australian marine complex bulletin · eastcourt properties has more than 20 years' experience...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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NEW COUNCIL TOPROMOTE WORK FORWA INDUSTRYParticipants at the Australian Marine Complex are set tobenefit further from Western Australia's rapidly expanding oiland gas industry following a commitment by industry andgovernment to maximise business and employmentopportunities for local companies.

At the WA Oil and Gas Jobs Summit held in February, 61industry, union and government leaders agreed to set up anew Coordinating Council to facilitate ongoingcommunication between the oil and gas industry's majorstakeholders.

The Council includes senior representatives from WoodsideEnergy, ChevronTexaco Australia, Apache Energy, WorleyEngineering, and Theiss, as well as senior government andunion representatives.

Through the development of innovative strategies theCoordinating Council aims to increase the amount ofengineering design, engineering construction and fabricationwork performed in WA.

The Oil and Gas Jobs Summit represented the first stage ofa program designed to boost local content across a range ofindustry sectors.

In April, the State Government also launched its BuildingLocal Industry Policy, which aims to maximise local industryparticipation in major government and private sector projects.

STRATEGIC MARINEContinued from page 1

Strategic Marine also manufactures high performancevessels for a variety of international clients. The company iswell-known throughout the South East Asia maritime market,having completed more than 80 patrol vessels for coastguard services in the region.

The company also designs and manufactures tugs, barges,ferries, commercial vessels, tankers and general cargo andcontainer vessels.

For more information visit

PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY INTHIS NEWSLETTERThe AMC Bulletin is received by more than 2000readers including other businesses within the AMC, keyindustry representatives from many organisations, localcouncils and the media. This newsletter is a great wayto promote your business and new ventures at theAMC. Each issue we try to profile different companieswithin the Shipbuilding, Fabrication and Supportprecincts as well as activities in the Common UserFacility.

So if you have some news or a story to tell about whatyour company is up to at the AMC contact Tim Larcombe on 9388 0944 for further information.



FLEXIBILITY A KEY TOSTRONG BUYER INTEREST AA ssttrroonngg mmaarrkkeettiinngg eeffffoorrtt aanndd kkeeeenn bbuuyyeerr iinntteerreesstt hhaass rreessuulltteedd iinn aallmmoosstt $$11..88 mmiilllliioonn ooff llaanndd bbeeiinngg ssoolldd oorr ppuutt uunnddeerr ffiirrmm nneeggoottiiaattiioonn aatt tthhee AAMMCC''ssFFaabbrriiccaattiioonn PPrreecciinncctt ssiinnccee tthhee eenndd ooff FFeebbrruuaarryy 22000044..

LandCorp chief executive Ross Holt said two blocks totalling 12,457sqm hadbeen sold for a total of $750,000, and a further four blocks representing15,782sqm were under firm negotiation with selling agents CB Richard Ellis.

"The level of sales inquiries we are receiving from existing AMC occupants,property developers and marine-related companies has been excellent," Mr Holt said.

"The lure of available industrial land close to WA's premier shipbuilding industryand the close proximity to our internationally-acclaimed Common User Facility hasbeen particularly attractive.

"Our willingness to negotiate and be flexible in meeting the needs of existingoccupants and potential buyers has also been a critical factor in closing a coupleof the deals and attracting prospective buyers."

It is a point echoed by Stephen Briggs, joint owner of Specialized Tank CleaningServices, who has just purchased a 4299sqm block on the corner of Stuart Driveand Keel Way for $285,000 (see story on page 2).

"LandCorp was really flexible and altered the lot size to suit our requirements," Mr Briggs said. “If they hadn't, we'd still be looking for a new home."

Mr Briggs and co-owner, Frank Wilson, plan to construct a $1 million plus tankcleaning facility on the block, which should be operational by this Christmas.

"Ninety per cent of our work comes from the marine industry at Henderson andnearby Garden Island, so it made sense to be located right within the AustralianMarine Complex," Mr Briggs said.

"In the long term, we expect to make considerable savings to our businessoverheads by being located in the heart of the AMC."

In addition, Eastcourt Properties has purchased an 8158sqm block at Lot 201Alacrity Place for $465,000, while the four blocks currently under negotiation areLot 303 Alacrity Place, Lot 518 Stuart Drive and Keel Way, Lot 521 Keel Way andAlacrity Place and Lot 7 Sparks Road.

LandCorp chief executive Ross Holt (right) with Stephen Briggs, co-owner of Specialized Tank CleaningServices, which has just purchased a 4299sqm block at the AMC.

HIGHPERFORMANCEAT STRATEGICMARINEBuilding high-speed aluminiumvessels since 1984, Strategic Marineis a recognised leader in the maritimeindustry. The company's mission is tosupply high performance vessels andassociated marine and logisticsolutions to the Australian andinternational market.

Based at the Australian MarineComplex, Strategic Marine'swaterfront shipyard and servicefacility has the capacity to buildaluminium vessels up to 65 metres inlength.

Predominantly focusing on design,building and project management ofpatrol and crew boats for theoffshore and defence industries,Strategic Marine has recentlydesigned and built crew boats for theoffshore oil and gas industry.

Strategic Marine managing directorMark Schiller said the company hadintroduced innovative designs andtechnology for the crew boat market.

"In February we won a contract toconvert a commercial catamaranferry into a defence vessel to combatterrorism in the Nigerian oil fields,"Mr Schiller said.

With 35 years of shipping designexperience, Strategic Marine hasdesigned many patrol vessels for theAustralian Defence Forces as well asAustralian Federal and StateGovernment agencies.

Continued page 6.

Recognised as one of Western Australia's leadingengineering companies to the marine and resources sectors,Madco has specialised in the repair and maintenance ofrotating equipment since 1979.

The company's principle areas of activity includemaintenance, repairs and mechanical fitting, welding andfabrication, and mechanical design and manufacture.

Madco was one of the first companies to set up shop at theAMC. Managing director Sergio Madrigali said the "wideroads and big sheds" at the complex made doing businesseasy and efficient.

"The proximity to transport facilities within a large growingindustrial area make the AMC an ideal site to locate anengineering business," Mr Madrigali said.

Madco's cutting edge performance has enabled the companyto extend its business and services throughout WA. Its clientsinclude major Australian and international companies, such asWMC Resources Ltd, Minara Resources and Tiwest as well asthe Australian Navy. Madco has a maintenance facility onGarden Island.

"Our main aim is to improve and make repairable equipmentmore reliable to increase the production of our clients, with aminimum down time," Mr Madrigali said.

"One of our latest completed projects was the manufacture ofthree nickel ore production skips for WMC Resources, with avery short lead time of eight weeks. We worked with othercompanies around the complex like Vulcan Engineering tocomplete this project on time."

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn sseeee wwwwww..mmaaddccoo..ccoomm..aauu..


NOMAD EXPANDSFOOTPRINTIn the last edition of the AMC Bulletin we reported on NomadConsolidated purchasing land and building a new factory atthe Fabrication Precinct to take advantage of the AMC'sinternational face and increased marketing opportunities.

Since then, Nomad sales executive Mark McNally said plansto build an additional factory at the AMC were well underway.Nomad specialises in the construction of transportablebuildings for the offshore oil and gas industry and remotecommunities, such as mine sites, in Australia and overseas.

"Our first factory at the AMC is now fully operational," Marksaid. "But due to our current workload we are expanding andwe have recently purchased the block next door.

"The new factory means we can produce two buildings perday. When we build the second factory on the block we arehoping to double that number." Nomad also has a factory atBibra Lake.

"There are many benefits to being at the AMC and all of ushere at Nomad are extremely happy with the move. We lookforward to a very strong future for the company."

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn vviissiitt wwwwww..nnoommaaddwwaa..ccoomm..aauu..

CHECK YOUR BUSINESSLISTING ONLINEBusinesses located within the AMC are listed with contactdetails in the Local Business Directory Online on the websiteat You can enter thedirectory via the News and Media or Overview sections of thewebsite. If you would like to update or add your company'sdetails please contact Tim Larcombe on 9388 0944.

Madco recently completed this ore skip for WMCResources' Leinster nickel operations.

The Technology Precinct's cornerstone tenant, RaytheonAustralia, has officially confirmed its commitment to establisha presence at the AMC.

In March, the Australian division of US-based militarytechnology supplier Raytheon and the State Governmentsigned an agreement for Raytheon Australia to build its navalsystems headquarters here.

The Royal Australian Navy's Submarine Force Element groupis based in WA, and Raytheon has decided to put its primaryfacility in Australia for naval systems software design andengineering where the company's major customer is located.

The company will provide in-service support to Australia's

WA-based Collins Class submarine fleet, and for the surfacefleet, which is split between the east and west coasts.

Department of Industry and Resources investment attractiongeneral manager Steve Arnott said Raytheon's decisionsignified how well regarded the AMC is as an integratedindustrial development.


An artist's impression of Raytheon Australia's naval systemsheadquarters to be built at the Technology Precinct. Courtesy

Clough Limited.


AMC-6pg-newsletter-May-2004v6.qxd 31/05/2004 11:27 AM Page 2


At the time of going to print,LandCorp had the following lotsavailable for sale or lease:

For further information or to inspect any of theabove lots, please contact Rocco Demaio on99332200 00000000 / 00441111 222277 770033

Lot Area sqm

155 Possner Way 7,855

205 Alacrity Place 6,428

207 Alacrity Place 9,553

517 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 2,400

519 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 2,842

520 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 3,137

23 Jessie Lee Street 2,284

24 Jessie Lee Street 2,311

25 Jessie Lee Street 2,281

26 Jessie Lee Street 2,305

6 Sparks Road 6,689

8 Sparks Road 4,798

5 Sparks Road 7,800

INDUSTRIAL PROPERTYDEVELOPER BACKS AMCEastcourt Properties managing director Michael Oosterhof believesso much in the AMC that his company is looking to buy more landin the area just weeks after purchasing its second block.

Eastcourt Properties made its first investment in the AMC about twoyears ago, purchasing Lot 202 Alacrity Place, which is now leasedto the Key Group.

"Our rationale in purchasing the adjoining 8150sqm lot in AlacrityPlace is to develop a purpose-designed building for a substantialtenant who is prepared to commit to a long-term lease," MrOosterhof said.

"We have a long and successful track record in designing,constructing and leasing high quality industrial premises and we seethe AMC as a location with significant potential."

Eastcourt Properties has more than 20 years' experience indeveloping industrial properties and has a large portfolio spreadacross Perth's major industrial areas.

"Eastcourt Properties is in a unique position to deliver tailor-madesolutions to large industrial property users," Mr Oosterhof said.

"Many corporations would rather invest in their business thanproperty and that's where Eastcourt Properties come in."

For further information, please contact Michael Oosterhof on (08) 9316 1000 or visit

"HOME SWEET HOME" FORTANK CLEANING EXPERTSStephen Briggs and Frank Wilson have gone full circle, returning"home" to where they first launched their tank cleaning businessmore than 15 years ago.

In 1990, the owners of Specialized Tank Cleaning Services startedoperating from nearby Lionel Street, Naval Base, before shifting toArmadale several years later.

Now, the pair have just purchased a 4299sqm block on the cornerof Stuart Drive and Keel Way in the AMC and plan to construct a $1 million plus facility that should be operational by this Christmas.

Mr Briggs said the company's return to the AMC was simplebusiness logic.

"We do all types of industrial and marine tank cleaning, and the bulkof that work comes from Henderson or Garden Island," Mr Briggssaid. "So it made sense to be located right on their doorstep. Forexample, we're currently doing work on the HMAS Canberra andHMAS Darwin at Garden Island."

Mr Briggs said the company's new premises would feature a1112sqm workshop and office facilities, 12-tank waste waterholding farm, pallet storage area and 32sqm shed. Plans alsoinclude 25 standard parking bays, a disabled parking bay andreticulated landscaping.


BUSY TIME AT THE COMMON USER FACILITYIt's been a busy six months at the AMC's Common User Facility. Here are some of theprojects that have generated an estimated $12 million in work for the local economy sincethe facility opened in July 2003.


HMNZS Te Mana - an 118m-long ANZAC class frigate - was thefirst foreign warship to berth at the CUF when it docked overnightat the 15,000 tonne wharf in April. The ship berthed at the wharfwhile awaiting its turn at the Tenix shiplift. The job demonstratedthe potential synergies between the CUF and the adjacent Tenixshiplift facility - synergies that are likely to be used to muchgreater effect for the RAN ANZAC upgrades.


In March, Cryeng Pty Ltd moved the two 22-metre, 245,000-litretanks it was constructing for Air Liquide out of the small fabricationhall for hydro testing. At three metres in diameter, the tanks are thelargest cryogenic nitrogen tanks built in WA. They are to bedelivered shortly to the HiSmelt site in Kwinana.

Cryeng chose the CUF to build the tanks because of its goodtransport access to Kwinana, but also with a long-term view tofabricating such vessels for resource projects in the Pilbara.


In March, the Ausclad Group of Companies (AGC) again utilised thefabrication hall and 15,000 tonne loadout wharf to complete twoauxiliary equipment modules for Woodside Energy. The moduleswere loaded onto a barge for shipment to Woodside's Goodwyn 'A'platform on the North West Shelf.


The Ausclad Group of Companies (AGC) recently completed theLinda platform for Apache Energy using the large fabrication hallat the AMC. Loadout of the 600-tonne jacket and topside wascompleted in March 2004.

The substantial internal dimensions of the large fabrication hall(80m by 60m) allowed AGC to complete welding operations andcomponent assembly before transferring the units to a carrier shipfor the journey to the North West Shelf.


The MV Turicum was alongside the 15,000 tonne wharf at the CUFfor 10 days recently undergoing engine repair, maintenance andcleaning of the fuel tanks.

Barwil Agencies Australia Pty Ltd chose the wharf because itallowed efficient transfer of contaminated fuel onto land-basedtransport for recycling. Barwil is a leading worldwide supplier of portand marine services.


Fraser Diving used the CUF's 15,000 tonne wharf and loadout areafor a launch and recovery training exercise in April. The CUF's 13-metre water depth was ideal for the exercise in which a dummyescape hatch was placed on the seabed and an ROV was 'flown'into position for connection to the hatch. In real situations, personnelcould then be transferred from a submarine to the rescue chamber.

AMC-6pg-newsletter-May-2004v6.qxd 31/05/2004 11:26 AM Page 1


At the time of going to print,LandCorp had the following lotsavailable for sale or lease:

For further information or to inspect any of theabove lots, please contact Rocco Demaio on99332200 00000000 / 00441111 222277 770033

Lot Area sqm

155 Possner Way 7,855

205 Alacrity Place 6,428

207 Alacrity Place 9,553

517 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 2,400

519 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 2,842

520 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 3,137

23 Jessie Lee Street 2,284

24 Jessie Lee Street 2,311

25 Jessie Lee Street 2,281

26 Jessie Lee Street 2,305

6 Sparks Road 6,689

8 Sparks Road 4,798

5 Sparks Road 7,800

INDUSTRIAL PROPERTYDEVELOPER BACKS AMCEastcourt Properties managing director Michael Oosterhof believesso much in the AMC that his company is looking to buy more landin the area just weeks after purchasing its second block.

Eastcourt Properties made its first investment in the AMC about twoyears ago, purchasing Lot 202 Alacrity Place, which is now leasedto the Key Group.

"Our rationale in purchasing the adjoining 8150sqm lot in AlacrityPlace is to develop a purpose-designed building for a substantialtenant who is prepared to commit to a long-term lease," MrOosterhof said.

"We have a long and successful track record in designing,constructing and leasing high quality industrial premises and we seethe AMC as a location with significant potential."

Eastcourt Properties has more than 20 years' experience indeveloping industrial properties and has a large portfolio spreadacross Perth's major industrial areas.

"Eastcourt Properties is in a unique position to deliver tailor-madesolutions to large industrial property users," Mr Oosterhof said.

"Many corporations would rather invest in their business thanproperty and that's where Eastcourt Properties come in."

For further information, please contact Michael Oosterhof on (08) 9316 1000 or visit

"HOME SWEET HOME" FORTANK CLEANING EXPERTSStephen Briggs and Frank Wilson have gone full circle, returning"home" to where they first launched their tank cleaning businessmore than 15 years ago.

In 1990, the owners of Specialized Tank Cleaning Services startedoperating from nearby Lionel Street, Naval Base, before shifting toArmadale several years later.

Now, the pair have just purchased a 4299sqm block on the cornerof Stuart Drive and Keel Way in the AMC and plan to construct a $1 million plus facility that should be operational by this Christmas.

Mr Briggs said the company's return to the AMC was simplebusiness logic.

"We do all types of industrial and marine tank cleaning, and the bulkof that work comes from Henderson or Garden Island," Mr Briggssaid. "So it made sense to be located right on their doorstep. Forexample, we're currently doing work on the HMAS Canberra andHMAS Darwin at Garden Island."

Mr Briggs said the company's new premises would feature a1112sqm workshop and office facilities, 12-tank waste waterholding farm, pallet storage area and 32sqm shed. Plans alsoinclude 25 standard parking bays, a disabled parking bay andreticulated landscaping.


BUSY TIME AT THE COMMON USER FACILITYIt's been a busy six months at the AMC's Common User Facility. Here are some of theprojects that have generated an estimated $12 million in work for the local economy sincethe facility opened in July 2003.


HMNZS Te Mana - an 118m-long ANZAC class frigate - was thefirst foreign warship to berth at the CUF when it docked overnightat the 15,000 tonne wharf in April. The ship berthed at the wharfwhile awaiting its turn at the Tenix shiplift. The job demonstratedthe potential synergies between the CUF and the adjacent Tenixshiplift facility - synergies that are likely to be used to muchgreater effect for the RAN ANZAC upgrades.


In March, Cryeng Pty Ltd moved the two 22-metre, 245,000-litretanks it was constructing for Air Liquide out of the small fabricationhall for hydro testing. At three metres in diameter, the tanks are thelargest cryogenic nitrogen tanks built in WA. They are to bedelivered shortly to the HiSmelt site in Kwinana.

Cryeng chose the CUF to build the tanks because of its goodtransport access to Kwinana, but also with a long-term view tofabricating such vessels for resource projects in the Pilbara.


In March, the Ausclad Group of Companies (AGC) again utilised thefabrication hall and 15,000 tonne loadout wharf to complete twoauxiliary equipment modules for Woodside Energy. The moduleswere loaded onto a barge for shipment to Woodside's Goodwyn 'A'platform on the North West Shelf.


The Ausclad Group of Companies (AGC) recently completed theLinda platform for Apache Energy using the large fabrication hallat the AMC. Loadout of the 600-tonne jacket and topside wascompleted in March 2004.

The substantial internal dimensions of the large fabrication hall(80m by 60m) allowed AGC to complete welding operations andcomponent assembly before transferring the units to a carrier shipfor the journey to the North West Shelf.


The MV Turicum was alongside the 15,000 tonne wharf at the CUFfor 10 days recently undergoing engine repair, maintenance andcleaning of the fuel tanks.

Barwil Agencies Australia Pty Ltd chose the wharf because itallowed efficient transfer of contaminated fuel onto land-basedtransport for recycling. Barwil is a leading worldwide supplier of portand marine services.


Fraser Diving used the CUF's 15,000 tonne wharf and loadout areafor a launch and recovery training exercise in April. The CUF's 13-metre water depth was ideal for the exercise in which a dummyescape hatch was placed on the seabed and an ROV was 'flown'into position for connection to the hatch. In real situations, personnelcould then be transferred from a submarine to the rescue chamber.

AMC-6pg-newsletter-May-2004v6.qxd 31/05/2004 11:26 AM Page 1


At the time of going to print,LandCorp had the following lotsavailable for sale or lease:

For further information or to inspect any of theabove lots, please contact Rocco Demaio on99332200 00000000 / 00441111 222277 770033

Lot Area sqm

155 Possner Way 7,855

205 Alacrity Place 6,428

207 Alacrity Place 9,553

517 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 2,400

519 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 2,842

520 Stuart Drive / Keel Way 3,137

23 Jessie Lee Street 2,284

24 Jessie Lee Street 2,311

25 Jessie Lee Street 2,281

26 Jessie Lee Street 2,305

6 Sparks Road 6,689

8 Sparks Road 4,798

5 Sparks Road 7,800

INDUSTRIAL PROPERTYDEVELOPER BACKS AMCEastcourt Properties managing director Michael Oosterhof believesso much in the AMC that his company is looking to buy more landin the area just weeks after purchasing its second block.

Eastcourt Properties made its first investment in the AMC about twoyears ago, purchasing Lot 202 Alacrity Place, which is now leasedto the Key Group.

"Our rationale in purchasing the adjoining 8150sqm lot in AlacrityPlace is to develop a purpose-designed building for a substantialtenant who is prepared to commit to a long-term lease," MrOosterhof said.

"We have a long and successful track record in designing,constructing and leasing high quality industrial premises and we seethe AMC as a location with significant potential."

Eastcourt Properties has more than 20 years' experience indeveloping industrial properties and has a large portfolio spreadacross Perth's major industrial areas.

"Eastcourt Properties is in a unique position to deliver tailor-madesolutions to large industrial property users," Mr Oosterhof said.

"Many corporations would rather invest in their business thanproperty and that's where Eastcourt Properties come in."

For further information, please contact Michael Oosterhof on (08) 9316 1000 or visit

"HOME SWEET HOME" FORTANK CLEANING EXPERTSStephen Briggs and Frank Wilson have gone full circle, returning"home" to where they first launched their tank cleaning businessmore than 15 years ago.

In 1990, the owners of Specialized Tank Cleaning Services startedoperating from nearby Lionel Street, Naval Base, before shifting toArmadale several years later.

Now, the pair have just purchased a 4299sqm block on the cornerof Stuart Drive and Keel Way in the AMC and plan to construct a $1 million plus facility that should be operational by this Christmas.

Mr Briggs said the company's return to the AMC was simplebusiness logic.

"We do all types of industrial and marine tank cleaning, and the bulkof that work comes from Henderson or Garden Island," Mr Briggssaid. "So it made sense to be located right on their doorstep. Forexample, we're currently doing work on the HMAS Canberra andHMAS Darwin at Garden Island."

Mr Briggs said the company's new premises would feature a1112sqm workshop and office facilities, 12-tank waste waterholding farm, pallet storage area and 32sqm shed. Plans alsoinclude 25 standard parking bays, a disabled parking bay andreticulated landscaping.


BUSY TIME AT THE COMMON USER FACILITYIt's been a busy six months at the AMC's Common User Facility. Here are some of theprojects that have generated an estimated $12 million in work for the local economy sincethe facility opened in July 2003.


HMNZS Te Mana - an 118m-long ANZAC class frigate - was thefirst foreign warship to berth at the CUF when it docked overnightat the 15,000 tonne wharf in April. The ship berthed at the wharfwhile awaiting its turn at the Tenix shiplift. The job demonstratedthe potential synergies between the CUF and the adjacent Tenixshiplift facility - synergies that are likely to be used to muchgreater effect for the RAN ANZAC upgrades.


In March, Cryeng Pty Ltd moved the two 22-metre, 245,000-litretanks it was constructing for Air Liquide out of the small fabricationhall for hydro testing. At three metres in diameter, the tanks are thelargest cryogenic nitrogen tanks built in WA. They are to bedelivered shortly to the HiSmelt site in Kwinana.

Cryeng chose the CUF to build the tanks because of its goodtransport access to Kwinana, but also with a long-term view tofabricating such vessels for resource projects in the Pilbara.


In March, the Ausclad Group of Companies (AGC) again utilised thefabrication hall and 15,000 tonne loadout wharf to complete twoauxiliary equipment modules for Woodside Energy. The moduleswere loaded onto a barge for shipment to Woodside's Goodwyn 'A'platform on the North West Shelf.


The Ausclad Group of Companies (AGC) recently completed theLinda platform for Apache Energy using the large fabrication hallat the AMC. Loadout of the 600-tonne jacket and topside wascompleted in March 2004.

The substantial internal dimensions of the large fabrication hall(80m by 60m) allowed AGC to complete welding operations andcomponent assembly before transferring the units to a carrier shipfor the journey to the North West Shelf.


The MV Turicum was alongside the 15,000 tonne wharf at the CUFfor 10 days recently undergoing engine repair, maintenance andcleaning of the fuel tanks.

Barwil Agencies Australia Pty Ltd chose the wharf because itallowed efficient transfer of contaminated fuel onto land-basedtransport for recycling. Barwil is a leading worldwide supplier of portand marine services.


Fraser Diving used the CUF's 15,000 tonne wharf and loadout areafor a launch and recovery training exercise in April. The CUF's 13-metre water depth was ideal for the exercise in which a dummyescape hatch was placed on the seabed and an ROV was 'flown'into position for connection to the hatch. In real situations, personnelcould then be transferred from a submarine to the rescue chamber.

AMC-6pg-newsletter-May-2004v6.qxd 31/05/2004 11:26 AM Page 1

NEW COUNCIL TOPROMOTE WORK FORWA INDUSTRYParticipants at the Australian Marine Complex are set tobenefit further from Western Australia's rapidly expanding oiland gas industry following a commitment by industry andgovernment to maximise business and employmentopportunities for local companies.

At the WA Oil and Gas Jobs Summit held in February, 61industry, union and government leaders agreed to set up anew Coordinating Council to facilitate ongoingcommunication between the oil and gas industry's majorstakeholders.

The Council includes senior representatives from WoodsideEnergy, ChevronTexaco Australia, Apache Energy, WorleyEngineering, and Theiss, as well as senior government andunion representatives.

Through the development of innovative strategies theCoordinating Council aims to increase the amount ofengineering design, engineering construction and fabricationwork performed in WA.

The Oil and Gas Jobs Summit represented the first stage ofa program designed to boost local content across a range ofindustry sectors.

In April, the State Government also launched its BuildingLocal Industry Policy, which aims to maximise local industryparticipation in major government and private sector projects.

STRATEGIC MARINEContinued from page 1

Strategic Marine also manufactures high performancevessels for a variety of international clients. The company iswell-known throughout the South East Asia maritime market,having completed more than 80 patrol vessels for coastguard services in the region.

The company also designs and manufactures tugs, barges,ferries, commercial vessels, tankers and general cargo andcontainer vessels.

For more information visit

PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY INTHIS NEWSLETTERThe AMC Bulletin is received by more than 2000readers including other businesses within the AMC, keyindustry representatives from many organisations, localcouncils and the media. This newsletter is a great wayto promote your business and new ventures at theAMC. Each issue we try to profile different companieswithin the Shipbuilding, Fabrication and Supportprecincts as well as activities in the Common UserFacility.

So if you have some news or a story to tell about whatyour company is up to at the AMC contact Tim Larcombe on 9388 0944 for further information.



FLEXIBILITY A KEY TOSTRONG BUYER INTEREST AA ssttrroonngg mmaarrkkeettiinngg eeffffoorrtt aanndd kkeeeenn bbuuyyeerr iinntteerreesstt hhaass rreessuulltteedd iinn aallmmoosstt $$11..88 mmiilllliioonn ooff llaanndd bbeeiinngg ssoolldd oorr ppuutt uunnddeerr ffiirrmm nneeggoottiiaattiioonn aatt tthhee AAMMCC''ssFFaabbrriiccaattiioonn PPrreecciinncctt ssiinnccee tthhee eenndd ooff FFeebbrruuaarryy 22000044..

LandCorp chief executive Ross Holt said two blocks totalling 12,457sqm hadbeen sold for a total of $750,000, and a further four blocks representing15,782sqm were under firm negotiation with selling agents CB Richard Ellis.

"The level of sales inquiries we are receiving from existing AMC occupants,property developers and marine-related companies has been excellent," Mr Holt said.

"The lure of available industrial land close to WA's premier shipbuilding industryand the close proximity to our internationally-acclaimed Common User Facility hasbeen particularly attractive.

"Our willingness to negotiate and be flexible in meeting the needs of existingoccupants and potential buyers has also been a critical factor in closing a coupleof the deals and attracting prospective buyers."

It is a point echoed by Stephen Briggs, joint owner of Specialized Tank CleaningServices, who has just purchased a 4299sqm block on the corner of Stuart Driveand Keel Way for $285,000 (see story on page 2).

"LandCorp was really flexible and altered the lot size to suit our requirements," Mr Briggs said. “If they hadn't, we'd still be looking for a new home."

Mr Briggs and co-owner, Frank Wilson, plan to construct a $1 million plus tankcleaning facility on the block, which should be operational by this Christmas.

"Ninety per cent of our work comes from the marine industry at Henderson andnearby Garden Island, so it made sense to be located right within the AustralianMarine Complex," Mr Briggs said.

"In the long term, we expect to make considerable savings to our businessoverheads by being located in the heart of the AMC."

In addition, Eastcourt Properties has purchased an 8158sqm block at Lot 201Alacrity Place for $465,000, while the four blocks currently under negotiation areLot 303 Alacrity Place, Lot 518 Stuart Drive and Keel Way, Lot 521 Keel Way andAlacrity Place and Lot 7 Sparks Road.

LandCorp chief executive Ross Holt (right) with Stephen Briggs, co-owner of Specialized Tank CleaningServices, which has just purchased a 4299sqm block at the AMC.

HIGHPERFORMANCEAT STRATEGICMARINEBuilding high-speed aluminiumvessels since 1984, Strategic Marineis a recognised leader in the maritimeindustry. The company's mission is tosupply high performance vessels andassociated marine and logisticsolutions to the Australian andinternational market.

Based at the Australian MarineComplex, Strategic Marine'swaterfront shipyard and servicefacility has the capacity to buildaluminium vessels up to 65 metres inlength.

Predominantly focusing on design,building and project management ofpatrol and crew boats for theoffshore and defence industries,Strategic Marine has recentlydesigned and built crew boats for theoffshore oil and gas industry.

Strategic Marine managing directorMark Schiller said the company hadintroduced innovative designs andtechnology for the crew boat market.

"In February we won a contract toconvert a commercial catamaranferry into a defence vessel to combatterrorism in the Nigerian oil fields,"Mr Schiller said.

With 35 years of shipping designexperience, Strategic Marine hasdesigned many patrol vessels for theAustralian Defence Forces as well asAustralian Federal and StateGovernment agencies.

Continued page 6.

Recognised as one of Western Australia's leadingengineering companies to the marine and resources sectors,Madco has specialised in the repair and maintenance ofrotating equipment since 1979.

The company's principle areas of activity includemaintenance, repairs and mechanical fitting, welding andfabrication, and mechanical design and manufacture.

Madco was one of the first companies to set up shop at theAMC. Managing director Sergio Madrigali said the "wideroads and big sheds" at the complex made doing businesseasy and efficient.

"The proximity to transport facilities within a large growingindustrial area make the AMC an ideal site to locate anengineering business," Mr Madrigali said.

Madco's cutting edge performance has enabled the companyto extend its business and services throughout WA. Its clientsinclude major Australian and international companies, such asWMC Resources Ltd, Minara Resources and Tiwest as well asthe Australian Navy. Madco has a maintenance facility onGarden Island.

"Our main aim is to improve and make repairable equipmentmore reliable to increase the production of our clients, with aminimum down time," Mr Madrigali said.

"One of our latest completed projects was the manufacture ofthree nickel ore production skips for WMC Resources, with avery short lead time of eight weeks. We worked with othercompanies around the complex like Vulcan Engineering tocomplete this project on time."

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn sseeee wwwwww..mmaaddccoo..ccoomm..aauu..


NOMAD EXPANDSFOOTPRINTIn the last edition of the AMC Bulletin we reported on NomadConsolidated purchasing land and building a new factory atthe Fabrication Precinct to take advantage of the AMC'sinternational face and increased marketing opportunities.

Since then, Nomad sales executive Mark McNally said plansto build an additional factory at the AMC were well underway.Nomad specialises in the construction of transportablebuildings for the offshore oil and gas industry and remotecommunities, such as mine sites, in Australia and overseas.

"Our first factory at the AMC is now fully operational," Marksaid. "But due to our current workload we are expanding andwe have recently purchased the block next door.

"The new factory means we can produce two buildings perday. When we build the second factory on the block we arehoping to double that number." Nomad also has a factory atBibra Lake.

"There are many benefits to being at the AMC and all of ushere at Nomad are extremely happy with the move. We lookforward to a very strong future for the company."

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn vviissiitt wwwwww..nnoommaaddwwaa..ccoomm..aauu..

CHECK YOUR BUSINESSLISTING ONLINEBusinesses located within the AMC are listed with contactdetails in the Local Business Directory Online on the websiteat You can enter thedirectory via the News and Media or Overview sections of thewebsite. If you would like to update or add your company'sdetails please contact Tim Larcombe on 9388 0944.

Madco recently completed this ore skip for WMCResources' Leinster nickel operations.

The Technology Precinct's cornerstone tenant, RaytheonAustralia, has officially confirmed its commitment to establisha presence at the AMC.

In March, the Australian division of US-based militarytechnology supplier Raytheon and the State Governmentsigned an agreement for Raytheon Australia to build its navalsystems headquarters here.

The Royal Australian Navy's Submarine Force Element groupis based in WA, and Raytheon has decided to put its primaryfacility in Australia for naval systems software design andengineering where the company's major customer is located.

The company will provide in-service support to Australia's

WA-based Collins Class submarine fleet, and for the surfacefleet, which is split between the east and west coasts.

Department of Industry and Resources investment attractiongeneral manager Steve Arnott said Raytheon's decisionsignified how well regarded the AMC is as an integratedindustrial development.


An artist's impression of Raytheon Australia's naval systemsheadquarters to be built at the Technology Precinct. Courtesy

Clough Limited.


AMC-6pg-newsletter-May-2004v6.qxd 31/05/2004 11:27 AM Page 2

NEW COUNCIL TOPROMOTE WORK FORWA INDUSTRYParticipants at the Australian Marine Complex are set tobenefit further from Western Australia's rapidly expanding oiland gas industry following a commitment by industry andgovernment to maximise business and employmentopportunities for local companies.

At the WA Oil and Gas Jobs Summit held in February, 61industry, union and government leaders agreed to set up anew Coordinating Council to facilitate ongoingcommunication between the oil and gas industry's majorstakeholders.

The Council includes senior representatives from WoodsideEnergy, ChevronTexaco Australia, Apache Energy, WorleyEngineering, and Theiss, as well as senior government andunion representatives.

Through the development of innovative strategies theCoordinating Council aims to increase the amount ofengineering design, engineering construction and fabricationwork performed in WA.

The Oil and Gas Jobs Summit represented the first stage ofa program designed to boost local content across a range ofindustry sectors.

In April, the State Government also launched its BuildingLocal Industry Policy, which aims to maximise local industryparticipation in major government and private sector projects.

STRATEGIC MARINEContinued from page 1

Strategic Marine also manufactures high performancevessels for a variety of international clients. The company iswell-known throughout the South East Asia maritime market,having completed more than 80 patrol vessels for coastguard services in the region.

The company also designs and manufactures tugs, barges,ferries, commercial vessels, tankers and general cargo andcontainer vessels.

For more information visit

PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY INTHIS NEWSLETTERThe AMC Bulletin is received by more than 2000readers including other businesses within the AMC, keyindustry representatives from many organisations, localcouncils and the media. This newsletter is a great wayto promote your business and new ventures at theAMC. Each issue we try to profile different companieswithin the Shipbuilding, Fabrication and Supportprecincts as well as activities in the Common UserFacility.

So if you have some news or a story to tell about whatyour company is up to at the AMC contact Tim Larcombe on 9388 0944 for further information.



FLEXIBILITY A KEY TOSTRONG BUYER INTEREST AA ssttrroonngg mmaarrkkeettiinngg eeffffoorrtt aanndd kkeeeenn bbuuyyeerr iinntteerreesstt hhaass rreessuulltteedd iinn aallmmoosstt $$11..88 mmiilllliioonn ooff llaanndd bbeeiinngg ssoolldd oorr ppuutt uunnddeerr ffiirrmm nneeggoottiiaattiioonn aatt tthhee AAMMCC''ssFFaabbrriiccaattiioonn PPrreecciinncctt ssiinnccee tthhee eenndd ooff FFeebbrruuaarryy 22000044..

LandCorp chief executive Ross Holt said two blocks totalling 12,457sqm hadbeen sold for a total of $750,000, and a further four blocks representing15,782sqm were under firm negotiation with selling agents CB Richard Ellis.

"The level of sales inquiries we are receiving from existing AMC occupants,property developers and marine-related companies has been excellent," Mr Holt said.

"The lure of available industrial land close to WA's premier shipbuilding industryand the close proximity to our internationally-acclaimed Common User Facility hasbeen particularly attractive.

"Our willingness to negotiate and be flexible in meeting the needs of existingoccupants and potential buyers has also been a critical factor in closing a coupleof the deals and attracting prospective buyers."

It is a point echoed by Stephen Briggs, joint owner of Specialized Tank CleaningServices, who has just purchased a 4299sqm block on the corner of Stuart Driveand Keel Way for $285,000 (see story on page 2).

"LandCorp was really flexible and altered the lot size to suit our requirements," Mr Briggs said. “If they hadn't, we'd still be looking for a new home."

Mr Briggs and co-owner, Frank Wilson, plan to construct a $1 million plus tankcleaning facility on the block, which should be operational by this Christmas.

"Ninety per cent of our work comes from the marine industry at Henderson andnearby Garden Island, so it made sense to be located right within the AustralianMarine Complex," Mr Briggs said.

"In the long term, we expect to make considerable savings to our businessoverheads by being located in the heart of the AMC."

In addition, Eastcourt Properties has purchased an 8158sqm block at Lot 201Alacrity Place for $465,000, while the four blocks currently under negotiation areLot 303 Alacrity Place, Lot 518 Stuart Drive and Keel Way, Lot 521 Keel Way andAlacrity Place and Lot 7 Sparks Road.

LandCorp chief executive Ross Holt (right) with Stephen Briggs, co-owner of Specialized Tank CleaningServices, which has just purchased a 4299sqm block at the AMC.

HIGHPERFORMANCEAT STRATEGICMARINEBuilding high-speed aluminiumvessels since 1984, Strategic Marineis a recognised leader in the maritimeindustry. The company's mission is tosupply high performance vessels andassociated marine and logisticsolutions to the Australian andinternational market.

Based at the Australian MarineComplex, Strategic Marine'swaterfront shipyard and servicefacility has the capacity to buildaluminium vessels up to 65 metres inlength.

Predominantly focusing on design,building and project management ofpatrol and crew boats for theoffshore and defence industries,Strategic Marine has recentlydesigned and built crew boats for theoffshore oil and gas industry.

Strategic Marine managing directorMark Schiller said the company hadintroduced innovative designs andtechnology for the crew boat market.

"In February we won a contract toconvert a commercial catamaranferry into a defence vessel to combatterrorism in the Nigerian oil fields,"Mr Schiller said.

With 35 years of shipping designexperience, Strategic Marine hasdesigned many patrol vessels for theAustralian Defence Forces as well asAustralian Federal and StateGovernment agencies.

Continued page 6.

Recognised as one of Western Australia's leadingengineering companies to the marine and resources sectors,Madco has specialised in the repair and maintenance ofrotating equipment since 1979.

The company's principle areas of activity includemaintenance, repairs and mechanical fitting, welding andfabrication, and mechanical design and manufacture.

Madco was one of the first companies to set up shop at theAMC. Managing director Sergio Madrigali said the "wideroads and big sheds" at the complex made doing businesseasy and efficient.

"The proximity to transport facilities within a large growingindustrial area make the AMC an ideal site to locate anengineering business," Mr Madrigali said.

Madco's cutting edge performance has enabled the companyto extend its business and services throughout WA. Its clientsinclude major Australian and international companies, such asWMC Resources Ltd, Minara Resources and Tiwest as well asthe Australian Navy. Madco has a maintenance facility onGarden Island.

"Our main aim is to improve and make repairable equipmentmore reliable to increase the production of our clients, with aminimum down time," Mr Madrigali said.

"One of our latest completed projects was the manufacture ofthree nickel ore production skips for WMC Resources, with avery short lead time of eight weeks. We worked with othercompanies around the complex like Vulcan Engineering tocomplete this project on time."

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn sseeee wwwwww..mmaaddccoo..ccoomm..aauu..


NOMAD EXPANDSFOOTPRINTIn the last edition of the AMC Bulletin we reported on NomadConsolidated purchasing land and building a new factory atthe Fabrication Precinct to take advantage of the AMC'sinternational face and increased marketing opportunities.

Since then, Nomad sales executive Mark McNally said plansto build an additional factory at the AMC were well underway.Nomad specialises in the construction of transportablebuildings for the offshore oil and gas industry and remotecommunities, such as mine sites, in Australia and overseas.

"Our first factory at the AMC is now fully operational," Marksaid. "But due to our current workload we are expanding andwe have recently purchased the block next door.

"The new factory means we can produce two buildings perday. When we build the second factory on the block we arehoping to double that number." Nomad also has a factory atBibra Lake.

"There are many benefits to being at the AMC and all of ushere at Nomad are extremely happy with the move. We lookforward to a very strong future for the company."

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn vviissiitt wwwwww..nnoommaaddwwaa..ccoomm..aauu..

CHECK YOUR BUSINESSLISTING ONLINEBusinesses located within the AMC are listed with contactdetails in the Local Business Directory Online on the websiteat You can enter thedirectory via the News and Media or Overview sections of thewebsite. If you would like to update or add your company'sdetails please contact Tim Larcombe on 9388 0944.

Madco recently completed this ore skip for WMCResources' Leinster nickel operations.

The Technology Precinct's cornerstone tenant, RaytheonAustralia, has officially confirmed its commitment to establisha presence at the AMC.

In March, the Australian division of US-based militarytechnology supplier Raytheon and the State Governmentsigned an agreement for Raytheon Australia to build its navalsystems headquarters here.

The Royal Australian Navy's Submarine Force Element groupis based in WA, and Raytheon has decided to put its primaryfacility in Australia for naval systems software design andengineering where the company's major customer is located.

The company will provide in-service support to Australia's

WA-based Collins Class submarine fleet, and for the surfacefleet, which is split between the east and west coasts.

Department of Industry and Resources investment attractiongeneral manager Steve Arnott said Raytheon's decisionsignified how well regarded the AMC is as an integratedindustrial development.


An artist's impression of Raytheon Australia's naval systemsheadquarters to be built at the Technology Precinct. Courtesy

Clough Limited.


AMC-6pg-newsletter-May-2004v6.qxd 31/05/2004 11:27 AM Page 2

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