avijja pachchaya sankara · pdf fileextra ordinary knowledge wisdom derived from concentration...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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  • What is knowledge

    What is VIJJA Wisdom & Knowledge Hethama Vijja (Ordinary knowledge)

    Worldly knowledge Ahethama Vijja( Extra ordinary knowledge)

    Knowledge acquired through extreme concentration

    Avijja Pachchaya Sankara (Ignorance leads to unwholesome Actions ) What is Ignorance?. It is lack of Wisdom. Wisdom >> Knowledge >> Elimination of ignorance Progressive elimination of ignorance will lead to progressive elimination of unwholesome actions. Thus elimination of AVIJJA will lead to cessation of SANKARA. Gaining VIJJA is the way to eliminate AVIJJA


  • Wisdom(Pragna) Leads to Knowledge(Gnana)

    Ordinary Knowledge Hethama Vijja- Also known as Lokieya Vijja Worldly Knowledge This is what we learn through our normal process of learning.

    Sutamaya Pragna Wisdom derived from books/Internet etc. The inputs to support Sutamaya pragna can come through five faculties of sense sphere. Knowledge gained through; What you have seen, Read or observed - Reading,Observations ( Experiment, test) What you have heard or listened to - Lectures, seminars, Dhamma Desana What you have experienced - Smelt, felt, Tasted etc

    Chinthamaya Pragna Wisdom derived from thinking Theorise, formulate, Generate ideas in the mind, then, experiment, tryout, model and research, test, adjust etc until it fits to the idea.

  • Extra Ordinary knowledge Wisdom derived from Concentration Has two levels Yoniso Manasikara Appropriate attention.

    This involves thinking over and over again until something is really clear in the mind. (Like a path travelled over and again becomes smooth and more comfortable to walk) you become comfortable and confident about the thought.

    Bhavanamaya Pragna Wisdom gained through intense concentration

    There are two elements to this. Vitakka and Vichara. Vitakka Directed thought, Somewhat similar to Chinthamaya Pragna. But involves intense concentration. Eg: Direct the mind to focus on breathing (Your object of concentration). This may also be considered as Undivided attention to the object of concentration. This will lead to a state called Jahana.

    Here the breath in/out is felt at the nostrils as cold or warm air touching the nostrils. The place of air contact is the object of concentration.

    Focus attention at the nostrils

    Developing Jhanas.docxDeveloping Jhanas.docxDeveloping Jhanas.docx

  • Vichara This level of thinking involves evaluation. Evaluate the breath to identify which type of breathing is right for you to concentrate. In this evaluation you need to strike a balance between stillness of mind and thinking.(Meditation needs stillness and thinking). Your thoughts may run away but as the mind is fixed on the breath and the point of contact of air at the nostrils, this can be controlled. (Like a cow tied to a pole)

    Point of






    Here, the thought instances may appear but soon dissipated through focussing attention back to the point of concentration.

  • Mind Mind in its purest and most pristine form is known as CHITTA Chitta , when directed to a single point of concentration is known as EKAGGATHA CHITTA. The process of directing to a single point of concentration is known as YONISO MANASIKARA In this state Chitta is as clear as a crystal and pure in its form. Like a pristine pond of clear water with no ripples. This will allow you to reflect as well as to see through. Upon continuation of this process of concentration, one can achieve states of pure happiness known as states of JAHNA.

    Manopubbangama dhamma1

    manosettha manomaya manasa ce padutthena2

    bhasati va karoti va tato nam dukkhamanveti cakkamva vahato padam

    All mental phenomena (Constructs) have mind as their forerunner; have mind as their chief; and are mind-made. If one speaks or acts with an evil mind, 'dukkha' 3 will follow; just as the wheel follows the hoof prints of the ox that draws the cart.

  • Definitions

    Nibbana Cessation of the process of rebirth. Like a fire that extinguishes when the fuel is finished. Nibbana is not definable( Asanketha Dhatu) as there is no other comparable state. The fuel feeding the dependent origination is the craving. Craving is the result of Avijja(Not knowing or Ignorance). Ie Not knowing the suffering, Reason for suffering, The cessation of suffering, and the approach(Path) leading to cessation of suffering.

  • Process of Dependant origination ( Paticca Samuppada)


    Rebirth(Driven by Kama, Bhava & Vibhava Thanha)

    Consciousness after death sustained by Residual craving(Like a plant that dies will have seeds sustained by moisture). Kamma is the field, consciousness is the seed & Thanha is the moisture.

    Rebirth Linking consciousness+ Balance of Kusal/Akusal (Life just ended) + (Strength of volitional Activity of

    previous births)

    Arupa Loka

    Higher Relms of Non Returners Rupa Loka


    Lower Relms Hell


    Life Continuum(Based on Maha Nidhana Sutra)

    Kama Loka (Sensual worlds of returning devas & human)

    Rupa Attachment to bodyly inputs

    Vedana- Attachment to sensory input Eye -Vision Ear--Sound Nose--Smell Tounge/mouth Taste/expressions Tactile --Touch

    Sanna Mind inputs

    Sankara Mental constructs inputs

    Vinnana Aggregate of all mental formations

    Four Frames of reference for mindfulness

    Body (Fabrications of Patavi, Apo, Thejo, Vayo)

    Feelings (Interactions of the body fabrications and the mind)

    Mind (Creates instances of thought, pleasurable or painful or neutral)

    Mental Qualities (Fabrications of the mind Eg: Ego, Pride, jealousy etc)


    Sathara Sathiphattana



  • Anatta

    No self All conditioned phenomena are impermanent.(Transient) or in a state of FLUX. There is nothing that can be defined as self at a given point in time, as all five aggregates are transient and non permanent. Like a river that flows. The river is there, appears to be the same, but not the same. The water has flown, banks washes away. It is not the same river, next moment. We may think of the Self in the same manner. It is also translated as nonself or nonessentiality. This is the teaching that "you" are not an integral, autonomous entity. The individual self, or what we might call the ego, is more correctly thought of as a by-product of the skandhas (Aggregates).


  • However, there are three forms of action (Sankara) that spoil the CHITTA. There are three sources which initiates these actions. 1. Kaya Sankara Action initiated by the body

    2. Wakki Sankara Action initiated by expression through words

    Apart from the body as a whole ,mouth is the only organ that can initiate an unwholesome action,

    using sound as its output.(Ear,eye,nose can receive inputs but can not produce outputs)

    3. Mano Sankara Actions initiated by mind Actions initiated by the mind develops in to nine levels as follows; Mind in Citta State

    Mind in its purest form can receive inputs through channels but there is no response in return. This is the ultimate goal to achieve.

    Mind in Mano state When Citta comes across forms, sounds, fragrances, tastes, touches (Tactile) make them to see as fruitful things due to ignorance. Mind is slightly spoilt at this level.

    Mind in Manasang state Those perceptions which measured in many ways in the level of Mano are consolidating to count them as fruitful things and valuable. The level of Citta spoilt to this level is Manasang

    Mind in Hadayang state When you accept unwholesome thing as a fruitful thing you cant forget it. You dwell in it. You would like to hold on to it. Chitta spoilt to this level has reached the level of Hadayang

    Pandarang state The unwholesome things you grabbed keep encouraging you to be with them and you get attached to them more & more and the mind spoilt again turning to the level of Pandarang.

  • Mind in Mano Manayathanag state At this level the person has lost his or her ability to reason out things clearly. He or she will be totally engrossed in the unwholesome things they initially grabbed. Mano Manayatanag level arises

    Mind in Manendriyan state At this level the person Start to give priority to those unwholesome thoughts . The thought will develop in to unwholesome action. Mind spoilt to this level is Manendriyan.

    Aggregate of mental construct (Vinnana Skandang ) Mind spoilt to above level gets established as an unwholesome aggregate( a formation) of vinnana

    This is how the pure form of mind get poisoned to the level of unwholesome CHITTA SANKARA, which will commit unwholesome action via body and body fabrications.

  • Progressive assimilation of Chitta Sankara

    He told me a fool

    He told me a fool

    He told me a fool A fool A fool fool fool fool

    I do not accept it. I have no ill will towards him

    I am not not happy, but I will not go any further

    I am ANGRY.

    I am VERY ANGRY and can not get over it

    I am outraged and my blood pressure is going up

    I am totally pissed off and I am going to kill him.

    Yes, I will direct my body to go and kill him.

    Chitta Mano Manasang Hadayang Pandarang

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