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Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Energy and Buildings

j o ur nal ho me page: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /enbui ld

Graphical Abstract

Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxxSpecific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores

J.A. Evans∗, A.M. Foster, J.-M. Huet, L. Reinholdt, K. Fikiin, C. Zilio, M. Houska,A. Landfeld, C. Bond, M. Scheurs, T.W.M. van Sambeeck

ENB 4676 1


Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Energy and Buildings

j o ur nal ho me page: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /enbui ld


Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxxSpecific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores

J.A. Evans∗, A.M. Foster, J.-M. Huet, L. Reinholdt, K. Fikiin, C. Zilio, M. Houska, A. Landfeld, C. Bond, M. Scheurs, T.W.M. van Sambeeck

• Energy consumption of cold stores was compared and benchmarked.• The work consists of the greatest number of data sets collected and published to date.• A strong relationship between volume and energy was established.• A mathematical model was developed to predict energy use.• The model was used to identify factors affecting energy consumption.

Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Energy and Buildings

j ourna l ho me p age: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /enbui ld

Specific energy consumption values for various refrigeratedfood cold stores



J.A. Evansa,∗, A.M. Fostera, J.-M. Huetb,1, L. Reinholdtb,1, K. Fikiinc,2, C. Ziliod,3,Q1

M. Houskae,4, A. Landfelde,4, C. Bondf,5, M. Scheursg,6, T.W.M. van Sambeeckh,73


a Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment, London South Bank University, Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU, UK5b Danish Teknologisk Institut, Kongsvang Allé 29, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark6c Technical University of Sofia, 1000, 8 Kliment Ohridsky Str., Sofia, Bulgaria7d University of Padova, Department of Industrial Engineering, Via Venezia, 1, I-35131 Padova, Italy8e Food Research Institute Prague, Radiova str. 7, 102 31 Prague 10, Czech Republic9f Carbon Data Resources Ltd., Carbon House, 15 The Batch, Bath, Batheaston, Somerset BA1 7DR, UK10g Catholic University College Limburg, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan Gebouw B, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium11h Cold Chain Experts in ColdstoreExpertiseCenter, Van Dongenshoeve 10, 8052 BJ Hattem, The Netherlands12


a r t i c l e i n f o14


Article history:16

Received 15 February 201317

Received in revised form18 November 2013



Accepted 22 November 201320




Cold store24



Specific energy consumption27

Mathematical model28

a b s t r a c t

Two benchmarking surveys were created to collect data on the performance of chilled, frozen and mixed(chilled and frozen stores operated from a single refrigeration system) food cold stores with the aim ofidentifying the major factors influencing energy consumption. The volume of the cold store was foundto have the greatest relationship with energy use with none of the other factors collected having anysignificant impact on energy use. For chilled cold stores, 93% of the variation in energy was related tostore volume. For frozen stores, 56% and for mixed stores, 67% of the variation in energy consumptionwas related to store volume. The results also demonstrated the large variability in performance of coldstores. This was investigated using a mathematical model to predict energy use under typical cold storeconstruction, usage and efficiency scenarios. The model demonstrated that store shape factor (which hada major impact on surface area of the stores), usage and to a lesser degree ambient temperature all hadan impact on energy consumption. The work provides an initial basis to compare energy performanceof cold stores and indicates the areas where considerable energy saving are achievable in food coldstores.

© 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.


1. Introduction30

Refrigeration is one of the most energy-intensive technolo-31

gies used in the food supply chain and poses a number of32

sustainability-related challenges. It accounts for about 35% of33

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 117928 9300.E-mail addresses: (J.A. Evans),

(A.M. Foster), (J.-M. Huet), Reinholdt), (K. Fikiin), (C. Zilio), (M. Houska), (A. Landfeld), (C. Bond), (M. Scheurs), (T.W.M. van Sambeeck).

1 Tel.: +45 72201270.2 Tel.: +359 895586030.3 Tel.: +39 0498276893.4 Tel.: +420 296792306.5 Tel.: +44 1225852533.6 Tel.: +32 11230770.7 Tel.: +31 384446186.

electricity consumption in the food industry [1], worldwide this 34

equates to a consumption of about 1300 TWh year−1 [1]. 35

Energy issues are among the main concerns in Europe today. 36

The main challenge is to meet the binding target set by the Heads 37

of States and Governments of the 27 EU Member States in March 38

2007 to increase energy efficiency by 20% and to increase the use 39

of renewable energies by 20%, by 2020 [2]. 40

All chilled and frozen food and temperature controlled phar- 41

maceutical products are stored in a cold store at least once during 42

their journey from production to the consumer. Chilled stores gen- 43

erally maintain products at temperatures between −1 and 10 C 44

whereas frozen stores generally maintain product at below −18 C. 45

The cold store market is extremely diverse consisting of small stores 46

of 10–20 m3 up to large warehouses of hundreds of thousands of 47

cubic metres. All cold stores have the function of storing a product 48

at the correct temperature and to prevent quality loss as economi- 49

cally as possible. In Europe there are approximately 1.7 million cold 50

stores totalling 60–70 million m3 of storage volume. Of these, 67% 51

are small stores with a volume of less than 400 m3 [3]. 52

0378-7788/$ – see front matter © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


2 J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Cold storage rooms consume considerable amounts of energy.53

Previous unpublished work by the authors has shown that within54

cold storage facilities, 60–70% of the electrical energy may be55

used for refrigeration. Therefore, cold store users have consid-56

erable incentive to reduce energy consumption. There are few57

published surveys comparing the performance of more than a few58

cold stores. In addition surveys rarely differentiate between type59

of store, storage temperature, location, room size or room function.60

In 2002 the IIR estimated that the SEC (Specific Energy Consump-61

tion) of cold stores was between 30 and 50 kWh m−3 year−1 [4].62

The minimum value from this study was similar to values from a63

study carried out in the Netherlands by Bosma [5] which found64

energy consumption of cold stores to be 35 kWh m−3 year−1. In65

the UK ETSU (Energy Technology Savings Unit) [6] also found that66

stores consumed at minimum 34 kWh m−3 year−1 but that con-67

sumption could also be up to 124 kWh m−3 year−1. Other studies68

in the USA by Elleson and Freund [7] and Singh [8] found SECs69

of between 19 and 88, and 15 and 132 kWh m−3 year−1 respec-70

tively. In one of the most comprehensive recent surveys carried71

out in New Zealand by Werner et al. [9] the performance of 3472

cold stores was compared. The SECs recorded varied from 26 to73

379 kWh m−3 year−1 demonstrating that there was a large varia-74

tion in energy consumed by cold stores. Savings of between 1575

and 26% were found to be achievable by applying best practice76

technologies. This large range in performance was also found by77

Carlsson-Kanyama and Faist [10] who report data from BELF [11]78

for energy use for freezers per litre net volume per day to be79

1.0 kJ (equivalent to 101 kWh m−3 year−1) when food was stored80

in rooms of 10,000 m3 whereas in rooms of 10 m3 the energy was81

15 kJ (equivalent to 1520 kWh m−3 year−1). In both surveys a factor82

difference of 15 was apparent.83

Limited information has been published on throughputs and84

storage and often information is difficult to compare due to the met-85

rics used by the authors. Carlsson-Kanyama and Faist [10] report86

energy used for long-term cold storage of apples may vary between87

0.9–1.7 kJ electricity per kg per day. Swian [12] reported figures88

for potato storage collected over a 3 year period from 8 stores as89

being between 0.1 and 0.29 kWh tonne−1 day−1. On average the90

energy ranged from 0.12 to 0.15 kWh tonne−1 day−1 within each91

of the 3 years where monitoring took place. The results showed92

a massive difference in energy consumption between the best93

and worse stores. It should be noted that the data included all94

energy used and that in cold weather potato farmers need to heat95

stores to maintain the potatoes at the usual storage tempera-96

tures of 3 C. In addition there was no information presented on97

store temperatures and so the stores that appear most efficient98

may be those that stored the potatoes at a higher tempera-99


Previous detailed audits carried out on a small number of cold101

stores has confirmed that energy consumption can vary consider-102

ably and that this was due to a variety of factors [13,14]. These103

surveys also demonstrated that energy savings of 30–40% were104

achievable by optimising usage of the stores, repairing current105

equipment and by retrofitting of energy efficient equipment.106

The performance of a large number of cold stores has never been107

compared in detail and there is little information to compare per-108

formance of stores Worldwide. With government targets to reduce109

energy and emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG), the need to110

benchmark and understand potential energy and GHG reductions111

is of great interest to end users. To enable end users to improve the112

performance of their cold stores a project called ‘Improving Cold113

storage Equipment in Europe’ (ICE-E) was developed with 8 part-114

ners from across Europe. The initial aim of the project was to collect115

data to benchmark the performance of cold stores in Europe.116

As part of the ICE-E project, two internet based surveys117

were developed and data collected to determine energy usage in118

different cold store types, sizes and configurations. In addition a 119

mathematical model was developed to predict energy used in cold 120

stores. Results from these surveys and the predictions made by 121

the model are presented in this paper and the data analysed to 122

determine whether there were any common factors that affected 123

performance of the cold stores. 124

2. Materials and methods 125

2.1. Detailed survey tool 126

2.1.1. Development of survey tool 127

The survey was developed using a NET web application. Devel- 128

opment was carried out in Microsoft Visual Studio using c# (c sharp) 129

which used .NET Framework 4.0. The data was saved in a Microsoft 130

SQL database. The survey was available in a number of languages 131

(Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Italian and Span- 132

ish). The survey was initially tested on a selected number of cold 133

store operators to ensure the questions were appropriate and rel- 134

evant. Improvements were then made based on their comments. 135

The survey allowed participants to initially register their details 136

and then to enter data on as many refrigeration systems as they 137

wished. It collected information per single refrigeration system that 138

might supply one of several cold stores. The survey was designed 139

to be simple to complete with the aim that it should take a cold 140

store operator less than 20 min to complete the survey. The final 141

survey document consisted of 5 pages collecting basic information, 142

information on the refrigeration system, the food stored, the facility 143

and the refrigeration equipment at the facility. During the initial 144

registration process, cold store operators could ensure that data 145

was anonymous. 146

2.1.2. Data collected and benchmark analysis of survey tool 147

The survey parameters collected are shown in Appendix 1. In 148

all cases the users were asked to rate the accuracy of the data they 149

submitted. The collected data was retained on a server where users 150

could return to update information or add further data. 151

Once users had input data they could then compare the per- 152

formance of their store through an automatic benchmark analysis. 153

This enabled them to compare the energy used by their cold store 154

system with systems of a similar size and product throughput. In 155

addition users could compare the set point temperatures, food type, 156

room function and refrigerant type with others in the survey. In all 157

comparisons the user had the ability to define the range over which 158

comparisons were carried out. 159

2.2. Express survey tool 160

In response to some end users requesting a simpler and more 161

rapid means to benchmark their stores an ‘Express Survey’ was 162

developed. This required only 5 min to complete. 163

2.2.1. Development of survey tool 164

The tool was part of the ICE-E web site and written in HyperText 165

Markup Language (HTML) using a web form to collect the data. As 166

in the detailed survey all data collected was anonymous. 167

2.2.2. Data collected and benchmark analysis of survey tool 168

A limited data set of 5 parameters was collected (set temper- 169

ature, area and volume of the store, food throughput and energy 170

usage per year) which reflected what were considered to be the 171

most important factors affecting energy use in cold stores. In all 172

cases blast freezing of product was excluded from the data col- 173

lected. 174

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Once data was submitted the information was input manually175

into the main benchmark survey and information sent directly to176

the cold store operator.177

For both surveys the data collected was checked and unreli-178

able data excluded. Where possible any unreliable data was cross179

checked with the cold store operator and any anomalies corrected.180

2.2.3. Mathematical model of cold store energy performance181

A mathematical model of cold store energy use was developed182

to predict energy used by cold stores. This was used to compare183

theoretical energy used by cold stores with the actual energy usage184

collected in the survey.185

The model was steady state, therefore all heat loads were aver-186

aged over one day. The cold store was modelled as a fully sealed187

rectangular box with one entry door. The cold store had enough188

thermal mass such that door openings did not change the tem-189

perature in the cold store. The temperature of the ambient air190

outside the cold store was not changed by the door openings. There191

was only one layer of insulation on the walls, roof and floor. Any192

metal cladding was ignored as the resistance to heat transfer from193

this was considered negligible. The luminous flux from the lights194

was divided by the area of the floor and walls to give a uniform195

luminance. The thermal mass of the forklift trucks were ignored.196

Therefore if they moved from a warm environment into the store,197

they did not give up this heat to the store. Energy from fork lift198

trucks did not include charging the batteries. Any product which199

changed temperature when loaded into the store did not have a200

latent load (e.g. freezing and thawing), only a sensible load.201

Data was input via a spread sheet. The inputs included;202

• Information about each wall (including ceiling and floor) of the203

cold store, e.g. face area, whether it was in the sun, outside ambi-204

ent or internal and the type and thickness of the insulation.205

• The size of the door, its opening schedule, whether it was pro-206

tected (e.g. by strip or curtains), amount of traffic through the207

door and the outside conditions.208

• The refrigeration system, refrigerant, type of condenser, con-209

denser ambient, efficiency of compressor and number of210

compression stages.211

• Heat loads inside the store from forklifts, lights, personnel, prod-212

uct, defrosts and evaporator fans.213

• Electrical loads from lights, defrosts, evaporator fans and con-214

denser fans.215

Full details of the model are contained in Appendix 2.216

To better understand the variations in the survey data, 3 usage217

scenarios were modelled over a range of store volumes between 10218

and 350,000 m3. Store volume was modelled as a cold store of 5 m219

height with store width and depth equal in all cases. A further set220

of predictions were made at each store volume for the stores with221

the minimum and maximum practical surface area (an assump-222

tion was made that the store height could not be less than 2 m). For223

each scenario a chilled store at 2 C and a frozen store at −23 C were224

modelled at the minimum and maximum average annual tempera-225

tures in Europe (4.6 C and 20.6 C based on data from weatherbase226

[16]). The 3 scenarios were:227

1. A base-line store where all heat loads except those that were228

essential to the operation of the store were removed.229

2. A typical store with average use with a high efficiency refriger-230

ation system.231

3. A typical store with high usage with a low efficiency refrigeration232


Parameters for each scenario were selected based on informa- 234

tion from Evans et al. [17]. Full details of the assumptions made for 235

each of the 3 scenarios are listed in Table 1. 236

3. Results 237

3.1. Data collected 238

Data from 329 cold stores was collected. One data point was 239

the mean of 331 cold stores in the UK (i.e. the total data collection 240

encompassed 659 stores). This point was excluded from the anal- 241

ysis as data was not available on the data variance. Therefore, the 242

data point could not be included at an equal weighting to the other 243

data sets and so was used for purely comparative purposes in the 244

analysis. Thirty-four data sets were removed as they were consid- 245

ered unreliable (due to store dimensions being obviously incorrect 246

or product temperatures, throughputs or store temperatures being 247

inconsistent) leaving 294 data sets with the minimum 5 critical 248

parameters recorded (temperature of the store, area and volume of 249

the store, food throughput and energy usage per year). 250

The data collected covered 21 different countries (Belgium, Bul- 251

garia, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, 252

Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Roma- 253

nia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA). 254

Seventy percent of the 295 data sets originated from EU countries. 255

3.2. Cold store type 256

Cold store function was divided into chilled, frozen or mixed 257

stores (those with both chilled and frozen rooms operating from 258

a common refrigeration system). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 259

showed a highly significant difference (P < 0.05) between the SEC of 260

all store types. Differences between chilled and frozen and chilled 261

and mixed were greater (P < 0.01) than between frozen and mixed 262

stores (P < 0.05). 263

3.3. Country 264

Large variations in SEC were shown between countries. How- 265

ever, this was most likely due to the limited number of data sets for 266

some countries. Analysing the data from countries, where a greater 267

number of data sets were available, did not show any correlation 268

between location and ambient temperature at the location or any 269

factor such as differences in design of the cold stores. Due to the 270

large variability in SEC it was not possible to analyse data from 271

each country separately. Therefore, all further analysis was carried 272

out on data divided into chilled, frozen and mixed stores. 273

3.4. Impact of store location and ambient temperature 274

An analysis of ambient temperature at each store location 275

was carried out. Data on ambient temperature was taken from 276

meteorological data for each store location and the mean annual 277

temperature for the year in which the energy data was collected 278

was correlated with energy usage. Correlations between ambient 279

temperature and SEC for chilled, frozen and mixed stores were low 280

(less than 0.17), indicating that mean ambient temperature may 281

have had little impact on energy usage. 282

3.5. Relationship between energy use and store size 283

The relationship between store energy consumption and size 284

was investigated using multiple regression. As part of this analysis 285

the data was found to be near to a normal distribution. 286

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


4 J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 1Assumptions used in model.

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

Chilled Frozen Chilled Frozen Chilled Frozen

Cold store shading Shaded Not shaded Not shadedCold store colour Light Dark DarkInsulation 100 mm 150 mm 100 mm 150 mm 100 mm 150 mmAir movement around store Still air Windy WindyUnder floor heating None None NoneRefrigerant R717 (ammonia) R717 (ammonia) R717 (ammonia)Condenser Evaporative Evaporative AirCompression/expansion stages 2 Compressor/1

expansion stage2 Compressor/1expansion stage

2 Compressor/1expansion stage

Isentropic efficiencyof compressor

High (0.7) High (0.7) Low (0.5)

Defrost Off-cycle Electric Off-cycle Electric Off-cycle ElectricProduct heat load None Food loaded at 1 C above store

temperature, loading = 250 kg m−3,product weight loss = zero

Food loaded at 2 C above storetemperature, loading = 500 kg m−3,product weight loss = zero

25% of total massloaded each day

10% of total massloaded each day

25% of total massloaded each day

10% of total massloaded each day

Fork lift heat load None 1 per 40,000 m3, size = medium,electric, operated 24 h per day

1 per 30,000 m3, size = medium,electric, operated 24 h per day

People heat load None 2 persons per forklift truck, 24 hoursper day

2 persons per forklift truck, 24 hoursper day

Lighting heat load None Fluorescent lights, 50 lumens.W−1, 500lux, operational 24 hours per day

Fluorescent lights, 50 lumens.W−1, 500lux, operational 24 hours per day

Infiltration heat load None Door height 2.5 m, width 2 mminimum, if > 50,000 m3 store volumethen door width = store volume/10,000,door opening time = 25 sec, volume oftraffic during door opening = medium,door seal = good, no protection on door

Door height 2.5 m, width 2 mminimum, if > 50,000 m3 store volumedoor width = store volume/10,000,door opening time = 25 sec, volume oftraffic during door opening = medium,door seal = good, no protection on door

400 door openings perday

200 door openings perday

600 door openings perday

300 door openings perday

Evaporator/condenserfan power

Created from correlation from Evanset al. [17]

Same as for scenario 1 Same as for scenario 1

3.5.1. Chilled stores287

One hundred and twenty-six chilled stores were included in the288

analysis. These ranged in volume from 57 to 225,000 m3. Regression289

demonstrated that 93% of the variation in annual energy con-290

sumption was related to store volume (Fig. 1). Multiple regression291

demonstrated that food type and food throughput had some impact292

on annual energy but that these factors only increased the R2 value293

to 95% and therefore their impact was very low. All other factors294

collected (including store temperature, store insulation type and295

thickness, store location and ambient conditions around the store,296

type of refrigerant and effect of door protection) had no influence297

on annual energy consumption.298

Applying non linear relationships to the data did not improve299

the regression R2 value. This indicates that SEC remained relatively300

constant across the range of cold store volumes examined.301

3.5.2. Frozen stores302

One hundred and thirty-two frozen stores were included in the303

analysis. These ranged in volume from 100 to 291,280 m3. Store304

volume accounted for 56% of the variability in annual energy con- 305

sumption of frozen stores when a linear regression was applied. 306

Applying a non linear power function to the data improved the 307

regression R2 value to 66% (Fig. 2). This showed that for frozen stores 308

SEC reduced as the store size increased. 309

As with chilled stores none of the factors recorded had any- 310

thing above a very minimal impact on annual energy consumption. 311

Therefore, approximately 34% of the variability in annual energy 312

consumption was related to a factor that was not collected in the 313

survey. 314

3.5.3. Mixed stores 315

Thirty-six mixed stores were included in the analysis. These 316

ranged in volume from 9100 to 180,000 m3. A number of factors 317

had an impact on mixed store annual energy consumption. As a 318

linear regression, store volume accounted for 67% of the variability, 319

however, if a power function (non linear regression) was applied 320

this increased to 76%. (Fig. 3). In addition throughput, thickness of 321

the store insulation (wall, ceiling and floor) and insulation age also 322

Table 2Range in SEC values for cold stores examined.

Chilled(kWh m−3 year−1)

Frozen(kWh m−3 year−1)

Mixed(kWh m−3 year−1)

All data Mean 56.1 73.5 61.2Minimum 4.4 6.0 15.7Maximum 250.4 240.4 115.8

10% upper and 10% lower values removed Mean 52.2 66.7 52.0Minimum 20.7 27.0 29.9Maximum 95.3 134.6 107.0

20% upper and 20% lower values removed Mean 51.5 63.7 55.9Minimum 29.6 37.5 37.4Maximum 78.0 100.0 87.3

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 1. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for chilled stores.

appeared to have a minor impact on annual energy consumption.323

However, for these data sets the number of replicates was low and324

so their impact needs further investigation.325

Mixed stores appeared to have a similar volume relationship326

with annual energy consumption as frozen stores and therefore327

the store SEC reduced for larger stores.328

3.6. All stores329

The SEC for the cold stores examined varied considerably. Data330

from all stores and for all stores with the 10% and 20% upper and331

lower values removed are shown in Table 2.332

It is interesting to note that mixed and frozen stores had a rel-333

atively similar relationship between volume and annual energy334

(although statistically the regression lines were significantly differ-335

ent at P < 0.01). At volumes below 22,000 m3 chilled store used less336

energy than frozen or mixed stores but at volumes above 22,000 m3337

chilled stores used more energy than frozen or mixed stores. The338

stores below 22,000 m3 were dominated by a cluster of smaller339

chilled stores that had low energy consumption (several of them340

were produce stores where there was often intermittent usage). It 341

would be expected that chilled stores would use less energy than 342

frozen stores across the whole range of volumes. However, it may 343

be reasonable to expect that chilled stores have greater usage and 344

greater product heat loads than frozen stores which tend to be used 345

for long term storage of food. 346

3.6.1. Mathematical model of cold store energy performance 347

Results from the 3 modelling scenarios are presented in Fig. 4 348

(chilled stores) and Fig. 5 (frozen stores). The dashed area out- 349

lined in each figure represents the range in energy consumption 350

for stores with varied shape factors predicted by the model. Shape 351

factor is related to store surface area and was found to have a large 352

impact on energy consumption and was responsible for increas- 353

ing energy use from the most efficient shape (lowest surface area 354

to volume ratio, in this case a cube) to the least (a flat plane) by 13 355

times in a chiller and 10 times in a freezer. The differences between 356

chillers and freezers were due to insulation thickness (most com- 357

monly 100 mm in a chiller and 150 mm in a freezer). 358

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


6 J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Relationship between store volume and total energy use per year (kWh/year) for frozen stores (non linear regression).

Ambient conditions around the store had greater influence on359

frozen stores than chilled stores (due to the greater temperature360

difference between ambient and store temperature for freezers).361

Ambient temperature had a greater impact on energy use when362

usage of the store was high (due to door openings).363

If the predications made by the model (including all scenarios364

and range due to ambient temperature and shape factor) were com-365

pared to the data collected in the survey the model predictions366

covered 83% of frozen stores and 94% of chilled stores. Assuming367

some inaccuracies in the model (±10%) a further 2% of chilled stores368

and 6% of frozen stores would be included within the predicted369

ranges. The stores that were outside of this predicted range were370

stores with small volumes (less than 8270 m3 for chilled stores and371

less than 30,000 m3 for frozen stores).372

SEC decreased as store volume increased but the reduction in373

SEC was most apparent at low store volumes. The SEC changed by374

less than 0.5 kWh m−3 year−1 per 10,000 m3 increase in store vol-375

ume for stores with volumes of greater than 10,000 m3 for chillers376

and 20,000 m3 for freezers. Due the minimal change in SEC above 377

certain store volumes the relationship between energy and vol- 378

ume predicted by the model approached a linear relationship when 379

considering store sizes of up to 350,000 m3. 380

3.6.2. Use of the model to assess the efficiency of cold stores 381

Using the knowledge gained from the model, the energy used by 382

the survey cold stores could be compared to the modelled energy 383

usage. As the total store surface area was found to be a factor in 384

the energy usage, the energy used across a range of total store 385

surface areas, usage scenarios and ambient temperatures was pre- 386

dicted by the model. Total surface area was obtainable for the cold 387

stores modelled but had to be estimated for the survey data. The 388

floor and ceiling surface area was recorded in the survey (ceiling 389

area was assumed to be equal to floor area). The area of each wall 390

was estimated by multiplying store height (obtained by dividing 391

the store volume by the area) by store depth/width (calculated 392

by taking the square root of the store area). For each cold store 393

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 3. Relationship between store volume and total energy use (kWh/year) for mixed stores (non linear regression).

survey data point, the average annual ambient temperature for394

the cold store location was extracted from a weather database395


The impact of total surface area on the energy consumed for each397

modelled scenario is shown in Fig. 6 (for chilled stores) and Fig. 7398

(for frozen stores). This can then be used to estimate the energy399

that a cold store should use in a particular ambient location and400

with a particular usage. The modelled results were compared to401

the survey data for ambient temperature surrounding the store of402

12.6 ± 4 C and are presented in Figs. 6 and 7. The results show that403

even though full details of usage for the survey population are not404

known, that some stores consume considerably more and some less405

energy than is predicted. By using this methodology the divergence406

between the energy actually used by a cold store and the energy it407

should use can be identified. This could be used to provide a metric408

of energy use per year per square metre that can be used to assess409

operation of cold stores.

4. Discussion 410

The data collected showed that there was large vari- 411

ability in the energy used by cold stores. The SEC varied 412

between 4 and 250 kWh m−3 year−1 for chillers, between 6 413

and 240 kWh m−3 year−1 for freezers and between 23 and 414

157 kWh m−3 year−1 for mixed stores. The minimum SEC val- 415

ues for chilled and frozen stores were lower than have been 416

reported previously by most authors [4–9] but were not dis- 417

similar to those reported by Carlsson-Kanyama and Faist [10]. 418

However, the maximum SEC values were greater than reported 419

by the IIR [4], Bosma [5], ETSU [6], Elleson and Freund [7] and 420

Singh [8] but less than those reported by Werner et al. [9]. Exclud- 421

ing the upper and lower 10% values gave minimum SECs that 422

were more similar to those previously reported. However, when 423

the data are compared, the results confirm the large range in 424

SECs for cold stores where for chilled and frozen stores the least 425

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


8 J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Predictions from model (scenarios 1, 2 and 3) and range in energy consumption (dashed lines) superimposed onto survey data for chilled stores.

efficient stores used 4–5 times more energy than the most effi-426

cient stores. This indicates that considerable energy savings are427


Much of this variation can be explained by shape factor of the429

store, usage and to a lesser extent ambient conditions surrounding430

the store. When using a mathematical model to understand differ-431

ences in energy use a large proportion of the survey data could be432

explained by these factors. When survey data was outside of the433

model predictions the store sizes tended to be small. This would434

indicate that use of these stores varied from the scenarios mod-435

elled or that a factor of their design affected their efficiency. As436

most of these stores used more energy than the model predicted it437

would seem likely that high usage and inefficiency contributed to438

the high energy usage reported.439

The performance of all stores (chilled, frozen and mixed)440

was statistically different. However, there was more relationship441

between the performance of frozen and mixed stores than there 442

was between chilled and frozen or chilled and mixed stores. The 443

energy used by chilled stores was less than frozen or mixed stores 444

at volumes below 22,000 m3 but was higher above this value. This 445

might indicate that large frozen stores tend to be long term stores 446

with less usage and that larger chilled stores have high usage (e.g. 447

large regional distribution centres where food is moved in and out 448

of the store many times per day). 449

It would be expected that larger stores would be more efficient 450

and have a lower SEC than smaller stores. This was found to be 451

the case by Werner et al. [9]. In this work the indications were 452

that this was only the case for frozen and mixed stores. For chilled 453

stores the relationship between volume and store size was linear. 454

The model demonstrated that SEC did vary with store volume but 455

that it was most apparent at low store volumes and that at store 456

volumes above 10,000 m3 for chillers and 20,000 m3 for freezers 457

Fig. 5. Predictions from model (scenarios 1, 2 and 3) and range in energy consumption (dashed lines) superimposed onto survey data for frozen stores.

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 9

Fig. 6. Modelled impact of store total surface area (for scenarios 1, 2 and 3 at range of ambient temperatures) on annual energy consumption compared to survey data forchilled stores.

Fig. 7. Modelled impact of store total surface area (for scenarios 1, 2 and 3 at range of ambient temperatures) on annual energy consumption compared to survey data forfrozen stores.

the rate of change in the SEC was less than 0.5 kWh m−3 year−1 per458

10,000 m3 increase in store volume.459

The analysis demonstrated a surprising lack of relationships460

between the factors recorded (apart from volume) and annual461

energy consumption. There was for example no relationship for462

any store types with temperature of the store even though the463

range in temperatures recorded were relatively wide ranging (13 C464

for chilled and 5 C for frozen) and there was an extensive data465

set. In other instances the lack of any relationship may have been466

due to the restricted data sets available. It would therefore be467

useful to collect further data on the factors that were indicated468

to be important by the regression analysis and the mathematical469


5. Conclusions 471

Survey data demonstrated differences between chilled, frozen 472

and mixed usage cold stores. Store volume was the dominant factor 473

that was related to energy used by the cold stores. The impact of 474

cold store construction or usage had little impact on improving the 475

relationship between store volume and energy consumption. This 476

may have been due to a range of factors influencing energy con- 477

sumption which themselves had a high correlation with volume. 478

The mathematical model provided a better understanding of the 479

variations in cold store energy consumption and helped to explain 480

how usage, store shape factor and ambient conditions surrounding 481

the store contributed to the range in efficiencies in the survey data. 482

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Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


10 J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

The model was shown to be a useful tool to estimate energy use483

of a cold store and provided a mechanism to generate metrics that484

can be used to assess efficiency of a cold store.485

Uncited referenceQ2486


Acknowledgements 487

The authors would like to thank EACI (Executive Agency for 488

Competitiveness and Innovation) for funding this work and in 489

particular the project officer, Christophe Coudun for his help in 490

managing the project. 491

Appendix 1. Information collected in survey 492

Survey page heading Units

Basic information:Total electricity usage for the system in the year reported?Does the electricity energy figure of the system submitted include?1. Compressor2. Lights3. Fans4. Pumps5. Fork/lift charging6. Blast freezing7. Floor heatingIf figure supplied includes blast freezing what is energy useEXCLUDING blast freezing?What is the total volume of the room(s) supplied by the system?What was the throughput in the year reported?What is the main function of the room(s)?What is stored in the room(s)?

What is the chilled set point temperature of room(s)?What is the frozen set point temperature of room(s)?Do you plans to invest in energy saving equipment?


Yes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowkWh


TonneChilled/frozen/mixed storage/blast freezing/loadingMixed foods/Meat/Fish/Fruit/Vegetables/Dairy/Cereal products


Yes/No/Don’t know

Refrigeration system:Primary refrigerantRefrigerant quantity/chargeAmount of refrigerant added to primary system in the year reportedSecondary refrigerantRefrigerant quantity/chargeAmount of refrigerant added to primary system in the year reported

Don’t know/R22/CO2/Ammonia/OtherkgkgDon’t know/R22/CO2/Ammonia/Otherkgkg

Food stored:Average intake temperature for chilled productsAverage intake temperature for frozen productsDoes the room have controlled atmosphere?Does the room have humidity control?How is the food stored in the area?

How much food can be stored in the storage areaHow many pallets/containers can be stored in the storage areaWhat is the number of pallets/containers INTAKE in the year reportedWhat is the number of pallets/containers RELEASE in the year reportedWhat is the average size and weight of one pallet/container

CC (for mixed system fill both)Yes/No/Don’t knowYes/No/Don’t knowDon’t know/Pallets/Bins/Dolavs or containers/Placed on shelvesKg


NumberWidth/Height/Depth all in m/kg

Facility:How many separate rooms does the system supply?What is the total floor area supplied by the system?How much of the floor area is used for:• Chilled storage• Frozen storage• Blast freezing storageHow many doors (total) are there on the room(s)?How many times on average will each door be opened per day?Do the doors have any protection?Is product automatically or manually loading into the room?Where are the room (s) positioned?What is the age of insulation?

What is the thickness of the:• Wall insulation• Ceiling insulation• Thickness of the floor






NumberDon’t know/No protection/Strip curtain/Air curtain or Airlock/Automatic doorsDon’t know/Manual (hand or fork lift)/Automatic (robot crane)Don’t know/Inside a building/OutsideDon’t know/ < 5 years/5–10 years/10–20 years/ > 20 years



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6. Blast freezingFloor
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Food stored:
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Chilled storage Frozen storage
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Wall insulation Ceiling insulationThickness
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/5 to 10 years/10 to 20

Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 11

Survey page heading Units

Refrigeration equipment:Type of refrigeration cycle?Type of refrigeration system?

Type of compressors?Do you have economised compressors?What is the compressor control system?How are compressors controlled?

Type of condensers?Defrost type?Do you use any heat from the refrigeration plant?• If yes, what forWhat is the year of installation of the system?

Don’t know/Single stage/Multi stage/Cascade/Absorption cycle/AircycleDon’t know/Dry evaporator with thermostaticvalve/Flooded-pumped/Flooded-natural circulationDon’t know/Reciprocating/Screw or Scroll/Rolling piston/CentrifugalYes/No/Don’t knowDon’t know/VSD/Unloading/OtherDon’t know/Suction pressure/Room air temperature/OtherDon’t know/Air cooled/Evaporative/Water cooled/Cooling tower/OtherDon’t know/Hot gas/Electric/Passive/Other

Yes/No/Don’t knowWater heating/Floor heating/Other heatingYear


Appendix 2. Cold store model495


A surface area (m2)497

e efficacy of the lamps (lm W−1)498

COP coefficient of performance of the compressor499

E effectiveness of door protection or blockage500

F density factor501

g acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m s−2)502

h heat transfer coefficient (W m−2 K−1)503

k thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1)504

l latent heat of fusion for water (J kg−1)505

L height of cold store door (m)506

LF luminous flux (lm m−2)507

m mass flow rate (kg s−1)508

n stage coefficient509

N number510

M weight loss from product and packaging (kg day−1)511

P electrical power512

q heat flow (W)513

r respiration514

t duration515

T temperature (C)516

U overall heat transfer coefficient (W m−2 K)517

x fractional vaporisation of refrigerant in evaporator on518

expansion from liquid to saturation at discharge519

X concentration of water in air520


empirical constant for different refrigerants522

thickness (m)523

density (kg m−3)524



ad air through door527

c condensing528

comp compressor529

d door530

do door opening531

ds door seals532

do24 door openings per 24 h533

de defrost534

e evaporating535

f floor536

fl fork lifts537

fu fusion538

i inside539

l lights 540

m motor 541

o outside 542

ot other 543

pe personnel 544

pr product 545

T total 546

v vapour 547

w wall 548

Model 549

The model was steady state, therefore all heat loads were aver- 550

aged over one day. The shape of the cold store was a rectangular box. 551

There was only 1 door and the cold store was otherwise fully sealed. 552

The cold store had enough thermal mass such that door openings 553

did not change the temperature in the cold store. The temperature 554

of the ambient air outside the cold store was not changed by the 555

door openings. There was only one layer of insulation on the walls, 556

roof and floor. Any metal cladding was ignored as the resistance 557

to heat transfer from this was considered negligible. The luminous 558

flux from the lights was divided by the area of the floor and walls 559

to give a uniform luminance. The thermal mass of the trucks was 560

ignored. Therefore if they move from a warm environment into 561

the store, they do not give up this heat to the store. Energy from 562

fork lift trucks did not include charging the batteries. Any product 563

which changed temperature when loaded into the store did not 564

have a latent load (e.g. freezing and thawing) only a sensible load. 565

Respiration was included for all vegetable and fruit product above 566

0 C. 567

Data was input via a spread sheet. The inputs included; 568

• Information about each wall (including ceiling and floor) of the 569

cold store, e.g. face area, whether it was in the sun, outside ambi- 570

ent or internal and the type and thickness of the insulation. 571

• The size of the door, its opening schedule, whether it was pro- 572

tected (e.g. by strip or curtains), amount of traffic through the 573

door and the outside conditions. 574

• The refrigeration system, refrigerant, type of condenser, con- 575

denser ambient, efficiency of compressor and number of stages. 576

• Heat loads inside the store from forklifts, lights, personnel, prod- 577

uct, defrosts and evaporator fans. 578

• Electrical loads from lights, defrosts, evaporator fans and con- 579

denser fans. 580

Heat loads 581

The total heat load, qT, on the cold store was given by Eq. (1): 582

qT = qw + qdo + qde + ql + qfl + qpe + qpr + qm + qot + qf (1) 583

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fans7 Heat loadsThe total heat load, qT
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Equation 1:qT = qw + qdo + qde + ql + qfl + qpe + qpr + qm + qot+ qf (1)

Please cite this article in press as: J.A. Evans, et al., Specific energy consumption values for various refrigerated food cold stores, EnergyBuildings (2013),


12 J.A. Evans et al. / Energy and Buildings xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

The heat load through the cold store wall was calculated using Eq.584


qw = U · Aw · (T0 − Ti) (2)586

The overall heat transfer coefficient, U was calculated from Eq. (3).587

A surface heat transfer coefficient of 9.3 W m2 K−1 was used for hi588

and ho. If the weather was selected as windy, ho was increased to589

34 W m2 K1.590


= 1hi

+ 1ho

+ w


The heat load through the door opening, qd, was calculated using592

the sensible and latent heat exchange caused by mass flow of air593

during door opening and through the seals when the door was594

closed (Eq. (4)). The latent heat of fusion, lfu = 0 when the evapo-595

rating temperature was >0 C.596

qdo = (mdo + mds) · [cp(To − Ti) + (Xo − Xi) · (lfu + lv)] (4)597

The mass flow through an open door was calculated using the Gos-Q3598

ney and Olama model (Eq. (5)) [21]. An effectiveness value was599

used to reduce the infiltration for door protection devices and traf-600

fic obstructing the opening as detailed by Chen et al. [19]. The mass601

flow through the seals was a function of the condition and length602

of the door seal.603

mdo = (1 − E) · 0.221 · Adi

(1 − o


)0.5(g · L)0.5 · F (5)604

The density factor was calculated according to Eq. (6).605

F =(


1 +( i





The heat load due to people was calculated from ASHRAE [17,18]607

(Eq. (7)).608

q = 273 − 6 · Ti (7)609

The heat load from forklifts trucks was calculated from Eq. (8). The610

model provided values for small, medium or large trucks, electri-611

cally or internal combustion powered.612

qfl = Nfl · Pfl · tfl (8)613

The product load was calculated based on flow of product into the614

store and the sensible heat it added or removed (Eq. (9))615

qpr = m.c.(Tp − Ti) + qr (9)616

The heat load of the condenser and evaporator fan motors, qm was617

given in Eq. (10). Where the electric motor were mounted outside618

of the cold store, m = 1.619

qm = NmP


The heat load from the defrost was given by Eq. (11):621

qde =(


− 1)


mad · (Xo − Xi) · l · t · Ndo24(M.l)24 · 3600


Electrical power 623

The total electrical power was the sum of all the electrical loads 624

(Eq. (12)) 625

ET = Ecomp + Econd + Eevap + Edef + Ef + Eo (12) 626

An electrical energy of the compressor, Ecomp, was derived from the 627

total heat load (Eq. (1)) using a calculated coefficient of performance 628

(COP) (Eq. (13)). The COP of the refrigeration system was calculated 629

using the formula given in Cleland et al. [20] (Eq. (14)) 630

Ecomp = qT .COP (13) 631

COP = (Tc − Te)(273 + Te)(1 − ˛.x)ncomp

(14) 632

The electrical power of the condenser and evaporator fan motors, 633

Em was the same as the heat load given by (Eq. (10)). 634

For electric defrosts, the electrical power of the defrost heater 635

was given by Eq. (15). If the defrost was hot gas or natural Ede = 0. 636

Ede = 1de

[mad.(Xo − Xi).l.t.Ndo24] + (mwat.l)(24.3600)

(15) 637

The electrical power of the lamps El was given in Eq. (16). 638

El = Lf.Af + Aw

e(16) 639

The total calculated heat load was presented plus individual heat 640

loads from transmission, infiltration (door opening), defrost, lights, 641

fork lift trucks, personnel, product, evaporator fans and other heat 642

loads. The total electrical energy was presented plus the individual 643

electrical loads from the refrigeration compressor, defrosts, con- 644

denser and evaporator fans, lights and floor heating. 645

References 646

[1] J. Guilpart, Froid et alimentation: Sécurité, sûreté ou procédé, in: Conférence 647

Centenaire du froid, Paris, 2008. 648

[2] Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap 20% by 2020, EREC (European Renew- 649

able Energy Council), 2008 (November). 650

[3] S. Mudgal, B. Tinetti, J. Bain, R. Cervantes, A. de Prado Trigo, Preparatory Study 651

For Eco-design Requirements for EuPs Lot 1. Task 2: Economic and Market 652

Analysis, 2011. 653

[4] J.E. Duiven, P. Binard, Refrigerated storage: new developments, Bulletin of the 654

IIR 2002-2 (2002). 655

[5] J. Bosma, Inventory study of the energy conservation potential in cold stor- 656

age insulations in the Netherlands, in: Proc. 19th International Congress of 657

Refrigeration, vol. II, 1995, pp. 382–391. 658

[6] ETSU, Energy Consumption Guide 37: Cold storage sector, Energy Efficiency 659

office, Department of the Environment, UK, 1994. 660

[7] J.S. Elleson, S.W. Freund, Benchmarking the energy performance of industrial 661

refrigeration systems, in: Interim Draft Report, Industrial Refrigeration Con- 662

sortium, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US, 2004. 663

[8] R.P. Singh, Benchmarking study of the refrigerated warehousing sector in 664

California, in: Public Interest Energy Research Program, California Energy Com- 665

mission, 2006. 666

[9] S.R. Werner, F. Vaino, I. Merts, D.J. Cleland, Energy use in the New Zealand cold 667

storage industry, in: IIR-IRHACE Conference, Auckland, 2006. 668

[10] A. Carlsson-Kanyama, M. Faist, Energy Use in the Food Sector: A data survey, 669

Environmental Strategies Research Group/Swiss Federal Institute of Technol- 670

ogy, 2000. 671

[11] BELF, Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtsch, Energie und 672

Ernährungswirtschaft. Teil I: Bericht über die Energiesituation im 673

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[12] J. Swian, Reducing the Energy Cost of Potato Storage (Final Report), Britich Potato 677

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Equation 2:
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Equation 3.
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W.m2.K−1 was used for hi and ho
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Equation 4).
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Equation 5).
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Equation 6.
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[17] (Equation 7).
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Equation 8.
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Equation 9)
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qm was given in Equation 10.
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Equation 11:
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8 Electrical
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Equation 12)
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Equation 1)
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Equation 13).
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Equation 10).
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