automatic landing of a uav using model predictive control for the surveillance of internal...

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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 03, Volume 4 (March 2017)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -104

Automatic Landing of a UAV Using Model Predictive Control

for the Surveillance of Internal Autopilot’s Controls

Devika.M Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics & communication Engineering

Sathyabama University, Chennai, India

Manuscript History Number: IJIRAE/RS/Vol.04/Issue03/MRAE10096 Received: 03, March 2017 Final Correction: 20, March 2017 Final Accepted: 27, March 2017 Published: March 20

Abstract - The objective of this paper is to provide safe landing of an UAV on any demanding conditions and can be very useful during the period of floods, rescuing the affected people. It can be also be useful in military operations. This system provides stable method for landing of an aircraft. Image processing technique is used to capture the image and find the angle of inclinations. MATLAB produces four types of image through Image processing technique. They are Gray image, Edge Detection image, Histogram image, object detection image. MATLAB sends the histogram signal to microcontroller using UART. It is used to convert the received parallel data into serial data for transmitting the data to longer distance. Relay drives the DC motor. Angle of inclinations is measured according to the detected image of the surface. MATLAB produces the total inclination value of the surface. DC motor automatically adjusts the landing gear according to the obtained input inclination value of the surface. An UAV is programmed to adjust the landing gear according to angle of inclination. When the landing surface is detected for landing the aircraft, it automatically adjusts the landing gear and lands the aircraft according to the inclined surface of the landing area.

Keywords —MPC model, UAV, Image-processing, MATLAB


Presently a-days, late progressions in handling capacities have empowered the likelihood of utilizing new computationally immoderate control systems like the Model Predictive Control (MPC) on continuous applications. On this paper, a structure is proposed for the configuration of a managing MPC to be actualized more than an easier, more solid inside circle PID Autopilot without making any changes to its structure. The proposed framework had the capacity add new capacities to the inner circle by making little remedies to its control requests, guaranteeing the agreeability with limitations. UAVs are basically air ship without a human pilot inside. The heaviness of these vehicles can run from a couple of grams to 12 tons having 35 meters of wingspan. We depict the utilization of model predictive control (MPC) utilizing state mapping to the programmed arriving arrangement of a space plane. The controller must be intended to empower the vehicle to take after reference signals as for direction and speed, which are communicated as capacities of the downrange. To track the reference flags, a control data is by and large outlined so one or more perfect transient reactions are figured it out. We additionally have added to a flight control framework in light of this idea. Nonetheless, it was not tasteful for utilization as the controller of a genuine vehicle because of the absence of thought of the data and state requirements. A controller that considers these requirements can be composed by applying MPC. Then again, it is hard to predefine the transient reactions important to track the reference signals, which shift with the current downrange. In this paper, another methodology utilizing state mapping and criticism linearization is proposed to enhance the control execution of following the reference signals. State mapping is inferred to portray a framework in which the reference signs can be taken care of as a steady set point, and the portrayed framework is changed utilizing state input. An unmanned elevated vehicle (UAV) is a flying machine furnished with an on - load up flight controller, information preparing units, sensors, and correspondence framework, which make it fit for performing self-sufficient flight missions in view of a prearranged flight information or driven remotely from a ground control station. This class of vehicles offers more prominent profits over kept an eye on airplane when utilized for high -danger errands or in missions obliging high secrecy. Quick advancement saw in the innovative work of UAVs can be credited to various components, for example, mechanical progressions, political and financial elements among others. UAVs can be characterized into settled - wing and rotorcraft.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 03, Volume 4 (March 2017)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -105

There is vast time defer in `man-on top of it' unmanned airplane vehicle (UAV) framework, particularly for remote control flight by satellite correspondence. Time postponement has awesome effects on UAV and payload control, which can prompt the framework shaky. Current autopilots have restriction, as they may experience circumstances where 3-D situating data is lost or inaccessible. An alternate impediment is the requirement for path focuses to focus the following way to take after to a sought destination, which the way directs ought to wind up troublesome toward place. It can't identify the article precisely thorough survey of writing identified with rotorcraft UAV outline and advancement.


J.S.Santos [2] proposed that framework ID taking into account flight test information of the Vector-P Unmanned Aerial Vehicle which performs the parameters estimation and model acceptance. UAVs are basically flying machine without a human pilot inside. The heaviness of these vehicles can go from a couple of grams to 12 tons having 35 meters of wingspan, which adds to UAVs research territory, expecting to present the element framework distinguishing proof of Vector-P UAV with flight test information and perform an autopilot outline, utilizing the recognized model. With a specific end goal to perform the airplane air movement optimized coefficients ID, it was utilized the parameter estimation system called Output Error Method, which comprises in minimizing the yield mean squared slip of the real plant and the recognized model yield. The flight information is utilized to gauge the longitudinal air movement optimized coefficients. Almeida [3] described the method to utilize the focus of fancied frequencies in which the brief time and phugoid mode is emphasized. Ideal time venture for excitation is outline to give the data transfer capacity. A multistep 3-2-1-1 and doublet info are connected on lift meaning to energize the longitudinal movement. The information procurement framework made by PC board and GPS, weight and inertial sensor is utilized. Keeping in mind the end goal to perform the model approval, the Goodness of Fit criteria is connected to confirm the deviation between the computational and genuine results. An elevation hold autopilot is composed utilizing the recognized model and, finely, it is demonstrated a correlation between the elements conduct. This paper proposes that a flaw tolerant flight control framework utilizing model prescient control (MPC). The proposed strategy, named doable target- following MPC, channels the reference interest to ensure attainability of the compelled improvement. The inputs of the framework recognizable proof system grew in this examination that is in light of Klussendorf project are numerical model investigation, time venture for moves, known parameters, obscure parameters to be assessed, starting parameters, imperatives parameters and systems to minimize the expense capacity esteem. This building design is additionally fit for redistributing, in a stable way, the control endeavors among solid actuators, regarding their constraints. A direction following framework in view of the proposed flaw tolerant model prescient controller is showed utilizing the ground test system of the VFW-614 ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System), demonstrating attainability and satisfactory execution. R.J.M. Afonso [4] proposed that Predictive Control plans can be composed with ostensible asymptotic dependability sureties gave that the related advancement issue is possible at every inspecting time. Then again, model-plant confounds, outside annoyances or issues may cause the advancement to wind up infeasible. Such an issue spurs the improvement of strategies went for recouping possibility without disregarding hard physical limitations forced by the way of the plant. This paper researches the conceivable favorable circumstances of utilizing an approach of set point administration to go around infeasibility issues in a Predictive Control structure. The examination is principally concerned with strength of the controller in regards to actuator blames that can be displayed as a change in the permitted outing of the control signal. The outcomes got with the proposed set point administration method are contrasted with the default arrangement gave by the received computational tool stash if there should be an occurrence of infeasibility. An application including a nonlinear reenactment model of a lab helicopter with three degrees of opportunity is present.


In this model, the image can be processed using MATLAB explained in the following schematic diagram.

Figure 1. Block diagram.

The Image of the surface is captured and is sent to PC for processing. The captured image is processed using Image Processing technique in MATLAB. The processed image signal is converted to serial data to communicate longer distances with the help of UART.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 03, Volume 4 (March 2017)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -106

Since Microcontroller cannot process the image signal, so the image signal is converted into Histogram signal and it is fed into microcontroller using image processing. After that histogram signal is converted into angle of inclination and forward to the relay driver with the help of micro controller. Finally, the landing gear is adjusted according to the angle of inclination of the surface.


In this paper, the Image of the surface is caught and is sent to PC for handling. The caught picture is transformed utilizing Image Processing procedure as a part of MATLAB.MATLAB methodologies the picture and produces four kinds of picture sign. They are: 1) Gray Scale Image. 2) Edge Detected Image. 3) Histogram Image. 4) Angle of Inclination. They got information picture is initially changed over into Gray Scale Image. At that point it recognizes the edge surfaces in the picture. Since Microcontroller can't process picture flag, the picture sign is changed over into Histogram sign and it is encouraged into microcontroller utilizing picture transforming. UART is utilized to change over parallel information into serial information to convey to longer separations. Transfer switch is utilized to control a few circuits with one sign. DC engine is put on arriving rigging and is utilized to modify the arriving apparatus agreeing of the slants. Capacitor is utilized to store vitality in the framework. MATLAB discovers the edge of slants of every article recognized and discovers the aggregate slant estimation of the surface. The system is composed to alter the arriving rigging in favored bearing. Installed C is utilized to program Hardware segments of the circuit. A voltage controller is intended to consequently keep up a consistent voltage level. A voltage controller may be a basic "food forward" configuration or may incorporate negative criticism control circles. It may utilize an electromechanical component, or electronic parts. At last, the arriving apparatus is balanced by point of slant of the surface.


From the above descriptions applies manually, we are getting the sample images. An example information picture is taken and is prepared in MATLAB. They got picture is transformed and it is changed over into dark scale picture. The acquired dark scale picture is then further transformed utilizing picture preparing technique. After changing over the first picture into dim scale image, the MATLAB identifies the edges of the entire surface of the recognized. Since Microcontroller can't process picture flag, the picture sign is changed over into Histogram sign and it is bolstered into microcontroller utilizing picture processing. Angle of slant is discovered utilizing MATLAB and the sign is gone to the equipment part. The arriving apparatus is balanced by acquired slanted worth. The slant qualities are figured by surface zone of the got picture and the quantity of items detected. They got yield signal from MATLAB is nourished into the microcontroller utilizing RS232cable as a part of the type of histogram sign.

Figure 2. Assumed input signal

The data signal is gotten in the microcontroller and is prepared further. Transfer is utilized commute the DC engine. Transfers are utilized to control the sign from two or more circuits. DC engines are utilized to conform the arriving rigging as indicated by the got signal.

Figure 3. Angle of inclination

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 03, Volume 4 (March 2017)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -107

A UAV consequently distinguishes the suitable territory for arriving and terrains the vehicle. It naturally alters the arriving apparatus as indicated by the plot of slant that is distinguished. It alters the arriving apparatus in two headings i.e. either in left or right course. On the off chance that there is no point of slant distinguished they the arriving rigging stays same and grounds the air ship.


Figure 4. Graph for obtained inclination values

The above diagram demonstrates the estimations of slant in a measurement structure. The items are recognized by surface territory of slant. A UAV consequently identifies the suitable region for arriving and grounds the vehicle as per the edge of inclination.


This work contributes an Automatic landing of a UAV using model predictive control for the surveillance of internal autopilot’s controls is proposed. This work is utilized to give safe arriving of a UAV on any requesting conditions. A UAV catches the picture of the arriving surface through Image preparing procedure. MATLAB process they got info picture flag and discovers the plot of slants. MATLAB produces four kind of picture through Image transforming system. Initially Image – Gray picture; Second Image – Edge Detection picture; Third Image – Histogram picture; Fourth Image – object recognition picture Histogram sign is gone to the microcontroller utilizing UART. UART is utilized to change over the approaching parallel sign into serial sign for exchanging information to longer separations. A voltage controller is utilized to naturally keep up a steady voltage level. We portray the use of model prescient control (MPC) utilizing state mapping to the programmed arriving arrangement of a space plane. A capacitor is a detached two- terminal electrical segment used to store vitality electro- statically in an electric field. A resistor is a detached two- terminal electrical part that executes electrical resistance as a circuit component. Hand-off is utilized commute the DC engine. Transfers are utilized to control the sign from two or more circuits. DC engines are utilized to alter the arriving rigging as indicated by the got signal. DC engine modifies arriving apparatus concurring they got signal from the transfer. A UAV naturally identifies the suitable zone for arriving and consequently changes the arriving apparatus as per the edge of slant and terrains the lands the vehicle.


[1]. Juliano A. de Bonfim Gripp, Ulisses P.Sampaio“automatic landing of a UAV using model predictive control for the surveillance of internal autopilot’s controls”2014 IEEE transaction on unmanned aircraft systems may 27-30 2014.Oriando.FL,USA.

[2]. J. S. Santos and L.C.S.Goes,“System identification based on flight test data and auto pilot design for longitudinal motion of the Vector- P UAV” at 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013), November 3-7, 2013, Ribeir˜ao Preto, SP, on Brazil.

[3]. Almeida, “Reference Management for Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control” at Journal of Guidance,Control, and Dynamics,2011.

[4]. R. J.M. Afonso and R. K.H. Galvao, “Predictive Control of a Helicopter Model with Tolerance to Actuator Faults” at Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems, Nice, France in October 6-8, 2010

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