b2c/b2b software company...helped the client develop a multi-channel projection analysis (which...

Post on 22-May-2020






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Advanced attribution and forecasting boost B2B scale and efficiency


B2C/B2B Software Company: Advanced Attribution and Forecasting Boost B2B Scale and Efficiency 2

SOLUTIONThe client’s goal was to develop a holistic view of all online media channels to drive the highest possible performance without adding incremental budget to adjust for the price inflation. To achieve this, 3Q Digital’s Decision Sciences team helped the client develop a multi-channel projection analysis (which included switching from last-click to multi-touch attribution, or MTA) and re-allocate channel and campaign spend to increase scale and improve performance. The proprietary analysis included 38 unique models to create projections for geo/channel combinations.

On the media optimization side, 3Q’s recommendation was to shift paid search goals to performance rather than impression share, which allowed the 3Q account team to work toward building channel-driven conversions rather than impressions in an increasingly competitive space. The client was able to use the insightful data collected through the MTA analysis by decreasing its brand spend over consecutive months while increasing investment in higher-funnel channels including non- brand search, display, video, and retargeting.

CLIENTA leading online software platform with B2B and B2C audiences.

CHALLENGEEvery brand strives to allocate budget effectively across media channels, but with different channels being measured with different yardsticks, this is never a simple measurement exercise. One of the client’s primary acquisition channels is paid search, and the challenge of effective budget allocation became complicated in the second half of 2018 as brand search competition – and CPCs – increased, rendering an already limited pool of users more expensive.

Many brands react to this scenario by allocating more budget to brand search, a common fallacy driven by last- click attribution strategy and relatively low CPCs and acquisition costs. The client, seeing the flaw in this strategy, turned to 3Q Digital’s Decision Sciences team to determine a more effective use of their advertising spend.

B2C/B2B Software Company: Advanced Attribution and Forecasting Boost B2B Scale and Efficiency 3

RESULTIn Q4, as a result of this spend shift and of 3Q’s performance optimization methods, overall customer acquisition costs dropped nearly 38%, while overall conversion volume increased year-over-year by 12% in October, 15% in November, and 17% in December.

In re-allocating spend away from brand search as CPCs and competition rose, the client was able to prove that fully funding brand search was actually a hurtful strategy to their overall digital business. Their ability to be nimble and use advanced data modeling armed them with better, more actionable data than their competition.

Overall Conversion Volume



October November December

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