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Bachelor of Arts and Science

Programs, Courses and University Regulations


This PDF excerpt of Programs, Courses and University Regulations is an archived snapshot of the web contenton the date that appears in the footer of the PDF.Archival copies are available at

This publication provides guidance to prospects, applicants, students, faculty and staff.

1 . McGill University reserves the right to make changes to the information contained in this online publication - includingcorrecting errors, altering fees, schedules of admission, and credit requirements, and revising or cancelling particularcourses or programs - without prior notice.

2 . In the interpretation of academic regulations, the Senate is the final authority.

3 . Students are responsible for informing themselves of the University's procedures, policies and regulations, and the specificrequirements associated with the degree, diploma, or certificate sought.

4 . All students registered at McGill University are considered to have agreed to act in accordance with the Universityprocedures, policies and regulations.

5 . Although advice is readily available on request, the responsibility of selecting the appropriate courses for graduation mustultimately rest with the student.

6 . Not all courses are offered every year and changes can be made after publication. Always check the Minerva Class Schedulelink at for the most up-to-date information on whether acourse is offered.

7 . The academic publication year begins at the start of the Fall semester and extends through to the end of the Winter semesterof any given year. Students who begin study at any point within this period are governed by the regulations in the publicationwhich came into effect at the start of the Fall semester.

8 . Notwithstanding any other provision of the publication, it is expressly understood by all students that McGill Universityaccepts no responsibility to provide any course of instruction, program or class, residential or other services including thenormal range of academic, residential and/or other services in circumstances of utility interruptions, fire, flood, strikes,work stoppages, labour disputes, war, insurrection, the operation of law or acts of God or any other cause (whether similaror dissimilar to those enumerated) which reasonably prevent their provision.

Note: Throughout this publication, "you" refers to students newly admitted, readmitted or returning toMcGill.

Publication Information

Published by

Enrolment ServicesMcGill University3415 McTavish StreetMontreal, Quebec, H3A 0C8Canada

All contents copyright © 2018 by McGill University. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this publication, or portions thereof, in any form.

McGill University reserves the right to make changes to the information contained in this publication - including correcting errors, altering fees, schedulesof admission and credit requirements, and revising or cancelling particular courses or programs - without prior notification.

Not all courses are offered every year and changes can be made after publication. Always check the Minerva Class Schedule link at for the most up-to-date information on whether a course is offered.

1 About the Faculties, page 11

2 Programs and Teaching in Arts and in Science, page 11

3 About the Bachelor of Arts and Science (Undergraduate), page 11

3.1 Location, page 11

3.2 Administrative Officers, page 12

3.3 Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA), page 12

4 Degree Admission Requirements, page 12

5 Degree Requirements, page 12

5.1 Minimum Credit Requirement, page 13

5.2 Residency Requirement, page 13

5.3 Time and Credit Limit for Completion of the Degree, page 13

5.4 Departmental Programs, page 13

5.4.1 Multi-Track System, page 13

5.4.2 Honours Program, page 14

5.4.3 Joint Honours Program, page 14

5.4.4 Interfaculty Program, page 14

5.5 Course Requirements, page 14

5.5.1 Course Overlap, page 15

5.5.2 Courses Outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science, page 15

5.5.3 Distance Education Courses, page 16

5.5.4 Courses in English as a Second Language (ESL), page 16

5.5.5 Registration for First-Year Seminars, page 16

6 Advising, page 16

6.1 Choosing a B.A. & Sc. Program, page 16

6.2 Preparation for Graduate School, page 17

7 Freshman Interest Groups, page 18

8 Examinations, page 18

9 Overview of Programs Offered, page 18

9.1 Minor Concentrations or Minors, page 18

9.1.1 Faculty of Arts, page 18

9.1.2 Faculty of Science, page 20

9.2 Major Concentrations, page 20

9.2.1 Faculty of Arts, page 20

9.2.2 Faculty of Science, page 21

9.3 Honours Programs, page 21

9.4 Joint Honours Programs, page 22

9.4.1 Faculty of Arts, page 22

9.4.2 Faculty of Science, page 23

9.5 Interfaculty Programs, page 23

10 Browse Academic Units & Programs, page 23

5McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019

Bachelor of Arts and Science2018-2019

10.1 Programs in Arts or in Science, page 23

10.2 B.A. & Sc. Freshman Program, page 23

10.2.1 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Freshman Program (30 credits) , page 24

10.3 Anthropology (ANTH), page 26

10.3.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Anthropology (18 credits) , page 26

10.3.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Anthropology (36 credits) , page 26

10.3.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Anthropology (36 credits) , page 27

10.4 Art History and Communication Studies (ARTH & COMS), page 27

10.4.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Art History (18 credits) , page 27

10.4.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Communication Studies (18 credits) , page 28

10.4.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Art History (36 credits) , page 29

10.4.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Art History (36 credits) , page 30

10.5 Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC), page 32

10.5.1 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Atmospheric Science (18 credits) , page 32

10.6 Biology (BIOL), page 33

10.6.1 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Minor Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular (19 credits) , page 33

10.6.2 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Minor Concentration Biology - Organismal (19 credits) , page 33

10.6.3 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular (36 credits) , page 34

10.6.4 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Biology - Organismal (37 credits) , page 35

10.7 Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies, page 36

10.7.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies (18 credits) , page 36

10.8 Canadian Studies (CANS), page 37

10.8.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Canadian Studies (18 credits) , page 38

10.8.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Indigenous Studies (18 credits) , page 43

10.8.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Canadian Studies (36 credits) , page 44

10.8.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Canadian Studies (36 credits) , page 49

10.9 Chemistry (CHEM), page 55

10.9.1 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Chemistry (18 credits) , page 55

10.9.2 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Chemistry (36 credits) , page 55

10.10 Cognitive Science, page 56

10.10.1 Location, page 56

10.10.2 About Cognitive Science, page 56

10.10.3 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours Cognitive Science (60 credits) , page 56

10.10.4 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program Cognitive Science (54 credits) , page 61

10.11 Computer Science (COMP), page 65

10.11.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Computer Science (18 credits) , page 66

10.11.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Computer Science (36 credits) , page 66

10.11.3 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Software Engineering (37 credits) , page 67

10.12 Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPSC), page 68

10.12.1 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geology (18 credits) , page 68

2018-2019, McGill University6

10.13 East Asian Studies (EAST), page 69

10.13.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration East Asian Cultural Studies (18 credits) , page 69

10.13.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration East Asian Language and Literature (18 credits) , page 72

10.13.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Supplementary Minor Concentration East Asian Language (18 credits) , page 74

10.13.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration East Asian Studies (36 credits) , page 74

10.13.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component East Asian Studies (36 credits) , page 78

10.14 Economics (ECON), page 80

10.14.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Economics (18 credits) , page 80

10.14.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Economics (36 credits) , page 81

10.14.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Economics (30 credits) , page 82

10.15 English (ENGL), page 83

10.15.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Cultural Studies (18 credits) , page 83

10.15.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (18 credits) , page 84

10.15.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Literature (18 credits) , page 86

10.15.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Cultural Studies (36 credits) , page 88

10.15.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (36 credits) , page 90

10.15.6 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Literature (36 credits) , page 92

10.15.7 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Cultural Studies (36 credits) , page 96

10.15.8 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Drama and Theatre (36 credits) , page 97

10.15.9 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Literature (36 credits) , page 99

10.16 Environment, page 101

10.17 French Language and Literature (FREN), page 101

10.17.1 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises - Études et pratiques

littéraires (18 crédits) , page 101

10.17.2 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises - Langue française

(18 crédits) , page 103

10.17.3 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises - Traduction (18

crédits) , page 104

10.17.4 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration majeure langue et littérature françaises - Études et pratiques

littéraires (36 crédits) , page 104

10.17.5 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration majeure langue et littérature françaises - Traduction (36

crédits) , page 106

10.17.6 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Double Spécialisation en langue et littérature françaises - Études et

pratiques littéraires (36 crédits) , page 108

10.17.7 Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Double Spécialisation en langue et littérature françaises - Traduction (36

crédits) , page 110

10.18 Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, page 112

10.18.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (18

credits) , page 112

7McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019

10.18.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (36

credits) , page 116

10.18.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (36

credits) , page 119

10.19 Geography (GEOG), page 123

10.19.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Geography (18 credits) , page 124

10.19.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Geography (Urban Systems) (18 credits) , page 124

10.19.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration GIS & Remote Sensing (18 credits) , page 126

10.19.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Health Geography (18 credits) , page 126

10.19.5 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geography (18 credits) , page 127

10.19.6 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (18 credits) , page 128

10.19.7 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Geography - Physical Geography (36

credits) , page 128

10.19.8 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Geography (37 credits) , page 129

10.19.9 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Geography (Urban Systems) (36 credits) , page 130

10.19.10 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Geography (36 credits) , page 133

10.20 History and Classical Studies (HIST & CLAS), page 134

10.20.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Classics (18 credits) , page 134

10.20.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration History (18 credits) , page 135

10.20.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Classics (36 credits) , page 142

10.20.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration History (36 credits) , page 143

10.20.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Classics (36 credits) , page 150

10.20.6 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component History (36 credits) , page 150

10.21 Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Minor, page 158

10.21.1 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (24 credits) , page 158

10.22 Interdisciplinary Studies, page 161

10.22.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration History and Philosophy of Science (18 credits) , page 162

10.22.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Medieval Studies (18 credits) , page 163

10.22.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Quebec Studies / La concentration Mineur en Études sur

le Québec (18 credits) , page 165

10.22.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Cinemas (18 credits) , page 167

10.23 International Development, page 169

10.23.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration African Studies (18 credits) , page 169

10.23.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration African Studies (36 credits) , page 171

10.23.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration International Development Studies (18 credits) , page 173

10.23.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration International Development Studies (36 credits) , page 180

10.23.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component International Development Studies (36 credits) , page 187

10.23.6 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Latin American & Caribbean Studies (36 credits) , page 195

10.24 Islamic Studies (ISLA), page 197

10.25 Jewish Studies (JWST), page 197

2018-2019, McGill University8

10.25.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Jewish Studies (18 credits) , page 197

10.25.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Jewish Studies (36 credits) , page 202

10.25.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Jewish Studies (36 credits) , page 208

10.26 Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LLCU), page 213

10.26.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration European Literature and Culture (18 credits) , page 213

10.26.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration German Language (18 credits) , page 216

10.26.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Hispanic Studies (18 credits) , page 217

10.26.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Italian Studies (18 credits) , page 218

10.26.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Russian (18 credits) , page 220

10.26.6 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Russian Culture (18 credits) , page 220

10.26.7 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration German Studies (18 credits) , page 221

10.26.8 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration German Studies (36 credits) , page 223

10.26.9 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Hispanic Studies (36 credits) , page 224

10.26.10 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Italian Studies (36 credits) , page 226

10.26.11 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Russian (36 credits) , page 227

10.26.12 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours German Studies Component (36 credits) , page 229

10.26.13 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Hispanic Studies (36 credits) , page 230

10.26.14 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Italian Studies (36 credits) , page 231

10.26.15 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Russian (36 credits) , page 233

10.27 Linguistics (LING), page 234

10.27.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Linguistics (18 credits) , page 234

10.27.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Linguistics (36 credits) , page 234

10.27.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Linguistics (36 credits) , page 234

10.28 Mathematics and Statistics (MATH), page 235

10.28.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Mathematics (18 credits) , page 235

10.28.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Statistics (18 credits) , page 236

10.28.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Mathematics (36 credits) , page 237

10.28.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Mathematics (36 credits) , page 239

10.29 Philosophy (PHIL), page 240

10.29.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Philosophy (18 credits) , page 240

10.29.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Philosophy (36 credits) , page 241

10.29.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Philosophy (36 credits) , page 243

10.30 Physics (PHYS), page 244

10.30.1 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Physics (18 credits) , page 244

10.30.2 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Physics (36 credits) , page 245

10.31 Political Science (POLI), page 246

10.31.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Political Science (18 credits) , page 246

10.31.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Political Science (36 credits) , page 246

10.31.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Political Science (36 credits) , page 249

10.32 Psychology (PSYC), page 253

9McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019

10.32.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Behavioural Science (18 credits) , page 253

10.32.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Psychology (18 credits) , page 255

10.32.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Psychology (36 credits) , page 256

10.32.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Psychology (36 credits) , page 259

10.33 Religious Studies (RELG), page 260

10.33.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Religion and Globalization (18 credits) , page 260

10.33.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Religions (18 credits) , page 261

10.33.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration World Religions (36 credits) , page 264

10.33.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Religious Studies - Asian Religions (36 credits) , page 267

10.33.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Religious Studies - Western Religions (36 credits) , page 270

10.34 Social Studies of Medicine (SSMD), page 272

10.34.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Social Studies of Medicine (18 credits) , page 272

10.35 Sociology (SOCI), page 273

10.35.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Sociology (18 credits) , page 273

10.35.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Sociology (36 credits) , page 276

10.35.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Sociology (36 credits) , page 279

10.36 Sustainability, Science and Society, page 281

10.36.1 Location, page 281

10.36.2 About Sustainability, Science and Society, page 282

10.36.3 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program in Sustainability, Science and Society

(54 credits) , page 282

10.36.4 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours in Sustainability, Science and Society (60 credits) , page 285

10.37 World Islamic and Middle East Studies (ISLA), page 289

10.37.1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Arabic Language (18 credits) , page 289

10.37.2 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Persian Language (18 credits) , page 289

10.37.3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Turkish Language (18 credits) , page 289

10.37.4 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Urdu Language (18 credits) , page 290

10.37.5 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Islamic & Middle East Studies (18 credits) , page 290

10.37.6 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration World Islamic & Middle East Studies (36 credits) , page 292

10.37.7 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component World Islamic & Middle East Studies (36 credits) , page 296

2018-2019, McGill University10

About the Faculties1

The B.A. & Sc. is an interdisciplinary degree intended for students who want to pursue simultaneously a program offered by Arts and one offered by Science.The B.A. & Sc. is intended for students with well-defined interdisciplinary interests, and is not meant as a "compromise" between a B.A. and a B.Sc. degree.If you are more interested in Arts, but would like to study some Science, you can do so within the B.A. degree. Similarly, if you are more interested inScience, but would like to study some Arts, you can do so within the B.Sc. degree.

To learn more about the Faculty of Arts, see Faculty of Arts > The Faculty > : About the Faculty of Arts. To learn more about the Faculty of Science, seeFaculty of Science > The Faculty > : About the Faculty of Science.

Programs and Teaching in Arts and in Science2

Programs and teaching in Arts are described in Faculty of Arts > The Faculty > : Programs and Teaching in Arts. Those in Science are described in Facultyof Science > The Faculty > : Programs and Teaching in Science. The two faculties jointly offer the B.A. & Sc., so students pursuing that degree are at homein both Arts and Science.

About the Bachelor of Arts and Science (Undergraduate)3

In September 2005, the Faculties of Arts and of Science introduced the Bachelor of Arts and Science degree. The Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.)is a special and unique degree that is jointly offered by McGill’s two largest faculties: the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science.

The programs in the B.A. & Sc. are rooted in both Arts and Science and carry roughly equal course weight in these faculties. The B.A. & Sc. is aninterdisciplinary degree intended for students who want to pursue simultaneously a program offered by the Faculty of Arts and one offered by the Facultyof Science or a program offered jointly by both faculties. In the case of some disciplines, such as Sustainability or Cognitive Science, this duality is inherentto the discipline. In other cases, the student may choose to join equal measures of an Arts discipline and Science discipline into a coherent interdisciplinarypackage. Examples might be Anthropology and Geological Sciences, or Philosophy and Mathematics. The central objective of the B.A. & Sc. is to providestudents with a broad education that includes study of disciplines in both faculties. This new degree gives students a unique opportunity to achieve a diverseknowledge base, to gain competence in different methods of scholarship, to hone intellectual flexibility, and to integrate material across disciplines.

This is the right degree for students who are firmly committed to such a disciplinary duality. By the same token, it is the wrong choice for students who areundecided between Arts or Science disciplines. Because the B.A. & Sc. is intended for students with well-defined interdisciplinary interests, it is not meantas a "compromise" between a B.A. and a B.Sc. degree. If you are more interested in Arts , but would like to study some Science, you can do so within theB.A. degree. Similarly, if you are more interested in Science , but would like to study some Arts, you can do so within the B.Sc. degree.

Select a category from the menu to find out more, or visit


853 Sherbrooke Street WestMontreal QC H3A 0G5CanadaTelephone: 514-398-7179Website:

Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA)

Telephone: 514-398-5442Website:

The Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA) is responsible for advising B.A. & Sc. students and is located in Dawson Hall, room 405.

11McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Administrative Officers3.2

For a listing of administrative officers in the Faculty of Arts, refer to Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > About Arts (Undergraduate) > : AdministrativeOfficers and for those in the Faculty of Science, refer to Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > About the Faculty of Science (Undergraduate) >: Administrative Officers. Note that the Director of Advising Services, Science, is responsible for students pursuing a B.A. & Sc.

The B.A. & Sc. Program Administration Committee (PAC), which oversees the curriculum and regulations for the degree, consists of the following members:

B.A. & Sc. Program Administration Committee (PAC)

Chair; Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty ofScience

Tamara Western; B.Sc.(Dal.), Ph.D.(Br. Col.)

Associate Dean (Academic Administration andOversight), Faculty of Arts

Gillian-Lane Mercier; B.A., M.A.(Montpellier), Ph.D.(McG.)

Adviser to the Committee; Director of AdvisingServices (SOUSA)

Nicole Allard; B.A.(W. Ont.), M.A.(Guelph), M.Ed.(McG.)

GeographyBrian Robinson; B.Sc.(Georgia Tech.), M.Eng., M.C.P.(MIT), Ph.D.(Wisc. Madison)

Art History and Communication StudiesMattew Chambers Hunter; B.A.(Reed), M.A., Ph.D.(Chic.)

PsychologyLauren Human; B.A., M.A., Ph.D.(Br. Col.)

Art History & Communication StudiesGabriella Coleman; B.A.(Col.), M.A., Ph.D.(Chic.)

School of Information StudiesMax Evans; B.Sc.(NIU), M.I.St., Ph.D.(Tor.)

Administrative Coordinator, Faculty of ScienceLina Alvarez

B.A. & Sc. ProgramStudent representatives (2)

Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA)3.3

The Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA) provides ongoing advice and guidance on academic issues related to programs, degreerequirements, registration, course change, withdrawal, deferred exams, supplemental exams, academic standing, inter- and intra-faculty transfer, year orterm away, transfer credits, second programs, second degrees, and graduation.

Every student in the B.A. & Sc. degree is assigned to Tania Raggo, B.A. & Sc. Student Adviser. You can contact her directly by email

The B.A. & Sc. adviser provides assistance with degree planning and is a valuable referral source if you are not sure where to address your question. Shealso offers help managing academic situations during periods of personal, financial, or medical problems, by working with you to identify various possibilitiesand strategies for making informed decisions.

Special requests can be made, in writing, to the Director of Advising Services, Science, who is responsible for students pursuing a B.A. & Sc.

The Committee on Student Standing (CSS) of the Faculty of Science will consider appeals of the Director of Advising Services’ decisions. For informationabout CSS, see the Director of Advising Services’ assistant.

For more information, refer to the SOUSA website:

Degree Admission Requirements4

For information about admission requirements to the B.A. & Sc., refer to the Undergraduate Admissions Guide, found at

For information about interfaculty or inter-degree transfers, refer to University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Registration > : InterfacultyTransfer, as well as to the relevant information posted on the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA) website

Degree Requirements5

Each student pursuing a B.A. & Sc. must be aware of the regulations as stated in this section of this publication, on the McGill website, and on theScience Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA) website.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)12


While departmental and Faculty advisers and staff are always available to give advice and guidance, the ultimate responsibility for completeness andcorrectness of course selection and registration, for compliance with, and completion of, program and degree requirements, and for the observance ofregulations and deadlines rests with you. It is your responsibility to seek guidance from the SOUSA Office if in any doubt; misunderstanding or misapprehensionwill not be accepted as cause for dispensation from any regulation, deadline, program, or degree requirement.

To be eligible for a B.A. & Sc., you must fulfil all Faculty degree and program requirements as indicated in the following sections:

• section 5.1: Minimum Credit Requirement

• section 5.2: Residency Requirement

• University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Student Records > : Grading and Grade Point Averages (GPA)

• section 5.3: Time and Credit Limit for Completion of the Degree

• section 5.5: Course Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement5.1

You must complete the minimum credit requirement for the degree as specified in your letter of admission.

Students are normally admitted to a four-year degree requiring the completion of 120 credits, but Advanced Standing of up to 30 credits may be granted ifyou obtain satisfactory results in the Diploma of Collegial Studies, International Baccalaureate, French Baccalaureate, Advanced Levels, and AdvancedPlacement tests.

If you are readmitted after interrupting your studies for a period of five consecutive years or more, you may be required to complete a minimum of 60 creditsand satisfy the requirements of a program. In this case, a new GPA will be calculated. The Director of Advising Services, Science, in consultation with theappropriate department, may approve a lower minimum for students who had completed 60 credits or more before interrupting their studies.

If you are readmitted after a period of absence, you are normally subject to the program and degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

Residency Requirement5.2

To obtain a B.A. & Sc., you must satisfy the following residency requirements: a minimum of 60 credits of courses used to satisfy the B.A. & Sc. requirementsmust be taken and passed at McGill, exclusive of any courses completed as part of the math and science requirements of the B.A. & Sc. Freshman program.At least two-thirds of all departmental program requirements (Multi-track, Honours, Interfaculty) must normally be completed at McGill, not includingcourses completed in a prior McGill degree. Exceptionally, students in major concentrations or interfaculty or honours programs who pursue an approvedStudy Away or Exchange program may, with prior approval from both their department and the Director of Advising Services, Faculty of Science, beexempted from the two-thirds rule. In addition, some departments may require that their students complete specific components of their program at McGill.

Time and Credit Limit for Completion of the Degree5.3

If you need 96 or fewer credits to complete your degree requirements, you are expected to complete your degree in no more than eight terms after your initialregistration. If you are a student in the Freshman program, you become subject to these regulations one year after your initial registration. If you need orwant to exceed this time limit, you must receive permission from the Director of Advising Services, Science, to continue your studies.

If you are registered in the B.A. & Sc., you are expected to complete the requirements of your program and your degree within 120 credits. You will receivecredit for all courses (subject to degree regulations) taken up to and including the semester in which you obtain 120 credits. If you want to remain at McGillbeyond that semester, you must also seek permission of the Director of Advising Services, Science. Permission for exceeding the time and/or credit limitswill normally be granted only for valid academic reasons, such as a change of program (subject to departmental approval) and part-time status. If permissionis granted, you will receive credit only for required and complementary courses necessary to complete program requirements.

Departmental Programs5.4

If you are pursuing a B.A. & Sc., other than those registered in the Freshman program, you are required to have an approved program (multi-track, honours,joint honours, interfaculty), and to select your courses in each term with a view to timely completion of your degree and program requirements. You mustcomplete one of the program streams described below.

The B.A. & Sc. degree includes a required integrative course (BASC 201, 3 credits), plus electives (10–15 credits).

Multi-Track System5.4.1

To recognize the diversity of student backgrounds and interests, and the multiple routes to understanding provided by a modern university, the Faculties ofArts and of Science offer a 90-credit multi-track system that includes a major concentration in one faculty complemented by a major concentration in theother faculty (see below):

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• Arts Major Concentration (36 credits) + Science Major Concentration (36–38 credits) (see section 9: Overview of Programs Offered for a list ofprograms open to students in the B.A. & Sc.)

* Effective September 2013, the multi-track option to complete two minors or two minor concentrations is no longer available. Only one multi-trackoption remains.


• Programs offered by Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, and Psychology are considered Science programs for the purpose of the B.A. &Sc. Exceptionally, you may take a Geography program in both Arts and Science.

• Students will include within the 36 credits of their major concentrations any university-level (200 or above) prerequisites to required courses withintheir programs.

• No course may fulfil the requirements for more than one program.


• Units: academic departments or administrative equivalents• Programs: lists of required and complementary courses (including university-level prerequisites for required courses) prepared and maintained by

units• Major Concentration: a program of 36–38 credits taken from a unit's course offerings

Honours Program5.4.2

Honours programs demand a high degree of specialization, and require you to satisfy specific departmental and Faculty Honours requirements whilemaintaining good Academic Standing. They are designed to prepare you for graduate study. Students in the B.A. & Sc. who complete an approved honoursprogram must also complete an approved minor concentration or a minor in the Faculties of Arts or of Science. You must complete at least 21 credits in theFaculty of Arts and at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Science as part of your honours program and your minor concentration or minor program. See section9.3: Honours Programs for a list of available programs.

To choose the Honours option, you must meet the GPA/CGPA requirements set out in University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Graduation> Graduation Honours > : Honours and First-Class Honours for Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A. & Sc.).

Joint Honours Program5.4.3

If you want to study at the honours level in two disciplines, you can combine a joint honours program component from an Arts discipline with one from aScience discipline; see section 9.4: Joint Honours Programs for a list of available programs. Each joint honours component consists of a maximum of 36–38required and complementary credits (not including program prerequisites). In cases where a minimum of 24 credits are in courses normally restricted toHonours students, the total of required and complementary credits may be as few as 30.

To choose the Joint Honours option, you must meet the GPA/CGPA requirements set out in University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate >Graduation > Graduation Honours > : Honours and First-Class Honours for Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A. & Sc.).

Interfaculty Program5.4.4

An interfaculty program is an approved selection of courses constituting a concentration in an intellectually coherent and interfaculty field of studies. Thesecourses must include approved selections from the Faculties of Arts and of Science and possibly other faculties. See section 9.5: Interfaculty Programs fora list of approved programs. Students in the B.A. & Sc. who complete an approved interfaculty program must also complete an approved minor concentrationor a minor in the Faculties of Arts or of Science. You must complete at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Arts and at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Scienceas part of your interfaculty program and your minor concentration or minor program.

Course Requirements5.5

All required and complementary courses used to fulfil program requirements, including the Freshman program, must be completed with a grade of C orbetter. If you fail to obtain a satisfactory grade in a required course, you must either pass the supplemental examination in the course or do additional workfor a supplemental grade, if these options are available, or repeat the course. Course substitution will be allowed only in special cases; students should consulttheir academic adviser.

Normally, you are permitted to repeat a failed course only once. (Failure is considered to be a grade of less than C or the administrative failures of J andKF.) If a required course is failed a second time, you must appeal to the Director of Advising Services, Science, for permission to take the course a thirdtime. If permission is denied by the Director of Advising Services and/or by the Committee on Student Standing of the Faculty of Science, on appeal, you

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must withdraw from the program. If the failed course is a complementary course required by the program, you may choose to replace it with another appropriatecomplementary course. If you choose to substitute another complementary course for a complementary course in which a D was received, credit for the firstcourse will still be given, but as an elective. If you repeat a required course in which a D was received, credit will be given only once.

The B.A. & Sc. degree includes a required integrative course (BASC 201, 3 credits), plus electives (10–15 credits).

For a list of all programs available to B.A. & Sc. students, and full details of the course requirements for all programs as well as the locations of departmentaladvisory offices, program directors, and telephone numbers for further information, see section 9: Overview of Programs Offered.

Course Overlap5.5.1

You will not receive additional credit toward your degree for any course that overlaps in content with a course for which you have already received creditat McGill, CEGEP, at another university, or Advanced Placement exams, Advanced Level results, International Baccalaureate Diploma, or French Baccalaureate.It is your responsibility to consult with a faculty adviser in Arts OASIS, the Science Office for Undergraduate Advising (SOUSA), or the department offeringthe course as to whether or not credit can be obtained and to be aware of exclusion clauses specified in the course description in this publication. Please referto the following website for specific information about Advanced Standing credits and McGill course exemptions:

Sometimes the same course is offered by two different departments. Such courses are called "double-prefix" courses. When such courses are offeredsimultaneously, you should take the course offered by the department in which you are obtaining your degree. For example, in the case of double-prefixcourses CHEM XYZ and PHYS XYZ, Chemistry students take CHEM XYZ and the Physics students take PHYS XYZ. If a double-prefix course is offeredby different departments in alternate years, you may take whichever course best fits your schedule.

Note for Arts Students: Credit for computer courses offered by the School of Computer Science is governed by rules specified in each individualcourse description.

Note for Science and Bachelor of Arts and Science students:

Credit for statistics courses offered by faculties other than Arts and Science requires the permission of the Director of Advising Services, Science,except for students in the B.Sc. Major in Environment, who may take required statistics courses in the Faculty of Agricultural and EnvironmentalSciences necessary to satisfy their program requirements.

Credit for computer courses offered by faculties other than Science requires the permission of the Director of Advising Services and will be grantedonly under exceptional circumstances.

For Arts, Science, and Bachelor of Arts and Science students

Credit for statistics courses will be given with the following stipulations:

• Credit will be given for only one of the following introductory statistics courses: AEMA 310, BIOL 373, ECON 227D1/D2, ECON 257D1/D2, GEOG202, MATH 203, MGCR 271, MGCR 273, POTH 204, PSYC 204, SOCI 350.

• Credit will be given for only one of the following intermediate statistics courses: AEMA 411, ECON 227D1/D2, ECON 257D1/D2, GEOG 351, MATH204, PSYC 305, SOCI 461, with the exception that you may receive credit for both PSYC 305 and ECON 227D1/D2 or ECON 257D1/D2.

• Students who have already received credit for MATH 324 or MATH 357 will not receive credit for any of the following: AEMA 310, AEMA 411,BIOL 373, ECON 227D1/D2, ECON 257D1/D2, GEOG 202, GEOG 351, MATH 203, MATH 204, MGCR 271, MGCR 273, PSYC 204, PSYC 305,SOCI 350.

• For 500-level statistics courses not listed above, students must consult a program adviser to ensure that no significant overlap exists. Where such overlapexists with a course for which the student has already received credit, credit for the 500-level course will not be allowed.

• PSYC 204 may not be taken if a grade of 75% was received in an equivalent course completed at CEGEP.

Courses Outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science5.5.2

The following regulations apply to students in the B.A. & Sc. who want to take courses outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science:

• Regardless of your minimum credit requirement toward your B.A. & Sc., you are allowed a maximum of 12 credits in ELECTIVE and/orCOMPLEMENTARY courses taken in faculties other than the Faculties of Arts and of Science.

• Students in certain designated programs that include a number of REQUIRED and COMPLEMENTARY courses in other faculties are permitted amaximum of 30 credits outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science. These programs are the Interfaculty and Honours programs in Environment, theMinor concentration in Environment, the Interfaculty and Honours programs in Sustainability, Science and Society, and the Major concentration inGeography (Urban Systems).

• Any courses taught at McGill University may be used toward the maximum allowed, except for courses taught by the School of Continuing Studies, forwhich you receive credits only in Continuing Studies. Courses taught by the McGill Writing Centre are excluded from this rule and can count for creditin your degree (see the SOUSA website for a list of approved courses:

• For the purpose of this policy, courses taught in other faculties and specifically listed in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate or Faculty of Science >Undergraduate are considered as courses taught in the Faculties of Arts and of Science.

• The maximum number of credits allowed will be strictly enforced.

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Distance Education Courses5.5.3

• A maximum of 6 credits of courses taught through distance education may be used as electives toward the B.A. & Sc. degree at McGill.

• Courses taught through distance education from institutions other than McGill will be approved as transfer credits under the following conditions:

• the course is given by a government-accredited, degree-granting institution acceptable to McGill;• the course counts for credit toward degrees granted at the institution giving the course;• prior approval for the course is obtained from the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA).

• The combined total of regular course credits and distance education course credits may not exceed the permitted maximum number of credits per termaccording to the regulations for the B.A. & Sc. (see University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > Registration > : Course Load).

• Courses taught through distance education may not be used to complete program requirements, except on an individual basis when serious, documentedcircumstances warrant it. In such cases, prior approval must be obtained from your program adviser and the Director of Advising Services, Science.

Courses in English as a Second Language (ESL)5.5.4

ESL courses are only open to students whose primary language is not English and who have studied for fewer than five years in English-language secondaryinstitutions. As a student in the B.A. & Sc., you may take a maximum of 12 credits, including academic writing courses for non-anglophones, from the listof ESL courses published at

Registration for First-Year Seminars5.5.5

Registration for First-Year Seminars is limited to students in their first year of study at McGill, i.e., newly admitted students in U0 or U1. These courses aredesigned to provide a closer interaction with professors and better working relations with peers than is available in large introductory courses. These seminarsendeavour to teach the latest scholarly developments and expose participants to advanced research methods. Registration is on a first-come, first-servedbasis. The maximum number of students in any seminar is 25, although some are limited to even fewer than that.

You may take only one First-Year Seminar during your first year at McGill. If you register for more than one, you will be obliged to withdraw from all butone of them.

A list of First-Year Seminars is available at Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Faculty of Arts Degree Requirements > Course Requirements > : First-YearSeminar Courses and Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Faculty Degree Requirements > Course Requirements > : First-Year Seminars: Registration.


If you need 96 or fewer credits to complete your degree requirements, you must consult an academic adviser in your proposed department of study to obtainadvice and approval of your course selection (please see section 5.4: Departmental Programs). To facilitate program planning, you must present yourtranscript(s) and letter of admission. If you have not fulfilled the B.A. & Sc. Freshman program requirements, you should also seek advice from an adviserin the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA). For a detailed description of advising and registration procedures, refer to UniversityRegulations and Resources > Undergraduate > : Undergraduate Advising, : Registration, and to the website for newly admitted undergraduate students,as well as the SOUSA website, and finally your department's website.

If you need 97–120 credits to complete your degree requirements, you will normally be registered in a Freshman program until you complete your first year.You must consult an adviser in the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA) to obtain advice and approval of your course selection. Fora detailed description of advising and registration procedures, you should refer to, and to the information on the SOUSA website.

Advising for all returning students takes place in March for the upcoming academic year. For more information, refer to

Choosing a B.A. & Sc. Program6.1

The B.A. & Sc. is intended for students with well-defined interdisciplinary interests. There are several options for the main program, all of which specify75–80 of the 90 credits, leaving only 10–15 credits for electives. Since there are relatively few electives, students entering a program in the B.A. & Sc. degreeshould have a clear idea of their objectives, goals, and intended areas of study, so that they can plan their curriculum carefully.

It should be noted that there also exists considerable flexibility within the B.A. (Faculty of Arts) and B.Sc. (Faculty of Science) programs. If you are moreinterested in Arts, but would like to study some Science, you can do so within the B.A. degree. Similarly, if you are more interested in Science, but wouldlike to study some Arts, you can do so within the B.Sc. degree. For example, B.Sc. students may complete minor concentrations in Arts and vice versa.

There are four ways to complete programs in the B.A. & Sc. degree:

Multi-Track System

The multi-track system is intended for students who want a program that includes significant components from both Arts and from Science.

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Multi-Track System

You complete 36 credits of Arts courses, 36–38 credits of Science courses, and a required integrative course (BASC 201, 3 credits). You can combine anArts major concentration with a Science major concentration (36–38 credits each). Additional guidelines for the multi-track system can be found in section5.4: Departmental Programs. You will find the program descriptions for the major concentrations in Science, which are unique to the B.A. & Sc. withinthis section of this publication.

* Effective September 2013 the multi-track option to complete two minors or two minor concentrations is no longer available.

Descriptions of programs offered in Arts are located in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate .

Interfaculty Programs

Interfaculty programs are interdisciplinary in nature. There are currently three such programs: Environment; Cognitive Science; and Sustainability, Scienceand Society. In these programs, you complete 54 credits of the Interfaculty program, a minor of 18 credits, and a required integrative course (BASC 201,3 credits). You must complete at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Arts and at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Science as part of your interfaculty programand your minor concentration or program.


The growth of technology, globalization of economies, and rapid increases in population and per capita consumption have all had dramatic environmentalimpacts. The Interfaculty program in Environment for the Bachelor of Arts and Science is designed to provide students with a broad “Liberal Arts/Science”training. In combination with careful mentoring, this program offers a great degree of flexibility, allowing students to develop the skills and knowledgebase required to address the myriad of environmental problems that exist today. Further information about Environment programs and academic advisingcan be found at

Cognitive Science

The Interfaculty program in Cognitive Science offered within the B.A. & Sc. degree is the only major program currently offered at McGill for studentsinterested in this discipline. The requirements encourage you to choose courses in two of the five subject areas in Cognitive Science (Computer Science,Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology) as the focus of your program. In addition, if you are interested in research in this field, you may includeup to 12 credits of research courses within your program. Further information can be found at

Sustainability, Science and Society

Food security, access to clean water, poverty, climate change, biodiversity loss, sustainable energy production—a long list of challenges face humansocieties in the 21st century. In the face of these multiple challenges, the grand imperative of the 21st century is Sustainable Well-being—in other words,how can we provide for a world population that could stabilize at 9–10 billion, while also maintaining the Earth’s life support systems. Find out more aboutthis interdisciplinary program at

Joint Honours

The Joint Honours option is similar to the multi-track system except that you complete two joint honours components, one in Arts and one in Science.Currently, the choice of Science component is restricted to either Math or Psychology. However, there is a great range of choices for the Arts component.

To choose the Joint Honours option, you must meet the GPA/CGPA requirements set out in University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate >Graduation > Graduation Honours > : Honours and First-Class Honours for Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A. & Sc.).


There are three B.A. & Sc. Honours programs. The Honours programs in Environment; Cognitive Science; and Sustainability, Science and Society aresimilar to their relevant Interfaculty programs, but each has additional GPA requirements and an additional 6-credit required research course. If you arecompleting an honours program, you must also complete a minor concentration or program, and a required integrative course (BASC 201, 3 credits). Youmust complete at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Arts and at least 21 credits in the Faculty of Science as part of your honours program and your minorconcentration or program.

To choose the Honours option, you must meet the GPA/CGPA requirements set out in University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate >Graduation > Graduation Honours > : Honours and First-Class Honours for Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A. & Sc.).

Preparation for Graduate School6.2

Any choice of undergraduate degree and program constrains options for graduate school. The B.A. & Sc. provides good preparation for graduate degrees inintegrated disciplines such as Cognitive or Environmental Science as well as in the new Sustainability, Science and Society program. Depending on the Artsor Science specific program you want to enter in graduate school, the B.A. & Sc. may or may not be adequate preparation. If you intend to pursue an Artsor Science specific program at the graduate level, you should consult academic advisers in that discipline at McGill and at universities where you intend toapply in order to find out whether the B.A. & Sc. will prepare you adequately. If you are considering continuing on in a specific Science graduate program,

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you should examine the difference between the preparation provided by the 36-credit major concentrations in the B.A. & Sc. program versus the significantlymore specialized major and honours programs offered in the B.Sc. programs.

Freshman Interest Groups7

Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) are groups of approximately 15 U0 students in the B.Sc. or B.A. & Sc., led by a professor in the Faculty of Science orFaculty of Medicine and an upper-year undergraduate student. They meet once every two weeks in the Fall semester to discuss a wide range of topics, suchas science in the news, program choices, undergraduate research opportunities, or just aspects of life in Montreal. The purpose of a FIG is to ease the transitionto McGill and Montreal and to provide you an opportunity to interact with a professor and with other U0 students in a small group. FIGs carry no credit andthere is no charge. For more information and to see how to register, refer to


You should see University Regulations and Resources > Undergraduate > : Examinations: General Information for information about final examinationsand deferred examinations.

The exam schedules are posted on the McGill website,, normally one month after the start of classes for the tentativeExamination Schedule, and two months after the start of classes for the final Examination Schedule.

Students are warned not to make travel arrangements to leave Montreal prior to the scheduled end of any examination period.

Overview of Programs Offered9

• section 9.1: Minor Concentrations or Minors

• section 9.2: Major Concentrations

• section 9.3: Honours Programs

• section 9.4: Joint Honours Programs

• section 9.5: Interfaculty Programs

Minor Concentrations or Minors9.1

Faculty of Arts9.1.1

The Arts minor concentrations available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here. Since the B.A. & Sc. degree requires a certain number of credits in the Artsand in the Sciences, there are special requirements for B.A. & Sc. students. To be counted as an Arts minor or minor concentration, the program must includeat least 15 credits of Arts courses. Similarly, to be counted as a Science minor or minor concentration, the program must include at least 15 credits of Sciencecourses.

For example, a student completing the 18-credit African Studies Minor Concentration in Arts must complete at least 15 of those credits in Arts courses andat most 3 credits in Science courses. As another example, a student completing a 24-credit Science Minor in Interdisciplinary Life Sciences must completeat least 15 credits in Science courses and at most 9 credits in Arts courses.

Faculty of Arts Minor Concentrations or Minors

African Studies – section 10.23.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration African Studies (18 credits)

Anthropology – section 10.3.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Anthropology (18 credits)

Art History – section 10.4.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Art History (18 credits)

Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies – section 10.7.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies (18 credits)

Canadian Studies – section 10.8.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Canadian Studies (18 credits)

Classics – section 10.20.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Classics (18 credits)

Communication Studies – section 10.4.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Communication Studies (18 credits)

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Faculty of Arts Minor Concentrations or Minors

East Asian Language and Literature – section 10.13.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration East Asian Language and Literature (18 credits)

East Asian Cultural Studies – section 10.13.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration East Asian Cultural Studies (18 credits)

East Asian Studies, Supplementary – section 10.13.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Supplementary Minor Concentration East Asian Language (18 credits)

Economics – section 10.14.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Economics (18 credits)

English – Cultural Studies – section 10.15.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Cultural Studies (18 credits)

English – Drama and Theatre – section 10.15.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (18 credits)

English – Literature – section 10.15.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Literature (18 credits)

European Literature and Culture – section 10.26.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration European Literature and Culture (18 credits)

Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies – section 10.18.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Gender, Sexuality, Feminist,& Social Justice Studies (18 credits)

Geography – section 10.19.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Geography (18 credits)

Geography (Urban Systems) – section 10.19.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Geography (Urban Systems) (18 credits)

German Language – section 10.26.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration German Language (18 credits)

German Studies – section 10.26.7: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration German Studies (18 credits)

GIS & Remote Sensing – section 10.19.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration GIS & Remote Sensing (18 credits)

Health Geography – section 10.19.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Health Geography (18 credits)

Hispanic Studies – section 10.26.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Hispanic Studies (18 credits)

History – section 10.20.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration History (18 credits)

History and Philosophy of Science – section 10.22.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration History and Philosophy of Science (18 credits)

Indigenous Studies – section 10.8.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Indigenous Studies (18 credits)

International Development Studies – section 10.23.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration International Development Studies (18 credits)

Italian Studies – section 10.26.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Italian Studies (18 credits)

Jewish Studies – section 10.25.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Jewish Studies (18 credits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Études et pratiques littéraires – section 10.17.1: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue etlittérature françaises - Études et pratiques littéraires (18 crédits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Langue française – section 10.17.2: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littératurefrançaises - Langue française (18 crédits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Traduction – section 10.17.3: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises- Traduction (18 crédits)

Linguistics – section 10.27.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Linguistics (18 credits)

Philosophy – section 10.29.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Philosophy (18 credits)

Political Science – section 10.31.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Political Science (18 credits)

Quebec Studies – section 10.22.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Quebec Studies / La concentration Mineur en Études sur le Québec(18 credits)

Russian – section 10.26.5: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Russian (18 credits)

Russian Culture – section 10.26.6: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Russian Culture (18 credits)

Social Studies of Medicine – section 10.34.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Social Studies of Medicine (18 credits)

Sociology – section 10.35.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Sociology (18 credits)

World Cinemas – section 10.22.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Cinemas (18 credits)

World Islamic and Middle East Studies – section 10.37.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Arabic Language (18 credits), section10.37.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Persian Language (18 credits), section 10.37.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor ConcentrationTurkish Language (18 credits), section 10.37.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Urdu Language (18 credits), section 10.37.5: Bachelorof Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Islamic & Middle East Studies (18 credits)

World Religions – section 10.33.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Religions (18 credits)

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Faculty of Science9.1.2

The Science minors or minor concentrations available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here.

Faculty of Science Minor Concentrations or Minors

Atmospheric Science – section 10.5.1: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Atmospheric Science (18 credits)

Biology – Cell/Molecular – section 10.6.1: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Minor Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular (19 credits)

Biology – Organismal – section 10.6.2: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Minor Concentration Biology - Organismal (19 credits)

Chemistry – section 10.9.1: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Chemistry (18 credits)

Computer Science – section 10.11.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Computer Science (18 credits)

Environment – : Bachelor of Science (Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) (B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.)) or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Environment(18 credits)

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing – section 10.19.6: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geographic Information Systems andRemote Sensing (18 credits)

Geography – section 10.19.5: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geography (18 credits)

Geology – section 10.12.1: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geology (18 credits) (previously named Earth and Planetary Sciences)

Interdisciplinary Life Sciences – section 10.21.1: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (24 credits)

Mathematics – section 10.28.1: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Mathematics (18 credits)

Physics – section 10.30.1: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Physics (18 credits)

Psychology – section 10.32.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Psychology (18 credits)

Statistics – section 10.28.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Statistics (18 credits)

Major Concentrations9.2

Faculty of Arts9.2.1

Since the B.A. & Sc. degree requires a certain number of credits in the Arts and in the Sciences, there are special requirements for B.A. & Sc. students. Tobe counted as an Arts major concentration, the program must include at least 30 credits of Arts courses. Similarly, to be counted as a Science majorconcentration, the program must include at least 30 credits of Science courses.

For example, a student completing the 36-credit African Studies Major concentration in Arts must complete at least 30 of those credits in Arts courses andat most 6 credits in Science courses.

The Arts major concentrations available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here.

Faculty of Arts Major Concentrations

African Studies – section 10.23.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration African Studies (36 credits)

Anthropology – section 10.3.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Anthropology (36 credits)

Art History – section 10.4.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Art History (36 credits)

Canadian Studies – section 10.8.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Canadian Studies (36 credits)

Classics – section 10.20.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Classics (36 credits)

East Asian Studies – section 10.13.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration East Asian Studies (36 credits)

Economics – section 10.14.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Economics (36 credits)

English – Cultural Studies – section 10.15.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Cultural Studies (36 credits)

English – Drama and Theatre – section 10.15.5: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (36 credits)

English – Literature – section 10.15.6: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Literature (36 credits)

Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies – section 10.18.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Gender, Sexuality, Feminist,& Social Justice Studies (36 credits)

Geography – section 10.19.8: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Geography (37 credits)

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Faculty of Arts Major Concentrations

Geography (Urban Systems) – section 10.19.9: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Geography (Urban Systems) (36 credits)

German Studies – section 10.26.8: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration German Studies (36 credits)

Hispanic Studies – section 10.26.9: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Hispanic Studies (36 credits)

History – section 10.20.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration History (36 credits)

International Development Studies – section 10.23.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration International Development Studies (36 credits)

Italian Studies – section 10.26.10: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Italian Studies (36 credits)

Jewish Studies – section 10.25.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Jewish Studies (36 credits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Études et pratiques littéraires – section 10.17.4: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration majeure langue etlittérature françaises - Études et pratiques littéraires (36 crédits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Traduction – section 10.17.5: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration majeure langue et littérature françaises- Traduction (36 crédits)

Latin-American and Caribbean Studies – section 10.23.6: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Latin American & Caribbean Studies (36credits)

Linguistics – section 10.27.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Linguistics (36 credits)

Philosophy – section 10.29.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Philosophy (36 credits)

Political Science – section 10.31.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Political Science (36 credits)

Russian – section 10.26.11: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Russian (36 credits)

Sociology – section 10.35.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Sociology (36 credits)

World Islamic and Middle East Studies – section 10.37.6: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration World Islamic & Middle East Studies (36credits)

World Religions – section 10.33.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration World Religions (36 credits)

Faculty of Science9.2.2

The Science major concentrations available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here.

Faculty of Science Major Concentrations

Biology – Cell/Molecular Option – section 10.6.3: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular (36 credits)

Biology – Organismal Option – section 10.6.4: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Biology - Organismal (37 credits)

Chemistry – section 10.9.2: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Chemistry (36 credits)

Computer Science – section 10.11.2: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Computer Science (36 credits)

Geography – Physical Geography Option – section 10.19.7: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Geography - PhysicalGeography (36 credits)

Mathematics – section 10.28.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Mathematics (36 credits)

Physics – section 10.30.2: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Physics (36 credits)

Psychology – section 10.32.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Psychology (36 credits)

Software Engineering – section 10.11.3: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Software Engineering (37 credits)

Honours Programs9.3

The Honours programs available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here.

Honours Programs open to B.A. & Sc. students

section 10.10: Cognitive Science – section 10.10.3: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours Cognitive Science (60 credits)

Environment – see McGill School of Environment > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Programs > Honours Program in Environment > : Bachelor ofArts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours Environment (60 credits)

21McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Honours Programs open to B.A. & Sc. students

section 10.36: Sustainability, Science and Society – section 10.36.4: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours in Sustainability, Science andSociety (60 credits)

Students interested in an Honours degree should also consider the section 9.4: Joint Honours Programs.

Joint Honours Programs9.4

Joint Honours programs in the B.A. & Sc. are created by combining a Joint Honours program component from an Arts discipline with one from a Sciencediscipline. Students must register for both Joint Honours program components. Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discusstheir course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Faculty of Arts9.4.1

The Arts Joint Honours components available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here.

Faculty of Arts Joint Honours Programs

Anthropology – section 10.3.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Anthropology (36 credits)

Art History – section 10.4.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Art History (36 credits)

Canadian Studies – section 10.8.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Canadian Studies (36 credits)

Classics – section 10.20.5: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Classics (36 credits)

East Asian Studies – section 10.13.5: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component East Asian Studies (36 credits)

Economics – section 10.14.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Economics (30 credits)

English – Cultural Studies – section 10.15.7: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Cultural Studies (36 credits)

English – Drama and Theatre – section 10.15.8: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Drama and Theatre (36 credits)

English – Literature – section 10.15.9: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Literature (36 credits)

Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies – section 10.18.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & SocialJustice Studies (36 credits)

Geography – section 10.19.10: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Geography (36 credits)

German Studies – section 10.26.12: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours German Studies Component (36 credits)

Hispanic Studies – section 10.26.13: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Hispanic Studies (36 credits)

History – section 10.20.6: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component History (36 credits)

International Development Studies – section 10.23.5: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component International Development Studies (36 credits)

Italian Studies – section 10.26.14: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Italian Studies (36 credits)

Jewish Studies – section 10.25.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Jewish Studies (36 credits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Études et pratiques littéraires – section 10.17.6: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Double Spécialisation en langue etlittérature françaises - Études et pratiques littéraires (36 crédits)

Langue et littérature françaises – Traduction – section 10.17.7: Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Double Spécialisation en langue et littérature françaises- Traduction (36 crédits)

Linguistics – section 10.27.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Linguistics (36 credits)

Philosophy – section 10.29.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Philosophy (36 credits)

Political Science – section 10.31.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Political Science (36 credits)

Religious Studies - Asian Religions – section 10.33.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Religious Studies - Asian Religions (36 credits)

Religious Studies - Western Religions – section 10.33.5: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Religious Studies - Western Religions (36credits)

Russian – section 10.26.15: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Russian (36 credits)

Sociology – section 10.35.3: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Sociology (36 credits)

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Faculty of Arts Joint Honours Programs

World Islamic and Middle East Studies – section 10.37.7: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component World Islamic & Middle East Studies(36 credits)

Faculty of Science9.4.2

There are currently only two Science Joint Honours components available to B.A. & Sc. students, which are listed here.

Faculty of Science Joint Honours Programs

Mathematics – section 10.28.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Mathematics (36 credits)

Psychology – section 10.32.4: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Psychology (36 credits)

Interfaculty Programs9.5

The Interfaculty programs available to B.A. & Sc. students are listed here.

Interfaculty programs open to B.A. & Sc. students

Cognitive Science – section 10.10.4: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program Cognitive Science (54 credits)

Environment – see McGill School of Environment > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Programs > Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) –Interfaculty Programs > : Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program Environment (54 credits)

Sustainability, Science and Society – section 10.36.3: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program in Sustainability, Science andSociety (54 credits)

Browse Academic Units & Programs10

The B.A. & Sc. is an interdisciplinary degree intended for students who want to pursue simultaneously a program offered by Arts and one offered by Science.The overall objective is to provide a broad, liberal education spanning substantive areas in the two faculties so that students can learn diverse content andvaried methods of inquiry.

Programs in Arts or in Science10.1

B.A. & Sc. programs include:

• B.A. & Sc. Arts programs

• B.A. & Sc. Science programs that are open to B.A. students (i.e., programs in Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, and Psychology as wellas some in Geography)

• Science Minors that are open to B.A. & Sc. students

• B.A. & Sc. Science programs that are open only to B.A. & Sc. students

For a list of B.A. & Sc. programs, see section 9: Overview of Programs Offered.

B.A. & Sc. Freshman Program10.2

Students who need to complete 97–120 credits to fulfil their degree requirements are admitted to the Freshman Program. Students with specific career goalsshould consult an academic adviser about their choice of program within the B.A. & Sc. However, students intending to pursue further studies following theB.A. & Sc. should refer to the admissions requirements of particular programs for the appropriate prerequisite courses.

In particular, students should note the following:

• The minimum freshman science requirements in the B.A. & Sc. may not satisfy the introductory science requirements of all medical/dental schools;

• The Major Concentration in Psychology may not provide a sufficiently focused background for admission to many graduate programs in Psychology;

23McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


• The Major Concentration in Chemistry is not certified by the Ordre des Chimistes du Québec. Students interested in pursuing a career in Chemistry inQuebec are advised to take an appropriate B.Sc. program in Chemistry.

For further details, refer to information about the B.A. & Sc. Freshman Program at

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Freshman Program (30 credits)10.2.1

Students who need to complete 97-120 credits to fulfil their degree requirements are admitted to the Freshman Program. Students with specific career goalsshould consult an academic adviser about their choice of program within the B.A. & Sc. However, students intending to pursue further studies following theB.A. & Sc. should refer to the admissions requirements of particular programs for the appropriate prerequisite courses.

Foundational Courses

The Freshman Program requirements include foundational courses in both Science and Arts which must be selected as follows:


At least two mathematics courses:

At most one of a First Calculus:

Calculus 1 with Precalculus(4)MATH 139

Calculus 1(3)MATH 140

Calculus A(4)MATH 150

At most one of a Second Calculus:

Calculus 2(4)MATH 141

Calculus B(4)MATH 151

At most one of a Linear Algebra course:

Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 133

Enriched Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 134


At least three foundational science courses:

Any number of:

Principles: Organismal Biology(3)BIOL 111

Cell and Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 112

General Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 110

General Chemistry 2(4)CHEM 120*

* Note: CHEM 120 is not open to students who have taken CHEM 115.

At most one of a First Physics:

Introductory Physics - Mechanics(4)PHYS 101

Mechanics and Waves(4)PHYS 131

At most one of a Second Physics:

Note: PHYS 101 is a prerequisite for PHYS 102; and PHYS 131 is a prerequisite for PHYS 142.

Introductory Physics - Electromagnetism(4)PHYS 102

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Electromagnetism and Optics(4)PHYS 142

At most two of another Foundational Science:

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202*

The Earth System(3)ESYS 104

Introduction to Psychology(3)PSYC 100*

* Note: Students in a minor or major concentration where COMP 202 or PSYC 100 is a required course will need to take an alternative COMP or PSYCcourse if using COMP 202 or PSYC 100 to satisfy the Freshman Program requirement.


At least three Arts courses (or 9 credits) to be chosen in two of the following three categories: Humanities, Languages, and Social Sciences.

A maximum of two courses (or 6 credits) may be chosen from one category, and no more than two courses (or 6 credits) can be taken in any one department.

Note: No course may fulfil the requirements for more than one program, including the B.A. & Sc. Freshman Program.

Humanities (Literature and Civilization):

Courses selected from the following subjects:

- Art History and Communications Studies (ARTH and COMS)

- Classics (CLAS)

- East Asian Studies (EAST)

- English (ENGL)

- French Language and Literature (FREN)

- German Studies (GERM)

- Hispanic Studies (HISP)

- Islamic Studies (ISLA)

- Italian studies (ITAL)

- Jewish Studies (JWST)

- Music for Arts (MUAR only)

- Philosophy (PHIL)

- Religious Studies (RELG)

- Russian Studies (RUSS)


Courses may be taken in this category to improve language skills.

Languages include:

- Classics (Latin, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek) (CLAS)

- East Asian Studies (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) (EAST)

- English as a Second Language (CEAP, CESL)

- French as a Second Language (FRSL)

- French Language and Literature (FREN)

- German Studies (GERM)

- Hispanic Studies (Spanish) (HISP)

- Islamic Studies (Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu) (ISLA)

- Italian (ITAL)

- Jewish Studies (Hebrew, Yiddish) (JWST)

- Russian and Slavic Studies (Polish, Russian, Armenian, Czech) (RUSS)

Social Sciences:

25McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Courses selected from the following subjects:

- Anthropology (ANTH)

- Economics (ECON)

- History (HIST)

- Linguistics (LING)

- Political Science (POLI)

- Sociology (SOCI)

Advanced Standing/Transfer Credits

Students who have completed the Diploma of Collegial Studies, Advanced Placement exams, Advanced Levels, the International Baccalaureate, the FrenchBaccalaureate, or McGill placement examinations may receive exemption and/or credit for all or part of the Mathematics and foundational science coursesas well as exemption from all or part of the Arts courses requirement of the Freshman Program. Similarly, students who have completed courses at otheruniversities or colleges may receive exemptions and/or credits.

Advanced Placement Examination results with a score of 4 or 5 must be declared by the student at the time of initial registration at the University.

For more information about advanced standing, please consult: Students must carefully select their mathematicsand science Freshman courses so that they have all the required prerequisites for their intended departmental programs.

Anthropology (ANTH)10.3

The Department of Anthropology, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units &Programs > : Anthropology (ANTH).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Anthropology (18 credits)10.3.1

The Minor Concentration Anthropology permits students to explore the development and diversity of human beings and human society and culture throughcourses in human evolution, prehistoric archaeology, and socio-cultural anthropology. Students may include courses in all of these fields, or may focus onone or two.

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Anthropology.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

6-9 credits from 200-level courses in Anthropology.

9-12 credits from any 300-, or 400-, or 500-level courses in Anthropology (only 3 credits of which can be at the 400 or 500 level. Only 1 Special Topiccourse can be taken.)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Anthropology (36 credits)10.3.2

The Major concentration is especially appropriate for students who aim to take courses across several sub-disciplinary or topical concentrations, and forwhom specialization is premature. There are no prerequisites for admission to the Major Concentration Anthropology. Students are encouraged to take acourse in quantitative methods (listed under the Honours program), but this course cannot count as part of this concentration.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

200 Level

6 credits selected from 200-level courses in Anthropology (ANTH).

Core (350 Level)

6 credits, from the following Core courses (350 level):

(Note: These are restricted to students in any Anthropology program with U2 standing or above.)

History of Anthropological Theory(3)ANTH 352

Theories of Culture and Society(3)ANTH 355

Archaeological Methods(3)ANTH 357

The Process of Anthropological Research(3)ANTH 358

History of Archaeological Theory(3)ANTH 359

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400 Level

6 credits, two 400-level Anthropology (ANTH) courses.

Undergraduate Level

18 credits of additional undergraduate-level Anthropology courses of which no more than 6 credits may be at the 200 level.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Anthropology (36 credits)10.3.3

Students interested in Joint Honours should consult an adviser in the other department for specific course requirements. A form will be supplied by theAnthropology Department to keep track of courses required by both departments for the programs selected.

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine the Joint Honours Program component in Anthropology with one in anyother Arts discipline.

The Joint Honours thesis topic should be arranged by consultation with an adviser in Anthropology and the other discipline, and supervisors should beappointed in each department who will work together to guide the student.

Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.50 in their program courses and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Required Course (3 credits)

The Joint Honours thesis should be determined in consultation with advisers from both Joint Honours components programs. Normally, the thesis is 6 creditsof coursework with 3 credits applying to each Joint Honours component.

Joint Honours Thesis(3)ANTH 491

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

200 Level

A maximum of 12 credits of Anthropology (ANTH) courses at the 200 level.

300 Level

A minimum of 6 credits of Anthropology (ANTH) courses at the 300 level (only one 3-credit Special Topic course at the 300 level is permitted).

Core (350 Level)

A minimum of 9 credits of core courses at the 350 level selected from:

History of Anthropological Theory(3)ANTH 352

Theories of Culture and Society(3)ANTH 355

Archaeological Methods(3)ANTH 357

The Process of Anthropological Research(3)ANTH 358

History of Archaeological Theory(3)ANTH 359

400/500 Level

A minimum of 6 credits of Anthropology (ANTH) courses at the 400 or 500 level (maximum of one 3-credit Special Topic course at the 400 level).

Art History and Communication Studies (ARTH & COMS)10.4

The Department of Art History and Communication Studies, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > BrowseAcademic Units & Programs > : Art History and Communication Studies (ARTH & COMS).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Art History (18 credits)10.4.1

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Art History.

Required Course (3 credits)

27McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Methods in Art History(3)ARTH 305

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

Students select their complementary courses as follows:

3 credits in Art History at the 200 level.

12 credits in Art History at the 300 level or above, selected in consultation with the Departmental Adviser.

Note: Courses in studio practice cannot be counted towards the Minor concentration.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Communication Studies (18 credits)10.4.2

The Minor Concentration Communication Studies provides undergraduate students with a critical understanding of the role that communications media andcommunication technologies play in a society. It offers students intellectually challenging and innovative instruction in key traditions of Communicationsand Media Studies and new theoretical and methodological practices being developed in the field. The courses included in the program focus on issues ofthe relationship between communication, democracy and urban life, the social life of communication technologies, the historical development and transformationof media and communication forms, institutions, practices and technologies, and the mass media representation and mobilization of social difference.

Required Course (3 credits)

Introduction to Communication Studies(3)COMS 210

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

Five courses in Communication Studies selected from:

History of Communication(3)COMS 200

Communication and Democracy(3)COMS 230

Media and Modernity in the 20th Century(3)COMS 300

Media and Feminist Studies(3)COMS 310

Media and Empire(3)COMS 320

Media in Cultural Life(3)COMS 330

New Media(3)COMS 340

Sound Culture(3)COMS 350

Media Studies of Crime(3)COMS 354

Media Governance(3)COMS 355

Selected Topics Communication Studies 1(3)COMS 361

Selected Topics Communication Studies 2(3)COMS 362

Critical Theory Seminar(3)COMS 400

Cultures in Visualization(3)COMS 410

Disability, Technology and Communication(3)COMS 411

Urban Culture & Everyday Life(3)COMS 425

Advanced Issues in Media Governance(3)COMS 435

Special Topics in History and Theory of Media(3)COMS 490

Special Topics in Communications Studies(3)COMS 491

Power, Difference and Justice(3)COMS 492

Directed Reading(3)COMS 495

Independent Study(3)COMS 497

Canadian Broadcasting Policy(3)COMS 510

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)28


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Art History (36 credits)10.4.3

Required Course (3 credits)

Methods in Art History(3)ARTH 305

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 complementary courses chosen from among departmental course offerings as follows:

-A maximum of 12 credits may be at the 200 level.

-A minimum of 3 credits must be at the 400 level or above (excluding ARTH 490 Museum Internship).

Note: Courses in studio practice cannot be counted toward the Major concentration.

Introduction to Art History 1(3)ARTH 200

Introduction to Contemporary Art(3)ARTH 202

Introduction to Medieval Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 204

Introduction to Modern Art(3)ARTH 205

Introduction Early Modern Art 1400-1700(3)ARTH 207

Introduction to Ancient Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 209

Introduction to East Asian Art(3)ARTH 215

Introduction Italian Renaissance Art 1300-1500(3)ARTH 223

Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 226

Canadian Art to 1914(3)ARTH 300

Aspects of Canadian Art(3)ARTH 302

Postcolonialism(3)ARTH 310

The Medieval City(3)ARTH 314

Indigenous Art and Culture(3)ARTH 315

Introduction to Manga(3)ARTH 319

Visual Culture of the Dutch Republic(3)ARTH 321

Realism and Impressionism(3)ARTH 323

Sixteenth-Century Art in Italy(3)ARTH 324

Visual Culture Renaissance Venice(3)ARTH 325

Studies in Manuscript and Print Culture(3)ARTH 326

Eighteenth Century European Art(3)ARTH 334

Art in the Age of Revolution(3)ARTH 335

Art Now(3)ARTH 336

Modern Art and Theory to WWI(3)ARTH 337

Modern Art and Theory: WWI - WWII(3)ARTH 338

Critical Issues - Contemporary Art(3)ARTH 339

The Gothic Cathedral(3)ARTH 340

Vision and Visuality in Art History(3)ARTH 351

Feminism in Art and Art History(3)ARTH 352

Selected Topics in Art History 1(3)ARTH 353

Selected Topics Art History 2(3)ARTH 354

Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art(3)ARTH 356

29McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Early Chinese Art(3)ARTH 357

Later Chinese Art (960-1911)(3)ARTH 358

Studies in the Photographic(3)ARTH 360

Italian Renaissance Art 1(3)ARTH 366

Italian Renaissance Art 2(3)ARTH 367

Studies in Northern Renaissance Art 01(3)ARTH 368

Canadian Art and Race(3)ARTH 411

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 1(3)ARTH 420

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 2(3)ARTH 421

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 3(3)ARTH 422

Arts of Medieval Spain(3)ARTH 425

Concepts - Discipline Art History(3)ARTH 430

Early Modern Visual Culture(3)ARTH 435

The Body and Visual Culture(3)ARTH 440

Independent Research Course(3)ARTH 447

Brushwork in Chinese Painting(3)ARTH 457

Studies in Italian Renaissance Art 01(3)ARTH 466

Studies in 17th and Early 18th Century Art 04(3)ARTH 473

Studies in Later 18th and 19th Century Art 03(3)ARTH 474

Studies: Modern Art and Theoretical Problems 04(3)ARTH 479

Museum Internship(3)ARTH 490

Note: In addition to architectural courses given by the Department, program students are encouraged to consider courses given in the School of Architectureand the departments of East Asian Studies and Philosophy which may, upon consultation with the Department, be regarded as fulfilling part of the requirements.

Architectural History 1(3)ARCH 250

Architectural History 2(3)ARCH 251

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 303

Aesthetics(3)PHIL 336

Aesthetics 2(3)PHIL 436

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Art History (36 credits)10.4.4

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Prior to registering for each Joint Honours component, students should consult an adviser in each department for approval of their course selection.

Students are encouraged to apply for admission to the Joint Honours program after their first year of study at the University and after completion of no lessthan 12 credits in Art History. Admission is on a competitive basis. While the Faculty of Arts regulations require a minimum CGPA of 3.0 for Honoursprograms, the Department requires in addition a program GPA of 3.30 for admission into the program and the awarding of Honours.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Methods in Art History(3)ARTH 305

Selected Methods in Art History(3)ARTH 400

Honours Research Paper(3)ARTH 401

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)30


Students select their 27 complementary courses chosen from among departmental course offerings as follows:

-A maximum of 9 credits may be at the 200 level.

-A minimum of 3 credits must be at the 400 level or above (excluding ARTH 490 Museum Internship.)

Introduction to Art History 1(3)ARTH 200

Introduction to Contemporary Art(3)ARTH 202

Introduction to Medieval Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 204

Introduction to Modern Art(3)ARTH 205

Introduction Early Modern Art 1400-1700(3)ARTH 207

Introduction to Ancient Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 209

Introduction to East Asian Art(3)ARTH 215

Introduction Italian Renaissance Art 1300-1500(3)ARTH 223

Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 226

Canadian Art to 1914(3)ARTH 300

Aspects of Canadian Art(3)ARTH 302

Postcolonialism(3)ARTH 310

The Medieval City(3)ARTH 314

Indigenous Art and Culture(3)ARTH 315

Introduction to Manga(3)ARTH 319

Visual Culture of the Dutch Republic(3)ARTH 321

Realism and Impressionism(3)ARTH 323

Sixteenth-Century Art in Italy(3)ARTH 324

Visual Culture Renaissance Venice(3)ARTH 325

Studies in Manuscript and Print Culture(3)ARTH 326

Eighteenth Century European Art(3)ARTH 334

Art in the Age of Revolution(3)ARTH 335

Art Now(3)ARTH 336

Modern Art and Theory to WWI(3)ARTH 337

Modern Art and Theory: WWI - WWII(3)ARTH 338

Critical Issues - Contemporary Art(3)ARTH 339

The Gothic Cathedral(3)ARTH 340

Vision and Visuality in Art History(3)ARTH 351

Feminism in Art and Art History(3)ARTH 352

Selected Topics in Art History 1(3)ARTH 353

Selected Topics Art History 2(3)ARTH 354

Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art(3)ARTH 356

Early Chinese Art(3)ARTH 357

Later Chinese Art (960-1911)(3)ARTH 358

Studies in the Photographic(3)ARTH 360

Italian Renaissance Art 1(3)ARTH 366

Italian Renaissance Art 2(3)ARTH 367

Studies in Northern Renaissance Art 01(3)ARTH 368

Canadian Art and Race(3)ARTH 411

31McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 1(3)ARTH 420

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 2(3)ARTH 421

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 3(3)ARTH 422

Arts of Medieval Spain(3)ARTH 425

Concepts - Discipline Art History(3)ARTH 430

Early Modern Visual Culture(3)ARTH 435

The Body and Visual Culture(3)ARTH 440

Independent Research Course(3)ARTH 447

Brushwork in Chinese Painting(3)ARTH 457

Studies in Italian Renaissance Art 01(3)ARTH 466

Studies in 17th and Early 18th Century Art 04(3)ARTH 473

Studies in Later 18th and 19th Century Art 03(3)ARTH 474

Studies: Modern Art and Theoretical Problems 04(3)ARTH 479

Museum Internship(3)ARTH 490

Note: In addition to architectural courses given by the Department, program students are encouraged to consider courses given in the School of Architectureand the Departments of East Asian Studies and Philosophy which may, upon consultation with the Department, be regarded as fulfilling part of the requirements.

Architectural History 1(3)ARCH 250

Architectural History 2(3)ARCH 251

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 303

Aesthetics(3)PHIL 336

Aesthetics 2(3)PHIL 436

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)10.5

The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > BrowseAcademic Units & Programs > : Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC).

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Atmospheric Science (18 credits)10.5.1

This Minor may be taken in conjunction with any program in the Faculty of Science.

Required Courses (3 credits)

Introduction: Physics of the Atmosphere(3)ATOC 214

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

3-6 credits selected from:

Oceans, Weather and Climate(3)ATOC 215

Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry(3)ATOC 219*

Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry(3)CHEM 219*

* Note: Students may select ATOC 219 or CHEM 219 but not both.

Complementary Course

9-12 credits selected from:

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)32


Weather Radars and Satellites(3)ATOC 309

Rotating Fluid Dynamics(3)ATOC 312

Thermodynamics and Convection(3)ATOC 315

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Laboratory(3)ATOC 357

Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics(3)ATOC 512

Waves and Stability(3)ATOC 513

Turbulence in Atmosphere and Oceans(3)ATOC 515

Advances in Chemistry of Atmosphere(3)ATOC 519

Cloud Physics(3)ATOC 521

Atmospheric Radiation(3)ATOC 525

Dynamics of Current Climates(3)ATOC 531

Synoptic Meteorology 1(3)ATOC 540

Numerical Methods and Laboratory(3)ATOC 558

Ocean Physics(3)ATOC 568

Biology (BIOL)10.6

The Department of Biology, the discipline, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : Biology (BIOL).

The minimum freshman science requirements in the B.A. & Sc. may not satisfy the introductory science requirements of all medical/dental schools. Pleasesee your departmental adviser for more information.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Minor Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular (19 credits)10.6.1

The Minor Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular, is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc. It is a sequence of courses designed to yield a broad introductionto cell/molecular biology.

Advising Note: Students interested in a Biology minor concentration must choose either the Cell/Molecular option or the Organismal option, but may nottake both. Students interested in a more in-depth program in Biology should consider the Major concentration.

Students may complete this program with a minimum of 18 credits or a maximum of 19 credits depending if they are exempt from taking CHEM 212 andtheir choice of complementary courses.

Required Courses* (13 credits)

* Required courses taken at CEGEP or elsewhere that are not credited toward the B.A. & Sc. must be replaced by approved complementary courses. Regardlessof the substitution, students must take at least 18 credits in this program.

** Students who have already taken CHEM 212 or its equivalent will choose another appropriate complementary course, to be approved by the BiologyAdviser.

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Basic Genetics(3)BIOL 202

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212**

Complementary Courses (6 credits)

Any 6 credits of biology courses at the 300 level or higher approved by the Biology Adviser.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Minor Concentration Biology - Organismal (19 credits)10.6.2

The Minor Concentration Biology - Organismal, is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc. It is a sequence of courses designed to yield a broad introductionto organismal biology.

33McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Advising Note: Students interested in a Biology minor concentration must choose either the Cell/Molecular option or the Organismal option, but may nottake both. Students interested in a more in-depth program in Biology should consider the Major concentration.

Students may complete this program with a minimum of 18 credits or a maximum of 19 credits depending if they are exempt from taking CHEM 212 andtheir choice of complementary course.

Required Courses* (16 credits)

* Required courses taken at CEGEP or elsewhere that are not credited toward the B.A. & Sc. must be replaced by approved complementary courses. Regardlessof the substitution, students must take at least 18 credits in this program.

** Students who have already taken CHEM 212 or its equivalent will choose another appropriate complementary course, to be approved by the adviser.

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Biology of Organisms(3)BIOL 205

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution(3)BIOL 215

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212**

Complementary Course (3 credits)

Any 3-credit biology course at the 300 level or higher approved by the Biology Adviser.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular (36 credits)10.6.3

The Major Concentration Biology - Cell/Molecular is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit a degree of specialization in cell/molecular biology.

Advising Note: Freshman students should be aware that PHYS 101 and/or PHYS 102 are required for some of the courses in the major and minor concentrationsin Biology.

Required Courses* (29 credits)

* Required courses taken at CEGEP or elsewhere that are not credited toward the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed. must be replaced by 3-credit courses from theComplementary Courses list. Regardless of the substitution, students must take at least 36 credits in this program.

** Students who have already taken CHEM 212 or its equivalent will choose another appropriate complementary course, to be approved by the BiologyAdviser.

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Basic Genetics(3)BIOL 202

Biology of Organisms(3)BIOL 205

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution(3)BIOL 215

Molecular Biology of the Gene(3)BIOL 300

Cell and Molecular Laboratory(4)BIOL 301

Developmental Biology(3)BIOL 303

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212**

Complementary Courses (7 credits)

at least 7 credits selected from:

Neural Basis of Behaviour(3)BIOL 306

Eukaryotic Cell Biology(3)BIOL 313

Molecular Biology of Oncogenes(3)BIOL 314

Biomembranes and Organelles(3)BIOL 316

Human Genetics Applied(3)BIOL 370

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)34


Directed Reading(1)BIOL 413

Topics on the Human Genome(3)BIOL 568

Human Biochemical Genetics(3)BIOL 575

or other appropriate course at the 300 level or higher with permission of the Biology Adviser.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Biology - Organismal (37 credits)10.6.4

The Major Concentration Biology - Organismal is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit a degree of specialization in organismal biology.

Students may complete this program with a minimum of 36 credits or a maximum of 37 credits depending if they have already taken CHEM 212 or itsequivalent, and on their choice of complementary courses.

Advising Note: Freshman students should be aware that PHYS 101 and/or PHYS 102 are required for some of the courses in the major and minor concentrationsin Biology.

Required Courses* (28 credits)

* Required courses taken at CEGEP or elsewhere that are not credited toward the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed. must be replaced by 3-credit courses from theComplementary Courses list. Regardless of the substitution, students must take at least 36 credits in this program.

** Students who have already taken CHEM 212 or its equivalent will choose another appropriate complementary course, to be approved by the BiologyAdviser.

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Basic Genetics(3)BIOL 202

Biology of Organisms(3)BIOL 205

Methods in Biology of Organisms(3)BIOL 206

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution(3)BIOL 215

Evolution(3)BIOL 304

Ecological Dynamics(3)BIOL 308

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212**

Complementary Courses (9 credits)

9 credits selected from:

Developmental Biology(3)BIOL 303

Animal Diversity(3)BIOL 305

Neural Basis of Behaviour(3)BIOL 306

Behavioural Ecology(3)BIOL 307

Biodiversity and Ecosystems(3)BIOL 310

Ecology/Behaviour Field Course(3)BIOL 331

Contemporary Topics in Aquatic Ecology(3)BIOL 342

Insect Biology and Control(3)BIOL 350

Dinosaur Biology(3)BIOL 352

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Freshwater Invertebrate Ecology(3)BIOL 418

Herpetology(3)BIOL 427

Natural Selection(3)BIOL 435

Biological Oceanography(3)BIOL 441

Mammalian Evolution(3)BIOL 463

35McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Conservation Biology(3)BIOL 465

or other appropriate course at the 300 level or higher with permission of the Biology Adviser.

Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies10.7

Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies, the program, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units &Programs > : Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies (18 credits)10.7.1

Required Courses (9 credits)

Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Note: Of the 18 credits, selected with due regard to Faculty guidelines and course prerequisites, at least 9 must be above the 200 level.

Complementary Courses (9 credits)

9 credits, at least 6 of which must be at the 300 level or higher, selected from two of the following departmental lists:

Art History

Canadian Art and Race(3)ARTH 411


Socio-Cultural Anthropology(3)ANTH 202

Social Evolution(3)ANTH 320

Topics in Ethnography(3)ANTH 402

Immigration and Culture(3)ANTH 426

Chinese Diversity and Diaspora(3)ANTH 500

Concepts of Race(3)ANTH 575

Canadian Studies

Canadian Cultures: Context and Issues(3)CANS 310

Canadian Studies Seminar 5(3)CANS 405

Canada and Quebec Seminar(3)CANS 413


Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Special Topics in Canadian Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 441

Culture and Critical Theory 1(3)ENGL 489

Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, Social Justice Studies

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)36


Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404


Urban Social Geography(3)GEOG 331

Advanced Social Geography(3)GEOG 507


Nationalisms in Canada(3)HIST 300

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

Asian Diaspora: Chinese Overseas(3)HIST 442

Canada: Diasporas and the State(3)HIST 586D1

Canada: Diasporas and the State(3)HIST 586D2


Philosophy of Race(3)PHIL 327

Political Science

The Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 478


Sociology of Culture(3)SOCI 219

Jews in North America(3)SOCI 227

Population and Society(3)SOCI 234

Neighborhoods and Inequality(3)SOCI 366

Suspect Minorities in Canada(3)SOCI 375

Comparative Migration & Citizenship(3)SOCI 400

Ethnicity & Public Policy(3)SOCI 512

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Social Work

Anti-Oppression Social Work Practice(3)SWRK 325

Policy and Practice for Refugees(3)SWRK 400

Canadian Studies (CANS)10.8

Canadian Studies, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : Institutefor the Study of Canada.

37McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Canadian Studies (18 credits)10.8.1

The Minor program enables students to take courses about Canada outside the areas of their other major or minor concentrations.

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Canadian Studies.

Required Course (3 credits)

Introduction to the Study of Canada(3)CANS 200

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits selected as specified below.

NOTE: Students may not choose more than 3 credits in disciplines of their other major or minor concentrations.

200 Level

6 credits selected from:

Legal Anthropology(3)ANTH 222

Current Economic Problems: Topics(3)ECON 219

Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Canadian Studies (CANS)

6 credits in interdisciplinary Canadian Studies courses with the subject code CANS.

Canadian Studies (Other Departments)

3 credits chosen from the complementary course list at the 300 level or higher. The courses chosen must have relevance to the program.


Legal Anthropology(3)ANTH 222

Prehistory of North America(3)ANTH 317

Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436


History of Architecture in Canada(3)ARCH 535*

* Limited enrolment: 2-3 spots for CANS students

Art History

Canadian Art to 1914(3)ARTH 300

Aspects of Canadian Art(3)ARTH 302

Studies: Modern Art and Theoretical Problems 04(3)ARTH 479

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)38



Monteregian Flora(3)BIOL 240

Communication Studies

Canadian Broadcasting Policy(3)COMS 510


Current Economic Problems: Topics(3)ECON 219

Political Economy of Trade Policy(3)ECON 223

Canadian Economic Policy(3)ECON 303

Industrial Organization(3)ECON 305

Governmental Policy Towards Business(3)ECON 308

Natural Resource Economics(3)ECON 405

Topics in Economic Policy(3)ECON 406

Public Sector Economics 1(3)ECON 408

Public Sector Economics 2(3)ECON 409

Current Economic Problems(3)ECON 434

Health Economics(3)ECON 440

Research Project 1(3)ECON 480


Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 313

Canadian Prose Fiction 1(3)ENGL 327

Development of Canadian Poetry 1(3)ENGL 328

Development of Canadian Poetry 2(3)ENGL 333

Canadian Prose Fiction 2(3)ENGL 339

Literature and Society(3)ENGL 345

Canadian Cinema(3)ENGL 393

Studies in a Canadian Author(3)ENGL 409

Theme or Movement Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 410

Studies in Canadian Fiction(3)ENGL 411

Studies in 20th Century Literature 2(3)ENGL 415

Studies in 20th Century Literature(3)ENGL 419

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Special Topics in Canadian Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 441

Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 527

Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 528

French as a Second Language

39McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Beginners French 1(3)FRSL 101

Beginners French 2(3)FRSL 102

Near Beginners French(3)FRSL 103

Intensive Beginners French(6)FRSL 105

Elementary French(3)FRSL 206

Elementary French 01(6)FRSL 207

Elementary French 01(3)FRSL 207D1

Elementary French 01(3)FRSL 207D2

Intensive Elementary French(6)FRSL 208

Oral and Written French 1(6)FRSL 211

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 211D1

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 211D2

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 212

Oral and Written French 1 - Intensive(6)FRSL 215

Découvrons Montréal en français(3)FRSL 216

Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression 1(3)FRSL 302

Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression 2(3)FRSL 303

Oral and Written French 2(6)FRSL 321

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D1

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D2

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 322

Oral and Written French 2 - Intensive(6)FRSL 325

Découvrons le Québec en français(3)FRSL 326

Intermediate French: Grammar 01(3)FRSL 332

Intermediate French: Grammar 02(3)FRSL 333

Compréhension et expression orales(3)FRSL 407

Français oral: Textes et expressions(3)FRSL 408

Français fonctionnel avancé(6)FRSL 431

Français fonctionnel avancé(3)FRSL 431D1

Français fonctionnel avancé(3)FRSL 431D2

Français fonctionnel(3)FRSL 432

Français fonctionnel, écrit 1(3)FRSL 445

Français fonctionnel, écrit 2(3)FRSL 446

Le français des médias(3)FRSL 449

Grammaire et création(3)FRSL 455

French Language and Literature

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Cinéma québécois(3)FREN 315

Civilisation québécoise(3)FREN 329

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)40


Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480


Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272

Geography of Nunavut(3)GEOG 301

Geography of Canada(3)GEOG 309

Economic Geography(3)GEOG 311

Urban Field Studies(3)GEOG 494

Field Studies - Physical Geography(3)GEOG 495

Subarctic Field Studies(3)GEOG 499

Geography of Northern Development(3)GEOG 502


Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

Hist of Consumption in Canada(3)HIST 312

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

History of New France(3)HIST 334

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Canada and the World(3)HIST 342

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

Topics: Canadian Political History(3)HIST 370

Canadian Labour History(3)HIST 373

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

History of Quebec Institutions(3)HIST 403

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Canadian Cultural History(3)HIST 414

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

British North America 1760-1867(3)HIST 434

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D1

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D2

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D1

41McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D2

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D1

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D2

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D1

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D2


Sociolinguistics 1(3)LING 320

Canadian English(3)LING 325

Linguistic Aspects of Bilingualism(3)LING 350

Sociolinguistics 2(3)LING 520

Dialectology(3)LING 521


Canadian Music(3)MUHL 391

Political Science

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Issues in Canadian Democracy(3)POLI 320

Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Provincial Politics(3)POLI 326

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Challenge of Canadian Federalism(3)POLI 371

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

The Canadian Judicial Process(3)POLI 378

Topics in Canadian Politics(3)POLI 379

Canadian Political Parties(3)POLI 410

Canadian Voting/Public Opinion(3)POLI 412

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Selected Topics: Canadian Politics(3)POLI 427

Nations and States/Developed World(3)POLI 431

The Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 478

Québec, Études sur le

Quebec Culture and Society(3)QCST 300

Quebec Studies Summer Seminar(6)QCST 336

Contemporary Issues in Quebec(3)QCST 440

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)42


Religious Studies

Canadian Church History(3)RELG 420


Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Urban Sociology(3)SOCI 222

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Sociology of the Media(3)SOCI 318

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Indigenous Studies (18 credits)10.8.2

The Minor Concentration in Indigenous Studies provides students with a broad, interdisciplinary view of key issues in the historical, social and culturaldimensions of Indigenous life in Canada. Core courses offered within the program will provide interdisciplinary treatments of Indigenous life. The Programwill focus on the history of indigenous populations in Canada, Aboriginal art and culture, the experience of indigeneity and gender, and legacies of Indigenousresistance to the Canadian state.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Introduction to Indigenous Studies(3)INDG 200

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Indigenous Studies(3)INDG 401

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

A maximum of 3 complementary course credits at the 200-level, and no more than 6 complementary credits in any one discipline.


Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436

Canadian Studies

Issues in Native Studies(3)CANS 306

Indigenous Art and Culture(3)CANS 315


Special Topics of Literary Study(3)ENGL 297

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440


Geography of Nunavut(3)GEOG 301


Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

43McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Interdisciplinary Field Course

Indigenous Field Studies(3)IDFC 500


Aboriginal Peoples and the Law(3)CMPL 500

Aboriginal Peoples and the Law(1.5)CMPL 500D1

Aboriginal Peoples and the Law(1.5)CMPL 500D2

Political Science

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Canadian Studies (36 credits)10.8.3

Required Courses (6 credits)

Introduction to the Study of Canada(3)CANS 200

Interdisciplinarity & Canadian Studies(3)CANS 501

Normally students will complete CANS 200 and at least 6 credits of core courses in their U1 year, will complete all core courses and at least 3 credits ofCANS courses by the end of their U2 year, and will complete CANS 501 in their U3 year.

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits selected as specified below.

Note: Students may not choose more than 9 credits in disciplines of their other major or minor concentrations.

200 Level

12 credits selected from:

Legal Anthropology(3)ANTH 222

Current Economic Problems: Topics(3)ECON 219

Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)44


Canadian Studies (CANS)

6-12 credits in interdisciplinary Canadian Studies courses with the subject code CANS.

Canadian Studies (Other Departments)

6-12 credits chosen from courses in Canadian Studies offered by other departments from the list below with at least 6 credits at the 300 level or higher. Thecourses chosen must all have relevance to the program.

3 credits must be taken in the French language (including language courses). A maximum of 3 credits may be chosen from French as a Second Language(FRSL).


Legal Anthropology(3)ANTH 222

Prehistory of North America(3)ANTH 317

Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436


History of Architecture in Canada(3)ARCH 535*

* Limited enrolment: 2-3 spots for CANS students.

Art History

Canadian Art to 1914(3)ARTH 300

Aspects of Canadian Art(3)ARTH 302

Studies: Modern Art and Theoretical Problems 04(3)ARTH 479


Monteregian Flora(3)BIOL 240

Communication Studies

Canadian Broadcasting Policy(3)COMS 510


Current Economic Problems: Topics(3)ECON 219

Political Economy of Trade Policy(3)ECON 223

Canadian Economic Policy(3)ECON 303

Industrial Organization(3)ECON 305

Governmental Policy Towards Business(3)ECON 308

Natural Resource Economics(3)ECON 405

Topics in Economic Policy(3)ECON 406

Public Sector Economics 1(3)ECON 408

Public Sector Economics 2(3)ECON 409

Current Economic Problems(3)ECON 434

Health Economics(3)ECON 440

Research Project 1(3)ECON 480

45McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)



Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 313

Canadian Prose Fiction 1(3)ENGL 327

Development of Canadian Poetry 1(3)ENGL 328

Development of Canadian Poetry 2(3)ENGL 333

Canadian Prose Fiction 2(3)ENGL 339

Literature and Society(3)ENGL 345

Canadian Cinema(3)ENGL 393

Studies in a Canadian Author(3)ENGL 409

Theme or Movement Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 410

Studies in Canadian Fiction(3)ENGL 411

Studies in 20th Century Literature 2(3)ENGL 415

Studies in 20th Century Literature(3)ENGL 419

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Special Topics in Canadian Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 441

Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 527

Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 528

French as a Second Language

Beginners French 1(3)FRSL 101

Beginners French 2(3)FRSL 102

Near Beginners French(3)FRSL 103

Intensive Beginners French(6)FRSL 105

Elementary French(3)FRSL 206

Elementary French 01(6)FRSL 207

Elementary French 01(3)FRSL 207D1

Elementary French 01(3)FRSL 207D2

Intensive Elementary French(6)FRSL 208

Oral and Written French 1(6)FRSL 211

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 211D1

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 211D2

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 212

Oral and Written French 1 - Intensive(6)FRSL 215

Découvrons Montréal en français(3)FRSL 216

Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression 1(3)FRSL 302

Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression 2(3)FRSL 303

Oral and Written French 2(6)FRSL 321

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D1

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D2

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 322

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)46


Oral and Written French 2 - Intensive(6)FRSL 325

Découvrons le Québec en français(3)FRSL 326

Intermediate French: Grammar 01(3)FRSL 332

Intermediate French: Grammar 02(3)FRSL 333

Compréhension et expression orales(3)FRSL 407

Français oral: Textes et expressions(3)FRSL 408

Français fonctionnel avancé(6)FRSL 431

Français fonctionnel avancé(3)FRSL 431D1

Français fonctionnel avancé(3)FRSL 431D2

Français fonctionnel(3)FRSL 432

Français fonctionnel, écrit 1(3)FRSL 445

Français fonctionnel, écrit 2(3)FRSL 446

Le français des médias(3)FRSL 449

Grammaire et création(3)FRSL 455

French Language and Literature

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Cinéma québécois(3)FREN 315

Civilisation québécoise(3)FREN 329

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480


Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272

Geography of Nunavut(3)GEOG 301

Geography of Canada(3)GEOG 309

Economic Geography(3)GEOG 311

Urban Field Studies(3)GEOG 494

Field Studies - Physical Geography(3)GEOG 495

Subarctic Field Studies(3)GEOG 499

Geography of Northern Development(3)GEOG 502


Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

Hist of Consumption in Canada(3)HIST 312

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

47McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


History of New France(3)HIST 334

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Canada and the World(3)HIST 342

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

Topics: Canadian Political History(3)HIST 370

Canadian Labour History(3)HIST 373

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

History of Quebec Institutions(3)HIST 403

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Canadian Cultural History(3)HIST 414

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

British North America 1760-1867(3)HIST 434

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D1

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D2

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D1

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D2

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D1

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D2

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D1

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D2


Sociolinguistics 1(3)LING 320

Canadian English(3)LING 325

Linguistic Aspects of Bilingualism(3)LING 350

Sociolinguistics 2(3)LING 520

Dialectology(3)LING 521


Canadian Music(3)MUHL 391

Political Science

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Issues in Canadian Democracy(3)POLI 320

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)48


Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Provincial Politics(3)POLI 326

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Challenge of Canadian Federalism(3)POLI 371

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

The Canadian Judicial Process(3)POLI 378

Topics in Canadian Politics(3)POLI 379

Canadian Political Parties(3)POLI 410

Canadian Voting/Public Opinion(3)POLI 412

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Selected Topics: Canadian Politics(3)POLI 427

Nations and States/Developed World(3)POLI 431

The Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 478

Québec, Études sur le

Quebec Culture and Society(3)QCST 300

Quebec Studies Summer Seminar(6)QCST 336

Contemporary Issues in Quebec(3)QCST 440

Religious Studies

Canadian Church History(3)RELG 420


Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Urban Sociology(3)SOCI 222

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Sociology of the Media(3)SOCI 318

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Canadian Studies (36 credits)10.8.4

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours components from any two Arts disciplines.

Students with a minimum program GPA of 3.30 in their program courses and, in keeping with Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general,are eligible to apply to the Joint Honours. Application deadlines are December 15 and May 15. Forms are available from the McGill Institute for the Studyof Canada (MISC) Office.

Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.30 in their program courses and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Required Courses (9 credits)

Introduction to the Study of Canada(3)CANS 200

Joint Honours Thesis(3)CANS 492

49McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Interdisciplinarity & Canadian Studies(3)CANS 501

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as specified below.

Note: Students may not choose more than 9 credits in disciplines of their other major or minor concentrations.

200 Level

12 credits selected from:

Legal Anthropology(3)ANTH 222

Current Economic Problems: Topics(3)ECON 219

Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Canadian Studies (CANS)

6-9 credits in interdisciplinary Canadian Studies courses with the subject code CANS.

Canadian Studies (Other Departments)

6-9 credits chosen from courses in Canadian Studies offered by other departments from the list below with at least 6 credits at the 400 level or higher.

3 credits must be taken in the French language (including language courses). A maximum of 3 credits may be chosen from French as a Second Language(FRSL).


Legal Anthropology(3)ANTH 222

Prehistory of North America(3)ANTH 317

Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436


History of Architecture in Canada(3)ARCH 535

* Limited enrolment 2-3 spots for CANS students.

Art History

Canadian Art to 1914(3)ARTH 300

Aspects of Canadian Art(3)ARTH 302

Studies: Modern Art and Theoretical Problems 04(3)ARTH 479


Monteregian Flora(3)BIOL 240

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)50


Communication Studies

Canadian Broadcasting Policy(3)COMS 510


Current Economic Problems: Topics(3)ECON 219

Political Economy of Trade Policy(3)ECON 223

Canadian Economic Policy(3)ECON 303

Industrial Organization(3)ECON 305

Governmental Policy Towards Business(3)ECON 308

Natural Resource Economics(3)ECON 405

Topics in Economic Policy(3)ECON 406

Public Sector Economics 1(3)ECON 408

Public Sector Economics 2(3)ECON 409

Current Economic Problems(3)ECON 434

Health Economics(3)ECON 440

Research Project 1(3)ECON 480


Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 313

Canadian Prose Fiction 1(3)ENGL 327

Development of Canadian Poetry 1(3)ENGL 328

Development of Canadian Poetry 2(3)ENGL 333

Canadian Prose Fiction 2(3)ENGL 339

Literature and Society(3)ENGL 345

Canadian Cinema(3)ENGL 393

Studies in a Canadian Author(3)ENGL 409

Theme or Movement Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 410

Studies in Canadian Fiction(3)ENGL 411

Studies in 20th Century Literature 2(3)ENGL 415

Studies in 20th Century Literature(3)ENGL 419

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Special Topics in Canadian Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 441

Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 527

Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 528

French as a Second Language

Beginners French 1(3)FRSL 101

Beginners French 2(3)FRSL 102

Near Beginners French(3)FRSL 103

51McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Intensive Beginners French(6)FRSL 105

Elementary French(3)FRSL 206

Elementary French 01(6)FRSL 207

Elementary French 01(3)FRSL 207D1

Elementary French 01(3)FRSL 207D2

Intensive Elementary French(6)FRSL 208

Oral and Written French 1(6)FRSL 211

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 211D1

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 211D2

Oral and Written French 1(3)FRSL 212

Oral and Written French 1 - Intensive(6)FRSL 215

Découvrons Montréal en français(3)FRSL 216

Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression 1(3)FRSL 302

Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression 2(3)FRSL 303

Oral and Written French 2(6)FRSL 321

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D1

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D2

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 322

Oral and Written French 2 - Intensive(6)FRSL 325

Découvrons le Québec en français(3)FRSL 326

Intermediate French: Grammar 01(3)FRSL 332

Intermediate French: Grammar 02(3)FRSL 333

Compréhension et expression orales(3)FRSL 407

Français oral: Textes et expressions(3)FRSL 408

Français fonctionnel avancé(6)FRSL 431

Français fonctionnel avancé(3)FRSL 431D1

Français fonctionnel avancé(3)FRSL 431D2

Français fonctionnel(3)FRSL 432

Français fonctionnel, écrit 1(3)FRSL 445

Français fonctionnel, écrit 2(3)FRSL 446

Le français des médias(3)FRSL 449

Grammaire et création(3)FRSL 455

French Language and Literature

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Cinéma québécois(3)FREN 315

Civilisation québécoise(3)FREN 329

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)52



Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272

Geography of Nunavut(3)GEOG 301

Geography of Canada(3)GEOG 309

Economic Geography(3)GEOG 311

Urban Field Studies(3)GEOG 494

Field Studies - Physical Geography(3)GEOG 495

Subarctic Field Studies(3)GEOG 499

Geography of Northern Development(3)GEOG 502


Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

Hist of Consumption in Canada(3)HIST 312

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

History of New France(3)HIST 334

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Canada and the World(3)HIST 342

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

Topics: Canadian Political History(3)HIST 370

Canadian Labour History(3)HIST 373

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

History of Quebec Institutions(3)HIST 403

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Canadian Cultural History(3)HIST 414

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

British North America 1760-1867(3)HIST 434

Canada: Diasporas and the State(3)HIST 586D1

Canada: Diasporas and the State(3)HIST 586D2

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D1

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D2

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D1

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D2

Seminar: Canadian Health History(3)HIST 596D1

53McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Seminar: Canadian Health History(3)HIST 596D2


Sociolinguistics 1(3)LING 320

Canadian English(3)LING 325

Linguistic Aspects of Bilingualism(3)LING 350

Sociolinguistics 2(3)LING 520

Dialectology(3)LING 521


Canadian Music(3)MUHL 391

Political Science

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Issues in Canadian Democracy(3)POLI 320

Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Provincial Politics(3)POLI 326

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Challenge of Canadian Federalism(3)POLI 371

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

The Canadian Judicial Process(3)POLI 378

Topics in Canadian Politics(3)POLI 379

Canadian Political Parties(3)POLI 410

Canadian Voting/Public Opinion(3)POLI 412

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Selected Topics: Canadian Politics(3)POLI 427

Nations and States/Developed World(3)POLI 431

The Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 478

Québec, Études sur le

Quebec Culture and Society(3)QCST 300

Quebec Studies Summer Seminar(6)QCST 336

Contemporary Issues in Quebec(3)QCST 440

Religious Studies

Canadian Church History(3)RELG 420


2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)54


Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Urban Sociology(3)SOCI 222

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Sociology of the Media(3)SOCI 318

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Chemistry (CHEM)10.9

The Department of Chemistry, the discipline, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units &Programs > : Chemistry (CHEM).

The Major Concentration Chemistry is not certified by the Ordre des Chimistes du Québec. Students interested in pursuing a career in Chemistry in Quebecare advised to take an appropriate B.Sc. program in Chemistry. The minimum freshman science requirements in the B.A. & Sc. may not satisfy the introductoryscience requirements of all medical/dental schools (see section 10.2.1: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Freshman Program (30 credits)).

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Chemistry (18 credits)10.9.1

Required Courses (18 credits)

* Denotes courses with CEGEP equivalents.

Substitutions for these by more advanced courses may be made at the discretion of the Adviser.

Physical Chemistry/Biological Sciences 1(3)CHEM 204

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212*

Introductory Organic Chemistry 2(4)CHEM 222*

Introductory Physical Chemistry 1 Laboratory(1)CHEM 253

Introductory Chemical Analysis(3)CHEM 267

Inorganic Chemistry 1(3)CHEM 281

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Chemistry (36 credits)10.9.2

The Major Concentration Chemistry is not certified by the Ordre des Chimistes du Québec. Students interested in pursuing a career in Chemistry in Quebecare advised to take an appropriate B.Sc. program in Chemistry.

The Major Concentration Chemistry, which is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed., is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit adegree of specialization in this discipline.

Required Courses* (21 credits)

* Required courses taken at CEGEP or elsewhere that are not credited toward the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed. must be replaced by courses from theComplementary Course List equal to or exceeding their credit value. Regardless of the substitution, students must take at least 36 credits in this program.

Physical Chemistry/Biological Sciences 1(3)CHEM 204

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212

Physical Chemistry/Biological Sciences 2(3)CHEM 214

Introductory Organic Chemistry 2(4)CHEM 222

Introductory Physical Chemistry 1 Laboratory(1)CHEM 253

Introductory Chemical Analysis(3)CHEM 267

Inorganic Chemistry 1(3)CHEM 281

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits selected from:

55McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry(3)CHEM 219

Introductory Organic Chemistry 3(3)CHEM 302

Biological Chemistry(3)CHEM 332

Advanced Materials(3)CHEM 334

Instrumental Analysis 1(3)CHEM 367

Inorganic Chemistry 2(3)CHEM 381

Chemistry courses at the 400+ level.

Cognitive Science10.10


Thomas Shultz; Director, Program in Cognitive Science2001 McGill College, Room 712Montreal QC H3A 1G1Website:

Interdisciplinary Programs Adviser: Ryan Bouma;, 514-398-5442

About Cognitive Science10.10.2

Cognitive Science is the multidisciplinary study of cognition in humans, animals, and machines. The goal is to understand the principles of intelligence andthought with the hope that this will lead to a better understanding of the mind and of learning, and to the development of intelligent devices.

An Interfaculty Program in Cognitive Science (54 credits) is offered in partnership with the following departments:

• Computer Science (Science)

• Linguistics (Arts)

• Neuroscience (Science)

• Philosophy (Arts)

• Psychology (Science)

Cognitive Science Committee Members

Timothy J. O'Donnell (Linguistics)

Kristine Onishi (Psychology)

Jackie C. K. Cheung (Computer Science)

David Ragsdale (Neuroscience)

Ian Gold (Philosophy)

Please note: New students are required to attend an information session held at the end of August. Please consult the Cognitive Science website inearly August for the date and location.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours Cognitive Science (60 credits)10.10.3

The Honours Cognitive Science, which is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc., is an extension of the Interfaculty program and offers students an opportunityto undertake a research project in close association with professors in their main Arts and Science focus areas. Prior to selecting the Honours program,students should meet with the Interdisciplinary Program Adviser and review the B.A. & Sc. academic requirements for Honours and First Class Honours,which can also be found under "University Regulations and Resources," "Graduation," and "Graduation Honours."

To receive an Honours degree, students are required to achieve a minimum overall program GPA of 3.3 at graduation, and attain a grade of B+ (3.3) or betterin COGS 444. Students must complete both the 60-credit Honours program and an approved minor concentration or a minor in the Faculties of Arts or ofScience.

Note: B.A. & Sc. students who take interfaculty programs, including the Honours in Cognitive Science, must take at least 21 credits in Arts and 21 creditsin Science across their interfaculty program and their minor or minor concentration.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)56


Required Course (9 credits)

Honours Research(6)COGS 444

Introduction to Neuroscience 2(3)NSCI 201

Core Complementary Courses: (21 credits)

3 credits from the following logic courses:

Logic and Computability(3)COMP 230

Mathematical Logic(3)MATH 318

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

3 credits from the following statistics courses:

Principles of Statistics 1(3)MATH 203

Probability(3)MATH 323

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

3 credits from the following computer science courses:

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202

Computer Programming for Life Sciences(3)COMP 204

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

3 credits from the following linguistics courses:

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

Introduction to Speech Science(3)LING 210

Meaning in Language(3)LING 260

3 credits from the following philosophy courses:

Introduction to Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 200

Introduction to Philosophy 2(3)PHIL 201

Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 221

3 credits from the following neuroscience courses:

Introduction to Neuroscience 1(3)NSCI 200**

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

3 credits from the following psychology courses:

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

57McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


30 credits selected as follows:

18 credits from one of the following lists: Computer Science, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, or Psychology.

12 credits from any of the five lists.

Of the 30 credits Complementary Course credits, 15 credits taken must be at the 400 level or higher.

Computer Science

Introduction to Software Systems(3)COMP 206

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

Algorithms and Data Structures(3)COMP 251

History and Philosophy of Computing(3)COMP 280

Programming Languages and Paradigms(3)COMP 302

Theory of Computation(3)COMP 330

Algorithm Design(3)COMP 360

Project in Computer Science(4)COMP 400

Concurrent Programming(3)COMP 409

Introduction Robotics and Intelligent Systems(3)COMP 417

Database Systems(3)COMP 421

Artificial Intelligence(3)COMP 424

Language-based Security(3)COMP 523

Probabilistic Reasoning and AI(3)COMP 526

Logic and Computation(3)COMP 527

Advanced Theory of Computation(3)COMP 531

Computational Perception(4)COMP 546

Natural Language Processing(3)COMP 550

Applied Machine Learning(4)COMP 551

Fundamentals of Computer Vision(3)COMP 558

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223

Discrete Structures 1(3)MATH 240


Any course at the 300, 400 or 500 level from the department of Linguistics, or from the following list:

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

Introduction to Speech Science(3)LING 210

Meaning in Language(3)LING 260


Neuroethics(3)NSCI 300

Philosophy of Mind(3)PHIL 306

Intermediate Logic(3)PHIL 310

Philosophy of Mathematics(3)PHIL 311

Philosophy of Science 1(3)PHIL 341

Plato(3)PHIL 354

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)58


Aristotle(3)PHIL 355

17th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 360

18th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 361

19th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 367

Problems in Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 370

Advanced Topics in Logic 1(3)PHIL 410

Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics(3)PHIL 411

Philosophy of Language(3)PHIL 415

Epistemology(3)PHIL 419

Metaphysics(3)PHIL 421

Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 441

Topics in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 470

Phenomenology(3)PHIL 474


Cognitive Anthropology(3)ANTH 440

Music Perception and Cognition(3)MUMT 250

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Animal Learning and Theory(3)PSYC 301

The Psychology of Pain(3)PSYC 302

Child Development(3)PSYC 304

Statistics for Experimental Design(3)PSYC 305

Intelligence(3)PSYC 310

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 340

The Psychology of Bilingualism(3)PSYC 341

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Cognitive Psychology Laboratory(3)PSYC 352

Psychological Tests(3)PSYC 406

Special Topics in Neuropsychology(3)PSYC 410

Cognitive Development(3)PSYC 413

Sensorimotor Neuroscience(3)PSYC 427

Cognitive Science(3)PSYC 433

Memory and Brain(3)PSYC 470

Auditory Perception(3)PSYC 501

Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(3)PSYC 506

Human Decision-Making(3)PSYC 513

59McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(3)PSYC 514*

Neurochemistry and Behaviour(3)PSYC 522

Advances in Visual Perception(3)PSYC 526

Music Cognition(3)PSYC 529

Structural Equation Models(3)PSYC 531

Correlational Techniques(3)PSYC 536

Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 537

Categorization, Communication and Consciousness(3)PSYC 538

Multilevel Modelling(3)PSYC 541

Topics in Language Acquisition(3)PSYC 545

Methods: Developmental Psycholinguistics(3)PSYC 561


* Students select either BIOL 514 or PSYC 514, but not both.

** Students select either NSCI 200 or PHGY 209, but not both.

Circuitry of the Human Brain(3)ANAT 321

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Neural Basis of Behaviour(3)BIOL 306

Behavioural Ecology(3)BIOL 307

Evolution of Brain and Behaviour(3)BIOL 320

Animal Communication(3)BIOL 507

Neurobiology Learning and Memory(3)BIOL 514*

Advances in Neuroethology(3)BIOL 530

Developmental Neurobiology Seminar(3)BIOL 532

Genetic Approaches to Neural Systems(3)BIOL 580

Advances in Molecular/Cellular Neurobiology(3)BIOL 588

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212

Cellular Neurobiology(3)NEUR 310

Introduction to Neuroscience 1(3)NSCI 200**

Neuroethics(3)NSCI 300

Mammalian Physiology 1(3)PHGY 209**

Channels, Synapses and Hormones(3)PHGY 311

Integrative Neuroscience(3)PHGY 314

Topics in Systems Neuroscience(3)PHGY 556

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

The Psychology of Pain(3)PSYC 302

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Special Topics in Neuropsychology(3)PSYC 410

Sensorimotor Neuroscience(3)PSYC 427

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)60


Cognitive Science(3)PSYC 433

Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour(3)PSYC 444

Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(3)PSYC 506

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(3)PSYC 514*

Neurochemistry and Behaviour(3)PSYC 522

Advances in Visual Perception(3)PSYC 526

Issues in Drug Dependence(3)PSYT 301

Advances: Neurobiology of Mental Disorders(3)PSYT 500

Brain Evolution and Psychiatry(3)PSYT 502

Advanced Studies in Addiction(3)PSYT 515

Research Course

Research Cognitive Science 1(6)COGS 401

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program Cognitive Science (54 credits)10.10.4

The Interfaculty Program Cognitive Science, which is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc., is designed to allow students to explore the multidisciplinarystudy of cognition in humans and machines. The goal is to understand the principles of intelligence and thought with the hope that this will lead to a betterunderstanding of the mind and of learning, and to the development of intelligent devices.

Note: B.A. & Sc. students who take interfaculty programs must take at least 21 credits in Arts and 21 credits in Science across their interfaculty programand their minor or minor concentration.

Required Course (3 credits)

Introduction to Neuroscience 2(3)NSCI 201

Core Complementary Courses (21 credits)

3 credits from the following logic courses:

Logic and Computability(3)COMP 230

Mathematical Logic(3)MATH 318

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

3 credits from the following statistics courses:

Principles of Statistics 1(3)MATH 203

Probability(3)MATH 323

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

3 credits from the following computer science courses:

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202

Computer Programming for Life Sciences(3)COMP 204

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

3 credits from the following linguistics courses:

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

61McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Introduction to Speech Science(3)LING 210

Meaning in Language(3)LING 260

3 credits from the following philosophy courses:

Introduction to Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 200

Introduction to Philosophy 2(3)PHIL 201

Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 221

3 credits from the following neuroscience courses:

Introduction to Neuroscience 1(3)NSCI 200**

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

3 credits from the following psychology courses:

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Complementary Courses

30 credits are selected as follows

18 credits from one of the following lists: Computer Science, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, or Psychology.

12 credits from any of the five lists.

Of the 30 Complementary Course credits, 15 credits taken must be at the 400 level or higher.

Computer Science

Introduction to Software Systems(3)COMP 206

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

Algorithms and Data Structures(3)COMP 251

History and Philosophy of Computing(3)COMP 280

Programming Languages and Paradigms(3)COMP 302

Theory of Computation(3)COMP 330

Algorithm Design(3)COMP 360

Project in Computer Science(4)COMP 400

Concurrent Programming(3)COMP 409

Introduction Robotics and Intelligent Systems(3)COMP 417

Database Systems(3)COMP 421

Artificial Intelligence(3)COMP 424

Language-based Security(3)COMP 523

Probabilistic Reasoning and AI(3)COMP 526

Logic and Computation(3)COMP 527

Advanced Theory of Computation(3)COMP 531

Computational Perception(4)COMP 546

Natural Language Processing(3)COMP 550

Applied Machine Learning(4)COMP 551

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)62


Fundamentals of Computer Vision(3)COMP 558

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223

Discrete Structures 1(3)MATH 240


Any course at the 300, 400 or 500 level from the department of Linguistics, or from the following list:

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

Introduction to Speech Science(3)LING 210

Meaning in Language(3)LING 260


Neuroethics(3)NSCI 300

Philosophy of Mind(3)PHIL 306

Intermediate Logic(3)PHIL 310

Philosophy of Mathematics(3)PHIL 311

Philosophy of Science 1(3)PHIL 341

Plato(3)PHIL 354

Aristotle(3)PHIL 355

17th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 360

18th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 361

19th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 367

Problems in Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 370

Advanced Topics in Logic 1(3)PHIL 410

Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics(3)PHIL 411

Philosophy of Language(3)PHIL 415

Epistemology(3)PHIL 419

Metaphysics(3)PHIL 421

Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 441

Topics in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 470

Phenomenology(3)PHIL 474


Cognitive Anthropology(3)ANTH 440

Music Perception and Cognition(3)MUMT 250

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Animal Learning and Theory(3)PSYC 301

The Psychology of Pain(3)PSYC 302

Child Development(3)PSYC 304

63McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Statistics for Experimental Design(3)PSYC 305

Intelligence(3)PSYC 310

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

Computational Psychology(3)PSYC 315

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 340

The Psychology of Bilingualism(3)PSYC 341

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Cognitive Psychology Laboratory(3)PSYC 352

Psychological Tests(3)PSYC 406

Special Topics in Neuropsychology(3)PSYC 410

Cognitive Development(3)PSYC 413

Sensorimotor Neuroscience(3)PSYC 427

Cognitive Science(3)PSYC 433

Memory and Brain(3)PSYC 470

Auditory Perception(3)PSYC 501

Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(3)PSYC 506

Human Decision-Making(3)PSYC 513

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(3)PSYC 514*

Neurochemistry and Behaviour(3)PSYC 522

Advances in Visual Perception(3)PSYC 526

Music Cognition(3)PSYC 529

Structural Equation Models(3)PSYC 531

Correlational Techniques(3)PSYC 536

Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 537

Categorization, Communication and Consciousness(3)PSYC 538

Multilevel Modelling(3)PSYC 541

Topics in Language Acquisition(3)PSYC 545

Methods: Developmental Psycholinguistics(3)PSYC 561


* Students select either BIOL 514 or PSYC 514, but not both.

** Students select either NSCI 200 or PHGY 209, but not both.

Circuitry of the Human Brain(3)ANAT 321

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Neural Basis of Behaviour(3)BIOL 306

Behavioural Ecology(3)BIOL 307

Evolution of Brain and Behaviour(3)BIOL 320

Animal Communication(3)BIOL 507

Neurobiology Learning and Memory(3)BIOL 514*

Advances in Neuroethology(3)BIOL 530

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)64


Developmental Neurobiology Seminar(3)BIOL 532

Genetic Approaches to Neural Systems(3)BIOL 580

Advances in Molecular/Cellular Neurobiology(3)BIOL 588

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212

Cellular Neurobiology(3)NEUR 310

Introduction to Neuroscience 1(3)NSCI 200**

Neuroethics(3)NSCI 300

Mammalian Physiology 1(3)PHGY 209**

Channels, Synapses and Hormones(3)PHGY 311*

Integrative Neuroscience(3)PHGY 314

Topics in Systems Neuroscience(3)PHGY 556

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

The Psychology of Pain(3)PSYC 302

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Special Topics in Neuropsychology(3)PSYC 410

Sensorimotor Neuroscience(3)PSYC 427

Cognitive Science(3)PSYC 433

Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour(3)PSYC 444

Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(3)PSYC 506

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(3)PSYC 514*

Neurochemistry and Behaviour(3)PSYC 522

Advances in Visual Perception(3)PSYC 526

Issues in Drug Dependence(3)PSYT 301

Advances: Neurobiology of Mental Disorders(3)PSYT 500

Brain Evolution and Psychiatry(3)PSYT 502

Advanced Studies in Addiction(3)PSYT 515

Research Course

Research Cognitive Science 1(6)COGS 401

Computer Science (COMP)10.11

The School of Computer Science and the discipline are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : ComputerScience (COMP).

The following are considered Science programs in the B.A. & Sc.:

• Minor Concentration in Computer Science

• Major Concentration in Computer Science

• Major Concentration in Software Engineering

65McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Computer Science (18 credits)10.11.1

Revision, May 2018. Start of revision.

The Minor Concentration Computer Science is designed for students who want to gain a basic understanding of computer science principles and may betaken in conjunction with any program in the Faculty of Arts.

Students are strongly encouraged to talk to an adviser of the School before choosing their complementary courses to ensure they follow an approved coursesequence.

MATH 133, MATH 140, and MATH 141 (or their equivalents) should be completed prior to taking courses in this program.

Required Courses (9 credits)

* Students who have sufficient knowledge of programming should not take COMP 202, and instead should replace it with an additional Computer Sciencecomplementary course.

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202*

Introduction to Software Systems(3)COMP 206

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

Complementary Courses (9 credits)

9 credits selected from the following list or from Computer Science (COMP) courses at the 300 level or above excluding COMP 364 and COMP 396.

Logic and Computability(3)COMP 230

Algorithms and Data Structures(3)COMP 251

Introduction to Computer Systems(3)COMP 273

History and Philosophy of Computing(3)COMP 280

Discrete Structures 1(3)MATH 240

Revision, May 2018. End of revision.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Computer Science (36 credits)10.11.2

Revision, May 2018. Start of revision.

This Major concentration represents an in-depth introduction to computer science and its sub-areas. Students that are interested in further study in ComputerScience can combine the Major Concentration Computer Science with the Supplementary Minor in Computer Science to constitute a program very close tothe Major Computer Science offered by the Faculty of Science. For further information, please consult the Program Adviser.

Students with two programs in the same department/unit must have a third program in a different department/unit to be eligible to graduate. Please refer tothe Faculty of Arts regulations for "Faculty Degree Requirements," "About Program Requirements," and "Departmental Programs" for the Multi-track Systemoptions.

Required Courses (18 credits)

MATH 133, MATH 140, and MATH 141 (or their equivalents) should be completed prior to taking courses in this program.

Notes for the list below:

* Students who have sufficient knowledge in programming do not need to take COMP 202 and should replace it with an additional computer sciencecomplementary course.

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202*

Introduction to Software Systems(3)COMP 206

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

Algorithms and Data Structures(3)COMP 251

Introduction to Computer Systems(3)COMP 273

Discrete Structures 1(3)MATH 240

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)66


18 credits selected as follows:

3 credits from each of the groups A, B, C, and D:

Group A:

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Probability(3)MATH 323

Statistics(3)MATH 324

Group B:

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223

Mathematical Logic(3)MATH 318

Discrete Structures 2(3)MATH 340

Group C:

Theory of Computation(3)COMP 330

Numerical Computing(3)COMP 350

Algorithm Design(3)COMP 360

Group D:

Programming Languages and Paradigms(3)COMP 302

Software Design(3)COMP 303

An additional 3 credits may be selected from Group A or B.

The remaining complementary credits must be selected from COMP 230 and COMP courses at the 300 level or above (except COMP 364, COMP 396).

Revision, May 2018. End of revision.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Software Engineering (37 credits)10.11.3

The Major Concentration Software Engineering focuses on the techniques and methodology required to design and develop complex software systems andcovers the subject commonly known as "Software Engineering."

MATH 133, MATH 140, and MATH 141 (or their equivalents) must be completed prior to taking courses in this program.

Note: This program does not lead to certification as a Professional Engineer.

Required Courses (30 credits)

* Students who have sufficient knowledge in a programming language do not need to take COMP 202 and can replace it with additional computer sciencecomplementary course credits.

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202*

Introduction to Software Systems(3)COMP 206

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

Algorithms and Data Structures(3)COMP 251

Introduction to Computer Systems(3)COMP 273

Programming Languages and Paradigms(3)COMP 302

Software Design(3)COMP 303

67McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Database Systems(3)COMP 421

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223

Discrete Structures 1(3)MATH 240

Complementary Courses (7 credits)

At least 7 credits from:

Introduction to C++(1)COMP 322

Software Engineering Project(3)COMP 361D1

Software Engineering Project(3)COMP 361D2

Software Architecture(4)COMP 529

Model-Driven Software Development(3)COMP 533

Software Requirements Engineering(3)ECSE 326

Software Delivery(3)ECSE 437

Advanced Software Language Engineering(4)ECSE 539

or any COMP courses at the 300 level or above, excluding COMP 364 and COMP 396.

Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPSC)10.12

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > BrowseAcademic Units & Programs > : Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPSC).

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geology (18 credits)10.12.1

The Minor Geology offers students from other departments the opportunity to obtain exposure to the Earth Sciences.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Introductory Mineralogy(3)EPSC 210

Introductory Petrology(3)EPSC 212

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

3 credits, one of:

Understanding Planet Earth(3)EPSC 201

Earth and Life History(3)EPSC 233

9 credits selected from the list below and other 300-level and higher courses in Earth and Planetary Sciences may be substituted with permission.

Structural Geology(3)EPSC 203

Field School 1(3)EPSC 231

Invertebrate Paleontology(3)EPSC 334

Tectonics(3)EPSC 350

Mineral Deposits(3)EPSC 452

Chemical Oceanography(3)EPSC 542

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)68


Ore-forming Processes(3)EPSC 561

East Asian Studies (EAST)10.13

East Asian Studies, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : EastAsian Studies (EAST).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration East Asian Cultural Studies (18 credits)10.13.1

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration East Asian Studies.

Introduction to East Asian Culture

6 credits, two of the following courses:

Introduction: East Asian Culture: China(3)EAST 211

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Japan(3)EAST 212

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Korea(3)EAST 213

East Asian Literature, Culture and Society

12 credits of courses in East Asian Literature, Culture and Society selected from the list below.

East Asian Studies (EAST)

Introduction to East Asian Art(3)EAST 215

Introduction to Asian Media Studies(3)EAST 250

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 303

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 304

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 305

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 306

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 1(3)EAST 307

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 2(3)EAST 308

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313

Current Topics: Korean Studies 2(3)EAST 314

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature(3)EAST 352

Approaches to Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 353

Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art(3)EAST 356

Animation and New Media(3)EAST 361

Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 362

Early and Medieval Japan(3)EAST 363

Mass Culture and Postwar Japan(3)EAST 364

Topics in Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 369

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

Topics in Television: Asia(3)EAST 372

Korean Media & Popular Culture(3)EAST 375

Topics: Transnational Cinema Asia(3)EAST 377

69McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Global Korea(3)EAST 385

Global Science Fiction Cinema and Media Asia(3)EAST 389

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453

Topics: Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 454

Inventing Modern Japanese Novel(3)EAST 461

Japan in Asia(3)EAST 462

Image, Text, Performance(3)EAST 464

Topics: Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 467

Science and Technology: Asia(3)EAST 468

Media and Environment in Asia(3)EAST 477

Topics: Korean Film & Media(3)EAST 478

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 1(3)EAST 491

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 2(3)EAST 492

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 1(3)EAST 493

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 2(3)EAST 494

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 501

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 502

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 503

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 504

Advanced Topics in Korean Studies(3)EAST 505

Seminar: Beyond Orientalism(3)EAST 515

Critical Area Studies in Asia(3)EAST 525

Culture and Capital in Asia(3)EAST 527

Classical Chinese Poetry Themes and Genres(3)EAST 550

Technologies of Self in Early China(3)EAST 551

Advanced Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 559

Japanese Literary Theory and Practice(3)EAST 562

Images, Ideograms, Aesthetics(3)EAST 563

Structures of Modernity: Asia(3)EAST 564

Advanced Topics: Japanese Literature(3)EAST 569

Japanese Culture and Society(3)EAST 582

Anthropology (ANTH)

Modern Chinese Society and Change(3)ANTH 329

Prehistory of East Asia(3)ANTH 331

Chinese Diversity and Diaspora(3)ANTH 500

Economics (ECON)

The Japanese Economy(3)ECON 335

Economic Development: A World Area(3)ECON 411

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)70


History (HIST)

Introduction to East Asian History(3)HIST 208

Modern East Asian History(3)HIST 218

Formation of Chinese Tradition(3)HIST 308

Themes: Modern Japan(3)HIST 318

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

China's Middle Empires(3)HIST 358

History of Women in China(3)HIST 439

Topics: Culture and Ritual in China(3)HIST 441

Asian Diaspora: Chinese Overseas(3)HIST 442

Topics: Modern Japan(3)HIST 443

Late Imperial China(3)HIST 445

The Art of War in China(3)HIST 508

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D1

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D2

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D1

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D2

Management (ORGB)

Cross Cultural Management(3)ORGB 380

Political Science (POLI)

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

Religious Studies (RELG)

Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

Introductory Tibetan 1(3)RELG 264

Introductory Tibetan 2(3)RELG 265

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Mahayana Buddhism(3)RELG 344

Japanese Religions: History and Thought(3)RELG 352

Chinese Religions(3)RELG 354

Intermediate Tibetan 1(3)RELG 364

Intermediate Tibetan 2(3)RELG 365

Pure Land Buddhism(3)RELG 442

Japanese Esoteric Buddhism(3)RELG 443

Zen: Maxims and Methods(3)RELG 451

East Asian Buddhism(3)RELG 452

Advanced Tibetan 1(3)RELG 464

Advanced Tibetan 2(3)RELG 465

71McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Japanese Buddhism in Historical Context(3)RELG 549

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration East Asian Language and Literature (18 credits)10.13.2

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration East Asian Studies.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected as specified below.

Introduction to East Asian Culture

3 credits, one of the following courses:

Introduction: East Asian Culture: China(3)EAST 211

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Japan(3)EAST 212

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Korea(3)EAST 213

East Asian Language

9 credits of language (see the list below). Students may meet this requirement by passing the first level of Korean, Chinese or Japanese with a grade of "C"or better. Students with prior knowledge of an Asian language may substitute a second level in place of a first level. Or, these students may take 6 credits oflanguage at the 400-level or above from the list and an additional 3 credits of East Asian Studies (EAST) courses.

Note: Admission to language courses is subject to placement tests.

First Level Korean(4.5)EAST 220D1

First Level Korean(4.5)EAST 220D2

First Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 230D1

First Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 230D2

First Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 240D1

First Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 240D2

Second Level Korean(4.5)EAST 320D1

Second Level Korean(4.5)EAST 320D2

Second Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 330D1

Second Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 330D2

Second Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 340D1

Second Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 340D2

Third Level Korean 1(3)EAST 420

Third Level Korean 2(3)EAST 421

Third Level Chinese(3)EAST 430D1

Third Level Chinese(3)EAST 430D2

Third Level Japanese(3)EAST 440D1

Third Level Japanese(3)EAST 440D2

Fourth Level Chinese(3)EAST 530D1

Fourth Level Chinese(3)EAST 530D2

Classical Chinese 1(3)EAST 533

Classical Chinese 2(3)EAST 534

Fourth Level Japanese(3)EAST 540D1

Fourth Level Japanese(3)EAST 540D2

Classical Japanese 1(3)EAST 543

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)72


Classical Japanese 2(3)EAST 544

East Asian Studies (EAST)

6 credits at the 300 level or above in East Asian Studies (EAST) courses selected from:

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 303

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 304

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 305

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 306

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 1(3)EAST 307

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 2(3)EAST 308

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313

Current Topics: Korean Studies 2(3)EAST 314

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature(3)EAST 352

Approaches to Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 353

Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art(3)EAST 356

Animation and New Media(3)EAST 361

Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 362

Early and Medieval Japan(3)EAST 363

Mass Culture and Postwar Japan(3)EAST 364

Topics in Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 369

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

Topics in Television: Asia(3)EAST 372

Korean Media & Popular Culture(3)EAST 375

Topics: Transnational Cinema Asia(3)EAST 377

Global Korea(3)EAST 385

Global Science Fiction Cinema and Media Asia(3)EAST 389

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453

Topics: Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 454

Inventing Modern Japanese Novel(3)EAST 461

Japan in Asia(3)EAST 462

Image, Text, Performance(3)EAST 464

Topics: Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 467

Science and Technology: Asia(3)EAST 468

Media and Environment in Asia(3)EAST 477

Topics: Korean Film & Media(3)EAST 478

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 1(3)EAST 491

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 2(3)EAST 492

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 1(3)EAST 493

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 2(3)EAST 494

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 501

73McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 502

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 503

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 504

Advanced Topics in Korean Studies(3)EAST 505

Seminar: Beyond Orientalism(3)EAST 515

Critical Area Studies in Asia(3)EAST 525

Culture and Capital in Asia(3)EAST 527

Classical Chinese Poetry Themes and Genres(3)EAST 550

Technologies of Self in Early China(3)EAST 551

Advanced Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 559

Japanese Literary Theory and Practice(3)EAST 562

Images, Ideograms, Aesthetics(3)EAST 563

Structures of Modernity: Asia(3)EAST 564

Advanced Topics: Japanese Literature(3)EAST 569

Japanese Culture and Society(3)EAST 582

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Supplementary Minor Concentration East Asian Language (18 credits)10.13.3

This program may not be expanded to the Major Concentration East Asian Studies.

The program offers students who have a background in an East Asian language the opportunity to study this language at the advanced level (300 level andabove), including the classical language.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

There are two options.

18 credits in second, third, or fourth level language courses in a single East Asian language, or a combination of an advanced language and other courses inEast Asian culture, literature, or society at the 300 level or above, chosen in consultation with the Departmental Program Adviser.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration East Asian Studies (36 credits)10.13.4

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits selected as specified below.

Introduction to East Asian Culture

6 credits, two of the following courses:

Introduction: East Asian Culture: China(3)EAST 211

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Japan(3)EAST 212

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Korea(3)EAST 213

East Asian Language

6-9 credits of East Asian language courses selected from the list below.

Note: Admission to language courses is subject to placement tests.

First Level Korean(4.5)EAST 220D1

First Level Korean(4.5)EAST 220D2

First Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 230D1

First Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 230D2

First Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 240D1

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)74


First Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 240D2

Second Level Korean(4.5)EAST 320D1

Second Level Korean(4.5)EAST 320D2

Second Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 330D1

Second Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 330D2

Second Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 340D1

Second Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 340D2

Third Level Korean 1(3)EAST 420

Third Level Korean 2(3)EAST 421

Third Level Chinese(3)EAST 430D1

Third Level Chinese(3)EAST 430D2

Third Level Japanese(3)EAST 440D1

Third Level Japanese(3)EAST 440D2

Fourth Level Chinese(3)EAST 530D1

Fourth Level Chinese(3)EAST 530D2

Classical Chinese 1(3)EAST 533

Classical Chinese 2(3)EAST 534

Fourth Level Japanese(3)EAST 540D1

Fourth Level Japanese(3)EAST 540D2

Classical Japanese 1(3)EAST 543

Classical Japanese 2(3)EAST 544

Advanced Translation in Japanese(3)EAST 547

East Asian Literature, Culture and Society

21-24 credits of courses in East Asian Literature, Culture and Society selected from the list below. At least 6 credits must be taken at the 400 or 500 level.

East Asian Studies (EAST)

Introduction to East Asian Art(3)EAST 215

Introduction to Asian Media Studies(3)EAST 250

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 303

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 304

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 305

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 306

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 1(3)EAST 307

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 2(3)EAST 308

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313

Current Topics: Korean Studies 2(3)EAST 314

Archaeology East Asian Empires(3)EAST 328

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature(3)EAST 352

Approaches to Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 353

Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art(3)EAST 356

75McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Animation and New Media(3)EAST 361

Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 362

Early and Medieval Japan(3)EAST 363

Mass Culture and Postwar Japan(3)EAST 364

Topics in Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 369

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

Topics in Television: Asia(3)EAST 372

Korean Media & Popular Culture(3)EAST 375

Topics: Transnational Cinema Asia(3)EAST 377

Global Korea(3)EAST 385

Global Science Fiction Cinema and Media Asia(3)EAST 389

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453

Topics: Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 454

Inventing Modern Japanese Novel(3)EAST 461

Japan in Asia(3)EAST 462

Image, Text, Performance(3)EAST 464

Topics: Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 467

Science and Technology: Asia(3)EAST 468

Media and Environment in Asia(3)EAST 477

Topics: Korean Film & Media(3)EAST 478

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 1(3)EAST 491

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 2(3)EAST 492

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 1(3)EAST 493

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 2(3)EAST 494

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 501

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 502

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 503

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 504

Advanced Topics in Korean Studies(3)EAST 505

Seminar: Beyond Orientalism(3)EAST 515

Critical Area Studies in Asia(3)EAST 525

Culture and Capital in Asia(3)EAST 527

Classical Chinese Poetry Themes and Genres(3)EAST 550

Technologies of Self in Early China(3)EAST 551

Advanced Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 559

Japanese Literary Theory and Practice(3)EAST 562

Images, Ideograms, Aesthetics(3)EAST 563

Structures of Modernity: Asia(3)EAST 564

Advanced Topics: Japanese Literature(3)EAST 569

Japanese Culture and Society(3)EAST 582

Anthropology (ANTH)

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)76


Archaeology East Asian Empires(3)ANTH 328

Modern Chinese Society and Change(3)ANTH 329

Prehistory of East Asia(3)ANTH 331

Chinese Diversity and Diaspora(3)ANTH 500

Economics (ECON)

The Japanese Economy(3)ECON 335

Economic Development: A World Area(3)ECON 411

Geography (GEOG)

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

History (HIST)

Introduction to East Asian History(3)HIST 208

Modern East Asian History(3)HIST 218

Formation of Chinese Tradition(3)HIST 308

Themes: Modern Japan(3)HIST 318

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

China's Middle Empires(3)HIST 358

History of Women in China(3)HIST 439

Topics: Culture and Ritual in China(3)HIST 441

Asian Diaspora: Chinese Overseas(3)HIST 442

Topics: Modern Japan(3)HIST 443

Late Imperial China(3)HIST 445

The Art of War in China(3)HIST 508

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D1

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D2

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D1

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D2

Management (ORGB)

Cross Cultural Management(3)ORGB 380

Political Science (POLI)

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

Religious Studies (RELG)

Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

Introductory Tibetan 1(3)RELG 264

Introductory Tibetan 2(3)RELG 265

77McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Mahayana Buddhism(3)RELG 344

Japanese Religions: History and Thought(3)RELG 352

Chinese Religions(3)RELG 354

Intermediate Tibetan 1(3)RELG 364

Intermediate Tibetan 2(3)RELG 365

Pure Land Buddhism(3)RELG 442

Japanese Esoteric Buddhism(3)RELG 443

Zen: Maxims and Methods(3)RELG 451

East Asian Buddhism(3)RELG 452

Advanced Tibetan 1(3)RELG 464

Advanced Tibetan 2(3)RELG 465

Japanese Buddhism in Historical Context(3)RELG 549

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component East Asian Studies (36 credits)10.13.5

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

According to Faculty regulations, Joint Honours students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and maintain a minimum program GPA of 3.00.

Required Course (3 credits)

Joint Honours Thesis: East Asian Studies(1.5)EAST 495D1

Joint Honours Thesis: East Asian Studies(1.5)EAST 495D2

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 credits selected as specified below.

Introduction to East Asian Culture

6 credits, two of the following courses:

Introduction: East Asian Culture: China(3)EAST 211

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Japan(3)EAST 212

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Korea(3)EAST 213

East Asian Language

18 credits in an East Asian language above the introductory level selected from the following courses:

Second Level Korean(4.5)EAST 320D1

Second Level Korean(4.5)EAST 320D2

Second Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 330D1

Second Level Chinese(4.5)EAST 330D2

Second Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 340D1

Second Level Japanese(4.5)EAST 340D2

Third Level Korean 1(3)EAST 420

Third Level Korean 2(3)EAST 421

Third Level Chinese(3)EAST 430D1

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)78


Third Level Chinese(3)EAST 430D2

Third Level Japanese(3)EAST 440D1

Third Level Japanese(3)EAST 440D2

Fourth Level Chinese(3)EAST 530D1

Fourth Level Chinese(3)EAST 530D2

Classical Chinese 1(3)EAST 533

Classical Chinese 2(3)EAST 534

Fourth Level Japanese(3)EAST 540D1

Fourth Level Japanese(3)EAST 540D2

Classical Japanese 1(3)EAST 543

Classical Japanese 2(3)EAST 544

Advanced Translation in Japanese(3)EAST 547

East Asian Studies (EAST)

9 credits chosen from the following East Asian Studies courses, at least 3 credits must be at the 400-level or above.

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 303

Current Topics: Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 304

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 305

Current Topics: Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 306

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 1(3)EAST 307

Topics: Chinese Language and Literature 2(3)EAST 308

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313

Current Topics: Korean Studies 2(3)EAST 314

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

Critical Approaches to Chinese Literature(3)EAST 352

Approaches to Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 353

Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art(3)EAST 356

Animation and New Media(3)EAST 361

Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 362

Early and Medieval Japan(3)EAST 363

Mass Culture and Postwar Japan(3)EAST 364

Topics in Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 369

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

Topics in Television: Asia(3)EAST 372

Korean Media & Popular Culture(3)EAST 375

Topics: Transnational Cinema Asia(3)EAST 377

Global Korea(3)EAST 385

Global Science Fiction Cinema and Media Asia(3)EAST 389

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453

Topics: Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 454

Inventing Modern Japanese Novel(3)EAST 461

79McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Japan in Asia(3)EAST 462

Image, Text, Performance(3)EAST 464

Topics: Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 467

Science and Technology: Asia(3)EAST 468

Media and Environment in Asia(3)EAST 477

Topics: Korean Film & Media(3)EAST 478

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 1(3)EAST 491

Tutorial: East Asian Languages and Literatures 2(3)EAST 492

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 1(3)EAST 493

Special Topics: East Asian Studies 2(3)EAST 494

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 1(3)EAST 501

Advanced Topics in Japanese Studies 2(3)EAST 502

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 1(3)EAST 503

Advanced Topics in Chinese Studies 2(3)EAST 504

Advanced Topics in Korean Studies(3)EAST 505

Seminar: Beyond Orientalism(3)EAST 515

Critical Area Studies in Asia(3)EAST 525

Culture and Capital in Asia(3)EAST 527

Classical Chinese Poetry Themes and Genres(3)EAST 550

Technologies of Self in Early China(3)EAST 551

Advanced Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 559

Japanese Literary Theory and Practice(3)EAST 562

Images, Ideograms, Aesthetics(3)EAST 563

Structures of Modernity: Asia(3)EAST 564

Advanced Topics: Japanese Literature(3)EAST 569

Japanese Culture and Society(3)EAST 582

Economics (ECON)10.14

The Department of Economics, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : Economics (ECON).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Economics (18 credits)10.14.1

The Minor Concentration Economics is offered in four streams:

Stream I - Expandable

Stream II - Non-expandable

Stream III - for Management students

Stream IV - Combinable, for students already registered in the Major Concentration Economics

In general, 200-level courses have no prerequisites, ECON 208 and ECON 209 (substitutable by the combination of MGCR 293 and ECON 295 or the moreadvanced course ECON 230D1/ECON 230D2 or ECON 250D1/ECON 250D2) are prerequisites for 300-level courses, ECON 230D1/ECON 230D2 orECON 250D1/ECON 250D2 are prerequisites for 400-level courses.

Stream I - Required Courses (6 credits)

This stream is for students whose primary interest is in a field other than Economics, but who wish to keep the option of upgrading to the Major concentrationin the future.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)80


Microeconomic Theory(3)ECON 230D1

Microeconomic Theory(3)ECON 230D2

Stream I - Complementary Courses (12 credits)

12 credits of courses with the Economics subject code ECON with numbers above 209. At least 6 of these credits must be in 300- or 400-level courses.

Stream II - Required Courses (6 credits)

Note: Stream II of the Minor Concentration Economics may not be expanded to the Major Concentration Economics.

Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208

Macroeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 209

Stream II - Complementary Courses (12 credits)

12 credits of courses with the Economics subject code ECON with numbers above 209. At least 6 of these credits must be in 300- or 400-level courses.

Stream III - Complementary Courses (18 credits)

Stream III is available only to Management students.

18 credits of courses with the Economics subject code ECON with numbers above 209. At least 6 of these credits must be in 300- or 400-level courses.

Note: ECON 295 will not count as part of this Minor concentration.

Please refer to the Department's document "Rules on Stats Courses for Economics Students" available at:

Stream IV - Complementary Courses (18 credits)

Students who are registered in the Major Concentration Economics and a minor concentration in another unit may complete as a second minor concentrationthe Minor Concentration Economics. Please see the Faculty of Arts regulations for "Faculty Degree Requirements", "About Program Requirements", and"Departmental Programs" for detailed information on the multi-track system options.

18 credits of courses with the Economics subject code ECON with numbers above 209. At least 6 of these credits must be in 400- or 500-level courses andno more than 3 credits may be at the 200 level.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Economics (36 credits)10.14.2

The Major Concentration in Economics is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit the student a degree of specialization in economics. It consistsof 36 credits in courses approved by the Economics Department. Students wishing to pursue this concentration need to consult the department's rules andregulations at:

All students who wish to begin (or continue) the Major Concentration Economics should see a majors adviser in the Department of Economics in each oftheir university years. Further information may be obtained from the Department's website, or from any majors adviser; consult the Departmental office fora list of advisers and their advising times.

Students who are registering for the first time with the Department should attend the orientation meeting in August (check the website for details) beforeseeing an adviser.

A student choosing the Major Concentration Economics must take 36 credits in Economics. The Economics courses will normally be taken at McGill andwill be selected from the courses shown below. Major Concentration in Economics students entering University at the U1 year in September should directlyproceed to ECON 230D1/ECON 230D2 without taking ECON 208 and ECON 209.

Note: Students who wish to switch from the Major Concentration to Honours Economics must complete all the requirements of the Honours program.

Mathematics: Mastery of high school mathematics is required for all economics courses.

Prerequisites: In general, 200-level courses have no prerequisites and 300-level and 400-level courses have ECON 230D1/ECON 230D2 or ECON 250D1/ECON250D2 (or ECON 208 and ECON 209, or MGCR 293 and ECON 295) as prerequisites. In addition, 400-level courses have Calculus 1 (or its equivalent) ora course in mathematical techniques for economic analysis (or its equivalent) as a prerequisite.

Required Courses (18 credits)

All students must take 6 credits of approved statistics courses. Students should refer to the Department's document "Rules on Stats Courses for EconomicsStudents" available at:

Economic Statistics(3)ECON 227D1

Economic Statistics(3)ECON 227D2

81McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Microeconomic Theory(3)ECON 230D1

Microeconomic Theory(3)ECON 230D2

Macroeconomic Theory(3)ECON 330D1

Macroeconomic Theory(3)ECON 330D2

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits in Economics selected from other 200- (with numbers above 209), 300-, 400- and 500-level courses. At least 6 of these credits must be in 400- or500-level courses. No more than 6 credits may be at the 200 level.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Economics (30 credits)10.14.3

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two approved disciplines. For alist of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs" on the Economics Department webiste.

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each of the relevant departments to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary researchproject (if applicable) in each year of their program.

For the Economics component of this program, Joint Honours students should consult: For thecurrent list of advisers in Economics and their advising times, see the website of the Department of Economics.

Continuation in the Economic component of this program from one year to the next requires a minimum grade of B- in ECON 250D1/D2, and a minimumB- average in the required and complementary Honours Economics courses. Students failing to meet these requirements must switch out of the Honoursprogram. If they continue to register in Honours, they will not be allowed to graduate with Honours. Note that graduation with Honours has more stringentrequirements (see below) than these.

For graduation with the Economics component, a student must also obtain a 3.00 GPA in the required courses, a 3.00 average in the required and complementarycredits in Economics, and a CGPA of 3.00. For a First Class Honours degree, the minimum requirements are a 3.50 program GPA in the required courses,a 3.50 average in the required and complementary credits in Economics, and a CGPA of 3.50. In cases where a student takes a Supplemental Exam in anEconomics course, both the original and the Supplemental Exam grades will be counted in the calculation of the GPA and CGPA averages.

Students also have to meet the requirements of the other component of this program and of the relevant Faculty for Honours and First Class Honours.

Program Prerequisites (0-10 credits)

For entering the program:

Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 133*

Calculus 1(3)MATH 140**

Calculus 2(4)MATH 141**

* Or equivalent (to be completed prior to U2)

** Or equivalent

Required Courses (27 credits)

Please refer to the Department's document "Rules on Stats Courses for Economics Students" available at: Students who have taken equivalent statistics courses may be waived the ECON 257D1/ECON257D2 requirement. These students will normally be required to take ECON 469 in addition to ECON 468.

Introduction to Economic Theory: Honours(3)ECON 250D1

Introduction to Economic Theory: Honours(3)ECON 250D2

Economic Statistics - Honours(3)ECON 257D1

Economic Statistics - Honours(3)ECON 257D2

Macroeconomics - Honours(3)ECON 352D1

Macroeconomics - Honours(3)ECON 352D2

Advanced Economic Theory 1 - Honours(3)ECON 450

Advanced Economic Theory 2 - Honours(3)ECON 452

Econometrics 1 - Honours(3)ECON 468

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)82


Complementary Course (3 credits)

3 credits from:

History of Thought 1 - Honours(3)ECON 460

History of Thought 2 - Honours(3)ECON 461

Econometrics 2 - Honours(3)ECON 469

English (ENGL)10.15

The Department of English, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : English (ENGL).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Cultural Studies (18 credits)10.15.1

The Minor Concentration English - Cultural Studies may be expanded to the Major Concentration English - Cultural Studies.

For the most up-to-date information on Department requirements and detailed course descriptions, please see the English Department Handbook at

Required Courses (3 credits)

Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits selected as described below.

Note on Topics Courses: The Department of English offers courses which change topic from academic year to academic year. Depending on the topic in aspecific year, these courses may count toward different program requirements. At the time they register for a topics course, students should confirm withtheir program adviser the program requirement it fulfils for that academic year.

Major Figures

3 credits from a list of courses on Major Figures in Cultural Studies:

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

A Film-Maker 1(3)ENGL 381

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418

A Film-Maker 2(3)ENGL 481

Historical Dimension

3 credits from a list of courses in Cultural Studies with an historical dimension:

Studies in the History of Film 1(3)ENGL 350

Studies in the History of Film 2(3)ENGL 351

Studies in the History of Film 3(3)ENGL 363

Film Movement or Period(3)ENGL 374

A Period in Cinema(3)ENGL 451

Studies in History of Film 1(3)ENGL 480

400-Level Theory

3 credits from a list of 400-level courses in Cultural Studies with a theoretical component:

Topics in Cultural Studies and Gender(3)ENGL 454

83McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Philosophy of Film(3)ENGL 479

Seminar in the Film(3)ENGL 484

Special Topics / Communications and Mass Media 2(3)ENGL 488

Culture and Critical Theory 1(3)ENGL 489

Culture and Critical Theory 2(3)ENGL 490

Image and Text(3)ENGL 492

Seminar in Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 497

Additional Cultural Studies

6 additional credits from the option's offerings which includes all the courses specifically listed in the Cultural Studies categories above and the courseslisted below. Any ENGL course not on these Cultural Studies lists, such as courses in Literature, may not count toward the Minor Concentration English -Cultural Studies.

Introduction to Film as Mass Medium(3)ENGL 280

Sexuality and Representation(3)ENGL 354

Film Genre(3)ENGL 366

Media and Culture(3)ENGL 378

Film Theory(3)ENGL 379

Non-Fiction Media: Cinema, Television, Radio(3)ENGL 380

International Cinema 1(3)ENGL 382

Studies in Communications 1(3)ENGL 383

Topics in Literature and Film(3)ENGL 385

Fans, Celebrities, Audiences(3)ENGL 386

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 388

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 389

Political and Cultural Theory(3)ENGL 390

Special Topics: Cultural Studies 1(3)ENGL 391

Cultural and Theatre Studies(3)ENGL 395

Psychoanalytic Approaches to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 398

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Alternative Approaches to Media 1(3)ENGL 476

International Cinema 2(3)ENGL 482

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (18 credits)10.15.2

The Minor Concentration English - Drama and Theatre may be expanded to the Major Concentration English - Drama and Theatre.

For the most up-to-date information on Department requirements and detailed course descriptions, please see the English Department Handbook at

Required Courses (3 credits)

Introduction to Theatre Studies(3)ENGL 230

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits selected as described below.

Theatre History Courses

3 credits from a list of courses in Theatre History:

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)84


Theatre History: Medieval and Early Modern(3)ENGL 306

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Restoration and 18th Century Drama(3)ENGL 310

Victorian and Edwardian Drama 1(3)ENGL 312

Theatre History: The Long Eighteenth Century(3)ENGL 370

Theatre History: 19th to 21st Centuries(3)ENGL 371

Advanced Studies in Theatre History(3)ENGL 467

Special Topics in Theatre History 1700-1900(3)ENGL 485

Special Topics in Theatre History After 1900(3)ENGL 486

Drama and Theatre Courses Before 1900

3 credits from a list of courses in Drama and Theatre before 1900:

Theatre History: Medieval and Early Modern(3)ENGL 306

English Renaissance Drama 1(3)ENGL 308

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Restoration and 18th Century Drama(3)ENGL 310

Victorian and Edwardian Drama 1(3)ENGL 312

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Theatre History: The Long Eighteenth Century(3)ENGL 370

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

Special Topics in Theatre History 1700-1900(3)ENGL 485

Drama and Theatre Courses at the 400 level

3 credits from a list of Drama and Theatre courses:

The 20th Century(3)ENGL 407

Special Topics in Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 413

Studies in Drama(3)ENGL 430

Studies in Drama(3)ENGL 431

Theories of Text and Performance 1(3)ENGL 458

Theories of Text and Performance 2(3)ENGL 459

Advanced Studies in Theatre History(3)ENGL 467

Special Topics in Theatre History 1700-1900(3)ENGL 485

Special Topics in Theatre History After 1900(3)ENGL 486

Drama and Theatre Option's Offerings - Additional Courses

6 additional credits from the option's offerings.

This category includes all the courses listed above except required courses, as well as the courses listed below.

Note: Any English course not on the lists specifically for the Drama and Theatre option—such as unlisted courses in Cultural Studies—may not count towardthe Drama and Theatre program. Please consult a departmental adviser for guidance on course choices.

20th Century Drama(3)ENGL 314

Creative Writing: Playwriting(3)ENGL 369

Interpretation Dramatic Text(3)ENGL 375

Independent Theatre Project(3)ENGL 434

85McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Drama and Theatre - Courses of Interest - Other Departments

Permission to count extra-departmental credits must be obtained in advance of taking any course from outside the Department of English. Students arenormally permitted to count 3 credits from other departments towards their Drama and Theatre Minor. Permission is obtained with the signature of aDepartment of English program adviser on the student's program audit sheet.

This list comprises courses in other departments that might be accepted by an adviser for credit toward the student's Drama and Theatre program. This listapplies only to these courses as they are offered in the current academic year.

There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which a student could receive Drama and Theatre program credit. A student who has identified acourse not noted below should show their program adviser the course syllabus in advance and, if he or she agrees, get the adviser's initialled approval of thecourse on their program audit sheet. The Department requires a complete signed audit sheet in the student's file in Arts 155 in order to process the file forgraduation.

Included in the list are courses taught in languages other than English and courses that have prerequisites.

* Note: The courses in the list below with an asterisk ("*") have an historical dimension and may count toward this program requirement. Other coursescould count toward the "option's offerings" component of the program.

Image, Text, Performance(3)EAST 464

20th Century Drama(3)HISP 324*

The Opera(3)MUAR 387*

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Literature (18 credits)10.15.3

The Minor Concentration English - Literature may be expanded to the Major Concentration English - Literature.

For the most up-to-date information on Department requirements and detailed course descriptions, please see the English Department Handbook at

Required Courses (6 credits)

Departmental Survey of English Literature 1(3)ENGL 202

Departmental Survey of English Literature 2(3)ENGL 203

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

12 credits selected as described below.

Note on Topics Courses: The Department of English offers courses which change topic from academic year to academic year. Depending on the topic in aspecific year, these courses may count toward different program requirements. At the time they register for a topics course, students should confirm withtheir program adviser the program requirement it fulfils for that academic year.

Major Author

3 credits on a Major Author:

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Milton(3)ENGL 316

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales(3)ENGL 357

Studies in a Canadian Author(3)ENGL 409

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

A Major English Poet(3)ENGL 417

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418


3 credits from a list of pre-1800 literature courses:

The Seventeenth Century(3)ENGL 300

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)86


Earlier 18th Century Novel(3)ENGL 301

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 1(3)ENGL 302

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 2(3)ENGL 303

Later Eighteenth Century Novel(3)ENGL 304

Renaissance English Literature 1(3)ENGL 305

Renaissance English Literature 2(3)ENGL 307

English Renaissance Drama 1(3)ENGL 308

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Milton(3)ENGL 316

Introduction to Old English(3)ENGL 342

Great Writings of Europe 1(3)ENGL 347

Great Writings of Europe 2(3)ENGL 348

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Middle English(3)ENGL 356

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales(3)ENGL 357

Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde(3)ENGL 358

Earlier English Renaissance(3)ENGL 400

Studies in the 17th Century(3)ENGL 401

Studies in the 18th Century(3)ENGL 403

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

Studies in Old English(3)ENGL 452

Middle English(3)ENGL 456

Additional Literature

6 additional credits from ENGL offerings in Literature which includes all the courses specifically listed in the Literature categories for the Major Concentrationin English - Literature program and the courses listed below. Any ENGL course not on these Literature lists, such as courses in Cultural Studies, may notcount.

FYS: Literature and Democracy(3)ENGL 199

English Literature and the Bible(3)ENGL 204

Introduction to Study of a Literary Form(3)ENGL 237

Special Topics of Literary Study(3)ENGL 297

Short Story(3)ENGL 338

Literature and Science 1(3)ENGL 343

Literature and Society(3)ENGL 345

Sexuality and Representation(3)ENGL 354

Creative Writing: Fiction 2(3)ENGL 364

Creative Writing: Playwriting(3)ENGL 369

Topics in Literature and Film(3)ENGL 385

Popular Literary Forms(3)ENGL 394

African Literature(3)ENGL 421

Irish Literature(3)ENGL 424

Studies in Literary Form(3)ENGL 437

87McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Studies in Literary Form(3)ENGL 438

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Crosscurrents/English Literature and European Literature 1(3)ENGL 447

Studies in Literary Theory(3)ENGL 460

Studies in Literary Theory 2(3)ENGL 461

Creative Writing: Poetry(3)ENGL 464

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Cultural Studies (36 credits)10.15.4

The Cultural Studies option concentrates on analysis of forms of cultural expression and symbolic interaction, and of the various media through which thesemay be disseminated and transformed. Such study concerns symbolic form, aesthetically based forms of analysis, and the various modes of criticism andtheory relevant to media which contain both verbal and non-verbal elements. The aim is above all to hone students' analytical and interpretive skills whileintroducing them to specific critical approaches to cultural studies. This is not a major in journalism or communications; and while many of our graduatesgo on to do creative work in a variety of media, instruction in film and video production is not part of the curriculum.

For the most up-to-date information on Department requirements and detailed course descriptions, please see the English Department Handbook at

Required Courses (9 credits)

These courses should be taken in the first two terms of the program.

Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Introduction to Film Studies(3)ENGL 277

The Poetics of the Image(3)ENGL 359

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as described below.

Note on Topics Courses: The Department of English offers courses which change topic from academic year to academic year. Depending on the topic in aspecific year, these courses may count toward different program requirements. At the time they register for a topics course, students should confirm withtheir program adviser the program requirement it fulfils for that academic year.

Major Figures

3 credits from a list of courses on Major Figures in Cultural Studies:

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

A Film-Maker 1(3)ENGL 381

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418

A Film-Maker 2(3)ENGL 481

Canadian Component

3 credits from a list of courses in Cultural Studies with a Canadian component:

Canadian Cinema(3)ENGL 393

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Special Topics in Canadian Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 441

Theory or Criticism

3 credits from a list of courses on Theory or Criticism:

Theory of English Studies 1(3)ENGL 317

Theory of English Studies 2(3)ENGL 318

Theory of English Studies 3(3)ENGL 319

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)88


Theories of the Text(3)ENGL 322

Materiality and Sociology of Text(3)ENGL 346

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352

400-Level Theory

3 credits from a list of 400-level courses in Cultural Studies with a theoretical component.

Historical Dimension

6 credits from a list of courses in Cultural Studies with an historical dimension:

Studies in the History of Film 1(3)ENGL 350

Studies in the History of Film 2(3)ENGL 351

Studies in the History of Film 3(3)ENGL 363

Film Movement or Period(3)ENGL 374

A Period in Cinema(3)ENGL 451

Studies in History of Film 1(3)ENGL 480

Additional Cultural Studies

9 additional credits from the option's offerings which includes all the courses specifically listed in the Cultural Studies categories above and the courseslisted below. Any ENGL course not on these Cultural Studies lists, such as courses in Literature, may not count toward the Major Concentration English -Cultural Studies.

Introduction to Film as Mass Medium(3)ENGL 280

Sexuality and Representation(3)ENGL 354

Film Genre(3)ENGL 366

Media and Culture(3)ENGL 378

Film Theory(3)ENGL 379

Non-Fiction Media: Cinema, Television, Radio(3)ENGL 380

International Cinema 1(3)ENGL 382

Studies in Communications 1(3)ENGL 383

Topics in Literature and Film(3)ENGL 385

Fans, Celebrities, Audiences(3)ENGL 386

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 388

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 389

Political and Cultural Theory(3)ENGL 390

Special Topics: Cultural Studies 1(3)ENGL 391

Cultural and Theatre Studies(3)ENGL 395

Psychoanalytic Approaches to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 398

Alternative Approaches to Media 1(3)ENGL 476

International Cinema 2(3)ENGL 482

Other Departments

Students are normally permitted to count 6 credits from other departments toward their English programs. In exceptional circumstances, an adviser who isapproached by a student with strong academic grounds for including a third such course may grant permission (to a maximum of 9 extra-departmental credits)and must so indicate in advance by signing the departmental program audit sheet.

89McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (36 credits)10.15.5

The Drama and Theatre option tries to place its subject in as broad a social and philosophical context as possible. The Drama and Theatre program is notdesigned to provide professional theatre training. The aim is rather to encourage students to explore the subject as a liberal arts discipline.

For the most up-to-date information on Department requirements and detailed course descriptions, please see the English Department Handbook at

Required Courses (6 credits)

6 credits to be taken in the first two terms of the program

Introduction to Theatre Studies(3)ENGL 230

The Poetics of Performance(3)ENGL 355

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits selected as described below.

3 credits from the following practice-based courses:

Introduction to Performance(3)ENGL 269

Costuming for the Theatre 1(3)ENGL 365

Stage Scenery and Lighting 1(3)ENGL 368

Stage Scenery and Lighting 2(3)ENGL 372

Costuming for the Theatre 2(3)ENGL 377

Performance-Oriented Courses

3 credits from the list of Performance-Oriented Courses:

Costuming for the Theatre 1(3)ENGL 365

Acting 2(3)ENGL 367

Stage Scenery and Lighting 1(3)ENGL 368

Stage Scenery and Lighting 2(3)ENGL 372

Voice and Speech 2(3)ENGL 373

Scene Study(3)ENGL 376

Costuming for the Theatre 2(3)ENGL 377

Theatre Laboratory(4.5)ENGL 465D1

Theatre Laboratory(4.5)ENGL 465D2

Directing for the Theatre(3)ENGL 466D1

Directing for the Theatre(3)ENGL 466D2

Acting 3(3)ENGL 469

Drama and/or Theatre Courses with a Canadian Component

3 credits from the list of Drama and/or Theatre courses with a Canadian component:

Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 313

Special Topics in Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 413

Theory or Criticism Courses

3 credits from the list of Theory or Criticism courses:

Theory of English Studies 1(3)ENGL 317

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)90


Theory of English Studies 2(3)ENGL 318

Theory of English Studies 3(3)ENGL 319

Theories of the Text(3)ENGL 322

Materiality and Sociology of Text(3)ENGL 346

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352

Theatre History Courses

3 credits from the list of Theatre History courses:

Theatre History: Medieval and Early Modern(3)ENGL 306

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Restoration and 18th Century Drama(3)ENGL 310

Victorian and Edwardian Drama 1(3)ENGL 312

Theatre History: The Long Eighteenth Century(3)ENGL 370

Theatre History: 19th to 21st Centuries(3)ENGL 371

Advanced Studies in Theatre History(3)ENGL 467

Special Topics in Theatre History 1700-1900(3)ENGL 485

Special Topics in Theatre History After 1900(3)ENGL 486

Drama and Theatre Before 1900 Courses

3 credits from the list of courses in Drama and Theatre before 1900:

Theatre History: Medieval and Early Modern(3)ENGL 306

English Renaissance Drama 1(3)ENGL 308

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Restoration and 18th Century Drama(3)ENGL 310

Victorian and Edwardian Drama 1(3)ENGL 312

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Theatre History: The Long Eighteenth Century(3)ENGL 370

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

Special Topics in Theatre History 1700-1900(3)ENGL 485

Drama and Theatre Option's Offerings - Additional Courses

12 additional credits from the option's offerings.

This category includes all the courses listed above except required courses, as well as the courses listed below.

Note: Any English course not on the lists specifically for the Drama and Theatre option—such as unlisted courses in Cultural Studies—may not count towardthe Drama and Theatre program. Please consult a departmental adviser for guidance on course choices.

20th Century Drama(3)ENGL 314

Creative Writing: Playwriting(3)ENGL 369

Interpretation Dramatic Text(3)ENGL 375

Studies in Drama(3)ENGL 430

Studies in Drama(3)ENGL 431

Independent Theatre Project(3)ENGL 434

Theories of Text and Performance 1(3)ENGL 458

Theories of Text and Performance 2(3)ENGL 459

91McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Drama and Theatre - Courses of Interest - Other Departments

Students are normally permitted to count 6 credits from other departments toward their English programs. In exceptional circumstances, an adviser, approachedby a student with strong academic grounds for including a third such course, may grant permission, to a maximum of 9 extra-departmental credits, and mustso indicate in advance by signing the departmental program audit sheet.

This list comprises courses in other departments that might be accepted by an adviser for credit toward the student's Drama and Theatre program. This listapplies only to these courses as they are offered in the current academic year.

There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which a student could receive Drama and Theatre program credit. A student who has identified acourse not noted below, should show their program adviser the course syllabus in advance and, if he or she agrees, get the adviser's initialled approval ofthe course on their program audit sheet. The Department requires a complete signed audit sheet in the student's file in Arts 155 in order to process the filefor graduation.

Included in the list are courses taught in languages other than English and courses that have prerequisites.

* Note: The courses in the list below with an asterisk ("*") have an historical dimension and may count toward this program requirement. Other coursescould count toward the "option's offerings" component of the program.

Image, Text, Performance(3)EAST 464

20th Century Drama(3)HISP 324*

The Opera(3)MUAR 387*

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration English - Literature (36 credits)10.15.6

The Literature option provides a grounding in the basic texts and methods of the discipline as well as wide acquaintance with substantial areas of the field.

For the most up-to-date information on Department requirements and detailed course descriptions, please see the English Department Handbook at

Required Courses (9 credits)

These courses should be taken in the first two terms of the program.

Departmental Survey of English Literature 1(3)ENGL 202

Departmental Survey of English Literature 2(3)ENGL 203

Poetics(3)ENGL 311

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as described below.

Note on Topics Courses: The Department of English offers courses which change topic from academic year to academic year. Depending on the topic in aspecific year, these courses may count toward different program requirements. At the time they register for a topics course, students should confirm withtheir program adviser the program requirement it fulfils for that academic year.

Canadian Literature

3 credits from a list of Canadian Literature courses:

Canadian Literature 1(3)ENGL 228

Canadian Literature 2(3)ENGL 229

Canadian Prose Fiction 1(3)ENGL 327

Development of Canadian Poetry 1(3)ENGL 328

Development of Canadian Poetry 2(3)ENGL 333

Canadian Prose Fiction 2(3)ENGL 339

Studies in a Canadian Author(3)ENGL 409

Theme or Movement Canadian Literature(3)ENGL 410

Studies in Canadian Fiction(3)ENGL 411

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)92


Theory or Criticism

3 credits from a list of courses on Theory or Criticism:

Theory of English Studies 1(3)ENGL 317

Theory of English Studies 2(3)ENGL 318

Theory of English Studies 3(3)ENGL 319

Theories of the Text(3)ENGL 322

Materiality and Sociology of Text(3)ENGL 346

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352

Areas of English Literature

6 credits, 3 credits each from two of the following areas: Backgrounds of English Literature, Old English, Medieval, Renaissance:

Backgrounds of English Literature

Great Writings of Europe 1(3)ENGL 347

Great Writings of Europe 2(3)ENGL 348

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Old English

Introduction to Old English(3)ENGL 342

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Studies in Old English(3)ENGL 452


Theme or Genre in Medieval Literature(3)ENGL 337

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Middle English(3)ENGL 356

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales(3)ENGL 357

Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde(3)ENGL 358

Middle English(3)ENGL 456


The Seventeenth Century(3)ENGL 300

Renaissance English Literature 1(3)ENGL 305

Renaissance English Literature 2(3)ENGL 307

English Renaissance Drama 1(3)ENGL 308

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Milton(3)ENGL 316

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Earlier English Renaissance(3)ENGL 400

Studies in the 17th Century(3)ENGL 401

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

93McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Areas of English Literature

6 credits, 3 credits each from two of the following areas: Restoration, 18th Century, Romantic, Victorian, 19th Century American:


Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 1(3)ENGL 302

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 2(3)ENGL 303

18 Century

Earlier 18th Century Novel(3)ENGL 301

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 1(3)ENGL 302

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 2(3)ENGL 303

Later Eighteenth Century Novel(3)ENGL 304

Studies in the 18th Century(3)ENGL 403


Literature Romantic Period 1(3)ENGL 331

Literature Romantic Period 2(3)ENGL 332

Studies in 19th Century Literature 2(3)ENGL 405


English Novel: 19th Century 1(3)ENGL 329

English Novel: 19th Century 2(3)ENGL 330

Victorian Poetry(3)ENGL 334

Studies in 19th Century Literature 1(3)ENGL 404

Studies in 19th Century Literature 2(3)ENGL 405

19th Century American

19th Century American Prose(3)ENGL 326

Studies in 19th Century American Literature(3)ENGL 422

Areas of English Literature

3 credits from one of the following areas: Early 20th Century, Modernist, Post-modernist, Contemporary:

Early 20th Century

Poetry of the 20th Century 1(3)ENGL 361

Studies in 20th Century Literature 1(3)ENGL 414


The 20th Century Novel 1(3)ENGL 335

Poetry of the 20th Century 1(3)ENGL 361

Studies in 20th Century Literature 1(3)ENGL 414

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)94



Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320

Canadian Prose Fiction 2(3)ENGL 339

Contemporary Women's Fiction(3)ENGL 443


Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320

20th Century American Poetry(3)ENGL 323

Development of Canadian Poetry 2(3)ENGL 333

The 20th Century Novel 2(3)ENGL 336

Canadian Prose Fiction 2(3)ENGL 339

Poetry of the 20th Century 2(3)ENGL 362

The 20th Century(3)ENGL 407

The 20th Century(3)ENGL 408

Studies in 20th Century Literature(3)ENGL 419

Contemporary Women's Fiction(3)ENGL 443

Additional Literature

6 additional credits from ENGL offerings in Literature which includes all the courses specifically listed in the Literature categories above and the courseslisted below. Any ENGL course not on these Literature lists, such as courses in Cultural Studies, may not count toward the Major Concentration in English- Literature.

FYS: Literature and Democracy(3)ENGL 199

English Literature and the Bible(3)ENGL 204

Introduction to Study of a Literary Form(3)ENGL 237

Special Topics of Literary Study(3)ENGL 297

Short Story(3)ENGL 338

Literature and Science 1(3)ENGL 343

Literature and Society(3)ENGL 345

Sexuality and Representation(3)ENGL 354

Creative Writing: Fiction 2(3)ENGL 364

Creative Writing: Playwriting(3)ENGL 369

Topics in Literature and Film(3)ENGL 385

Popular Literary Forms(3)ENGL 394

African Literature(3)ENGL 421

Irish Literature(3)ENGL 424

Studies in Literary Form(3)ENGL 437

Studies in Literary Form(3)ENGL 438

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Crosscurrents/English Literature and European Literature 1(3)ENGL 447

Studies in Literary Theory(3)ENGL 460

Studies in Literary Theory 2(3)ENGL 461

Creative Writing: Poetry(3)ENGL 464

95McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Major Author

3 credits on a Major Author must be included in the 27 complementary course credits.

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Milton(3)ENGL 316

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales(3)ENGL 357

Studies in a Canadian Author(3)ENGL 409

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

A Major English Poet(3)ENGL 417

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Cultural Studies (36 credits)10.15.7

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs". Applications to do a Joint Honoursprogram in English and another subject in the Faculty of Arts should be submitted once a minimum of 9 credits, and no more than 18 credits, have beencompleted in English. There are normally two possible application dates for Joint Honours in English: either by the end of January (by which time first-termcourses are completed and the grades are available), or at the same time as the Honours application date, typically in mid-April. (Only students who willhave completed more than 18 credits in English by the end of January may apply in the Fall.) Applications will be considered by the Department's HonoursCommittee on the basis of the student's program GPA, at a minimum of 3.50. The application form is available in the Department's General Office (Arts155), and the specific submission requirements are described by that form.

The maintenance of a 3.50 program GPA is required for continuation in Joint Honours. Graduation with Joint Honours requires a minimum CGPA of 3.00,a minimum program GPA of 3.50, and a minimum mark of B+ on the Honours Essay. Graduation with First Class Joint Honours in English requires aminimum CGPA of 3.50, a minimum program GPA of 3.70, and a minimum mark of A on the Honours Essay.

Each academic year, there is a special adviser for Joint Honours students, and the receptionist in the General Office can provide their name and contactinformation. The Department's website provides additional information on the Joint Honours program and applications, andthis website should also be consulted prior to contacting the Adviser.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Methods of Cultural Analysis(3)ENGL 276

The Poetics of the Image(3)ENGL 359

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as described below.

In addition to the 6-credit requirement for Advanced Study described below, all Joint Honours students' programs of study shall include 6 credits of studyat the 400 level or above. Students are encouraged to take courses at the 300 level and above.

Note on Topics Courses: The Department of English offers courses which change topic from academic year to academic year. Depending on the topic in aspecific year, these courses may count toward different program requirements. At the time they register for a topics course, students should confirm withtheir program adviser the program requirement it fulfils for that academic year.

Advanced Study

6 credits of advanced study, in one of the following two forms A or B, in order of preference:

A) 6 credits of honours essay:

Honours Essay(3)ENGL 491D1

Honours Essay(3)ENGL 491D2

B) Two 3-credit 500-level courses selected in consultation with the student's adviser(s).

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)96


(In very rare cases, a third alternative may be approved at the discretion of the Joint Honours Adviser, but only when it is formally recommended for thejoint subject according to the description of that Joint Honours program found in the Arts section of the eCalendar. For example, Joint Honours withAnthropology allows the option of combining 3 credits of essay work with 3 credits in the joint subject to create a joint essay.)

Major Figures

3 credits from a list of courses on Major Figures in Cultural Studies:

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

A Film-Maker 1(3)ENGL 381

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418

A Film-Maker 2(3)ENGL 481

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 516


3 credits from a list of courses on Theory:

Theory of English Studies 1(3)ENGL 317

Theory of English Studies 2(3)ENGL 318

Theory of English Studies 3(3)ENGL 319

Theories of the Text(3)ENGL 322

Materiality and Sociology of Text(3)ENGL 346

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352

Historical Dimension

3 credits from a list of courses in Cultural Studies with an historical dimension:

Studies in the History of Film 1(3)ENGL 350

Studies in the History of Film 2(3)ENGL 351

Studies in the History of Film 3(3)ENGL 363

Film Movement or Period(3)ENGL 374

A Period in Cinema(3)ENGL 451

Studies in History of Film 1(3)ENGL 480

Departmental Offerings

12 additional credits of English (ENGL) courses, preferably courses at the 300 level or above.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Drama and Theatre (36 credits)10.15.8

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs." Applications to do a Joint Honoursprogram in English and another subject in the Faculty of Arts should be submitted once a minimum of 9 credits, and no more than 18 credits, have beencompleted in English. There are normally two possible application dates for Joint Honours in English: either by the end of January (by which time first-termcourses are completed and the grades are available), or at the same time as the Honours application date, typically in mid-April. (Only students who willhave completed more than 18 credits in English by the end of January may apply in the Fall.) Applications will be considered by the Department's HonoursCommittee on the basis of the student's program GPA, at a minimum of 3.50. The application form is available in the Department's General Office (Arts155), and the specific submission requirements are described by that form.

The maintenance of a 3.50 program GPA is required for continuation in Joint Honours. Graduation with Joint Honours requires a minimum CGPA of 3.00,a minimum program GPA of 3.50, and a minimum mark of B+ on the Honours Essay. Graduation with First Class Joint Honours in English requires aminimum CGPA of 3.50, a minimum program GPA of 3.70, and a minimum mark of A on the Honours Essay.

Each academic year, there is a special adviser for Joint Honours students, and the receptionist in the General Office can provide their name and contactinformation. The Department's website provides additional information on the Joint Honours program and applications, andthis website should also be consulted prior to contacting the Adviser.

97McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Required Courses (6 credits)

Introduction to Theatre Studies(3)ENGL 230

The Poetics of Performance(3)ENGL 355

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits selected as described below. In addition to the 6-credit requirement for Advanced Study described below, all Joint Honours students' programs ofstudy shall include 6 credits of study at the 400 level or above.

Advanced Study

6 credits of advanced study, in one of the following two forms A or B, in order of preference:

A) 6 credits of honours essay:

Honours Essay(3)ENGL 491D1

Honours Essay(3)ENGL 491D2


B) Two 3-credit 500-level courses selected in consultation with the student's adviser(s).

(In very rare cases, a third alternative may be approved at the discretion of the Joint Honours Adviser, but only when it is formally recommended for thejoint subject according to the description of that Joint Honours program found in the Arts section of the eCalendar. For example, Joint Honours withAnthropology allows the option of combining 3 credits of essay work with 3 credits in the joint subject to create a joint essay.)

3 credits from the following practice-based courses:

Introduction to Performance(3)ENGL 269

Costuming for the Theatre 1(3)ENGL 365

Stage Scenery and Lighting 1(3)ENGL 368

Stage Scenery and Lighting 2(3)ENGL 372

Costuming for the Theatre 2(3)ENGL 377

Theory Courses

3 credits from a list of theory courses:

Theory of English Studies 1(3)ENGL 317

Theory of English Studies 2(3)ENGL 318

Theory of English Studies 3(3)ENGL 319

Theories of the Text(3)ENGL 322

Materiality and Sociology of Text(3)ENGL 346

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352

Dramatic Literature

3 credits in Dramatic Literature:

For a list of courses for the current academic year, please consult the Department of English web page

History of the Theatre

3 credits in History of the Theatre:

Theatre History: Medieval and Early Modern(3)ENGL 306

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)98


Restoration and 18th Century Drama(3)ENGL 310

Theatre History: The Long Eighteenth Century(3)ENGL 370

Theatre History: 19th to 21st Centuries(3)ENGL 371

Advanced Studies in Theatre History(3)ENGL 467

Special Topics in Theatre History 1700-1900(3)ENGL 485

Special Topics in Theatre History After 1900(3)ENGL 486

Drama Workshop(3)ENGL 565

Special Studies in Drama 1(3)ENGL 566

Departmental Offerings

12 credits

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component English - Literature (36 credits)10.15.9

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs." Applications to do a Joint Honoursprogram in English and another subject in the Faculty of Arts should be submitted once a minimum of 9 credits, and no more than 18 credits, have beencompleted in English. There are normally two possible application dates for Joint Honours in English: either by the end of January (by which time first-termcourses are completed and the grades are available), or at the same time as the Honours application date, typically in mid-April. (Only students who willhave completed more than 18 credits in English by the end of January may apply in the Fall.) Applications will be considered by the Department's HonoursCommittee on the basis of the student's program GPA, at a minimum of 3.50. The application form is available in the Department's General Office (Arts155), and the specific submission requirements are described by that form.

The maintenance of a 3.50 program GPA is required for continuation in Joint Honours. Graduation with Joint Honours requires a minimum CGPA of 3.00,a minimum program GPA of 3.50, and a minimum mark of B+ on the Honours Essay. Graduation with First Class Joint Honours in English requires aminimum CGPA of 3.50, a minimum program GPA of 3.70, and a minimum mark of A on the Honours Essay.

Each academic year, there is a special adviser for Joint Honours students, and the receptionist in the General Office can provide their name and contactinformation. The Department's website provides additional information on the Joint Honours program and applications, andthis website should also be consulted prior to contacting the Adviser.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Poetics(3)ENGL 311

Literary Criticism(3)ENGL 360

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits selected as described below.

In addition to the 6-credit requirement for Advanced Study described below, all Joint Honours students' programs of study shall include 6 credits of studyat the 400 level or above. Students are encouraged to take courses at the 300 level and above.

Note on Topics Courses: The Department of English offers courses which change topic from academic year to academic year. Depending on the topic in aspecific year, these courses may count toward different program requirements. At the time they register for a topics course, students should confirm withtheir program adviser the program requirement it fulfils for that academic year.

Advanced Study

6 credits of advanced study, in one of the following two forms A or B, in order of preference:

A) 6-credits of honours essay:

Honours Essay(3)ENGL 491D1

Honours Essay(3)ENGL 491D2

B) Two 3-credit 500-level courses selected in consultation with the student's adviser(s).

99McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


(In very rare cases, a third alternative may be approved at the discretion of the Joint Honours Adviser, but only when it is formally recommended for thejoint subject according to the description of that Joint Honours program found in the Arts section of the eCalendar. For example, Joint Honours withAnthropology allows the option of combining 3 credits of essay work with 3 credits in the joint subject to create a joint essay.)


9 credits from a list of Pre-1800 literature courses:

The Seventeenth Century(3)ENGL 300

Earlier 18th Century Novel(3)ENGL 301

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 1(3)ENGL 302

Restoration and 18th C. English Literature 2(3)ENGL 303

Renaissance English Literature 1(3)ENGL 305

Renaissance English Literature 2(3)ENGL 307

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 315

Milton(3)ENGL 316

Introduction to Old English(3)ENGL 342

Great Writings of Europe 1(3)ENGL 347

Great Writings of Europe 2(3)ENGL 348

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Middle English(3)ENGL 356

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales(3)ENGL 357

Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde(3)ENGL 358

Earlier English Renaissance(3)ENGL 400

Studies in the 17th Century(3)ENGL 401

Studies in the 18th Century(3)ENGL 403

Studies in Shakespeare(3)ENGL 416

Studies in Old English(3)ENGL 452

Middle English(3)ENGL 456

Middle English(3)ENGL 500

16th Century(3)ENGL 501

18th Century(3)ENGL 503

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 516

Old English Literature(3)ENGL 553


3 credits from a list of courses on Theory:

Theory of English Studies 1(3)ENGL 317

Theory of English Studies 2(3)ENGL 318

Theory of English Studies 3(3)ENGL 319

Theories of the Text(3)ENGL 322

Materiality and Sociology of Text(3)ENGL 346

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352

500 Level

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)100


3 credits of English (ENGL) courses at the 500 level.

Department Offerings

9 additional credits of English (ENGL) courses, preferably courses at the 300 level or above.


The McGill School of Environment offers programs open to Bachelor of Arts and Science students; please refer to McGill School of Environment >Undergraduate for more information.

• Minor: : Minor in Environment

• Interfaculty Programs: : Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) – Interfaculty Programs

• Honours: : Honours Program in Environment

• Diploma: : Diploma in Environment

French Language and Literature (FREN)10.17

Le Département de langue et de littérature françaises, les programmes et les cours offerts sont décrits à Faculty of Arts (Faculté des arts) > Undergraduate(programmes de premier cycle) > Browse Academic Units & Programs (programmes d'études) > : French Language and Literature (FREN) (langue etlittérature françaises).

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises - Études et pratiques littéraires (18crédits)


Concentration mineure convertible en Concentration majeure option Études et pratiques littéraires.

Conditions d'admission : Bonne connaissance du français lu, écrit et parlé; cette connaissance pourra être vérifiée à l'aide d'un test.

Cours complémentaires - Introduction (3 crédits)

3 crédits choisis parmi les cours d'introduction :

Introduction aux études littéraires(3)FREN 222

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Cours complémentaires - Orientation (15 crédits)

En outre, l'étudiant(e) doit choisir entre deux orientations (streams) soit :

« Études littéraires » ou « Pratiques littéraires ».

Orientation - Études littéraires

Les 15 crédits de cours complémentaires se répartiront comme suit :

12 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Études littéraires » (au moins 3 de ces 12 crédits doivent porter sur la littérature avant 1800 et 3 autres sur lalittérature depuis 1800)

3 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Pratiques littéraires »

Orientation - Pratiques littéraires

Les 15 crédits de cours complémentaires se répartiront comme suit :

12 crédits choisis dans au moins deux séries différentes du bloc « Pratiques littéraires »

3 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Études littéraires »

I. Bloc : « Études littéraires »

101McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


(a) Série Théorie littéraire

Textes, imaginaires, sociétés(3)FREN 337

Doctrines et idées littéraires 1(3)FREN 391

Doctrines et idées littéraires 2(3)FREN 496

(b) Série Oeuvres et courants

Littérature du 20e siècle 1(3)FREN 355

La littérature du 19e siècle 1(3)FREN 360

La littérature du 17e siècle 1(3)FREN 362

La littérature du 18e siècle 1(3)FREN 364

Littérature de la Renaissance 1(3)FREN 366

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littératures francophones 1(3)FREN 380

Littératures francophones 2(3)FREN 381

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature du 20e siècle 2(3)FREN 453

La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456

La littérature de la Renaissance 2(3)FREN 457

La littérature du 17e siècle 2(3)FREN 458

La littérature du 18e siècle 2(3)FREN 459

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480

La littérature du 19e siècle 2(3)FREN 482

Littérature française contemporaine(3)FREN 485

II. Bloc : « Pratiques littéraires »

(a) Série Traduction

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Traduction littéraire 1(3)FREN 324

Théorie de la traduction 1(3)FREN 394

Théorie de la traduction 2(3)FREN 425

Traduction français-anglais(3)FREN 441

Traduction littéraire 2(3)FREN 443

Histoire de la traduction(3)FREN 492

Traduction spécialisée(3)FREN 494

(b) Série Création

Atelier d'écriture poétique(3)FREN 240

Atelier d'écriture narrative(3)FREN 340

Atelier d'écriture dramatique(3)FREN 440

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)102


(c) Série Édition

Correction et révision(3)FREN 376

Pratiques de l'édition littéraire(3)FREN 377

Le livre(3)FREN 476

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises - Langue française (18 crédits)10.17.2

Concentration mineure qui ne peut pas être convertie en Concentration majeure.

Conditions d'admission : Aucune (test de classement).

Cours complémentaires (18 crédits)

3 à 15 crédits parmi les cours ci-dessous :

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D1

Oral and Written French 2(3)FRSL 321D2

Oral and Written French 2 - Intensive(6)FRSL 325

Compréhension et expression orales(3)FRSL 407*

Français oral: Textes et expressions(3)FRSL 408*

Français fonctionnel avancé(6)FRSL 431

Quebec Studies Summer Seminar(6)QCST 336

* FRSL 407 ou 408

Un minimum de 3 crédits choisi parmi les cours ci-dessous :

Français fonctionnel, écrit 1(3)FRSL 445

Français fonctionnel, écrit 2(3)FRSL 446

Le français des médias(3)FRSL 449

Grammaire et création(3)FRSL 455

3 à 15 crédits parmi les cours suivants :

Pour s’inscrire au FREN 201, il faut soit passer un test de classement, soit avoir réussi l’un des cours suivants : FRSL 445, FRSL 446, FRSL 449, FRSL 455; pour s’inscrire au FREN 203, il faut soit passer un test de classement, soit avoir réussi le FREN 201.

Composition 1(3)FREN 201

Composition 2(3)FREN 203

Pour s’inscrire aux cours ci-dessous, il faut avoir réussi au moins l’un des cours suivants : FRSL 445, FRSL 446, FRSL 449, FRSL 455, FREN 201 ou FREN203.

Linguistique française(3)FREN 231

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

103McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Traduction avancée(3)FREN 346

Traduction français-anglais(3)FREN 441

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration mineure langue et littérature françaises - Traduction (18 crédits)10.17.3

Concentration mineure convertible en Concentration majeure option Traduction.

Conditions d'admission : Bonne connaissance du français et de l'anglais lus et écrits; cette connaissance est vérifiée à l'aide d'un test, à la suite duquell'étudiant(e) peut se voir imposer de suivre le cours FREN 239 Stylistique comparée au trimestre d'automne de U1.

Cours obligatoires (6 crédits)

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Traduction avancée(3)FREN 346

Cours complémentaires (12 crédits)

6 à 9 crédits choisis parmi :

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction littéraire 1(3)FREN 324

Traduction et recherche 1(3)FREN 341

Traduction et recherche 2(3)FREN 349

Traduction et révision(3)FREN 431

Traduction littéraire 2(3)FREN 443

3 à 6 crédits choisis parmi :

Introduction aux études littéraires(3)FREN 222

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

NOTE: les chiffres 1 et 2 n'indiquent pas des séquences; ils servent à désigner des cours à contenu variable.

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration majeure langue et littérature françaises - Études et pratiques littéraires (36crédits)


Conditions d'admission : Bonne connaissance du français lu, écrit et parlé; cette connaissance pourra être vérifiée à l'aide d'un test.

Cours obligatoires (15 crédits)

Introduction aux études littéraires(3)FREN 222

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Questions de littérature du Moyen Âge et de l'Ancien Régime(3)FREN 333

Questions de littérature moderne(3)FREN 444

Questions de littérature québécoise(3)FREN 450

Cours complémentaires (21 crédits)

L'étudiant(e) doit choisir entre 2 orientations (streams) soit:

« Études littéraires » ou « Pratiques littéraires »

Orientation « Études littéraires »

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)104


Les 21 crédits de cours complémentaires se répartiront comme suit :

18 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Études littéraires », comme suit :

(9-15 crédits de la série Oeuvres et courants (au moins 3 de ces 18 crédits doivent porter sur la littérature avant 1800 et 3 autres sur la littérature depuis 1800.Dans cette série, un maximum de 3 crédits de cours de niveau 200)

3 crédits de la série Théorie littéraire

0-6 crédits de la série Langue française

3 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Pratiques littéraires »

Orientation « Pratiques littéraires »

Les 21 crédits de cours complémentaires se répartiront comme suit :

15 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Pratiques littéraires », comme suit :

Au moins 3 crédits de la série Traduction

Au moins 3 crédits de la série Création

Au moins 3 crédits de la série Édition

6 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc Études littéraires (un maximum de 3 crédits de cours de niveau 200).

I. Bloc: « Études littéraires »

(a) Série Théorie littéraire

L'oeuvre au miroir de la critique(3)FREN 334

Théories littéraires(3)FREN 335

Textes, imaginaires, sociétés(3)FREN 337

Doctrines et idées littéraires 1(3)FREN 391

Doctrines et idées littéraires 2(3)FREN 496

(b) Série Oeuvres et courants

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Littérature du 20e siècle 1(3)FREN 355

La littérature du 19e siècle 1(3)FREN 360

La littérature du 17e siècle 1(3)FREN 362

La littérature du 18e siècle 1(3)FREN 364

Littérature de la Renaissance 1(3)FREN 366

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littératures francophones 1(3)FREN 380

Littératures francophones 2(3)FREN 381

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature du 20e siècle 2(3)FREN 453

La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456

La littérature de la Renaissance 2(3)FREN 457

La littérature du 17e siècle 2(3)FREN 458

La littérature du 18e siècle 2(3)FREN 459

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480

La littérature du 19e siècle 2(3)FREN 482

105McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Littérature française contemporaine(3)FREN 485

(c) Série Langue française

Linguistique française(3)FREN 231

Langage et littérature 1(3)FREN 313

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

Sémantique et lexicologie(3)FREN 433

Sociolinguistique du français(3)FREN 434

Langage et littérature 2(3)FREN 491

II. Bloc : « Pratiques littéraires »

(a) Série Traduction

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Traduction littéraire 1(3)FREN 324

Théorie de la traduction 1(3)FREN 394

Théorie de la traduction 2(3)FREN 425

Traduction français-anglais(3)FREN 441

Traduction littéraire 2(3)FREN 443

Histoire de la traduction(3)FREN 492

Traduction spécialisée(3)FREN 494

(b) Série Création

Atelier d'écriture poétique(3)FREN 240

Atelier d'écriture narrative(3)FREN 340

Atelier d'écriture dramatique(3)FREN 440

(c) Série Édition

Correction et révision(3)FREN 376

Pratiques de l'édition littéraire(3)FREN 377

Le livre(3)FREN 476

Note : Les chiffres 1 et 2 n’indiquent pas des séquences; ils servent à désigner des cours à contenu variable.

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Concentration majeure langue et littérature françaises - Traduction (36 crédits)10.17.5

Conditions d'admission : Bonne connaissance du français et de l'anglais lus et écrits; cette connaissance est vérifiée à l'aide d'un test, à la suite duquell'étudiant(e) peut se voir imposer de suivre le cours FREN 239 (Stylistique comparée) au trimestre d'automne de U1.

Cours obligatoires (12 crédits)

Introduction aux études littéraires(3)FREN 222

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Traduction avancée(3)FREN 346

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)106


Cours complémentaires (24 crédits)

24 crédits, répartis comme suit:

12 à 15 crédits choisis parmi les cours suivants :

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction littéraire 1(3)FREN 324

Traduction et recherche 1(3)FREN 341

Terminologie générale(3)FREN 347

Traduction et recherche 2(3)FREN 349

Traduction et révision(3)FREN 431

Traduction français-anglais(3)FREN 441

Traduction littéraire 2(3)FREN 443

Traduction spécialisée(3)FREN 494

3 à 6 crédits choisis parmi les cours suivants:

Linguistique française(3)FREN 231

Langage et littérature 1(3)FREN 313

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

Théorie de la traduction 1(3)FREN 394

Théorie de la traduction 2(3)FREN 425

Sémantique et lexicologie(3)FREN 433

Sociolinguistique du français(3)FREN 434

Langage et littérature 2(3)FREN 491

Histoire de la traduction(3)FREN 492

6 crédits choisis parmi les cours de la série Oeuvres et courants du bloc « Études littéraires » (dans cette série, un maximum de 3 crédits de cours de niveau200).

I. Bloc « Études littéraires »

Série Oeuvres et courants

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Littérature du 20e siècle 1(3)FREN 355

La littérature du 19e siècle 1(3)FREN 360

La littérature du 17e siècle 1(3)FREN 362

La littérature du 18e siècle 1(3)FREN 364

Littérature de la Renaissance 1(3)FREN 366

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littératures francophones 1(3)FREN 380

Littératures francophones 2(3)FREN 381

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature du 20e siècle 2(3)FREN 453

107McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456

La littérature de la Renaissance 2(3)FREN 457

La littérature du 17e siècle 2(3)FREN 458

La littérature du 18e siècle 2(3)FREN 459

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480

La littérature du 19e siècle 2(3)FREN 482

Littérature française contemporaine(3)FREN 485

Note : les chiffres 1 et 2 n'indiquent pas des séquences; ils servent à désigner des cours à contenu variable.

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Double Spécialisation en langue et littérature françaises - Études et pratiques littéraires (36crédits)


Conditions d'admission : Bonne connaissance du français lu, écrit et parlé; cette connaissance pourra être vérifiée à l'aide d'un test.

L'obtention d'un baccalauréat avec Spécialisation ou Double Spécialisation est obligatoire pour l'admission dans les programmes de 2e et 3e cycles (maîtriseet doctorat).

En Spécialisation, les étudiants doivent conserver au minimum une moyenne de 3.00 pour l'ensemble des cours du programme et maintenir un CGPA de3.00.

Les étudiants qui souhaitent poursuivre leurs études en spécialisation dans deux domaines distincts peuvent s'inscrire dans deux départements de la Facultédes Arts (consulter la section de ladite Faculté, sous les rubriques « Overview of Programs Offered » et « Joint Honours Programs »). Ces étudiants devraientrencontrer un conseiller dans chacun des deux départements concernés, pour établir leur choix de cours et formuler leur projet de recherche interdisciplinaire,le cas échéant.

Cours obligatoires (24 crédits)

Introduction aux études littéraires(3)FREN 222

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Questions de littérature du Moyen Âge et de l'Ancien Régime(3)FREN 333

Questions de littérature moderne(3)FREN 444

Questions de littérature québécoise(3)FREN 450

Projet de recherche individuel(3)FREN 464D1*

Projet de recherche individuel(3)FREN 464D2*

Séminaire avancé lettres françaises(3)FREN 595*

* suivre en U3

Cours complémentaires (12 crédits)

I. Bloc : « Études littéraires »

9 crédits choisis parmi les cours du bloc « Études littéraires », comme suit :

3-6 crédits de la série Oeuvres et courants (dans cette série, un maximum de 3 crédits de cours de niveau 200)

3 crédits de la série Théorie littéraire

0-3 crédits de la série Langue française

(a) Série Théorie littéraire

L'oeuvre au miroir de la critique(3)FREN 334

Théories littéraires(3)FREN 335

Textes, imaginaires, sociétés(3)FREN 337

Doctrines et idées littéraires 1(3)FREN 391

Doctrines et idées littéraires 2(3)FREN 496

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)108


(b) Série Oeuvres et courants

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Littérature du 20e siècle 1(3)FREN 355

La littérature du 19e siècle 1(3)FREN 360

La littérature du 17e siècle 1(3)FREN 362

La littérature du 18e siècle 1(3)FREN 364

Littérature de la Renaissance 1(3)FREN 366

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littératures francophones 1(3)FREN 380

Littératures francophones 2(3)FREN 381

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature du 20e siècle 2(3)FREN 453

La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456

La littérature de la Renaissance 2(3)FREN 457

La littérature du 17e siècle 2(3)FREN 458

La littérature du 18e siècle 2(3)FREN 459

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480

La littérature du 19e siècle 2(3)FREN 482

Littérature française contemporaine(3)FREN 485

(c) Série Langue française

Linguistique française(3)FREN 231

Langage et littérature 1(3)FREN 313

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

Sémantique et lexicologie(3)FREN 433

Sociolinguistique du français(3)FREN 434

Langage et littérature 2(3)FREN 491

II. Bloc : « Pratiques littéraires »

3 crédits parmi les cours du bloc « Pratiques littéraires », comme suit:

0-3 crédits de la série Traduction

0-3 crédits de la série Création

0-3 crédits de la série Édition

(a) Série Traduction

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Traduction littéraire 1(3)FREN 324

Théorie de la traduction 1(3)FREN 394

109McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Théorie de la traduction 2(3)FREN 425

Traduction français-anglais(3)FREN 441

Traduction littéraire 2(3)FREN 443

Histoire de la traduction(3)FREN 492

Traduction spécialisée(3)FREN 494

(b) Série Création

Atelier d'écriture poétique(3)FREN 240

Atelier d'écriture narrative(3)FREN 340

Atelier d'écriture dramatique(3)FREN 440

(c) Série Édition

Correction et révision(3)FREN 376

Pratiques de l'édition littéraire(3)FREN 377

Le livre(3)FREN 476

Note : Les chiffres 1 et 2 n’indiquent pas des séquences; ils servent à désigner des cours à contenu variable.

Baccalauréat ès Arts (B.A.) - Double Spécialisation en langue et littérature françaises - Traduction (36 crédits)10.17.7

Conditions d'admission: Bonne connaissance du français et de l'anglais lus et écrits; cette connaissance est vérifiée à l'aide d'un test; en cas de note insuffisantelors de ce test, l'étudiant(e) s'inscrira plutôt au programme de Concentration majeure (option Traduction) et suivra le cours FREN 239 (Stylistique comparée)au trimestre d'automne de U1. L'étudiant(e) pourra demander de nouveau l'autorisation de s'inscrire au programme de Spécialisation (option Traduction) àla fin de U1; cette autorisation lui sera accordée si ses notes dans chacun de ses cours de programme suivis en U1 sont égales ou supérieures à 75 % (B+).

L'obtention d'un baccalauréat avec Spécialisation ou Double Spécialisation est obligatoire pour l'admission dans les programmes de 2e et 3e cycles (maîtriseet doctorat).

En Spécialisation, les étudiants doivent conserver au minimum une moyenne de 3.00 pour l'ensemble des cours du programme et maintenir un CGPA de3.00.

Les étudiants qui souhaitent poursuivre leur études en spécialisation dans deux domaines distincts peuvent s'inscrire dans deux départements de la Facultédes Arts (consulter la section de ladite Faculté, sous les rubriques « Overview of Programs Offered » et « Joint Honours Programs »). Ces étudiants devraientrencontrer un conseiller dans chacun des deux départements concernés, pour établir leur choix de cours et formuler leur projet de recherche interdisciplinaire,le cas échéant.

Cours obligatoires (15 crédits)

Introduction aux études littéraires(3)FREN 222

Linguistique française(3)FREN 231

Traduction générale(3)FREN 244

Grammaire avancée(3)FREN 245

Traduction avancée(3)FREN 346

Cours complémentaires (21 crédits)

15 crédits, répartis comme suit :

12 crédits choisis parmi les cours suivants :

Stylistique comparée(3)FREN 239

Traduction littéraire 1(3)FREN 324

Traduction et recherche 1(3)FREN 341

Terminologie générale(3)FREN 347

Traduction et recherche 2(3)FREN 349

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)110


Traduction et révision(3)FREN 431

Traduction français-anglais(3)FREN 441

Traduction littéraire 2(3)FREN 443

Traduction spécialisée(3)FREN 494

3 crédits choisis parmi les cours suivants :

Langage et littérature 1(3)FREN 313

Histoire de la langue française(3)FREN 336

Théorie de la traduction 1(3)FREN 394

Théorie de la traduction 2(3)FREN 425

Sémantique et lexicologie(3)FREN 433

Sociolinguistique du français(3)FREN 434

Langage et littérature 2(3)FREN 491

Histoire de la traduction(3)FREN 492

I. Bloc : « Études littéraires »

3-6 crédits choisis parmi les cours de la Série Oeuvres et courants. (maximum de 3 crédits de cours de niveau 200)

Série Oeuvres et courants

Littérature française avant 1800(3)FREN 250

Littérature française depuis 1800(3)FREN 251

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Littérature du 20e siècle 1(3)FREN 355

La littérature du 19e siècle 1(3)FREN 360

La littérature du 17e siècle 1(3)FREN 362

La littérature du 18e siècle 1(3)FREN 364

Littérature de la Renaissance 1(3)FREN 366

Littérature québécoise 1(3)FREN 372

Littératures francophones 1(3)FREN 380

Littératures francophones 2(3)FREN 381

Littérature québécoise 2(3)FREN 382

Littérature du 20e siècle 2(3)FREN 453

La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456

La littérature de la Renaissance 2(3)FREN 457

La littérature du 17e siècle 2(3)FREN 458

La littérature du 18e siècle 2(3)FREN 459

Littérature québécoise contemporaine(3)FREN 480

La littérature du 19e siècle 2(3)FREN 482

Littérature française contemporaine(3)FREN 485

II. Bloc : « Pratiques littéraires »

0-3 crédits choisis parmi les cours des séries Création et Édition du bloc « Pratiques littéraires ».

111McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


(a) Série Création

Atelier d'écriture poétique(3)FREN 240

Atelier d'écriture narrative(3)FREN 340

Atelier d'écriture dramatique(3)FREN 440

(b) Série Édition

Correction et révision(3)FREN 376

Pratiques de l'édition littéraire(3)FREN 377

Le livre(3)FREN 476

Note : les chiffres 1 et 2 n'indiquent pas des séquences; ils servent à désigner des cours à contenu variable.

Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies10.18

Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, its programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse AcademicUnits & Programs > : Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (18 credits)10.18.1

The Minor Concentration in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (GSFS) is an interdisciplinary program that centrally engages contemporaryand historical issues centered on gender, sexuality, feminism, and social justice. The program provides students with opportunities to explore the meaningand intersections of such categories as gender, race, class, sexual identification, age, ability, citizenship, and national identity, for example, and to examinehow such categories might inform and reproduce power relationships.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

3 credits from the following:

Feminist and Social Justice Studies(3)GSFS 200

Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies(3)GSFS 250

3 credits Gender, Sexuality Feminist, and Social Justice Studies (GSFS) from the following:

Current Topics 1(3)GSFS 301

Current Topics 2(3)GSFS 302

Gender and Disability(3)GSFS 303

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Queer Theory(3)GSFS 306

Indigenous Feminisms(3)GSFS 307

Sex & Gender Minority Cultures(3)GSFS 308

Special Topics 1(3)GSFS 401

Special Topics 2(3)GSFS 402

Feminisms and the Law(3)GSFS 403

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404

Social Justice and Activism(3)GSFS 405

Trans*Feminisms(3)GSFS 406

Sexuality and Gender: New Directions(3)GSFS 407

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)112


Any credits taken above the 3 credits of complementary GSFS courses may count as credit in the following Complementary Course List.

12 credits from the following:

Minimum of 6 credits must be at the 300 level or higher. Complementary courses must centrally engage with at least two of the following themes: gender,sexuality, feminism, and social justice. Courses are offered by a range of faculties and disciplines.

Maximum of 3 transfer credits may be accepted from approved exchange programs subject to University approval.

Additions may be made during a particular calendar year depending on the central focus of the courses. For final updates, see:

Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Women in Cross-cultural Perspective(3)ANTH 341

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Special Topic 2(3)ANTH 381*

Anthropology of the Body(3)ANTH 407

Gender in Archaeology(3)ANTH 413

Special Topic 5(3)ANTH 480*

Advanced Topics in Ethnology(3)ANTH 555*

New Approaches to Architectural History(3)ARCH 533*

Introduction to Modern Art(3)ARTH 205*

Selected Topics in Art History 1(3)ARTH 353*

Selected Topics Art History 2(3)ARTH 354*

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 2(3)ARTH 421*

The Body and Visual Culture(3)ARTH 440*

Topics in Canadian Studies 3(3)CANS 303*

Canadian Studies Seminar 5(3)CANS 405*

Gender in the Ancient World(3)CLAS 308

Media and Feminist Studies(3)COMS 310

Critical Theory Seminar(3)COMS 400*

Special Topics in History and Theory of Media(3)COMS 490*

Power, Difference and Justice(3)COMS 492

Cultural Industries(3)COMS 541*

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313*

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453*

Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320

20th Century American Poetry(3)ENGL 323*

Theatre History: 19th to 21st Centuries(3)ENGL 371*

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 388*

Special Topics in Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 413*

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418*

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440*

113McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Contemporary Women's Fiction(3)ENGL 443

Studies: Women's Writing and Feminist Theory(3)ENGL 444

Culture and Critical Theory 1(3)ENGL 489*

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 516*

Urban Social Geography(3)GEOG 331*

Advanced Social Geography(3)GEOG 507*

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Feminist and Social Justice Studies(3)GSFS 200

Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies(3)GSFS 250

Research Inquiry in GSFS(3)GSFS 300

Current Topics 1(3)GSFS 301

Current Topics 2(3)GSFS 302

Gender and Disability(3)GSFS 303

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Queer Theory(3)GSFS 306

Indigenous Feminisms(3)GSFS 307

Sex & Gender Minority Cultures(3)GSFS 308

Capstone: Engaging Fields of GSFS(3)GSFS 400

Special Topics 1(3)GSFS 401

Special Topics 2(3)GSFS 402

Feminisms and the Law(3)GSFS 403

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404

Social Justice and Activism(3)GSFS 405

Trans*Feminisms(3)GSFS 406

Sexuality and Gender: New Directions(3)GSFS 407

Independent Reading and Research(3)GSFS 450

GSFS Internship(3)GSFS 499

Latin American Cinema(3)HISP 340*

Gender and Textualities(3)HISP 358

Modern African History(3)HIST 201*

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

The Chinese Family in History(3)HIST 344

History and Sexuality 2(3)HIST 347

Women in Europe 1700-2000(3)HIST 354

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382*

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Women and Gender in Modern Britain(3)HIST 412

Topics: American Family History(3)HIST 422*

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

British Queer History(3)HIST 433

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)114


Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East(3)HIST 448

Women, Work and Family in Global History(3)HIST 525

Women and War(3)HIST 526

Issues in Women's Health(3)HSEL 308

Women's Reproductive Health(3)HSEL 309

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Indigenous Studies(3)INDG 401*

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Arab Women's Literature(3)ISLA 585

Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375*

Women's Writing since 1880(3)ITAL 383

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477*

Women Making Music(3)MUAR 250

Music and Queer Identity(3)MUAR 399

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Topics in Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 442

Current Issues in Political Philosophy(3)PHIL 446*

Topics in Political Theory 1(3)POLI 366*

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422*

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423*

Selected Topics: Comparative Politics(3)POLI 432*

Topics in International Politics 2(3)POLI 444*

Human Sexuality and Its Problems(3)PSYC 436

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Topics in Biblical Studies 1(3)RELG 313*

Contemporary Theological Issues(3)RELG 336*

Women and the Christian Tradition(3)RELG 338

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Hindu Goddesses(3)RELG 372

Christian Spirituality(3)RELG 399*

Family and Modern Society(3)SOCI 247

Sociology of Gender(3)SOCI 270

Gender and Work(3)SOCI 321

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Contemporary Social Movements(3)SOCI 386

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Gender, Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 489

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Sex and Gender(3)SOCI 530

Sociology of the Family(3)SOCI 535

Note: Courses marked with and asterisk (*) count toward Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies when the course centrally engages with atleast two of the following themes: gender, sexuality, feminism, and social justice.

115McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (36 credits)10.18.2

The Major Concentration in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (GSFS) is an interdisciplinary program that centrally engages contemporaryand historical issues centered on gender, sexuality, feminism, and social justice. The program provides students with opportunities to explore the meaningand intersections of such categories as gender, race, class, sexual identification, age, ability, citizenship, and national identity, for example, and to examinehow such categories might inform and reproduce power relationships. The Major Concentration consists of required GSFS courses that allow for an immersioninto this area of study, and complementary courses from a range of departments, disciplines, and faculties. Students must see and adviser in Gender, Sexuality,Feminist, and Social Justice Studies at a minimum upon declaring the GSFS Major Concentration and prior to selecting courses for the final year of study.

Students are advised to take GSFS 200 and 250 in their first year in the program, GSFS 300 in their second year of the program, and GSFS 400 in their finalyear of the program.

Students must see an adviser in Women's Studies at a minimum upon registering in GSFS and prior to selecting courses for the final year of study.

Required Courses (12 credits)

Feminist and Social Justice Studies(3)GSFS 200

Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies(3)GSFS 250

Research Inquiry in GSFS(3)GSFS 300

Capstone: Engaging Fields of GSFS(3)GSFS 400

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

9 credits selected from the GSFS Course List, 3 credits of which must be at the 400 or 500 level.

15 credits selected from the Complementary Course List. Three credits minimum must be at the 400 or 500 level and 9 credits maximum may be at the 200level.

Complementary courses must centrally engage with at least two of the following themes: gender, sexuality, feminism, and social justice. Courses are offeredby a range of faculties and disciplines.

Maximum of 12 transfer credits may be accepted by approved exchange programs, subject to University approval.

Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies (GSFS)

9 credits from the following:

Current Topics 1(3)GSFS 301

Current Topics 2(3)GSFS 302

Gender and Disability(3)GSFS 303

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Queer Theory(3)GSFS 306

Indigenous Feminisms(3)GSFS 307

Sex & Gender Minority Cultures(3)GSFS 308

Special Topics 1(3)GSFS 401

Special Topics 2(3)GSFS 402

Feminisms and the Law(3)GSFS 403

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404

Social Justice and Activism(3)GSFS 405

Trans*Feminisms(3)GSFS 406

Sexuality and Gender: New Directions(3)GSFS 407

Any credits taken above the 9 credits of complementary GSFS courses may count as credit in the following Complementary Course List.

15 credits from the following:

Additions may be made during a particular calendar year depending on the central focus of the courses. For final updates, see:

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)116


Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Women in Cross-cultural Perspective(3)ANTH 341

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Special Topic 2(3)ANTH 381*

Anthropology of the Body(3)ANTH 407

Gender in Archaeology(3)ANTH 413

Special Topic 5(3)ANTH 480*

Advanced Topics in Ethnology(3)ANTH 555*

New Approaches to Architectural History(3)ARCH 533*

Introduction to Modern Art(3)ARTH 205*

Selected Topics in Art History 1(3)ARTH 353*

Selected Topics Art History 2(3)ARTH 354*

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 2(3)ARTH 421*

The Body and Visual Culture(3)ARTH 440*

Topics in Canadian Studies 3(3)CANS 303*

Canadian Studies Seminar 5(3)CANS 405*

Gender in the Ancient World(3)CLAS 308

Media and Feminist Studies(3)COMS 310

Critical Theory Seminar(3)COMS 400*

Special Topics in History and Theory of Media(3)COMS 490*

Power, Difference and Justice(3)COMS 492

Cultural Industries(3)COMS 541*

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313*

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453*

Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320

20th Century American Poetry(3)ENGL 323*

Theatre History: 19th to 21st Centuries(3)ENGL 371*

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 388*

Special Topics in Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 413*

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418*

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440*

Contemporary Women's Fiction(3)ENGL 443

Studies: Women's Writing and Feminist Theory(3)ENGL 444

Culture and Critical Theory 1(3)ENGL 489*

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 516*

Urban Social Geography(3)GEOG 331*

Advanced Social Geography(3)GEOG 507*

117McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Feminist and Social Justice Studies(3)GSFS 200

Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies(3)GSFS 250

Research Inquiry in GSFS(3)GSFS 300

Current Topics 1(3)GSFS 301

Current Topics 2(3)GSFS 302

Gender and Disability(3)GSFS 303

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Queer Theory(3)GSFS 306

Indigenous Feminisms(3)GSFS 307

Sex & Gender Minority Cultures(3)GSFS 308

Capstone: Engaging Fields of GSFS(3)GSFS 400

Special Topics 1(3)GSFS 401

Special Topics 2(3)GSFS 402

Feminisms and the Law(3)GSFS 403

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404

Social Justice and Activism(3)GSFS 405

Trans*Feminisms(3)GSFS 406

Sexuality and Gender: New Directions(3)GSFS 407

Independent Reading and Research(3)GSFS 450

GSFS Internship(3)GSFS 499

Latin American Cinema(3)HISP 340*

Gender and Textualities(3)HISP 358

Modern African History(3)HIST 201*

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

The Chinese Family in History(3)HIST 344

History and Sexuality 2(3)HIST 347

Women in Europe 1700-2000(3)HIST 354

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382*

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Women and Gender in Modern Britain(3)HIST 412

Topics: American Family History(3)HIST 422*

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

British Queer History(3)HIST 433

Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East(3)HIST 448

Women, Work and Family in Global History(3)HIST 525

Women and War(3)HIST 526

Issues in Women's Health(3)HSEL 308

Women's Reproductive Health(3)HSEL 309

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Indigenous Studies(3)INDG 401*

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)118


Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Arab Women's Literature(3)ISLA 585

Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375*

Women's Writing since 1880(3)ITAL 383

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477*

Women Making Music(3)MUAR 250

Music and Queer Identity(3)MUAR 399

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Topics in Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 442

Current Issues in Political Philosophy(3)PHIL 446*

Topics in Political Theory 1(3)POLI 366*

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422*

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423*

Selected Topics: Comparative Politics(3)POLI 432*

Topics in International Politics 2(3)POLI 444*

Human Sexuality and Its Problems(3)PSYC 436

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Topics in Biblical Studies 1(3)RELG 313*

Contemporary Theological Issues(3)RELG 336*

Women and the Christian Tradition(3)RELG 338

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Hindu Goddesses(3)RELG 372

Christian Spirituality(3)RELG 399*

Family and Modern Society(3)SOCI 247

Sociology of Gender(3)SOCI 270

Gender and Work(3)SOCI 321

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Contemporary Social Movements(3)SOCI 386

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Gender, Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 489

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Sex and Gender(3)SOCI 530

Sociology of the Family(3)SOCI 535

Note: Courses marked with and asterisk (*) count toward Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies when the course centrally engages with atleast two of the following themes: gender, sexuality, feminism, and social justice.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies (36 credits)10.18.3

The Joint Honours program offers a significant degree of analysis and depth of study into contemporary and historical critical issues centered on gender,sexuality, feminism, and social justice beyond the Major through required and complementary course work, intensive research, and seminars. The programenables students to explore the meanings and intersections of such categories as gender, race, class, sexual identification, age, ability, citizenship, and nationalidentity, for example, and to examine how such categories might inform and reproduce power relationships. The Joint Honours program culminates in thecompletion of an Honours thesis, supervised by a faculty member whose approval is sought the year prior. The Colloquium requires supplemental reading

119McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


and writing assignments, training in research and thesis writing methods, presentation to the group of theses in progress, and response to the work of others.Joint Honours students must maintain a program GPA of 3.30 and a CGPA of 3.00.

Students are advised to take GSFS 200 and GSFS 250 in their first year in the program, and GSFS 300 in their second year of the program. Students musttake GSFS 495D1/D2 and GSFS 497D1/D2 in their last full year of the program.

Students must see and adviser in Women's Studies at a minimum upon registering in GSFS and prior to selecting courses for the final year of study.

Required Courses (15 credits)

Feminist and Social Justice Studies(3)GSFS 200

Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies(3)GSFS 250

Research Inquiry in GSFS(3)GSFS 300

Honours/Joint Honours Colloquium(1.5)GSFS 495D1

Honours/Joint Honours Colloquium(1.5)GSFS 495D2

Joint Honours Thesis(1.5)GSFS 497D1

Joint Honours Thesis(1.5)GSFS 497D2

Complementary Courses (21 credits)

9 credits selected from the GSFS Course List, 3 credits of which must be at the 400 or 500 level.

12 credits selected from the Complementary Course List. Three credits minimum must be at the 400 or 500 level and 9 credits maximum may be at the 200level.

Complementary courses must centrally engage with at least two of the following themes: gender, sexuality, feminism, and social justice. Courses are offeredby a range of faculties and disciplines.

Maximum of 12 transfer credits may be accepted by approved exchange programs, subject to University approval.

Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies (GSFS)

9 credits from the following:

Current Topics 1(3)GSFS 301

Current Topics 2(3)GSFS 302

Gender and Disability(3)GSFS 303

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Queer Theory(3)GSFS 306

Indigenous Feminisms(3)GSFS 307

Sex & Gender Minority Cultures(3)GSFS 308

Special Topics 1(3)GSFS 401

Special Topics 2(3)GSFS 402

Feminisms and the Law(3)GSFS 403

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404

Social Justice and Activism(3)GSFS 405

Trans*Feminisms(3)GSFS 406

Sexuality and Gender: New Directions(3)GSFS 407

Any credits taken above the 9 credits of complementary GSFS courses may count as credit in the following Complementary Course List.

12 credits from the following:

Additions may be made during a particular calendar year depending on the central focus of the courses. For final updates, see:

Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)120


Women in Cross-cultural Perspective(3)ANTH 341

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Special Topic 2(3)ANTH 381*

Anthropology of the Body(3)ANTH 407

Gender in Archaeology(3)ANTH 413

Special Topic 5(3)ANTH 480*

Advanced Topics in Ethnology(3)ANTH 555*

New Approaches to Architectural History(3)ARCH 533*

Introduction to Modern Art(3)ARTH 205*

Selected Topics in Art History 1(3)ARTH 353*

Selected Topics Art History 2(3)ARTH 354*

Selected Topics in Art and Architecture 2(3)ARTH 421*

The Body and Visual Culture(3)ARTH 440*

Topics in Canadian Studies 3(3)CANS 303*

Canadian Studies Seminar 5(3)CANS 405*

Gender in the Ancient World(3)CLAS 308

Media and Feminist Studies(3)COMS 310

Critical Theory Seminar(3)COMS 400*

Special Topics in History and Theory of Media(3)COMS 490*

Power, Difference and Justice(3)COMS 492

Cultural Industries(3)COMS 541*

Current Topics: Korean Studies 1(3)EAST 313*

Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature(3)EAST 350

Women Writers of China(3)EAST 351

History of Sexuality in Japan(3)EAST 370

The Chinese Family in History(3)EAST 390

Topics: Chinese Literature(3)EAST 453*

Introduction to Cultural Studies(3)ENGL 275

Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320

20th Century American Poetry(3)ENGL 323*

Theatre History: 19th to 21st Centuries(3)ENGL 371*

Studies in Popular Culture(3)ENGL 388*

Special Topics in Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 413*

A Major Modernist Writer(3)ENGL 418*

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440*

Contemporary Women's Fiction(3)ENGL 443

Studies: Women's Writing and Feminist Theory(3)ENGL 444

Culture and Critical Theory 1(3)ENGL 489*

Shakespeare(3)ENGL 516*

Urban Social Geography(3)GEOG 331*

Advanced Social Geography(3)GEOG 507*

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Feminist and Social Justice Studies(3)GSFS 200

121McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies(3)GSFS 250

Research Inquiry in GSFS(3)GSFS 300

Current Topics 1(3)GSFS 301

Current Topics 2(3)GSFS 302

Gender and Disability(3)GSFS 303

Postcolonial Feminist Theories(3)GSFS 304

Critical Race and Social Justice Theories(3)GSFS 305

Queer Theory(3)GSFS 306

Indigenous Feminisms(3)GSFS 307

Sex & Gender Minority Cultures(3)GSFS 308

Capstone: Engaging Fields of GSFS(3)GSFS 400

Special Topics 1(3)GSFS 401

Special Topics 2(3)GSFS 402

Feminisms and the Law(3)GSFS 403

Politics of Identity(3)GSFS 404

Social Justice and Activism(3)GSFS 405

Trans*Feminisms(3)GSFS 406

Sexuality and Gender: New Directions(3)GSFS 407

Independent Reading and Research(3)GSFS 450

GSFS Internship(3)GSFS 499

Latin American Cinema(3)HISP 340*

Gender and Textualities(3)HISP 358

Modern African History(3)HIST 201*

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

The Chinese Family in History(3)HIST 344

History and Sexuality 2(3)HIST 347

Women in Europe 1700-2000(3)HIST 354

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382*

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Women and Gender in Modern Britain(3)HIST 412

Topics: American Family History(3)HIST 422*

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

British Queer History(3)HIST 433

Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East(3)HIST 448

Women, Work and Family in Global History(3)HIST 525

Women and War(3)HIST 526

Issues in Women's Health(3)HSEL 308

Women's Reproductive Health(3)HSEL 309

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Indigenous Studies(3)INDG 401*

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Arab Women's Literature(3)ISLA 585

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)122


Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375*

Women's Writing since 1880(3)ITAL 383

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477*

Women Making Music(3)MUAR 250

Music and Queer Identity(3)MUAR 399

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Topics in Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 442

Current Issues in Political Philosophy(3)PHIL 446*

Topics in Political Theory 1(3)POLI 366*

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422*

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423*

Selected Topics: Comparative Politics(3)POLI 432*

Topics in International Politics 2(3)POLI 444*

Human Sexuality and Its Problems(3)PSYC 436

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Topics in Biblical Studies 1(3)RELG 313*

Contemporary Theological Issues(3)RELG 336*

Women and the Christian Tradition(3)RELG 338

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Hindu Goddesses(3)RELG 372

Christian Spirituality(3)RELG 399*

Family and Modern Society(3)SOCI 247

Sociology of Gender(3)SOCI 270

Gender and Work(3)SOCI 321

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Contemporary Social Movements(3)SOCI 386

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Gender, Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 489

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Sex and Gender(3)SOCI 530

Sociology of the Family(3)SOCI 535

Note: Courses marked with and asterisk (*) are acceptable ONLY when the course centrally engages with at least two of the following themes: gender,sexuality, feminism, and social justice.

Geography (GEOG)10.19

The Department of Geography information, programs, and courses are described in:

• Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : Geography (GEOG)

• Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : Geography (GEOG)

Note: Students may take a Geography program either in Arts or in Science, but not both.

123McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


The following are considered Arts programs in the B.A. & Sc.:

Minor Concentration Geographic Information SystemsMinor Concentration GeographyMinor Concentration Geography (Urban Systems)Major Concentration GeographyMajor Concentration Geography (Urban Systems)Joint Honours Component Geography

The following are considered Science programs in the B.A. & Sc.:

Minor Geographic Information Systems and Remote SensingMinor GeographyMajor Concentration Geography (Physical Geography)

The following is an Interdisciplinary program:

section 10.36.3: Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program in Sustainability, Science and Society (54 credits)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Geography (18 credits)10.19.1

The Minor Concentration Geography is designed to provide students in the Faculty of Arts with an overview of basic elements of human geography at theintroductory and advanced level.

This Minor concentration may be expanded into the Major Concentration Geography, but not into the Major Concentration Geography (Urban Systems).

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

9 credits selected from:

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272

9 credits from Geography (GEOG) courses at the 300 or 400 level.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Geography (Urban Systems) (18 credits)10.19.2

This Minor concentration may be expanded into the Major Concentration Geography (Urban Systems).

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected as follows:

Group A

9-12 credits selected from:

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Economic Geography(3)GEOG 311

Urban Transportation Geography(3)GEOG 315

Political Geography(3)GEOG 316

New Master-Planned Cities(3)GEOG 325

Urban Social Geography(3)GEOG 331

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)124


Urban Field Studies(3)GEOG 494

Group B

6-9 credits selected from:


Although Architecture courses have prerequisites, they are waived for Urban Systems students, but the course may not be taken before the year indicated:

U2 - ARCH 378;

U3 - ARCH 515, ARCH 527, ARCH 528, and ARCH 529.

Site Usage(3)ARCH 378

Sustainable Design(3)ARCH 515

Civic Design(3)ARCH 527

History of Housing(3)ARCH 528

Housing Theory(3)ARCH 529

Art History & Communication Studies

Urban Culture & Everyday Life(3)COMS 425

Civil Engineering

Urban Transportation Planning(3)CIVE 540


Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307

Urban Transportation Geography(3)GEOG 315

New Master-Planned Cities(3)GEOG 325


History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

Political Science

Comparative Local Government(3)POLI 318

Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337


Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Social Stratification(3)SOCI 333

Crime(3)SOCI 388

Urban Planning

Planning the 21st Century City(3)URBP 201

125McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Principles and Practice 1(2)URBP 501

Environmental Policy and Planning(3)URBP 506

Urban Design and Planning(3)URBP 551

Urban Economy: A Spatial Perspective(3)URBP 556

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration GIS & Remote Sensing (18 credits)10.19.3

Required Courses (6 credits)

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

3 credits selected from:

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306*

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307*

6 credits selected from the following:

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308*

Principles of Geospatial Web(3)GEOG 384

Advanced Geographic Information Science(3)GEOG 506*

Remote Sensing and Interpretation(3)GEOG 535

3 credits from the following:

Weather Radars and Satellites(3)ATOC 309

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics(3)COMP 557

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306*

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307*

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308*

Principles of Geospatial Web(3)GEOG 384

Advanced Geographic Information Science(3)GEOG 506*

Remote Sensing and Interpretation(3)GEOG 535

Environmental Decisions(3)GEOG 551

* may be taken in either list of complementary courses, but credits from one group may not be double counted in the other.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Health Geography (18 credits)10.19.4

There is increasing consensus around the idea that health is not just an expression of individual characteristics but an interaction between the characteristicsof the individual and the environments, both physical and social, to which one is exposed over a lifetime of daily living and working. Health outcomes varydramatically by physical and social characteristics of places both within and between countries and these provide a wedge for our understanding of the factorsthat might be modified to improve the health of large groups of people. The B.A.; Minor Concentration in Health Geography introduces students to bothlocal and global health issues and provides a skill set in spatial and statistical analyses of diverse health outcomes in populations.

Required Courses (12 credits)

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)126


Environment and Health(3)GEOG 221

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Complementary Courses (6 credits)

3 credits from:

The Global Environment(3)ENVR 200

Society, Environment and Sustainability(3)ENVR 201

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

3 credits from:

Advanced Topics in Health Geography(3)GEOG 503

Population Health and Epidemiology(3)PPHS 501*

Fundamentals of Global Health(3)PPHS 511*

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)PPHS 525*+

Global Environmental Health and Burden of Disease(3)PPHS 529*

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365*

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)SOCI 525*+

+ Students can take PPHS 525 OR SOCI 525

* These courses may have additional prerequisites or restrictions.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geography (18 credits)10.19.5

The Minor Geography is expandable into the B.Sc. Major Geography.

The Minor Geography is designed to provide students in the Faculty of Science with an overview of basic elements of geography at the introductory andadvanced level.

This Minor permits no overlap with any other programs.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

3 credits of Geography courses at the 200 level below.

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Global Change: Past, Present and Future(3)GEOG 205

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Environment and Health(3)GEOG 221

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272

127McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


9 credits at a 300 and 400 level from any Geography course.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (18 credits)10.19.6

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing Minor program provides B.Sc. students with the fundamentals of geospatial tools andtechnologies.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

3 credits selected from:

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307

6 credits selected from:

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308

Principles of Geospatial Web(3)GEOG 384*

Advanced Geographic Information Science(3)GEOG 506

Remote Sensing and Interpretation(3)GEOG 535

3 credits selected from:

Computational Approaches to Prehistory(3)ANTH 511

Weather Radars and Satellites(3)ATOC 309

Computers in Engineering(3)COMP 208

Introduction to Computer Science(3)COMP 250

Investigating the Earth System(3)ESYS 300

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306*

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307*

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308*

Principles of Geospatial Web(3)GEOG 384*

Advanced Geographic Information Science(3)GEOG 506*

Remote Sensing and Interpretation(3)GEOG 535*

* may be taken in either list of complementary courses, but credits from one group may not be doubled-counted in the other.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Geography - Physical Geography (36 credits)10.19.7

The Major Concentration Geography - Physical Geography, which is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc., is a planned sequence of courses designed topermit a degree of specialization in this discipline.

Required Courses (12 credits)

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)128


Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

Courses are selected as follows:

6 credits of analytical techniques are selected from:

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308

Quantitative Methods(3)GEOG 351

3 credits of field courses selected from:

Field Studies - Physical Geography(3)GEOG 495

Geographical Excursion(3)GEOG 496

Subarctic Field Studies(3)GEOG 499

9-15 credits in systematic physical geography selected from:

Soils and Environment(3)GEOG 305

Climatic Environments(3)GEOG 321

Environmental Hydrology(3)GEOG 322

Running Water Environments(3)GEOG 372

Wetlands(3)GEOG 470

0-6 credits in integrative and advanced topics selected from:

Environmental Management 1(3)GEOG 302

Modelling Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 501

Global Biogeochemistry(3)GEOG 505

Advanced Geographic Information Science(3)GEOG 506

Geocryology(3)GEOG 536

Advanced Fluvial Geomorphology(3)GEOG 537

Historical Ecology Techniques(3)GEOG 550

Ecological Restoration(3)GEOG 555

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Geography (37 credits)10.19.8

This program is designed to cover the main elements of human geography.

Required Courses (7 credits)

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Local Geographical Excursion(1)GEOG 290

129McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits selected as follows:

Physical Geography

3 credits from:

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272


3 credits from:

Note: Credit given for statistics courses is subject to certain restrictions. Students should consult the "Course Overlap" information in the "Course Requirements"section for the Faculty of Arts.

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Principles of Statistics 1(3)MATH 203

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350

Field Courses

3 credits from:

Note: Field course offerings are determined each year in February.

Urban Field Studies(3)GEOG 494

Field Studies - Physical Geography(3)GEOG 495

Geographical Excursion(3)GEOG 496

Subarctic Field Studies(3)GEOG 499

Analysis and Methodology

3 credits from:

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308

Quantitative Methods(3)GEOG 351

Advanced Geographic Information Science(3)GEOG 506

Advanced quantitative methods in social field research(3)GEOG 512


The remaining 18 credits are to be selected from Geography (GEOG) courses excluding GEOG 200 and GEOG 205. Of these 18 credits, at least 3 creditsmust be at the 400 level or above.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Geography (Urban Systems) (36 credits)10.19.9

This interdisciplinary concentration exposes students to the various approaches to urban studies in many disciplines.

Students should observe the levels indicated by course numbers: 200-level are first year (U1); 300-level, second year (U2); 400- or 500-level, third year(U3).

For students majoring in Urban Systems, the total number of credits permitted outside Arts and Science is 30 credits. Faculty of Arts regulations about"Courses Outside the Faculties of Arts and of Science" may be found with the Arts guidelines for "Course Requirements".

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)130


Required Courses (12 credits)

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Quantitative Methods(3)GEOG 351

Urban Field Studies(3)GEOG 494

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

24 credits selected as follows:


3 credits from:

Note: Credit given for statistics courses is subject to certain restrictions. Students should consult the "Course Overlap" information in the "Course Requirements"section for the Faculty of Arts.

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Principles of Statistics 1(3)MATH 203

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350

21 credits from the course lists below:


* Students can choose one only from GEOG 210, GEOG 216 or GEOG 221.

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Environment and Health(3)GEOG 221

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306

Socioeconomic Applications of GIS(3)GEOG 307

Economic Geography(3)GEOG 311

Urban Transportation Geography(3)GEOG 315

Political Geography(3)GEOG 316

New Master-Planned Cities(3)GEOG 325

Urban Social Geography(3)GEOG 331

Urban Geography(3)GEOG 417

Advanced Economic Geography(3)GEOG 504

Advanced Social Geography(3)GEOG 507

Advanced Political Geography(3)GEOG 511

Asian Cities in the 21st Century(3)GEOG 525


Although Architecture courses have prerequisites, they are waived for Urban Systems students, but the course may not be taken before the year indicated:

U2 - ARCH 378;

131McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


U3 - ARCH 515, ARCH 517, ARCH 520, ARCH 527, ARCH 528, ARCH 529, ARCH 562, ARCH 564, ARCH 566.

Site Usage(3)ARCH 378

Sustainable Design(3)ARCH 515

Sustainable Residential Development(3)ARCH 517

Montreal: Urban Morphology(3)ARCH 520

Civic Design(3)ARCH 527

History of Housing(3)ARCH 528

Housing Theory(3)ARCH 529

()ARCH 561

Innovative Homes and Communities(3)ARCH 562

Design for Development(3)ARCH 564

Cultural Landscapes Seminar(3)ARCH 566

Art History & Communication Studies

Urban Culture & Everyday Life(3)COMS 425

Civil Engineering

Urban Transportation Planning(3)CIVE 540


History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397


Real Estate Finance(3)FINE 445

Political Science

Comparative Local Government(3)POLI 318

Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337


Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Social Stratification(3)SOCI 333

Crime(3)SOCI 388

Urban Planning

Planning the 21st Century City(3)URBP 201

Principles and Practice 1(2)URBP 501

Planning for Active Transportation(3)URBP 504

Geographic Information Systems(3)URBP 505

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)132


Environmental Policy and Planning(3)URBP 506

Urban Infrastructure and Services in International Context(3)URBP 530

Current Issues in Transportation 1(2)URBP 536

Current Issues in Transportation 2(2)URBP 537

Urban Design and Planning(3)URBP 551

Urban Economy: A Spatial Perspective(3)URBP 556

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Geography (36 credits)10.19.10

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

In addition to the Faculty requirement that Joint Honours students maintain a minimum CGPA of at least 3.00, students in a Joint Honours ComponentGeography program must maintain a program GPA of at least 3.30.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Quantitative Methods(3)GEOG 351

Geographic Thought and Practice(3)GEOG 381

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as follows:


12 credits of introductory courses from:

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Cities in the Modern World(3)GEOG 217

Earth's Changing Surface(3)GEOG 272


3 credits from:

Note: Credit given for statistics courses is subject to certain restrictions. Students should consult the "Course Overlap" information in the "Course Requirements"section for the Faculty of Arts.

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Principles of Statistics 1(3)MATH 203

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350


3-6 credits of research courses. Where both departments require an Honours Thesis, the student has the option of submitting the thesis to either department.If the thesis is submitted to the other department, then the student must register for GEOG 492D1/GEOG 492D2. In some cases, it is required that the thesisbe jointly supervised by faculty of both departments.

Honours Research(3)GEOG 491D1

133McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Honours Research(3)GEOG 491D2

Joint Honours Research(1.5)GEOG 492D1

Joint Honours Research(1.5)GEOG 492D2

Remaining Geography

6-9 credits from a coherent set of Geography (GEOG) courses approved by the Program Adviser. Including a field course is desirable.

History and Classical Studies (HIST & CLAS)10.20

History and Classical Studies information, programs, and courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : History and Classical Studies (HIST & CLAS).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Classics (18 credits)10.20.1

The Minor Concentration in Classical Studies introduces students to the linguistic, historical and cultural dimensions of Greece and Rome. The MinorConcentration can be expanded to a Major Concentration in Classics.

Required Course (3 credits)

Greece and Rome(3)CLAS 201

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits of Classics (CLAS) or related courses according to the following stipulations:

6 credits minimum of Ancient Greek or Latin.

Introductory Latin 1(3)CLAS 210

Introductory Latin 2(3)CLAS 212

Intensive Introductory Latin(6)CLAS 215

Introductory Ancient Greek 1(3)CLAS 220

Introductory Ancient Greek 2(3)CLAS 222

Intensive Introductory Ancient Greek(6)CLAS 225

Intermediate Latin 1(3)CLAS 310

Intermediate Latin 2(3)CLAS 312

Intermediate Latin 2: Selections(3)CLAS 315

Intermediate Ancient Greek 1(3)CLAS 320

Intermediate Ancient Greek 2(3)CLAS 322

Intermediate Ancient Greek 2: Selections(3)CLAS 326

Advanced Latin: Authors(3)CLAS 410

Advanced Latin: Themes(3)CLAS 412

Advanced Latin: Post-Classical(3)CLAS 419

Advanced Ancient Greek: Authors(3)CLAS 420

Advanced Ancient Greek: Themes(3)CLAS 422

Medieval Greek(3)CLAS 429

NOTE: Minimum 3 credits CLAS courses at the 400-level

NOTE: Maximum 9 credits complementary courses at the 200-level

Note: a maximum total of 6 credits of non-CLAS McGill courses and/or classics courses not taken at McGill (transfer credits) may be counted toward theprogram.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)134


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration History (18 credits)10.20.2

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration History.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

A maximum of 6 credits at the 200 level or below.

A minimum of 3 credits at the 400 level or above.

Students should see a program adviser to plan a program that suits their needs and receive guidance on prerequisites.

The Americas - FYS & 200 Level

FYS: Race in Latin America(3)HIST 197

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Introduction to Latin American History(3)HIST 210

American History to 1865(3)HIST 211

United States since 1865(3)HIST 221

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

The Americas - 300 Level

U.S. Mass Media(3)HIST 301

History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

The Gilded Age and The Progressive Era(3)HIST 311

Hist of Consumption in Canada(3)HIST 312

Age of the American Revolution(3)HIST 327

Themes in Canadian History(3)HIST 330

The United States Between the Wars(3)HIST 331

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

History of New France(3)HIST 334

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Canada and the World(3)HIST 342

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

Themes in U.S. History since 1865(3)HIST 351

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

Topics: Canadian Political History(3)HIST 370

135McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


American Civil Rights 1877-1940(3)HIST 371

Canadian Labour History(3)HIST 373

History of Sexuality in Canada(3)HIST 374

The United States, 1940-1965(3)HIST 377

The United States since 1965(3)HIST 392

Civil War and Reconstruction(3)HIST 393

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

The Americas - 400 Level

History of Quebec Institutions(3)HIST 403

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Canadian Cultural History(3)HIST 414

Central America(3)HIST 419

Topics: American Family History(3)HIST 422

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

Topics in U.S. History(3)HIST 431

British North America 1760-1867(3)HIST 434

The Americas - 500 Level

U.S. Foreign Relations(3)HIST 530

The Americas - Honours Seminars

Seminar: Colonial America(3)HIST 556D1

Seminar: Colonial America(3)HIST 556D2

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D1

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D1

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D2

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D1

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D2

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D1

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D2

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D1

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D2

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D1

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D2

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D1

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D2

Topics in Modern U.S. History(3)HIST 598D1

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)136


Topics in Modern U.S. History(3)HIST 598D2

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 200 Level

Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Africa and the Indian Ocean World(3)HIST 206

Introduction to East Asian History(3)HIST 208

Introduction to South Asian History(3)HIST 209

Modern East Asian History(3)HIST 218

Modern History of Islamic Movements(3)HIST 240

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depends on subject taught.

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 300 Level

Formation of Chinese Tradition(3)HIST 308

Themes: Modern Japan(3)HIST 318

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

The Chinese Family in History(3)HIST 344

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

China's Middle Empires(3)HIST 358

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 400 Level

Ancient Greece, Rome and China(3)HIST 400

Gender and Sexuality in Modern China(3)HIST 420

History of Women in China(3)HIST 439

Topics: Culture and Ritual in China(3)HIST 441

Asian Diaspora: Chinese Overseas(3)HIST 442

Topics: Modern Japan(3)HIST 443

British Colonies: Africa and Asia(3)HIST 444

Late Imperial China(3)HIST 445

Topics in Middle East History(3)HIST 446

Pre-modern Chinese Law and Society(3)HIST 478

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 500 Level

The Art of War in China(3)HIST 508

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D1

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D2

Asia/Africa/Middle East - Honours Seminars

137McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D1

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D1

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D2

Europe - FYS & 200 Level

Ancient Mediterranean History(3)HIST 205

Introduction to European History(3)HIST 214

Modern European History(3)HIST 215

History of Russia to 1801(3)HIST 216

East Central and Southeastern Europe in 20th Century(3)HIST 226

Russia from 1801 to 1991(3)HIST 236

Making Great Britain and Ireland(3)HIST 250

Ancient Roman History(3)HIST 275

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depends on subject taught.

Europe - 300 Level

East Central Europe, 1944-2004(3)HIST 306

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1918(3)HIST 313

Themes: British Isles History(3)HIST 314

Russia: Revolutions 1905 and 1917(3)HIST 316

Themes in Intellectual History(3)HIST 320

Renaissance-Reformation Europe(3)HIST 325

Women in Europe, 1350-1700(3)HIST 332

France, 1789 to 1914(3)HIST 336

History of Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 345

France, 1914 to the Present(3)HIST 346

Greece: From Ottoman to the European Union(3)HIST 349

Women in Europe 1700-2000(3)HIST 354

Medicine in the Medieval West(3)HIST 356

Byzantine History and Historiography(3)HIST 362

Greek History: Classical Period(3)HIST 368

Greek History: Early Greece(3)HIST 369

Rome: Republic to Empire(3)HIST 375

Fall of the Roman Empire(3)HIST 376

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

Eighteenth-Century Britain(3)HIST 383

Nineteenth-Century Britain(3)HIST 384

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)138


Twentieth-Century Britain(3)HIST 386

Eighteenth-Century France(3)HIST 390

Rise of Rome(3)HIST 391

British Revolutions 1603-1714(3)HIST 394

Topics in Italian History(3)HIST 398

Europe - 400 Level

Ancient Greece, Rome and China(3)HIST 400

Topics: Medieval Culture and Society(3)HIST 401

Topics in Intellectual History(3)HIST 405

Topics: Russian History(3)HIST 406

Topics in Ancient History(3)HIST 407

Women and Gender in Modern Britain(3)HIST 412

British & Irish Nationalisms(3)HIST 417

Topics in Early Modern Europe(3)HIST 421

European Food History(3)HIST 425

Topics: British Cultural History(3)HIST 426

Topics: History of the Book(3)HIST 428

British Queer History(3)HIST 433

Topics: European History(3)HIST 436

Medicine in the Ancient World(3)HIST 449

Ancient History Methods(3)HIST 450

History of Revolution in Europe(3)HIST 453

Europe Since 1989(3)HIST 468

Alexander and Hellenistic World(3)HIST 469

Topics: Roman History(3)HIST 475

Europe - 500 Level

European Intellectual History(3)HIST 509

Europe - Honours Seminars

Ancient History: Seminar(3)HIST 550D1

Ancient History: Seminar(3)HIST 550D2

Modern Britain: Seminar(3)HIST 565D1

Modern Britain: Seminar(3)HIST 565D2

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D1

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D2

Topics: Modern French History(3)HIST 569D1

Topics: Modern French History(3)HIST 569D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Seminar: Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 571D1

139McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Seminar: Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 571D2

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D1

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D2

Topics: Germany(3)HIST 575D1

Topics: Germany(3)HIST 575D2

Seminar: Topics in Russian History(3)HIST 576D1

Seminar: Topics in Russian History(3)HIST 576D2

Seminar: Antiquity to Reformation(3)HIST 577D1

Seminar: Antiquity to Reformation(3)HIST 577D2

Seminar in Early Modern Britain(3)HIST 594D1

Seminar in Early Modern Britain(3)HIST 594D2

Seminar: Early Modern Western Europe(3)HIST 595D1

Seminar: Early Modern Western Europe(3)HIST 595D2

Global/Thematic - FYS & 200 Level

FYS: Topics in History(3)HIST 193

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

FYS: Sources of World History(3)HIST 195

FYS: Nation Building and Nationalism(3)HIST 198

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

World History, 600-2000(3)HIST 213

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Histories of Science(3)HIST 238

Health and the Healer in Western History(3)HIST 249

History and the Environment(3)HIST 292

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

The Historian's Craft(3)HIST 299

* depends on subject taught.

Global/Thematic - 300 Level

International Relations History 1: 1750-1950(3)HIST 302

International Relations History 2: Cold War(3)HIST 304

Themes in World History(3)HIST 315

Introduction to Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 317

The Scientific Revolution(3)HIST 319

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

History and Sexuality 2(3)HIST 347

Science and the Enlightenment(3)HIST 350

The First World War(3)HIST 387

The Second World War(3)HIST 388

Critical Theory and History(3)HIST 396

History and Historical Methods(3)HIST 399

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)140


Global/Thematic - 400 Level

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Topics in History of Science(3)HIST 410

Topics: Atlantic World(3)HIST 418

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Topics in Modern Medicine(3)HIST 430

Topics in Cold War History(3)HIST 438

Fiction and History(3)HIST 440

Topics in Medical History(3)HIST 457

Global History of Coffee(3)HIST 482

Global/Thematic - 500 Level

Topics: The British Empire(3)HIST 505

Theory for Historical Studies(3)HIST 506

History of Emotions(3)HIST 511

Women, Work and Family in Global History(3)HIST 525

Women and War(3)HIST 526

Topics: Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 527

Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Honours Tutorial(3)HIST 599D1

Honours Tutorial(3)HIST 599D2

Global/Thematic - Honours Seminars

Honours two-part seminars in the list below: HIST 558/HIST 559

International Relations: Seminar(3)HIST 552D1

International Relations Seminar(3)HIST 552D2

Modern Medicine: Seminar(3)HIST 558

Modern Medicine: Research(3)HIST 559

World History: Seminar(3)HIST 560D1

World History: Seminar(3)HIST 560D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D1

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D2

Courses Offered by Other Units

Courses in Art History (ARTH), Canadian Studies (CANS), Islamic Studies (ISLA), Jewish Studies (JWST), and Quebec Studies (QCST), may also bechosen. Please consult with History Department program advisers for courses that do not appear here.

American Jewish History / Colonial Era to WWI(3)JWST 305

The American Jewish Community(3)JWST 306

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

141McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Classics (36 credits)10.20.3

The Major Concentration in Classical Studies is an in-depth study of ancient Greece and Rome. Two Streams are offered. The Classical Languages streamemphasizes ancient Greek and Latin language, requiring advanced coursework in one or both languages. The Classical Studies stream provides a broadfoundation in ancient languages and Greek and Roman literature while allowing students greater flexibility to take a variety of courses in translation.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits from one of the following two streams.

Classical Languages Stream

3 credits of the following:

Greece and Rome(3)CLAS 201

33 credits of classics (CLAS) or related courses according to the following stipulations:

Minimum 6 credits advanced Ancient Greek and/or Latin.

Advanced Latin: Authors(3)CLAS 410

Advanced Latin: Themes(3)CLAS 412

Advanced Latin: Post-Classical(3)CLAS 419

Advanced Ancient Greek: Authors(3)CLAS 420

Advanced Ancient Greek: Themes(3)CLAS 422

Medieval Greek(3)CLAS 429

NOTE: Maximum 12 credits of complementary courses at the 200 level.

NOTE: 9 credits maximum of non-CLAS courses may be counted toward the program.

Classical Studies Stream

9 credits from the following:

Greece and Rome(3)CLAS 201

Ancient Greek Literature and Society(3)CLAS 301

Roman Literature and Society(3)CLAS 302

27 credits of classics (CLAS) or related courses according to the following stipulations:

Minimum 6 credits intermediate Ancient Greek and/or Latin.

Intermediate Latin 1(3)CLAS 310

Intermediate Latin 2(3)CLAS 312

Intermediate Latin 2: Selections(3)CLAS 315

Intermediate Ancient Greek 1(3)CLAS 320

Intermediate Ancient Greek 2(3)CLAS 322

Intermediate Ancient Greek 2: Selections(3)CLAS 326

NOTE: Minimum 6 credits 400-level CLAS courses.

NOTE: Maximum 12 credits of complementary courses at the 200 level.

NOTE: 9 credits maximum of non-CLAS courses may be counted toward the program.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)142


Note: For either stream students may count a maximum total of 12 credits of non-CLAS McGill courses and/or classics courses not taken at McGill (transfercredits) toward the program.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration History (36 credits)10.20.4

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits selected from the areas of History course lists (The Americas, Europe, Asia/Africa/Middle East, and Global/Thematic) with the following stipulations:

A maximum of 12 credits at the 200 level or lower.

6 credits at the 400 level or above.

A maximum of 24 credits from any one area.

3 credits in history of the pre-1800 period.

3 credits in history of the post-1800 period.

3 non-HIST credits pertinent to historical studies may be counted towards a major program in History with the written approval of a program adviser. Facultyregulations stipulate that such courses must not be double-counted between programs.

Students should see an adviser to plan a program that suits their needs. Please consult the Department website for the most up-to-date list of course offeringsfor the current academic year.

The Americas - FYS & 200 Level

FYS: Race in Latin America(3)HIST 197

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Introduction to Latin American History(3)HIST 210

American History to 1865(3)HIST 211

United States since 1865(3)HIST 221

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

The Americas - 300 Level

U.S. Mass Media(3)HIST 301

History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

The Gilded Age and The Progressive Era(3)HIST 311

Hist of Consumption in Canada(3)HIST 312

Age of the American Revolution(3)HIST 327

Themes in Canadian History(3)HIST 330

The United States Between the Wars(3)HIST 331

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

History of New France(3)HIST 334

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Canada and the World(3)HIST 342

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

Themes in U.S. History since 1865(3)HIST 351

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

143McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

Topics: Canadian Political History(3)HIST 370

American Civil Rights 1877-1940(3)HIST 371

Canadian Labour History(3)HIST 373

The United States, 1940-1965(3)HIST 377

The United States since 1965(3)HIST 392

Civil War and Reconstruction(3)HIST 393

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

The Americas - 400 Level

History of Quebec Institutions(3)HIST 403

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Canadian Cultural History(3)HIST 414

Central America(3)HIST 419

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

Topics in U.S. History(3)HIST 431

British North America 1760-1867(3)HIST 434

The Americas - 500 Level

U.S. Foreign Relations(3)HIST 530

The Americas - Honours Seminars

Seminar: Colonial America(3)HIST 556D1

Seminar: Colonial America(3)HIST 556D2

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D1

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D1

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D2

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D1

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D2

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D1

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D2

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D1

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D2

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)144


Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D1

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D2

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D1

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D2

Topics in Modern U.S. History(3)HIST 598D1

Topics in Modern U.S. History(3)HIST 598D2

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 200 Level

Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Africa and the Indian Ocean World(3)HIST 206

Introduction to East Asian History(3)HIST 208

Introduction to South Asian History(3)HIST 209

Modern East Asian History(3)HIST 218

Modern History of Islamic Movements(3)HIST 240

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 300 Level

Formation of Chinese Tradition(3)HIST 308

Themes: Modern Japan(3)HIST 318

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

The Chinese Family in History(3)HIST 344

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

China's Middle Empires(3)HIST 358

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 400 Level

Ancient Greece, Rome and China(3)HIST 400

Gender and Sexuality in Modern China(3)HIST 420

History of Women in China(3)HIST 439

Topics: Culture and Ritual in China(3)HIST 441

Asian Diaspora: Chinese Overseas(3)HIST 442

Topics: Modern Japan(3)HIST 443

British Colonies: Africa and Asia(3)HIST 444

Late Imperial China(3)HIST 445

Topics in Middle East History(3)HIST 446

Pre-modern Chinese Law and Society(3)HIST 478

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 500 Level

145McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


The Art of War in China(3)HIST 508

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D1

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D2

Asia/Africa/Middle East - Honours Seminars

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D1

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D1

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D2

Europe - FYS & 200 Level

Ancient Mediterranean History(3)HIST 205

Introduction to European History(3)HIST 214

Modern European History(3)HIST 215

History of Russia to 1801(3)HIST 216

East Central and Southeastern Europe in 20th Century(3)HIST 226

Russia from 1801 to 1991(3)HIST 236

Making Great Britain and Ireland(3)HIST 250

Ancient Roman History(3)HIST 275

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

Europe - 300 Level

East Central Europe, 1944-2004(3)HIST 306

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1918(3)HIST 313

Themes: British Isles History(3)HIST 314

Russia: Revolutions 1905 and 1917(3)HIST 316

Themes in Intellectual History(3)HIST 320

Renaissance-Reformation Europe(3)HIST 325

Women in Europe, 1350-1700(3)HIST 332

France, 1789 to 1914(3)HIST 336

History of Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 345

France, 1914 to the Present(3)HIST 346

Greece: From Ottoman to the European Union(3)HIST 349

Women in Europe 1700-2000(3)HIST 354

Medicine in the Medieval West(3)HIST 356

Greek History: Classical Period(3)HIST 368

Greek History: Early Greece(3)HIST 369

Rome: Republic to Empire(3)HIST 375

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)146


Fall of the Roman Empire(3)HIST 376

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

Eighteenth-Century Britain(3)HIST 383

Nineteenth-Century Britain(3)HIST 384

Twentieth-Century Britain(3)HIST 386

Eighteenth-Century France(3)HIST 390

Rise of Rome(3)HIST 391

British Revolutions 1603-1714(3)HIST 394

Topics in Italian History(3)HIST 398

Europe - 400 Level

Ancient Greece, Rome and China(3)HIST 400

Topics: Medieval Culture and Society(3)HIST 401

Topics in Intellectual History(3)HIST 405

Topics: Russian History(3)HIST 406

Topics in Ancient History(3)HIST 407

Women and Gender in Modern Britain(3)HIST 412

British & Irish Nationalisms(3)HIST 417

Topics in Early Modern Europe(3)HIST 421

European Food History(3)HIST 425

Topics: British Cultural History(3)HIST 426

Topics: History of the Book(3)HIST 428

British Queer History(3)HIST 433

Topics: European History(3)HIST 436

Medicine in the Ancient World(3)HIST 449

Ancient History Methods(3)HIST 450

History of Revolution in Europe(3)HIST 453

Alexander and Hellenistic World(3)HIST 469

Topics: Roman History(3)HIST 475

Europe - 500 Level

European Intellectual History(3)HIST 509

Europe - Honours Seminars

Ancient History: Seminar(3)HIST 550D1

Ancient History: Seminar(3)HIST 550D2

Modern Britain: Seminar(3)HIST 565D1

Modern Britain: Seminar(3)HIST 565D2

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D1

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

147McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Seminar: Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 571D1

Seminar: Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 571D2

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D1

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D2

Topics: Germany(3)HIST 575D1

Topics: Germany(3)HIST 575D2

Seminar: Topics in Russian History(3)HIST 576D1

Seminar: Topics in Russian History(3)HIST 576D2

Seminar: Antiquity to Reformation(3)HIST 577D1

Seminar: Antiquity to Reformation(3)HIST 577D2

Seminar in Early Modern Britain(3)HIST 594D1

Seminar in Early Modern Britain(3)HIST 594D2

Seminar: Early Modern Western Europe(3)HIST 595D1

Seminar: Early Modern Western Europe(3)HIST 595D2

Global/Thematic - FYS & 200 Level

FYS: Topics in History(3)HIST 193

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

FYS: Sources of World History(3)HIST 195

FYS: Nation Building and Nationalism(3)HIST 198

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

World History, 600-2000(3)HIST 213

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Histories of Science(3)HIST 238

Health and the Healer in Western History(3)HIST 249

History and the Environment(3)HIST 292

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

The Historian's Craft(3)HIST 299

* depending on subject taught.

Global/Thematic - 300 Level

International Relations History 1: 1750-1950(3)HIST 302

International Relations History 2: Cold War(3)HIST 304

Themes in World History(3)HIST 315

Introduction to Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 317

The Scientific Revolution(3)HIST 319

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

History and Sexuality 2(3)HIST 347

Science and the Enlightenment(3)HIST 350

The First World War(3)HIST 387

The Second World War(3)HIST 388

Critical Theory and History(3)HIST 396

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)148


History and Historical Methods(3)HIST 399

Global/Thematic - 400 Level

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Topics in History of Science(3)HIST 410

Topics: Atlantic World(3)HIST 418

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Topics in Modern Medicine(3)HIST 430

Topics in Cold War History(3)HIST 438

Fiction and History(3)HIST 440

Topics in Medical History(3)HIST 457

Global History of Coffee(3)HIST 482

Global/Thematic - 500 Level

Topics: The British Empire(3)HIST 505

Theory for Historical Studies(3)HIST 506

History of Emotions(3)HIST 511

Women, Work and Family in Global History(3)HIST 525

Women and War(3)HIST 526

Topics: Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 527

Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Honours Tutorial(3)HIST 599D1

Honours Tutorial(3)HIST 599D2

Global/Thematic - Honours Seminars

Honours two-part seminars in the list below: HIST 558/HIST 559

International Relations: Seminar(3)HIST 552D1

International Relations Seminar(3)HIST 552D2

Modern Medicine: Seminar(3)HIST 558

Modern Medicine: Research(3)HIST 559

World History: Seminar(3)HIST 560D1

World History: Seminar(3)HIST 560D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D1

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D2

Courses Offered by Other Units

The following course(s) may be chosen by History Major concentration and Honours students as part of their programs.

Please consult with History Department program advisers for courses that do not appear here.

Art History (ARTH)

149McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Canadian Studies (CANS)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Islamic Studies (ISLA)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Jewish Studies (JWST)

American Jewish History / Colonial Era to WWI(3)JWST 305

The American Jewish Community(3)JWST 306

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

Quebec Studies (QCST)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Classics (36 credits)10.20.5

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs". The Joint Honours Component Classics emphasizesthe study of ancient Greek and Latin: proficiency in both languages is required, advanced coursework is required in at least one of the classical languages.The program is designed for students who wish to pursue graduate studies in classics or related disciplines (such as ancient History), or for graduate programsthat require proficiency in ancient languages.

According to Faculty regulations, Honours students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and maintain a minimum program GPA of 3.00.

Required Courses (12 credits)

Greece and Rome(3)CLAS 201

Intermediate Latin 1(3)CLAS 310

Intermediate Ancient Greek 1(3)CLAS 320

Classics Seminar(3)CLAS 500

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

24 credits of Classics (CLAS) or related courses according to the following stipulations:

Minimum 6 credits advanced Ancient Greek and/or Latin.

Advanced Latin: Authors(3)CLAS 410

Advanced Latin: Themes(3)CLAS 412

Advanced Latin: Post-Classical(3)CLAS 419

Advanced Ancient Greek: Authors(3)CLAS 420

Advanced Ancient Greek: Themes(3)CLAS 422

Medieval Greek(3)CLAS 429

NOTE: Maximum 15 credits complementary courses at the 200 level.

NOTE: Maximum 9 credits of non-CLAS courses.

Note: students may count a maximum total of 12 credits of non-CLAS McGill courses and/or classics courses not taken at McGill (transfer credits) towardthe program.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component History (36 credits)10.20.6

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)150


Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a listof available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs."

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Students must maintain a 3.30 grade point average in their program courses and must have no less than a "B" in any program course. In addition, and inaccordance with Faculty of Arts rules, students must maintain an overall CGPA of 3.00.

Note: AP/IB credits may not be counted toward history program credits but may be considered as having met prerequisites for upper-level courses. Studentsshould consult the Honours Program Adviser

Required Course (3 credits)

History and Historical Methods(3)HIST 399

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 credits selected from the areas of History course lists (The Americas, Europe, Asia/Africa/Middle East, and Global/Thematic) with the following stipulations:

A maximum of 12 credits at the 200 level or lower.

A maximum of 27 credits in any one of the areas.

A minimum of 6 credits of Honours seminars (these are listed with their thematic area). Each Honours seminar comprises a 6-credit course with a D1/D2course number or two 3-credit courses to be taken consecutively. The second term component includes the completion of a major research paper basedsubstantially on primary-source research. (The first term of two 3-credit courses may be taken alone in exceptional circumstances but in that case will becounted towards the complementary course component of the program only and will not be counted as an Honours seminar.)

Students in a Joint Honours program may, under exceptional circumstances and with the written approval of a program adviser, count up to 3 credits oflanguage training toward their Honours program in History if this training is pertinent to the student's academic program and is required to acquire knowledgeof a language directly related to the student's area of specialization.

3 non-HIST credits pertinent to historical studies may be counted toward a Joint Honours program in History with written approval of a program adviser.Faculty regulations stipulate that any such courses must not be double-counted between programs.

Students must maintain a 3.30 grade point average in their program courses and must have no less than a "B" in any program course. In addition, and inaccordance with Faculty of Arts rules, students must maintain an overall CGPA of 3.00.

In all cases, students should see an adviser to plan a program that suits their needs. Please consult the Department website for the most up-to-date list ofcourse offerings for the current academic year.

The Americas - FYS & 200 Level

FYS: Race in Latin America(3)HIST 197

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Introduction to Latin American History(3)HIST 210

American History to 1865(3)HIST 211

United States since 1865(3)HIST 221

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

The Americas - 300 Level

U.S. Mass Media(3)HIST 301

History of Quebec(3)HIST 303

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

The Gilded Age and The Progressive Era(3)HIST 311

Hist of Consumption in Canada(3)HIST 312

Age of the American Revolution(3)HIST 327

Themes in Canadian History(3)HIST 330

The United States Between the Wars(3)HIST 331

151McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Natives and French(3)HIST 333

History of New France(3)HIST 334

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Canada and the World(3)HIST 342

Women in Post-Confederation Canada(3)HIST 343

Themes in U.S. History since 1865(3)HIST 351

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Cultural Diversity in Canada(3)HIST 357

Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

Topics: Canadian Political History(3)HIST 370

American Civil Rights 1877-1940(3)HIST 371

Canadian Labour History(3)HIST 373

The United States, 1940-1965(3)HIST 377

The United States since 1965(3)HIST 392

Civil War and Reconstruction(3)HIST 393

Canada: Ethnicity, Migration(3)HIST 397

The Americas - 400 Level

History of Quebec Institutions(3)HIST 403

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Canadian Cultural History(3)HIST 414

Central America(3)HIST 419

Topics: Migration and Ethnicity(3)HIST 423

Topics in U.S. History(3)HIST 431

British North America 1760-1867(3)HIST 434

The Americas - 500 Level

U.S. Foreign Relations(3)HIST 530

The Americas - Honours Seminars

Seminar: Colonial America(3)HIST 556D1

Seminar: Colonial America(3)HIST 556D2

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D1

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)152


European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D1

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D2

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D1

Topics: Canadian Social History(3)HIST 587D2

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D1

History of Montreal(3)HIST 588D2

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D1

Topics: History of Women in Canada(3)HIST 589D2

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D1

Topics: Canadian Politics(3)HIST 592D2

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D1

French Atlantic Worlds: Seminar(3)HIST 593D2

Topics in Modern U.S. History(3)HIST 598D1

Topics in Modern U.S. History(3)HIST 598D2

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 200 Level

Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Africa and the Indian Ocean World(3)HIST 206

Introduction to East Asian History(3)HIST 208

Introduction to South Asian History(3)HIST 209

Modern East Asian History(3)HIST 218

Modern History of Islamic Movements(3)HIST 240

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 300 Level

Formation of Chinese Tradition(3)HIST 308

Themes: Modern Japan(3)HIST 318

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

The Chinese Family in History(3)HIST 344

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

China's Middle Empires(3)HIST 358

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 400 Level

Ancient Greece, Rome and China(3)HIST 400

Gender and Sexuality in Modern China(3)HIST 420

History of Women in China(3)HIST 439

Topics: Culture and Ritual in China(3)HIST 441

153McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Asian Diaspora: Chinese Overseas(3)HIST 442

Topics: Modern Japan(3)HIST 443

British Colonies: Africa and Asia(3)HIST 444

Late Imperial China(3)HIST 445

Topics in Middle East History(3)HIST 446

Pre-modern Chinese Law and Society(3)HIST 478

Asia/Africa/Middle East - 500 Level

The Art of War in China(3)HIST 508

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D1

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D2

Asia/Africa/Middle East - Honours Seminars

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D1

Topics in Chinese History(3)HIST 568D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D1

Seminar in Japanese History(3)HIST 578D2

Europe - FYS & 200 Level

Ancient Mediterranean History(3)HIST 205

Introduction to European History(3)HIST 214

Modern European History(3)HIST 215

History of Russia to 1801(3)HIST 216

East Central and Southeastern Europe in 20th Century(3)HIST 226

Russia from 1801 to 1991(3)HIST 236

Making Great Britain and Ireland(3)HIST 250

Ancient Roman History(3)HIST 275

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

* depending on subject taught.

Europe - 300 Level

East Central Europe, 1944-2004(3)HIST 306

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1918(3)HIST 313

Themes: British Isles History(3)HIST 314

Russia: Revolutions 1905 and 1917(3)HIST 316

Themes in Intellectual History(3)HIST 320

Renaissance-Reformation Europe(3)HIST 325

Women in Europe, 1350-1700(3)HIST 332

France, 1789 to 1914(3)HIST 336

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)154


History of Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 345

France, 1914 to the Present(3)HIST 346

Greece: From Ottoman to the European Union(3)HIST 349

Women in Europe 1700-2000(3)HIST 354

Medicine in the Medieval West(3)HIST 356

Greek History: Classical Period(3)HIST 368

Greek History: Early Greece(3)HIST 369

Rome: Republic to Empire(3)HIST 375

Fall of the Roman Empire(3)HIST 376

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

Eighteenth-Century Britain(3)HIST 383

Nineteenth-Century Britain(3)HIST 384

Twentieth-Century Britain(3)HIST 386

Eighteenth-Century France(3)HIST 390

Rise of Rome(3)HIST 391

British Revolutions 1603-1714(3)HIST 394

Topics in Italian History(3)HIST 398

Europe - 400 Level

Ancient Greece, Rome and China(3)HIST 400

Topics: Medieval Culture and Society(3)HIST 401

Topics in Intellectual History(3)HIST 405

Topics: Russian History(3)HIST 406

Topics in Ancient History(3)HIST 407

Women and Gender in Modern Britain(3)HIST 412

British & Irish Nationalisms(3)HIST 417

Topics in Early Modern Europe(3)HIST 421

European Food History(3)HIST 425

Topics: British Cultural History(3)HIST 426

Topics: History of the Book(3)HIST 428

British Queer History(3)HIST 433

Topics: European History(3)HIST 436

Medicine in the Ancient World(3)HIST 449

Ancient History Methods(3)HIST 450

History of Revolution in Europe(3)HIST 453

Alexander and Hellenistic World(3)HIST 469

Topics: Roman History(3)HIST 475

Europe - 500 Level

European Intellectual History(3)HIST 509

Europe - Honours Seminars

155McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Ancient History: Seminar(3)HIST 550D1

Ancient History: Seminar(3)HIST 550D2

Modern Britain: Seminar(3)HIST 565D1

Modern Britain: Seminar(3)HIST 565D2

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D1

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D2

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Seminar: Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 571D1

Seminar: Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 571D2

Seminar in Eastern Europe(3)HIST 573D1

Seminar in Eastern Europe(3)HIST 573D2

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D1

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D2

Topics: Germany(3)HIST 575D1

Topics: Germany(3)HIST 575D2

Seminar: Topics in Russian History(3)HIST 576D1

Seminar: Topics in Russian History(3)HIST 576D2

Seminar: Antiquity to Reformation(3)HIST 577D1

Seminar: Antiquity to Reformation(3)HIST 577D2

Seminar in Early Modern Britain(3)HIST 594D1

Seminar in Early Modern Britain(3)HIST 594D2

Seminar: Early Modern Western Europe(3)HIST 595D1

Seminar: Early Modern Western Europe(3)HIST 595D2

Global/Thematic - FYS & 200 Level

FYS: Topics in History(3)HIST 193

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

FYS: Sources of World History(3)HIST 195

FYS: Nation Building and Nationalism(3)HIST 198

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

World History, 600-2000(3)HIST 213

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Histories of Science(3)HIST 238

Health and the Healer in Western History(3)HIST 249

History and the Environment(3)HIST 292

Topics in History(3)HIST 298*

The Historian's Craft(3)HIST 299

* depending on subject taught.

Global/Thematic - 300 Level

International Relations History 1: 1750-1950(3)HIST 302

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)156


International Relations History 2: Cold War(3)HIST 304

Themes in World History(3)HIST 315

Introduction to Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 317

The Scientific Revolution(3)HIST 319

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

History and Sexuality 2(3)HIST 347

Science and the Enlightenment(3)HIST 350

The First World War(3)HIST 387

The Second World War(3)HIST 388

Critical Theory and History(3)HIST 396

Global/Thematic - 400 Level

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Topics in History of Science(3)HIST 410

Topics: Atlantic World(3)HIST 418

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Topics in Modern Medicine(3)HIST 430

Topics in Cold War History(3)HIST 438

Fiction and History(3)HIST 440

Topics in Medical History(3)HIST 457

Global History of Coffee(3)HIST 482

Global/Thematic - 500 Level

Topics: The British Empire(3)HIST 505

Theory for Historical Studies(3)HIST 506

History of Emotions(3)HIST 511

Women, Work and Family in Global History(3)HIST 525

Women and War(3)HIST 526

Topics: Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 527

Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Honours Tutorial(3)HIST 599D1

Honours Tutorial(3)HIST 599D2

Global/Thematic - Honours Seminars

Honours two-part seminars in the list below: HIST 558/HIST 559

International Relations: Seminar(3)HIST 552D1

International Relations Seminar(3)HIST 552D2

Modern Medicine: Seminar(3)HIST 558

Modern Medicine: Research(3)HIST 559

World History: Seminar(3)HIST 560D1

World History: Seminar(3)HIST 560D2

157McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D1

Topics: Historical Interpretation(3)HIST 570D2

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D1

Topics in Comparative History(3)HIST 574D2

Courses Offered by Other Units

The following course(s) may be chosen by History Major concentration and Honours students as part of their programs.

Please consult with History Department program advisers for courses that do not appear here.

Art History (ARTH)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Canadian Studies (CANS)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Islamic Studies (ISLA)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Jewish Studies (JWST)

American Jewish History / Colonial Era to WWI(3)JWST 305

The American Jewish Community(3)JWST 306

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

Quebec Studies (QCST)

Please consult with History Department program advisers.

Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Minor10.21

Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Minor, the program, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units& Programs > : Interdisciplinary Life Sciences.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (24 credits)10.21.1

The Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Minor will allow students from the earth, physical, math, and computational science areas to broaden their studies withsome basic life sciences, health social science, and empirical technological science. The Minor is 24 credits and allows students flexibility in their courseselections. Students must take 9 credits from an extensive list of basic life science courses, 3 credits from an extensive list of health and social science courses,and 3 credits from an empirical and technological science list. The remaining 9 credits may be taken from courses listed in any of the three categories.

Please note: Students studying in Anatomy and Cell Biology; Biochemistry; Honours Immunology; Microbiology and Immunology; Neuroscience;Pharmacology; and Physiology are not permitted to complete this Minor.

Interested students should contact the Interdisciplinary Programs Adviser.

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

The 24 credits required for this program must satisfy the following criteria:

At least 18 credits must be outside the student's main discipline.

Depth requirement:

at least 6 credits must be at the 300 level or above.

Breadth requirement:

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)158


at least 9 credits must be taken from the Basic Life Sciences List,

at least 3 credits from the Health Social Sciences List,

at least 3 credits from the Empirical Science and Technology List.

The remaining 9 credits may be selected from any of the lists.

Basic Life Sciences

At least 9 credits from:

* Students take either ANAT 212 or BIOC 212, but not both.

Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function(3)ANAT 212*

Systemic Human Anatomy(3)ANAT 214

Introduction to Dynamic Histology(4)ANAT 261

Introductory Molecular and Cell Biology(3)ANAT 262

Circuitry of the Human Brain(3)ANAT 321

Cellular Trafficking(3)ANAT 365

Experimental Embryology(3)ANAT 381

Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function(3)BIOC 212*

Metabolic Biochemistry(3)BIOC 311

Protein Structure and Function(3)BIOC 450

Membranes and Cellular Signaling(3)BIOC 458

Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 200

Cell Biology and Metabolism(3)BIOL 201

Basic Genetics(3)BIOL 202

Molecular Biology of the Gene(3)BIOL 300

Cell and Molecular Laboratory(4)BIOL 301

Developmental Biology(3)BIOL 303

Neural Basis of Behaviour(3)BIOL 306

Molecular Biology of Oncogenes(3)BIOL 314

Evolution of Brain and Behaviour(3)BIOL 320

Human Genetics Applied(3)BIOL 370

Introductory Organic Chemistry 1(4)CHEM 212

Introductory Organic Chemistry 2(4)CHEM 222

Introductory Organic Chemistry 3(3)CHEM 302

Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry(3)CHEM 502

Drug Discovery(3)CHEM 503

Drug Design(3)CHEM 504

Physiology and Biochemistry Endocrine Systems(3)EXMD 401

Introductory Microbiology(3)MIMM 211

Introductory Immunology: Elements of Immunity(3)MIMM 214

Intermediate Immunology(3)MIMM 314

Microbial Physiology(3)MIMM 323

Fundamental Virology(3)MIMM 324

The Business of Science(3)MIMM 387

Bacterial Pathogenesis(3)MIMM 465

Viral Pathogenesis(3)MIMM 466

159McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Introduction to Neuroscience 2(3)NSCI 201

Metabolism and Human Nutrition(3)NUTR 307

Human Disease(3)PATH 300

Drug Action(3)PHAR 300

Drugs and Disease(3)PHAR 301

Principles of Toxicology(3)PHAR 303

Drug Discovery and Development 1(3)PHAR 503

Drug Discovery and Development 2(3)PHAR 504

Mammalian Physiology 1(3)PHGY 209

Mammalian Physiology 2(3)PHGY 210

Channels, Synapses and Hormones(3)PHGY 311

Respiratory, Renal, & Cardiovascular Physiology(3)PHGY 312

Blood, Gastrointestinal, & Immune Systems Physiology(3)PHGY 313

Integrative Neuroscience(3)PHGY 314

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Health Social Science

At least 3 credits from:

Anthropology of Meaning(3)ANTH 204

Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

New Horizons in Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 302

Psychological Anthropology 01(3)ANTH 314

Health Economics(3)ECON 440

Environment and Health(3)GEOG 221

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Health and the Healer in Western History(3)HIST 249

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

Science and the Enlightenment(3)HIST 350

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

Issues in Women's Health(3)HSEL 308

Women's Reproductive Health(3)HSEL 309

Contemporary Moral Issues(3)PHIL 237

Biomedical Ethics(3)PHIL 343

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Social Psychology(3)PSYC 215

Child Development(3)PSYC 304

Personality and Social Psychology(3)PSYC 333

Developmental Psychopathology(3)PSYC 412

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)160


Cognitive Development(3)PSYC 413

Social Development(3)PSYC 414

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Sociology of Mental Disorder(3)SOCI 310

Introduction to Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 338

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Medicine and Society(3)SOCI 515

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)SOCI 525

Selected Topics in Sociology of Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 538

Empirical Science and Technology

At least 3 credits from:

* Students who have already received credit for MATH 324 will NOT receive credit for GEOG 202, MATH 203, PSYC 204, BIOL 373, MATH 204, orPSYC 305.

Credit given for statistics courses is subject to certain restrictions. Students should consult the "Course Overlap" information in the "Course Requirements"section for the Faculty of Science.

Mathematical Models in Biology(3)BIOL 309

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Foundations of Programming(3)COMP 202

Computer Tools for Life Sciences(3)COMP 364

Computational Biology Methods(3)COMP 462

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Principles of Statistics 1(3)MATH 203

Principles of Statistics 2(3)MATH 204

Probability(3)MATH 323

Statistics(3)MATH 324*

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Statistics for Experimental Design(3)PSYC 305

Interdisciplinary Studies10.22

Interdisciplinary Studies information, programs, and courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs >: Interdisciplinary Studies.

Interdisciplinary Studies programs leading to a B.A. & Sc. degree are offered in the following areas:

• Catholic Studies

• History and Philosophy of Science

• Medieval Studies

• North American Studies

• Quebec Studies/Études sur le Québec

• World Cinema

161McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration History and Philosophy of Science (18 credits)10.22.1

History and Philosophy of Science at McGill is an interdisciplinary program that aims to provide students with an understanding of science through the studyof both its historical development and of some of the fundamental philosophical principles upon which it rests. For more information about the program andevents, please visit

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits with a maximum of 9 credits at the 200 level selected as follows:

Philosophy of Science

6-12 credits of courses focused on the Philosophy of Science with no more than 6 credits at the 200 level chosen from the following:

Communication Studies (COMS)

Introduction to Communication Studies(3)COMS 210

History and Philosophy of Science (HPSC)

Independent Studies: History and Philosophy of Science(3)HPSC 300

Interdisciplinary Seminar: History & Philosophy of Science(3)HPSC 500

Philosophy (PHIL)

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 221

Philosophy of Mind(3)PHIL 306

Intermediate Logic(3)PHIL 310

Philosophy of Mathematics(3)PHIL 311

Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1(3)PHIL 340

Philosophy of Science 1(3)PHIL 341

History and Philosophy of Ancient Science(3)PHIL 350

Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics(3)PHIL 411

Philosophy of Social Sciences 2(3)PHIL 440

Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 441

Ancient Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy(3)PHIL 453

Religious Studies (RELG)

Religion and the Sciences(3)RELG 340

Sociology (SOCI)

Introduction to Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 338

History of Science

6-12 credits of courses focused on the History of Science with no more than 6 credits at the 200 level chosen from the following:

Anthropology (ANTH)

History of Archaeological Theory(3)ANTH 359

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)162


Biology (BIOL)

Perspectives of Science(3)BIOL 210

History (HIST)

Health and the Healer in Western History(3)HIST 249

The Scientific Revolution(3)HIST 319

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

Science and the Enlightenment(3)HIST 350

Medicine in the Medieval West(3)HIST 356

Topics in History of Science(3)HIST 410

Topics in Pre-Modern Medicine(3)HIST 452

Topics in Medical History(3)HIST 457

Modern Medicine: Seminar(3)HIST 558

Modern Medicine: Research(3)HIST 559

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D1

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D2

History and Philosophy of Science (HPSC)

Independent Studies: History and Philosophy of Science(3)HPSC 300

Interdisciplinary Seminar: History & Philosophy of Science(3)HPSC 500

Islamic Studies (ISLA)

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

Mathematics (MATH)

History and Philosophy of Mathematics(3)MATH 338

Psychology (PSYC)

Modern Psychology in Historical Perspective(3)PSYC 403

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Medieval Studies (18 credits)10.22.2

The Minor Concentration in Medieval Studies facilitates undergraduate training in the interrelated branches of the discipline (e.g., history, literature, arthistory, languages, religion, philosophy), providing students with experience working in an inherently interdisciplinary filed and a valuable credential topursue graduate study in the field (in any area).

Required Course (3 credits)

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Medieval Studies(3)MDST 400

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits from the following list, of which only 9 credits may be taken in any one department. No more than 6 credits may be taken below the 300 level.

163McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Art History and Communication Studies

Introduction to Medieval Art and Architecture(3)ARTH 204

The Medieval City(3)ARTH 314

Arts of Medieval Spain(3)ARTH 425


Theatre History: Medieval and Early Modern(3)ENGL 306

Theme or Genre in Medieval Literature(3)ENGL 337

Introduction to Old English(3)ENGL 342

Great Writings of Europe 2(3)ENGL 348*

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349*

Middle English(3)ENGL 356

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales(3)ENGL 357

Chaucer - Troilus and Criseyde(3)ENGL 358

Studies in Old English(3)ENGL 452

Middle English(3)ENGL 456

Middle English(3)ENGL 500

Old English Literature(3)ENGL 553

* Note: When content relates to Medieval Studies.

History and Classical Studies

Advanced Latin: Post-Classical(3)CLAS 419

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

The Scientific Revolution(3)HIST 319

History and Sexuality 1(3)HIST 323

Medicine in the Medieval West(3)HIST 356

China's Middle Empires(3)HIST 358

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

Topics: Medieval Culture and Society(3)HIST 401

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D1

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D2

Islamic Studies

Introduction to Shi'i Islam(3)ISLA 325

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

From Tribe to Dynasty(3)ISLA 350

Indo-Islamic Civilization: Medieval(3)ISLA 420

Islamdom: Baghdad to Cordoba(3)ISLA 430

Medieval Islam, 13th-15th Cent(3)ISLA 516

Jewish Studies

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)164


History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 1(3)JWST 337

Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy(3)JWST 562

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Dante and the Middle Ages(3)ITAL 355

Medieval Discourses on Love(3)ITAL 356

Religious Identities in Italy(3)ITAL 465

Langue et littérature françaises

La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455*

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456*

** Note: Course taught and all coursework done in French.


Medieval and Renaissance Political Theory(3)PHIL 344

Early Medieval Philosophy(3)PHIL 356

Late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy(3)PHIL 357

Religious Studies

The Church in History 1(3)RELG 322

History of Christian Thought 1(3)RELG 532

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Quebec Studies / La concentration Mineur en Études sur le Québec (18credits)


La concentration Mineur en Études sur le Québec a pour but de donner à l'étudiant(e) une connaissance multidisciplinaire des réalités du Québec encomplémentarité à sa propre discipline de spécialisation. Les étudiants poursuivant notamment une spécialisation en histoire, science politique, langue etlittérature françaises ou en études canadiennes peuvent trouver dans cette formation plusieurs avantages.

La concentration Mineur en Études sur le Québec est convertible en concentration majeure.

The goal of the Minor Concentration Quebec Studies is to give students a multidisciplinary overview of Quebec realities. Students are encouraged to completethis program alongside their studies in History, Political Science, French Language and Literature, or Canadian Studies.

The Minor Concentration Quebec Studies may be expanded to the Major concentration.

Required Courses / Cours Obligatoires (9 credits)

De façon usuelle, les cours obligatoires (9 crédits) sont complétés selon la séquence suivante : QCST 200 (3 crédits) en U0 ou U1, QCST 300 (3 crédits) enU1 et QCST 440 (3 crédits) en U2 ou en U3. Les cours complémentaires (9 crédits) peuvent être complétés en U1, U2 ou en U3.

Normally, the required courses (9 credits) are completed in the following order: QCST 200 (3 credits) in U0 or U1, QCST 300 (3 credits) in U1 and QCST440 (3 credits) in U2 or in U3. The complementary courses (9 credits) can be completed in U1, U2, or U3.

Introduction to the Study of Quebec(3)QCST 200

Quebec Culture and Society(3)QCST 300

Contemporary Issues in Quebec(3)QCST 440

Complementary Courses / Cours Complémentaires (9 credits)

De ces 9 crédits, 6 doivent être des cours provenant du tronc commun ou des cours approuvés par la direction du programme.

3 crédits doivent provenir d'un cours dont la langue d'enseignement est le français et peuvent provenir d'un cours de français langue seconde.

165McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Au moins 6 des 9 crédits complémentaires doivent être du niveau 300 ou supérieur.

Le choix de ces cours se fera en consultation avec le directeur du programme et variera selon le domaine de spécialisation de chaque étudiant(e).

Of these 9 credits, 6 credits must be core courses, or courses approved by the Program Director.

3 credits must be taught in the French language and can be chosen from French as a Second Language course offerings.

At least 6 of the 9 complementary credits must be at the 300 level or above.

The selection of courses will be made in consultation with the Program Director and will vary depending on the major concentration or honours program ofeach student.

Core Courses / Cours inscrits au tronc commun

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Complementary Course Lists / Listes des cours complémentaires

Anthropology / Anthropologie

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436

Art History and Communication Studies

Canadian Broadcasting Policy(3)COMS 510

Canadian Studies / Études sur le Canada

Introduction to the Study of Canada(3)CANS 200

Topics in Canadian Studies 2(3)CANS 301

Issues in Native Studies(3)CANS 306

Canadian Studies Seminar 5(3)CANS 405

English / Anglais

Canadian Drama and Theatre(3)ENGL 313


Topics in Environment 1(3)ENVR 380

French Language and Literature / Langue et littérature françaises

Littérature québécoise(3)FREN 252

Cinéma québécois(3)FREN 315

Questions de littérature québécoise(3)FREN 450

Séminaire avancé lettres françaises(3)FREN 595

History / Histoire

Survey: Canada to 1867(3)HIST 202

Survey: Canada since 1867(3)HIST 203

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

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Natives and French(3)HIST 333

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

History of Montreal(3)HIST 353

Canada 1914-1945(3)HIST 364

Canada since 1945(3)HIST 367

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D1

Political Science / Science politique

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Provincial Politics(3)POLI 326

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

The Canadian Judicial Process(3)POLI 378

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Partis politiques et comportements électoraux au Québec(3)POLI 426

Sociology / Sociologie

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Cinemas (18 credits)10.22.4

The Minor Concentration World Cinemas instructs students in film aesthetics, history, and theory by acquainting them with cinematic practices from differentnational and international traditions. This interdisciplinary program draws on the already existing teaching and research activities in several departmentswithin the Faculty of Arts and will serve as an institutional context for future teaching and research endeavors in film studies.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Introduction to Film Studies(3)ENGL 277

Introduction to Film History(3)FILM 279

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

12 credits selected from the course list below with the following specifications:

a minimum of 6 credits in non-U.S. cinemas;

a maximum of 6 credits from any one department.

No more than 6 credits may be taken from the same discipline as the student's other major or minor concentrations.

Topics in Canadian Studies 1(3)CANS 300

Approaches to Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 353

Animation and New Media(3)EAST 361

Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 362

Asian Genre Cinemas(3)EAST 368

Topics in Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 369

Topics: Chinese Cinema(3)EAST 454

167McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Topics: Japanese Cinema(3)EAST 467

Structures of Modernity: Asia(3)EAST 564

Introduction to Film as Art(3)ENGL 279

Introduction to Film as Mass Medium(3)ENGL 280

Studies in the History of Film 1(3)ENGL 350

Studies in the History of Film 2(3)ENGL 351

Sexuality and Representation(3)ENGL 354

Studies in the History of Film 3(3)ENGL 363

Film Genre(3)ENGL 366

Film Movement or Period(3)ENGL 374

Film Theory(3)ENGL 379

A Film-Maker 1(3)ENGL 381

International Cinema 1(3)ENGL 382

Topics in Literature and Film(3)ENGL 385

Special Topics: Cultural Studies 1(3)ENGL 391

Canadian Cinema(3)ENGL 393

Film Aesthetics(3)ENGL 450

A Period in Cinema(3)ENGL 451

Alternative Approaches to Media 1(3)ENGL 476

Philosophy of Film(3)ENGL 479

Studies in History of Film 1(3)ENGL 480

A Film-Maker 2(3)ENGL 481

International Cinema 2(3)ENGL 482

Seminar in the Film(3)ENGL 483

Seminar in the Film(3)ENGL 484

Special Topics / Communications and Mass Media 2(3)ENGL 488

Image and Text(3)ENGL 492

Cultural Studies: Film(3)ENGL 585

Internship: World Cinemas(3)FILM 499

Cinéma français 1(3)FREN 310

Cinéma français 2(3)FREN 311

Cinéma québécois(3)FREN 315

German Culture in European Context(3)GERM 357

The German Novel(3)GERM 369

Special Topics in German Film(3)GERM 370

Weimar German Cinema(3)GERM 373

Latin American Cinema(3)HISP 340

Spanish Cinema(3)HISP 341

Topics in South Asian History(3)HIST 435

Italian Cinematic Tradition(3)ITAL 329

Classics of Italian Cinema(3)ITAL 374

Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477

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Topics in Film(3)LLCU 200

Cinema and the Visual(3)LLCU 300

Music and Film(3)MUHL 330

Advanced Interdisciplinary Humanities Seminar(3)PLAI 500

Introduction to Soviet Film(3)RUSS 213

Soviet Cinema: Art and Politics(3)RUSS 395

International Development10.23

McGill's Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID), its programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate> Browse Academic Units & Programs > : International Development.

International Development programs leading to a B.A. & Sc. degree are offered in the following areas:

• African Studies

• International Development Studies

• Latin-American and Caribbean Studies

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration African Studies (18 credits)10.23.1

The Minor Concentration African Studies is available for those students majoring in a discipline of the Faculty of Arts who wish to acquire interdisciplinaryknowledge of Africa.

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration African Studies.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Introduction to African Studies(3)AFRI 200

Research Seminar in African Studies(3)AFRI 598

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

12 credits selected as follows:

3 credits from the Group A or "core" course list and

9 credits from the Group B course list drawn from at least 2 disciplines with no more than 6 credits from any one discipline.

If courses listed below are not available in any particular year, modifications to the program may be made with the approval of the program adviser.

Students who wish to obtain program credit for other courses with African content should seek approval from the Program Adviser. African content may befound in certain courses offered in Islamic Studies and Religious Studies.

Group A

3 credits from:

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Group B

9 credits from the Group B course lists below drawn from at least 2 disciplines with no more than 6 credits from any one discipline.

African Studies

Swahili Language and Culture(3)AFRI 401

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Honours Thesis(3)AFRI 480

Special Topics 1(3)AFRI 481

Arts Internships: African Studies(3)AFRI 499

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D1

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D2


Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Primate Studies & Conservation(3)ANTH 411

Environment/Development: Africa(3)ANTH 416


Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208

Economic Development 1(3)ECON 313

Topics in Economic Development 2(3)ECON 416


* Note: Course is counted only when African materials are taught.

Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320*

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352*

African Literature(3)ENGL 421


Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Environmental Management 2(3)GEOG 404

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Africa South of the Sahara(3)GEOG 416


Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Independent Research(3)HIST 413

Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Islamic Studies

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)170


Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

History: Middle-East 1798-1918(3)ISLA 410

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D1

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D2

Political Science

* Note: Course is counted only when African materials are taught.

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Seminar: Developing Areas(3)POLI 522*


Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration African Studies (36 credits)10.23.2

The Major Concentration African Studies provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the African continent.

Students wishing to major in African Studies should consult the Program Adviser at the beginning of their first academic year. In the African Studies Majorconcentration, students will be encouraged to identify an area within a discipline of the Faculty, taking as many relevant courses as possible in that field.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Introduction to African Studies(3)AFRI 200

Research Seminar in African Studies(3)AFRI 598

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits selected as follows:

9 credits from the Group A or "core" course list and

21 credits from the Group B course list drawn from at least 3 disciplines with no more than 9 credits from any one discipline.

If courses listed below are not available in any particular year, modifications to the program may be made with the approval of the Program Adviser.

Students who wish to obtain program credit for other courses with African content should seek approval from the Program Adviser. African content may befound in certain courses offered in Islamic Studies and Religious Studies.

Group A

9 credits from:

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Group B

171McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


21 credits from the Group B course lists below drawn from at least 3 disciplines with no more than 9 credits from any one discipline.

African Studies

Swahili Language and Culture(3)AFRI 401

Honours Thesis(3)AFRI 480

Special Topics 1(3)AFRI 481

Arts Internships: African Studies(3)AFRI 499

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D1

Topics: African History(3)HIST 579D2


Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Primate Studies & Conservation(3)ANTH 411

Environment/Development: Africa(3)ANTH 416


Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208

Economic Development 1(3)ECON 313

Topics in Economic Development 2(3)ECON 416


* Note: Course is counted only when African materials are taught.

Postcolonial Literature(3)ENGL 320*

Theories of Difference(3)ENGL 352*

African Literature(3)ENGL 421


Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Environmental Management 2(3)GEOG 404

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Africa South of the Sahara(3)GEOG 416


Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Independent Research(3)HIST 413

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)172


Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Islamic Studies

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

History: Middle-East 1798-1918(3)ISLA 410

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D1

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D2

Political Science

* Note: Course is counted only when African materials are taught.

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Seminar: Developing Areas(3)POLI 522*


Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration International Development Studies (18 credits)10.23.3

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration International Development Studies.

Course Selection Guidelines for the Overall Program

1. At least 9 of the 18 credits must be at the 300 level or above. Ultimately, no 200-level courses can be taken from the Stream list.

2. Students may complete the Minor concentration with no more than 9 credits in total from any one discipline.

Students who are pursuing a Field Studies program can have a portion of their Field Studies courses count towards their IDS program. See Adviser in officefor details.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208

Economic Development 1(3)ECON 313

Introduction to International Development(3)INTD 200

Complementary Courses (9 credits)


3 credits from the following introductory courses:

Socio-Cultural Anthropology(3)ANTH 202

Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

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Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Development and Underdevelopment(3)SOCI 254


6 credits from any of the four streams:

Stream 1: Economic Development and Living Standards

Stream 2: States and Governance

Stream 3: Culture and Society

Stream 4: Environment and Agricultural Resources

Stream 1: Economic Development and Living Standards

Experience has shown that development requires economic growth and is shaped by the distribution of economic resources. At the same time, the globalizedeconomy has created new opportunities and new challenges for sustained growth. Courses in this stream revolve around the factors contributing to sustainedeconomic growth, the trade-offs associated with different ways of achieving it, and the distributional issues development inevitably raises. More generally,this stream is also concerned with understanding what "development" actually entails in different contexts.

Stream 1 - Agriculture

Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture(3)AGRI 411

Stream 1 - Agricultural Economics

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Stream 1 - Anthropology

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Stream 1 - Business Administration

Topics in International Business 1(3)BUSA 433*

* When topic is relevant to IDS.

Stream 1 - Economics

Economic Development 2(3)ECON 314

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

The Chinese Economy(3)ECON 336

Economic Development: A World Area(3)ECON 411

Topics in Economic Development 2(3)ECON 416

Stream 1 - Geography

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Development and Livelihoods(3)GEOG 310

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geographies of Developing Asia(3)GEOG 409

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)174


Stream 1 - History

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Stream 1 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 1 - Management Core

Social Context of Business(3)MGCR 360

International Business(3)MGCR 382

Stream 1 - Management Policy

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation(3)MGPO 438

Strategies for Sustainability(3)MGPO 440

Strategies for Developing Countries(3)MGPO 475

Stream 1 - Political Science

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Stream 1 - Sociology

Globalization(3)SOCI 307

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Stream 2: States and Governance

The courses in this stream focus on how political institutions shape developmental processes. Some courses analyze states and recognize how some promotedevelopment by providing diverse developmental goods while others impede development by preying on their peoples. Other courses focus on regimes andconsider how political rights and participation, or their absences, affect developmental processes. Finally, several courses consider factors that make possibleeffective states and regimes.

Stream 2 - Anthropology

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Political Ecology(3)ANTH 512

Stream 2 - History

European Thought and Culture 2(3)HIST 321

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Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Stream 2 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 2 - Islamic Studies

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

Stream 2 - Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497

Stream 2 - Political Science

Politics of Latin America(3)POLI 319

Political Change in South Asia(3)POLI 322

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

International Organizations(3)POLI 345

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

Topics in International Politics 1(3)POLI 359

Politics of Southeast Asia(3)POLI 369

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Democracy and the Market(3)POLI 473

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Stream 2 - Sociology

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Stream 2 - Social Work

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)176


Policy and Practice for Refugees(3)SWRK 400

Stream 3: Culture and Society

The courses in this stream focus on how the social structures, history, and culture of populations affect developmental processes. Associations, class, gender,religion, race, and ethnicity, for example, all shape development in multiple and diverse ways. Moreover, present developmental processes oftentimes cannotbe adequately understood without considering history. Culture, in turn, is increasingly recognized within development studies as both a determinant and aconstitutive element of development. In exploring all three, the courses in this stream provide important insight into the complex and varied relationshipbetween social context and development.

Stream 3 - Anthropology

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Globalization and Religion(3)ANTH 318

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Anthropology of Latin America(3)ANTH 326

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Modern Chinese Society and Change(3)ANTH 329

Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

Middle Eastern Society and Culture(3)ANTH 340

Women in Cross-cultural Perspective(3)ANTH 341

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Contemporary Latin American Culture & Society(3)ANTH 422

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436

Chinese Diversity and Diaspora(3)ANTH 500

Stream 3 - Canadian Studies

Indigenous Art and Culture(3)CANS 315

Stream 3 - History

Students may count either HIST 339 or POLI 347 toward Stream 3 but not both. See the Political Science course list for Stream 3.

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

Introduction to Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 317

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

History of Modern Egypt(3)HIST 340

Themes in South Asian History(3)HIST 341

Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Central America(3)HIST 419

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Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Stream 3 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 3 - Islamic Studies

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

Middle East Since the 1970's(3)ISLA 365

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

History: Middle-East 1918-1945(3)ISLA 411

Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach(3)ISLA 415

Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent(3)ISLA 421

Stream 3 - Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497

* When topic is relevant to IDS.

Stream 3 - Management, Organizational Behaviour

Cross Cultural Management(3)ORGB 380

Stream 3 - Political Science

Students may count either HIST 339 or POLI 347 toward Stream 3 but not both. See the History course list for Stream 3.

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

International Relations of Ethnic Conflict(3)POLI 442

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Stream 3 - Religious Studies

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Stream 3 - Sociology

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)178


Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Comparative Historical Sociology(3)SOCI 555

Stream 4: Environment and Agricultural Resources

Within development studies, the environment has long been recognized as a vital determinant of development. More recently, many scholars have changedtheir environmental focus to emphasize sustainability. The courses in this stream recognize both: some courses consider how the environment can be exploitedto promote human well-being while others consider how the environment must be respected to render development sustainable. Together, they highlight thedelicate balance that must be attained between humans and their environments to make possible sustainable livelihoods.

Stream 4 - Agricultural Economics

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Stream 4 - Agriculture

Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture(3)AGRI 411

Stream 4 - Anthropology

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Environment and Development(3)ANTH 418

Political Ecology(3)ANTH 512

Stream 4 - Economics

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

Stream 4 - Geography

Environmental Management 1(3)GEOG 302

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Humid Tropical Environments(3)GEOG 510

Stream 4 - History

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Stream 4 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

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Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 4 - Nutrition

Nutrition in Developing Countries(3)NUTR 501

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration International Development Studies (36 credits)10.23.4

Course Selection Guidelines for the Overall Program

1. In their complete program (36 credits), students can take a maximum of 15 credits from any one discipline. Students must also complete 9 credits in adiscipline other than Economics.

2. At least 18 of the 36 credits must be at the 300 level or above.

3. Students are permitted to take up to 3 credits maximum from another Stream Complementary course list, to count towards their chose Stream Complementarycourse list.

Students who are pursuing a Field Studies program can have a portion of their Field Studies courses count towards their IDS program. See Adviser in officefor details.

Required Courses (15 credits)

Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208

Economic Development 1(3)ECON 313

Economic Development 2(3)ECON 314

Introduction to International Development(3)INTD 200

Research Seminar on International Development(3)INTD 497

Complementary Courses (21 credits)


6 credits from the following introductory courses (only one course from each discipline may be counted):

Socio-Cultural Anthropology(3)ANTH 202

Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Development and Underdevelopment(3)SOCI 254


15 credits from one of the four streams:

Stream 1: Economic Development and Living Standards

Stream 2: States and Governance

Stream 3: Culture and Society

Stream 4: Environment and Agricultural Resources

Stream 1: Economic Development and Living Standards

Experience has shown that development requires economic growth and is shaped by the distribution of economic resources. At the same time, the globalizedeconomy has created new opportunities and new challenges for sustained growth. Courses in this stream revolve around the factors contributing to sustainedeconomic growth, the trade-offs associated with different ways of achieving it, and the distributional issues development inevitably raises. More generally,this stream is also concerned with understanding what "development" actually entails in different contexts.

Stream 1 - Agriculture

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)180


Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture(3)AGRI 411

Stream 1 - Agricultural Economics

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Stream 1 - Anthropology

Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Stream 1 - Business Administration

Topics in International Business 1(3)BUSA 433*

* When topic is relevant to IDS.

Stream 1 - Economics

Macroeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 209

Political Economy of Trade Policy(3)ECON 223

Economic Development 2(3)ECON 314

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

The Chinese Economy(3)ECON 336

Economic Development: A World Area(3)ECON 411

Topics in Economic Development 2(3)ECON 416

Stream 1 - Geography

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Development and Livelihoods(3)GEOG 310

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geographies of Developing Asia(3)GEOG 409

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Stream 1 - History

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Stream 1 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 1 - Management Core

181McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Social Context of Business(3)MGCR 360

International Business(3)MGCR 382

Stream 1 - Management Policy

The Origins of Capitalism(3)MGPO 435

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation(3)MGPO 438

Strategies for Sustainability(3)MGPO 440

Managing Globalization(3)MGPO 469

Strategies for Developing Countries(3)MGPO 475

Systems Thinking and Sustainability(3)MSUS 402

Stream 1 - Political Science

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Stream 1 - Sociology

Globalization(3)SOCI 307

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Stream 2: States and Governance

The courses in this stream focus on how political institutions shape developmental processes. Some courses analyze states and recognize how some promotedevelopment by providing diverse developmental goods while others impede development by preying on their peoples. Other courses focus on regimes andconsider how political rights and participation, or their absences, affect developmental processes. Finally, several courses consider factors that make possibleeffective states and regimes.

Stream 2 - Anthropology

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Political Ecology(3)ANTH 512

Stream 2 - Economics

Political Economy of Trade Policy(3)ECON 223

Stream 2 - History

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Stream 2 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)182


Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 2 - Islamic Studies

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

Stream 2 - Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497

Stream 2 - Political Science

Politics of Latin America(3)POLI 319

Political Change in South Asia(3)POLI 322

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

International Organizations(3)POLI 345

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

Topics in International Politics 1(3)POLI 359

Politics of Southeast Asia(3)POLI 369

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Democracy and the Market(3)POLI 473

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Stream 2 - Sociology

War, States and Social Change(3)SOCI 265

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Stream 2 - Social Work

Policy and Practice for Refugees(3)SWRK 400

Stream 3: Culture and Society

183McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


The courses in this stream focus on how the social structures, history, and culture of populations affect developmental processes. Associations, class, gender,religion, race, and ethnicity, for example, all shape development in multiple and diverse ways. Moreover, present developmental processes oftentimes cannotbe adequately understood without considering history. Culture, in turn, is increasingly recognized within development studies as both a determinant and aconstitutive element of development. In exploring all three, the courses in this stream provide important insight into the complex and varied relationshipbetween social context and development.

Stream 3 - Anthropology

Anthropology of Religion(3)ANTH 209

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Globalization and Religion(3)ANTH 318

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Anthropology of Latin America(3)ANTH 326

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Modern Chinese Society and Change(3)ANTH 329

Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

Middle Eastern Society and Culture(3)ANTH 340

Women in Cross-cultural Perspective(3)ANTH 341

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Contemporary Latin American Culture & Society(3)ANTH 422

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436

Chinese Diversity and Diaspora(3)ANTH 500

Stream 3 - Canadian Studies

Indigenous Art and Culture(3)CANS 315

Stream 3 - East Asian Studies

Introduction: East Asian Culture: China(3)EAST 211

Introduction: East Asian Culture: Korea(3)EAST 213

Stream 3 - English

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Stream 3 - History

Students may count either HIST 339 or POLI 347 toward Stream 3 but not both. See the Political Science course list for Stream 3.

FYS: Race in Latin America(3)HIST 197

Introduction to African History(3)HIST 200

Modern African History(3)HIST 201

Introduction to East Asian History(3)HIST 208

Introduction to South Asian History(3)HIST 209

World History, 600-2000(3)HIST 213

Modern East Asian History(3)HIST 218

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

Introduction to Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 317

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)184


Natives and French(3)HIST 333

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

History of Modern Egypt(3)HIST 340

Themes in South Asian History(3)HIST 341

Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Central America(3)HIST 419

Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 3 - Islamic Studies

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

Middle East Since the 1970's(3)ISLA 365

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

History: Middle-East 1918-1945(3)ISLA 411

Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach(3)ISLA 415

Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent(3)ISLA 421

Stream 3 - Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497*

* When topic is relevant to IDS.

Stream 3 - Management, Organizational Behaviour

Cross Cultural Management(3)ORGB 380

Stream 3 - Political Science

Students may count either HIST 339 or POLI 347 toward Stream 3 but not both. See the History course list for Stream 3.

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

185McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

International Relations of Ethnic Conflict(3)POLI 442

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Stream 3 - Religious Studies

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Stream 3 - Sociology

Population and Society(3)SOCI 234

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Comparative Historical Sociology(3)SOCI 555

Stream 4: Environment and Agricultural Resources

Within development studies, the environment has long been recognized as a vital determinant of development. More recently, many scholars have changedtheir environmental focus to emphasize sustainability. The courses in this stream recognize both: some courses consider how the environment can be exploitedto promote human well-being while others consider how the environment must be respected to render development sustainable. Together, they highlight thedelicate balance that must be attained between humans and their environments to make possible sustainable livelihoods.

Stream 4 - Agricultural Economics

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Stream 4 - Agriculture

Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture(3)AGRI 411

Stream 4 - Anthropology

Environment and Culture(3)ANTH 206

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Environment and Development(3)ANTH 418

Political Ecology(3)ANTH 512

Stream 4 - Economics

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)186


Stream 4 - Geography

Environmental Management 1(3)GEOG 302

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Humid Tropical Environments(3)GEOG 510

Stream 4 - History

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Stream 4 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Stream 4 - Management Policy

Strategies for Sustainability(3)MGPO 440

Systems Thinking and Sustainability(3)MSUS 402

Stream 4 - Nutrition

Nutrition in Developing Countries(3)NUTR 501

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component International Development Studies (36 credits)10.23.5

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary Honours thesis (if applicable).

Joint Honours students are expected to maintain a program GPA of 3.30 and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Course Selection Guidelines for the Overall Program

1. At least 24 of the 36 credits must be at the 300 level or above. Nine credits must be at the 400 level or above. Ultimately, no Stream complementarycourses can be taken at the 200 level.

2. Students are permitted to take up to 3 credits maximum from another Stream Complementary course list, to count towards their chosen Stream Complementarycourse list.

Students who are pursuing a Field Studies program can have a portion of their Field Studies courses count towards their IDS program. See Adviser in officefor details.

NOTE: Students in the Econ-IDS Joint Honours program are required to take ECON 257D1/D2 and therefore cannot also take ECON 227 as part of theirIDS program requirements.

Required Courses (15 credits)

Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208

Economic Development 1(3)ECON 313

Economic Development 2(3)ECON 314

Introduction to International Development(3)INTD 200

187McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Research Seminar on International Development(3)INTD 497

Complementary Courses (21 credits)

3 credits of Thesis/Seminar or Methods or Language courses.

0-3 credits from the following:

Honours Thesis(3)INTD 491

Seminar in International Development(3)INTD 597

0-3 credits from the following Methods courses:

Quantitative Approaches to Anthropology(3)ANTH 344

Economic Statistics(3)ECON 227D1

Economic Statistics(3)ECON 227D2

Introduction to Quantitative Political Science(3)POLI 311

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350

Quantitative Data Analysis(3)SOCI 461

Qualitative Methods in Sociology(3)SOCI 477

0-3 credits from the following Language courses:

Arabic, Chinese, French as a Second Language, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili and Urdu. Other language options can be approved by the adviser.Students who already have second language capability have the option of doing 0-3 credits of another language or additional courses taught in that language.


6 credits from the following introductory courses (only one course from each discipline may be counted):

Socio-Cultural Anthropology(3)ANTH 202

Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Development and Underdevelopment(3)SOCI 254


12 credits from one of the four IDS streams with at least three disciplines within the stream:

Stream 1: Economic Development and Living Standards

Stream 2: States and Governance

Stream 3: Culture and Society

Stream 4: Environment and Agricultural Resources

Stream 1: Economic Development and Living Standards

Experience has shown that development requires economic growth and is shaped by the distribution of economic resources. At the same time, the globalizedeconomy has created new opportunities and new challenges for sustained growth. Courses in this stream revolve around the factors contributing to sustainedeconomic growth, the trade-offs associated with different ways of achieving it, and the distributional issues development inevitably raises. More generally,this stream is also concerned with understanding what "development" actually entails in different contexts.

Stream 1 - Agriculture

Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture(3)AGRI 411

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)188


Stream 1 - Agricultural Economics

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Stream 1 - Anthropology

Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Stream 1 - Business Administration

Management in Global Context(3)BUSA 356

Topics in International Business 1(3)BUSA 433

Stream 1 - Economics

Economic Development 2(3)ECON 314

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

The Chinese Economy(3)ECON 336

Economic Development: A World Area(3)ECON 411

Topics in Economic Development 2(3)ECON 416

Stream 1 - Geography

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Development and Livelihoods(3)GEOG 310

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geographies of Developing Asia(3)GEOG 409

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Stream 1 - History

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Stream 1 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Honours Thesis(3)INTD 491

Honours Thesis with Field Research(6)INTD 492

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Seminar in International Development(3)INTD 597

Stream 1 - Management Core

Social Context of Business(3)MGCR 360

189McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


International Business(3)MGCR 382

Stream 1 - Management Policy

The Origins of Capitalism(3)MGPO 435

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation(3)MGPO 438

Strategies for Sustainability(3)MGPO 440

Managing Globalization(3)MGPO 469

Strategies for Developing Countries(3)MGPO 475

Systems Thinking and Sustainability(3)MSUS 402

Stream 1 - Mining and Materials Engineering

Mineral Resources Economics(3)MIME 524

Stream 1 - Natural Resource Sciences

Global Perspectives on Food(3)NRSC 340

Socio-Cultural Issues in Water(3)NRSC 540

Stream 1 - Political Science

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Stream 1 - Sociology

Globalization(3)SOCI 307

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Stream 2: States and Governance

The courses in this stream focus on how political institutions shape developmental processes. Some courses analyze states and recognize how some promotedevelopment by providing diverse developmental goods while others impede development by preying on their peoples. Other courses focus on regimes andconsider how political rights and participation, or their absences, affect developmental processes. Finally, several courses consider factors that make possibleeffective states and regimes.

Stream 2 - Anthropology

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Political Ecology(3)ANTH 512

Stream 2 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)190


Honours Thesis(3)INTD 491

Honours Thesis with Field Research(6)INTD 492

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Seminar in International Development(3)INTD 597

Stream 2 - Islamic Studies

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

Stream 2 - Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497

Stream 2 - Political Science

Politics of Latin America(3)POLI 319

Political Change in South Asia(3)POLI 322

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

International Organizations(3)POLI 345

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

Topics in International Politics 1(3)POLI 359

Politics of Southeast Asia(3)POLI 369

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

Politics in Israel(3)POLI 437

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Democracy and the Market(3)POLI 473

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Stream 2 - Sociology

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Stream 2 - Social Work

Policy and Practice for Refugees(3)SWRK 400

Stream 3: Culture and Society

191McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


The courses in this stream focus on how the social structures, history, and culture of populations affect developmental processes. Associations, class, gender,religion, race, and ethnicity, for example, all shape development in multiple and diverse ways. Moreover, present developmental processes oftentimes cannotbe adequately understood without considering history. Culture, in turn, is increasingly recognized within development studies as both a determinant and aconstitutive element of development. In exploring all three, the courses in this stream provide important insight into the complex and varied relationshipbetween social context and development.

Stream 3 - Anthropology

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Globalization and Religion(3)ANTH 318

Social Change in Modern Africa(3)ANTH 322

Anthropology of Latin America(3)ANTH 326

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Modern Chinese Society and Change(3)ANTH 329

Native Peoples of North America(3)ANTH 338

Middle Eastern Society and Culture(3)ANTH 340

Women in Cross-cultural Perspective(3)ANTH 341

Gender, Inequality and the State(3)ANTH 342

Contemporary Latin American Culture & Society(3)ANTH 422

North American Native Peoples(3)ANTH 436

Chinese Diversity and Diaspora(3)ANTH 500

Stream 3 - Canadian Studies

Indigenous Art and Culture(3)CANS 315

Stream 3 - English

First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media(3)ENGL 440

Stream 3 - History

Students may count either HIST 339 or POLI 347 toward Stream 3 but not both. See the Political Science course list for Stream 3.

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

Introduction to Indian Ocean World History(3)HIST 317

Natives and French(3)HIST 333

Twentieth-Century China(3)HIST 338

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

History of Modern Egypt(3)HIST 340

Themes in South Asian History(3)HIST 341

Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Canada 1870-1914(3)HIST 363

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

History of South Africa(3)HIST 382

Colonialism and Native Peoples(3)HIST 408

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Central America(3)HIST 419

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)192


Indian Ocean World Slave Trade(3)HIST 528

Stream 3 - International Development Studies

Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Honours Thesis(3)INTD 491

Honours Thesis with Field Research(6)INTD 492

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Seminar in International Development(3)INTD 597

Stream 3 - Islamic Studies

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

Middle East Since the 1970's(3)ISLA 365

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

History: Middle-East 1918-1945(3)ISLA 411

Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach(3)ISLA 415

Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent(3)ISLA 421

Stream 3 - Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497*

* When topic is relevant to IDS.

Stream 3 - Management, Organizational Behaviour

Cross Cultural Management(3)ORGB 380

Stream 3 - Political Science

Students may count either HIST 339 or POLI 347 toward Stream 3 but not both. See the History course list for Stream 3.

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

International Relations of Ethnic Conflict(3)POLI 442

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Stream 3 - Religious Studies

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

193McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Stream 3 - Sociology

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Comparative Historical Sociology(3)SOCI 555

Stream 4: Environment and Agricultural Resources

Within development studies, the environment has long been recognized as a vital determinant of development. More recently, many scholars have changedtheir environmental focus to emphasize sustainability. The courses in this stream recognize both: some courses consider how the environment can be exploitedto promote human well-being while others consider how the environment must be respected to render development sustainable. Together, they highlight thedelicate balance that must be attained between humans and their environments to make possible sustainable livelihoods.

Stream 4 - Agriculture

Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture(3)AGRI 411

Stream 4 - Agricultural Economics

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Stream 4 - Anthropology

Nomadic Pastoralists(3)ANTH 301

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Environment and Development(3)ANTH 418

Political Ecology(3)ANTH 512

Stream 4 - Economics

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

Stream 4 - Geography

Environmental Management 1(3)GEOG 302

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Humid Tropical Environments(3)GEOG 510

Stream 4 - History

Topics in Canadian Regional History(3)HIST 361

Stream 4 - International Development Studies

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)194


Culture and Development(3)INTD 350

Topics in International Development(3)INTD 397

Development Research Project(3)INTD 490

Honours Thesis(3)INTD 491

Honours Thesis with Field Research(6)INTD 492

Internship: International Development Studies(3)INTD 499

Seminar in International Development(3)INTD 597

Stream 4 - Management Core

Social Context of Business(3)MGCR 360

Stream 4 - Nutrition

Nutrition in Developing Countries(3)NUTR 501

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Latin American & Caribbean Studies (36 credits)10.23.6

Required Courses (18 credits)

* Note: Successful completion of intermediate-level Spanish (HISP 220D1/D2 or HISP 219 or equivalent) is a prerequisite for the required courses HISP243 and HISP 244.

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 243*

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 244*

History of Latin America to 1825(3)HIST 309

Latin America since 1825(3)HIST 360

Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean(3)LACS 497

Politics of Latin America(3)POLI 319

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected from the Complementary Course List in consultation with the Program Adviser with the following requirements:

1) Courses from at least two disciplines or departments must be included.

2) At least 6 of the 18 credits must be at the 300 level or above.

3) No more than 6 credits in Spanish or Portuguese language (HISP 210D1/D2, HISP 218, HISP 219, HISP 220D1/D2, HISP 222) shall count for the Majorconcentration.

Complementary Course List


Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Andean Prehistory(3)ANTH 307

Inka Archaeology & Ethnohistory(3)ANTH 319

Anthropology of Latin America(3)ANTH 326

Contemporary Latin American Culture & Society(3)ANTH 422

Saints and Mediation in Latin America(3)ANTH 428

Canadian Studies

195McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Canada and Americas Seminar(3)CANS 412


Economic Development 1(3)ECON 313

Economic Development 2(3)ECON 314


* when given under a topic related to Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Studies in Drama(3)ENGL 431


* Note: GEOG 404 may only count toward the requirements for this program when the topic is related to Panama.

Development and Livelihoods(3)GEOG 310

Environmental Management 2(3)GEOG 404*

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Humans in Tropical Environments(3)GEOG 498

Humid Tropical Environments(3)GEOG 510

Hispanic Studies

Portuguese Language: Beginners(6)HISP 202

Spanish Language: Beginners(3)HISP 210D1

Spanish Language: Beginners(3)HISP 210D2

Spanish Language Intensive - Elementary(6)HISP 218

Spanish Language Intensive - Intermediate(6)HISP 219

Spanish Language: Intermediate(3)HISP 220D1

Spanish Language: Intermediate(3)HISP 220D2

Hispanic Civilization 1(3)HISP 225

Hispanic Civilization 2(3)HISP 226

Hispanic Literature and Culture in English 1(3)HISP 301

Hispanic Literature and Culture in English 2(3)HISP 302

Contemporary Brazilian Literature and Film(3)HISP 320

Literature of Ideas: Latin America(3)HISP 328

Latin American Literature of 19th Century(3)HISP 332

Theatre, Performance and Politics in Latin America(3)HISP 333

Latin American Novel(3)HISP 352

Latin American Short Story(3)HISP 356

Gender and Textualities(3)HISP 358

Colonial/Postcolonial Latin America(3)HISP 437

Topics: Latin American Literature(3)HISP 439

20th Century Latin American Poetry.(3)HISP 453

Seminar in Hispanic Studies 01(3)HISP 505

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)196



FYS: Race in Latin America(3)HIST 197

Natives of the Americas(3)HIST 223

Themes in Latin American History 1(3)HIST 366

Themes in Latin American History 2(3)HIST 409

Central America(3)HIST 419

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D1

Topics: Latin American History(3)HIST 564D2

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D1

European and Native-American Encounters(3)HIST 580D2

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Reading Course(3)LACS 480

Internship: Latin America & Caribbean Studies(3)LACS 499

Political Science

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Democracy and the Market(3)POLI 473

Islamic Studies (ISLA)10.24

Please see section 10.37: World Islamic and Middle East Studies (ISLA) for more information.

Jewish Studies (JWST)10.25

The Department of Jewish Studies, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units &Programs > : Jewish Studies (JWST).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Jewish Studies (18 credits)10.25.1

In order to permit students flexibility within their chosen area, all courses in the Jewish Studies Concentrations are placed into the category "ComplementaryCourses". There is no language requirement for this minor concentration.

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Jewish Studies.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits in Jewish Studies of which 9 are normally taken at the 300 level or above.

Consultation with an adviser is strongly recommended.

Areas of Jewish Studies

At least 9 credits will normally be taken at an advanced level in a single area or theme (e.g., Biblical Studies, East European Studies, Jewish History, JewishThought, Literature (Hebrew, Yiddish), Modern Jewish Studies, and Rabbinic Studies).

Biblical Studies

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Believers, Heretics and Critics(3)JWST 310

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 327

197McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 328

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 329

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 330

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Jewish Bible Interpretation 1(3)JWST 510

Jewish Bible Interpretation 2(3)JWST 511

Bible Interpretation in Antiquity(3)JWST 520

Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1(3)JWST 538

Medieval Ashkenazi Parshanut(3)JWST 541

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Innovative Medieval Parshanut(3)JWST 546

Medieval Parshanut(3)JWST 548

Modern Jewish Biblical Scholarship(3)JWST 554

Biblical Literature(3)JWST 571

History of Hebrew Bible Text(3)JWST 573

Topics in Parshanut(3)JWST 575

Aramaic Language(3)JWST 581

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

East European Studies

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Introduction to Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 206

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

God and Devil in Modern Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 381

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 485

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 486

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 487

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 488

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)198


Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 1(3)JWST 585

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 2(3)JWST 586

Jewish History

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

American Jewish History / Colonial Era to WWI(3)JWST 305

The American Jewish Community(3)JWST 306

Denominations in North American Judaism(3)JWST 314

Modern Liberal Jewish Thought(3)JWST 315

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

Jewish Thought

Teaching the Jewish Liturgy(3)EDER 318

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Jewish Law(3)JWST 201

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

Believers, Heretics and Critics(3)JWST 310

Denominations in North American Judaism(3)JWST 314

Modern Liberal Jewish Thought(3)JWST 315

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 1(3)JWST 337

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 2(3)JWST 338

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 1(3)JWST 358

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

199McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Maimonides' Mishneh Torah(3)JWST 474

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Topics: Modern Jewish Thought(3)JWST 558

Language and Literature - Hebrew

FYS: Images - Jewish Identities(3)JWST 199

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D1

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D2

Literature and Society(3)JWST 225

Charisma and Social Change(3)JWST 300

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D1

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D2

The Israeli Novel(3)JWST 323

Israeli Literature in Translation(3)JWST 325

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 1(3)JWST 367

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 2(3)JWST 368

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 3(3)JWST 369

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 4(3)JWST 370

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Contemporary Hebrew Literature(3)JWST 403

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Language and Literature - Yiddish

Introduction to Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 206

Introductory Yiddish 1(3)JWST 281

Introductory Yiddish 2(3)JWST 282

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

The Yiddish Canon(3)JWST 355

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

God and Devil in Modern Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 381

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Modern Jewish Authors(3)JWST 387

Advanced Yiddish 1(3)JWST 480

Advanced Yiddish 2(3)JWST 481

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 485

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 486

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)200


Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 487

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 488

Topics in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 530

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 587

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 588

Modern Jewish Studies

Teaching the Holocaust(3)EDER 319

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

Jews in Film(3)JWST 309

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 346

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 347

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 348

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 349

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

American Jewish Literature(3)JWST 386

Modern Jewish Authors(3)JWST 387

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Topics: Modern Jewish Thought(3)JWST 558

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 1(3)JWST 585

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 2(3)JWST 586

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Rabbinic Studies

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jewish Law(3)JWST 201

201McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

Social and Ethical Issues Jewish Law 1(3)JWST 316

Judaism and the Occult(3)JWST 319

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Introduction to Rabbinic Literature(3)JWST 345

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 1(3)JWST 358

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

Maimonides' Mishneh Torah(3)JWST 474

Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1(3)JWST 538

Medieval Ashkenazi Parshanut(3)JWST 541

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Jewish Family Law(3)JWST 576

Other Department Courses - History

Many of the courses in Jewish Studies are related to other departments, e.g., History, Religious Studies. There are also related courses in other departmentswhich students specializing in certain areas of Jewish Studies might be encouraged to include in their programs, e.g., Classical Greek, Arabic, theories ofliterature, etc.

The following History department courses may be used as Jewish Studies courses in the Department of Jewish Studies programs. These courses have beenincluded in the areas of study course lists above.

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Jewish Studies (36 credits)10.25.2

In order to permit students flexibility within their chosen area, all courses in the Jewish Studies concentrations are placed into the category "ComplementaryCourses".

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits in Jewish Studies of which 24 are normally taken at the 300 level or above, selected as described below. Consultation with an adviser is stronglyrecommended.

Jewish History

6 credits (minimum) in the history of Jewish civilization to be chosen from:

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)202


Jewish Language

6 credits reflecting an advanced level of competence in either Hebrew or Yiddish chosen from the following:

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 327

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 328

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 329

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 330

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 1(3)JWST 367

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 2(3)JWST 368

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 3(3)JWST 369

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 4(3)JWST 370

Or, any course at the 400 level except for JWST 404 and JWST 405.

Areas of Jewish Studies

24 credits in Jewish Studies of which at least 12 are devoted to a single area of study: Biblical Studies, East European Studies, Jewish History, JewishThought, Literature (Hebrew, Yiddish), Modern Jewish Studies, and Rabbinic Studies.

Students without the background necessary to complete the advanced language requirement may substitute up to 12 credits in language.

Note: Hebrew language courses are found listed under the heading "Language and Literature - Hebrew", and Yiddish language courses are found under theheading "Language and Literature - Yiddish" in the areas of study lists below.

Biblical Studies

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Believers, Heretics and Critics(3)JWST 310

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 327

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 328

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 329

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 330

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Jewish Bible Interpretation 1(3)JWST 510

Jewish Bible Interpretation 2(3)JWST 511

Bible Interpretation in Antiquity(3)JWST 520

Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1(3)JWST 538

Medieval Ashkenazi Parshanut(3)JWST 541

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Innovative Medieval Parshanut(3)JWST 546

Medieval Parshanut(3)JWST 548

Modern Jewish Biblical Scholarship(3)JWST 554

Biblical Literature(3)JWST 571

History of Hebrew Bible Text(3)JWST 573

Topics in Parshanut(3)JWST 575

Aramaic Language(3)JWST 581

203McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

East European Studies

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Introduction to Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 206

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

God and Devil in Modern Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 381

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 485

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 486

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 487

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 488

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 1(3)JWST 585

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 2(3)JWST 586

Jewish History

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

American Jewish History / Colonial Era to WWI(3)JWST 305

The American Jewish Community(3)JWST 306

Denominations in North American Judaism(3)JWST 314

Modern Liberal Jewish Thought(3)JWST 315

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)204


Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

Jewish Thought

Teaching the Jewish Liturgy(3)EDER 318

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Jewish Law(3)JWST 201

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

Believers, Heretics and Critics(3)JWST 310

Denominations in North American Judaism(3)JWST 314

Modern Liberal Jewish Thought(3)JWST 315

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 1(3)JWST 337

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 2(3)JWST 338

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 1(3)JWST 358

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Maimonides' Mishneh Torah(3)JWST 474

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Topics: Modern Jewish Thought(3)JWST 558

Language and Literature - Hebrew

FYS: Images - Jewish Identities(3)JWST 199

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D1

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D2

Literature and Society(3)JWST 225

Charisma and Social Change(3)JWST 300

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D1

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D2

The Israeli Novel(3)JWST 323

Israeli Literature in Translation(3)JWST 325

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

205McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 1(3)JWST 367

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 2(3)JWST 368

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 3(3)JWST 369

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 4(3)JWST 370

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Contemporary Hebrew Literature(3)JWST 403

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Language and Literature - Yiddish

Introduction to Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 206

Introductory Yiddish 1(3)JWST 281

Introductory Yiddish 2(3)JWST 282

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

The Yiddish Canon(3)JWST 355

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

God and Devil in Modern Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 381

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Modern Jewish Authors(3)JWST 387

Advanced Yiddish 1(3)JWST 480

Advanced Yiddish 2(3)JWST 481

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 485

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 486

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 487

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 488

Topics in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 530

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 587

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 588

Modern Jewish Studies

Teaching the Holocaust(3)EDER 319

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

Jews in Film(3)JWST 309

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 346

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 347

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 348

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)206


Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 349

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

American Jewish Literature(3)JWST 386

Modern Jewish Authors(3)JWST 387

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Topics: Modern Jewish Thought(3)JWST 558

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 1(3)JWST 585

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 2(3)JWST 586

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Rabbinic Studies

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jewish Law(3)JWST 201

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

Social and Ethical Issues Jewish Law 1(3)JWST 316

Judaism and the Occult(3)JWST 319

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Introduction to Rabbinic Literature(3)JWST 345

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 1(3)JWST 358

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

Maimonides' Mishneh Torah(3)JWST 474

Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1(3)JWST 538

Medieval Ashkenazi Parshanut(3)JWST 541

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Jewish Family Law(3)JWST 576

Other Department Courses - History

Many of the courses in Jewish Studies are related to other departments, e.g., History, Religious Studies. There are also related courses in other departmentswhich students specializing in certain areas of Jewish Studies might be encouraged to include in their programs, e.g., Classical Greek, Arabic, theories ofliterature, etc.

207McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


The following History department courses may be used as Jewish Studies courses in the Department of Jewish Studies programs. These courses have beenincluded in the areas of study course lists above.

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Jewish Studies (36 credits)10.25.3

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a listof available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.00 in their program courses and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Honours Thesis 1(3)JWST 491

Honours Thesis 2(3)JWST 492

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as follows:

Jewish History

6 credits of courses on Jewish history.

One of:

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

One of:

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

Jewish Language

0-6 credits of a Jewish language. Each Joint Honours student will complete at least one Jewish language at the advanced level of instruction. A student whocan demonstrate competence in a Jewish language may be permitted to substitute other courses for all or part of the language requirement.

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

Advanced Yiddish 1(3)JWST 480

Advanced Yiddish 2(3)JWST 481

Areas of Jewish Studies

15-21 credits, planned with an adviser and normally chosen to reflect progress to the advanced level in one of the areas of study: Biblical Studies, EastEuropean Studies, Jewish History, Jewish Thought, Literature (Hebrew, Yiddish), Modern Jewish Studies, and Rabbinic Studies.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)208


Biblical Studies

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Believers, Heretics and Critics(3)JWST 310

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 327

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 328

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 329

A Book of the Bible(3)JWST 330

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Jewish Bible Interpretation 1(3)JWST 510

Jewish Bible Interpretation 2(3)JWST 511

Bible Interpretation in Antiquity(3)JWST 520

Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1(3)JWST 538

Medieval Ashkenazi Parshanut(3)JWST 541

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Innovative Medieval Parshanut(3)JWST 546

Medieval Parshanut(3)JWST 548

Modern Jewish Biblical Scholarship(3)JWST 554

Biblical Literature(3)JWST 571

History of Hebrew Bible Text(3)JWST 573

Topics in Parshanut(3)JWST 575

Aramaic Language(3)JWST 581

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

East European Studies

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Introduction to Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 206

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

God and Devil in Modern Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 381

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

209McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 485

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 486

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 487

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 488

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 1(3)JWST 585

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 2(3)JWST 586

Jewish History

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Jewish Studies 1: Biblical Period(3)JWST 211

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

American Jewish History / Colonial Era to WWI(3)JWST 305

The American Jewish Community(3)JWST 306

Denominations in North American Judaism(3)JWST 314

Modern Liberal Jewish Thought(3)JWST 315

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

Jewish Thought

Teaching the Jewish Liturgy(3)EDER 318

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Jewish Law(3)JWST 201

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

Believers, Heretics and Critics(3)JWST 310

Denominations in North American Judaism(3)JWST 314

Modern Liberal Jewish Thought(3)JWST 315

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)210


Jewish Philosophy and Thought 1(3)JWST 337

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 2(3)JWST 338

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 1(3)JWST 358

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Maimonides' Mishneh Torah(3)JWST 474

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Topics: Modern Jewish Thought(3)JWST 558

Language and Literature - Hebrew

FYS: Images - Jewish Identities(3)JWST 199

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D1

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D2

Literature and Society(3)JWST 225

Charisma and Social Change(3)JWST 300

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D1

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D2

The Israeli Novel(3)JWST 323

Israeli Literature in Translation(3)JWST 325

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 1(3)JWST 367

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 2(3)JWST 368

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 3(3)JWST 369

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 4(3)JWST 370

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Contemporary Hebrew Literature(3)JWST 403

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Language and Literature - Yiddish

Introduction to Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 206

Introductory Yiddish 1(3)JWST 281

Introductory Yiddish 2(3)JWST 282

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

The Yiddish Canon(3)JWST 355

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

God and Devil in Modern Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 381

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

Modern Jewish Authors(3)JWST 387

211McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Advanced Yiddish 1(3)JWST 480

Advanced Yiddish 2(3)JWST 481

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 485

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 486

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 487

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 488

Topics in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 530

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 587

Tutorial in Yiddish Literature(3)JWST 588

Modern Jewish Studies

Teaching the Holocaust(3)EDER 319

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

The Holocaust(3)JWST 240

Jews in Film(3)JWST 309

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 346

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 347

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 348

Modern Jewish Studies(3)JWST 349

Studies in Modern Jewish Literature(3)JWST 351

Jewish Labour Movement/Eastern Europe(3)JWST 356

Jewish Labour Movement/North America(3)JWST 357

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

The Shtetl: 1500-1897(3)JWST 361

Modern Jewish Ideologies(3)JWST 365

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D1

Jews and the Modern City(3)JWST 371D2

Holocaust Literature(3)JWST 383

American Jewish Literature(3)JWST 386

Modern Jewish Authors(3)JWST 387

Literary Response to Loss/Separation(3)JWST 404

The Poetry of Nationalism(3)JWST 445

Topics: Modern Jewish Thought(3)JWST 558

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 1(3)JWST 585

Tutorial: Eastern European Studies 2(3)JWST 586

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Rabbinic Studies

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)212


Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jewish Law(3)JWST 201

Jewish Studies 2: 400 B.C.E. - 1000(3)JWST 216

Jewish Studies 3: 1000 - 2000(3)JWST 217

Social and Ethical Issues Jewish Law 1(3)JWST 316

Judaism and the Occult(3)JWST 319

The Hebrew Liturgy(3)JWST 333

Introduction to Rabbinic Literature(3)JWST 345

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 1(3)JWST 358

Topics in Jewish Philosophy 2(3)JWST 359

Maimonides' Mishneh Torah(3)JWST 474

Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1(3)JWST 538

Medieval Ashkenazi Parshanut(3)JWST 541

Abraham Ibn Ezra as Parshan(3)JWST 542

Maimonides as Parshan(3)JWST 543

Jewish Family Law(3)JWST 576

Other Department Courses - History

Many of the courses in Jewish Studies are related to other departments, e.g., History, Religious Studies. There are also related courses in other departmentswhich students specializing in certain areas of Jewish Studies might be encouraged to include in their programs, e.g., Classical Greek, Arabic, theories ofliterature, etc.

The following History department courses may be used as Jewish Studies courses in the Department of Jewish Studies programs. These courses have beenincluded in the areas of study course lists above.

FYS: Jewish Concepts of Others(3)HIST 194

Jewish History: 400 B.C.E. to 1000(3)HIST 207

Jewish History: 1000 - 2000(3)HIST 219

Jews in Poland(3)HIST 307

The Hasidic Movement(3)HIST 427

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D1

Seminar in Jewish History(3)HIST 572D2

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LLCU)10.26

The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > BrowseAcademic Units & Programs > : Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LLCU).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration European Literature and Culture (18 credits)10.26.1

The Minor Concentration in European Literature and Culture provides students with a broad foundation for understanding the development andinterconnectedness of European culture, and its relevance for the comprehension of today’s world through the study of literature and the arts from the MiddleAges to modern times. Knowledge of a language other than English is not required to complete the program.

Required Course (3 credits)

Introduction to European Literature & Culture(3)LLCU 210

213McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Complementary Courses (15 credits)

9-15 credits selected from the list below. At least 6 credits should be at the 300-level or above.

Students with an advanced knowledge of German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish can count GERM, HISP, ITAL, and RUSS literature courses taught in thoselanguages toward the Minor Concentration. No more than 6 credits in any given area (LLCU, GERM, HISP, ITAL, and RUSS) shall count toward the MinorConcentration (not including LLCU 210).

Nietzsche and Wagner(3)GERM 355

German Culture in European Context(3)GERM 357

Franz Kafka(3)GERM 358

Bertolt Brecht(3)GERM 359

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Modern Short Fiction(3)GERM 365

Topics in German Thought(3)GERM 367

Fin-de-Siècle Vienna(3)GERM 368

The German Novel(3)GERM 369

Special Topics in German Film(3)GERM 370

Hispanic Civilization 1(3)HISP 225

Hispanic Civilization 2(3)HISP 226

Hispanic Literature and Culture in English 1(3)HISP 301

Hispanic Literature and Culture in English 2(3)HISP 302

Dante and the Middle Ages(3)ITAL 355

Modern Italian Literature(3)ITAL 361

The Italian Renaissance(3)ITAL 365

Classics of Italian Cinema(3)ITAL 374

Italian Futurist Movement(3)ITAL 385

The Twentieth Century(3)ITAL 416

Italy and the Visual Age(3)ITAL 450

Machiavelli(3)ITAL 464

Religious Identities in Italy(3)ITAL 465

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477

Topics in Film(3)LLCU 200

Literature and Culture Topics(3)LLCU 201

Introduction to Literary Analysis(3)LLCU 220

Environmental Imaginations(3)LLCU 230

Cinema and the Visual(3)LLCU 300

Topics in Culture and Thought(3)LLCU 301

Russia's Eternal Questions(3)RUSS 217

Russian Literature and Revolution(3)RUSS 218

Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 1(3)RUSS 223

Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 2(3)RUSS 224

Chekhov without Borders(3)RUSS 330

Vladimir Nabokov(3)RUSS 337

Russian Short Story(3)RUSS 340

Leo Tolstoy(3)RUSS 357

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)214


Fyodor Dostoevsky(3)RUSS 358

Russian Drama: from Pushkin to Chekhov(3)RUSS 385

Russian Fin de Siècle(3)RUSS 427

Russian Avantgarde(3)RUSS 428

High Stalinist Culture 1(3)RUSS 430

Russia and Its Others(3)RUSS 440

Narratives of Desire(3)RUSS 454

0-6 credits in literature courses offered by Classical Studies (CLAS), English (ENGL), and French (FREN) selected from the following list:

Greek Mythology(3)CLAS 203

Ancient Greek Literature and Society(3)CLAS 301

Roman Literature and Society(3)CLAS 302

Classics in Modern Media(3)CLAS 306

Modern Greek Literature(3)CLAS 336

Survey of English Literature 1(3)ENGL 200

Survey of English Literature 2(3)ENGL 201

Introduction to Shakespeare(3)ENGL 215

English Renaissance Drama 2(3)ENGL 309

Restoration and 18th Century Drama(3)ENGL 310

20th Century Drama(3)ENGL 314

English Novel: 19th Century 1(3)ENGL 329

Theme or Genre in Medieval Literature(3)ENGL 337

Great Writings of Europe 1(3)ENGL 347

English Literature and Folklore 1(3)ENGL 349

Middle English(3)ENGL 356

Crosscurrents/English Literature and European Literature 1(3)ENGL 447

Middle English(3)ENGL 456

Littérature du 20e siècle 1(3)FREN 355

La littérature du 19e siècle 1(3)FREN 360

La littérature du 17e siècle 1(3)FREN 362

La littérature du 18e siècle 1(3)FREN 364

Littérature de la Renaissance 1(3)FREN 366

Littérature du 20e siècle 2(3)FREN 453

La littérature médiévale 1(3)FREN 455

La littérature médiévale 2(3)FREN 456

La littérature de la Renaissance 2(3)FREN 457

La littérature du 17e siècle 2(3)FREN 458

La littérature du 18e siècle 2(3)FREN 459

La littérature du 19e siècle 2(3)FREN 482

Littérature française contemporaine(3)FREN 485

215McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration German Language (18 credits)10.26.2

The Minor Concentration in German Language is designed to allow students to achieve linguistic proficiency in German and to introduce students to someof the major aspects of German culture.

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration German Studies.

Students may begin at the intermediate or advanced level in their first year if they have taken German courses in high school or in CEGEP or through McGillSummer Studies.

Note: Beginners' and Intermediate language levels are offered either as a one-term intensive course or a two-term spanned course. Students choose whichversion of the level they prefer.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits of language courses or any course above the 325 level given in the German language, selected from the following:

Language Courses

German Language, Intensive Beginners(6)GERM 200

German Language, Beginners'(6)GERM 202

German Language, Beginners'(3)GERM 202D1

German Language, Beginners(3)GERM 202D2

German Language Intensive Intermediate(6)GERM 300

German Language - Intermediate(6)GERM 307

German Language - Intermediate(3)GERM 307D1

German Language - Intermediate(3)GERM 307D2

German Language - Intensive Advanced(6)GERM 325

List of Complementary Courses:

Topics: German Language and Culture(3)GERM 326

Germany after Reunification(3)GERM 331

Topics in Eighteenth-Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 332

What is Enlightenment?(3)GERM 333

Science and Literature(3)GERM 335

German Language, Media and Culture(3)GERM 336

Literature and Revolution(3)GERM 337

Romanticism(3)GERM 340

Realism(3)GERM 344

Nature and Ecopoetics(3)GERM 348

Modernism and the Avant-Garde(3)GERM 350

Berlin(3)GERM 351

German Drama(3)GERM 360

20th Century Literature Topics(3)GERM 362

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Modern Short Fiction(3)GERM 365

Lyric Poetry(3)GERM 366

Fin-de-Siècle Vienna(3)GERM 368

The German Novel(3)GERM 369

German Cinema(3)GERM 371

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)216


Topics in German Cinema(3)GERM 372

German Media Studies(3)GERM 375

German Visual Culture(3)GERM 379

Topics in German Thought(3)GERM 381

Critical Theory(3)GERM 385

Post-Wall Culture(3)GERM 388

Topics in 21st Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 390

Individual Reading Course 01(3)GERM 397

Individual Reading Course 02(3)GERM 398

Advanced Topics in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 401

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Hispanic Studies (18 credits)10.26.3

The Minor Concentration in Hispanic Studies provides students with a solid foundation on Spanish language and culture. It can be expanded to the MajorConcentration in Hispanic Studies - Languages, if a language course is included in the Minor Concentration, or the Major Concentration in Hispanic Studies- Literature and Culture, if no language course is included in the Minor Concentration.

Complementary Courses

0-12 credits in language courses.

Spanish Language: Beginners(6)HISP 210

Spanish Language Intensive - Elementary(6)HISP 218

Spanish Language Intensive - Intermediate(6)HISP 219

Spanish Language: Intermediate(6)HISP 220

If fewer than 12 credits are chosen, students must fulfill the balance from other eligible HISP courses as listed below.

At least 3 credits in Surveys of Literature to be chosen from the following courses:

Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 241

Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 242

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 243

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 244

At least 3 credits chosen from the following courses [Note: No more than 6 credits in courses taught in English shall count towards the Minor Concentration.]

Courses Taught in Spanish

Hispanic Literature of the 18th Century(3)HISP 321

20th Century Drama(3)HISP 324

Spanish Novel of the 19th Century(3)HISP 325

Spanish Romanticism(3)HISP 326

Literature of Ideas: Spain(3)HISP 327

Literature of Ideas: Latin America(3)HISP 328

Latin American Literature of 19th Century(3)HISP 332

Theatre, Performance and Politics in Latin America(3)HISP 333

Latin American Cinema(3)HISP 340

Spanish Cinema(3)HISP 341

217McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Spanish Literature from 1898 to the Civil War(3)HISP 350

Latin American Novel(3)HISP 352

Latin American Short Story(3)HISP 356

Gender and Textualities(3)HISP 358

Literature - Discovery and Exploration Spain New World(3)HISP 432

Colonial/Postcolonial Latin America(3)HISP 437

Topics: Spanish Literature(3)HISP 438

Topics: Latin American Literature(3)HISP 439

20th Century Latin American Poetry.(3)HISP 453

Major Figures: Spanish Literature and Culture(3)HISP 454

Major Figures: Latin American Literature and Culture(3)HISP 455

Medieval Literature(3)HISP 457

Golden Age Literature: Renaissance(3)HISP 458

Golden Age Literature: Baroque(3)HISP 460

Seminar in Hispanic Studies 01(3)HISP 505

Courses Taught in English

Hispanic Civilization 1(3)HISP 225

Hispanic Civilization 2(3)HISP 226

Hispanic Literature and Culture in English 1(3)HISP 301

Contemporary Hispanic Cultural Studies(3)HISP 345

Queer Iberia(3)HISP 347

Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture(3)HISP 355

Latin American Digital Literature and Culture(3)HISP 357

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Italian Studies (18 credits)10.26.4

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Italian Studies.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected from three Italian course lists as follows:

Group A – Basic Language Courses and Group B – Courses taught in Italian (12-18 credits combined)

Group C – Courses taught in English (0-6 credits)

Group A - Basic Language Courses

Italian for Beginners(3)ITAL 205D1

Italian for Beginners(3)ITAL 205D2

Beginners Italian Intensive(6)ITAL 206

Elementary Italian(3)ITAL 210D1

Elementary Italian(3)ITAL 210D2

Intermediate Italian(3)ITAL 215D1

Intermediate Italian(3)ITAL 215D2

Intermediate Italian Intensive(6)ITAL 216

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)218


Group B - Courses Taught in Italian

* Note: Only one of ITAL 250 or ITAL 255 can count towards the program.

Italian Literary Composition(3)ITAL 250*

Advanced Reading and Composition(6)ITAL 255*

Reading Italian Literature(3)ITAL 260

Manzoni: Novel and Nationhood(3)ITAL 270

Masterpieces of Italian Literature 2(3)ITAL 281

Commedia Dell'Arte(3)ITAL 290

Italian Cultural Studies(3)ITAL 295

The Invention of Italian Literature(3)ITAL 310

Italian Cinematic Tradition(3)ITAL 329

Italian Theatrical Traditions(3)ITAL 332

The Art of Essay Writing(3)ITAL 341

Romanticism in Italy(3)ITAL 345

Medieval Discourses on Love(3)ITAL 356

Contemporary Italian Prose(3)ITAL 360

Post-World War 2 Literature and Society(3)ITAL 362

Literature of the Renaissance(3)ITAL 368

The Italian Baroque(3)ITAL 371

Italian Epic Poetry(3)ITAL 376

Italian Realisms(3)ITAL 380

Women's Writing since 1880(3)ITAL 383

Italian Regional Identities(3)ITAL 400

Italian Modernism(3)ITAL 410

Pirandello(3)ITAL 411

Leopardi Poet and Philosopher(3)ITAL 420

Petrarch and His Legacy(3)ITAL 435

Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata"(3)ITAL 436

History of Italian Language(3)ITAL 542

Boccaccio and the Italian Novella(3)ITAL 551

Topics in 19th & 20th Century Literature(3)ITAL 560

13th-16th Century Literature(3)ITAL 563

Group C - Courses Taught in English

FYS: Italy's Literature in Context(3)ITAL 199

Understanding Italy(3)ITAL 230

Topics in Italian Culture(3)ITAL 307

Dante and the Middle Ages(3)ITAL 355

Modern Italian Literature(3)ITAL 361

Gender, Literature and Society(3)ITAL 363

The Italian Renaissance(3)ITAL 365

Classics of Italian Cinema(3)ITAL 374

219McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375

Italian Futurist Movement(3)ITAL 385

Interdisciplinary Seminar(3)ITAL 395

The Twentieth Century(3)ITAL 416

Italy and the Visual Age(3)ITAL 450

Machiavelli(3)ITAL 464

Religious Identities in Italy(3)ITAL 465

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Russian (18 credits)10.26.5

The Minor Concentration in Russian will give students a basic working knowledge of Russian and the tools with which to explore Russian life and culturein the original. Students who can demonstrate to the Department that they have acquired the equivalent competence elsewhere may waive prerequisites for300-level courses and above.

The Minor Concentration in Russian may be expanded to the Major Concentration in Russian.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits to be chosen from:

Elementary Russian Language 1(3)RUSS 210

Elementary Russian Language 2(3)RUSS 211

Introduction to Soviet Film(3)RUSS 213

Elementary Russian Language Intensive 1(6)RUSS 215*

Russian for Heritage Speakers 1(3)RUSS 300

Russian for Heritage Speakers 2(3)RUSS 301

Intermediate Russian Language 1(3)RUSS 310

Intermediate Russian Language 2(3)RUSS 311

Intermediate Russian Language Intensive 2(6)RUSS 316**

Reading Russian Poetry(3)RUSS 327

Readings in Russian(3)RUSS 328

Supernatural and Absurd in Russian Literature(3)RUSS 365

Russia's Utopia Complex(3)RUSS 381

Soviet Cinema: Art and Politics(3)RUSS 395

Advanced Russian Language 1(3)RUSS 400

Advanced Russian Language 2(3)RUSS 401

Advanced Russian Language Intensive 1(6)RUSS 415***

Advanced Russian Language Intensive 2(6)RUSS 416

Advanced Russian Language and Syntax 1(3)RUSS 452

Advanced Russian Language and Syntax 2(3)RUSS 453

* RUSS 215 is not open to students who have taken RUSS 210 and RUSS 211.

** RUSS 316 is not open to students who have taken RUSS 310 and RUSS 311.

*** RUSS 415 is not open to students who have taken RUSS 400 and RUSS 401.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Russian Culture (18 credits)10.26.6

The Minor Concentration Russian Culture is designed primarily as an adjunct to area studies and/or programs in the humanities or social sciences. There areno Russian language requirements.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)220


This program may be expanded into a Major Concentration in Russian.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

Courses offered by LLC may be accepted subject to approval by the Department.

18 credits selected with the following specifications:

At least 6 credits from Group A

6-12 credits from Group B

Group A

At least 6 credits from:

Russia's Eternal Questions(3)RUSS 217

Russian Literature and Revolution(3)RUSS 218

Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 1(3)RUSS 223

Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 2(3)RUSS 224

Group B

6-12 credits from:

Introduction to Soviet Film(3)RUSS 213

Introduction to Russian Folklore(3)RUSS 229

Chekhov without Borders(3)RUSS 330

Vladimir Nabokov(3)RUSS 337

Russian Short Story(3)RUSS 340

Leo Tolstoy(3)RUSS 357

Fyodor Dostoevsky(3)RUSS 358

Supernatural and Absurd in Russian Literature(3)RUSS 365

Russia's Utopia Complex(3)RUSS 381

Russian Opera(3)RUSS 382

Russian Drama: from Pushkin to Chekhov(3)RUSS 385

Special Topics in Russian(3)RUSS 390

Russian Fin de Siècle(3)RUSS 427

Russian Avantgarde(3)RUSS 428

High Stalinist Culture 1(3)RUSS 430

Russia and Its Others(3)RUSS 440

Narratives of Desire(3)RUSS 454

Special Topics in Russ Culture(3)RUSS 475

Special Topics(3)RUSS 500

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration German Studies (18 credits)10.26.7

The Minor Concentration in German Studies provides an introduction to and critical understanding of a variety of aspects of German culture from theeighteenth century to the present day. It is designed to complement other forms of disciplinary and cultural inquiry, such as international studies, the digitalhumanities, and studies in other languages or geographic areas. Language courses are not required and all courses may be taken in either German or English.Courses include the study of major works of literature, philosophy, film, theory, and visual art that have made a defining impact on German and Europeanculture.

This program may be expanded to a Major Concentration.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

221McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


18 credits of courses in German literature or culture taken in either German or English, selected from the following list.

A maximum of 6 credits of LLCU courses can be taken, with prior departmental approval.

Language courses may not be applied towards this Minor Concentration.

Introduction to German Literature 1(3)GERM 259

Introduction to German Literature 2(3)GERM 260

Topics: German Language and Culture(3)GERM 326

Germany after Reunification(3)GERM 331

Topics in Eighteenth-Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 332

What is Enlightenment?(3)GERM 333

Science and Literature(3)GERM 335

German Language, Media and Culture(3)GERM 336

Literature and Revolution(3)GERM 337

Romanticism(3)GERM 340

Realism(3)GERM 344

Nature and Ecopoetics(3)GERM 348

Modernism and the Avant-Garde(3)GERM 350

Berlin(3)GERM 351

Nietzsche and Wagner(3)GERM 355

German Culture in European Context(3)GERM 357

Franz Kafka(3)GERM 358

Bertolt Brecht(3)GERM 359

German Drama(3)GERM 360

20th Century Literature Topics(3)GERM 362

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Modern Short Fiction(3)GERM 365

Lyric Poetry(3)GERM 366

Fin-de-Siècle Vienna(3)GERM 368

The German Novel(3)GERM 369

German Cinema(3)GERM 371

Topics in German Cinema(3)GERM 372

Weimar German Cinema(3)GERM 373

German Media Studies(3)GERM 375

German Visual Culture(3)GERM 379

Topics in German Thought(3)GERM 381

Critical Theory(3)GERM 385

Post-Wall Culture(3)GERM 388

Topics in 21st Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 390

Individual Reading Course 01(3)GERM 397

Individual Reading Course 02(3)GERM 398

Advanced Topics in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 401

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)222


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration German Studies (36 credits)10.26.8

The Major Concentration in German Studies provides students with a rigorous and broad inquiry into the major features that have defined German culturallife since the eighteenth century. Knowledge of the German language is a core component of the major concentration and normally courses towards themajor concentration will be taught in German. Courses will include the study of major works of literature, philosophy, film, theory, and visual art that havemade a defining impact on German and European culture. Students will acquire the skills of critical reading and viewing that allow them to interpret complexworks of art and evaluate their social and cultural significance.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

Students can elect to take either the German language stream in which most courses must be taught in German or the translation stream in which coursescan be taught in either German or English.

6 credits must be in pre-20th century literature and culture.

3 credits at the 400 level (this only applies to the German language stream.)

Language Courses

German Language, Intensive Beginners(6)GERM 200

German Language, Beginners'(6)GERM 202

German Language, Beginners'(3)GERM 202D1

German Language, Beginners(3)GERM 202D2

German Language Intensive Intermediate(6)GERM 300

German Language - Intermediate(6)GERM 307

German Language - Intermediate(3)GERM 307D1

German Language - Intermediate(3)GERM 307D2

German Language - Intensive Advanced(6)GERM 325

Literature and Culture Courses

*NOTE: Students can take either GERM 331 or GERM 336 but not both.

Introduction to German Literature 1(3)GERM 259

Introduction to German Literature 2(3)GERM 260

Topics: German Language and Culture(3)GERM 326

Germany after Reunification(3)GERM 331*

Topics in Eighteenth-Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 332

What is Enlightenment?(3)GERM 333

Science and Literature(3)GERM 335

German Language, Media and Culture(3)GERM 336*

Literature and Revolution(3)GERM 337

Romanticism(3)GERM 340

Realism(3)GERM 344

Nature and Ecopoetics(3)GERM 348

Modernism and the Avant-Garde(3)GERM 350

Berlin(3)GERM 351

Nietzsche and Wagner(3)GERM 355

German Culture in European Context(3)GERM 357

Franz Kafka(3)GERM 358

Bertolt Brecht(3)GERM 359

German Drama(3)GERM 360

223McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


20th Century Literature Topics(3)GERM 362

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Modern Short Fiction(3)GERM 365

Lyric Poetry(3)GERM 366

Fin-de-Siècle Vienna(3)GERM 368

The German Novel(3)GERM 369

German Cinema(3)GERM 371

Topics in German Cinema(3)GERM 372

Weimar German Cinema(3)GERM 373

German Media Studies(3)GERM 375

German Visual Culture(3)GERM 379

Topics in German Thought(3)GERM 381

Critical Theory(3)GERM 385

Post-Wall Culture(3)GERM 388

Topics in 21st Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 390

Individual Reading Course 01(3)GERM 397

Individual Reading Course 02(3)GERM 398

Advanced Topics in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 401

Topics in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 580

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Hispanic Studies (36 credits)10.26.9

The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – Hispanic Studies offers courses in the literature, intellectual history, and civilization of Spain andLatin America, as well as in the Spanish language. The Department's undergraduate and graduate programs are committed to expanding the liberal artsbackground of students by helping to develop the skills of communication and critical reasoning, and by providing insight into the culture of other regional,linguistic, and national groups. Enrichment in these areas reduces provincialism and broadens intellectual horizons, regardless of the professional interestsor fields of specialization that may guide students in other facets of their university education.

McGill University has bilateral exchange agreements with the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and theUniversidad de las Américas, Puebla (Mexico), as well as with other leading universities in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world which allow studentand faculty exchanges, and other collaborative ventures. Further information about these exchanges may be obtained from the Department or from theInternational Education website.

Complementary Courses

36 credits selected as follows:

Language and Civilization

0-18 credits in Language and Civilization from:

Spanish Language: Beginners(3)HISP 210D1

Spanish Language: Beginners(3)HISP 210D2

Spanish Language Intensive - Elementary(6)HISP 218

Spanish Language Intensive - Intermediate(6)HISP 219

Spanish Language: Intermediate(3)HISP 220D1

Spanish Language: Intermediate(3)HISP 220D2

Hispanic Civilization 1(3)HISP 225

Hispanic Civilization 2(3)HISP 226

Survey of Literature

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)224


6 - 12 credits in Survey of Literature from:

Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 241

Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 242

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 243

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 244

300-Level or Above Hispanic Literature

12-30 credits in Hispanic literature at the 300 level or above, of which at least 6 credits must be in literature of the pre-1800 period, from:

Contemporary Brazilian Literature and Film(3)HISP 320

Hispanic Literature of the 18th Century(3)HISP 321

20th Century Drama(3)HISP 324

Spanish Novel of the 19th Century(3)HISP 325

Spanish Romanticism(3)HISP 326

Literature of Ideas: Spain(3)HISP 327

Literature of Ideas: Latin America(3)HISP 328

Latin American Literature of 19th Century(3)HISP 332

Theatre, Performance and Politics in Latin America(3)HISP 333

Latin American Cinema(3)HISP 340

Spanish Cinema(3)HISP 341

Contemporary Hispanic Cultural Studies(3)HISP 345

Queer Iberia(3)HISP 347

Spanish Literature from 1898 to the Civil War(3)HISP 350

Latin American Novel(3)HISP 352

Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture(3)HISP 355

Latin American Short Story(3)HISP 356

Latin American Digital Literature and Culture(3)HISP 357

Gender and Textualities(3)HISP 358

Topics in Hispanic and Lusophone Visual Cultures(3)HISP 425

Literature - Discovery and Exploration Spain New World(3)HISP 432

Topics: Spanish Literature(3)HISP 438

Topics: Latin American Literature(3)HISP 439

20th Century Latin American Poetry.(3)HISP 453

Major Figures: Spanish Literature and Culture(3)HISP 454

Major Figures: Latin American Literature and Culture(3)HISP 455

Seminar in Hispanic Studies 01(3)HISP 505

Pre-1800 Literature

At least 6 credits from:

Literature - Discovery and Exploration Spain New World(3)HISP 432

Colonial/Postcolonial Latin America(3)HISP 437

Don Quixote(3)HISP 451

Golden Age Literature: Renaissance(3)HISP 458

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Golden Age Literature: Baroque(3)HISP 460

Note: No more than 12 credits in courses taught in English shall count towards the Major.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Italian Studies (36 credits)10.26.10

All students wishing to register for the Major Concentration Italian Studies are strongly urged to meet with a departmental adviser.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits selected from the three Italian course lists as follows:

Group A – Basic Language Courses (0-12 credits)

- Students with no knowledge of the Italian language must take 12 credits in language.

- Students with some knowledge of the language may take 6 credits only selected from ITAL 210D1/ITAL 210D2, ITAL 215D1/ITAL 215D2, or ITAL216.

- Students with competency in the language may substitute courses from Groups B and C for Group A - Basic Language courses.

ALL students with some background must consult with the Department for proper placement.

Group B – Courses Taught in Italian (a minimum of 12 credits, of which a maximum of 6 credits may be at the 200 level)

Group C – Courses Taught in English (0-12 credits)

Group A - Basic Language Courses

Italian for Beginners(3)ITAL 205D1

Italian for Beginners(3)ITAL 205D2

Beginners Italian Intensive(6)ITAL 206

Elementary Italian(3)ITAL 210D1

Elementary Italian(3)ITAL 210D2

Intermediate Italian(3)ITAL 215D1

Intermediate Italian(3)ITAL 215D2

Intermediate Italian Intensive(6)ITAL 216

Group B - Courses Taught in Italian

* Note: Only one of ITAL 250 or ITAL 255 can count toward the program.

Italian Literary Composition(3)ITAL 250*

Advanced Reading and Composition(6)ITAL 255*

Reading Italian Literature(3)ITAL 260

Manzoni: Novel and Nationhood(3)ITAL 270

Masterpieces of Italian Literature 2(3)ITAL 281

Commedia Dell'Arte(3)ITAL 290

Italian Cultural Studies(3)ITAL 295

The Invention of Italian Literature(3)ITAL 310

Italian Cinematic Tradition(3)ITAL 329

Italian Theatrical Traditions(3)ITAL 332

The Art of Essay Writing(3)ITAL 341

Romanticism in Italy(3)ITAL 345

Medieval Discourses on Love(3)ITAL 356

Contemporary Italian Prose(3)ITAL 360

Post-World War 2 Literature and Society(3)ITAL 362

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Literature of the Renaissance(3)ITAL 368

The Italian Baroque(3)ITAL 371

Italian Epic Poetry(3)ITAL 376

Italian Realisms(3)ITAL 380

Women's Writing since 1880(3)ITAL 383

Italian Regional Identities(3)ITAL 400

Italian Modernism(3)ITAL 410

Pirandello(3)ITAL 411

Leopardi Poet and Philosopher(3)ITAL 420

Petrarch and His Legacy(3)ITAL 435

Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata"(3)ITAL 436

History of Italian Language(3)ITAL 542

Boccaccio and the Italian Novella(3)ITAL 551

Topics in 19th & 20th Century Literature(3)ITAL 560

13th-16th Century Literature(3)ITAL 563

Group C - Courses Taught in English

FYS: Italy's Literature in Context(3)ITAL 199

Understanding Italy(3)ITAL 230

Topics in Italian Culture(3)ITAL 307

Dante and the Middle Ages(3)ITAL 355

Modern Italian Literature(3)ITAL 361

Gender, Literature and Society(3)ITAL 363

The Italian Renaissance(3)ITAL 365

Classics of Italian Cinema(3)ITAL 374

Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375

Italian Futurist Movement(3)ITAL 385

Interdisciplinary Seminar(3)ITAL 395

The Twentieth Century(3)ITAL 416

Italy and the Visual Age(3)ITAL 450

Machiavelli(3)ITAL 464

Religious Identities in Italy(3)ITAL 465

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Russian (36 credits)10.26.11

The Major Concentration in Russian gives students a foundation in the language, literature, and culture of Russia from the 19th century to the present. Itincorporates a balance of instruction in the Russian language, the opportunity to read selected texts in the original language, and to explore Russian languageand culture through translated texts.

By arrangement with the Department and subject to University approval, transfer credits will be accepted from Department-approved exchange/immersionprograms.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits selected from the following specifications:

Group A: Russian Language (18 credits)

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Students entering this program with previous knowledge of or exposure to Russian may, with permission of the Department, replace this group with selectionsfrom Group B or Group C.

18 credits selected from the following courses or their equivalent:

Elementary Russian Language 1(3)RUSS 210

Elementary Russian Language 2(3)RUSS 211

Elementary Russian Language Intensive 1(6)RUSS 215*

Russian for Heritage Speakers 1(3)RUSS 300

Russian for Heritage Speakers 2(3)RUSS 301

Intermediate Russian Language 1(3)RUSS 310

Intermediate Russian Language 2(3)RUSS 311

Intermediate Russian Language Intensive 2(6)RUSS 316**

Reading Russian Poetry(3)RUSS 327

Readings in Russian(3)RUSS 328

Advanced Russian Language 1(3)RUSS 400

Advanced Russian Language 2(3)RUSS 401

Advanced Russian Language Intensive 1(6)RUSS 415***

Advanced Russian Language Intensive 2(6)RUSS 416

Advanced Russian Language and Syntax 1(3)RUSS 452

Advanced Russian Language and Syntax 2(3)RUSS 453

*RUSS 215 is not open to students who have taken RUSS 210 or RUSS 211.

**RUSS 316 is not open to students who have taken RUSS 310 or RUSS 311.

***RUSS 415 is not open to students who have taken RUSS 400 or RUSS 401.

Group B (9 credits)

9 credits selected from the following courses or their equivalent:

Russia's Eternal Questions(3)RUSS 217

Russian Literature and Revolution(3)RUSS 218

Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 1(3)RUSS 223

Russian 19th Century: Literary Giants 2(3)RUSS 224

Introduction to Russian Folklore(3)RUSS 229

Group C (9 credits)

9 credits selected from the following courses or their equivalent:

Introduction to Soviet Film(3)RUSS 213

Chekhov without Borders(3)RUSS 330

Vladimir Nabokov(3)RUSS 337

Russian Short Story(3)RUSS 340

Leo Tolstoy(3)RUSS 357

Fyodor Dostoevsky(3)RUSS 358

Supernatural and Absurd in Russian Literature(3)RUSS 365

Russia's Utopia Complex(3)RUSS 381

Russian Opera(3)RUSS 382

Russian Drama: from Pushkin to Chekhov(3)RUSS 385

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Special Topics in Russian(3)RUSS 390

Soviet Cinema: Art and Politics(3)RUSS 395

Russian Fin de Siècle(3)RUSS 427

Russian Avantgarde(3)RUSS 428

High Stalinist Culture 1(3)RUSS 430

Russia and Its Others(3)RUSS 440

Narratives of Desire(3)RUSS 454

Individual Reading Course(3)RUSS 470*

Special Topics in Russ Culture(3)RUSS 475

Special Topics(3)RUSS 500

* Students must submit project proposals to their departmental adviser by March 15th or November 15th of the preceding term for individual reading andindependent research courses.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours German Studies Component (36 credits)10.26.12

The Joint Honours – German Studies Component provides students with a rigorous and broad inquiry into the major features that have defined Germancultural life since the eighteenth century. Knowledge of the German language is a core component of the Joint Honours Component and normally coursestowards the Joint Honours Component will be taught in German. Courses will include the study of major works of literature, philosophy, film, theory, andvisual art that have made a defining impact on German and European culture. Students will acquire the skills of critical reading and viewing that allow themto interpret complex works of art and evaluate their social and cultural significance.

Note: Beginners' and intermediate language levels are offered either as a one-term intensive course or a two-term spanned course. Students choose whichversion of the level they prefer.

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Admission to the Joint Honours program requires departmental approval. Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.30 in their program courses,and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Required Course (3 credits)

Joint Honours Thesis(3)GERM 570

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 credits of complementary courses selected with the following specifications:

Students can elect to take either the German language stream in which most courses must be taught in German or the translation stream in which coursescan be taught in either German or English.

6 credits must be in pre-20th Century literature and culture.

Students of the German language stream can take a maximum of 9 credits of LLCU courses or German Studies courses taught in English, only with priorapproval.

3 credits at the 400 level (only applies to German language stream).

Language Courses

German Language, Intensive Beginners(6)GERM 200

German Language, Beginners'(6)GERM 202

German Language, Beginners'(3)GERM 202D1

German Language, Beginners(3)GERM 202D2

German Language Intensive Intermediate(6)GERM 300

German Language - Intermediate(6)GERM 307

German Language - Intermediate(3)GERM 307D1

German Language - Intermediate(3)GERM 307D2

German Language - Intensive Advanced(6)GERM 325

229McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Literature and Culture Courses

*NOTE: Students can take either GERM 331 or GERM 336 but not both.

Introduction to German Literature 1(3)GERM 259

Introduction to German Literature 2(3)GERM 260

Germany after Reunification(3)GERM 331

Topics in Eighteenth-Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 332

What is Enlightenment?(3)GERM 333

German Language, Media and Culture(3)GERM 336

Literature and Revolution(3)GERM 337

Romanticism(3)GERM 340

Realism(3)GERM 344

Nature and Ecopoetics(3)GERM 348

Modernism and the Avant-Garde(3)GERM 350

Berlin(3)GERM 351

Nietzsche and Wagner(3)GERM 355

German Culture in European Context(3)GERM 357

Franz Kafka(3)GERM 358

Bertolt Brecht(3)GERM 359

German Drama(3)GERM 360

20th Century Literature Topics(3)GERM 362

Gender and Society in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 364

Modern Short Fiction(3)GERM 365

Lyric Poetry(3)GERM 366

Fin-de-Siècle Vienna(3)GERM 368

The German Novel(3)GERM 369

German Cinema(3)GERM 371

Topics in German Cinema(3)GERM 372

German Media Studies(3)GERM 375

German Visual Culture(3)GERM 379

Topics in German Thought(3)GERM 381

Critical Theory(3)GERM 385

Post-Wall Culture(3)GERM 388

Topics in 21st Century German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 390

Individual Reading Course 01(3)GERM 397

Individual Reading Course 02(3)GERM 398

Advanced Topics in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 401

Topics in German Literature and Culture(3)GERM 580

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Hispanic Studies (36 credits)10.26.13

Revision, May 2018. Start of revision.

The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - Hispanic Studies offers courses in the literature, intellectual history, and civilization of Spain andLatin America, as well as in the Spanish language. The Department's undergraduate and graduate programs are committed to expanding the liberal artsbackground of students by helping to develop the skills of communication and critical reasoning, and by providing insight into the culture of other regional,

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)230


linguistic, and national groups. Enrichment in these areas reduces provincialism and broadens intellectual horizons, regardless of the professional interestsor fields of specialization that may guide students in other facets of their university education.

McGill University has bilateral exchange agreements with the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and theUniversidad de las Américas, Puebla (Mexico), as well as with other leading universities in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world which allow studentand faculty exchanges, and other collaborative ventures. Further information about these exchanges may be obtained from the Department or from theInternational Education website.

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Joint Honours students are expected to maintain a program GPA of 3.30 and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Don Quixote(3)HISP 451

Honours Thesis(3)HISP 490D1

Honours Thesis(3)HISP 490D2

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as follows:

Survey of Literature

At least 6-12 credits from the following:

Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 241

Survey of Spanish Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 242

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 1(3)HISP 243

Survey of Latin American Literature and Culture 2(3)HISP 244


At least 6 credits from the 400-level courses below:

Literature - Discovery and Exploration Spain New World(3)HISP 432

Colonial/Postcolonial Latin America(3)HISP 437

Golden Age Literature: Renaissance(3)HISP 458

Golden Age Literature: Baroque(3)HISP 460

All remaining credits may be selected from courses given in Spanish in the Department above the Intermediate Spanish language level (HISP 219 OR HISP220D1/HISP 220D2).

No more than 12 credits in courses taught in English shall count towards this program.

Revision, May 2018. End of revision.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Italian Studies (36 credits)10.26.14

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.30 in their program courses and, according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Admission to Joint Honours requires departmental approval. Students wishing to register in the program should consult with the Department as early aspossible. Students may register for Joint Honours in the first year, instead of the second year, if in the opinion of the departments they are found to bequalified.

Required Courses (6 credits)

Dante and the Middle Ages(3)ITAL 355

231McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Joint Honours Thesis(3)ITAL 470

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits, 6 of which must be at the 400 level or above, selected from the four Italian course lists as follows:

0-12 credits from Group A – Basic Language Courses.

12-30 credits from Group B – Courses Taught in Italian.

0-18 credits combined from Group C – Courses Taught in English and Group D – Courses Offered in Other Departments.

Note: Students with advanced standing in the language must replace language courses with courses from groups B, C, and D.

Group A - Basic Language Courses

Italian for Beginners(3)ITAL 205D1

Italian for Beginners(3)ITAL 205D2

Beginners Italian Intensive(6)ITAL 206

Elementary Italian(3)ITAL 210D1

Elementary Italian(3)ITAL 210D2

Intermediate Italian(3)ITAL 215D1

Intermediate Italian(3)ITAL 215D2

Intermediate Italian Intensive(6)ITAL 216

Group B - Courses Taught in Italian

* Note: Only one of ITAL 250 or ITAL 255 can count toward the program.

Italian Literary Composition(3)ITAL 250*

Advanced Reading and Composition(6)ITAL 255*

Reading Italian Literature(3)ITAL 260

Manzoni: Novel and Nationhood(3)ITAL 270

Masterpieces of Italian Literature 2(3)ITAL 281

Commedia Dell'Arte(3)ITAL 290

Italian Cultural Studies(3)ITAL 295

Topics in Italian Culture(3)ITAL 307

The Invention of Italian Literature(3)ITAL 310

Italian Theatrical Traditions(3)ITAL 332

The Art of Essay Writing(3)ITAL 341

Medieval Discourses on Love(3)ITAL 356

Contemporary Italian Prose(3)ITAL 360

Literature of the Renaissance(3)ITAL 368

Italian Realisms(3)ITAL 380

Women's Writing since 1880(3)ITAL 383

Italian Regional Identities(3)ITAL 400

Italian Modernism(3)ITAL 410

Pirandello(3)ITAL 411

Leopardi Poet and Philosopher(3)ITAL 420

Petrarch and His Legacy(3)ITAL 435

Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata"(3)ITAL 436

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)232


History of Italian Language(3)ITAL 542

Boccaccio and the Italian Novella(3)ITAL 551

Topics in 19th & 20th Century Literature(3)ITAL 560

13th-16th Century Literature(3)ITAL 563

Group C - Courses Taught in English

FYS: Italy's Literature in Context(3)ITAL 199

Dante and the Middle Ages(3)ITAL 355

Modern Italian Literature(3)ITAL 361

The Italian Renaissance(3)ITAL 365

Cinema and Society in Modern Italy(3)ITAL 375

Italian Futurist Movement(3)ITAL 385

Interdisciplinary Seminar(3)ITAL 395

The Twentieth Century(3)ITAL 416

Machiavelli(3)ITAL 464

Italian Cinema and Video(3)ITAL 477

Group D - Courses Offered in Other Departments

Mediterranean Society and Culture(3)ANTH 337

Introduction Italian Renaissance Art 1300-1500(3)ARTH 223

Sixteenth-Century Art in Italy(3)ARTH 324

Visual Culture Renaissance Venice(3)ARTH 325

Roman Literature and Society(3)CLAS 302

Classical Tradition(3)CLAS 404

Crosscurrents/English Literature and European Literature 1(3)ENGL 447

History of Italian Renaissance(3)HIST 345

Western Europe: The Middle Ages(3)HIST 380

Topics in Italian History(3)HIST 398

Topics: Medieval Culture and Society(3)HIST 401

Opera from Mozart to Puccini(3)MUHL 387

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Russian (36 credits)10.26.15

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Prior to registering for each Joint Honours component, students should consult an adviser in each department for approval of their course selection and theirinterdisciplinary research project (if applicable). Twelve credits in Russian and 12 credits in the cooperating department are normally taken each year.

According to Faculty regulations, Joint Honours students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and maintain a minimum program GPA of 3.00. Departmentsmay require a higher program GPA. Joint Honours students must meet the requirements of both components of their program.

The specific course requirements for the 36-credit Joint Honours Component Russian program are determined on an individual basis in consultation withthe student's program adviser(s).

Prior to registering for each Joint Honours component, students must see advisers in the respective departments for approval of their selection. Departmentaladvisers will only approve combinations that are feasible, given the nature of the research project that would be involved. Students who neglect to obtainprior approval may jeopardize their graduation.

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Linguistics (LING)10.27

The Department of Linguistics, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : Linguistics (LING).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Linguistics (18 credits)10.27.1

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Linguistics.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

Phonetics(3)LING 330

Syntax 1(3)LING 371

Complementary Courses (9 credits)

9 credits in Linguistics chosen according to the student's interests. At least 3 of these credits must be at the 400/500 level. Only 3 credits at the 200 levelmay count towards complementary credits.

Students who take LING 360 as one of their complementary courses may also count PHIL 210 (Intro to Deductive Logic 1) as a complementary course, butmust still have 3 credits at the 400/500 level.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Linguistics (36 credits)10.27.2

Required Courses (18 credits)

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

Phonetics(3)LING 330

Phonology 1(3)LING 331

Introduction to Semantics(3)LING 360

Syntax 1(3)LING 371

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits in Linguistics (LING) chosen according to the student's interests. At least 9 of these credits must be at the 400/500 level.

Only 3 credits at the 200 level may count towards complementary credits.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Linguistics (36 credits)10.27.3

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a listof available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.30 (B+ average) in their program courses and a minimum grade of B+ must be obtained in three out offour of the following courses: LING 330, LING 331, LING 360, LING 371, as well as in the Joint Honours Thesis, LING 481D1/D2. According to Facultyof Arts regulations, Joint Honours students must also maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

The requirement for First Class Honours is a CGPA of 3.50 and a minimum grade of A- in the Joint Honours Thesis. Inquiries may be addressed to thedepartmental office or to the Adviser for Undergraduate Studies.

Required Courses (21 credits)

Introduction to Linguistics(3)LING 201

Phonetics(3)LING 330

Phonology 1(3)LING 331

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)234


Introduction to Semantics(3)LING 360

Syntax 1(3)LING 371

Joint Honours Thesis(1.5)LING 481D1

Joint Honours Thesis(1.5)LING 481D2

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits in Linguistics (LING) chosen according to the student's interests. At least 9 of these credits must be at the 400/500 level.

Only 3 credits at the 200 level may count towards complementary credits.

Mathematics and Statistics (MATH)10.28

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the discipline, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse AcademicUnits & Programs > : Mathematics and Statistics (MATH).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Mathematics (18 credits)10.28.1

The Minor Concentration Mathematics is offered in two versions: an expandable version, for students who wish to leave open the option of expanding theprogram into a Major Concentration Mathematics, and a non-expandable version for students who know on entry into the Minor that they do not wish toexpand it into a major concentration.

The Minor Concentration Mathematics may be taken in conjunction with a major concentration in some other discipline under option A of the Multi-trackSystem. Students planning on taking the Major Concentration Mathematics and the Minor Concentration Mathematics as part of Multi-track option C shouldselect the Supplementary Minor Concentration in Mathematics in place of this Minor concentration.

Under option C, it is not possible to combine the Minor Concentration Mathematics and the Minor Concentration Statistics. Students wishing to do thisshould instead take the Major Concentration Mathematics under option B (two major concentrations) and select a large number of statistics complementaries.

For more information about the Multi-track System options please refer to the Faculty of Arts regulations under "Faculty Degree Requirements", "AboutProgram Requirements", and "Departmental Programs".

No overlap is permitted with other programs.

Program Prerequisites

Students who have not completed the program prerequisite courses listed below or their equivalents will be required to make up any deficiencies in thesecourses over and above the 18 credits required for the program.

Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 133

Calculus 1(3)MATH 140

Calculus 2(4)MATH 141

Expandable Version: Required Courses (12 credits)

* Note: Credit cannot be received for both MATH 236 and MATH 223 (listed as a required course in the non-expandable version of this Minor concentration).

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Algebra 1(3)MATH 235

Algebra 2(3)MATH 236*

Ordinary Differential Equations(3)MATH 315

Expandable Version: Complementary Courses (6 credits)

Students selecting the expandable version of this program complete 6 credits of complementary courses from the Complementary Course List.

It is strongly recommended that students take MATH 323 as a complementary course.

Non-Expandable Version: Required Courses (9 credits)

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* Note: Credit cannot be received for both MATH 223 and MATH 236 (listed as a required course in the expandable version of this Minor concentration).

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223*

Ordinary Differential Equations(3)MATH 315

Non-Expandable Version: Complementary Courses (9 credits)

Students selecting the non-expandable version of this program complete 9 credits of complementary courses from the Complementary Course List.

It is strongly recommended that students take MATH 323 as a complementary course.

Complementary Course List

* Note: Either MATH 249 or MATH 316 may be taken but not both.

Honours Complex Variables(3)MATH 249*

Advanced Calculus(3)MATH 314

Complex Variables(3)MATH 316*

Numerical Analysis(3)MATH 317

Mathematical Logic(3)MATH 318

Introduction to Partial Differential Equations(3)MATH 319

Differential Geometry(3)MATH 320

Probability(3)MATH 323

Statistics(3)MATH 324

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos(3)MATH 326

Matrix Numerical Analysis(3)MATH 327

Discrete Structures 2(3)MATH 340

Number Theory(3)MATH 346

Euclidean Geometry(3)MATH 348

Dynamic Programming(3)MATH 407

Linear Optimization(3)MATH 417

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Statistics (18 credits)10.28.2

The Minor Concentration Statistics is offered only in a non-expandable version, that is, one that cannot be expanded into the Major Concentration Mathematics.

The Minor Concentration Statistics may be taken in conjunction with a major concentration in some other discipline under option A of the Multi-trackSystem, or together with the Major Concentration Mathematics and a minor concentration (which must be in some other discipline than Mathematics) underoption C.

Under option C, it is not possible to combine the Minor Concentration Statistics and the Minor Concentration Mathematics. Students wishing to do thisshould instead take the Major Concentration Mathematics under option B (two major concentrations) and select a large number of statistics complementaries.

For more information about the Multi-track System options please refer to the Faculty of Arts regulations under "Faculty Degree Requirements", "AboutProgram Requirements", and "Departmental Programs".

No overlap is permitted with other programs.

Program Prerequisites

Students who have not completed the program prerequisite courses listed below or their equivalents will be required to make up any deficiencies in thesecourses over and above the 18 credits required for the program.

Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 133

Calculus 1(3)MATH 140

Calculus 2(4)MATH 141

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)236


Required Courses (15 credits)

* Note: If the Minor Concentration Statistics is combined with the Major Concentration Mathematics, the required courses MATH 222, MATH 223 andMATH 323 must be replaced by courses selected from the Complementary Courses. Credit cannot be received for both MATH 223 and MATH 236 (listedas a required course in the Major Concentration Mathematics).

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222*

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223*

Probability(3)MATH 323*

Statistics(3)MATH 324

Regression and Analysis of Variance(3)MATH 423

Complementary Courses (3 credits)

3 credits from:

Principles of Statistics 2(3)MATH 204

Numerical Analysis(3)MATH 317

Statistical Quality Control(3)MATH 427

Introduction to Stochastic Processes(3)MATH 447

Generalized Linear Models(4)MATH 523

Nonparametric Statistics(4)MATH 524

Sampling Theory and Applications(4)MATH 525

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Mathematics (36 credits)10.28.3

Students who have done well in MATH 242 and MATH 235 at the end of their first term should consider, in consultation with their adviser and the instructorsof the courses involved, the possibility of entering into an Honours program in Mathematics, in Applied Mathematics, in Probability and Statistics, or a JointHonours program in Mathematics and another discipline.

Program Prerequisites

Students who have not completed the program prerequisite courses listed below or their equivalents will be required to make up any deficiencies in thesecourses over and above the 36 credits required for the program.

Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 133

Calculus 1(3)MATH 140

Calculus 2(4)MATH 141

Guidelines for Course Selection

Where appropriate, Honours-level courses may be substituted for their Majors-level counterparts. Students planning to undertake graduate studies inmathematics are urged to make such substitutions.

Students interested in computer science should consider the courses MATH 317, MATH 318, MATH 327, MATH 340, MATH 407, MATH 417, and takethe Minor Concentration Computer Science.

Students interested in probability and statistics should consider either taking the Minor Concentration Statistics under option C, or else including some orall of the courses MATH 423, MATH 447, MATH 523, MATH 524, and MATH 525.

Students interested in applied mathematics should consider the courses MATH 317, MATH 319, MATH 324, MATH 326, MATH 327, MATH 407 andMATH 417.

Students interested in careers in business, industry or government should consider the courses MATH 317, MATH 319, MATH 327, MATH 407, MATH417, MATH 423, MATH 447, MATH 523, and MATH 525.

Required Courses (21 credits)

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Algebra 1(3)MATH 235

237McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Algebra 2(3)MATH 236

Analysis 1(3)MATH 242

Analysis 2(3)MATH 243

Advanced Calculus(3)MATH 314

Probability(3)MATH 323

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits selected as follows:

At least 9 credits from:

* Note: Either MATH 249 or MATH 316 may be taken but not both.

Honours Complex Variables(3)MATH 249*

Ordinary Differential Equations(3)MATH 315

Complex Variables(3)MATH 316*

Numerical Analysis(3)MATH 317

Statistics(3)MATH 324

Discrete Structures 2(3)MATH 340

Regression and Analysis of Variance(3)MATH 423

Revision, May 2018. Start of revision.

Remaining credits from:

Principles of Statistics 2(3)MATH 204

Mathematical Logic(3)MATH 318

Introduction to Partial Differential Equations(3)MATH 319

Differential Geometry(3)MATH 320

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos(3)MATH 326

Matrix Numerical Analysis(3)MATH 327

Number Theory(3)MATH 346

Euclidean Geometry(3)MATH 348

Problem Seminar(1)MATH 352

Dynamic Programming(3)MATH 407

Majors Project(3)MATH 410

Linear Optimization(3)MATH 417

Statistical Quality Control(3)MATH 427

Introduction to Stochastic Processes(3)MATH 447

Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics(3)MATH 478

Generalized Linear Models(4)MATH 523

Nonparametric Statistics(4)MATH 524

Sampling Theory and Applications(4)MATH 525

Revision, May 2018. End of revision.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)238


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Mathematics (36 credits)10.28.4

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

To remain in the Joint Honours program and receive the Joint Honours degree, a student must maintain the standards set by each discipline, as well as bythe Faculty. In the Mathematics courses of the program a GPA of 3.00 and a CGPA of 3.00 must be maintained. Students who have difficulty in maintainingthe required level should change to another program before entering their final year.

Program Prerequisites

Students who have not completed the program prerequisite courses listed below or their equivalents will be required to make up any deficiencies in thesecourses over and above the 36 credits required for the program.

Linear Algebra and Geometry(3)MATH 133

Calculus 1(3)MATH 140

Calculus 2(4)MATH 141

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Required Courses (12 credits)

Algebra 1(3)MATH 235

Honours Advanced Calculus(3)MATH 248

Honours Algebra 2(3)MATH 251

Honours Analysis 2(3)MATH 255

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

3 credits selected from:

Analysis 1(3)MATH 242

Honours Analysis 1(3)MATH 254*

* It is strongly recommended that students take MATH 254.

15 credits selected from the list below. The remaining credits are to be chosen from the full list of available Honours courses in Mathematics and Statistics.

* Not open to students who have taken MATH 354.

** Not open to students who have taken MATH 355.

*** Not open to students who have taken MATH 370.

+ Not open to students who have taken MATH 371.

++ Not open to students who have taken MATH 380.

Honours Ordinary Differential Equations(3)MATH 325

Honours Probability(3)MATH 356

Honours Statistics(3)MATH 357

Honours Complex Analysis(3)MATH 366

Honours Analysis 3(3)MATH 454*

Honours Analysis 4(3)MATH 455**

Honours Algebra 3(3)MATH 456***

Honours Algebra 4(3)MATH 457+

Honours Differential Geometry(3)MATH 458++

239McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Philosophy (PHIL)10.29

The Department of Philosophy, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : Philosophy (PHIL).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Philosophy (18 credits)10.29.1

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits, of which no more than 9 credits may be at the 200 level and at least 3 credits must be at the 400 or 500 level, distributed as follows:

15 credits from Groups A, B, C, D, and E with one course from at least four of the five groups.

3 additional credits from Groups A, B, C, D, and E or from other Philosophy (PHIL) courses.

Group A

Introduction to Moral Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 230

Contemporary Moral Issues(3)PHIL 237

Political Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 240

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Ethical Theory(3)PHIL 334

Biomedical Ethics(3)PHIL 343

Philosophy of Law 1(3)PHIL 348

Metaethics(3)PHIL 434

Topics in Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 442

Group B

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 221

Chomsky(3)PHIL 304

Philosophy of Mind(3)PHIL 306

Intermediate Logic(3)PHIL 310

Philosophy of Mathematics(3)PHIL 311

Philosophy of Science 1(3)PHIL 341

Problems in Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 370

Advanced Topics in Logic 1(3)PHIL 410

Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics(3)PHIL 411

Philosophy of Language(3)PHIL 415

Epistemology(3)PHIL 419

Metaphysics(3)PHIL 421

Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 441

Topics in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 470

Group C

Existentialism(3)PHIL 375

Phenomenology(3)PHIL 474

Topics in Contemporary European Philosophy(3)PHIL 475

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)240


Group D

Medieval and Renaissance Political Theory(3)PHIL 344

Greek Political Theory(3)PHIL 345

History and Philosophy of Ancient Science(3)PHIL 350

The Presocratic Philosophers(3)PHIL 353

Plato(3)PHIL 354

Aristotle(3)PHIL 355

Early Medieval Philosophy(3)PHIL 356

Late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy(3)PHIL 357

Later Greek Philosophy(3)PHIL 452

Ancient Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy(3)PHIL 453

Ancient Moral Theory(3)PHIL 454

Group E

17th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 360

18th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 361

18th and Early 19th Century German Philosophy(3)PHIL 366

19th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 367

Early Modern Political Theory(3)PHIL 444

19th Century Political Theory(3)PHIL 445

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Philosophy (36 credits)10.29.2

Required Course (3 credits)

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 credits, of which no more than 9 may be at the 200 level and at least 9 must be at the 400 or 500 level, distributed as follows:

18 credits from Groups A, B, C, D, E, and F:

3 credits from Group A

3 credits from Group B

6 credits, two courses from either Group C or Group D

3 credits from Group E

3 credits from Group F

15 additional credits from Groups A, B, C, D, E or F or from other Philosophy (PHIL) courses. Only one of PHIL 200 or PHIL 201 may be included in theprogram.

Group A

3 credits from:

Chomsky(3)PHIL 304

Philosophy of Mind(3)PHIL 306

Intermediate Logic(3)PHIL 310

Philosophy of Mathematics(3)PHIL 311

241McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Philosophy of Science 1(3)PHIL 341

Problems in Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 370

Advanced Topics in Logic 1(3)PHIL 410

Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics(3)PHIL 411

Philosophy of Language(3)PHIL 415

Epistemology(3)PHIL 419

Metaphysics(3)PHIL 421

Philosophy of Science 2(3)PHIL 441

Topics in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 470

Group B

3 credits from:

Existentialism(3)PHIL 375

Phenomenology(3)PHIL 474

Topics in Contemporary European Philosophy(3)PHIL 475

Group C

6 credits (two courses) from Group C OR Group D:

Medieval and Renaissance Political Theory(3)PHIL 344

Greek Political Theory(3)PHIL 345

History and Philosophy of Ancient Science(3)PHIL 350

The Presocratic Philosophers(3)PHIL 353

Plato(3)PHIL 354

Aristotle(3)PHIL 355

Early Medieval Philosophy(3)PHIL 356

Late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy(3)PHIL 357

Later Greek Philosophy(3)PHIL 452

Ancient Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy(3)PHIL 453

Ancient Moral Theory(3)PHIL 454

Group D

6 credits (two courses) from Group C OR Group D:

17th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 360

18th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 361

18th and Early 19th Century German Philosophy(3)PHIL 366

19th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 367

Early Modern Political Theory(3)PHIL 444

19th Century Political Theory(3)PHIL 445

Group E

3 credits from:

Introduction to Moral Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 230

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)242


Contemporary Moral Issues(3)PHIL 237

Political Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 240

Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Group F

3 credits from:

Ethical Theory(3)PHIL 334

Biomedical Ethics(3)PHIL 343

Philosophy of Law 1(3)PHIL 348

Metaethics(3)PHIL 434

Topics in Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 442

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Philosophy (36 credits)10.29.3

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Prior to registering for each Joint Honours component, students should consult an adviser in each department for approval of their course selection and theirinterdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

According to Faculty regulations, Joint Honours students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and maintain a minimum program GPA of 3.00.

Admission to Joint Honours: Students must attain a 3.00 CGPA and have a 3.00 GPA in Philosophy courses.

Required Courses (9 credits)

Introduction to Deductive Logic 1(3)PHIL 210

Philosophical Fundamentals(3)PHIL 301

Ethical Theory(3)PHIL 334

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits distributed as follows:

3 credits from:

Philosophy of Mind(3)PHIL 306

Intermediate Logic(3)PHIL 310

Problems in Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 370

Advanced Topics in Logic 1(3)PHIL 410

Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics(3)PHIL 411

Philosophy of Language(3)PHIL 415

Epistemology(3)PHIL 419

Metaphysics(3)PHIL 421

Topics in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy(3)PHIL 470

3 credits from:

Introduction to Moral Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 230

Contemporary Moral Issues(3)PHIL 237

Political Philosophy 1(3)PHIL 240

243McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Introduction to Feminist Theory(3)PHIL 242

Group A

6 credits from Group A or Group B.

Greek Political Theory(3)PHIL 345

History and Philosophy of Ancient Science(3)PHIL 350

The Presocratic Philosophers(3)PHIL 353

Plato(3)PHIL 354

Aristotle(3)PHIL 355

Later Greek Philosophy(3)PHIL 452

Ancient Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy(3)PHIL 453

Ancient Moral Theory(3)PHIL 454

Group B

6 credits from Group A or Group B.

17th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 360

18th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 361

18th and Early 19th Century German Philosophy(3)PHIL 366

19th Century Philosophy(3)PHIL 367

Early Modern Political Theory(3)PHIL 444

19th Century Political Theory(3)PHIL 445

3 credits from:

Existentialism(3)PHIL 375

Phenomenology(3)PHIL 474

Topics in Contemporary European Philosophy(3)PHIL 475

9 credits of Philosophy (PHIL) at the 400 and 500 level (not including the Joint Honours tutorial), at least 3 credits of which must be at the 500 level.

Joint Honours Tutorial with Thesis

3 credits of Joint Honours tutorial with thesis, which can take either of two forms: a 6-credit interdisciplinary thesis, or a 3-credit thesis in Philosophy, i.e.,PHIL 498 below.

Tutorial 05(3)PHIL 498

Physics (PHYS)10.30

The Department of Physics, the discipline, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : Physics (PHYS).

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Minor Physics (18 credits)10.30.1

The 18-credit Minor permits no overlap with any other programs. It contains no Mathematics courses, although many of the courses in it have Math pre- orcorequisites. It will, therefore, be particularly appropriate to students in Mathematics, but it is also available to any Science student with the appropriatemathematical background.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)244


Students in certain programs (e.g., the Major Chemistry) will find that there are courses in the Minor that are already part of their program, or that they maynot take for credit because of a substantial overlap of material with a course or courses in their program. After consultation with an adviser, such studentsmay complete the Minor by substituting any other physics course(s) from the Major or Honours Physics programs.

Required Course (3 credits)

Experimental Methods 1(3)PHYS 257

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 credits to be selected as follows:

One of:

Dynamics of Simple Systems(3)PHYS 230

Honours Classical Mechanics 1(3)PHYS 251

One of:

Heat and Waves(3)PHYS 232

Thermal Physics(3)PHYS 253

One of:

Signal Processing(3)PHYS 241

Experimental Methods 2(3)PHYS 258

One of:

Introductory Astrophysics(3)PHYS 214

Physics of Music(3)PHYS 224

Energy and the Environment(3)PHYS 228

Modern Physics and Relativity(3)PHYS 260

Majors Quantum Physics(3)PHYS 446

One of:

Majors Electricity and Magnetism(3)PHYS 340

Honours Electricity and Magnetism(3)PHYS 350

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Major Concentration Physics (36 credits)10.30.2

The Major Concentration Physics, which is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed., is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit adegree of specialization in this discipline. This program is insufficient to prepare a student for professional or graduate work in physics; students interestedin pursuing a career in physics are advised to take the appropriate B.Sc. program in physics.

Required Courses* (30 credits)

* Required courses taken at CEGEP or elsewhere that are not credited toward the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed. must be replaced by courses from theComplementary Course List.

Calculus 3(3)MATH 222

Linear Algebra(3)MATH 223

245McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Advanced Calculus(3)MATH 314

Ordinary Differential Equations(3)MATH 315

Dynamics of Simple Systems(3)PHYS 230

Heat and Waves(3)PHYS 232

Experimental Methods 1(3)PHYS 257

Thermal and Statistical Physics(3)PHYS 333

Majors Electricity and Magnetism(3)PHYS 340

Majors Quantum Physics(3)PHYS 446

Complementary Courses (6 credits)

6 credits selected from:

Introductory Astrophysics(3)PHYS 214

Physics of Music(3)PHYS 224

Energy and the Environment(3)PHYS 228

Signal Processing(3)PHYS 241

Experimental Methods 2(3)PHYS 258

Modern Physics and Relativity(3)PHYS 260

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(3)PHYS 534

or any 300- or 400-level course approved by an adviser.

Political Science (POLI)10.31

The Department of Political Science, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units &Programs > : Political Science (POLI).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Political Science (18 credits)10.31.1

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration Political Science.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected as follows:

6-9 POLI credits at the 200 level.

9-12 POLI credits at the 300 level or above.

No more than 6 POLI transfer credits can be used toward the program requirements.

POLI 490, POLI 499, and POLI 599 cannot be used towards the Minor program.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Political Science (36 credits)10.31.2

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits of courses selected from the four main fields of political science (Canadian Politics, Comparative Politics (Developed Areas and DevelopingAreas), International Relations, and Political Theory) with the following specifications.

No more than one-half of the credits (18 credits) may be taken in a single field of political science, unless the field is Comparative Politics in which case themaximum is 21 credits, provided courses are taken in both Developed Areas and Developing Areas.

No more than 15 of the 36 credits may be at the 200 level.

In the final year, no course used toward the program requirements may be below the 300 level.

No more than 12 POLI transfer credits can be used toward the program requirements.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)246


Advising Information

In the first year of the program (U1), students are advised to select 12-15 credits from at least three of the four main fields of political science. U1 studentsshould normally take courses at the 200 level only. However, those who have already completed the 200-level prerequisite for courses may take 300-levelcourses.

Course lists for each field of political science are provided below.

NOTE: POLI 200, 210, 311 and 461 can also be used towards this program.

Canadian Politics

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Comparative Local Government(3)POLI 318

Issues in Canadian Democracy(3)POLI 320

Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Provincial Politics(3)POLI 326

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Challenge of Canadian Federalism(3)POLI 371

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

The Canadian Judicial Process(3)POLI 378

Topics in Canadian Politics(3)POLI 379

Canadian Political Parties(3)POLI 410

Canadian Voting/Public Opinion(3)POLI 412

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Media and Politics(3)POLI 424

Partis politiques et comportements électoraux au Québec(3)POLI 426

Selected Topics: Canadian Politics(3)POLI 427

Aboriginal Rights in the Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 436

The Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 478

Seminar: Canadian Politics and Government(3)POLI 521

Comparative Politics - Developed Areas

Memory, Place, and Power(3)GEOG 420*

Government and Politics - Developed World(3)POLI 212

Approaches to Political Economy(3)POLI 315

Comparative Local Government(3)POLI 318

U.S. Politics 1(3)POLI 325

U.S. Politics 2(3)POLI 327

Comparing European Democracies(3)POLI 328

Russian and Soviet Politics(3)POLI 329

Law and Courts in Europe(3)POLI 330

Politics in East Central Europe(3)POLI 331

247McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Comparative Developed: Topics 1(3)POLI 339

Politics: Contemporary Europe(3)POLI 357

Political Participation in Comparative Perspective(3)POLI 361

Transitions from Communism(3)POLI 419

Memory, Place, and Power(3)POLI 420*

Media and Politics(3)POLI 424

Topics in American Politics(3)POLI 425

Nations and States/Developed World(3)POLI 431

Selected Topics: Comparative Politics(3)POLI 432

Politics in Israel(3)POLI 437

The European Union(3)POLI 451

Social Capital in Comparative Perspective(3)POLI 475

Religion and Politics(3)POLI 476

Seminar: Developed Areas(3)POLI 524

* Either POLI 420 or GEOG 420 but not both.

Comparative Politics - Developing Areas

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Politics of Latin America(3)POLI 319

Political Change in South Asia(3)POLI 322

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Developing Areas/Topics 1(3)POLI 338

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Politics of Southeast Asia(3)POLI 369

Contemporary Chinese Politics(3)POLI 380

Politics in Japan and South Korea(3)POLI 381

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Democracy and the Market(3)POLI 473

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Religion and Politics(3)POLI 476

Contentious Politics(3)POLI 480

Seminar: Developing Areas(3)POLI 522

International Relations

International Politics of Economic Relations(3)POLI 243

International Politics: State Behaviour(3)POLI 244

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Foreign Policy: Europe(3)POLI 344

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)248


International Organizations(3)POLI 345

American Foreign Policy(3)POLI 346

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

Global Environmental Politics(3)POLI 350

The Causes of Major Wars(3)POLI 351

Politics of the International Refugee Regime(3)POLI 353

Approaches to International Political Economy(3)POLI 354

The Politics of International Law(3)POLI 355

Political Economy of International Organizations(3)POLI 358

Topics in International Politics 1(3)POLI 359

Security: War and Peace(3)POLI 360

Political Theory and International Relations(3)POLI 362

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Relations of Ethnic Conflict(3)POLI 442

Topics in International Politics 2(3)POLI 444

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Gender and International Relations(3)POLI 448

Diplomacy in Practice(3)POLI 449

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

The European Union(3)POLI 451

Seminar: International Politics(3)POLI 575

Political Theory

Introduction to Political Theory(3)POLI 231

Modern Political Thought(3)POLI 232

Western Political Theory 1(3)POLI 333

Western Political Theory 2(3)POLI 334

Political Theory and International Relations(3)POLI 362

Contemporary Political Theory(3)POLI 363

Radical Political Thought(3)POLI 364

Democratic Theory(3)POLI 365

Topics in Political Theory 1(3)POLI 366

Liberal Political Theory(3)POLI 367

History of Political/Social Theory 3(3)POLI 433

History of Political/Social Theory 4(3)POLI 434

Topics in Political Theory 2(3)POLI 459

Philosophy, Economy and Society(3)POLI 470

Seminar: Political Theory(3)POLI 561

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Political Science (36 credits)10.31.3

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours Program components from two Arts disciplines.

249McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Prior to registering for each Joint Honours component, students should consult an adviser in each department for approval of their course selection and theirinterdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

To enter, remain and graduate in Joint Honours, students must achieve/maintain a 3.3 average in their political science courses and more than half of thepolitical science grades must be at the B+ level or higher. According to Faculty regulations, Joint Honours students must maintain a minimum CGPA of3.00 in general. In addition to meeting these Political Science requirements, students must meet the requirements set forth by the other department.

To be awarded First Class Joint Honours at graduation, in addition to the Faculty requirement of a 3.50 CGPA, students must achieve a 3.6 average in theirpolitical science courses and more than half of political science grades must be at the A- level or higher. All political science courses taken at McGill arecounted in determining a student's standing. (The specific criteria are given in the brochure "Major and Honours Program Guide", which may be found onthe Department website To be awarded Joint Honours at graduation, students must be registered in the Joint Honoursprogram in their final year. At graduation, students' Joint Honours standing will be determined by their overall record in the Joint Honours program. Inaddition to meeting these Political Science requirements, students must meet the requirements set forth by the other department.

Students may enter the Joint Honours program in U1.

Required Course (6 credits)

Political Science Research Methods(3)POLI 210*

Introduction to Quantitative Political Science(3)POLI 311**

* The POLI 210 requirement is waived for students admitted to McGill BEFORE Fall 2017. The POLI 210 requirement is waived for students who havetaken SOCI 211.

NOTE: If the POLI 210 requirement is waived, students must still fulfill the 36-credit program requirement.

** POLI 311 is required except for those students who are enrolled in a Joint Honours program with Economics or Sociology, and who have taken coursesin quantitative analysis as part of that program (i.e., ECON 257 or SOC 350 and SOCI 461). These students must take an additional 3 credits in PoliticalTheory instead of POLI 311.

POLI 311 is scheduled in the winter term only. Students may not postpone taking POLI 311 with the expectation of taking it in the last summer or fallimmediately prior to fall or winter graduation. Students who fail to take POLI 311 for this reason will not graduate with an Honours degree.

Complementary Courses (30 credits)

30 credits of complementary courses selected with the following specifications.

No more than one-half (18 credits) of a student's political science credits may be in any one field (Canadian Politics, Comparative Politics (Developed Areasand Developing Areas), International Relations, Political Theory). However, if the field is Comparative Politics and if courses are taken in both DevelopedAreas and Developing Areas, the maximum is 21 credits. Refer to the lists below for course choices in each field.

One quarter (9 credits) of political science credits must be at the 400-level or above including one 500-level Honours Seminar or one 600-level GraduateSeminar. This one-quarter rule may be satisfied by taking a 500-level Honours Seminar and a 600-level Graduate Seminar. Refer to the lists below for coursechoices at the 400 and 500 levels in each field. Consult the Minerva Class Schedule for 600-level course choices.

No more than 15 credits of political science may be at the 200 level. Students may not take 200-level political science courses in their final year.

No more than 12 POLI transfer credits can be used toward the program requirements.

Course lists for each field of political science are provided below.

NOTE: POLI 200 and 461 can also be used towards this program.

Canadian Politics

Government of Canada(3)POLI 221

Political Process and Behaviour in Canada(3)POLI 222

La vie politique québécoise(3)POLI 226

Comparative Local Government(3)POLI 318

Issues in Canadian Democracy(3)POLI 320

Issues: Canadian Public Policy(3)POLI 321

Provincial Politics(3)POLI 326

Le Québec et le Canada(3)POLI 336

Canadian Public Administration(3)POLI 337

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Challenge of Canadian Federalism(3)POLI 371

Aboriginal Politics in Canada(3)POLI 372

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)250


The Canadian Judicial Process(3)POLI 378

Topics in Canadian Politics(3)POLI 379

Canadian Political Parties(3)POLI 410

Canadian Voting/Public Opinion(3)POLI 412

Health Care in Canada(3)POLI 417

Media and Politics(3)POLI 424

Partis politiques et comportements électoraux au Québec(3)POLI 426

Selected Topics: Canadian Politics(3)POLI 427

Aboriginal Rights in the Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 436

The Canadian Constitution(3)POLI 478

Seminar: Canadian Politics and Government(3)POLI 521

Comparative Politics - Developed Areas

Memory, Place, and Power(3)GEOG 420*

Government and Politics - Developed World(3)POLI 212

Approaches to Political Economy(3)POLI 315

Comparative Local Government(3)POLI 318

U.S. Politics 1(3)POLI 325

U.S. Politics 2(3)POLI 327

Comparing European Democracies(3)POLI 328

Russian and Soviet Politics(3)POLI 329

Law and Courts in Europe(3)POLI 330

Politics in East Central Europe(3)POLI 331

Comparative Developed: Topics 1(3)POLI 339

Politics: Contemporary Europe(3)POLI 357

Political Participation in Comparative Perspective(3)POLI 361

Transitions from Communism(3)POLI 419

Memory, Place, and Power(3)POLI 420*

Media and Politics(3)POLI 424

Topics in American Politics(3)POLI 425

Nations and States/Developed World(3)POLI 431

Selected Topics: Comparative Politics(3)POLI 432

Politics in Israel(3)POLI 437

The European Union(3)POLI 451

Social Capital in Comparative Perspective(3)POLI 475

Religion and Politics(3)POLI 476

Seminar: Developed Areas(3)POLI 524

* Either POLI 420 or GEOG 420 but not both.

Comparative Politics - Developing Areas

Developing Areas/Introduction(3)POLI 227

Politics of Latin America(3)POLI 319

251McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Political Change in South Asia(3)POLI 322

Developing Areas/Africa(3)POLI 324

Developing Areas/Topics 1(3)POLI 338

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Politics of Southeast Asia(3)POLI 369

Contemporary Chinese Politics(3)POLI 380

Politics in Japan and South Korea(3)POLI 381

Developing Areas/Topics 2(3)POLI 422

Politics of Ethno-Nationalism(3)POLI 423

Identity and Inequality(3)POLI 435

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

Democracy and the Market(3)POLI 473

Inequality and Development(3)POLI 474

Religion and Politics(3)POLI 476

Contentious Politics(3)POLI 480

Seminar: Developing Areas(3)POLI 522

International Relations

International Politics of Economic Relations(3)POLI 243

International Politics: State Behaviour(3)POLI 244

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

Canadian Foreign Policy(3)POLI 342

Foreign Policy: Europe(3)POLI 344

International Organizations(3)POLI 345

American Foreign Policy(3)POLI 346

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Foreign Policy: Asia(3)POLI 349

The Causes of Major Wars(3)POLI 351

Politics of the International Refugee Regime(3)POLI 353

Approaches to International Political Economy(3)POLI 354

Topics in International Politics 1(3)POLI 359

Security: War and Peace(3)POLI 360

Political Theory and International Relations(3)POLI 362

IPE: Trade(3)POLI 441

International Relations of Ethnic Conflict(3)POLI 442

Topics in International Politics 2(3)POLI 444

International Political Economy: Monetary Relations(3)POLI 445

Gender and International Relations(3)POLI 448

Diplomacy in Practice(3)POLI 449

Peacebuilding(3)POLI 450

The European Union(3)POLI 451

Seminar: International Politics(3)POLI 575

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)252


Political Theory

Introduction to Political Theory(3)POLI 231

Modern Political Thought(3)POLI 232

Western Political Theory 1(3)POLI 333

Western Political Theory 2(3)POLI 334

Political Theory and International Relations(3)POLI 362

Contemporary Political Theory(3)POLI 363

Radical Political Thought(3)POLI 364

Democratic Theory(3)POLI 365

Topics in Political Theory 1(3)POLI 366

Liberal Political Theory(3)POLI 367

History of Political/Social Theory 3(3)POLI 433

History of Political/Social Theory 4(3)POLI 434

Topics in Political Theory 2(3)POLI 459

Philosophy, Economy and Society(3)POLI 470

Seminar: Political Theory(3)POLI 561

Psychology (PSYC)10.32

The Department of Psychology information, programs, and courses are described in:

• Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : Psychology (PSYC)

• Faculty of Science > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : Psychology (PSYC)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Behavioural Science (18 credits)10.32.1

Restricted to students registered in the Major Concentration Psychology.

Students who wish to go on to graduate training in Psychology, and those who may wish to apply for membership in the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec(once the additional graduate requirements of the Ordre have been completed), are advised to take the following supplementary Minor ConcentrationBehavioural Science.

Note that this counts as a second minor concentration, and is open only to students registered in the Major Concentration Psychology. A first minor concentrationmust also be completed in a discipline other than Psychology.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected as follows:

3 credits in Psychology from List A - (Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition and Quantitive Methods)

3 credits in Psychology from List B - (Social, Health and Developmental Psychology)

3 credits in Psychology at the 400 or 500 level

9 credits at the 300 level or above from one or more of the following disciplines: Psychology (PSYC), Anthropology (ANTH), Linguistics (LING), orSociology (SOCI).

List A - (Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition and Quantitive Methods)

Introduction to Neuroscience 2(3)NSCI 201

Animal Learning and Theory(3)PSYC 301

The Psychology of Pain(3)PSYC 302

Intelligence(3)PSYC 310

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

253McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Computational Psychology(3)PSYC 315

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Introduction to Auditory Cognition(3)PSYC 329

Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 340

The Psychology of Bilingualism(3)PSYC 341

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Cognitive Psychology Laboratory(3)PSYC 352

Modern Psychology in Historical Perspective(3)PSYC 403

Psychological Tests(3)PSYC 406

Special Topics in Neuropsychology(3)PSYC 410

Cognitive Development(3)PSYC 413

Sensorimotor Neuroscience(3)PSYC 427

Cognitive Science(3)PSYC 433

Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour(3)PSYC 444

Human Factors Research and Techniques(3)PSYC 451

Memory and Brain(3)PSYC 470

Auditory Perception(3)PSYC 501

Psychoneuroendocrinology(3)PSYC 502

Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(3)PSYC 506

Human Decision-Making(3)PSYC 513

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(3)PSYC 514

Neurochemistry and Behaviour(3)PSYC 522

Advances in Visual Perception(3)PSYC 526

Music Cognition(3)PSYC 529

Structural Equation Models(3)PSYC 531

Correlational Techniques(3)PSYC 536

Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 537

Categorization, Communication and Consciousness(3)PSYC 538

Multilevel Modelling(3)PSYC 541

Topics in Language Acquisition(3)PSYC 545

Methods: Developmental Psycholinguistics(3)PSYC 561

Measurement of Psychological Processes(3)PSYC 562

List B - (Social, Health and Developmental Psychology)

Child Development(3)PSYC 304

Psychology of Deafness(3)PSYC 316

Health Psychology(3)PSYC 328

Inter-Group Relations(3)PSYC 331

Introduction to Personality(3)PSYC 332

Personality and Social Psychology(3)PSYC 333

Introduction to Psychopathology(3)PSYC 337

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)254


Research Methods in Social Psychology(3)PSYC 351

Principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy(3)PSYC 408

Positive Psychology(3)PSYC 409

Developmental Psychopathology(3)PSYC 412

Social Development(3)PSYC 414

Human Sexuality and Its Problems(3)PSYC 436

Human Motivation(3)PSYC 471

Social Cognition and the Self(3)PSYC 473

Interpersonal Relationships(3)PSYC 474

Neuroscience of Social Psychology(3)PSYC 475

Seminar in Experimental Psychopathology(3)PSYC 483

Advanced Study: Behavioural Disorders(3)PSYC 491D1

Advanced Study: Behavioural Disorders(3)PSYC 491D2

Emotions, Stress, and Illness(3)PSYC 507

Diverse Clinical Populations(3)PSYC 509

Advanced Personality Seminar(3)PSYC 512

Vulnerability to Depression and Anxiety(3)PSYC 528

Applied Topics in Deafness(3)PSYC 530

International Health Psychology(3)PSYC 533

Advanced Topics in Social Psychology(3)PSYC 535

Unclassified Courses

Students may also select complementary courses from the research and topics courses below:

Psychology Research Project 1(6)PSYC 395

Research Project and Seminar(4.5)PSYC 450D1

Research Project and Seminar(4.5)PSYC 450D2

Special Topics Seminar(1.5)PSYC 488D1

Special Topics Seminar(1.5)PSYC 488D2

Special Topics Seminar 1(3)PSYC 492

Psychology Research Project(4.5)PSYC 494D1

Psychology Research Project(4.5)PSYC 494D2

Psychology Research Project 2(6)PSYC 495

Reading Project(1)PSYC 499

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Psychology (18 credits)10.32.2

Students registered in a Bachelor of Arts program in another department may pursue the Minor Concentration Psychology. This Minor concentration isexpandable for students who may wish to transfer into the Major Concentration Psychology at a later date.

Required Background

Students are required to complete a course in Introductory Psychology either at the collegial or freshman level. Students who have not previously completedCEGEP Psychology 350-101 or 350-102 or equivalent are required to complete PSYC 100 during the first year of study at McGill.

Program Prerequisite

Introduction to Psychology(3)PSYC 100

255McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Complementary Courses (18 credits)

6 credits selected from:

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Social Psychology(3)PSYC 215

12 credits in Psychology at the 300 level or above.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Psychology (36 credits)10.32.3

The Major Concentration Psychology does not provide sufficient undergraduate background to enable students to apply for membership in the Ordre desPsychologues du Québec, even once the additional graduate requirements of the Ordre have been completed. Students who are interested in practisingpsychology in Quebec are advised to also complete the Minor Concentration Behavioral Science.

Recommended Background for Quebec CEGEP Students

Students planning to apply to a Bachelor of Arts degree with a Major Concentration Psychology or a Bachelor of Arts and Science degree with a MajorConcentration Psychology are advised to take courses in Introductory Psychology and Human Biology at the collegial level.

Program Prerequisites

Students planning to enter the Major Concentration Psychology program are required to complete courses in Introductory Psychology and Human Biologyat the collegial level or in their first year of study at McGill University.

Students who have completed 350-101 or 350-102 in CEGEP are exempt from the PSYC 100 requirement.

Bachelor of Arts students are required to complete BIOL 115 or BIOL 111 or BIOL 112 during their first year. Students who have completed one of Biology101-301, 101-401, 101-911, or 101-921 in CEGEP are exempt from the Biology requirement.

Principles: Organismal Biology(3)BIOL 111

Cell and Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 112

Essential Biology(3)BIOL 115

Introduction to Psychology(3)PSYC 100

Required Courses (18 credits)

* Advising note for PSYC 204: Students who have completed in CEGEP either Mathematics 201-307 or 201-337 or equivalent, or the combination ofQuantitative Methods 360-300 with Mathematics 201-300, and who obtained a minimum grade of 75%, are exempt from the U1 required course PSYC 204.

Bachelor of Arts students exempt from PSYC 204 replace this course with 3 credits at the 300 level or above in Psychology (PSYC), Anthropology (ANTH),Linguistics (LING), or Sociology (SOCI).

Bachelor of Arts and Science students exempt from PSYC 204 replace this course with 3 credits in Psychology (PSYC) at the 300 level or above.

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204*

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Social Psychology(3)PSYC 215

Statistics for Experimental Design(3)PSYC 305**

** Note: Students who wish to apply to the Honours program in Psychology must complete the required courses above apart from PSYC 305 in their U1year to be eligible for admission. Students who have been exempted from PSYC 204 are advised to complete PSYC 305 in U1. All students must completea minimum of 27 graded credits in U1 to be eligible for admission to the Honours program. For additional information about applying to Honours, pleaserefer to the Honours program description.

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)256


Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits selected as follows:

3 credits in Psychology from List A - (Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition and Quantitive Methods)

3 credits in Psychology from List B - (Social, Health and Developmental Psychology)

6 credits in Psychology at the 300 level or above.

6 credits in Psychology at the 400 or 500 level.

List A - (Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition and Quantitive Methods)

Introduction to Neuroscience 2(3)NSCI 201

Animal Learning and Theory(3)PSYC 301

The Psychology of Pain(3)PSYC 302

Intelligence(3)PSYC 310

Human Cognition and the Brain(3)PSYC 311

Computational Psychology(3)PSYC 315

Genes and Behaviour(3)PSYC 317

Behavioural Neuroscience 2(3)PSYC 318

Introduction to Auditory Cognition(3)PSYC 329

Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 340

The Psychology of Bilingualism(3)PSYC 341

Hormones and Behaviour(3)PSYC 342

Cognitive Psychology Laboratory(3)PSYC 352

Modern Psychology in Historical Perspective(3)PSYC 403

Psychological Tests(3)PSYC 406

Special Topics in Neuropsychology(3)PSYC 410

Cognitive Development(3)PSYC 413

Sensorimotor Neuroscience(3)PSYC 427

Cognitive Science(3)PSYC 433

Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour(3)PSYC 444

Human Factors Research and Techniques(3)PSYC 451

Memory and Brain(3)PSYC 470

Auditory Perception(3)PSYC 501

Psychoneuroendocrinology(3)PSYC 502

Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(3)PSYC 506

Human Decision-Making(3)PSYC 513

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory(3)PSYC 514

Neurochemistry and Behaviour(3)PSYC 522

Advances in Visual Perception(3)PSYC 526

Music Cognition(3)PSYC 529

Structural Equation Models(3)PSYC 531

Correlational Techniques(3)PSYC 536

Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Language(3)PSYC 537

Categorization, Communication and Consciousness(3)PSYC 538

Multilevel Modelling(3)PSYC 541

257McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Topics in Language Acquisition(3)PSYC 545

Methods: Developmental Psycholinguistics(3)PSYC 561

Measurement of Psychological Processes(3)PSYC 562

List B - (Social, Health and Developmental Psychology)

Child Development(3)PSYC 304

Psychology of Deafness(3)PSYC 316

Health Psychology(3)PSYC 328

Inter-Group Relations(3)PSYC 331

Introduction to Personality(3)PSYC 332

Personality and Social Psychology(3)PSYC 333

Introduction to Psychopathology(3)PSYC 337

Research Methods in Social Psychology(3)PSYC 351

Principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy(3)PSYC 408

Positive Psychology(3)PSYC 409

Developmental Psychopathology(3)PSYC 412

Social Development(3)PSYC 414

Human Sexuality and Its Problems(3)PSYC 436

Human Motivation(3)PSYC 471

Social Cognition and the Self(3)PSYC 473

Interpersonal Relationships(3)PSYC 474

Neuroscience of Social Psychology(3)PSYC 475

Seminar in Experimental Psychopathology(3)PSYC 483

Advanced Study: Behavioural Disorders(3)PSYC 491D1

Advanced Study: Behavioural Disorders(3)PSYC 491D2

Emotions, Stress, and Illness(3)PSYC 507

Diverse Clinical Populations(3)PSYC 509

Advanced Personality Seminar(3)PSYC 512

Vulnerability to Depression and Anxiety(3)PSYC 528

Applied Topics in Deafness(3)PSYC 530

International Health Psychology(3)PSYC 533

Advanced Topics in Social Psychology(3)PSYC 535

Unclassified Courses

Students may also select complementary courses from the research and topics courses below:

Psychology Research Project 1(6)PSYC 395

Research Project and Seminar(4.5)PSYC 450D1

Research Project and Seminar(4.5)PSYC 450D2

Special Topics Seminar(1.5)PSYC 488D1

Special Topics Seminar(1.5)PSYC 488D2

Special Topics Seminar 1(3)PSYC 492

Psychology Research Project(4.5)PSYC 494D1

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)258


Psychology Research Project(4.5)PSYC 494D2

Psychology Research Project 2(6)PSYC 495

Reading Project(1)PSYC 499

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Psychology (36 credits)10.32.4

Students who wish to study at the Honours level in two Arts disciplines may apply to combine Joint Honours program components from two Arts disciplines.For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Students should note that awarding of the Joint Honours degree will depend on both cumulative grade point average and a minimum grade of B on PSYC380D1/PSYC 380D2, PSYC 482. "First Class Honours" is awarded to students who obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.50 and a minimum grade of A- in therequired honours courses (i.e: PSYC 380D1/D2, PSYC 482). "Honours" is awarded to students with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and a minimum grade of Bin the required honours courses.

In addition to the requirements of the Joint Honours Component Psychology, students must also complete all requirements of their other Joint Honourscomponent.

Admission to the Joint Honours component is selective. Students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher are eligible to apply; however,normally only students with a U1 GPA above 3.50 are admitted. Students must complete a minimum of 27 graded credits in two terms in their U1 year tobe eligible to apply. Once in the Joint Honours component, students must obtain a GPA of 3.00 in the U2 year in order to continue in the program for U3.Students in the Joint Honours component are encouraged to complete a minimum of 27 graded credits per academic year. This is also the minimum numberof credits required to be eligible for fellowships and awards.

Students may apply to the Joint Honours component upon completion of the U1 year. Eligible students must have completed the following Psychologycourses: PSYC 204, PSYC 211, PSYC 212, PSYC 213 and PSYC 215. Students are advised to complete PSYC 305 in their U1 year.

The application is available on the Psychology Dept website at: The deadline is specified on the application form.Candidates will be informed of the Department's decision via email before classes begin in September.

Program Prerequisites

Students planning on entering the Joint Honours Component Psychology program are required to complete Introductory Psychology; a course in HumanBiology is strongly recommended.

Students who have not previously completed Psychology 350-101 or 350-102 in CEGEP are required to register for PSYC 100 during their U1 year.

Bachelor of Arts students who have not completed one of Biology 101-301, 101-401, 101-911 or 101-921 in CEGEP should complete one of BIOL 115,BIOL 111 or BIOL 112 during their U1 year. Students who enter as Freshmen may take these courses in U0.

Principles: Organismal Biology(3)BIOL 111

Cell and Molecular Biology(3)BIOL 112

Essential Biology(3)BIOL 115

Introduction to Psychology(3)PSYC 100

U1 Required Courses (18 credits)

* Advising note for PSYC 204: Students who have completed in CEGEP either Mathematics 201-307 or 201-337 or equivalent, or the combination ofQuantitative Methods 360-300 with Mathematics 201-300, and who obtained a minimum grade of 75%, are exempt from the U1 required course PSYC 204.

Bachelor of Arts students will replace this requirement with 3 credits at the 300 level in one of the following disciplines: Psychology (PSYC), Anthropology(ANTH), Linguistics (LING) or Sociology (SOCI).

Bachelor of Arts and Science students will replace this requirement with 3 credits in Psychology at the 300-level or above.

** Note: PSYC 305 may be taken in U1 or U2.

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204*

Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience(3)PSYC 211

Perception(3)PSYC 212

Cognition(3)PSYC 213

Social Psychology(3)PSYC 215

Statistics for Experimental Design(3)PSYC 305**

259McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


U2 Required Courses (9 credits)

Honours Research Project Seminar(4.5)PSYC 380D1

Honours Research Project Seminar(4.5)PSYC 380D2

U3 Required Course (3 credits)

Advanced Honours Seminar(3)PSYC 482

Complementary Courses (6 credits)

3 credits in Psychology at the 300 level or above, and

3 credits in Psychology at the 400 or 500 level.

Religious Studies (RELG)10.33

Religious Studies information, programs, and courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > : ReligiousStudies (RELG).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Religion and Globalization (18 credits)10.33.1

The Minor Concentration in Religion and Globalization offers students a comparative and historical exploration of the ways in which the world's religionsare shaping (and are shaped by) the social, political, and economic dynamics of globalization, modernization, secularization, and postcolonialism.

Complementary Credits

18 credits with no more than 9 credits at the 200 level.

3 - 6 credits from:

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Religious Traditions

3 - 6 credits from:

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

Introduction to the Study of Religions(3)RELG 207

Hinduism and Buddhism(3)RELG 252

Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

Christian Thought and Culture(3)RELG 334

Classical Hinduism(3)RELG 348

Introduction to Jainism(3)RELG 387

Introduction to Sikhism(3)RELG 388

Themes in Religion, Culture, and Globalization

9 credits from:

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)260


Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

Sexual Ethics(3)RELG 271

Special Topics in Religion 1(3)RELG 315

Special Topics in Religion 2(3)RELG 317

Special Topics in Religion 3(3)RELG 318

Special Topics in Religion 4(3)RELG 319

Ancient Christian Church AD54 - AD604(3)RELG 326

Conversations Across World Religions(3)RELG 332

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Religion and the Sciences(3)RELG 340

Introduction: Philosophy of Religion(3)RELG 341

Gandhi: His Life and Thought(3)RELG 353

Chinese Religions(3)RELG 354

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Religion and Cinema in India(3)RELG 358

Rivers, Religion, and Environment in South Asia(3)RELG 366

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Religious Ethics(3)RELG 376

Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism in South Asia(3)RELG 378

Religion, Philosophy, Modernity(3)RELG 380

Indian Ocean Religious Networks(3)RELG 444

Zen: Maxims and Methods(3)RELG 451

Modern Hindu Thought(3)RELG 454

Religion and the Performing Arts in South India(3)RELG 455

Theories of Religion(3)RELG 456

Christianity in Global Perspective(3)RELG 479

Ethnography as Method in Religious Studies(3)RELG 544

Special Topics in Hinduism(3)RELG 547

Religions of South Asia(3)RELG 554

Honours Seminar(3)RELG 555

Caste and Dalits: Historical and Political Perspectives(3)RELG 559

Ethics, Medicine and Religion(3)RELG 571

Religion and Global Politics(3)RELG 572

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Religions (18 credits)10.33.2

The Minor Concentration World Religions introduces students to the major world religions and to the academic study of religion.

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration World Religions.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits, no more than 9 of which may be taken at the 200-level, selected with the following specifications:

261McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


12 credits in Religious Traditions chosen from the course lists on Judaism, Christianity and Islam and/or Religions of Asia.

6 credits from the course list on Themes in Religion, Culture and Globalization.

12 credits from Religious Traditions:

Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Introduction to Catholicism(3)CATH 200

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Religions of the Ancient Near East(3)RELG 201

Religion of Ancient Israel(3)RELG 202

Bible and Western Culture(3)RELG 203

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

Jesus of Nazareth(3)RELG 210

Second Temple Judaism(3)RELG 300

Literature of Ancient Israel 1(3)RELG 302

Literature of Ancient Israel 2(3)RELG 303

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

New Testament Studies 1(3)RELG 311

New Testament Studies 2(3)RELG 312

Topics in Biblical Studies 1(3)RELG 313

Topics in Biblical Studies 2(3)RELG 314

The Church in History 1(3)RELG 322

The Church in History 2(3)RELG 323

Armenian Apostolic Tradition(3)RELG 324

Varieties Religious Experience in Christianity(3)RELG 325

Ancient Christian Church AD54 - AD604(3)RELG 326

Principles of Christian Theology 1(3)RELG 333

Christian Thought and Culture(3)RELG 334

Contemporary Theological Issues(3)RELG 336

Women and the Christian Tradition(3)RELG 338

Christian Ethics of Love(3)RELG 373

Eastern Orthodox Christianity(3)RELG 379

Christian Spirituality(3)RELG 399

Canadian Church History(3)RELG 420

Reformation Thought(3)RELG 423

Principles of Christian Theology 2(3)RELG 434

Theological Ethics(3)RELG 470

Greco-Roman Judaism(3)RELG 502

History of Christian Thought 1(3)RELG 532

History of Christian Thought 2(3)RELG 533

Religions of Asia

Hinduism and Buddhism(3)RELG 252

Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)262


Introduction to Yoga Traditions(3)RELG 254

Themes in Buddhist Studies(3)RELG 337

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Theravada Buddhist Literature(3)RELG 342

Mahayana Buddhism(3)RELG 344

Classical Hinduism(3)RELG 348

Bhakti Hinduism(3)RELG 350

Japanese Religions: History and Thought(3)RELG 352

Chinese Religions(3)RELG 354

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Tibetan Buddhism(3)RELG 369

Hindu Goddesses(3)RELG 372

Introduction to Jainism(3)RELG 387

Introduction to Sikhism(3)RELG 388

Pure Land Buddhism(3)RELG 442

Zen: Maxims and Methods(3)RELG 451

East Asian Buddhism(3)RELG 452

Vajrayana Buddhism(3)RELG 453

Modern Hindu Thought(3)RELG 454

Religion and the Performing Arts in South India(3)RELG 455

Ramayana: Multiple Lives(3)RELG 545

Indian Philosophy(3)RELG 546

Special Topics in Hinduism(3)RELG 547

Indian Buddhist Philosophy(3)RELG 548

Japanese Buddhism in Historical Context(3)RELG 549

Special Topics in Buddhism(3)RELG 551

Advaita Vedanta(3)RELG 552

Religions of South India 1(3)RELG 553

Religions of South Asia(3)RELG 554

Issues in Buddhist Studies(3)RELG 556

Caste and Dalits: Historical and Political Perspectives(3)RELG 559

Buddhist Poetry(3)RELG 560

6 credits from:

Themes in Religion, Culture and Globalization

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Introduction to the Study of Religions(3)RELG 207

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

Sexual Ethics(3)RELG 271

Special Topics in Religion 1(3)RELG 315

New Religious Movements(3)RELG 316

263McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Special Topics in Religion 2(3)RELG 317

Special Topics in Religion 3(3)RELG 318

Special Topics in Religion 4(3)RELG 319

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Conversations Across World Religions(3)RELG 332

Religion and the Sciences(3)RELG 340

Introduction: Philosophy of Religion(3)RELG 341

Religion and the Arts 1(3)RELG 345

Topics in Religion and the Arts(3)RELG 347

Gandhi: His Life and Thought(3)RELG 353

Religion and the Arts 2(3)RELG 355

Religion and Cinema in India(3)RELG 358

Religious Behaviour(3)RELG 361

Rivers, Religion, and Environment in South Asia(3)RELG 366

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Religious Ethics(3)RELG 376

Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism in South Asia(3)RELG 378

Religion, Philosophy, Modernity(3)RELG 380

Global Islam(3)RELG 440

Indian Ocean Religious Networks(3)RELG 444

Theories of Religion(3)RELG 456

Christianity in Global Perspective(3)RELG 479

Ethnography as Method in Religious Studies(3)RELG 544

Honours Seminar(3)RELG 555

Ethics, Medicine and Religion(3)RELG 571

Religion and Global Politics(3)RELG 572

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration World Religions (36 credits)10.33.3

The Major Concentration World Religions offers students a broad introduction to the study of the world's major religions, with the possibility for concentrationin a student's specific areas of interest. Developing an understanding of methods and problems in comparative approaches to the academic study of religionwill be encouraged.

Required Course (3 credits)

Theories of Religion(3)RELG 456

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 credits, no more than 12 of which may be taken at the 200 level, selected with the following specifications:

Religious Traditions: 24 credits chosen from the course lists on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and/or Religions of Asia according to the student's area ofinterest.

Themes in Religion, Culture, and Globalization: 9 credits from the course list below according to the student's area of interest.

24 credits of Religious Traditions:

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)264


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction to Catholicism(3)CATH 200

Catholic Intellectual Traditions(3)CATH 310

Catholicism and Public Policy(3)CATH 340

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

Religions of the Ancient Near East(3)RELG 201

Religion of Ancient Israel(3)RELG 202

Bible and Western Culture(3)RELG 203

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

Jesus of Nazareth(3)RELG 210

Second Temple Judaism(3)RELG 300

Literature of Ancient Israel 1(3)RELG 302

Literature of Ancient Israel 2(3)RELG 303

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

New Testament Studies 1(3)RELG 311

New Testament Studies 2(3)RELG 312

Topics in Biblical Studies 1(3)RELG 313

Topics in Biblical Studies 2(3)RELG 314

The Church in History 1(3)RELG 322

The Church in History 2(3)RELG 323

Armenian Apostolic Tradition(3)RELG 324

Varieties Religious Experience in Christianity(3)RELG 325

Ancient Christian Church AD54 - AD604(3)RELG 326

Principles of Christian Theology 1(3)RELG 333

Christian Thought and Culture(3)RELG 334

Contemporary Theological Issues(3)RELG 336

Women and the Christian Tradition(3)RELG 338

Christian Ethics of Love(3)RELG 373

Eastern Orthodox Christianity(3)RELG 379

Religion, Philosophy, Modernity(3)RELG 380

Christian Spirituality(3)RELG 399

Canadian Church History(3)RELG 420

Reformation Thought(3)RELG 423

Principles of Christian Theology 2(3)RELG 434

Theological Ethics(3)RELG 470

Greco-Roman Judaism(3)RELG 502

History of Christian Thought 1(3)RELG 532

History of Christian Thought 2(3)RELG 533

Religions of Asia

Hinduism and Buddhism(3)RELG 252

265McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

Introduction to Yoga Traditions(3)RELG 254

Themes in Buddhist Studies(3)RELG 337

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Theravada Buddhist Literature(3)RELG 342

Mahayana Buddhism(3)RELG 344

Classical Hinduism(3)RELG 348

Bhakti Hinduism(3)RELG 350

Japanese Religions: History and Thought(3)RELG 352

Chinese Religions(3)RELG 354

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Tibetan Buddhism(3)RELG 369

Hindu Goddesses(3)RELG 372

Introduction to Jainism(3)RELG 387

Introduction to Sikhism(3)RELG 388

Pure Land Buddhism(3)RELG 442

Zen: Maxims and Methods(3)RELG 451

East Asian Buddhism(3)RELG 452

Vajrayana Buddhism(3)RELG 453

Modern Hindu Thought(3)RELG 454

Religion and the Performing Arts in South India(3)RELG 455

Ramayana: Multiple Lives(3)RELG 545

Indian Philosophy(3)RELG 546

Special Topics in Hinduism(3)RELG 547

Indian Buddhist Philosophy(3)RELG 548

Japanese Buddhism in Historical Context(3)RELG 549

Special Topics in Buddhism(3)RELG 551

Advaita Vedanta(3)RELG 552

Religions of South India 1(3)RELG 553

Religions of South Asia(3)RELG 554

Issues in Buddhist Studies(3)RELG 556

Indian Tantric Traditions(3)RELG 558

Caste and Dalits: Historical and Political Perspectives(3)RELG 559

Buddhist Poetry(3)RELG 560

9 credits from Themes in Religion, Culture and Globalization:

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Introduction to the Study of Religions(3)RELG 207

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

Sexual Ethics(3)RELG 271

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)266


Special Topics in Religion 1(3)RELG 315

New Religious Movements(3)RELG 316

Special Topics in Religion 2(3)RELG 317

Special Topics in Religion 3(3)RELG 318

Special Topics in Religion 4(3)RELG 319

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Conversations Across World Religions(3)RELG 332

Religion and the Sciences(3)RELG 340

Introduction: Philosophy of Religion(3)RELG 341

Religion and the Arts 1(3)RELG 345

Topics in Religion and the Arts(3)RELG 347

Gandhi: His Life and Thought(3)RELG 353

Religion and the Arts 2(3)RELG 355

Religion and Cinema in India(3)RELG 358

Religious Behaviour(3)RELG 361

Rivers, Religion, and Environment in South Asia(3)RELG 366

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Religious Ethics(3)RELG 376

Religious Controversies(3)RELG 377

Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism in South Asia(3)RELG 378

Global Islam(3)RELG 440

Indian Ocean Religious Networks(3)RELG 444

Christianity in Global Perspective(3)RELG 479

Ethnography as Method in Religious Studies(3)RELG 544

Honours Seminar(3)RELG 555

Ethics, Medicine and Religion(3)RELG 571

Religion and Global Politics(3)RELG 572

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Religious Studies - Asian Religions (36 credits)10.33.4

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Students in Joint Honours must maintain a program GPA and a CGPA of 3.00 (3.50 for First Class Honours) and attain a B- or higher in each programcourse. No overlap is allowed between the courses forming each segment of the Joint Honours program.

Students in Joint Honours Component Religious Studies choose either the Western Religions or Asian Religions option.

It is possible for students following either the Western Religions or the Asian Religions option of the Joint Honours Component Religious Studies to combinetheir program with the Joint Honours Component Philosophy and Western Religions as the Religious Studies program broadens the material included in thePhilosophy and Western Religions program.

The requirements set out below pertain to the Asian Religions option.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits selected with the following specifications:

267McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


3-6 credits from Core Courses on Religions of Asia

3 credits from Introductory Courses on Western Religions

3 credits from Advanced Theory Courses

9-12 credits from Themes in Religion, Culture and Globalization

15 credits from Religions of Asia

3-6 credits from Core Courses on Religions of Asia:

Hinduism and Buddhism(3)RELG 252

Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

3 credits from Introductory Courses on Western Religions:

Religions of the Ancient Near East(3)RELG 201

Religion of Ancient Israel(3)RELG 202

Bible and Western Culture(3)RELG 203

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

Jesus of Nazareth(3)RELG 210

3 credits from Advanced Theory Courses:

Theories of Religion(3)RELG 456

Honours Seminar(3)RELG 555

9-12 credits from Themes in Religion, Culture, and Globalization:

Introduction to the Study of Religions(3)RELG 207

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

Sexual Ethics(3)RELG 271

Special Topics in Religion 1(3)RELG 315

Special Topics in Religion 2(3)RELG 317

Special Topics in Religion 3(3)RELG 318

Special Topics in Religion 4(3)RELG 319

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Conversations Across World Religions(3)RELG 332

Religion and the Sciences(3)RELG 340

Introduction: Philosophy of Religion(3)RELG 341

Religion and the Arts 1(3)RELG 345

Topics in Religion and the Arts(3)RELG 347

Gandhi: His Life and Thought(3)RELG 353

Religion and the Arts 2(3)RELG 355

Religion and Cinema in India(3)RELG 358

Religious Behaviour(3)RELG 361

Rivers, Religion, and Environment in South Asia(3)RELG 366

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)268


Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Religious Ethics(3)RELG 376

Religious Controversies(3)RELG 377

Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism in South Asia(3)RELG 378

Global Islam(3)RELG 440

Indian Ocean Religious Networks(3)RELG 444

Christianity in Global Perspective(3)RELG 479

Ethnography as Method in Religious Studies(3)RELG 544

Ethics, Medicine and Religion(3)RELG 571

Religion and Global Politics(3)RELG 572

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

15 credits from Religions of Asia:

Introduction to Yoga Traditions(3)RELG 254

Themes in Buddhist Studies(3)RELG 337

Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism(3)RELG 339

Theravada Buddhist Literature(3)RELG 342

Mahayana Buddhism(3)RELG 344

Classical Hinduism(3)RELG 348

Bhakti Hinduism(3)RELG 350

Japanese Religions: History and Thought(3)RELG 352

Chinese Religions(3)RELG 354

Gender & Sexuality in Hinduism(3)RELG 356

Tibetan Buddhism(3)RELG 369

Hindu Goddesses(3)RELG 372

Introduction to Jainism(3)RELG 387

Introduction to Sikhism(3)RELG 388

Pure Land Buddhism(3)RELG 442

Zen: Maxims and Methods(3)RELG 451

East Asian Buddhism(3)RELG 452

Vajrayana Buddhism(3)RELG 453

Modern Hindu Thought(3)RELG 454

Religion and the Performing Arts in South India(3)RELG 455

Ramayana: Multiple Lives(3)RELG 545

Indian Philosophy(3)RELG 546

Special Topics in Hinduism(3)RELG 547

Indian Buddhist Philosophy(3)RELG 548

Japanese Buddhism in Historical Context(3)RELG 549

Special Topics in Buddhism(3)RELG 551

Advaita Vedanta(3)RELG 552

269McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Religions of South India 1(3)RELG 553

Religions of South Asia(3)RELG 554

Issues in Buddhist Studies(3)RELG 556

Indian Tantric Traditions(3)RELG 558

Caste and Dalits: Historical and Political Perspectives(3)RELG 559

Buddhist Poetry(3)RELG 560

Courses Offered by Other Units

Up to 6 credits of courses from other units may be chosen by Joint Honours students with prior approval from the Religious Studies Honours program adviser.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Religious Studies - Western Religions (36 credits)10.33.5

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Students in Joint Honours must maintain a program GPA and a CGPA of 3.00 (3.50 for First Class Honours) and attain a B- or higher in each programcourse. No overlap is allowed between the courses forming each segment of the Joint Honours program.

Students in Joint Honours Component Religious Studies choose either the Western Religions or Asian Religions option.

It is possible for students following either the Western Religions or the Asian Religions option of the Joint Honours Component Religious Studies to combinetheir program with the Joint Honours Component Philosophy and Western Religions as the Religious Studies program broadens the material included in thePhilosophy and Western Religions program.

The requirements set out below pertain to the Western Religions option.

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

36 credits selected with the following specifications:

3-6 credits from Core Courses on Western Religions

3 credits from Introductory Courses on Religions of Asia

3 credits from Advanced Theory Courses

9-12 credits from Themes in Religion, Culture, and Globalization

15 credits from Western Religions

3 - 6 credits from Core Courses on Western Religions:

Religions of the Ancient Near East(3)RELG 201

Religion of Ancient Israel(3)RELG 202

Bible and Western Culture(3)RELG 203

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

Jesus of Nazareth(3)RELG 210

3 credits from Introductory Courses on Religions of Asia:

Hinduism and Buddhism(3)RELG 252

Religions of East Asia(3)RELG 253

Introduction to Yoga Traditions(3)RELG 254

Introduction to Jainism(3)RELG 387

3 credits from Advanced Theory Courses:

Theories of Religion(3)RELG 456

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)270


Honours Seminar(3)RELG 555

9 - 12 credits from Themes in Religion, Culture, and Globalization:

Introduction to the Study of Religions(3)RELG 207

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

Sexual Ethics(3)RELG 271

Special Topics in Religion 1(3)RELG 315

Special Topics in Religion 2(3)RELG 317

Special Topics in Religion 3(3)RELG 318

Special Topics in Religion 4(3)RELG 319

Religion and Globalization(3)RELG 331

Conversations Across World Religions(3)RELG 332

Religion and the Sciences(3)RELG 340

Introduction: Philosophy of Religion(3)RELG 341

Topics in Religion and the Arts(3)RELG 347

Religious Behaviour(3)RELG 361

Religion and Human Rights(3)RELG 370

Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence(3)RELG 371

Religion, Politics and Society(3)RELG 375

Religious Ethics(3)RELG 376

Religious Controversies(3)RELG 377

Christianity in Global Perspective(3)RELG 479

Ethnography as Method in Religious Studies(3)RELG 544

Ethics, Medicine and Religion(3)RELG 571

Religion and Global Politics(3)RELG 572

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

15 credits from Western Religions:

Second Temple Judaism(3)RELG 300

Literature of Ancient Israel 1(3)RELG 302

Literature of Ancient Israel 2(3)RELG 303

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

Ancient Bible Translations(3)RELG 308

New Testament Studies 1(3)RELG 311

New Testament Studies 2(3)RELG 312

Topics in Biblical Studies 1(3)RELG 313

Topics in Biblical Studies 2(3)RELG 314

The Church in History 1(3)RELG 322

The Church in History 2(3)RELG 323

Armenian Apostolic Tradition(3)RELG 324

271McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Varieties Religious Experience in Christianity(3)RELG 325

Ancient Christian Church AD54 - AD604(3)RELG 326

Principles of Christian Theology 1(3)RELG 333

Christian Thought and Culture(3)RELG 334

Contemporary Theological Issues(3)RELG 336

Women and the Christian Tradition(3)RELG 338

Christian Ethics of Love(3)RELG 373

Eastern Orthodox Christianity(3)RELG 379

Religion, Philosophy, Modernity(3)RELG 380

Christian Spirituality(3)RELG 399

The Writings(3)RELG 407

The Prophets(3)RELG 408

Canadian Church History(3)RELG 420

Reformation Thought(3)RELG 423

Principles of Christian Theology 2(3)RELG 434

Theological Ethics(3)RELG 470

Greco-Roman Judaism(3)RELG 502

History of Christian Thought 1(3)RELG 532

History of Christian Thought 2(3)RELG 533

Courses Offered by Other Units

Up to 6 credits of courses from other units may be chosen by Joint Hounours students with prior approval from the Religious Studies Honours programadviser.

Social Studies of Medicine (SSMD)10.34

Social Studies of Medicine, the program, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs >: Social Studies of Medicine (SSMD).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Social Studies of Medicine (18 credits)10.34.1

The Minor Concentration in Social Studies of Medicine presents as a complex network of institutions, cultures, and political relations embedded in theinstitutions, cultures and political relations of the larger society. Courses are divided into three groups: History of Medicine, Anthropology of Medicine, andSociology of Medicine. The Minor consists of 18 credits. Students are required to take at least one course in each of the three groups.

Note: No overlap is permitted with courses counting towards the student’s major concentration.

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits from the following (at least 3 credits from each of the three groups):

History of Medicine

Health and the Healer in Western History(3)HIST 249

The Scientific Revolution(3)HIST 319

Science and Medicine in Canada(3)HIST 335

China: Science-Medicine-Technology(3)HIST 348

Medicine in the Medieval West(3)HIST 356

Colonial Africa(3)HIST 381

Gender, Sexuality & Medicine(3)HIST 424

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)272


Topics in Modern Medicine(3)HIST 430

Medicine in the Ancient World(3)HIST 449

Topics in Pre-Modern Medicine(3)HIST 452

Topics in Medical History(3)HIST 457

Modern Medicine: Seminar(3)HIST 558

Modern Medicine: Research(3)HIST 559

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D1

Seminar: Medieval Medicine(3)HIST 567D2

Gender, Race and Science(3)WMST 513

Anthropology of Medicine

Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 227

New Horizons in Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 302

Psychological Anthropology 01(3)ANTH 314

Anthropology of the Self(3)ANTH 325

Anthropology of the Body(3)ANTH 407

Sensory Ethnography(3)ANTH 408

Mind, Brain and Psychopathology(3)ANTH 423

Topics in Medical Anthropology(3)ANTH 438

Special Topic 5(3)ANTH 480

Special Topic 6(3)ANTH 481

Sociology of Medicine

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Sociology of Mental Disorder(3)SOCI 310

Introduction to Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 338

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Medical Sociology and Social Psychiatry(3)SOCI 508

Medicine and Society(3)SOCI 515

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)SOCI 525

Selected Topics in Sociology of Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 538

Biosociology/Biodemography(3)SOCI 588

Sociology (SOCI)10.35

The Department of Sociology, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs> : Sociology (SOCI).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Sociology (18 credits)10.35.1

The purpose of the Minor Concentration Sociology is to give the student a basic understanding of the field of sociology. This Minor concentration may beexpanded to the Major Concentration Sociology.

273McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


U1 Required Courses (6 credits)

Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Sociological Inquiry(3)SOCI 211

Complementary Courses (12 credits)

3 credits from the following:

Sociological Theory(3)SOCI 330

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350

9 credits of complementary courses chosen from the list of courses offered by the Sociology Department. At least 3 credits must be taken at the 300-levelor higher.

Areas of Sociology

The Department of Sociology offers courses in four substantive areas of study:

Institutions, Deviance, and Culture

Politics and Social Change

Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

Work, Organizations, and the Economy

The following lists indicate the courses which are included within each substantive area. Students should use these lists when selecting their complementarycourses.

The 500-level seminars in each substantive area are open to social science major concentration students in their final year and to Honours students. Minorconcentration students may only register for these with the permission of the instructor.

Institutions, Deviance, and Culture

Deviance(3)SOCI 213

Sociology of Culture(3)SOCI 219

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Family and Modern Society(3)SOCI 247

Social Problems(3)SOCI 250

Socialization(3)SOCI 305

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Sociology of Mental Disorder(3)SOCI 310

Sociology of the Media(3)SOCI 318

Sociology of Literature(3)SOCI 322

Introduction to Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 338

Crime(3)SOCI 388

Responses to Social Problems(3)SOCI 460

Punishment and Prisons(3)SOCI 488

Gender, Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 489

Social Problems and Conflicts(3)SOCI 495

Surveillance in Modern Society(3)SOCI 503

Medical Sociology and Social Psychiatry(3)SOCI 508

Medicine and Society(3)SOCI 515

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)SOCI 525

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)274


Sociology of the Family(3)SOCI 535

Selected Topics in Sociology of Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 538

Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 571

Politics and Social Change

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

International Migration(3)SOCI 212

Urban Sociology(3)SOCI 222

Population and Society(3)SOCI 234

The Sociology of Emotions(3)SOCI 245

Development and Underdevelopment(3)SOCI 254

War, States and Social Change(3)SOCI 265

Globalization(3)SOCI 307

Political Sociology 01(3)SOCI 326

Topics in Sociology(3)SOCI 345

Dynamics of Industrial Societies(3)SOCI 354

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Contemporary Social Movements(3)SOCI 386

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Comparative Migration & Citizenship(3)SOCI 400

Networks and Social Structures(3)SOCI 424

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Post-Socialist Societies(3)SOCI 455

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Social Problems and Conflicts(3)SOCI 495

Social Change(3)SOCI 507

Movements/Collective Action(3)SOCI 511

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Sociology of Population(3)SOCI 545

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

Jews in North America(3)SOCI 227

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Sociology of Gender(3)SOCI 270

Gender and Work(3)SOCI 321

Social Stratification(3)SOCI 333

Sociology of Aging and the Life Course(3)SOCI 335

Neighborhoods and Inequality(3)SOCI 366

275McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Suspect Minorities in Canada(3)SOCI 375

Urban Ethnography(3)SOCI 410

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Seminar in Social Stratification(3)SOCI 510

Ethnicity & Public Policy(3)SOCI 512

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Indigenous Women's Health and Healthcare(3)SOCI 526

Sex and Gender(3)SOCI 530

Comparative Historical Sociology(3)SOCI 555

Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Work, Organizations, and the Economy

Technology and Society(3)SOCI 235

Sociology of the Welfare State(3)SOCI 304

Sociology of Work and Industry(3)SOCI 312

Organizations(3)SOCI 420

Topics in Economic Sociology(3)SOCI 470

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration Sociology (36 credits)10.35.2

The purpose of the Major Concentration Sociology is to give the student a comprehensive understanding of the field of sociology.

U1 Required Courses (6 credits)

Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Sociological Inquiry(3)SOCI 211

U2 Required Courses (6 credits)

Note: Students who are exempted from SOCI 350 must replace it with another 300-level or higher sociology course.

Sociological Theory(3)SOCI 330

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350

Complementary Courses (24 credits)

24 credits of complementary courses selected with the following specifications:

3 credits minimum at the 400 level or higher

9 credits maximum at the 200 level

500-Level Seminars:

Seminars at the 500 level are open to Major concentration students in their final year.

No more than 6 credits of the current problems, independent study and/or reading courses listed below may count toward the Major concentration.

Current Problems in Sociology 02(3)SOCI 341

Independent Study 1(3)SOCI 342

Independent Study 2(3)SOCI 343

Current Problems in Sociology 03(3)SOCI 441

Independent Reading and Research 01(3)SOCI 442

Independent Reading and Research 02(3)SOCI 443

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)276


Areas of Sociology

The Department of Sociology offers courses in four substantive areas of study:

Institutions, Deviance, and Culture

Politics and Social Change

Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

Work, Organizations, and the Economy

The following lists indicate the courses which are included within each substantive area. Students should use these lists when selecting their complementarycourses.

The 500-level seminars in each substantive area are open to social science Major concentration students in their final year and to Honours students. Minorconcentration students may only register for these with the permission of the instructor.

Institutions, Deviance, and Culture

Deviance(3)SOCI 213

Sociology of Culture(3)SOCI 219

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Family and Modern Society(3)SOCI 247

Social Problems(3)SOCI 250

Socialization(3)SOCI 305

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Sociology of Mental Disorder(3)SOCI 310

Sociology of the Media(3)SOCI 318

Sociology of Literature(3)SOCI 322

Introduction to Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 338

Crime(3)SOCI 388

Responses to Social Problems(3)SOCI 460

Punishment and Prisons(3)SOCI 488

Gender, Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 489

Social Problems and Conflicts(3)SOCI 495

Surveillance in Modern Society(3)SOCI 503

Medical Sociology and Social Psychiatry(3)SOCI 508

Medicine and Society(3)SOCI 515

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)SOCI 525

Sociology of the Family(3)SOCI 535

Selected Topics in Sociology of Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 538

Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 571

Immigration Control and The State(3)SOCI 595

Politics and Social Change

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

International Migration(3)SOCI 212

Urban Sociology(3)SOCI 222

Population and Society(3)SOCI 234

The Sociology of Emotions(3)SOCI 245

Development and Underdevelopment(3)SOCI 254

277McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


War, States and Social Change(3)SOCI 265

Globalization(3)SOCI 307

Political Sociology 01(3)SOCI 326

Topics in Sociology(3)SOCI 345

Dynamics of Industrial Societies(3)SOCI 354

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Contemporary Social Movements(3)SOCI 386

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Comparative Migration & Citizenship(3)SOCI 400

Networks and Social Structures(3)SOCI 424

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Post-Socialist Societies(3)SOCI 455

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Social Problems and Conflicts(3)SOCI 495

Social Change(3)SOCI 507

Movements/Collective Action(3)SOCI 511

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Sociology of Population(3)SOCI 545

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Immigration Control and The State(3)SOCI 595

Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

Jews in North America(3)SOCI 227

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Sociology of Gender(3)SOCI 270

Gender and Work(3)SOCI 321

Social Stratification(3)SOCI 333

Sociology of Aging and the Life Course(3)SOCI 335

Neighborhoods and Inequality(3)SOCI 366

Suspect Minorities in Canada(3)SOCI 375

Urban Ethnography(3)SOCI 410

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Seminar in Social Stratification(3)SOCI 510

Ethnicity & Public Policy(3)SOCI 512

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Indigenous Women's Health and Healthcare(3)SOCI 526

Sex and Gender(3)SOCI 530

Comparative Historical Sociology(3)SOCI 555

Immigration Control and The State(3)SOCI 595

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)278


Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Work, Organizations, and the Economy

Technology and Society(3)SOCI 235

Sociology of the Welfare State(3)SOCI 304

Sociology of Work and Industry(3)SOCI 312

Organizations(3)SOCI 420

Topics in Economic Sociology(3)SOCI 470

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component Sociology (36 credits)10.35.3

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".

Students may register for Joint Honours at the beginning of their second year (U2).

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Joint Honours students must maintain a GPA of 3.40 in their program courses, and according to Faculty regulations, a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Required Courses (18 credits)

Note: Students who are exempted from SOCI 350 must replace it with another 300-level or higher sociology course.

Sociological Perspectives(3)SOCI 210

Sociological Inquiry(3)SOCI 211

Sociological Theory(3)SOCI 330

Statistics in Social Research(3)SOCI 350

Quantitative Data Analysis(3)SOCI 461

Honours Project(3)SOCI 480

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits of complementary sociology (SOCI) courses approved by the Departmental Honours Adviser.

500-Level Seminars:

Seminars at the 500 level are open to Honours/Joint Honours students in their final year.

Areas of Sociology

The Department of Sociology offers courses in four substantive areas of study:

Institutions, Deviance, and Culture

Politics and Social Change

Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

Work, Organizations, and the Economy

The following lists indicate the courses which are included within each substantive area. Students should use these lists when selecting their complementarycourses.

The 500-level seminars in each substantive area are open to social science major concentration students in their final year and to Honours/Joint Honoursstudents. Minor concentration students may only register for these with the permission of the instructor.

Institutions, Deviance, and Culture

Deviance(3)SOCI 213

Sociology of Culture(3)SOCI 219

Medicine and Health in Modern Society(3)SOCI 225

Family and Modern Society(3)SOCI 247

279McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Social Problems(3)SOCI 250

Socialization(3)SOCI 305

Health and Illness(3)SOCI 309

Sociology of Mental Disorder(3)SOCI 310

Sociology of the Media(3)SOCI 318

Sociology of Literature(3)SOCI 322

Introduction to Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 338

Crime(3)SOCI 388

Responses to Social Problems(3)SOCI 460

Punishment and Prisons(3)SOCI 488

Gender, Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 489

Social Problems and Conflicts(3)SOCI 495

Surveillance in Modern Society(3)SOCI 503

Medical Sociology and Social Psychiatry(3)SOCI 508

Medicine and Society(3)SOCI 515

Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective(3)SOCI 525

Sociology of the Family(3)SOCI 535

Selected Topics in Sociology of Biomedical Knowledge(3)SOCI 538

Deviance and Social Control(3)SOCI 571

Politics and Social Change

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

International Migration(3)SOCI 212

Urban Sociology(3)SOCI 222

Population and Society(3)SOCI 234

The Sociology of Emotions(3)SOCI 245

Development and Underdevelopment(3)SOCI 254

War, States and Social Change(3)SOCI 265

Globalization(3)SOCI 307

Political Sociology 01(3)SOCI 326

Topics in Sociology(3)SOCI 345

Dynamics of Industrial Societies(3)SOCI 354

Health and Development(3)SOCI 365

Sociology: Gender and Development(3)SOCI 370

Contemporary Social Movements(3)SOCI 386

Gender and Health(3)SOCI 390

Comparative Migration & Citizenship(3)SOCI 400

Networks and Social Structures(3)SOCI 424

Colonialism and Society(3)SOCI 446

Post-Socialist Societies(3)SOCI 455

Emerging Democratic States(3)SOCI 484

Social Problems and Conflicts(3)SOCI 495

Social Change(3)SOCI 507

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)280


Movements/Collective Action(3)SOCI 511

Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa(3)SOCI 513

Gender and Globalization(3)SOCI 519

Sociology of Population(3)SOCI 545

Developing Societies(3)SOCI 550

Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

Revision, June 2018. Start of revision.

Jews in North America(3)SOCI 227

Sociology of Ethnic Relations(3)SOCI 230

Sociology of Gender(3)SOCI 270

Gender and Work(3)SOCI 321

Social Stratification(3)SOCI 333

Sociology of Aging and the Life Course(3)SOCI 335

Neighborhoods and Inequality(3)SOCI 366

Suspect Minorities in Canada(3)SOCI 375

Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar(3)SOCI 475

Seminar in Social Stratification(3)SOCI 510

Ethnicity & Public Policy(3)SOCI 512

Migration and Immigrant Groups(3)SOCI 520

Indigenous Women's Health and Healthcare(3)SOCI 526

Sex and Gender(3)SOCI 530

Comparative Historical Sociology(3)SOCI 555

Revision, June 2018. End of revision.

Work, Organizations, and the Economy

Technology and Society(3)SOCI 235

Sociology of the Welfare State(3)SOCI 304

Sociology of Work and Industry(3)SOCI 312

Organizations(3)SOCI 420

Topics in Economic Sociology(3)SOCI 470

Sustainability, Science and Society10.36


Program website:

Program Adviser:

Graham MacDonald (Assistant Professor)Department of GeographyMcGill University, Burnside Hall805 Sherbrooke Street WestMontreal QC H3A 0B9 CANADA

281McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Telephone: 514-398-4828Email:


About Sustainability, Science and Society10.36.2

This program is a partnership between the Department of Geography and the McGill School of Environment and is administered through Geography.

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Interfaculty Program in Sustainability, Science and Society (54 credits)10.36.3

The grand challenge of the 21st century is sustainable well-being; that is, to improve human well-being while maintaining the Earth's life-support systems.This B.A. & Sc. program provides the interdisciplinary and integrative knowledge and skills required to effectively understand and address this challengein its multiple dimensions-scientific-technological, socio-economic, political-institutional, ethical, and human behavioural-and to chart a transition tosustainability. It is built upon three pillars: 1) Science and Technology, to provide an in-depth understanding of the underpinnings of the problems of concernalong these dimensions; 2) Economics, Policy, and Governance, to understand how we can make the sustainability transition; and 3) Ethics, Equity, andJustice, to discuss why we need change, and the issues of equity and justice associated with taking action. This program is a partnership between Geographyand the MSE and will be administered through Geography.

Required Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as follows:

Foundations of Sustainability

9 credits selected from Foundations of Sustainability as follows:

Society, Environment and Sustainability(3)ENVR 201

Analyzing Sustainability(3)GEOG 360

Research in Sustainability(3)GEOG 460

Biophysical, Societal, Cultural, Institutional, and Ethical

18 credits from introduction to biophysical, societal, cultural, institutional, and ethical dimensions of sustainability.

The Global Environment(3)ENVR 200

The Evolving Earth(3)ENVR 202

Knowledge, Ethics and Environment(3)ENVR 203

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Development and Livelihoods(3)GEOG 310

Strategies for Sustainability(3)MGPO 440

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as follows:

3 credits of Statistics

3 credits of System Modelling tools

3 credits of Economics

18 credits selected from 3 areas


3 credits of Statistics from the following:

Statistical Methods 1(3)AEMA 310

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)282


System Modelling

3 credits of System Modelling tools from the following:

Earth System Modelling(3)ESYS 301

Modelling Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 501


3 credits of Economics from the following:

Resource Economics(3)AGEC 333

Economics of the Environment(3)ECON 225

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

18 additional credits of complementary courses chosen from three areas listed below:

Students must choose at least two courses from each area, and in total complete at least 9 credits at the 300 level or higher.

AREA 1: Methods: Observation, Analysis, Modelling, and Management

Soil and Water Quality Management(3)AGRI 435

Assessing Environmental Impact(3)ENVB 437

Environmental Measurement and Modelling(3)ENVR 544

Earth System Applications(3)ESYS 500

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Environmental Management 1(3)GEOG 302

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308

Quantitative Methods(3)GEOG 351

Environmental Management 2(3)GEOG 404

Qualitative Methods(3)GEOG 509

Advanced quantitative methods in social field research(3)GEOG 512

Global Ecosystems and Climate(3)GEOG 523

Environmental Policy and Planning(3)URBP 506

AREA 2: Society, Economics, Policy, Ethics, and Equity

Take at least one course from each subsection (2A and 2B) below:

2A: Society, Economics, and Policy


* Students select either AGEC 200 or ECON 208, but not both.

** Students may select either AGEC 201 or ECON 209, but not both.

Principles of Microeconomics(3)AGEC 200*

Principles of Macroeconomics(3)AGEC 201**

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Environment and Culture(3)ANTH 206

Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

283McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208*

Macroeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 209**

Microeconomic Theory(6)ECON 230

Economics of Climate Change(3)ECON 347

Natural Resource Economics(3)ECON 405

Global Environmental Politics(3)ENVR 519

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Political Geography(3)GEOG 316

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation(3)GEOG 514

Agric., Envir.,& Food Security(3)GEOG 520

History and the Environment(3)HIST 292

Social Context of Business(3)MGCR 360

Strategies for Developing Countries(3)MGPO 475

Business in Society(3)MGPO 567

Socio-Cultural Issues in Water(3)NRSC 540

Urban Infrastructure and Services in International Context(3)URBP 530

2B: Ethics and Equity

Environmental Thought(3)ENVR 400

Principles Earth Citizenship(3)GEOG 382

Ethics in Management(3)MGPO 450

Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

AREA 3: Sustainability and Biophysical Processes


* Students select either BREE 217 or GEOG 322, but not both.

** Students select either BIOL 540 or ENVR 540, but not both.

Introduction: Physics of the Atmosphere(3)ATOC 214

Oceans, Weather and Climate(3)ATOC 215

Ecological Dynamics(3)BIOL 308

Biodiversity and Ecosystems(3)BIOL 310

Ecology of Species Invasions(3)BIOL 540**

Hydrology and Water Resources(3)BREE 217*

Ecosystem Ecology(3)ENVB 410

Ecology of Species Invasions(3)ENVR 540**

Earth System Processes(3)ESYS 200

Investigating the Earth System(3)ESYS 300

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)284


Environment and Health(3)GEOG 221

Soils and Environment(3)GEOG 305

Environmental Hydrology(3)GEOG 322*

Running Water Environments(3)GEOG 372

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Wetlands(3)GEOG 470

Global Land and Water Resources(3)GEOG 530

Ecological Restoration(3)GEOG 555

Pollution and Bioremediation(3)NRSC 333

Students who wish to explore the following topics in more depth may select the courses listed below:

1) Climate Change: ESYS 200, ESYS 300, ESYS 500, GEOG 523, ATOC 214, ATOC 215

2) Land Resources, Food, Forests: AGEC 430, AGEC 442, AGRI 435, BIOL 308, BIOL 310, ENVB 410, GEOG 523, GEOG 530

3) Water Resources: AGRI 435, NRSC 540, BREE 217, GEOG 322, GEOG 372, GEOG 470, GEOG 530

4) Biodiversity: BIOL 308, BIOL 310, BIOL 540, ENVB 410, ENVR 540, GEOG 555

5) Human Health: GEOG 221, GEOG 303, GEOG 403

6) Development: GEOG 408, GEOG 410, ANTH 212

Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A. & Sc.) - Honours in Sustainability, Science and Society (60 credits)10.36.4

The grand challenge of the 21st century is sustainable well-being; that is, to improve human well-being while maintaining the Earth's life-support systems.This B.A. & Sc. program provides the interdisciplinary and integrative knowledge and skills required to effectively understand and address this challengein its multiple dimensions-scientific-technological, socio-economic, political-institutional, ethical, and human behavioural - and to chart a transition tosustainability. It is built upon three pillars: 1) Science and Technology, to provide an in-depth understanding of the underpinnings of the problems of concernalong these dimensions; 2) Economics, Policy, and Governance, to understand how we can make the sustainability transition; and 3) Ethics, Equity, andJustice, to discuss why we need change, and the issues of equity and justice associated with taking action. This program is a partnership between Geographyand the MSE and will be administered through Geography.

The Honours program allows students to pursue a research project with the supervision of a McGill University faculty member, leading to an honours thesis.Applicants must have a minimum program GPA (GPA of all required and complementary courses taken at McGill) of 3.3 to enter the Honours program.Students must earn a B grade (3.0) or higher for the Honours Research course (ENVR 495, 6 credits). Students are required to achieve a minimum overallCGPA of 3.0 at graduation, and a minimum Program GPA of 3.3 to obtain Honours. Honours students need to identify a supervisor, an honours project, andregister in ENVR 495. Honours students are encouraged to participate in 500-level seminars with graduate students.

Required Courses (33 credits)

33 credits selected as follows:

Foundations of Sustainability

9 credits selected from Foundations of Sustainability as follows:

Society, Environment and Sustainability(3)ENVR 201

Analyzing Sustainability(3)GEOG 360

Research in Sustainability(3)GEOG 460

Honours Required Courses

6 credits

Note: Students either take ENVR 495D1 and ENVR 495D2 (6 credits over consecutive terms) or ENVR 495N1 and ENVR 495N2 (6 credits overnon-consecutive terms).

Honours Research(3)ENVR 495D1

Honours Research(3)ENVR 495D2

Honours Research(3)ENVR 495N1

285McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Honours Research(3)ENVR 495N2

Biophysical, Societal, Cultural, Institutional, and Ethical

18 credits from introduction to biophysical, societal, cultural, institutional, and ethical dimensions of sustainability.

The Global Environment(3)ENVR 200

The Evolving Earth(3)ENVR 202

Knowledge, Ethics and Environment(3)ENVR 203

Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 203

Development and Livelihoods(3)GEOG 310

Strategies for Sustainability(3)MGPO 440

Complementary Courses (27 credits)

27 credits selected as follows:

3 credits of Statistics

3 credits of System Modelling tools

3 credits of Economics

18 credits selected from 3 areas


3 credits of Statistics from the following:

Statistical Methods 1(3)AEMA 310

Biometry(3)BIOL 373

Statistics and Spatial Analysis(3)GEOG 202

Introduction to Psychological Statistics(3)PSYC 204

System Modelling

3 credits of System Modelling tools from the following:

Earth System Modelling(3)ESYS 301

Modelling Environmental Systems(3)GEOG 501


3 credits of Economics from the following:

Resource Economics(3)AGEC 333

Economics of the Environment(3)ECON 225

Ecological Economics(3)ECON 326

18 additional credits of complementary courses chosen from three areas listed below:

Students must choose at least two courses from each area, and in total complete at least 9 credits at the 300 level or higher.

AREA 1: Methods: Observation, Analysis, Modelling, and Management

Soil and Water Quality Management(3)AGRI 435

Assessing Environmental Impact(3)ENVB 437

Environmental Measurement and Modelling(3)ENVR 544

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)286


Earth System Applications(3)ESYS 500

Introductory Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 201

Environmental Management 1(3)GEOG 302

Raster Geo-Information Science(3)GEOG 306

Principles of Remote Sensing(3)GEOG 308

Quantitative Methods(3)GEOG 351

Environmental Management 2(3)GEOG 404

Qualitative Methods(3)GEOG 509

Global Ecosystems and Climate(3)GEOG 523

Environmental Policy and Planning(3)URBP 506

AREA 2: Society, Economics, Policy, Ethics, and Equity

Take at least one course from each subsection (2A and 2B) below:

2A: Society, Economics, and Policy


* Students select either AGEC 200 or ECON 208, but not both.

** Students may select either AGEC 201 or ECON 209, but not both.

Principles of Microeconomics(3)AGEC 200*

Principles of Macroeconomics(3)AGEC 201**

Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy(3)AGEC 430

Economics of International Agricultural Development(3)AGEC 442

Environment and Culture(3)ANTH 206

Anthropology of Development(3)ANTH 212

Ecological Anthropology(3)ANTH 339

Microeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 208*

Macroeconomic Analysis and Applications(3)ECON 209**

Microeconomic Theory(6)ECON 230

Economics of Climate Change(3)ECON 347

Natural Resource Economics(3)ECON 405

Global Environmental Politics(3)ENVR 519

Global Places and Peoples(3)GEOG 210

Geography of the World Economy(3)GEOG 216

Health Geography(3)GEOG 303

Political Geography(3)GEOG 316

Geography of Development(3)GEOG 408

Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems(3)GEOG 410

Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation(3)GEOG 514

History and the Environment(3)HIST 292

Social Context of Business(3)MGCR 360

Strategies for Developing Countries(3)MGPO 475

Business in Society(3)MGPO 567

Socio-Cultural Issues in Water(3)NRSC 540

287McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Urban Infrastructure and Services in International Context(3)URBP 530

2B: Ethics and Equity

Environmental Thought(3)ENVR 400

Principles Earth Citizenship(3)GEOG 382

Ethics in Management(3)MGPO 450

Religious Ethics and the Environment(3)RELG 270

AREA 3: Sustainability and Biophysical Processes


* Students select either BREE 217 or GEOG 322, but not both.

** Students select either BIOL 540 or ENVR 540, but not both.

Introduction: Physics of the Atmosphere(3)ATOC 214

Oceans, Weather and Climate(3)ATOC 215

Ecological Dynamics(3)BIOL 308

Biodiversity and Ecosystems(3)BIOL 310

Ecology of Species Invasions(3)BIOL 540**

Hydrology and Water Resources(3)BREE 217*

Ecosystem Ecology(3)ENVB 410

Ecology of Species Invasions(3)ENVR 540**

Earth System Processes(3)ESYS 200

Investigating the Earth System(3)ESYS 300

Environment and Health(3)GEOG 221

Soils and Environment(3)GEOG 305

Environmental Hydrology(3)GEOG 322*

Running Water Environments(3)GEOG 372

Global Health and Environmental Change(3)GEOG 403

Wetlands(3)GEOG 470

Global Land and Water Resources(3)GEOG 530

Ecological Restoration(3)GEOG 555

Pollution and Bioremediation(3)NRSC 333

Students who wish to explore the following topics in more depth may select the courses listed below:

1) Climate Change: ESYS 200, ESYS 300, ESYS 500, GEOG 523, ATOC 214, ATOC 215

2) Land Resources, Food, Forests: AGEC 430, AGEC 442, AGRI 435, BIOL 308, BIOL 310, ENVB 410, GEOG 523, GEOG 530

3) Water Resources: AGRI 435, NRSC 540, BREE 217, GEOG 322, GEOG 372, GEOG 470, GEOG 530

4) Biodiversity: BIOL 308, BIOL 310, BIOL 540, ENVB 410, ENVR 540, GEOG 555

5) Human Health: GEOG 221, GEOG 303, GEOG 403

6) Development: GEOG 408, GEOG 410, ANTH 212

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)288


World Islamic and Middle East Studies (ISLA)10.37

World Islamic and Middle East Studies, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units &Programs > : World Islamic and Middle East Studies (ISLA).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Arabic Language (18 credits)10.37.1

The Minor Concentration in Arabic Language provides students with comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Arabic.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration in World Islamic and Middle East Studies.

Complementary Courses

18 credits of Arabic language (3 levels) from the list below.

In the case of Introductory Arabic (9 credits), the extra 3 credits will be counted as electives.

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D1

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D2

Lower Intermediate Arabic(6)ISLA 522

Lower Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 522D1

Lower Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 522D2

Higher Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 523D1

Higher Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 523D2

Advanced Arabic 1(3)ISLA 524

Advanced Arabic 2(3)ISLA 525

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Persian Language (18 credits)10.37.2

The Minor Concentration in Persian Language provides students with comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Persian.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration in World Islamic and Middle East Studies.

Complementary Courses

18 credits of Persian language (3 levels) from the list below.

Introductory Persian(3)ISLA 541D1

Introductory Persian(3)ISLA 541D2

Lower Intermediate Persian(3)ISLA 542D1

Lower Intermediate Persian(3)ISLA 542D2

Upper Intermediate Persian 1(3)ISLA 543

Upper Intermediate Persian 2(3)ISLA 544

Advanced Persian 1(3)ISLA 545

Advanced Persian 2(3)ISLA 546

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Turkish Language (18 credits)10.37.3

The Minor Concentration in Turkish Language provides students with comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Turkish.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration in World Islamic and Middle East Studies.

289McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Complementary Courses

18 credits of Turkish language (3 levels) from the list below.

Introductory Turkish(3)ISLA 532D1

Introductory Turkish(3)ISLA 532D2

Lower Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 533D1

Lower Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 533D2

Higher Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 534D1

Higher Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 534D2

Advanced Turkish(3)ISLA 535D1

Advanced Turkish(3)ISLA 535D2

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration Urdu Language (18 credits)10.37.4

The Minor Concentration in Urdu Language provides students with comprehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Urdu.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration in World Islamic and Middle East Studies.

Complementary Courses

18 credits of Urdu language (3 levels) from the list below.

Introductory Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 551D1

Introductory Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 551D2

Intermediate Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 552D1

Intermediate Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 552D2

Advanced Urdu 1(3)ISLA 553

Advanced Urdu 2(3)ISLA 554

Urdu Poetry(3)ISLA 555

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration World Islamic & Middle East Studies (18 credits)10.37.5

World Islamic and Middle East Studies is an interdisciplinary program focusing on Muslim cultures and societies both past and present. Recognizing thevariety of approaches within Islam, its global reach, but also its regional specificities, and that of the Middle East in particular, the program aims at providingstudents with training in the textual traditions and social life of Muslims across different times and places.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

Complementary Courses (18 credits)

18 credits of complementary courses selected from the World Islamic and Middle East Studies course lists as follows:

3 credits of 100-/200-level non-language ISLA courses;

9 credits of 300-level non-language ISLA courses;

6 credits at any level, but no more than 6 credits overall at the 100/200 level. Students might fulfill these credits by taking complementary courses from otherdepartments listed as relevant to the program.

ISLA 100/200-Level

3 credits from:

FYS: Narrations of the Middle East(3)ISLA 199

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)290


ISLA 300-Level

9 credits from:

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Art of Islam(3)ISLA 320

Introduction to Shi'i Islam(3)ISLA 325

Islamic Mysticism: Sufism(3)ISLA 330

Islamic Law and Human Rights(3)ISLA 340

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

From Tribe to Dynasty(3)ISLA 350

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

The Qur’an: History and Interpretation(3)ISLA 370

Islamic Philosophy and Theology(3)ISLA 380

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

Poetics & Politics in Arabic Literature(3)ISLA 385

Persian Literature(3)ISLA 388

Arabic Literature as World Literature(3)ISLA 392

6 credits at any level, but no more than 6 credits overall at the 100/200 level. Students might fulfil these credits by taking complementary courses from otherdepartments listed below.

ISLA Courses

FYS: Narrations of the Middle East(3)ISLA 199

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

Introduction to Shi'i Islam(3)ISLA 325

Islamic Mysticism: Sufism(3)ISLA 330

Islamic Law and Human Rights(3)ISLA 340

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

From Tribe to Dynasty(3)ISLA 350

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

The Qur’an: History and Interpretation(3)ISLA 370

Islamic Philosophy and Theology(3)ISLA 380

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

Poetics & Politics in Arabic Literature(3)ISLA 385

Persian Literature(3)ISLA 388

Arabic Literature as World Literature(3)ISLA 392

History: Middle-East 1798-1918(3)ISLA 410

History: Middle-East 1918-1945(3)ISLA 411

Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach(3)ISLA 415

Indo-Islamic Civilization: Medieval(3)ISLA 420

Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent(3)ISLA 421

291McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Islamdom: Baghdad to Cordoba(3)ISLA 430

Tales of Wonder-Islamic World(3)ISLA 488

World Islamic and Middle East Studies Internship(3)ISLA 499

Art in the Age of Empires(3)ISLA 502

Islam: Origin and Early Development(3)ISLA 505

Islam: Later Developments(3)ISLA 506

Art of the Ottoman Empire(3)ISLA 512

The Medieval School in Islam(3)ISLA 515

Medieval Islam, 13th-15th Cent(3)ISLA 516

Urdu Poetry(3)ISLA 555

Arab Women's Literature(3)ISLA 585

Non-ISLA Courses

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Middle Eastern Society and Culture(3)ANTH 340

Modern History of Islamic Movements(3)HIST 240

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

Themes in South Asian History(3)HIST 341

Topics in South Asian History(3)HIST 435

()HIST 448

Modern Middle East History(3)HIST 591D1

Modern Middle East History(3)HIST 591D2

History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

The Israeli Novel(3)JWST 323

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 2(3)JWST 338

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy(3)JWST 562

Early Medieval Philosophy(3)PHIL 356

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Politics in Israel(3)POLI 437

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration World Islamic & Middle East Studies (36 credits)10.37.6

World Islamic and Middle East Studies is an interdisciplinary program focusing on Muslim cultures and societies both past and present. Recognizing thevariety of approaches within Islam, its global reach, but also its regional specificities, and that of the Middle East in particular, the program aims at providingstudents with training in the textual traditions and social life of Muslims across different times and places.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)292


Complementary Courses (36 credits)

12-15 credits (2 levels) in one language: Arabic, Persian, Turkish, or Urdu. In the case of Arabic, the first two levels involve 15 credits. The extra 3 creditswill be counted toward the remainder of the complementary courses requirement.

21-24 credits (21 if Introductory Arabic has been chosen), of complementary courses selected from the World Islamic and Middle East Studies course listsas follows:

3 credits of 100-/200-level non-language ISLA courses;

6 credits of 300-level non-language ISLA courses;

6 credits of 400-/500-level non-language ISLA courses;

6-9 credits at any level, including more language courses, but no more than 6 credits overall at the 100/200 level. Students might fulfill these credits bytaking complementary courses from other departments listed as relevant to the program.

Languages (12-15 credits)


Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D1

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D2

Lower Intermediate Arabic(6)ISLA 522

Lower Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 522D1

Lower Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 522D2

Higher Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 523D1

Higher Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 523D2

Advanced Arabic 1(3)ISLA 524

Advanced Arabic 2(3)ISLA 525


Introductory Persian(3)ISLA 541D1

Introductory Persian(3)ISLA 541D2

Lower Intermediate Persian(3)ISLA 542D1

Lower Intermediate Persian(3)ISLA 542D2

Upper Intermediate Persian 1(3)ISLA 543

Upper Intermediate Persian 2(3)ISLA 544

Advanced Persian 1(3)ISLA 545

Advanced Persian 2(3)ISLA 546


Introductory Turkish(3)ISLA 532D1

Introductory Turkish(3)ISLA 532D2

Lower Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 533D1

Lower Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 533D2

Higher Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 534D1

Higher Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 534D2

Advanced Turkish(3)ISLA 535D1

Advanced Turkish(3)ISLA 535D2


293McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Introductory Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 551D1

Introductory Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 551D2

Intermediate Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 552D1

Intermediate Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 552D2

Advanced Urdu 1(3)ISLA 553

Advanced Urdu 2(3)ISLA 554

ISLA 100-/200-Level

3 credits from:

FYS: Narrations of the Middle East(3)ISLA 199

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

ISLA 300-Level

6 credits from:

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Art of Islam(3)ISLA 320

Introduction to Shi'i Islam(3)ISLA 325

Islamic Mysticism: Sufism(3)ISLA 330

Islamic Law and Human Rights(3)ISLA 340

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

From Tribe to Dynasty(3)ISLA 350

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

The Qur’an: History and Interpretation(3)ISLA 370

Islamic Philosophy and Theology(3)ISLA 380

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

Poetics & Politics in Arabic Literature(3)ISLA 385

Persian Literature(3)ISLA 388

Arabic Literature as World Literature(3)ISLA 392

ISLA 400-/500-Level

6 credits from:

History: Middle-East 1798-1918(3)ISLA 410

History: Middle-East 1918-1945(3)ISLA 411

Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach(3)ISLA 415

Indo-Islamic Civilization: Medieval(3)ISLA 420

Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent(3)ISLA 421

Islamdom: Baghdad to Cordoba(3)ISLA 430

Tales of Wonder-Islamic World(3)ISLA 488

Art in the Age of Empires(3)ISLA 502

Islam: Origin and Early Development(3)ISLA 505

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)294


Islam: Later Developments(3)ISLA 506

Art of the Ottoman Empire(3)ISLA 512

The Medieval School in Islam(3)ISLA 515

Medieval Islam, 13th-15th Cent(3)ISLA 516

Urdu Poetry(3)ISLA 555

Arab Women's Literature(3)ISLA 585

6-9 credits at any level, including ISLA 499, or more language courses (from the language lists above), but no more than 6 credits overall at the 100/200level. Students might fulfill these credits by taking complementary courses from other departments listed as relevant to the program.

Non-ISLA Courses

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Middle Eastern Society and Culture(3)ANTH 340

Modern History of Islamic Movements(3)HIST 240

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

Themes in South Asian History(3)HIST 341

Topics in South Asian History(3)HIST 435

()HIST 448

Modern Middle East History(3)HIST 591D1

Modern Middle East History(3)HIST 591D2

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D1

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D2

History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D1

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D2

The Israeli Novel(3)JWST 323

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 2(3)JWST 338

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 1(3)JWST 367

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 2(3)JWST 368

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 3(3)JWST 369

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 4(3)JWST 370

Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy(3)JWST 562

Early Medieval Philosophy(3)PHIL 356

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Politics in Israel(3)POLI 437

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

295McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component World Islamic & Middle East Studies (36 credits)10.37.7

World Islamic and Middle East Studies is an interdisciplinary program focusing on Muslim cultures and societies both past and present. Recognizing thevariety of approaches within Islam, its global reach, but also its regional specificities, and that of the Middle East in particular, the program aims at providingstudents with training in the textual traditions and social life of Muslims across different times and places.

For information about instructors and course descriptions, visit the program’s website at

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list ofavailable Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs."

Joint Honours students should consult an adviser in each department to discuss their course selection and their interdisciplinary research project (if applicable).

Joint Honours students must maintain a program GPA of 3.30 in their World Islamic & Middle East Studies courses and, according to Faculty regulations,a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in general.

Required Course (3 credits)

World Islamic and Middle East Studies Research Seminar(3)ISLA 495

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

33 credits of complementary courses selected from the World Islamic and Middle East Studies course lists as follows:

12-15 credits (2 levels) in one language: Arabic, Persian, Turkish, or Urdu (lists below). In the case of Arabic, the first two levels involve 15 credits. Theextra 3 credits will be counted toward the remainder of the complementary courses requirement.

18-21 credits (18 if Introductory Arabic has been chosen), distributed as follows:

3 credits of 100-/200-level non-language ISLA courses;

9 credits of 300-level non-language ISLA courses;

3 credits of 400-/500-level non-language ISLA courses;

3-6 credits at any level, including more language courses, but no more than 6 credits overall at the 100/200 level. Students might fulfill these credits bytaking complementary courses from other departments listed as relevant to the program.

Languages (12-15 credits)


Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D1

Introductory Arabic(4.5)ISLA 521D2

Lower Intermediate Arabic(6)ISLA 522

Lower Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 522D1

Lower Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 522D2

Higher Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 523D1

Higher Intermediate Arabic(3)ISLA 523D2

Advanced Arabic 1(3)ISLA 524

Advanced Arabic 2(3)ISLA 525


Introductory Persian(3)ISLA 541D1

Introductory Persian(3)ISLA 541D2

Lower Intermediate Persian(3)ISLA 542D1

Lower Intermediate Persian(3)ISLA 542D2

Upper Intermediate Persian 1(3)ISLA 543

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)296


Upper Intermediate Persian 2(3)ISLA 544

Advanced Persian 1(3)ISLA 545

Advanced Persian 2(3)ISLA 546


Introductory Turkish(3)ISLA 532D1

Introductory Turkish(3)ISLA 532D2

Lower Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 533D1

Lower Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 533D2

Higher Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 534D1

Higher Intermediate Turkish(3)ISLA 534D2

Advanced Turkish(3)ISLA 535D1

Advanced Turkish(3)ISLA 535D2


Introductory Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 551D1

Introductory Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 551D2

Intermediate Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 552D1

Intermediate Urdu-Hindi(3)ISLA 552D2

Advanced Urdu 1(3)ISLA 553

Advanced Urdu 2(3)ISLA 554

ISLA 100-/200-Level

3 credits from:

FYS: Narrations of the Middle East(3)ISLA 199

Islamic Civilization(3)ISLA 200

Muslim Societies(3)ISLA 210

ISLA 300-Level

9 credits from:

Women in Islam(3)ISLA 310

Art of Islam(3)ISLA 320

Introduction to Shi'i Islam(3)ISLA 325

Islamic Mysticism: Sufism(3)ISLA 330

Islamic Law and Human Rights(3)ISLA 340

Science and Civilization in Islam(3)ISLA 345

From Tribe to Dynasty(3)ISLA 350

Modern History of the Middle East(3)ISLA 355

Islam and Politics(3)ISLA 360

The Qur’an: History and Interpretation(3)ISLA 370

Islamic Philosophy and Theology(3)ISLA 380

Central Questions in Islamic Law(3)ISLA 383

297McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


Poetics & Politics in Arabic Literature(3)ISLA 385

Persian Literature(3)ISLA 388

Arabic Literature as World Literature(3)ISLA 392

ISLA 400-/500-Level

3 credits from:

History: Middle-East 1798-1918(3)ISLA 410

History: Middle-East 1918-1945(3)ISLA 411

Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach(3)ISLA 415

Indo-Islamic Civilization: Medieval(3)ISLA 420

Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent(3)ISLA 421

Islamdom: Baghdad to Cordoba(3)ISLA 430

Tales of Wonder-Islamic World(3)ISLA 488

Art in the Age of Empires(3)ISLA 502

Islam: Origin and Early Development(3)ISLA 505

Islam: Later Developments(3)ISLA 506

Art of the Ottoman Empire(3)ISLA 512

The Medieval School in Islam(3)ISLA 515

Medieval Islam, 13th-15th Cent(3)ISLA 516

Urdu Poetry(3)ISLA 555

Arab Women's Literature(3)ISLA 585

3-6 credits at any level, including ISLA 499, or more language courses (from the language lists above), but no more than 6 credits overall of at the 200 level.Students may fulfill these credits by taking complementary courses from other departments listed as relevant to the program.

Non-ISLA Courses

Anthropology of South Asia(3)ANTH 327

Middle Eastern Society and Culture(3)ANTH 340

Modern History of Islamic Movements(3)HIST 240

Arab-Israeli Conflict(3)HIST 339

Themes in South Asian History(3)HIST 341

Topics in South Asian History(3)HIST 435

()HIST 448

Modern Middle East History(3)HIST 591D1

Modern Middle East History(3)HIST 591D2

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D1

Introductory Hebrew(3)JWST 220D2

History of Jewish Philosophy & Thought(3)JWST 261

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D1

Intermediate Hebrew(3)JWST 320D2

The Israeli Novel(3)JWST 323

Jewish Philosophy and Thought 2(3)JWST 338

Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D1

2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)298


Advanced Hebrew(3)JWST 340D2

History of Zionism(3)JWST 366

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 1(3)JWST 367

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 2(3)JWST 368

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 3(3)JWST 369

Hebrew Language and Israeli Culture 4(3)JWST 370

Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy(3)JWST 562

Early Medieval Philosophy(3)PHIL 356

Developing Areas/Middle East(3)POLI 340

Foreign Policy: The Middle East(3)POLI 341

Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace(3)POLI 347

Politics in Israel(3)POLI 437

Judaism, Christianity and Islam(3)RELG 204

World Religions and Cultures They Create(3)RELG 208

Women in Judaism and Islam(3)RELG 256

Bible, Quran & Interpretations(3)RELG 307

Religions in Global Society(3)RELG 573

299McGill University, Bachelor of Arts and Science, 2018-2019 (Published August 21, 2018)


2018-2019, Bachelor of Arts and Science, McGill University (Published August 21, 2018)300


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