aveva work permit manager

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 AVEVA Work Permit Manager


    Top: Work Permits are colour coded and plotted to a plan o the asset, easily visualising activity types andlocations

    Below: Fully electronic authorisation speeds up the approval process

    AVEVA WorkPermit ManagerAccessible visualisation o all planned work or

    accurate evaluation, approval and executionOperational saety is not only the subject o increasingly stringent regulatoryrequirements, it is simply good business management. But regulatory demandsor more extensive use o Work Permits covering more and more types o work,combined with their increasing complexity and ever-increasing workloads,create an immense operational burden.

    AVEVA Work Permit Manager can ease this burden. It is a powerul application

    specifcally or simpliying the management o Work Permits, helping you to achieve

    and maintain both regulatory compliance and sae, efcient operations across all

    your plant assets.


    Reduce risk

    z Ensure that all Work Permits

    ollow the defned approval


    z Coordinate simultaneous work

    across all assets to avoid work

    clashes and reduce the risk o


    Improve asset control

    z Enhanced communication and

    real-time status reporting rom

    feld to control room

    z Continuous control and

    management o work activities

    across an entire asset

    Save time

    z Easy status visualisation o allWork Permits

    z Efcient use o time and

    resources to coordinate Work

    Permit release

    z Improved planning processes

    enable more efcient work

    scheduling and better use o


    Business Benefts

  • 7/30/2019 AVEVA Work Permit Manager



    Work Permit Manager is part o AVEVA WorkMate, a ully integrated

    Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution that enables all types

    o plant to be maintained and operated saely, reliably and cost-

    eectively through their entire liecycle.

    The accurate creation, authorisation and coordination o all Work

    Permits is essential or sae and efcient operations. AVEVA WorkMatesMaintenance module provides the ability to create Work Permit

    documents that conorm to a widely accepted model, recognised by

    industry saety bodies as a ormat that promotes improved saety and

    standardised operational processes. AVEVA Work Permit Manager is a

    web-based application that greatly extends the power o this module,

    enabling an enterprise to demonstrate complete control over all work

    undertaken and a tightly integrated process or planning, issuing,

    executing and monitoring o these Work Permits.

    Clear visualisation o all work planned and executedOnce each Work Permit is created in AVEVA WorkMate, the work locationcan be added to a plot plan or the aected area in Work Permit

    Manager. This shows where the activity will take place and identifes

    the Work Permit by type, providing clear visibility to the control room

    or supervisory teams o the work, any hazards involved, and any

    restrictions related to its execution.

    Its innovative visualisation capabilities are the key to AVEVA Work

    Permit Managers power and productivity. When planning and

    approving work or that day, the next, or any given date in the uture,

    it enables an operations team to easily visualise and monitor which

    activities are happening in the same area at the same time, the status

    o current work, and the types o work being planned.

    The eective coordination o simultaneous activities avoids potential

    clashes and prevents the occurrence or escalation o incidents.

    Work Permit Manager improves control and communication between

    everyone involved in the planning, approval and execution o the work.

    Because the plot plan can highlight all Work Permits schedules or any

    selected area, or any specifc uture date, planning timescales can be

    signifcantly reduced.

    Colour coded work permit identifcationThe colour coding o each Work Permit on the plot plan makes it easy

    to assess the levels and types o activity planned. It can highlight

    hazardous activities such as hot work, isolation o saety systems,

    pressure testing or work with dangerous materials, as well as lower-risk

    situations where work may simply require coordination or the clearanceo a particular area or system.

    Direct access to related data and documentationBy selecting a particular Work Permit in the plot plan, i already

    integrated, the user is oered the ability to access a 3D model o the

    aected area in WorkMate Visualiser,a separate web application rom

    the same amily. This will connect the operations activities and work

    planning to a clear view o where this task will take place.


    AVEVA Worldwide Ofces | www.aveva.com/ofces

    AVEVA believes the inor mation in this publication is correct as o its publication date. As part o continued product development,

    such inormation is subject to change without prior notice and is related to the current sotware release. AVEVA is not responsible

    or any inadvertent errors. All product names mentioned are the trademarks o their respective holders.

    Copyright 2012 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. AWPM/DS/12.

    Tel +44 (0)1223 556655 | Fax +44 (0)1223 556666 | www.aveva.com/contact

    Further contextualisation to aid the planning and approval o work is

    available through integration with AVEVA NET. Access to this powerul

    inormation management solution oers users direct links to any

    documentation and data related to the tagged objects reerenced in

    the Work Permit, including 3D models, 2D drawings, diagrams and


    Fully electronic authorisationElectronic authorisation o Work Permits reduces the need or

    multiple paper copies and speeds up the approval process. In order to

    eliminate the time-consuming paper-chase o successive individual

    approvals, Work Permit Manager also enables designated individuals

    to approve on behal o colleagues. This is particularly useul where a

    team meeting has agreed a number o routine Work Permit approvals

    and authorised a team member to complete their approvals on their

    behal. A permanent record is kept o who made the approval, and on

    whose behal, creating an audit trail.

    Bar code scanning supportA unique bar code reading system enables engineers in the feld to

    report the status o their allocated permits directly to the controlroom. Any printed Work Permit can be scanned at a bar code reading

    station at the work site and the engineer selects Start or Stop to

    signiy the beginning or end o the task they are perorming. This

    immediately updates the Work Permit Manager plot plan making the

    work status clearly visible to the operations team monitoring the


    SummaryAVEVA Work Permit Manager is a powerul addition to an AVEVA

    WorkMate implementation. Accurate evaluation, approval and

    execution o work are comprehensively supported, enabling your

    operations team to maintain saety and regulatory compliance at all


    Key Features

    Integration with AVEVA NET enables access to all related data and documentation or

    each Work Permit area

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