b j n.j. . ; ' 'v ,.. jambs mobs/ 7 ‘ * • v ' s ’ tjl · notary public and...

Post on 30-Jul-2018






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B" '' ^EBa4A^ &‘ M UBPHY, -Counselors'.and Attor*J[. .,• i :

i t e i "L i '. - i » " i^ 'V ii'.1!'’"'^ '^ ' r * 1;',.' U'**" .', _'"

'QEX<,> BABKEB,' C o u n s e lo r^ l*a v . ‘freehold, N .J . . ■ ■■ ; ' ■ ' v , . .J

T VLOB & LXNOH, Coonseiore rt Lsw , 10 WallRtrftftt. Nflw York. . "JL Street, Now York

’ ■ D ENTIST,om tO B : P iBK Bow, near Btsinbadi’o store, M«in

St., Asbobt PAni£, New. Jersey. .Offiob Hoobs ; 9 », m. to 7 p. nt-

OHAK IjSS p . D O lJBANCE ,a t t o k n e y -a t -l a w .

Solicitor mid Master ta Obangnr, and Notury Pabjio, BEBG lSN 'S B LO C K , LO N O B B A N C H , N- J-


A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W ,

SaHottor. Mnstor uni! Bxamiaer in Ohiuuwrv. Freehold. N. J


ATTOBJTBYB AHD OOtTH 8E1QE3-AT-LAW,00 W a ll Street !l

' ' N K W Y O liK .Hubbard Kendrlcknon, Wm. Ajaicr Hunrorty. ■_


Aenonr AY(inch , adhmiiwahoMi Webb »t., A88UBT Pah k , N. J. Office hours: 8 to 9 A. M-, 5 to Ox.M.

J A.' W . K E T tflCK , M. D.,

HOM(F,OPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND; 80K0E0S. Cor. Coolcman and Bangc av., ASSi'OltT Park, N. J, lh>vrrt: until IDA. M., alter 4 P. M. . __ _


Office in Bt4*intNi(ih'rt BnUfHnjt, cor. Main ami Lake Avn. (J III II A.M.

Offit* U m h i V. II.(#l<» 10 I’. M. Asnunr P ark , N. J.


—j And Clmncery,Ton*rkjiy t. nt i*»rh H * il.'A iW v I’irk. Sq u a n \ i l l a q e . N . J


SOLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHANCERY. OlUco.Sd Ktory Poet OlHce Building, Khkkhuld, N. J

F “ ii. RENNEDY Sc SON, Civil Engineers aud • .Surveyor?, Ueal Eetnto Agents mid Convey­

ancers. 1 ,0 . K E N N E D Y » . - .Master in Chancery,and Notary t ’ubltc ■

Office in Park Hail, Asbury PaB*,J*. J.


SOLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHAliMJJjRY. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for the SUOa of Now York. Eatontown , N. J.


D E N T I S T ,

Will wive njjrtlc;jlnt.fl^n|) l! Jo ° f l,,e various bratttffidfe ot hia profession daring the coming sciuwn.

■ ficb, Con, op Mattihon A v.1 and Emory St .,

Aabury Purk. N. J. *


rp H E O D O R E S.* W OOLLEY,

G E N E R A L A U C T IO N E E R , Terms reasonable. Office In^ark Hall, ABbury Pari:, N. J.



IiEsiDF.NOK, MT:^TABOR_WAY,. Next door to the Howla&d Hoilse. OOBA5E GROVE



ASBURY PARK , N . J. . .

w :M. L A N E * CO.,

G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R S .Buildings superintended on reasonable term* by a

first-olaas practical builder. Office, No. 4 Central Blook, Ocean A t ., or Address, P. O* Box 48, East Long Branoh.

X refter to m y p a tro n * , fo r w h o m I h a v e b u ilt In tho past s ix years a t Ocean O rove an 4 A sb n ry P a r is . -


..O o r, Eeason and E a ln Avo.' O O E A N G E O Y E , N . J .


M u l e f o r S a l e ,INQOIUB.OF

O. T , B A I L E Y ,P A R K H A L L .

E . H , ' & T . B. N E W M A N ,

B r ick la ye rs ,P la in a n d ; Ornameatal P lasterers

’ * A sb n ry P a r k Sc Ocean H ea cb , N . JT.


t ...• Ooean BfeAOH, N. J., November 18th, 1874. Thia is to conify* that E. II. Nowman A Bro, have

{dastorcdrt.numhorof buildings at Ocean Beacb, and n *11 cases, have given entire eathtotaption.* X. take

Sleasure in recommending them to any wanting tabor one in their One., Respectfully, ^

A. BITNER, fiapt," . ......................

WHOM IT WTO W HOM IT MAY CONCERN. • .PsiNCkTiON, N. J., Noyeipber 12th, 1874.

’ This !s ta certify that E. H. Newman &. Bro. have plastetedueyefalhotWB.formeat Oceaq Beaoh, N .J.. during Jhe pail two years, and have given me good satisfaction. I believe them to, be good and aqnare men, very Industrious, and w ill do asihby agree. And I take pleasure in recommending them to any who may need their Services. % W . FIELDER.

T R A N K ; B j j V ? 1

I N S U R A N C E A ^ E l j lT

O y » r S B 0 ,0qq ,0O O C ap ita l R e ^ r e Bcntad.

JAMBS MOBS/ 7 ‘ * • v ' s ’■ CdMMBSlOK MERCHANT,’. ' •

Asd Wholeule»iid Betail Dealcrin .Eottsb, HaiM. PoDMBif, XiUttiiVEfldaABBPLOtm, and«nklilda ;o t

' . ■A a tm ry^ P a rk , N . J ,

p O A R D I N G H O U S E S A S P E C I A L T Y


BUILDERS-—Jobbing promptly attended to.—

A S B U B Y P A R K , N „ J.t i T Having had ^ long experience ’ in the line

o f building at Asbnry Park- and Oceo,n Grove, we are able to' say that,we can baild cottages ofevei^ style to enit purchaBers, at the loweat prices. Orders exeouted at tne shortest notice.

Sole Agenta in M onm oitih Cothtfy f o r the patent A m erica n fence.

A. J. BROWN.Architect and Builder.

Plans and specifications drawn at tbe shortest notice. Also cottages to rent. 5

R e s id e n c e , 4 2 6 A s b u ry A v e .vASBURY PAHK. H(. J.

KINMONTH & OO.,D ealers in

D R U G S , M E D IC IN E S ,- - -• l lU o .«

C .O O K M A N A .V .,N ext door to Post Office,

, k A g ^ U R Y P A R K N. J.



Horses. Hacks aud Light Curriages always ready ut call

Horses boarded by the c!ny, week or month. Car riagesand harness kept in perfect .order.

My 'Busses meet nil trains. Freight nnd burgage delivered at the shortest possible notice.

All freight dr baggage sent to my care will be de­livered or properly cared for *

G. W. ROGERS?Prop.

A . W . L E W I S ,Successor to C r o w e l l B u o b .

Larp Bread, Fancy Cats, PieAND CRACKER BAKERY,

Cor. Oookm kn A v e n u e and Bond S tre e t ,

' - A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J.

Refreshments for Weddings, Parties, Pic nics, and Entertainments furnished at tho 8hoj*t5£t notice amf at the moBt reasonable rates. Icing anci Ornamenting.

Cottage residents in the Grove or Park sorted” at their doors.

W A R R E N B R O W N ,

CONTRACTOR- AND BUILDER,Cor. Lawrence Avenue, near Main Entrance,


Plain and Ornttmtint l Cottages.Buildings raised and moved with care and promptness.

R efers TO: Asbury Fountain, Esq^.Wm. Spader, Esq., Matawan; Rev. H. B. Beegle, D H. Wyckoff, Esq., Ocean Grovo; George Evans Esq . Philad'a.

H A T H A W A Y 'SWe take pleasnre in informing oar friends that we

have opened our new Spring and Bummer Stook o f Goods, consisting of -

Parlor, H e r , Disii-rooio & M e nF U R N I T t I R E ,

Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Quilts, Counterpanes, Sheets, Spreads, Crockery,

Glass, Tin, Wqod and Willow Wares.A good assortment o f j ,

ers1 Hardware, Carriage Hardware.Iron, Str k l , H ubs, R im s, Sposkb, T irb-Boltb, A o.

A S E IO tF L T U B A L IM P L S M S N T S ,Plows, Castings, Shovols, Spades, Forks, Beoops,

Boy then, Garden Rakes, Wheelbarrows, Eto., Etc.*

Paints, Oils, Patty, Blass, M M Paints e d TnrDBBtlisc,


S E E P S , .vClover,’Eimothy, Central £ark Lawn Grass and.a

variety of Garden Seeds.The advantages whioh we possess in storino: our

goods in the large hew store, combined with our facili­ties for purchasing goods, give us an advantage whioh .We will cheerfully share with our o as to mors. We wOl be pleased to have yon call and examine our atook. Any orders by mail will he promptly attended to, Qoods deliverwl free o f oharge. r . JOHN O. H A T H A W A Y .

i t . - w o i t T i a c t i s r c ^ x o i s r ,

& B n t l d e i r .

A ll kinds o f carpenter work done with neatneari and dispatch. BU ILD ING S RAISED & MOVED. Joh, bing^promptlj attended to.

B^sULftnbt, 8. E . Oor. SoweHl A v . & Em o ry S t.A i)B 17 |lY P A R K , N . ^


jftocordanoei, __tho Iafe.frjf f f j /Tho S the.,Q W tem w tfi«r.GbuoK t^ s^ o tta C d it ti, .niea p teB ^ted ’todir ________a fpnna) opinion on $ o

% ittikd -6 1 v id ^ b o t f^ o tto n ^ ^ o p ^ t iv^ ^egaii: at Bojton, England, on Saturday.

Louis Adolphe :ThierB, «x~Pr4sident o f tiie French Republic, died at SCGfcrmain on Monday evening, aged 8Q years. He was elected President for the term o f three yeara, bnt resigtaed after serving one year, and was afterward elected to the French Senate. ....


List o f conveyance^ Monmouth County Clerk’s of­fice, fbr week ending September 1, 1877.

James A. Bradley and wife to Phineaa R. Hawx- hurpt—two lotB at Aabury Park: consideration, ♦000; (Old deed )

Marv J. Quin and husband to S. Elizabeth Janes— farm iu township of Middletown * conaideratJoft; $1.

Wm. M. Foroe and wife to Robert S. Johnston—■ lo t t o s . 800 and 301 at Ocean Beach ^consideration,

Ann Bagley to Caroline Koberg—lot in town of) Red Bank; consideration, $1,400.

The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to 'Gardiner Howland—lot No. 860 at Ocean Grove; con sideration, $55.

The Ocean Grove Camp-Meeting Association to Gardiner Howland—lot No. 801 at Ocean Grove; con­sideration, $55. __

J. H. Alday to David E. Stout—lot No. 518 atOoean Grove; consideration, $1 800.- Nelson MapBto Frank P. McDermott—deed of as­signment for benefit of his oreditorn: consideration, G0a ' - • •

Eliza Jane Morris to Joseph G. Morris—-noose and lot in township of, W a ll; conHideration,‘$700,

James M AtkinB and wife to Eliia J. Morris-lot in town o f Red Bank ; consideration, $8,350. —. Elisa J. Morris to Joseph G. Morris—lot in town of Red Bank; consideration $1,200.

Alfred CurtiH and wifo to Lewis P. Smith—ono- hiilf o f an acre in township of Middletown; consider­ation, #69.

The Green Grove Cemetery Company o f Keyport to John Jewett—lots No. 181 and 182 at Qroeu Grove Cemetery; consideration, $60. (

Lewis B. Brown and wife to Georgio Brown—parts of lots at Long Branoh; oon si dor a tion, $1,500.

Lewin ^"Brown and wife to John F. Scott—pa>t of lota at» kpngBranoh; consideration, $1,700

ThomasHoban and wife to James B. Ileid—three traotfl of land in U wnsbip of Manalapan ; considera­tion, $830.

James B. R^id to Anh Ho ban uxThos—three tracts ' o f land in township of Manalapan; consideration, $830. /

The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to John Coyle—lot No. 1,246 at Ocean Grove ; consider­ation, $150. _ _ __ _

J6hn Cqyle fe'-’FiSnofs ET Mea3:—lot No' 1,240 at Ooean Grove; consideration, $700.

Thomas Curtis to Jamea 8Won—deed of assirament tor tho benefit of his creditors; conBideration, 50o.

Mary A. Mojntyre and hnaband to Gertrude A. Corlies—lot of land in township of H owell; consider­ation, $1., Catharine E. CorlieB to Gertrude A Corlies—lot at

Farmingdale: consideration, $1.Mary A Molntyre and husband to Catharine. E.

Corlies—lot at F&nftTii&dalo; consideration, $1.CatharineE. Corlies to Mary A. Molntyre—lot at

Farmingdale; consideration. $1.Andiew M. Drake and wifo to Emeline Heath—lot

at Shark river; consideration. $100.The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to

Hannah Terhune—lot No. 164 at Ooean Grove ; con­sideration, $100.'

Lewis B. Brown and wife to Gertrude M.' Brown— lot at Long Branoh ; consideration, $1,500.

Andrew M Drako and wifo to Mary E. Friend—lot at Shark river: consideration, $100.

Andrew M. Drake and wife to Oswald HHg, eLal.— two lots at Shark river; consideration, $200.

The Sea Girt Land Improvement Com pan v to Hnb- bard Yamall—two* lots at Sea G irt: consideration, $3,400.The Sea Girt Land Improvement Company to Ell is ton

P. MqrriB —two lota at Sea G irt: eonsideration, $2,400’

Wm. W . Conover and wife to Teresa Leonard— farm m township of Shrewabnry; consideration*. $4/000/

Teresa Leonard and husband to Jonathan P. Cooper—farm in township of Sftrewsbury; considers^ tion, $18,000. ^

Elizabeth Morford to Ann Bagley—lot at R6d Bank ; consideration, $500. _

Catharine Maguire to Sarah A Bums—leven acres of land fartownahip of Freehold; consideration, $1.

John Lane and wife to James Brown—lot at Sea Bright; consideration. $30.

Geo. W; Brown, sheriff, to thd Matawan B. and L. Association—property of David Spheriok in township of MataWan ; consideration, $5300.• The Matawan M. B. and L. Association to Ezra A. Dunn—lot in towmhip of Matawan : Consideration, $800. • - ^

The Ooean GrovojOsmp Moeting^AesOolation to J. Pe^g—lotNo^^SO at Ocean Grove^oonsi deration,

X ^ P e ^ J r . , to W . Baldwin—lot No. 420 at Ooean, .Grove; consideration, $500.

\ym. W . Uonover et al. to Lloyd Robbins—lot of meadow land at Farmingdale; consideration, $250.

James Seely, Sr., and wife to Benj^mhfHoVris—one acie o f lafad in township o f Middletown; consideration, $100.

The Ooean Beaoh Association to James Simpson— lot No. 1,810 at Ocean.Beaoh; consideration, $305.

The Ocean Beaoh, Association to James Simpson— lots Nob. 1 ,7 18 and 1,710 at Ooean Beaoh; considera­tion, $610. -

The Ooean Bi ach Association to James Simpson— lota ?Jot 1 780 1,781,1,732, 1,733, 1 734, 1,785, 1,736, 1,787, ri73o ana 1,780 at Ocean Booon i consideration, $3,115, ■

The Ooean Beaoh Association ,to James Simpson— lo.s Nos. 1,342,1,243, 1,244, 1,245, 1,46 and 1,247 at Ooean Beaoh; consideration, $1,375.

The Ooean Beaoh Association to James Simpson^■ lots Nos. 1,250 and 1,251 at Ooean Beach; considera­tion, $420. "

The Ooean Beaoh Auoclation to Is&bolla Q, Simp- Hbn—lot No. L340 rf^Ooean Beaoh; oonaideraiion, $235

The Ocean Beaoh jl«8ociationlQ!,Elizabeth B. Simp­son—lota Norf. 1,341 and 1,843at Ooean Beaoh; con­sideration,. $400.~ *The Ocean Bbaoh Association tC Louisa R. Sfinpson —lots Nos. 1,343 and 1,844 at Ooean Beach s ooilsldfer- atitm. $350.

Geo. W. Brown, sheriff, to Rhoda Holmes*-proper^ of ABher Howland et al. in township of W all: oonsidfer»tion,^l.C00. ___■

Andrew M. Drake ahd wife tb Amanda ErMoCalley —lot at 8hark river; consideration, $100.

Andrew M. Drake and wife to Amanda E. McCalley —lbt aji Shark river ; conaideration, $150, v

Andrew M. Drake aiid wife to Amanda E.MeCalley et,- al.—lot No. 41 at Roger’s Pa rk ; consideration,

Monmouth County Surrojcate’s Office.From Aug. 22d to Sept. 4th, 1877.

A ss ign m en t o r Nelson Maps, insolvent debtor, o f Freehold, to F.

P. MbDamont; Thomas Curtis insolvent debtor Of Jamea Bbeen.

L e tte rs o f ,A d m In lB tra tlon G ranted toAbram Soper,ITdmlnlstrator of David Soper, fite-of

Middleton, deoeased: William, E. Morford and W11-. Bam'V. Wilson, adnunlstratora of Blias Morford, late ofH iddletown, doo6a*«d. J

I beet sugar rnanufactory is to be established t, New. Brunflwick next spriqg, with a capital o f 0,000; I t wiU employ about 250 hands. .

lie delegates of the Workingmen’s party held ting in Newark Thursday night, and deoided

it a fa ll city, oonnty,arid State ticket in the J thiB fall.

J^ Couritydollector o f Hudsop county ap-g, e't for*a mandamus, requiring theneioitjrcffloflrB toshow bause^fornot paylhg '1I;iaragQS of coun ty"taxes. ' ' 2 • •

Ih e managers o f the Greenwood Lake and Montplair Railroad, on Friday, suspended the run- ning o f trains on their Orange branch, known as the‘ Watching Railroad, for reason that the road does not and cannot be made to pay.

, The. Library Building o f Princeton College Is'tb receive the1 addition o f a new wing. The librair now contains 27,000 volumes/chiefly theological,

.jand the valuable librarv o f Dr. A . Alexander, the gift o f R . L . and A. B tnnrt.j.a ,^ w

A larger force o f men are Jow employed in the' iroiwmines at Franklin, Susae^, ooun^, than a t any time fsince the depression o f the iron ousiuesS. The ore is all shipped to Pennsylvania by the way of the Sussex railroad, about 100 tons leaving daily.

The lower portion of Warren county was visited on Thursday afternoon o f last week by a terrific rain. A Sunday-school picnio from Phillipeburg, while on their way to the oars at Bloomsbury, waa canght in the shower, and a boy1 who accompanied: the school was struck by lightning and instantly killed. , ,- ' >t\

Weedin, the prize fighter, whp waa said to be in a dying condition in toe State Prison, where he is confined for manslaughter, is now reported to have almost recovered. There have been no symptoms of organic disease, and the only trouble abont hiB ches^ is the exi^tanoe o f varicose ^eins, the result of blo^s received in the prize ring.

^The1 United States Supreme Coart has granted an injunction to New Jersey agSihst tbe State o f Ddaware, in tbe matter, o f the fishery trouble. This is the first time in the history o f the country, says Gov. Beil le, in whi^h the Supreme Court has enjoined a State from enforcing its laws, The fishery troubles are now in a fa ir way for final ad- j n s t m e n t T .............................. . ” .................... r

Tho Taxpayers’ Btate Convention met at Trenton on Monday. Eight counties were represented. Rndolphns Birnghanr, " o f Camden,' was’'chosen President, and • Geo. W , Grant Seoretary. Speeches were made protesting againet the enor­mous increase of taxation in counties, township^ and cities. A resolution was introduced declaring’' that it was time to make nominations for State ofeccrs without reference to party ; but it waa not adopted, as several delegates opposed it. A com­mittee of five was appointed to draft resoluUons. This committee presented a series o f1 ten {^solu­tions nrincipatiy relating to tax reform and the oorrKmOTr'cnaKtTseffiri e xpondni g" pd bli d mon ey. It was finally agreed that to obtain largor repre­sentation, they would adjonrp, to meet at W averly on the 17th inst., during the progress o f the State Fair. Some leading mon say it is probable a State tioket wilLbe put in the field, and that they may endorse the nominations already made by the Greenback Convention. * , •

Before Judge McLean, presiding, and Associates ffioklo, Herbert and Remsen. #' " " ' , On Monday last, Court convened in the courtroom, at ten o*olock in the morning, and several miscellaneous matters were disposed of.

The following named defendants were arraigned, and their oases attended to.

Della Curly, charged with stealing wearing ap­parel o f the value o f $80, from the family o f Bev. Dr. Hageman^.of Freehold, waived, indictment rind pleaded guilty. Dr. Hageman, being called upon, made a statement o f .the facts, after which the Court sentenced the dbfondaht. to the County Jail f o r 80 daya. r‘ ,i Thomas Christian, anaignfd^m the chargo o f petit Jarcei^y, waived indictment and pleaded guilty. Sentenoed ta 80 dayd in the County Jail.

William Fisher, charged with stealing $10 worth o f chickens from John G. Stiles and others,* Thos. FisBer, for receiving the same, and Thomas Clayr ton, for being an accomplice, each haring waived indiotment and pleaded guilty, were each sentenced to Ihe County Jail for 80 days.

Buy, oharged with stealing $20 from- William Pearoe, pleaded guilty to Bteahng $10. Court direot­ed him ti> be jjent to the Reform School.

William Jackson,-colored, being arrainged on the charge o f keeping, a disorderly house, by sell­ing liqnor without license, at,Ocfean Grove, waived ^paictment and pleaded guilty. The defendant waa *entenoed to pay a fine o f $20 and costs.. Judge McLean remarRed that as this was the first offence o f suoh a nature brought to the notioe o f the Court, ' from that part o f the the county, the Court coulfl only punish the offender by fining him $20, and then warned the defendant that i f he should be brought before the Court again he would be sent to the State Prison.


The above case being moved, a jury waa im­panel ed,and the case tried.

The plaintiffs olaim that on July 7th last, certain property belonging to them, consisting o f house­hold goods, farming utenails, stockB, etc., were levied on by the Sheriff by virtud o f an execution held by the First ^National Bank, o f Red Bank, et al,. against Henry Hanoa.<j£ al.

The ju r y returned a . vejrdipt in favor o f the plaintiffs for the amount o f their claim.

Denise H. Btnock, for plhintiffs; R . Allen, Jr., fo r defendants.' *\

Philip Hodnett, q f Asbury Park, was committed to the County Jail on Saturday last,, chared with illegal practices on Sunday, at Aabury Park, and with assault upon Uriah White.

GENERAL NEWS.A fatal case o f yellow fever ocourred in New

York on Saturday.

E. L . Davenport, tho tragedian, died at hia summer residence at Oanton, Pa., at midnight Haturday.

Mrs. Jones, the wife o f the Nevada Senator, has juBt had jewels worth $2,000 stolen from her room at a South Norwalk hotel.

Mount Washington,* N. H.. was visited by a heavy snow storm on Monday. The thermometer at the hotel there 'marked 81 degrees.

There seetna to be a great improvement in busi­ness throughout all sections o f the oountry. R e­ports from all parts indicate a brisk fall trade.

The. army v^arm haa appeared in large numbers in De Sota county,' Mississippi; Fayette county, Tennessee, and Lee county, Arkansas, and serious damAge to cotton is feared

The Providenoe Tool-Company, having re-estab­lished satisfactory financial arrangements with the Turkish Government, has resumed work, ..with 1,800 men employed on full time.

Ten blocks o f buildings at Paris, M o., were de­stroyed by fire on laat Friday afternoon. Several lives are supposed to have been lost. The loss will be over one million dollars. I t jyas the work o f an insane incendiary. ^

Fifty buildings were destroyed by fire in New York on Monday morning. Tlie fire originated in Hale’s piano manufactory on Thirty-Jifth and Thirty-sixth atxeeta, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, andWtended to the stores and tenemerit houses Adjoining. Six persons were killed, and a number injured^ The loss is about half a, million dollars.

.The officers o f the Western Uuion and the A t­lantic and Pacifio Telegraph Companies have de­cided upon the gerieraf terms o f a netaj tariff o f rates, concerning whioh President Orion 8ayq: Under the new tariff our first step will be the exten­sion o f the 25 ceut rate in the territory east' o f the Miaissippi riv^r from 25 miles, aa heretofore, to 100 miles in an'air lice from each station. This will be a reduotion in very “ P Y but it.w iUthoroughly estafmsh local telegraphic communica­tion throughout all thickly settled regions* and will tend to increase business largely. ' From many statioiisthe deduction w ill be 5, 10, or 15 cents on ten wordjfl. Then we propose to fix $1 for ten words aa the maximum rate between a ll . stations east d fw e Misissippi and Missouri rivers. From New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore the r&es to Cincinnati and Chicago ate to be 40 (cents. T o St. Lonia the Tate -will be 50 centa, tft Omaha 75 cents^^o New Orleans $1. The rate to Sari Frani- cisco. (2 ) w ill not be changed^

The funeral o f Brigham Young, last Sunday, Wfi* an impressive -demonstration. Four thousand

C omLtovere in line, marching with unoovered Is. The ooremonies at the grave were brief,

‘ consisting only o f a hymn sung by the Glee Glub and a prayer^by Apostle W oodrtiffdedicating tho vault, the coffin and the boejy. The coffin, en­closed in a rougli box, waa lowered into the vault, and the wives' and children gathered around, but the lid was not removed. The vault is ofcutsand- Btone, eight feetrlong* four feet wide, and three feet high, internal1 measurement. The stond Hooks are lala In cement and pinned together with steel bars, sent- through each block horizontally and ^vertically. The cover, is 6 f' seven inch flagging, pinned to the wajfa with .toon bars. Brigham Young waa the father o f fifty-six children, forty- four o f whom are how gUve— fiittpen sons aud .twenty-eight daughters. H e leaves'" seventeen wives, ribt including Ann Eliza. He has le ft his family vrelf~providwl for,- apportioning property to oaoh^-member.

■ " ' ’ ? ' '

Meeting of tbe Monnioxitli County Board of Fr^ej^cilders.

The Board o f Freeholders met at the Court House, Freehold, on Tuesday last, pursuant to adjournment, and the following business was trans­acted : Direotor Haight called the Board to order at I t o’clock, after which tbe'toll wa5 calle^, and but one member, J. W . Conover, failed to respond thereto.

The minutes o f the last meeting were read and approved, after whioh an unusually large number o f bills, mostly made by reason q/ the great damago done to county property during the recent freshet, werfij-presented^audited and ordered paid.

Another b illo ve r whioh ’there was a hitch was one presented by John Arnolds, for $10,68 fo r service tending the draw on the Squan bridge.

The facts that appeared from the statements made were, that a oommittee of the Boards of Monmouth and Ocean met on this bridge some two yeara ago, ^fhile the bridge was in conrse o f erection, at which time the said committees were Considering the advisability of putting in a draw. Some private parties there agreed with these Committee^ that the respective counties shonld not be run to any expense for tending the draw, i f the said committees would only put in the draw. The draw was accordingly put in and Monmouth county has never, as yet, paid anything for tend­ing the same. *

Upon motion, it waa decided to lay said b ill aver untu tbe next meeting.

The Board then adjourned for dinner.

From tho Monmouth Democrat.C. O. Clayton, o f Ocean Grove, has already re­

ceived an order for two hundred dozefl o f his. .pa­tent bathing shoes, from one house in New ’ Yo^fc

On Tuesday Sheriff Brown delivered the follow­ing convicts at the State Prison ; Geo. M . Seith, forgery, nine m onthsJam es Corbett, obtaining, money under falsev pretences, nine months.

W e learn from Secretary Smock.that the people o f the county every where are araoBed on tiie sub­jec t o f the Ootmty ' Fair,1 to come offiiSxt-m onth, and arc making Tiimsual - e ff orts to secure - rhand-, some display; Monmotitfr always has a good feir, and we are pleased to learn that our* people have determined not only to keep it up.to the former standard, but to exceed it -

From the Red Bank Standard.~ M r . and Mrs. Joel Carhart, o f Matawan, celebra­ted their golden wedding on Mohday o f last week. Nearly all o f their descendakits, numbering thirty- nine, were present.

The Freehold and New York Railway isso near­ly completed as to track and ballasting, that the contractors expect to discontinue their construc­tion trains on or before September 5th.

The work o f erecting the look-up w ill soon be commenced. The building will be o f brick, 12x 20 feet, with a hall in the centre, in whioh will be placed a stove fe r . heating purposes during the cold, weather.

From the Long Branch New*.All o f tho potato bags haven’t hied themselves

away to fairer .aides y e t Above Tinton Falla they are ao thick as to literally cover the ground.

AlS^onr-loads of people were deposited at the Ocean Grove depot on Thursday last. Among these were excursions from Freetio!3, Trenton, New Brunswick and Newark. , )

The indications are that the season fo r guests will last muoh longer this year than usual. An agreeable prospect to all concerned except the . poor hack horses. ^

The pca?enij3 <S^h^| ,bQen jn an eminent de­gree what jscalled a good one. That is to say, the place has been well filled and the profits resul­ting to those, who in various ways minister to the comfort and convenience o f the summer visitors, have been large. I t is also a long season, com­pared with other years. The extremely hot weather o f May and early June hastened the annual hegi- ra from tho crowdod and dusty cities, and though there camo a few weeks of cooler weather later that somewhat cheoked the filling up o f the hotels un­til the latter part of July, the last few weeks bave been all that thb most exacting of landlords could wish in the way o f weather that should make in­land towns untenable. A t present the number o f gncBts in Long Branch is considerably larger than is uRual at this time in the year, and the prospect is that most o f the hotels and cottages Will find it to their advantage to remain open a week or two later than they have commonly done.

A f t e r **o o n S e s s io n . _ .r

At 2 o’clock the Board re assembled and Direct­or Haight having called Mr. E ly to the chair,, made his report as chairman o f several bridge com­mittees. 'r ' • |

Mr. Haight stated that an offer had been made to build the bridge at Van Mater and Muhlinbrittfck- m lll o f iron for $900, and • that he approved d f erecting said bridge o f iron.

The building o f Clay P it Creek bridge haa been oontradted for $1,800.

Mr. Patterson did not approve o f erecting these bridges o f iron. He thought that a wooden bridge could be put in at Muhlinbrink’s M ill a ta cost o f $500 and thereby save $400 and be almost as du- | arable. He thought the county might economize I in their, bridge building. The most of the railroad ; companies built wooden bridges, now, instead o f j

From tho Matawan Journal.

The Mechanicsville M. E. Sunday-school netted about $JG from their excursion to Ooean Grove about two woeks since, -

The Matawan cannm§ffactory made almost full time last Sunday. Not in canning tomatoes; but potting in now machinery, making repairs, etc. O f course there had to be one fight to g ive eclat to the occasion. Cartan A Co. have as much right to run their mills on Sunday, since nature sends as mnch water on that as on any other day. W ho wiU^be the next to violate both the civil statute and scripture law.

From the Keyport Weekly.

Tbe Omioron entortainment at which “ Caste,” and other pieces will be presented, will take place in the third week of September.

The fall and winter seBsionB of the Graded Sohoo] opens on Monday next, Sept v3d. The • principal s chair, which has been so ablyj filled by Prof. MoFarlond, is to be occupied by the same gentleman.

Ex-Gov. A . Newell is looming up aa a . strong candidate for npminatdon by the Repub­lican X>ariy. WithJ an equally good candidate on thfr'Democratic ticket, the people o fthe State can­not go far astray, whichever way the: tide turns.

F ro m th e S quan Sea-tide. , , .

An old couple, Mr. and Mrs.Henry Raquet, of Texas, 80 and 82 yeara old, are at the Arnold House.

Mr. Edward Math ey, .one of the guests o f the Union, started in a row-boat, the other day, across the surf to the ooean. He found the feat more difficult than he anticipated, and aft^r breaking one oar, his condition waa critical. Capt Eugene Longstreet and William Johnson, Jr., took one o f the fishing boats and sucoeeded in getting to him after hajf an hour’s hard work.

In reply to Mr. Patterson, Director* Haight said that it \froulcf be hard to opn vince him that wood would laat nearly as long as iron, when the faots so strongly demonstrate the contrary to be true. Moreover he though^ the railroad companies were all ooming to use iron for its durability and hence

^bqeause it waa a matter o f eoonomy in the end. The bridge expense account haa been diminishing yearly Binoe the better class o f bridges have been UBed. In 187i> some $24,000 over previous years was savod on bridges alone.

Mr. WalfceriJ at l&Bt moved that the oommittee be authorized to build either an iron or wood bridge as they should deem beat Carried by a vote o f 12 to 1.

Mr. Fields oftUea the attention o f the Board to tho faot’that many o f tne old planks on the Shark river bridge needed to be replaoed with new ones j that the travel over said bridge was very great, as many aa 30Q wagons otoBsirig there iu a day, and that he believed the bridge should, be carefully looked after. He Baid that he noticed the com­plaint of a N ew 'Y o rk merchant in the Asbury. Park J o u r n a l ; that said gfbtleman noticed a great Qeal of motion to the bridge. Mr. Fields said

' that when the committee ol the Board was there some few months since, in May, he believed, they noticed certain weaknesses in said bridge, but at that time regarded it as safe uhtil apnng. The, oommittee, however, did not anticipate that there would be so muoh travel over there during the summer months. He Baid that there were so many people at Asbury Park and Qeean Grove that the travel over said bridge Was very great This was a good bridge when it was built, but it has had a tremendous strain upon it sinoe, both in its early existence when so muoh o rth e building 'materials for the Park and Grove wer^ conveyed across that bridge. v

Mr. Fields thought, something should be done either this fall or in the early spring. O f course nothirig-could be done during th£ summer months, which ia the busy aeaidri there. •

I t was then moved that when the Board adjourn it do so to meet on Monday* October 1st,, After some talk about purchasing a pile driver, w^ich matter waB laid over until the ne^i m atin g , the Board adjourned. , " «..

j London is built on a bed of gravel, beneath . which is a stratum o f blue clay between 200 and j 300 feet thick. .......

[ L t-G ov . Brockmeyer, o f Missouri, says that when ; iie came to this oountry, a boy o f oighteen, Ije work­

ed as a bootblaok in the streets o f l^ew York. Thirty , years ago he worked in a foundry for $3 a week,! and saved his money until he had enough to buy a . i piece o f land, and then ho was independent

j Upon investigation by a special agent o f the I Post Office; Department, the bond o f the Post ( master at Bat on Rou^e, La., ia found to be fioti | tious, no suoh persons as the pretended sureties I being in existence, The Postmaster and the

United States Commissioner, who certified to the ; correctness and affixed their signatures thereto, i have bepu urr^sted, and a new postmaster has | been appointed?^

All o f the oities and townships in Hudson county are largely in arrears in their county tax. The consequence iB that the funds in the oonnty treas- - ury are nearly exhausted, and the business o f the county muoh embarrassed. Hon. Job A Lippin- cott, counsel fo r ‘ County*Collector Kingsland, naa notified the offioialsof the various oities and towns that m^less thft moneys due be immediately^ paid, he will applv for a writ or mandamus, compelling payment. \

Dr. Tyng, Jr., tells a story on himself which ta * some point in it to thope who are eager to preaoh before, they are ready. W hile he was studying in

j Virginia he was-in the habtfiof holding service at I a neigHoring obapel. A. friendly old daricey used • to pass hia ohurch ahd trudge a mile beyond to a

Methodist meeting-house. When asked w hy he did not go to hear Mafwu.Tyngr he made this shrewd rep ly : “ Ah’ no; don’t catoh dis nigger lettin' de studontd praotice on him.”

IS A B B IK D .Hampton—RAiNEAK.—A t Oo«an Grove, on t te 2d ,

kbovfe nax^ed^aoe.



> JTE R M B OF S U B SC R IPTIO N .1 yeaf, in a»tTRnoo.....i.,jv-i,» .

, 6 monthb, In advance.-.....%........ . . ............8 months, in advance . ........ ......1 month, In advance.... ...............................8lnfrl© copies................................................

Asbury /‘ark. Nett] Jersey.' Ft is printed on good paper* and ■ besides containing the current news of .events along (he Jer­sey coast. a summary of general netos. 'ft* selections arcnuirftj toithcare%aUhoygh it is composed principally of original maifcer. We atm to nuike tt_(t gooafamily vftper. and ,des.lre to

-nsxtend tts circulation. We there for task out mends and pres­ent subscribers to recommend it to their neighbor*. I'he pricets one dollar and fif ty chits .............

. year^elgftiv cents.s per year, postage included: half

, T O O O E R K S P O N D E N T S .| Weshalibe glad to receive items ofnetDsandcom m unlm ltonA o n subjects o f in te r ext to this com m unity. . r

In w riting articles intendedjor publication, o u r friends w ill p leasebeartnm ln tttha ta sheet written tti>on both aides has to b t copied before going to press—a labor we cannot undertake.

A llcom m uhicattons should be accompanied by the f n l l name ar\d address h f the tortter. not necessarily f o r publication. but "into gtutranteeaf good fa ith . Anonymous letters'th ill not be noticed. . . . .

We cannot re tu rn rejected communications, but w ill hold i\em f o r a lim ited tim e i f requested to.i A ll tetters HUettded fo? the editoria l o r news department shouid be addresseSfoiKe

T i ie re g u la r W e e k ly c ir c u la t io n o f ' t l i o A ubnry H *a r lt J o u rn a l egceodR T W E N T Y * O NE H U N D R E D Coplcn.


ed ua to . .publish it in tho JotTBNAtJ. The jfchinj* does not strike * us favorably. We^ be­

lieve the time has come to ^ io k e out' ircogu-

hiritibg in banks, insurance companies >.and similar institutions, and We.iconfess Our pre;

judjefcp are in favor o f Mr. Kelsey ; besi“ we think it somewhat cheeky for a.-man to send a circular meant for publication without even a.respectful request to that e ffe ct. W h o is this man, Baldwin, .that iiaka .sb much gra­

tuitous space in tho columns-of the IjTew Jer­sey press. .,

The N ow Y 'drjr4 Tribune sticks to the Chamberlain gambling house at Lon g Branch as clo8<rw*!i chestnut burr to sheep's wool. I t says tjie house .is now run. by a man named' Philip Daly, o t Philtfll&lphia;' I t re­

ports in last Monday’s issue the story 4hat ther Chamborlain^robbeda Frenchman pained

Carlin, o f'$30 ,000 f in the summer o f 1876,

The pertinacity with which it pegs away at the gamblers is worthy o f imitation by the country press.

Tho editor o f the Jo u r n a l takes this -oc­

casion to express his gratitude to those friends

xVho: have made* inquiries after his health

during the past week. - A n acute atack o f

asthma induced by hay fever, to which lie

has been fd'r some time subject, overtook him Wednesday everting, Aug. 29* rThis, com-

- binod with a slight organic affection, seemed

for a time to overcome nature’s resistance,

but, wi^h the blessing o f a kind Providence

and the best o f medical treatment, w e hope

soon tfc~‘tTead again God’s green foot-stool.

For the present, we are obliged to relinquish

all work on.the J o u r n al , which is left to the

management o f our associate in office.

J. A : B ’


A.correspondent o f the Jtfew Y ork T-h-ibvnc reports-in that paper o f Sept. 1 st an interview he had with Judge Hilton,, the owner o f the Grand Union HotcJ at .Saratoga. I t is fresh in the minds o f our readers what a sensation My. H iltons order, to exclude from the hotel what he termed trade Jews, created. „ Judge Hilton in a manly letter published during the

excitoment said the Jews were loud, coarse, obtrusive and filthy. H e said tljey .would get rooms’ at the lowest possible ntes, and smuggle into them all tlieir visitors ; that they were . fiYthy/in their habits, and that they swarm in such nunrbers as to monopolize the piazzas; „ tliAt vn so public a place as a hotel they have privileges as guests which gave them license to«be disagreeable to other peo­

ple.The reporter gathered the following facts

from Mr. Hiltpfi in relation to the Grand Un-

The Standard, o f Red Bank, last "v^ek, ad- ministerfccl a rap on the knuckles o f those persons and papers that condemned its Whis­ky locals. I t sayp^, * , *

The vory newspapers that so 6tronfcly criticised adyertiKements.in tbe Stam lard which they termed whisky locals ore now trying 16 shield those peo­plo at Long Branch who were, complained o f and arrested for selling liquor on Sunday, an open vio^ lation o f the laws o f the State, and in direct oppo­sition to moral teachings of' the oommunity and the cause which they pretended to advocate. They have a sly way b f getting around it b y placing the matter before the people as a piece of malice on the part.of a few disappointed license seekers, arid attribute' the whole matter o f those Sunday vio­lators being disturbed to that class.

So tar as we are concerned, w ^ do not ex ­

cuse tlio hotel men one iota, for w e do not believe ther§ is a single one among the most respectable at Long Branch who does not v io ­late the license laws o f our State; and what is plainer, they know it. think the liquorbusiness a dishonorable oiie take it where you will, but it would be fo lly to permit such men as St. James F ay and St. Ernest K lie to try to divert attention from themselves by an impracticable raid on men who are not so guilty as themselves. W e shall deem it an honor to be criticised by the Standard, which

• has, during the .past few months, stepped Up on a higher plane in journalism. W e re­spect its opinions.

Public School Opening.The exercises connected with thg opening o f the* >w Public School (Dist. IJo. 1J0£) i i

■will take place in the School^Brfllding on W ed nosnew Public School (Dist. Ifo . 1J0£) in Asbury Park

ho^Brflld ing i day; September 12th, at 2 o’clock P .M . , and be

A great many people were quick to takes ides “ on principle"’ with the Hebrews, bnt it is very plain from the most obvious appearances hero, that in practice a great many of our most influen­tial and substantial citizens east nnd west aro ad­ministering their rebuke to Judge Hilton by inscribing their/names upon the Grand Union register. During the month o f July it looked rather doubtful for his side. Although a great many letters were received from would-be guests applauding his action, the omnibusses did not land them at the portals. A great many Jewish habitues of the Spa, thoroughly indignant and de­termined to assert their independence, made their usual visit early in .Inly and were welcomed at Congress Hall, the ancient seat o f the moneyed aristocracy. There, directly in the face of the Grand Union, they made no secret o f the pleasure it gave them to view tb& latter’^ sparsely populated halls, and collected so large a

x company themselves as frequently to outnumber the guests pf tho big obnoxious hotel across th i way. A

W hen the1 season, which was unusually back­ward, fairly _ppe.ned, the Grand Union filled up rapidly to overflowing, nt ono time entertaining more than 1,600 gnestB, and tho season has just begun to wane; but tbere is as yet pnly a • slight falling o ff either at the Grand Union hr the United States Hotels. A hotel proprietor told me two days ago that the position token by the G ra tis Union was likely to lead to o similar course an­other year at other promient hotels, and it was hinted that in that event the Hebrews would ig­nore Saratoga, as it had them, and seek a conge­nial resting-place at Newport. Both sides o f tbe question have been actively discussed by public men here. A gontleman who stands high in polit­ical' life. and who hoe been a guest o f the Grand Union for severs 1 years, said, when the season Nyas yet unpromising: “ Judge Hilton is a bold business iaan. J sjaonld not havo dared, in his place, to take the stand he has taken, but it was a great stroke o f business polioy, and although Ti» may lose money for one or two seasons, I believe it has,saved this property from ruin.”" I had-a-long conversation yesterday with him,

i r fwhich he spoke very freely of his brief experi­ence in keeping a hotel, and declared himself strongly with reference to the Jewish question, letting it be clearly understood that he had crossed the-Bubioon and-deatrayed the-bridge behind him_

In his view results have, confirmed the sagacity o f his course, which, he says, proceeded from a purely business consideration. And besides having the most genteel company of guests the' hotel had eyer entertained, ;the business this season prom­ised to be more p ro fita b le^ an during the Centen­nial year, when, as a Governor o f a neighboring State infom ied me, the Grand Union paid ten per cfcnt/on tho investment , I ventured to ask Mr. HiJtOn wbat the property was worth. B e said that exclusive o f the Windspr Hotel here, whioh was hjs own personal property, the Stewart estate at Saratoga, consisting o f the Grand Union Hotel and property devoted to its purposes, had cost in round numbers $2,060,000; but Jast year this investment paid a higher rate o f interest than any o tije f real estate connected with the Stewart, property, and that he was confident it wonld pay better this year than last, certainly if the season continued prosper­ous as at j^resent for two weeks longer.'

continnod m Educational Hall in the evening at 7A o’clock. Tho dedicatory services will bo o f a novel and interesting character, bearing npon the edu­cational interests o f the country.

I t is expected that a nnmber o f distinguished citizens will bo prosent and take part in the oxerci- sea. Among whom will be the Governor o f our State; ex-Go vomers Piirkernnd ^Newell; tlte State and County Superintendeut of Public Schools and others, whom the public will be pleased to see and hear.

All the ohildren in the district are requested to. bo prenent. And all Monmouth county editors are invited. Admission free.

A collection will be taken to purchase a bel for the School Houso. - •

N. E. Buchanon,XJ. E. H o w l a n d ,D . H . W y o k o f f . u

Tnisliw ,Asmmy P ark. Sept. H, 187T.......

N. B .- School will commence Mowdayr

W liy Tides Occur Later Kacli Day.As Ihe moon revolves around the earth from

west to east, she advances eastwardly in her orbit about thirteen degroes .every twenty-four hours. Hence, wheu any part of the earth, in its revolution, comes under a part of the heav­ens w’hero the moon was the evening before, the moon is not there, bnt has gone eastward thirteen degrcey, and therefore Cue earth must turn on its axis as-much longer as is necessary tp brin jf tliat part* again under the moon,, whioh requires generally, not always, about fifty min- iiterr

The same thing occurs the next evening, and .Urn .wjeiuu » ,aftas-.and. Ah us, thfl. mpon-riwvi toobU o f the year about fifty minutes later each day.

Now, as the tides are produced mainly by the moon, it will at once be seen from this eastward movement and .this later rising each day, why they must occur about fifty minutes later eaoh oueeeeding day. W hile the lunar tide is thus daily lagging, the solar tide occurs at the same timo. Hence these two tides always begin to separate after pew moon, being further apart each day, until they again coincide at fhll moon, when ‘ there is a higher tide than usual, cabled

"“spring tide. Then agpin they separate, until new moon occurs,.<when they fence more unite, ; producing another spring tide.

It must not be supposed that the WEole b o d f o f the ocean, to Its profoundest depths, Is equal­ly moved by the tides. The tidal are mainly superficial, and except where the . water is of [.moderate depth, the lowest parts are only slight­ly disturbed; bnt to what depth tho tidal our- rent extends can never, perhaps, be satisfactor­ily determined I'he Gulf Stream Js about three thousand feet deep, having fo r Stfi_bottora a bed o f colder water ot various depths j but as tho ntream ,is the result o f other’1 causes* than those that product; the tides, it is not Bafe .to estimate tbe depths o f the tidal currents by its Own.

A person by the ijame, o f Ijen ry W . Bald­win, who was connected with the N ew Jer­sey Mutual L ife Insurance Company, has 8ont .JUS a -circular making damaging charges c^ainst H en ry C. Kelsey, Secretary o f State.

”W c yHave fiMtf the circular, in some o f our exchanges and pfgaumo^JMr. Baldwin expect-. '■*" . * - - 4 v

^AcrpOTiWr^Qdge' Scudder and-Jite eo n were a t the^Coiejnan House last Sunday. The Judge visU: tefl Ooean Grove and was invited by,-President' Stokes to make some remarks, bnt^oeUned,. Th is. ^ regret, as it is generally kn own b oth' hero and at OpeEm.,Grove that by tho 'siriat enforoetnent p(_ our laws We have,ample proteotion from ,the law- le®3,-and^6vm tW n ^a d s d^ tbe wMsky^am. Th^j ‘Jo(!ge recently stopped for’ -some^tJai^EjSpriD'g^

SiAgiUhbaks the growth of, the entire shore/ from^Sea, ?^g^t |o- Sqtifin, is m to^oti^and is likely to eOTUnue. "

■ ; OOEAN GROVE.The past season has .been , the best the Grove,

over experienced financially.; ■ ' |Trttqk wdgons fliid slow sale fo r their^jarefl now,

owing to the thinning out o f visitors. -V.

The haolks a r e th in n in g out iond qu iofbegina to reign around the Association offloe.

Dr. Stokes was somewhat indisposed on Tues­day. I t is hoped to be nothing soriousr~

There was a meetifag o f the executivp'committ#p o f the Association on "Monday aftemobn^ Sept. 8.

The pleasure yachts were patronized'- chch.day, The sehoonor o f Mr. Lillagorp.seems t o t e fbe favor


Bluefishingon Sept. 4th was grand. Just a lit; tie way from shore all that cared to try caught a

'~:y ,-V; •

ofcl !1

. L O N G BllANCfL A heautii!ol.yapht raoe was seen boro oil Tuesday,^

the yadits beh?nged, tp^the^N. X • Yacht Club, and' the race wa^for ihe

Onjgbnday eventogan^ecbon took ^laoe.fpr a member o f -t\ie B o ^ ’^i,'Education, ,Vice A;;G. Lane 1 R.3 ; Breese_waa eleoted to- that podUon.

The w ife o f the Chinese embassador in London has lately been interviewed by several ladies. She is said to b< a gentle-looking creature, with al- mdfitj-sbiipflu eyes, and je ttyh a jr held ont in a stiff tail over a tortoise-shell' pin behind. Her attire, a loose, many-colored, -embroidered jacket with large sleevoa, surmounting a akirt or frousero worked in gold. A pardonable ruse was perpe­trated to obtain what was most coveted, mz.\ a view o f her feet. Tho conversation was, by means o f the interpreter, brought round to the. subject An American lady present, celebrated for.beauti­ful feet, as we here understand them) exhibited one of hers to the “ L ily .” “ Immensely huge,” was the remark ( and the explanation that-they were useful to walk on was not accepted as a valid reason.for thoir dimensions. Again another l^dy showed a tiny boot, with no more effect; atad the “ L illy ,,> not to be pleased by European models of perfection, which have no doubt turned many beads in thoir own country* was challenged to show what' she considered the sole o f excellence■ Coyly—fo r the Chinese have a genuine horror of a profane eye in such matters— her excellency ex ­hibited what she was pleased to call her foot. Small - it was— just the size o f a; lady’s doubled flat, and much the same shape apparently, swathed in bands o f blue silk~ . Graceful it could hardly be

o f utility\’ it*certainjy imrejaway the palm. Her visitors did not think i t would become popular ui, London. . 1 ‘

The piling np o f the seats preparatory to closinjg up the sides o f the Auditorium commenced Tues­day, Sept 4 . ' 1

Persons /ond o f a comfortable bath and a com­fortable bath-room, go to Lillagore’s, foot ■ of F letcher Luke.

F ifty tents a day are being taken down and-put away for another season; among them Dr. Ward’s and the Philadelphia ten t

M ajor M cKnight is still enjoying the comforts o f his neat cottage on W ebb avenue, and intends remaining until October 1st

Paoh’s photograph gallery has been in fu ll blast for the last ten days, turning out the fine piotures of,gygups for which said place is noted.

-We noticed among the bathers in old ocean* on Thursday, Aug. 80, Mr. Hawkins, tbe.gentlemanly ticket.agent o f the L on g Branch Depot, C. R . K.

o f N . J.The Executive Committee, o f Ooean1 Grove As­

sociation dined at the Pitman House on Wednes­day, having invited all the employees to tffne with them. ^

W e heard it remarked by a man the other day, that'if yon wanted tp find a person who would drive a hard bargain in the Grove, take a superan­nuated “ dominie.”

Ground is already broken for some half dozen cottage^ to be erected at once. Largo quantities o f brick are being delivered at different points, no doubt with tho intention o f .building.

Tbe rush of-pack and basket peddlers is now op the increase ; they are only second to 'the tramp nuisance. A law should be passed making them a nuisance. Some o f them are very impudent.

The M cKnight Rifles, Co. I, 8d Regt., Capt Rainear, aud Co. E , o f the 7th Uegt., Capt J. C. Pattorsqn, have in contemplation an excursion to Toms river during the f a l l ; probably in October.

Some o f the complaints made to the Police Jns- . Jice are too ridiculous. Fo r instance, one lady com­

plains o f another having a chicken in ber back yard that crows so hard, she can’t rent her rooms.

Editors Applegate, o f tho In qu ire r ; Yard, o f the Democrat, and assistant editor Col. Connolly, o f tho Long Branoh N e m , were all at the Grove last week. They all look .Well— as though business Rnt lightly upon their shoulders.

The last Sabbath morning service to be held under the Auditorium was held at 10:tf0 A. M ., Sept. 2. The sermon was preached by Rev. J. Inskip. A large audience was in attendance ahd he preached a grand sormon.

W e think that persons who come to our vicinity and persist in breaking tho Sabbath, and violating the Jjiw and ordinances o f the place, will find out by experience that tbe road to snch things has ifough places and many snags.

Unless colored waiters caij do betted than they have the last season, we hope that others will be guided by Chas. E. Howland, o f tiie Pitman House, and have young white men as waiters. Ho has had an orderly and polite set o f waiters.

The young Bulgarian, .Theodore Boynoff, who kurt'albbis'clothes by the burning o f Mrs. Downs’ tent, deserves assistance in his misfortune. H e has beerirselliug' papers at the Association offico to get funds to get an education. H e is attending the Drew Thoological Seminary.

The Ocean Honse is still opeq and has quite a number o f boarders, among whom are B. W - Robertson, Kingston, Canada; W m . Cameron, Philadelphia ; Chas. A. Tinker, o f Chicago ; W . Merchant and wife, o f Albany, N. ,Y . ; 33/ N. Um. bach, o f Newark, N . J . ; W. R . Bennett and wife, Bay Ridge, L . L ; Wm. M . Beach, Brooklyn. L. I .

The Pitman House still accommodates tbe fo l­lowing personages: H . W . Douglas, o f Newark, who is engaged.<mAharMethodist; S. M- Cootnbs and family, Brighton, ${.■ J*.; S. E. Slay- maker and family, stock broker, Philadelphia; Francis M. Gregory,. Cincinnati, Ohio; Wesley Wilson and family, o f Pittsburg, P a . ; F. W. Heisler, Corresponding Secretary o f the Y. M. C.' A ., from Wilmington, D e l.; Charles Gibson, A l­bany, N v Y ., and W . J. L ibby, o f Washington, D. C. ’

The following are a few o f the guests remaining at the Sheldon House: Senhtor Bamael V . Smith,o f W aterloo, N. J . ; W m . M . Black, U. S .-A .;, M m Hunt, w ife o f D f . Hunt, o f the Theological Seminary, Madison, N . J . ; Wm. F. Nedringhans, o f S t Louis, Mo, ; Mrs. S t George Arthur and family, J. S. Conover and w ife, and A. E. Conover aud' wife, o f N. Y . c ity ; Judge L>. 0. LawrW oe mid wife, of W ashington,"!). QL; Wm. Bault mad wife, Frankford, P a . ; RT Bancroft and wife, a W ' bony, N, Y . „ and Mrs. Van Blarcom, St. Louis/’ Mo. ' . ' : X.

Prohibition State Convention.:A11 voting ^itizens o f New Jersey who believe

t£at intemperance and its resulting evils can be abated only by abolishing the liquor license sys­tem, and substituting prohibition o f the liquor traffic as the polioy o f the State,, and that the best n ieans.to secure this result is by organization for political action, are hereby invited to meet ih Convention at Trenton, in Temperance JBfall, on Wednesday, September 19th, A. D. ^877, at 11 o’clock A. M., to nominate a candidate' for Governor, and organize /or the ensuing election

. W h v is a thief lik£ nutmeg? Because>he*B besjt when he’s grat6d in.

of the Grand Divieion,8. o f T „ of N. J. ■ -w s.

James R .' Pehinb, G . W. P . Hehbx B. Hflwisu,, Q. Scribe.

season]- a system pf sewerage ostabliahed atid o r - al newcottages bufltj>;; • . .* f ■..£*

Long Branch beginB to pr^enfc that deserted appearance, around the hotel9f>that watering places usually ’do after tbe season. Tho peop16 left on Saturday: and the following two days in immense Uupibers, and an expressman’s esbftnation ,of the dumber of trunks taken nWtiy‘r^n ive r 6, thousand,

sei^noticeable feature in Long Branch society now, • is a large ^ l^n go ffiq the member of Hebrews at ihe hotels, -jrfes id particularly the casij,afc the

sion House, whicb, last season ‘an . the.early •part o f i last bummer* had a very lwge, proportion .vdf Hebrews among its guests but'where jjo.w only th eh- faniiliesVof that race noW remain. The change^^alao, ypry., marked,,thpugh scarcely to ihe satfao. degree, at the Ooean Hotel.

Appe^de^ is tho yearly Sdhiibr Report as read by the Distjriot Cleyk:.*. , rBalance bn hand Aug.^Istj 1876 — J . ..$4,421 95Two Mill Tax.. ..........., ........ 0,020 90State- Money....... ............... 511 68Surplus Revenue ............ 869 28

$11,829 85

Paid TepeherV Salaries,. . ..i-i......... ......S9,647 O0

Balance Due... .............. 1,682 00Tw o M ill Tax ........... *......... 8,216 26State Appropriation.. ... .» ............ 588 25Surplus Fund.................. 488 26

: $10,919 77,• INOIDKHTXXir ------- •--•■•v-t.......

Balance DueC * J. ..t« .... ..‘i t . ,..................$T,188 18Assessment..................................... -5,000 Q0

_ $6,188 18

J?aid jOrders......:.............................. $4,754 18

Balance D ue................:.............a ...........$1,4S4 18

Nnmber o f Children ...................................... l t8T8Number o f Teachers......................................... ' 15Accommodation fo r Children..........................1,200No. o f Children who did notA ttend 700

________ AsGus-Ersa).

L ong B banch , Sept. 5,1877.

To the Editor o f the Journal:—The music o f the organ grinders as they play

the “ Lftpt Rose o f Summer ” is very appropriate. The dd!^ are warm, bright and pleasant, the nights cool and sometimes ch illy ; the farmers’ wagons loaded with -Jfflmato^r--melons, swfeet ..potatoes, peaches and— different from, last fa\l—-splendid sound potatoes, are liberally patronized by the citizens o f the Branch.

The bathing is yet goodj and thodgh many o f onr summer visitors have returned tb tbeir homes fo r fall business and taken their children back to school after Jhe summer vacation,' still a large number ore ye t here enjoying this delightful weath-f c r . ’ !*■ *■ ' ...... - - ......... - 1

Our hotel proprietors havo been financially suc­cessful and their faces reflect their satisfaction. Some adventurous renters and keepers o f cottages have utilized., tbe traveling facilities afforded by our railroads and steamboats and taken French" leave, while some others are the recipients o f tho attention o f constables'Jno. II . Vandyke,W m . E. Vandyke and Wm. T . Hopper, These officials show an attachment for the delinquents prompted by oar justices o f the peace.Police Justice Pitcher haR now bnt little to do. H is

summary treatment o f tramps .had a salutatory e f ­fect, and violators o f ordinances and criminal sta­tutes soon learn that ho menus busines#.

Ho has bad a vory efficieut polioe force, tha£ very materially assisted him in keeping order; better order has been, kept than heretofore and yet fewer arrests. Still the proportion o f the nnmber fined and punished in greater, and though some o f the {justice’s old boon companions were among the violators, still he was inflexible in the per/orniudfce o f his duty. >

Mr. W illiam Cooper, Jr., o f Atlanticville, very courageously saved the life o f a young lad, the son o f Mr. Francis, o f that place. Young Francis we1 )( in bathing und soon found he was in a u sea piiKs.’ ’ aud despite his exertions was soon carried away from the shore. Mr.-Cooper, took in the nil nation at a glance, and seizing a plank boldly rescued the boy. This makes the lodrtb person saved by him.

mh\. James L . Morris, the harness maker’s wife nt Long Branch village, bad a vory unusual visit last week. She was busy preserving peaches and a honey bee was noticed in tho room; soon after, more came. Some o f th«\ peaches were in the kettle on the fire and some already preserved were in a stone jar on the tab le; thk beos came in a swarm, about two quarts taking possedsjon o f tho kettle, and as many more o f tho ja r; thoso in the kettle were, o f course, killed. Mrs. L . not liking so large a oompany, vacated the premises. The bees w ere rein forced and all the syrup iu the jar was carried away,

“ * ... CoBfiESPONPEMT.

ThUooIntnn ia respectfully dcdloalca to tlo fo n£ onr fellow elttrens who olm lhe Uvern-koopor’a lloonao, in which oocnr tho following words I '^ W .'th in k euoS urann or T»vora;iB' nedoMuy »nd will ooniiinoo to'the pttbuo good." W o will hot ‘"extenuate nor angbt set down in malice,” .hut givo 'the.naked facta' aa thoy.

^ S l^ c d itS S ^ ^ t e ^ ^ ^ 9* we occasionally0 . O - .

. S u lc lde o r a W e a lth y , f a r m e r .

a wealthy fprmor, o f Mas-j i . f i f t y ^ o years o f age, mid.

nft^ifoM^oha^ committed i suicide lastCQutah,rJU., who was. flfty^two yeaw o f age, midi

committed 1 suicide fast wee^.^ H e had twcr iarge farinipji which aro -conBid:ered? among .tho , fihest iutthp cpunty»~ .Besides* these twp forms, he had betwomf $ 0,000 and $ 8,000 on interest,* and was - estimated to bo ‘worth $ 75 :-000 or $80,OoO. H is brother owns* large mills “at Masooutali.; Fpr several njonthspast Mr.f,Sohu- bakgal drank to excess, fo r which he was peveraf times ohided by his family* buf nOt with'undue harshness, and consequently there was no ill feel- ing between him and them,'thoir relations being o f tbe pleasantest character.] F o r some time pait, however, he manifested a feeling o f downhearted­ness, aud on Mpnday and Tnesaay last frequently .said'that- bn. Wednesday he should k i lt minself. On Wednesday morning the son and his mother heard -the import.pf a pfotol, and, rushing into tbe house, foundrMr. 6 chubakgal lying on the*bbd with his: pipe in hia mouth, the revolver ’ W his side and*a Jbnllet hole in his right tempie—-aead- — St. Louis G$be^J)cmooirat.s * • -. ‘ . ■

'V , .•> . ■ .

. T h e t o t ' o f a W ife D ese rted .

Mary E. Barry, -of Rochester, was arrested near the American House, thi^ morning, fpr intoxication.' A t Station Tw o it was learned that sho. is the.wife- of* a potash manufacturer b f Rodhdster. She had been in New York W ith-h im -for several'weeks. Three or four davs ago he disappeared, and.frpm what she heard she inferred that she had beenUtfr sorted. She became partially demehtedT Shfallowed her husband to >tbis city, andsome dastards gave her liquor.- /Jho is held IL Station.Two, not os a prisoner, but as a witnes in case her runaway, husband shalLbe caughtf^~ T ioy Time*.

... Jtlore o r th o H is to r y o r H u m .

Mary Clark, o f W illiam stret, was sentenced to one month on Blackwell’s Island, by Justice Duffy, Friday.' She had sold her baby to EUen Goldhey, and then both women had spent the mouey for whisky. Ellen Goldney was found in the street, drunk, with the child in hor arms.-^Acto York,Bun. ' • • '•

D rin k aud m urder.W illiam Wunderj who is charged with having

caused tho death o f his w ife in Manyunk, seems ■ to fully tealize the enormity o f the offence, but thinks chat he ought not to suffer for that which he did while crazed with liquor. He is a young man, probably not more than twenty-eight years o f age. Aa he stood behind the cell bars, with the tears streaming down his pale face, lamenting and calling fop-his dead wife, he furnished a pitia- ble_picfcure o f what a man can be brought to by the excessive'use o f alcoholic stimulants. ‘ ‘ They vjon’t habg mfe, will they ?” he inquired, clutching arthe iron bars. 14 I t ia bad enough as it is, but1 didn’t stirik^ ber on the head with a^atcbet. N o I God knows I didn’t Wo-lived happily while we kept tl^o temperance pledge, bnt since we broke it— ” Here he broke down, and ’ began*moaning, “ M y poor ^ i fe , my poor w ife! ” As ouir^representative was about to depart tbe priso­ner sprang forward, an$ clutching him by tbe coat, exclaimed : Tell them to put mo in a cellwith some one else I For. God’s sake do, or I will go mad ! *’—Ph ila . Press.

g O M M U N t J C A ,T I Q N S . • For Surrogate.

T o the E d i t o r o f the Jo ' tm ih l ;— * .

I have noHoedaOmewhnt o f an agitation 'ib ottrlooal preBa'oohoeming tho offloe o f Suirogato. Now, in saying what I do, I bnt express the son-

• timotita o f the solid portion o f the JnhaWtanW of Monmbnth oonpty. . And my say ia this: That the

A ;-E. Throokiiiortbn is an honor to the pfeBi- tion hejholds and that he cannot be improved up* on, an'd tbat-wo do not oare to take the pplitioal

t c h an oe0 'fora ch an go, but desire to letgvelienQugh ^ on e j and yehou lho time tjomes to BpeJtk this will be done. 'Hon. Au R. Throckmorton should be, rind I think will b%onr next Surrogate, 4

Sept 5, 1877. QoKAH. C

Another Candidate. ‘ :jP<? t$ie Editor of fhe Journal:—•' «. '*

I hiivo notided in vour reoeiit tssaeB eeverat carda and articles favoring certain candidates for governor. Would it not be a gojod idea to put a man before tli'e publio fo r this high posltion-who doos/ not belong to ahv ring f The time has come when the people should ho. heard in 'irofemnco ito nominations, eto. The farmers and ia i^ y o is aro getting extremely tired and weary o f paying taxes to support rings and'ring officers j they axo a verv ex -. peqpive lu xu iy .--I have carefully looked the field over, and as yet I have been unable to select one frQm. the numerous candidates, named , in connec­tion w ith fjhehornittntion for Goverri.or, but has his political gatujphts taiut^d-.with ringism. W hy not select a candidate for thisTiigh and honorable of­fice that is identified with tiie interests Of the peoplo, and not in the interest o f the office holder?

Fishing Extraordinary* *On Monday forenooij a party o f gentlemen, con­

sisting o f Messrs. D . M . W att and Mr. Mullin, of Pittsburgh, Ptf., and James Dovey and John Blakely, o f Philadelphia, went on a fishing excur­sion with Capt RuS. W hite. R ob. predicted poor luck, but before noon the four gentlemen caught 167 sea bass and 51 plaice. Mr, Blakely caught twelve baaa with one bait—-a feat unprecedented in this vicinity. The party were unanimous in vo ­ting Capt. Rns. a most gentlemanly and pleasant fisherman, and looks forward with pleasure to their next piscatorial excursion.

T h e Iilqu or Tra ffic .- W e understand that a petition w ill be presented nt tho next term o f Court, praying that the nnm­ber o f licensed hotels in Amboy shall be limited to three, and we haVe no doubt but that said~petition will bo signed by a great majority o f our best citizens, as i t must be acknowledged that the pres­ent wholesale licensing o f irresponsible places is do important factor in tbe present deplorable re- sultH o f tho rum traffic in our midst-

Tbiu matter o f petitioning, however, will mako but very little"difference, even though but three bonseft should be Hconaed, so long os almost every third house in some o f our streets is a rum hole and openly and flagrqutly plies its business, Sun­days and Mondays, license or no license. W e aro by no means' fanatical 011 tfie temperance question, but immediate reform is necessary and immediate­ly pressing as afleoting our interests, individually and collectively-— South Amboy ArgiiM.

W o hope our readers will notice that not only is the Monmoath county press taking a forward step against the m m traffic, bat"papers printed on oor border are outspoken against the monster evil.

St. Paul’s M. E. Church.Services will be resumed ,in St. Paul’s M. E.

Church to.-morrow, Sept. 9. Preaching* at 10;80 ’A. M .* nnd 7:80 P . M . ’ Sunday-school 2 P . M. P rayer meetings Wednesday evenings at 7:80.

Educational Hall. • ^Rev. H en iy M. Sanders, o f Yonkers, BT. Y .,

will preach in Educational Hftjl to-morrow (Sun­day) morning, at 10:30. Mr, Sanders is so well and favorably known in tbis'vicinity tbat this aim. pie announcement Ib sufficient to fill our handsome hall. . i ‘

Ooean Grove'st^tion is in Asbuiy Park.

Sunday Fishing. JBy.-the way, the question o f fishing on Sunday

is just now a prominent -one at Squan. *FiBh al­ways w ill bite on Sunday, and, ofcourser there are always some who w ill slip o ff after them. A s long as this was exceptionally and quietly done-butjit* tie could * be saidt but on Sunday last a yaoht came up to Captain Brown’s dock, topk in a stage'load o f men and a keg o f lagor and went^out to sea, re­turning in thp afternoon with the keg empty, the men, o f course, not so empty, and a cargo o f flBh. Now this was enough to 1 exoite in the mindB o f Captain Brown and his guests a fear IjpAt thp"qniet- ness o f the Sabbath, whioh had always been one o f the peculiar charms o f the Union, ;mjght be broken up.; liUt when the*party proceeded to clean thoir fish in front o f the lawn, smearing the dock and tiie shore with tbe refuse, and, otherwise disturb* idg the pfeace o f the place, the Captain decided that he nad had enough, pnd gaVe notice that here­after hiB dopk and properfcy. were npt a£ the service pf those who wish to break the Sabbath land out- ^ e ^ i:o p r ie ^ ^ ^ Q o o d for tho Oa^taiaj We Bay.—

Amen 1 responds every person i^ong the shore -thwt desires a peaceful Sunday.

State.A8rricultural Society.The ninteenth annual show o f this Society,.will

open at Waverly Fair Grounds on tho 17th inst, and aontinue for five days. " The cash premiums are moro numerous and~ liberal than ever before and sum up in round numbers to $12,000. W e nre assured by the officials. tbat all tho depart­ments w ill bo crowded. W e <hope none of our loaders will neglect sending wnatevor theyi may haVo worthy to thlB exhibition, so that -outsiders may see the capabilities o f our soil and tlio wide and varied range o f tbe products and, when compared w ith the p?i>duots o l ' the older States^ -in what a favorable light it Places us. in the average yield ger acre o f the staples. ' ~~

W ithin the enclosure, which ‘nature has done so much to beautify, the visitor is sure to find—some o f tbe best breeds o f horses, heat cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. There is always a largo display o f new and improved farm implements. Besides these and other attractions ih the domestic depart* ment, there will be fruita, flowers and vegetables; Aside from these praotiqal and useful displays that always interest farmers, there w ill . be some fine trials of speed on th^^rack by Jersey bred horses every day during tbe exhibition. On Wednesday the lDth at S o’clock P . M. tho *4 Tournament ” w ill open and the Sir Knights will ride, iTor the “ Champion State Cup ” ana four hands^mo testi- monialfl. These will be awarded lo tbe .successful candidates on. the spot by Gen. Jndson Kilpatrick, who w ill be the Grand Marshal on the occasion. On Friday there will be a grand parade on the track o f all the prize animals, and in^th^ afternoon o¥ tbe same d$y there will be 'a u tfddress in the fruit tent. / *

Almost ft Fire.The ocoupants j^f cottages and tents ^on M t

Tabor W ay, n,ear {he com er b f New Jersey avenue, Ooean Grove, were startled by the cry o f fire, on Friday, August Slst^ JTho faots o f JJie matter are as fo llow s: A young colored boy living with Mrs, Downs on l i l t Tabor Way (who has the step­mother of the-boy in her-employ),-went into a teat fo * a pair o f shoes for bis mother, and while in tbo tent, picked up a box o f matches, and striking one, applied it to a piece o f newspaper to see it burn. I t caught the fringe o f a flhavjd, and being unable to put it out, the boy ran . out-of the tent but did not<tell o f i t The fire Smouldered fo r awhile, and when it burst out it was too late to save anything. Y®Hng M r .D own^f Tost hi S' cl oth ea ,4m d M r.T iiep- dore Boynoff, who boarded there, lost all .his ololhos except what ha had on* The colored

woman also lost her‘clothes. The tent burned very rapidly, but by great exertion tho tent^ and cottages adjoining were saved. /

Sunday School Convention.~ The Annual Convention o f the Monmouth Oounty Snndpy-pohool Association w ill ,lje )»oTd at Asbuiy Park ou„Tn?sday, 25tb September, at 10 o’clock A . MT. SundayrSohooI^ throughout tho county are requested lo send delegates, and all friends o f the cause are cordially invited to attend.

September 4, 1877. ’ . - v - ;. _ . B? Gbiogb, See,

: v : - , ■■ . •' Ooean CTroye Btafion is in Asbury Park.

Is it democratic for Governor^ to name their suc­cessors ? I think n ot Is there no' one fit for Governor unless be be a lawyer or a doctor? As a general thing1,’there Js as much intelligence among tho;farmerfl,.mebhnmcs and merchants, as you wifi find at the bar.

T h e people ara lookingflbbutfor a oandldato, and allow me to tpresont to the many readers o f youi- valuable paper the‘name o f Hon, George Dayton, Senator, from Bergen county. H e belongs to no r ing; he has b e e n ^ e d and found-true to tbe interests o f the peop le; all tho rings in the State aVe opposed to him. and this should be one o f the principal reasons why be should receive the nomi­nation. He would, i f nominated and elected, be an honor to tho sjate. Wo havp plenty o f good material in Monmouth county for all the offices in the gift o f the peoplo, and plenty of aspirants and

.standing candidates for all oftlios from President down to road-masters; but wo have no claims. As we have had Goyeruora Bedle pud Parker both

’■frpm Monmouth, but we d6 olaim ’the right’ to“ liatae the next Govcnior?ntmithat is, Hon. Georgo Dayton, o f Bergen county. 7*

1 V ox Popxmx,

Those Nude Bathers.T o the I$ditor o f the Journal .*t—

W e are pleased to see the «tandryou have taken in regard to the men who, disregarding all deooncy, bathed-Sabbath afternoon, August 20, in fulj view o f so many on tbe oc£2H ‘ fron t And we wish to convey to vou the general expression o f the thou­sands o f law abiding visitors to your pleasant borough, and to Ocean Grove, of condemnation o f such behavior, and this by men who are supposed to ubderstaud what is decent and right And we desire to say, thutit is the expressed wish thafsuoh an offence against society will not pass uunoticod, but that these men should be madu to feol the law.

Sept i j 1877. Z.

Hathing Dresses.T o the E d ito r o f the J o u rn a l; —

I would call your serious attention to a subject that demands your immodiate action.

I allude to the bathing costnmes worn by certain gentlemen ou tbe beucb—b mero apology, and aggravation o f ‘ iMidity. It seems to me that where our wives and daughters aro batbing common decency should lequiro gmtlemeu to habit them­selves within tlm_ rales o f modesty. A s it is,*‘lights" jite begiulhg to disgraco your'beach and outrage the sight ot ladles.

I t wonld seem to me t.hut stringent action on the subject, on your part, will receive the warm thanks o f those who appreciate decency and respect wo- mau. *— D ecknot.

I f Mrs. Vanderhoof will call at the JouaNAL offi&e she can recover an article which ahe lost a few weeks since.

Just praiso .is a pleasure to bestow. W e are pleased to note that some o f our hackmen have mado a decided improvement in tboir porsonjd ap­pearance. Would tbat all would go and do like­wise.

Captain Kidd’s treasure is yet wandering around the country; it tunied up near Red Bank last week, but its exact localitjliiaJt'fiedFtfrof tbo die* coverors, you kuo*f* ' Never.,mind, it will be down this way Rome day. ,

A new time table on the Central foad will go into effect abqut Sept. 17.' Tho excursion rates to New York , Newark, etc. will also be raised to tho -old atan&ard, as the present rates wero only in­

tended fo r the season. I

W e want £0 stopm m sollingj-and i f there is any­thing better than prohibition, let ub hoar it. L i­cense we have tried and it has faded; prohibition at Asbury Park and Ocean Grovo succeeds w ell; why not allow the whole State to enjoy the same

-blessing ?— Temperhnce Gazette.

The telegraph oillce in the Coleman House dosed on Monday. Mr., Zachariafi, the operator, by his gentlemanly, and obliging manner has made many friends m Asbury Park who .regret his de­parture. H e goes to Hoboken.

See announcement in advertising columns o f Prof. McEwan^s entertainment ft*E ducational Ila li, on Jlonday evening. After^ perusing the program ing we predict an enjoyable evening. The proceeds are to go toward purchasing an organ for our pu y io school.

A boy by tbe name o f Ila rt was arrested on Tuesday last by Lako Policeman Sexton'and lock­ed up fo r using profane and indecent language. H e was kept locked up till the five o’clock train left fo r Freehold, when'he was sent home. H e 'said his p a in ts lived at that place; - ,. *

Three chicken thieves were tracked and followed by Messrs. Reid & Rogore-from below Soa PM u, on Friday morning last, .between one and four - o’clock, to near Abner "Allfln’s, where they were arrested by officer W oolley, assisted by officer J^B. Borden, who bad been notified by the former par­ties: They were brought back to Asbuiy Park and looked up till morning, when they bad a hear­ing, and one o f them confessed to having Btolen, With th? others, twenty-five cflbkens 5 afterward they oil madorthe same confession^ One o f them gave bond? to - appear, in October and the other two wero promptly committed to Freehold jail.

Grand Av. ^Reformed Church.’ bhe services were well attended last Sabbath.

A t the evening monthly Sabbath-aohool concert,. Mr. 0 . B . Stput, an excellent Sabbath*sohool wor­ker and talker, was present, as' was also Mr. San­ders, a summer resident o*f Ocean Grove.

Ocean’Grove Btatidn is ^ Asbury Park. ■(



. \ RATfe O F ^ Y S R IW !? ,

)4 inch.

l*u *i •* *8 - “ . *. VOffCpU.


I .00.76 1.00

I So1.70a.!» fe.l)0 0.00 q.oo

ii.I .tol.»01.609.00 af7o8.00


$1.00 .1.00 ’ 2iQ0 2:00 a.oo 4.50

< 0.60 11.00 21.00




10.00 20.00 40.00

* T 6"$2.60

4.006.00 7.00 0.00




10.0014.0018.00 20,0040.0007.00


$0.0010.0014.00IT.0082.00 ,27.0082.0060.00


' F 6 r ra te * fo r JFKrst Pas ja ad d T w e n ty - fe lv ep e r cen t, to, t lio above* ' -

J . LooauNotiCI^-A limited number ot local notlcca Will bo ad­mitted-ft t tho ruto of-twonty-HVo oonte por.Uno. rboy'wlll bo placed at tho bottom ot tho local colunins bnlj, ana must havo

I > u adv,* ’ n t poomty •

Pajf© fro tn on N o w O .K . B .

Clow York........Newark.. .

. KIlMibctti .Uliuibothport .s'. Hlltnbcth Ato... Trefnloy./. I . . . . KantUuhwrfy.... Woodbriflge/....Perth Amotiy.... ftoath Amboy...MbTuan.t.........Ullftwooil........Bliitftwan..........

A sb n ry P a r k S ta tion to p o ln ta Y o rk ;a u d L o n s B ra ’n c li D iv is io n o f tW> J . _____________ "

Bxo $1 00

80HIM. KXO. .. $1 20 -$1 85

i . 1 20 , I'M.. I ‘iO 1 85.. 120- 1.83.. 1(20 183..' 1 10' 1 85.. I 05' 1 75.. 05 160.. tKJ 145., 80 1 85

• 15 . 125 70 115

... BG 1 07

nKQ.Holmdel..;,. $0 60Middletown. 47Jtcd Bnuk.,......„ 85tihmwgbary ..v... 80Branch port.,..,,.. 20Long Branch 20LonK X .............Blberon ........Deal Beaoh.........(Jccau Beach......Bea Plain..........Bprtng Lako.......ScnoTrt. ..Sqtian.. ..t..........

, • BOUND BROOK ROUTE,TbIUtfelpMs. .,$2.4# 4.001 Trenton. ,, ,,1.0t> 2jJS

UOHHITMTIOX TlOKKTSr-ABBUltT r AUK TO NEW TOKIt.1 Month .Wf»J I 8Month,................................. « S|M„nth» g « j j Yenr. . — ;v:r;r;.-w .8S l4 “ V.................. TO 00 I

F a c e f r o m P h lln d o lo li lu So Aatknrr Purist , v ia N e w e r .o y S ou th ern R . B .

BinnloTlokot..,...................*..................... »JJgBxcuretoilTicket,(good forthewnwin).................... ♦25 TrluTlehot,(tfdod for fam ily) t....................... * » » »Boanon Ticket, <for ono poraon);;................. ............ avuu

D in lap eea^ .I.ONU BRANCH OIY18IOK C. ft. R, OK K. J.

New York ......... 0Jcntuy (!lty.................'|liiyontio..... ........ 8

ItedB ank..........................Blircwuhurry ...... 41Branch port............ t-1I xibr Branch ........ 45.Elbcron . . . ./ » ........«Deal Beach - - - 40-Asljury i ’ark.........Occan Qrovcrt.........Ocean Bcacb.........Bea Plain.....................

Bqnan............................57ThodlHtanoo by Central Hailroad In ten mites further than by

tho Now Jersey Southern B. IU; but, as that lino u*e boats in croxMlnt; NetV York Bay. UcommncBalonKcrtimctoroaoh lion# Branch, where a'Junction linaadar wUhJito CnntnU.

T ID E T A B L EShowing high and low water, and batblnR hours for tho a

son of ;Si7, at Anbury Park and Ocean OrovQ, N. J (1’ropared bvW- C. Patton.)

ASBtiBY I'AIIK OOAlin OK (ToMMlS3JONXllS.~Jnmba A. Brad- |py. Preflili>nt; Putu-rson O. Rn«leker, John A. Glthena, OillM No x -1I K#i I ► KNT COMMIMIOJKKRM.—Alpha J. Kynett. Imnc L. 3Jnrun. John |juiKf«.r<l, Philadelphia; IsaacC. Kennedy,-Clerk.

• A n b u ry iP o rh P o m O ffice .New York m«Uh arrive at tt;5i A. M. ifnd 5:58 P. M.NKW York Mml* i-lw nt 1:80 A. If. am! 4 o'clock P. M. Pliil.Ahlti.I'iiiA Mailnrrfvmat ll:0a A. JI. and cIohcb at 1;»*1- v " ' . JAMES D. KIPP,DepUtvP.M.

Ocean Grove station is in Aabury Park.

-’Ih e temporary school building wan removed on Saturday to Main street and will be fitted up as soon as possible an a sash, and blind warerooin.

Mr. Jos. DonaTdfion, General Baggage Agento f the Central Itailroad o f New-Jersey, is a guest o f tho Pitman House, Ocean Grove.

Mr. John 1 . "Dey is putting up a handsome fence around the Bainbridge cottages on Asbury avouue. These uew cottages aro among the finest in the Park. ^

In a short article in our lis t issue relating to Company E, First Regiment, from Newark, we slated the captain’s name was Clarkson; it should have been Capt. C. Klotz.

I 4 . m ____ .

New guests have beon arriving during the week. There are many who think thero is no month at tho Bea-shore so attra^^rft. aa September with its balmy days an<J cooj^iquiet nights.

r t ;•£ ■* • ► —Thefe was. quite a stir in atoves on Monday

morning. We noticed several parties preparing for the pleaBatt pastime o f fitting pipe, etc. Don't bo alarmed ; tbo warm‘weather is not yet passed.

The business done at the Asbury Park telegraph offices this Beason has been nearly one-tbfrd great­er than last year. Over twenty-seven hundred messages were transmitted during the month o f August, and the receipts wore nearly $400.

On the corner of Asbury avenue and Bond street, men are at work upon the cottage and’barti o f Mr. John H. Hagerman. Mr. Hagerman will occupy a high position in more than one sense, as this vicinity is about the n^ost elevated portioh o f As* bury Pafk.

W e are glad 16 know that the Tentp&ance Ga­zette, published at Toms river, is receiying a numbcjLpf'now subBoribora. Rev. J. B. Graw is the proprietor, and Dr. Chat tie, o f Long Brauoh, one o f thfu corresponding editors. The subscrip­tion price is $1.25 por annum.

Jtjr pubHo wihpol opens on Monday, Sept, 17. .We underatand r fa t lit w ill be in,charge o f Mr, Geo. AUari), principal, assisted by Misses Id zz ie M. Coffin and Naomi Brown. The exercises on W ed­nesday. next will be of a dedicatory'toature* See notice in another eoliunn.


T ^ A T K ltL O W


1877.......... 1

• *' ........... 3

M !!!!!!!!” h

“ ! !!!” ’.!!! 8 *• • . iti*• !!!!!.!. ..n*> ...........12“ ...........1»** .r........ 14-•* .......... IS

11. M. a.is4.445.5V5.017.40s.a’s.9.11urn11,2813.00


S3 2S








A. M. P.M. 5-“ 8—4 ” 7 5 “ 10-6 “ 7 0 u 11-6 “ 7 7 '* 12—6 “ 7

m10 ** s11 ’* 412 ** 5

5 to 7-2 to6 5 7-2 “ 7 5 “ 8—***7

' ’ B “ 0—4 “ 7

Quito a number of peoplo are yet stopping at the Ocean H o te l; the most prominent are Mrs. Jpr. WyokoiLan'd daughter, from Princeton ; Rev. J. B. MoCullough, Agent Methodist Boofi Cbnoern,*4 Philadelphia; Hon. B. F. Schofield, Cjewis^. Cog^ ley and wife, and Hon. D. W. Dyer, o f Philadelphia.

i ^ • — ------ -W e understand that' the receipts o f the railroad

station this season exceed that o f last by twenty per tfent., and this in addition to the numerous excursions. I t may;also be mentioned that a largo percentage of oar regular viBitor&’purohase their ekcursion tickets ’ftt New Yprk or Philadelphia, angh this i t not counted to tbe credit o f this offloe*

The' advertisement pf Mr. Clo&e, proprietor o f brick yatds at Matawan, will be founta in another .part o f our paper. Mr. Close has an excellent reputation as a briok manufocturer and is a rising business man. We commend him ^nd his bricks tp the builders o f Asbury Park and vicin ity and

vall others who may be in need o f a good article.

fcean GroVe station Is in Asbury Park.

Bnicnc at the lowogt figures by Bailey.— Ado.\ ' ' ' . •. ;

r , r . .

'the tent containing the b ig jCallfomia tree has been thrdwi ope'n to the public, ‘Tho proprietor, Mr, Gillam, hopefl tP proflt by the Bale o f California ouiioraties and tin ted . grasses, arranged in bou­quets and baskets,' which are very beautiful. W e commend the exhibition to tho traveling public.

The sudden cold snap o f Monday lis t sent many o f our summer guests to their city homes^ Bat our warm weather is by no means bver. W e bave seen some very sultry days and warm surf bathing late in September, and11 have no dqabt but that those who remain will And this month one o f the most delightful o f the whole year at the sea-shore,

-The AppIeby H oubo still retains quite a number o f guests, among whom are Judge Herbert and family, o f Marlborough, New J e r s e y G . G. Mason and Jamfta M. tfreemfln, of. New York c ity ; T . E; Busby a id family, bf Plainfield; li. H . Do Zoucb, o f T roy ; John Russell and wife, Brooklyn ; Mrs. Dennis Bowen, o f Baffalo, and Jno. S. Hanley, from

New, Orleans.- /■

A t the meeting on Monday evening, in Park Hall, Mr. Chas. E. Howland, o f Ocean Grove, was unanitnopsly re-elected as one o f the sehooi trus­tees o f this district fo r the term o f three years. M rv Howland has already served one year in this capacity and his re-election will give general satis­faction. The term o f Mr. David H . Wyckoff, dis­trict clerk, expires next September.

Educational Hall was again oooupied on Tues­day evening last This time by a lady o f Ocenn Grove, Mrs. H . B. Beegle. The entertainment con­sisted of reading o f poems o f her own composition. The audience was not as large as might have been expected, although no Admission fee was charged, The poems' and the* reading were very good. These poems are bound in a very handsome book, entitled “ Ocean Spray," which is for sale by the author at Ocean^lrovei ’

^ A m o n g the many .gneste still at the Coleman House are Charles E. Lum ,' editor o f the South Orange B u lle tin ; Jud^e & W . Scudder, Trenton, N. J. j R . S. Woodruff, Jr., J. H . Blackwell and William Hewitt, from Trenton, N. J . ; Joseph Wilde, Jrl, o f South Orange, N . J . ; E. L. Shep-" pard and L. M . Coulton, o f Philadelphia; A. Loomis and- D. H. Burrell, of L ittle 'Fa lls , ft. J.; J. Bard well Sloat, o f Goshen, N . Y ., and Surro­gate A . R. Throckmorten, o l‘ Freehold, New Jersey. \

K IA R B IE D , ^

Garrison—Mer rill —A t Aabury Park, Aug. 31, by Rev. H. V. Degen, Mr. W il l is Howard Ga r r i- I^d li^ I^Lla Estella B. Me r r ill , o f

Cady-^Ratterson.—At tho residence of the bride’a

?arohts in Ooean Grove, N. J., 8opt. 6, at 1 o’olook ’. M , by Rev. S. C. Chattin, of New Jeraey Confer­

ence, Mr. E. L.Cady, o f Asbury Park, to Miaii IdBRiB Patteusok, of the forraor place.

U nbounded wealth, the b«st o f health,And happiness eternal.

The longest life, unmarred b y strife, - Are the wishes o f T he J o u r n a l .

Ocean .Grove station is in Asbury Park.

C .»T ; Bailey aelis the best B riok at Asbury Park. —Adv.

E&noatlon, the'Oreat Lever of OivUlsatioa

Moral & Instructive Entertainment.PROF. McEWAN’S


IUuminated Paintings,PA N O R A M IC FORM ,

/A.t E d u o a t io n a l H a l l ,

Monday Ev’ng, Sept. 10, ’77.To secure an Organ forHhe AsbOry Park Public School-

T H E L I F E O F C H R I S TA N ;I I r K .V 8 T B A T E D SERM O N .

For unto ns a child is bom, unto us a son is givi and tho government shall-bfl^npon his shoulders; and hie name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God1, The Everlasting Father, The Prince o f Peace.—Isa. 9;6.

About to build should use Close’s Bricks, as t h e y areTHE BEST.

I X I i . C L O S E ,

B R IC K M A N U F A C T U R E R ,Junction L. B. and’ Freehold Railroads, •

M ATAW AN , N. J. ’

I i O S T tOn the beaoh, a pair of gold spectacles. The finder

will be rewarded by returning them to the G rand A venue H ouse.

briok; modern improvements.g Climate mild, very healthy, instruction thorough. - Begins September ft. Send for catalogue. H. K. T rask , Principal.

• , APPLY tfo v: • r I *

WIW. BRUMAKER,Corner Cookman Av. and Webb St,


D C O L . ’- M A N ,. , ,

C a x p e n t e r a n d E u i l d e r ,

P l a in and ' Ornamrn 'tal Fenoss. At Prioes all. 7 . „

Ladders o f all kinds on hand and ^ado to order. Also, Wood-turning aiid Scroll-sawing.

To Carpenters and others interested:

TO O LS A N D C U T L E R Y G R O U N D A t Cor. Bang^Av. ^nd Bond St., Asbury Park.

. A ^ A X l G - A X 2 i r .

A fine Bpan of carriage or farm horses will be sold cheap; gentle and kind; will work in single or donble harness, They can be seen at, G. M. SpiE^'s.cottage, Deal Beach, or full information w illbe given at H a th ­aw ay ’s, Main Street, Asbury Park, JJ. J. *

A D M IN ISTB ATO B ’S SAL® o f A V A L tlA B L K J X -B K A 3 IP B CO TTAO KM id rix-hmdiomiijdlU.

{dots, at Ooean Beaoh, N . J The ■ubsoriber, admin- strator with the will ajmexed in the State o f New

Jereey o f the estate in New Jersey of Hon. A . Jj. Hays, late of Lancaster, Pa., deceased, will sell at pnblio sale *

ON TU ESD AY, SEPTEM BER 11th,J1877, on the premises, at 1 o’clock, P. M., all that handsome Oottage and Lot at Ooean Beaoh, located oh Sixth avenue adjbining the Ocean and fronting on Silver Lake, ^h e lot' is 60 feet frodt by 150 feet deep. The cottage is two claries high, with-nine rooma in the main building, with a kitchen, wood-house, Shed, wash house, etc., attached. AIsq, at the same time, the two lots adjoining tho''cottage, and fonr lots on Tenth avenue. Au these lota are 60x150 feet, and are im oirf' the most desirable locations on the'tract. Also. 10 shares o f the stock of the Ooean Beach -Association. Persotis wi&hing to purchase -.are invited to call and view the property*.. Conditions made imown on the day of sala A . B ITNER, JR,,

August 23, 1877. Admr. N , J. with toiU annexed.

P U B L I C S A L E .The sulMcriber will expose for sale oh the premises,

on .Batprday; " m p t m m 8th, 1877, eight raldkble buildintf Iota, siie. 50x150, jdtuated west o f the '^ail? road, within five minutes walk o f the . Asbnry Bark dgpot. Terms easy. Sale to commence at 8 o’clockP.M.sftrp.^ . v T il


Pare White M i 5 i i r i 1make the cinly reliable palnte.

Raw Linseed Oil, . .Boiled Uiuecd Oil,

Turpentine, Puliy?* - • .

Finci Colors, -Brnabea, Et*.

G L A S S .A fu l l atc^ok ojf* G l a a » a lw a y a b n h a n d .

D E A LE R S9 S U P P L IE SA t New Y o rk prices.

December, 1876. JOS. W. RICE.

Office, opposite Ocean Grove Gates.

E V E R Y T H I N GYou wan^ in the houBe-fumishing, grocery and hard­ware lines, at the lowest oity prices, at Jobi^A. Qithens’, Main st. and Railroad av. Largest stook o f goods and oldest house in Asbury Park.

S t e i n b a c h b r o S.Kaat' L o n g B ra n ch and

A sb u ry P a r k , M. J . .

SUMMERLargest and best uasorted stork of any house i3 Mon­


HOUSE.Having manufactured an immense stock o f

MEN’S CIOtHING,We are enabled to Bell at prioes lower than ever, and . to guarantee them to he woil-mado and durable

garments. Fine shits selling at $5, 95,50, $7.50, *8.50, $9, $12, $18, *14 and up­

wards, Fine Flannel suits from $7 upwards.

A lerp & fell selected assortment sf elute,SuitB made to order at short notice, at *15, $18, and

$20. Fine Pants made to order for *3. ana upwards. Large stock o f White Vests, Dusters, Alpaca Coats, Waiter Jackets, etc., etc. v . ;

A LABGE VARIETY OF BOYS’ CLOTHINGQf all kinds, including 3ailor Suits and Shirts.


D i r e G O O D S .In this department. by baying onr goods by the case,

we are enabled to sell Prints, Muslins, Linens, Towel- ings, etc., etc., cheaper than any Btor* in the county.

Fine Dress Goods, Plaids and Mixed at 10c., 12 f-2c., 15c. Black, Brown and Slate Cashmeres from 35c. to $1. Full stock of Alpaca, Grenadine, Law us, Cam­brics, etc., etc.

t a b l e X j i n s r E n s r s . -A full line o f White Linen Table Cloths, Toweling,

etc. 'A good assortment'of ,

Bedspreads and BlanketsTo whioh we call the especial attention o f Hotel keep­ers,' as we make reduction on large purchaser. White Spreads 75o. 00c, and npwarda. Blankets *2.50.

Hosiery and Ladies’ Underwear,-Including all grades of Plain and Fancy Hose for LadieB and Children. Corsets at 50 ots. Vests,'etc.

FA8CY GOODS A M TRIMMINGS.• Ribbons, Lace, Veilings, Toilet Articlesu A large stock o f Hamburg Edgings and Insertions.

Worsteds, Germantown Wool, Perforated Board, etc."“"Shetland Shawls o f all descriptions. »

— Q - i o ? o a - o f -. a l l „ K i n d a . _Ladies’ Berlin, Lisle Thread and Silk; "Gents’ Driving

Gloves, Kid Gloves at 62 l-2c., and upwards.

Gents’ Furnishing Goods,Including aU styles ^ats and Caps. White and Colored Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Hosiery, etc.

Blue Flannel floods.A very largo stock o f Boating and Bathing Snits for

Ladies, Gentfe and Children. A very large assortment o f Blue Flaunel Shirts for Meq and Boys at the very lowest prices. Bathing Suits made to order.

S T R A W C S O O P 8 ,Men’s fine and common Straw Hats of all descriptions-

Ladles' and Children’s Sun Hats in great variety.

B oots and Shoes.A fine assortment o f Ladies*, Misses’ , Children’s and

Gents’ wear,, including the celebrated Burt make. Ladles’ Shoes at *1 and upwards. Men’s Shoes, *1.25 and upwards. Ladles’ , Children's and Men’s Canvas Shoes. ‘

S T A . T I O I V E R Y .Letter Faper, iFools<«p} Legal Caji, Coiunerrilal Note.

P a « ate. , Trunks, Satchels, ShawlStraps, UmhrellaSf Parasols, etc Agenta for Domestic Patterns, *

L O C A L E X P R E S S^ N D T R A N S F E R .

T HE nndecrsigned.wiBhes to inform1 his friends that he has4established a L o c a l Express, and is now

prepared tb move Baggage, Furniture. Merchandise, Lumber. Building Material, Etc., in any quantity, at the shortest notice, with the greatest oare, and on tbe

Tost reasonable terms.. WASHINGTON WHITE.

F r e p a r e d ffo r im m e d ia te tJsa, -207 PBABL SIEBBT, SEW YOBX. ■

From tho thoiuands o f purchcutr* o f our PR E ­PARED PA IN TS , wo havo yet tq hoar the first com­plaint Tho reason hr apparent Our paint* have stood the test of years, wnere all other paint* have failed in du g bility. Thoir oovering oapaoity, being greater than that o f any other paint, presents a prac­tical item o f economy. Our paints are guaranteed in every particular—the consumer assuming no risk whatever, as we will repaint any building on which onr paints do not prove satisfactory: aUowing a choice of English B. B. White Lead, or any other paint in use.

FO R SALE BY\ ^ ‘j

J O H N C. H A T H A W .il ' ,Asbury Park, W, J.

H U R L E Y & B E ^ N E r L T ,

M a s o n s a n d B u i ld e r s ,ASBO RY P A R K . N. J.

D E C O U B R O S ./Dealers in all kinds of

M Fish, ( M r s i t Clams.Boarding houses and cottages supplied at their doors

A ll orders will be promptly attended to.‘ No charge

for deliverv. Market opposite Ocean Grove Gate.

, J. W, SANFOBD,Who^Bsde aij^Jtetai^ jpealerin


C a n n e d G o o d s , E t c .Cor. COOKMAN AV. Sc BOND STRE inf,


He w ill continue to do

a , Q & s min the



Butter and Teas a hpevialty.Thankfa for past favor^ and soliciting a share o f yonr

trade in the future, I remain,Yours truly,

j . p.Goods delivered gratis.

ASBURY PARK LIVERY STABLES.The proprietor having enlarged theao stables, is now

ready to receive a number of boarding horses by the day or month. The best o f care is. guaranteed to both horses and carriages. These stables ure central, being conveniently locaUsd ori Cookman av. and Emory st.

UorseH, liackB and Light Carriages to hire at call.J. ROM AIN, Proprietor.

_ : , . j 7 :

W m , D e m e a n ,N E W B R A N 4 J I I , W . J . ,


Dry C ooits, ... CSroQorles,F ine T eas,

C offees, S p lo es , Su gars, P o o ts and S h o es ,

FLOUR Sl FEED Crockery e to .


F B E E O F C H A B O £ ‘.

3 . H . S E X T O N ,C A B I N E T M A K E R , U P H O L S T E R E R ,

AND FURNISHING U NDERTAKER,Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, Crapes, Cloths, etc., on

band or furnished tp order. Funertdsj^rsoirally con­ducted to point of destination., * '•- PAPER-HANGER AND CARPET-LAYER.

P I O T X T H Hon hand and made to order.


A s b u ry P a rk , N . J.Refers to Rev. Wm. Osborn and Lewis Rainear

Ocean Grove.

LOKERSOtf BROTHERS, C a r r i a g e M a k e r s

4 n d W h e e lw r ig h ts ,O o b n k r o f S e w a l l A v . a n d M a in S t .

-. -1^*- Jobbing Promptly Attended to.


/ i>SAT:ti::s saB M - Q 0 0 L 8 4..., ‘





on, cioXHS, WIKBOW SHADES, Etc. Meohanios' To'ols, Window Olau & Putty.

f a i n t b .

Farming Implements, Field and Garden Seeds.



M bemdreit’s Eeliable Pattern*. i, A. atomrom.. A- *, ta* vmrwut,

■ G E O . M . B E N N E T T ; , .

Practical House jPamter,W H ITM E LD AV ,, OOR, H^CK ST., ‘

‘ OCEAN GROyE, N. J. Bpeci|l attention given to contracts, etc.

A U M O C K & L I T T L EY - ?

The chohieSt cuta at the lowest prioes.AU lrinds of Fresh Meat, Hams, Baoon, Smoked and

Corned Beef, and Vegetables in their season.Our wagons run through tho Park and Grove sum­

mer and winter.Hotels, Cottages, and Boarding Housas served with

promptness and regularity. •*

M A . I 3 V S ^ A S H U B t ' p A f e C .

JOS. T. Ill LA S' & (To.,Dealers in

G R O C E ® M D PROVISIONSCrockery, etc.,

DP0 2 R C A S H O lS rx .- 'S T .

Cor. Bond St. and Cookman Avflnue,

ASBURY PARK, N. J.Goods Delivered in Grove and Park


Manufacturers and Dealers in

Oak, Pine & Hemlock TimTber,Boards,

Plank,Siding, '

Lath ,Shingles,

■ P o 8 tS ,Mails,

E t c .

C O A L ,(Lehigh Hazelton, Buok Mountain.)

Brink, Lime, la th and H air, Bone Dost, , I’hesphate, Pondrette, Oas, Lime,

Iron Clad Paint, Etc.

M i l l aud F a c to r y P r ln a n to a , N . J .

Yoar P a tro n a g e Respoctfnlly Solicited.

E K W A R lt J t S lE L p E K , Mang’r.

C, W , S. CAHILL’SN e w s B a z a a r ,

In connection with


Hais St., East long Branch.

^The Long B ran ch N ew s, A a n u itr P ark J o u k n a l , D aily an d W eekly New Y ork P ap e rs , the

leading M agazines, eto.

L O D G I N G .Good, Rooms, airy and pleasant; near the, ocean,

fifty yardB from Wesley Lake. Well furnished. Apply to

W IL L IS F O R D D E Y .”

O . W . S E X T Q I T ,

Carpenter and Builder,Corner BangB Av. and Emory St., v -

A S B U R Y P A R K , I V . J

Rbfebbnces. --Rev. G. W. Treat, o f Uahwny 5 W . 8 Pettet, New Brunswick; Rev. J. W . Youni?

Elizabeth, N. J.


Sofferers from Weak Lnngs, Coughs, Want pf Blood, Wasting ot Eleth, Poor Appetite, 4,cuto and Chronio Bronchitis, Sleeeplessness, St. Vitua Dance, Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Loss o f Nerve Power, Nervousness, Weakness of every description, and Pulmonary Consumption, can plaoe confidence in P R A N K FLOW ER’ S

CO UG H A N D C O N S U M P T IO N CU RE ,The 'greatest Blood generator known,* and jjrom

thorough tests, may be regarded the Modern Specific and UnJaMng Remedy in above troubles. I t is also the great remedy for those peculiar and too common troubles incident to females, v is : Irregularities, Ob- atructions. Prolapsus, Hysteria, Pain inside and back, etc. The low pnoe of this remedy places it within

the jre*ch of all.|1 per bottle, or 6 bottlea for $5. Send postal


Never fails. You can eat the best dl food and are not drugged to death.

Price f§ per bottle; 2 bottles for #5.Both Remedies sent by express C. O. D-

■’ My references are well known and prominent citi­zens in this SUte, (not away off in Arizona or Ne­braska): ■

Hon. William. H. Hendrickson,Col. Elias Conover, ,

• Gen. George A. Sheridan, Louisiana,Ex-Governor Henry Clay, Warmputn Louisiana, Asariah Conover, Esq. ... !4’ ,

jCantiluXCUlLam RoBbins,William S. Sneden, Esq., Manager of -New- Jersey

Southern Railroad,, and many others who will gladly testify to the efficaoy bf my treatment, 4,

For circulars or orders, address or call onF R A N K FLO W FR,

P. O. Box 4A. Eatontown, Mon. Co., N. J.

N kw Orlbanb, March 18,1877. F rank Flow er ,E sq,: v

Sir—I' have the most implicit confidence in your O. Sl C. Cure, having realised great advantage therefrom, at a time whenj from Iosb of sleep ana exhaustion, prodnoed by oojghifig, I found my condition waa such as to most certainly end in quick consumption. Your G. & O. Cure waa placed in my possession and very soon all symptoms of lung troubles ceased. I, have recommended your cure to many, and in every case the happiest results followed ‘ its use. Hoping the sphere of usefulness qf your Remedies may coh1- tinuoto widenand bless with health those * who may' liar take, as I a&rely believe it will, j- _4.:.

• ‘ ..... . I am very truly yonrs,........................ - ‘ t e w e l l .

Eatontown ia a peasant village four and a quarter tulles from Long Branoh. Oomspondenoe. aplioited.

> / ^ k N T H A L R E .O l P N ;

W xbn ifc »N D m m i B A N C H j i ,jo* .-XolniM.cHg

Trains leave foot o f Liberty street, Noith River, for- Long Branch, Ocean Grove or Asbttry.Pairk,* Ocean Beuch and a Girt at5.00,v7t45^9.00,11.46 (makes no stop between New York and Ldrig Branch.) 4.00, 4.45. 6.00 p. m.. 1 Arriving at OceAn Grove;: 7,17, ’ 9.51, 11 02 A. u fi 1 S3,i &58,’ ..

Leuve Long Brntich for Oceah GroV& '6r Asbnry Purk, Ocean Beach, ahd S e a : . G i r t & 3 5 , 10.45^ 11.45 a . m., 12.45, 1.35, 4.45, 4.53,5,40,^ ,50, p . Returning, leavqHea Girt C.15,7.25, T.40,10.07,-,10.30, 10.48 a. u ,. 1.53,.3.58, ~4.35, 5.S,0.O5. 8.3^ M l., arriving ut Ocean GroveLfi.2^, 7*4G, 7^57/10^0, 10.45, 11.02 a. *r.,^.08. 4.13, 4.48, 6.08, 6.24,8.52 r . M.

TrainB leave Oce^n'Grove, or Asbufy.Purk'fitdtion, for Now Yorkandt all Intermediate pouitaat'6.32^7.42, 7.67(makes.no stop betweeta- Long BrftachTand York l, 10.45 a. « . , 2.08, 4J3, 6.24, 8.52;p, u . Arriving in N.m Vork 8.35, 0.35, 9,^5 a. M., I2.50j 4.10, 6.20,8.30, 10.50 p. m. ■ ' ’ • f • ' Tr .

Leuvo Long* Branch for hew York, 6.50. 8.00,8:15 {through express), 11.05 a . 2.30,.4.35, 6.45, 9.10 t*. m. Close connections for Elisabeth and Newark. A ll truiiiH irotu New York run through toOceau Grove orAuhury Park without change ol cart . - . *

On Wonduys only, a train will leave 8£a Girt for Now Yurk at 5.35*. leaving. Ocean G/fcve and Aabury Park at 5.52, Long BraAcb, 6.10, and arrive in New York at 8.07. ' (

jg c e a n O ro v e S ta tion la in A sb n ry P a rk * '


vriuie-tuble commencing July. 1,1877.The Bwiffc and magnificent Steamers “ Empire

State,” “ Jesse H oy t” and. “ Arrowsmith’ * \ylil leave New York (P ie f 8, JSorth river, foot Rector st), for Long llranoh, eto., 0:20, 9:80, 10:40 a . m., 3;4o 5:00 and6:15 P. m . , '

LEAVE-LO NG BRANCH.For New York, 7:00j 7:55,11*^0 a. M., 2t30 and 5:15 ,

km . For Philadelphia, a-36, 11:27 A. u ., and 5j22 p. m. Mondays only, G:40jr. m. - .

LE A V E P H IL A D E L P H IA ,(Foot Market street, upper fefry,) %

i'or Long Branoh, 8:15 a. m., and 2:15 p. m . Satur­days only, 6:30 p. u.; FOR ASBU RY P ^ i K OR OCEAN GROVE.*

The 9:30 i i si. and 3:45p. m . lines from New-York, and the 8:Ji5cA. m* and 2:15 p. M. lines from Philadel­phia conncot closely at Branohport crossing for Ooean Grove, Asbury Park, etc.

Trains leaving Asbury Park Or Ooean Grove at 11:02 A. m. aud 4:48 p . M., connect closely at Branohport oroBfling for New York and Philadelphia.

•"^Excursion Tickets on Bale at all stations.

, p



Ocean Orove Station Is In Asbnry Park.

Grand Concerts Riven daily on steamer State ” by Allstrom’s celebrated band.


Philudelphiu audTrent^u to Ocean Grove and Aabury Park direct.

On and after May 21, 1877, and until further notice, trains will run as follows: 1 . .

Leave EAlftWAKD. 8*turd«yonly.A. M. A. M. P. M. P. X.

Weat Philatlelohia— 7 30.... 7 30 ____ 8 30___ 5-30.- .Trenton ......8'32_____ 8 32..., 4 22.... 6 43Freehold .......... 0 29.... 9 51.... 5 16.... 7 43Squuu.................. 9 57....10 36.... 5 44.... 8 14Sea Girt..A........... 10 07....IU 47..J* 5 53.... 8 22Spring Lake............10 09___10 49.... 5^6___8 25Qcean Beach........... 10 11... .10 .53..., 6 03.... 8 30Oceau Grove*.......10 20....10 59.,,. 6 09..... 8 36Deul ............ 10 25....11 04.... 6 12*... 8 41Louu Branch......... 10 35....11 *15..... 6 20..»» 8 50

Leave Westward. Freeiiow «A I UlCMl.• A. U. P. M. P. M. P M.LongBrauch............ 7 00....12 45..., 4 45__ 1 32Deal............. 7-1K...12 55.... 4 56-... 1 43Ocean Grove*....:.. 7 17.... 1 00.... 5 02____1 48Ocean Beach.......... 7 23,... 1 00__ 5 08____1 55Spring Lako 7 29.... 1 12.... 5 1.4____2 01bea Girt................ 7 33.... J, 17.... 6 17......2 05Squuu .*..............7 35...; 1 19.... 5 20.... 2 10fc’reeholU............... 8 03.... 1 46.... 5 50.... 3 50 ,Trenton ............... 8 58.... 2 50.... 6 49....West Philadelphia.. 9 50.... 3 55.... 8 25.... (

'Ocean Grovo Station 1* In Anbury Park.J ( 838 Chestnut Street. s *

TICKET OFFICES } S. E- Cor. Broad fit Chestnut.{ 116 Market Street. .

Depots, Thirtv becoud und Market Bt«. \FRANK THOMSON, L. P. FARMER.

General Maiptjfcr. Gen I i'uttenger Agent.

O C E A N B E A C H .

R . C . B U J B I i E R ,i ; PItAUTlCAL ■

H O U S E P A I N T E R ^10th Avenue, lot, 0 and D Streets,

o Ce a n b e a c h n . j .Will Kivo |>ers<»iial ami prompt attention to Architect*’ aAd

Buildura’ itMtljuuteM uud Contracts.



Where will be found an exttensive assortment of all kinds of

M E R C H A N D IS B , Conniatingof

D R Y G O O D S , < - -

B0QTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE,G r o c e r i e s , E t c .

Also Dealers in Lehigh & ‘Wilkesharre Goal.No better aaaortmeut can be fonnd in any other similar

store, and t|he goods will be sold a t '

LOW PRICES.t y An invitation ia extended to ail, far and near, to

examine tnia stock. »t^G ood s delivered to any part o f Oceatr Beach

and vicinity.


B L iG ff l l fM O R S E SHOBfi

C a T ria ge f f p r k in a l l its -b ran e lje * ,

MAIN STREET * ASBURY AVReferB as to workmanship

William Hathaway, Esq., JameB A. Bradley, Esq. O. N. Miller, Esq


OCKAN OROVE' A » ia n U IlY fA R KContiacta taken'. Flimsaod 8prciflcations Furnimhod and BU-

tlmat*a mado. Sca-alde Ootta^cs a Spocialty,

kESID E N C JS , S U M f A VlSSUJi. '



J e w e l r y a n d F a n c y G o o d eASJBUBT P A I t f t & XOXG BUA.IftUOf,

Repairing Done at Short Notice.*G I V E U 8 A C A L U

- Parties wishing to purchase Fine Jewelry or Watches ■ in New York will dx{_ weU t^ Bave their orders4 with ' tia, pM we hsvea lar^e oxperifinoe in tids bnsfoeas,

Cookmaaa Av. uear -Par& Hali -ABBDKis J,

A S B U R Y P A R K ' J O U R N A ^ SATU RD AY, SEPTEM BER 8, 1877.

He Never Told a Lie.I saw him standing in the crowd,

A. comely youth and fair.There yras a brightness m hia eye,

A glory in his hair..1 saw his comrades gaze on him—-

' f His oomrades Standing byI I heard them whisper eaoh to ®aoh,

11 H e never told alie!’? ,

I looked in wonder at the boy,< Aa he stood there bo yonng;To think that nevor an untruth

W&J uttABTfid lij^ii*~i6Dgno. <I thought o f all the boys I ’d known—1 Myself amongthe fry—Ana knew b'f'hdne thai ono oould »ay

“ He never told a lie!”

I gazed upon that yonth with a vip ' That did enohain mo long;1 had not seen a boy before

8o perfeot and so strong.And With a something of regret I wifihod that he was I,

■ ' Bo they might look at mo and say,“ He never told a lie f"

I thought o f questions very hard For boya to answer right;

“ How did you tear those pantaloons V* - “ M y son, what caused the fight?”„:-. L**Who left the gate ajar last night? ”

“ Who bit the pumpkin pie ¥ tat boy could answer all of these

Ana never tell a lie?

I proudly took him by the hand—M y words with praise were rife;

I bleBsed that boy who never told A falsehood in hia l i fe ;


I told him I waa proud of him.A fellow standing by

Informed me that that boy waa dumb ,Who never told a lie.

When Women Pray.When women pray,

The dear Lord listens well. He only knows How many pieroing thorns fall in their way

For every rose.

He sees alone, / .O f countless heavenly seeds their weak hands'sow,

And tend With hope, how many fall for one That cares to g i » w . * ' - r* tj<

He,onJy He,Gan gauge the love that, faithful, waited on

Beside the Martyr’s oroaa at Calvary When »U were gone.

U E W J E B S E Y .

Asbury Park is located directly posile the celebHUed-fOcean Ut

op* rove

camp-meeting grounds (Wesley Lake laces), fonr milea

below General Grant's cottage at Long Brnnch, New Jeraey. Over eight hundred cottages have been built at Asbnry Park and Ocean Grove within six years, coating over one million dollars. Asbnry Park fronts directly on the ocean. Xt doea snot front on a bay, or Bound, or xiv- f er, but on the broad Atlantic, stfpEbhV'■ _ ing away iQcftfaouaarids of miles. Ab- bury Park Waa 'OaaeWd in 1869 at $15,000; the assessment for. 1875 waa $250,000. Streets, running at right angles to the sea are from one to two bn^jred feet wide1—an advantage pOssetaed by no other sea-aide resort on the New Jersey coast.

Asbnry Park, opposite j Ocean Grove, cflh be readied direct by the C e n t r a l R a i lr o a d o f N e w J e r- bbt, from the foot o f Liberty street. New York,, via. Jersey City, ana

"alBO by steamboat from foot of Itcc tor street, N. Y., to 8audy Hook, affording a fine view o f the Narrows, harbor fortifications, etc., thence by the New Jersey Southern It. R. to Branchport (lji miles from Long Branch), and connecting ‘there*with Central Railroad o f New Jeraey. So there are two lines o f communica­tion. Prom Philadelphia, the cars roil to Asbury Park direct. Rail­road time from New Y6rk to Asbury Para, 2 houra; express in sumtrier, about 1} houra; and from Philadel-| phia to Asbury Park, 2 hours and 35

.minutes.The terma o f sale of Iota in Asbnry

Park are ua followa: First. Wben parties buy and do not bhild, one-third the purchase mohey will be required down, balance in five years. Second. Where purchaser builds, no money w ill bo required down, but a mort­gage can be given, payable in ten years, with the privilege of ten like renewfils; making the principal sum duo one hundred yeara hence, the purchaser, however, reserving theright to pay o if the mortgage at any time. Third. Ten per cent, o IF fftr caah at time o f purchase. For price o f lota, address,JAMES A. BRADLEY, or ISAAC BEALE, 25] Pearl St., New York,

AL]L e n R. COOK, Asbury Park, / New Jersey.


ORSON s. W ILSONORSON W ILSON.Lhte firm Mncknet, Wilson &■ Co. > _


B u i l d e r s ’ a n d G e n e r a l

H A R D W A R EAt greatly reduced prices. Tarred Paper, Sheathing

Paper, Naifs, Locks, Bntts^Etc., very low.

No. 841 Broad Street,Oppodte Snruk » H. Y. S. S. D«pot. NEWARK, N.J.

BRICKS ! BRICKS ! BRICKS !The beat quality o f Bricks for sale by the car-load

or thousand, at the lowjjift'prices. Call on or address, C. T. BA ILE Y, Aaborv Park, N. J.

_ rPENNINGTON SEMINARY.For eonvenience o f aoceBS, healthfolnesa and beauty

o f location, thorough scholarship, the development of noble Character, home comforts, tender care o f stu­dents, and reasonable charges, Pennington Seminary ' • ’ y. Ad-olaims to be among the foremost in this country. Ad

dress. THOS. HANLON, D.D., PEiraiNQTON, N. J.

f lA f l


Me Ame. lar Heel Street Ferry,A ^ U R Y PARK, N. J.,

Ia now open forthe Season. W e are prepared to mako


FERROTYPES,OF ARTISTIC FINISH.■Aw w e Study to please w e generally give satisfaction.

-Special attention given to Photographing Cottages ancToAt-door groups.



B U ILD IN G LOTS FO R SALE . The subscriber, executor o f the estate of W m. Harvey, deceased,,

offers at private sale about 80 1CUJ,; lying on the eaataide o f the turnpike, between Ocean Grove and Shark River, near Duok Creek. Also, for rent, a house on the same trkbtrcontaining two rooma on" first floor, andthree rooma On second floor. Call on or address,

ABNER A LLE N , E/r,Deal B each, N . £

T jlO R SALE , a fine farm of.S5 aores; 25 acrea till— rJJ able, 25 aorea meadow, and the balance'woodlands Good hoiffie and plenty o f out-buildinKB, all |lew. ‘ I t is located four miles below Tom’a river in Berkley town­ship, Ooean county, ono and one-half miles from the railroad action. I t ia very convenient* to churche*- and sohoola. Sloop creek adjoins the property, and affords good fishing, oy storing and gunning.. Also for sile, the new sloop Valiant.” an eight ton boat. The. above property will be sold oheap i f applied for aoon.

D AV ID R.. ALLGOR,Bayvillo, *

Ocean Co., N. J.-


Farms and plots ia &U parts o f Monmonth county

gss >yB . . .houses, and three;stores for-sale at panic prices.

Long Branch.

T O L E T .? ”

A furnished house, eleven roonpa, two acres o f land beautiful lawn, ah ado and fruit trees, bam and poultry house. Splendid location, near church, depot, school,

etc. F ifty minutes from New York on Central Rail­road o f New Jersey. For particulars, call or inquire


JOHN L. MILLER,P ark Cottage,

Aabury . Park, New Jersey.


A S B U R Y P A R K , 3V. J .

P roperties F o r S a le , B e n t or Exchange.Buildings and their contents insured in the beat and

most &Uable Fire Insurance Companies at the lowest rates. Over $50,000,000.00 Insurance. Capital represented.

O f f i c e : M a in S t r e e t , next door to the Reading Room, Aabury Park, N. J. • «” •

P. O. address, Afibnrv Park, N. ,J

Hotels, Eto.

C O L E M ^ X T H O T J S E ,



Thia house has arr ocean frontage o f 325.ioet, with full vicw o f surf and beach. i , u

With rooont alterations ahd additions it'has a -capacity for accommodating over 850 guests. Its loca­tion ia entirely unsurpassed by any total *lqpg tho ooaat o f New, Jersey. .

The dining-room commands an unobstructed viewo f tho ocoan, and is unrivaled in this respect.__

Th6 house has recently been provided with a^Telo- graph ofiioe and Biiliard Room, and ia easy o f aooosa to boating on Supset and Wesley Lakes, and-boing but 300 foet from the breakers, it thus affords unusual facilities to surf‘-bathers,

We would oall espeoial attention to our thorongh system o f drainage, adopted solely by the. Coleman Hquse’, care having been taken that everything of a sanitary character, which ia conduoivo to tho hcalth of its guoats, shall" be under tho strictest supervision.

• - Favorable terms will be offered to parties ongaginfe rooms for -the season. For full particulars address,

©. L . C O L E M A N ,ASB U RY PARK ,

• N ew Jefisby.

take View Hotel,A S B U R t P A R K , N «T.

A l R - T O L A N D , P r o p r ie to r - . »■

O p o n a l l t l i e Y o a r .

SMOCK & BUCHANONCor. of Main and Asbury Avs,,


Dealers in all kinds of

L U M B E R ]

BUILDING MATERIAL,Bricfc, Lime Lath, Plaster. Cement, Hair, &c.

N A IL S & B U ILD E R S ’ H A R D W A R E ,

A Specialty

All kinds of Lumber ronstantly in the yard.

Hemlock, Spruce & While Pine Timber. ROOFING SLATE

Of the bent (jnality, or contracts , taken for roofs complete.

Every article in our line delivered with dispatch, at the lowest possible priceB.

Parties desirim* to erect Cottages will not do them­selves justice unlesB they give us a call.


T IT T J S j<St C O N R A D , TRENTON, N. J.

C a r p e n t e r s a n d B u i l d e r s .Doora, Sash, Blinds, etc. Buildinga o f any kind erected at short notioe. Hun d Railing and Stair-casing made to order. A ll work promptly attended to.

i A L E OF VA LU AB LE LOTS at and near Ocean 5-Gkovk, Monmouth county. New Jersey.By virtue of a decree for sale, dated July 10,J877,

made by the Chancellor of,the State o f New Jersey, in a certain cauBe wherein Holmea Megill ia complainant, and Williampy Megill and othera are defendants, the subscriber, one o f tne Special Masters of tbe Court of Chancery of New Jeraey, will expose for aale and sell at public auction, in lots or parcels suitable for building lots (and hereinafter to be designated and more -particularly described), to the highest bidder, between the hours of 1 2 and 5 o'clock, to wit, at i o’clock, in the afternoon o f Saturday,8eptember, 15, A . D. 1877, at L a k p V ie w H o t e l , A sb u ry Park , in the township of Ocean, all the following described tract e f land, viz : all that certain tract or land, situ­ate in the townahip of Ocean, formerly Shrewabury, in the county o f Monmouth, and State o f New Jersey, bounded and described as follows, to w it: situate on the north side o f Shark river, near the head o f tioose Pond Swamp, in. the township, county and State afore- fHVld, beginning at a pine sapling marked on four sides with a blazeiind thfee notches, standing on the north­west side of said awamp, and at the southwest corner of a tract of thirty acrcs returned to John Reid, on the 10th day of JuW 1792, a!nd recorded in book 8 9, page 279; thenoe, I, south, thirty degrees east, four chains ; thedce, 2, south, thirty degrees west, thirteen tchaina; thence, U, south, sixty-six degrees weat, ten chaius; thence, 4. Bouth, sixty-nine degrees eaat, twenty chains ana fifty-six links; thence, 5, south, nine degree and thirty minuteB east, tWenty-eight ohains and eighty Jinks; thence, 6, north, Bixty-three degrees and thirty minutes eaat, five ohains; thence, 7 south, seventy nine degrees eaat, twelve chains : thence, 8. north, forty-degrees east, three chains ana sixteen links; thence, 9, north, sixty-teev^n degrees and thirty minutes west, riine chains; thence, 10,

‘ ‘soutKTSiity^ Vest:1 tw n iy -t w^Mobaino- to.the place of beginning, containing 34 and 40-100 acres, strict measure, being the same premises conveyed to Samuel H. Morrell, oy deed from Benjamin West and wife{ dated Nov. 23, 1533, and recorded in the Clark’s ofiioe of Monmouth counW, at Freehold in book L 3 of Deeds, folios .*>6 and 57, and by deed from George White and wife, dated Deo. 524, 1833 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s offioe, in book L 3 o f Deeda, page 58, and' in book 270 o f Deeds, page 455, etc., ex­cepting and reserving out ot the aforeaaid described tract o f land the following strip or tract o f land : be-

Snning at tho intersection of the centre line of the ew Egypt and Furmingdalo Kail road, aa located and

tiled in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 23d day o f Ootober, A. D. 1872, with the southern bound­ary line of landa o f the estate, of the aforesaid Samuel II. Morrell, decoaaed, and running from theuce upon aaid centre line north, twenty-one degrees'and twenty minut&a eaat, two thousand and sixty-nine £2069] feet,

The present proprietor jMnng purchased tlio prop- erty, has partially robailU jK hmiso and wholly ren­ovated it. Theirooms are commodious and extra fnr- riished with spring mattreBaes. (

This nonso ia now open for guests; it is desirably situated at tlie head o f Wealey Lake, commanding a fine view of the Lako and Ocean. It is abou.t ^ mile from the Ocean and 300 yar9s firpm the C. R. R. depot.

A. |t. TOLAND.


G ra n d a n d C o o k m a n A v e n u e s ,

ASBUKY P A K K , (S. J.The largest and most beautifully situated .cottago in

the Park, being only a fe% stn s .from Wetdey Lake, and a few minutes walk to Ocean, Bathing Grounds. The house hne double 'balconies, and is surrounded by pretty Groves, supplied with Box SwitigH and Seats. Table supplioa wftn tho beat the market aH‘ordn.

Terms to suit the times. Address,MRS. L. E. PARKER.

(Formerly of Philadelphia.)

O c e a n V i e w H o u s e ,

A S B I T - B " ? P A R K ,

Now open for the roceptioh of*guests.

Pleasant Rooms. Terms Reanonablo.WM. C. SHAFTO, Pnoruiimm.

* {Fromvely o f‘Lake View House.)

Grand. A ve n u e House,A S B U R Y P A R E , N. J . /


A l l t l ie T e a r .

Tlie Grand Avfenue Houae is delightfully located

near the Ocoan, Wesley Lake and Ocean.firove ( ’amp Ground. I t is tho oldest, and ono o f the largest and

moat popular Hotels in tho Park, and is surrounded

with large and shady lawna so seldom enjoyed on the

Sea-ahore. , ’ .

The house haa been enlarged thia Reason, and many

improvements mado, which will make it in every way

adapted to tho comfort and plcaauae o f first-class

families Favorable inducements w ill be given thoso

desiring a suipmor home! Persons wishing to engage

rooma will pleaao address,

S I L L & R I P L E Y , P r o p r ie to rs ., ASBURY PARK, NEVV JERSEY


SEA-SIDE BOARDING; Permanent and transient with, private family, at i9

P A B K C O T T A G E ,/Corner o f Summerfield and Cookman Ava., Asbury Park, N. J. Open view, near Wealey <LaKe~amMhe Ocean. Charges very moderate.: For terms, address,

Mrs. J.' L. M ILLER.


Au Oflfliiy acfjuirad ncoonipliolimeni, taught by Mra Banks, at Crescent Cottage.

wA N E W BED S PR IN G ; the boBt in America. 7 \ I t oan be rolled np tho samo aa a pieco of carpet:

no troublo to move thoin. Call and examine them at No. 4 Contral Blook, Odean Av., East Long BraAoh.


$3,000,000_ Cash Capital. Most reliable in this Country.

W T L L IS F p R ID D B Y , A gen t,G EM El^ REAL ESXATK linOKEK FOB .

O c o a n G r o v e , A s b u r y P a r l x ; a n d V i c i n i t y .

E S T A B L IS H E D F O U R Y E A R S .

W . W . M C ' C U E S N E Y

Mahufacturer o f

I G E 0 B T C A M ■s. Main 8 t , Opposite R ailroad Paris'. -

IjggrMlolek RestaaraoU ud Doudiag Honiea SiipplT.

B U Y T H E H E S T !

Fish-er’s-“Ancliorv Safety,150°


W A T E R W H IT fi,Haa no Disagreeable Odor in Burning—Ts Perfectly

Safe, and is a very

Br i l l i ant H u mi l i a t i n g Oi l ,

Its Absolute Safety and Superior Illuminating Pro* pertieg, recommend it to the favorable notice, and a fair trial, by cvqty ono wishing a

Good, Safe & Stoady Light, to Load or Sew *by.This O IL is packed in barrels; al ho, for the conve­

nience of consumers, in ONE (I) call on, and F IV E (51 g54.Honcans, with NEW and improved S P O U T anu V I£ N T , and is Mr sale in AsntJitr Pah k , by


and in Ocean Guovk by FERREE At McKEE and MART I N Si CO."

'I’rade supplied by tho niannfacturer,1 . L . F I S I I E R ,

N«wn»*lc. N . J.

T h is D ay Choose Y o S la te or S h in g le s I

H O W L A N D H O U S E .O c e a n G r o v e .

This Honse, the first established at Ocean Grove, has been greatly enlarged, improved, and handsomely repainted. liu< li room haa a door and window omyiiny; to verandas, which extend all around the buildinguit each story. The rooms are All newly plastered and neatly fnrrdshedi It is conveniently located in the Grovo, ou Mt. Carmel Way, within a few yards of-the Congregation Grounds, Post O/ilce, Telegraph O/Wce, .etc. It ia well kept, and now open for visitors. Every etlort will be made to givo satisfaction in all respects.

C. L. HOWLAND, Proprietor.

D A V I D C A R T W R I G H T ,

• Plain and'Ornamental Slate Roofer,A S B U E Y P A B K & O CEAN GBOVE. N. J.

" V pficb and y a r d :,MIWROE A?., NEAR RAILROAD, ASBURY PARK.

Having had 25 yeara experience in the Slate Roofing business I am prepared to give tho public satisfaction with tho best material in the market, at reasonable rates.

All work warranted anow und water tight. Mate­rial always on liana. Jobbing promptly attended to.

All orders received by mail, and left ttt Park Uall, will receivepromjytattention

WANTED $50 to $200 PER MONTH- A N e w , C lea r , a n d C on c ise -

U N IV E R S A L H IS TO R YCommencing with the earliest periods, closing March, 1877. 3 volumes of the World’s great, Grand History In one. A nclent, middle Aces, and H|odern, Includ­ing hlatory of LVnteitnial Exhibition, Inauguration of Pres­ident Hayes, and Turkish difficulties. A book of thrilling interest ami universal need. Splls faster Ihun any other. Beautiful Illustrations,Jow prices, quick saltfB, extra termB, circulars free. ‘ Address Jr. C* IflcOUHWY As CO., Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincinnati, 0.;< Chicago, III.; St. Louis, Mo. »

O C E A N H O T E L ,

f thlrty^thrsdthroughout, containing three acres and thirteen hun­dredths, moro or less, Condition^ made 'known on day o f sale. '

WM. EL VREDENBURGH, Special Matter.

Charles Haight,Solicitor. . •

July 18, ,1877 ■ i

Asbnry Pai3k, New1 Jersey.W e take great pleaBnre m announcing that the above houae, located on Asbury^avenne, two hundred yarda

from the Sea, will be completed and ruudy for thfl^re^r1*00 of tm njui nfter i,nn0 187<• T ',J*liotol ib situated on a high ground adjoining a groVd o f health-giving pines, and commundB a magnificent view o f the Ocean for iftllCT^rtwml. * Fronting on Weftley I^ako, it bps a grand view o f the Lake and OceaH GaovB^jn, fact, the location is unsurpassed, and no pains or expense haa been spareti to make it the most copifortable Hotel

on the ^ - fe&tnre o f tiii j j otei iH jtH Portifoes, which extend ali aronnd tho lionse on first and second stories, thus affording gdesteji ahady porch and a charming view nil day long. Tbie bniJding contains ono huudred large airy chambers, every room‘having a<door opening outon tho porch ; a vontilijtin^ transom!s placed over every door The houBe is lighted by gas, thmmvoiding the danger iufd inconvenience o f oil lampa. A largo observntoiy haa been built for Ihe u»o o f guests.. A iarge CoUrT-Hllords.ample Croquet ground. Ihe lionse will bo hand- osbmely furnished throughout, good bcd$being jrtide.^specialty. The table will be supplied with all the-^elicacies of .the season. ' ! , * ... * •„*

For terms and\0ther information address, .,JL, .T H E O D O R E O Y E S ,:


Wo do not claim to* be the only reliable folks in this community, nor do we do all the buslnew, for thertf’"' aro other gentlemen whose business qualities and abilities wo anrbound to respect. Bat wo will Insure you in first-class Companies, rent yon any kind o f a house, aud soil or exohange properties from Maine to Texas. V ■ H 1 ’ /' v ■ ' •

HCOtJefeS F O B r e n t . J •_________ :______:______St._________ - -lw -L___ il j - ■ j ■ » ■ • _________ _______________

3 0 0 A C R E S , r S T A B L I 8 H CD IB 6 4-. 7 Q R U N H Q U a E S



E V E S r C L A s s o r . ■ J A N Q A tN F V U A S S d R T M E N fj_ , ■ >• LlNClUBlWaTHEWTESTNOVEIJIES ■ W

R U S T I C W O R K I R O N V A S E S W I R E W O R K. C A T A L O G U E S F R EE / T O A P P L I C A N T S f ... ' .

a ROUNDS LA/D o u r ANO r S r t M A Y r s TftK V S AND PLANTS arilVBRCD 8<PLAHTED ,

t w i £ ? o i o B F l o w e r s e u p p u E ^ r ^ n


J.j* .


S. R . V A N D U Z E R & C O /SF R U I T F L A V O R I N G E X T R A C T S .

S t a n d a r d a n d I T n e q n a lc d Q u a l i t y .

S. R . V A N D U Z E R & C O .’SC e l e b r a t e d P u r e

C o n c e n t r a t e d E s s e n c e T r u e J a m a i c a G in g e r .

S. R i V A N D U Z E R & C O .’S ’ S e l e c t e d ’

P e r f e c t l y P u r e G r o u n d S p i c e s ,P a c k e d I n N e w a n d A t t r a c t i v e S t y l e j L T i n C a n s .

S. R . V A N D U Z E R & C O .’S v . P e r f e c t i o n

B A K I N G , O R Y E A S T P O W D E R .

S. R , V A N D U Z E R & C O .’SS p e c i a l S a f e t y F r i c t i o n M a t c h e s ,

T h e B e s t F r i c t i o n IH a t c b e * In t h e W o r l d . E v e r y M a t c h I t P E R F E C T , a n d c u r e F l r e j n o d a m p n e a y c a n a n fe c t t h e n *

*£. «»...

M A P O K T H E C E N T R A L R A I L R O A D O E N E W J E R S E Y .

Showing tlie new line between Phllodelplila and New York, and also the Long . - "N , Branch Division.

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