awaken vitality - the chi center for wisdom healing qigong · 3 welcome to the wisdom healing...

Post on 31-Mar-2018






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The Wisdom Healing Qigong Practices of

Spinal Bone MarrowHip RotationsCrane’s Neck

Bending SpineChen Chi

Standing Meditation


Welcome to the Wisdom Healing Qigong Family!

We are blessed to have your participation in our community. Each of us inquiring into this profound path of healing and personal and collective transformation adds, in a cumulative way, to the deepening and expanding of our collective chi field. When you add your initiative in applying the principles and activating the practices taught in this booklet, our DVDs and CDs, we all benefit from your engagement. As you practice, visualize yourself surrounded by others practicing the same form, together amplifying our deep desire to optimize our potential for health, happiness and harmony for both ourselves and our world.You are never alone in the chi field. The energetic spirit and healing results of everyone who has ever practiced these forms, as well as the inspiration that brought them forth through Dr. Pang, is available for you, too.Relax into the knowing that we are all on this journey of life together, and that your practice supports everyone else’s practice and vice versa. Be inspired by all the healing benefits that have come to others by their practice and enjoy the transformation of your own body, mind and spirit! Haola! See you in the chi field.


Awakening our Energetic WholenessOur deeper purpose in teaching you these Preliminary Practices, is to awaken your energetic wholeness. We will be using these physical postures and movements as a portal to the discovery of the deeper dimensions of who we are beyond our physical nature and our stories.For years our bodies have been accumulating energetic imprints of both happiness and sadness. How do we alleviate the imprints that continue to create tension, tightness, contraction, pain and excessive stress? Together, through these practices, we will be learning to release and let go, thus reducing the stress and pain and their effects on our bodies. As we progress, we will continue to go deeper, uncovering new layers in need of release. Keep practicing. Practicing is the key to releasing and transforming these old patterns and bringing our physical and energetic bodies into alignment. Practicing also enables us to sense our vibrant aliveness fully integrating with the world around us.

Our Mantra: Open, PenetrateThis set of practices focuses on opening all of our joints and deep tissues, so that a flow of fresh, harmonized energy can penetrate deep inside the body. The more deeply the energy penetrates into the body, the more the mind relaxes and rests in the depths of who you really are. Go inside to discover yourself by opening both internally and externally and connecting to the life energy around you. When you connect deeply with the energy of the planet and life everywhere, you learn to receive much more deeply.As we practice, we become more conscious of how we relate to our bodies and all of life. When we do anything new and different with our bodies, it’s natural to feel sore and tired, and to need more rest. Keep practicing and you will begin to access more and more energy. Soon, practicing will result in having more, rather than less, energy flowing through your life.



Why focus on the spine?A healthy spine relates directly to the health of our nervous system, our organs, and to the body’s communication system. The communication flowing through our spinal cord that keeps us alive and functioning is astounding. Each vertebra offers a pathway to a unique portion of the nervous system. The healthy functioning of our spinal column is essential to our overall health and well-being. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, the spinal area holds meridian or energetic pathways that are vital to the flow of energy.

Key points to opening the internal spinal energetics.1. Recognize that you have a physical spine and become aware of the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. “Energy follows thought,” so observing and sensing the motion within your spine will bring about both a deeper awareness and a deeper energy flow.2. Recognize the energetic level beyond the physical. Acknowledge the energetic pathway connecting the brain with the kidney energy. Opening the spine connects this upper spiritual energy field with the primal creative energy in the lower part of the body.3. Add visualizations to your practice. After you gain proficiency with the actual movements of these Preliminary Practices, you can begin focusing on the transparency of the spinal column, of each vertebra, and each joint. Then broaden your visualizations to include the transparency of the entire nervous system. Another level of practice is to visualize the energy of the light penetrating and spiraling as you turn. 4. “Energy follows thought,” so bringing your mind to your spine, the inner core, the most physically condensed energy in the body will anchor the entire energy body during practice. Later as you sit or stand still and integrate after practice, let your mind rest in an awareness of your skeleton, spine and even the marrow of the bones. This will stabilize the healing energy you have cultivated deep within your being.


What is the most effective practice? We have dedicated this booklet to teaching six powerful Wisdom Healing Qigong practices.* The most effective practice is the one that you choose to do on a consistent basis. The most valuable practice can be the practice you enjoy the most or the practice that challenges you the most. We hope you will discover the gifts encoded in each of these profound practices. Get acquainted with them all by using the DVD, CD, or written and visual material provided. Then dive deep into each one, practicing for longer and longer periods of time and discover the gifts each practice holds for you. Dedication to the practice is key, and the key to dedication is repetition. Within each practice we repeat the movements over and over again, allowing you to go deeper and deeper continuously takeing you deeper. For example, with Spinal Bone Marrow, sometimes there is pain and it is difficult at first. When you go deeper and become more relaxed, the practice becomes less physical and more energetic. You get to this level just by repeating the movement over and over. Because of this repetition, towards the end of the practice you start to feel very different than you did at the beginning. Repetition is very important.It is also important to take our practice beyond just exercise or movement. You can simply turn to the left and then to your right to open your spine for a long time–and there will be benefits. But it will be different when you close your eyes, relax into the practice, visualize the ocean of energy, visualize energy penetrating into your spine, your heart, and your cells. During every practice invite a deeper commitment, a deeper energetic connection. Then it will be Qigong, which is quite a different process than just turning and twisting as an exercise. This deeper level of practice is a direct result of your mind connecting with your body and connecting with the energy. It takes practice and repetition. It’s a gradual process that begins by learning the patterns and opening the body with the physical movements.Then you cultivate the merging of the mind with the body by adding visualizations and sound to the practice. As you go deeper, you discover and amplify the profound interconnection of your physical body, energy body, and the entire energy field, all connected and amplifying your own deeper purpose as an ongoing creative process. What all of these practices have in common is their focus on awakening the energy of the spine. As your awaken the spinal energy, you release tension and as you release tension, you release stress. When you release these old blockages, you’re also inviting more energy into your spine, and your entire body. Each movement opens us differently. For example when doing the Hip Rotations, we focus on opening up the energy of the pelvic area, the hip joints, and the reproductive system. Bending Spine Movement awakens the spinal energy. Chen Chi opens the chest.Practice is key to transformation; repetition is key to practice; and dedication is the key to repetition. Whatever has happened with our bodies in the past, in terms of health, stress, and any limited energetic condition we’ve experienced, it all accumulates as repetitive habits and repetitive conditioning. Now, we’re ready to undo these limitations. Through the same process of repetition, we’re creating a new thing, a new movement, a new mind-body connection, a new energy pattern. By repeating these movements over and over, we’re undoing the old limitations and releasing the old patterns, the old habits, in order to melt and transform frozen energy and bring forth optimum health, vitality and happiness.

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