back pain relief powerpoint

Post on 07-May-2015






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A quick fix solution for any type of back pain, and other areas of the body.


Real Help For ChronicBack Pain & Sciatica




• Repair Your Sore Back & Sciatica Pain Naturally With Great Results That Are Noticeable, In Some Cases On The First Day, But Certainly Within Weeks For Most People Suffering From Chronic Back Pain

• Heal Your Back And Live A Better Quality Of Life By Making Simple Changes That Create Positive Results

• Sit and walk properly … so that your body is aligned correctly at all times

• Train your muscles to work with your spine rather than against it … making your structure stable, keeping you flexible and mobile under all circumstances

• To identify environmental causes that undermine your back slowly without you even realising it

What Exactly Is The “Back Pain Can Be Fixed” Solution?

• Back Pain Can Be Fixed will teach you how to provide your body with the correct strengthening and lengthening movements it needs so your back can heal naturally.

• If I am having back spasms or acute sciatica pain, will this solution help me? Yes, absolutely … you will find that by gently following the specific postures in the program, your spasms will release … you will sleep better, your energy levels will increase and your overall health will improve dramatically.

I find it hard to believe that I can heal my back naturally? Try this program and find out for yourself. It’s not a matter of believing, you’ll know it works when you get the results, just like the all the others around the world who are already using the program successfully.

Who will really benefit from this program? The people who have … chronic back pain (that has progressively worsened over time); poor posture; weak core strength; and have tried everything else.

85% Of Back Pain Is Caused By Muscular Causes

It is now estimated that 85% of back pain is caused by muscular causes. Even sciatica, which was thought to be caused primarily by bulging discs on the sciatic nerve is often caused by the nerve being squashed by muscles such as in piriformis syndrome.In fact … muscles are the reason that your back often “slips out” again after a chiropractic adjustment … the underlying muscular dysfunctions and imbalances that caused the spine to be pulled back out of alignment in the first place are not being treated. ow … I’m not saying that chiropractic work is not valuable when you have a painful back … I would go so far as to say it saved my sanity … BUT … you do need to address the muscular problems as well – and that’s what I’ve done in this book.

An 86% Reduction In Days In Pain

It is not uncommon to see major results within 6-8 weeks!Benefits of following this programme: • Improvement in their flexibility• Reduction in pain or gone completely • Have better posture, feel stronger in their core

strength, and are confident to undertake more challenging activities

Daniel Carey (the owner) has had tons of emails from people with a variety of back pain conditions that have got relief – such as lower back pain, acute sciatica pain, upper back, pain in the legs, buttock & hip and disc protrusions and prolapses have better posture

In Simple Terms…• ‘The Back Pain can be Fixed’ solution is

variety of books and videos of exercises and techniques which can help you get your life back on track.

• ‘After years of lower back pain and struggling to even get up in the mornings I discovered ‘the back pain can be fixed’ solution and it with out a doubt changed my life. I now have no back pain what so ever and I am starting my new job soon which I was unable to do before due to the constant pain.

The best $47 I have ever spent!


You can keep doing what you’re doing …Be In PAIN | Be Depressed | Deteriorate

Or … For Less Than The Cost Of A Therapist’s Visit

$47.00You can avoid surgery

Be pain free … and active againAnd get your whole life back

Just follow the link below and change your life!

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