b u l l y i n g

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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B u l l y i n g. Laura Pantin. Bully Movie Trailer. 1 in 4 teens are bullied 9 out of 10 LGBT students experience harrassment at school or online 1 in 5 kids admit to being a bully 43% fear harrasment in bathrooms at school - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


B u l l y i n g

Laura Pantin

Bully Movie Trailer• 1 in 4 teens are bullied• 9 out of 10 LGBT students experience harrassment at

school or online• 1 in 5 kids admit to being a bully • 43% fear harrasment in bathrooms at school• 282,000 students in secondary schools are physically

attacked each month

» http://www.thebullyproject.com

What is Bullying?• Systematically inflicting physical or psychological distress

on an individual or groups of people• A type of harassment that can take many forms:

• Verbal

• Social

• Physical • Cyberbullying

Common Characteristics of Bullies

Social Characteristics:Have a strong need to belong to a groupAre in search of selfAre socially vulnerableOverreact to ridicule, embarrassment, and rejection

Emotional:Are increasingly concerned about peer acceptanceTend to be self-consciousNeed to release energy

What Can We Do as Educators?• “Develop student sensitivity to customs and traditions

of members of the diverse groups in the school through…various ‘non-educational’ social events such as international nights, inclusion of cultural “factoids” in newsletters…”

• “Establish a structure to ensure that every student in the building is known by at least one adult”

• Make the time and create opportunities for students to learn how to develop responsible relationships with each other

• Create a peer mediation program to involve students in fair and creative conflict resolution

• Adopt cooperative learning activities, peer-to-peer mentoring, project-

based learning, use of rubrics,weekly work, and plans

• Use “get-to-know-you” activities at the beginning of the school year

• Use bully-themed literature in your classroom (read-aloud, in your classroom library, etc…)

• Reward good behavior. Try to affirm good behavior four to five times for every one criticism of bad behavior.

NJ Department of Educatio

• Teacher Scroll Down Classroom Resources• Stop Bullying Resources

NJDOE Bullying

NEA: Bully Free It Starts With Me

• The National Education Association launched their campaign to help educate, intervene and prevent bullying

• NEA BULLY FREE– “Resources and Tools”

Possible Discussion Questionsto have with your students

• How do you think Katie felt when the “cool girl” called her a freak and a loser?

• Why do you think it’s important to treat each other with respect?

How to Use These Videos

These videos can be used in a classroom everyday, to show students “bullying in action”

through a friendly, animated seriesQuestion Bases:– What do you think…– Why do you think…– How would you feel…

How to InterveneBEFORE•Know your rights & responsibilities

•Consistency is key

•Be prepared

How to Intervene

DURING•Stop the incident immediately•Make sure everyone is safe•Give a clear message•Prepare to follow-up after the incident•Support the bullied student

How to InterveneAFTER•Investigate and document•Consider consequences for those who bully•Avoid a “Working Things Out” approach•Be a caring adult for bullied students

New Jersey & Bullying• New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights• Week of Respect / Violence Awareness Week– The week beginning the 3rd Monday in October of

each year– Schools shall organize activities to prevent violence,

including:• Age-appropriate opportunities for student

discussion on conflict resolution• Issues of student diversity• Acceptance

Middle School/High School VideosVideo #1: Cyberbullying Virus

Video #2: Middle School Students

Video #3: CBS News: Amanda Story

Kids React to Bullying

Recommended Resources

No Bullying•http://www.hazelden.org/ •http://www.hazeldenbookplace.org/ Steps to Respect: A Bully Prevention Program•http://www.cfchildren.org http://www.eyesonbullying.org/about.html

Don’t Laugh At Me

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