods created everything during the “Dream Time”

The Great Barrier The Great Barrier ReefReef

World’s largest coral reef Considered to be the largest living organism on

Earth Extreme diversity of aquatic life

Human Human GeographyGeography

Population Most people live in cities on the coast of Australia

“Urban Rim” Southeastern portion of the country Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne

Perth- only major city on the west coast Home to the late Crocodile Hunter

SydneySydney Largest and most important city Famous Landmarks

Sydney Opera House Sydney Harbor Bridge

Economic Economic GeographyGeography

Tourism is a major deal in Australia

Exotic wildlife Koala, kangaroo,

crocodile, snakes, spiders, platypus

Scuba diving Great barrier reef

Economic Economic GeographyGeography

Ranching Black Angus beef

cattle Raised on huge

ranches 1.5 million acre ranch

Sheep Leading producer of

wool Over 150 million sheep

Historical Historical GeographyGeography

Aborigines First people of Australia

100, 000 years ago to the present Longest living culture of any people on earth

Suffer from a lot of discrimination Lost their land Most are very poor and uneducated

Historical Historical GeographyGeography

Europeans came to Australia in the late 1700s

British and Irish Australia was discovered by

Captain James Cook in 1769 In 1788 the British turned Australia

into a prison Many Australians have ancestors

that were at one time convicts

Historical Historical GeographyGeography

“Land Down Under” Nickname given to Australia by

Captain James Cook He thought Australia was like “Hell

on Earth” “Water… Water everywhere, but not a

drop to drink” Australia is surrounded by water, but it’s all

salt water and most of Australia is a desert

New New ZealandZealand

New Zealand New Zealand BasicsBasics

Population 3.5 million people live in New Zealand

Known as the “Kiwis” After the Kiwi Bird found only in New Zealand

Capital city is Wellington New Zealand is nuclear free zone

No nuclear weapons or power plants Because of what atomic bombs did to the

island of Bikini Atoll

Physical Physical GeographyGeography

Located 1,000 miles Southeast of Australia

Consists of 2 main islands North Island and South Island The islands are “high islands”

Created by Volcanoes Part of the ring of fire

Physical Physical GeographyGeography

North Island 70% of the country’s population Varied landscape

Rolling hills, geysers, and fjords

South Island Sparsely populated

Only 30% of the people Very rugged mountains

Historical Historical GeographyGeography

Discovered by Captain James Cook in 1769

Violent altercations with the natives Maori

First inhabitants of New Zealand 400, 000 Maori in New Zealand today

Known for their elaborate tattoos Today 85% of New Zealanders are of

European descent 15% are of Maori descent

Economic Economic GeographyGeography

Modern country High standard of living like Australia and the United


Tourism Known for extreme sports

Scuba diving, bungee jumping, jet boating, zorbing, fly by wire, rap jumping, and rugby

Lord of the Rings movie series was filmed here Ranching

Beef, wool, and lamb are most important exports

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