autumn 2012 issue 7 - · issue 7 . autumn 2012. hello a warm welcome...

Post on 19-Jul-2018






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Issue 7

Autumn 2012


A warm welcome to all at the start of another school year.

We hope you find the information in the newsletter useful. Looking forward to another

eventful year!


A Gentle Reminder - Nut Allergy

As we start the new year, just a reminder that we do

have a child in school with a severe nut allergy. We would ask that all

parents check lunchboxes etc to ensure that should your child have

nuts staff are made aware at the beginning of each day to ensure we

can take suitable precautions.

Thank you for your continued support with this.

Inhalers in school

Please do make sure if your child suffers from asthma

their inhaler is in school and accessible for your child to

administer. We had a few incidents last term where

inhalers were not available when needed.

Inhalers do need to be clearly labelled with your child‟s

name. If you leave an inhaler in school, do remember to

check the expiry date regularly. Many thanks!


Thanks again to all who contacted school promptly

during the last term, and reported their child‟s

absence when they are poorly. Messages can be

left at any time, no need to wait for office hours.

The guidelines for infection control in schools stipulates “no return for

48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting”.

We appreciate this is sometimes difficult for childcare arrangements;

however we need to consider the impact of illness on all other children

within school.


Dinner Money School dinners for this term are £2.00 per day/

£10.00 per week.

Block payments (including inset days: For this half term: £64.00 (including INSET days) For the full term: £142.00 (including INSET day)

Cheques payable to “Nottinghamshire County Council” please

Please send money into school in a clearly named envelope

Remember dinners must be paid for promptly in advance or on

the day.

After non payment of 5 dinners we will not be able to provide a meal. Parents will be contacted to send in a packed lunch until payments are up to date. Last year a handful of families who persistently failed to pay in

advance, meant school was in arrears to the tune of several

hundred pounds, a tad excessive given the size of our school!

Punctuality & Attendance!

Thank you to all those who supported school in keeping their child

in school and punctual last year. It made a big difference to our

attendance figures and several children were awarded 100%

attendance for the whole year!

We are getting better, but we‟re not quite there! Persistent

absenteeism will continue to be monitored and where necessary

referred to Education Welfare Services.

Please do think twice when taking your child out of school and the

impact this may have on their learning.


A warm welcome to those who have

joined our school this year and those

who will be starting full time in


Water Bottles

These have been issued to every child

when they first join us and are there

to be used throughout the day.

Water only please!


Trickett Archie


Poppy Zann





Erin Tyler




Display Cabinet

Thanks to an anonymous donation school is now the

proud owner of a really very nice and brand new

display cabinet.

On behalf of school, children and staff I would like to sincerely

thank our extremely generous donator. The cabinet has taken pride

of place and is already being filled with many great achievements

our children have enjoyed these past two years.

Thank you for such generosity, I know it will bring a smile to many



KS2 SATS take place 13th—17th May 2013. No absence will be

authorised 2 weeks prior to or 1 week after, so please do not ask

school to consider leave of absence requests.

KS1 SATS will take place throughout May. Please check with your

child's teacher if you are wanting to take your child out of school

during this time.

Class Newsletters

Class newsletters are sent out at the beginning of each term. They

contain details of what your child will be learning during that term,

any key dates as well as information about homework and

expectations etc.

Do check with your child‟s class teacher (and your child‟s book bag!)

if you have not received a copy by Monday 10th September.


Extra Curricula Activities

Whilst we endeavour to offer a wide range of afterschool

activities, payment does need to be provided in advance or at

the end of each session if requested.

Tony Cox, our football coach, is still owed payment from 3

families for sessions last year. Despite attempts from both

school and Tony to recover outstanding monies, payment has

still not been received.

Places are limited for many activities and will be offered on a

first come first served basis.

Day Activity Open


Places Provider Time Contact Details

Monday Multi-


KS1 16 Excel sports 3.30pm



0115 8320 118

Tuesday School




TBC Miss Waters


Mrs Waterfall





Wednesday NOS WI



KS2 TBC Normanton on

Soar WI





(letter sent out

5th September)

Thursday Football KS2 16 Tony Cox





To be confirmed


Pre School Places

Thank you to all those who have registered an interest and booked a place

for their child. We currently are still offering morning sessions

9.00am—12.00pm with a lunchtime club 12.00pm—1.00pm (£2 per day for

the cost of a school meal). We have a few places available; please do make

sure your details are on our records, tel 01509 842326 or email

Reception starters September 2013

If you have a child, or know of a child, who will be five between

1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014, they need to be registered

with their local authority so they can apply for a school place.

Nottinghamshire open for applications from 5th November 2012 and

closing date is Tuesday 15th January 2013. Please note, places are not

automatically allocated at local schools and are based on specific admission

criteria. Every school place must be applied for by the parent.

Admission's contact details are as follows:

Applications are made to the local authority you pay your council tax to,

which are then passed to Nottinghamshire admissions for our school

Nottingham Tel: 01623 433499


Leicester Tel: 0116 305 6684

Derbyshire Tel: 01629 537479


Topics for this term and class organisation

Foundation Unit (F1 & Rec)

Under the Sea /

Witches and Wizards

Mrs Barker,

Mrs Roberts and

Mrs Jackson

Class 1 (Y1 & Y2)

Fairytales Miss Hewitt

Class 2 (Y3 & Y4)

Robots Mrs Newcombe and

Miss Waters

Class 3 (Y5 & Y6)

Thrills and Spills Mrs Pygall

Mrs Zoe Hildred and Miss Evelyn Halsall, our part time

teaching assistants support various children

throughout the school.

2012 / 2013 INSET days

Friday 21st September 2012

(family of schools INSET Owls Club will be open for

those who need to book childcare)

Friday 21st December 2012

Hamster Rota

Honey has been well looked after over the summer

holidays and is looking much thinner and on track with her weight!

Thanks to the Sleights for taking very good care of her.

If you are able to take Honey home over a weekend, please do

put your name down on the hamster rota in the school office.

Many thanks.


Office hours

The office is manned by Mrs Francis each morning.

You are probably aware that unfortunately, school does not have funds

available for full time office cover, but the answer phone is checked

every morning and afternoon for messages. You can email the office on Emails are checked every


Mrs Roberts is also available each morning before school starts and at

the end of the day. During the day she does have teaching commitments

as well as out of school meetings and seminars, so if you wish to arrange

a more formal chat, please call the office or speak to Mrs Roberts

directly to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Please also remember that the teachers and teaching assistants are

unable leave their classes during the day to speak to parents without

cover being arranged in advance. Mornings are particularly busy for all

teachers, please arrange a convenient time either directly or

contact the office to arrange a time when they will be available to speak

to you.

Monday - Thursday 8.30am—1.30 pm

Friday 9.30am—2.30pm

New Shelter Most of you will already have noticed the rather nice

new shelter that has been completed over the summer

holidays in the school playground. A wonderful

addition to school and a great replacement for the

monkey bars, sadly their time had come to an end.

Thank you to Soar Valley Services for making it



School Uniform

Whilst uniform is not compulsory, it is strongly encouraged and

provides a sense of identity and belonging.

School uniform consists of grey trousers, grey skirt, white shirt or

white polo shirt and a blue school jumper or cardigan with suitable


Sweatshirts, cardigans, fleeces and waterproof Jackets are

available directly from our Supplier, A Hyde.

Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we are able to keep only a

small selection in school and availability may not be immediate.


This is proving to be very popular. We currently have 5

children on the waiting list for Mrs Cleaver. Please do

check that your child's details are down on the waiting


Please note, piano is changing from Tuesdays to

Thursdays. Please do make sure your child has all their

music with them ready for the start of the day.


Report Questionnaire Responses Out of the replies we received to date, all have been overwhelming in their

support of school, thank you. The responses have been detailed below:-

Overall what the school does for my child:

93% of parents responded with excellent, 7% responded with good

1. The school has a clear understanding of my child‟s needs:

97% of parents responded with yes, 3% responded with partly

2. The school keeps me informed about my child‟s progress:

89% of parents responded with yes, 11% of parents responded with partly

3. I am given information about what my child is learning:

78% of parents responded with yes, 22% of parents responded with partly

4. Teachers give me advice and tasks to help my child at home:

89% of parents responded with yes, 11% of parents responded with partly

5. Teachers listen to my concerns and act upon these:

100% of parents responded with yes

6. I am pleased with the progress my child is making:

100% of parents responded with yes

7. My child is happy at school:

93% of parents responded with yes, 7% of parents responded with partly

8. My child is safe at school:

100% of parents responded with yes

9. My child has been bullied at school:

93% of parents responded with no, 7% of parents responded with partly. “My son hasn‟t been bullied as such more teased by a few individuals” “xxx did experience a small amount of bullying this year but I know the school is aware of it and taking action about it”

10. I feel able to talk to my child‟s teacher(s) at any time

100% of parents responded with yes

11. My child has been involved in an afterschool club

85% of parents responded with yes, 15% of parents responded with no.

12. I have confidence in the teacher(s) ability to progress my child‟ learning

85% of parents responded with yes, 15% of parents responded with partly. The only comment written by a parent who ticked partly was “in the main”.


Questionnaire Feedback

It would seem that we have much support from our parents and you have

identified some areas that school can address. Thank you, the whole point

of gathering feedback is to help us improve our school. It would appear

communication with parents could be improved, particularly around

information about what your child is learning. Each term your child‟s class

teacher should issue a class newsletter which provides details about topics

for that term, homework activities and any additional information that is

relevant to that class. Newsletters are also available in each class, please

do check with your child‟s class teacher. All newsletters are issued during

the first week of each new term. Class Newsletters will also be posted on

the website.

The following comments were returned via our questionnaires,

“I feel that at 5 years old they don‟t really need to be told what level

they are as they don‟t fully understand anyway. I also don‟t want him

thinking he is not as good as some of the other children in his class”

Levels are communicated to parents and discussed with each child. That

said, the focus for each child should be on where they are in their learning

and the next steps they need to take, not just what level they are and

certainly not where they are in relation to other children in the class. This

would be divisive and would not support learning. Discussions between class

teacher and child should be supportive, constructive and ultimately help

each child to understand what they need to do next to improve and


“more interesting homework not just worksheets” “giving more meaning

and purpose to homework – it very much feels that it is a task meant

to tick a box”

Homework should be relevant to each child and essentially enhance and

progress learning. If not, I couldn‟t agree more, there would be little point

in completing it. Tasks should be set to enthuse, challenge and help

progress children, worksheets may sometimes be given but these should be

limited in their use.


“Keeping an eye on „accidents‟ in the playground to ensure bullying

isn‟t developing”.

Playtimes are supervised by school staff and lunchtimes by our Midday

Supervisors. We have a rigorous system in place which supports positive

play and is designed to challenge unacceptable behaviour. This is

reinforced by our Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Policies. We will continue

to monitor any incidents which are recorded on a behaviour log in school.

If there are any concerns parents may have, please do come and talk

with us, as we can often resolve these before they can potentially

become issues.

It has been great having more exciting and frequent afterschool

clubs – we hope to get more involved with these”

“We cannot thank you enough for the way xxx has been welcomed

and made to feel valued at Normanton he loves it all at school and

is so positive. Having a happy child is what it is all about – thank

you to you all, it‟s so appreciated”

“The school and staff are brilliant. The extra time and effort you

put in is evident in our children‟s successes. Thank you!”

We strive to provide the best possible opportunities for your child, as

with many things we aim for excellence and often we achieve great

things. School has built excellent relationships with our parents and

carers, I hope that this continues and encourages growth, improvements

and above all successes for all the children.

Thank you for your continued and overwhelming support, it really does

make a difference. There is always room for improvement and we will

continue along that path until children, staff and parents are recognised

for the considerable efforts that are put in on a daily basis.

Our greatest danger is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but that

it is too low and we reach it............together everyone achieves more.


Diamond Jubilee Celebrations!

Finding green fingers at gardening club!


Seaside fun at boggle hole— (and ice-cream!)

Outdoor experiences at conkers (and relaxation!)

Creating international links with Chile


Olympic Celebrations!

Wow, what a busy term!


Parent Forum 12th July 2012


School confirmed that next year swimming costs have increased

significantly. In order to deliver the twice weekly sessions we will

be asking for voluntary contributions from parents, in line with

many other local schools to cover the costs of transport, pool hire

and instructors. More details will be provided nearer the time.

Parent forum was attended by two parents and the Headteacher.


This is expected to become part of the new curriculum for schools

by 2014. Years 3-6 will continue to be taught by Madame Baker

and will, during the course of the year, learn written and spoken

French. KS1 (years 1 and 2) will have a reduced timetable in

preparation for KS2. The possibility of paid sessions for KS1 is to

be explored by school as requested by a parent.

School clubs

Feedback would indicate that clubs are varied and cover most

requests from parents and children. Cookery club has proven

very popular and will be repeated for both KS1 and KS2 during

this year. School confirmed that Normanton-on-Soar Women‟s

Institute had offered their knitting experience and services to

school. The club will run on Wednesdays 3.30-4.30pm and

initially will be for KS2 children. Clubs will be rotated and the

children will, as usual, help decide clubs for each term. Gardening

club feedback was positive and this will be repeated around

planting times! School also expressed concerns over some

parents who are in arrears with our sporting providers. Clubs

must be paid for in advance and slips that are received without

payment will be returned.


School uniform

As previously discussed at Parents forum Friends of Normanton

have agreed to run the 2nd hand uniform shop, and it is expected to

be up and running in the Autumn term.

School will display a selection of uniform in the entrance to school

and details of how to purchase uniform will also be displayed.

Phonics and Numeracy Workshop

School confirmed that Numeracy and Phonics workshops would be

offered for parents during the Autumn term. The workshop will

provide parents with an opportunity to understand how phonics are

delivered in school and how children are taught the four

operations. In numeracy guidance will be provided on how

children can be supported at home. More details to follow.

Village News

Friends of Normanton expressed their interest in supporting

school with the village news and updates of their section on the

school website. School is very grateful for the work that Friends

has done this past year in raising funds and supporting school.

Thank you!


A few parents have raised concerns about homework being

inconsistent in classes. School confirmed that homework should

support activities in class, whether this is spellings, times tables,

reading or topic based tasks. All homework should be

communicated, marked and available for parents and children to

review their outcomes. There is little point in completing

homework if there is no learning attached to the activity.


Friends of Normanton

Sarah Tremeer is the Chair of Friends of school, contact

details are:

Telephone: 07793 816900

Email address:

The next Friends meeting will take place on Thursday 18th


If you would like to volunteer to help the group, your support

is very much appreciated Friends are very active in school and

play a huge part in raising much needed funds for school.

It matters not how much time you have to spare,

Parent Forum

Our next parent forum will be on:

Wednesday 3rd October, 9.00am

Please come along to discuss any school matters that are

of interest to you.

If you can‟t attend and would like to raise an item for

discussion, please email or send a note into the school

office with a brief summary of the subject you would like

to be discussed.



Monday 10th KS1 Multi sports after school club starts

Tuesday 11th After school „School Choir‟ starts

Wednesday 12th KS2 NOS WI after school Knitting Club Starts

Thursday 13th Piano lessons resume

KS2 Football after school club starts (Tony Cox)

Friday 21st INSET Day — School Closed

Tuesday 25th Children‟s Workshop KS1 + KS2 - The Art of Brilliance

Friday 28th Governing Body Committee Meeting 9.00am


Wednesday 3rd Parent Forum 9.00am

Thursday 4th Parents Evenings - details to follow

Friday 5th Parents Evenings - details to follow

Monday 15th National Bug Busting Day

Tuesday 16th Harvest Assembly 9.30am — Parents Welcome

Thursday 18th Friends Meeting 7.30pm

Friday 19th Last day of school before half term

Half Term Holiday 22nd—26th October

Mon 29th Return to school following holidays


Thursday 15th Governing Body Meeting 7pm

W/C 19th Anti Bullying Week


Monday 10th Christmas Play 6pm

Tuesday 11th Christmas Play 6pm

Wednesday 12th Christmas Play 6pm

Tuesday 18th Carol Concert 9.30am

School Christmas Parties

Wednesday 19th Dick Whittington Panto; Christmas Lunch

Thursday 20th Last day of school before Christmas holidays

Friday 21st INSET day

Christmas Holidays


January 7th Return to school following holidays

There may be additional activities that arise during the term. We will endeavour to keep you updated as they arise, please do check the website

top related