back to basics: what should women in local government be doing to assist? disclaimer: while drawing...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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  • Back to Basics: What should women in local government be doing to assist? Disclaimer: While drawing on CoGTAs Back to Basics information, this is NOT an official CoGTA presentation and does not purport to portray the only actions required of women in LG.
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  • International Womens Day "Equality for women is progress for all" Theme for 8 March 2015
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  • Touch Points in this Presentation Context for Back to Basics Assessment Areas for Back to Basics What is required for Getting the Basics Right? Focus Areas for Municipalities What is my role? Qualities of a Lady B2B What is my role as a women? Disclaimer: While drawing on CoGTAs Back to Basics information, this is NOT an official CoGTA presentation and does not purport to portray the only actions required of women in LG.
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  • Context for Back to Basics State of the Nation Address (SONA) 17 June 2014 Together we move South Africa forward Government would like peoples experience of local government to be a pleasant one Government has evaluated all municipalities, including their financial management . Government has formulated a plan of action to revitalise local government . Technical PCC 4 July 2014 Presentation by CoGTA on development of a new approach to revitalise and strengthen the performance of local government Programme of Action for Local Government 2014-2019 CoGTA Back to Basics: Serving Our Communities Better! Back to Basics to Build a Responsive, Caring and Accountable Local Government
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  • Assessment Factors Political Stability Governance Service Delivery Financial Management Institutional Management Community Satisfaction Acknowledgement: CoGTA - Back to Basics: Serving Our Communities Better
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  • Assessment Areas (cont.) Institutionalise a performance management system to effect the changes develop and implement a set of indicators measuring municipal performance in terms of the basics, namely: CoGTA Putting people first Delivering basic services Good governance Sound financial management Building capacity
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  • Getting the Basics Right Acknowledgement: CoGTA - Back to Basics Presentation Implemented through National, Provincial and Local Government interventions
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  • Focus Areas for Municipalities (1) Public Participation: Putting people first Implement community engagement plans targeting hotspots and potential hotspots areas. Municipalities to implement responsive and accountable processes to communities. Ward committees must be functional and Councillors must meet and report back to their constituencies quarterly. Utilise the CDWs, Ward Committees and Ward Councillors to communicate projects earmarked for implementation. Municipalities must communicate their plans to deal with backlogs. Municipalities to monitor and act on complaints, petitions and other feedback. From: Back to Basics: Serving our Communities Better!
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  • Focus Areas for Municipalities (cont.) (2) Basic Services: Creating conditions for decent living Deliver the basic services: Basic electricity, basic water, sanitation, waste removal etc. Ensure that services such as cutting grass, patching potholes, working robots and streetlights and consistent refuse removal are provided. Council to ensure proper maintenance and immediate addressing of outages or maintenance issues. Municipalities must provide basic services and maintenance. Municipalities must improve mechanisms to deliver new infrastructure at a faster pace whilst adhering to the relevant standards. Focus must be placed on the operations and maintenance of existing infrastructure to ensure continuity of service provision. Increase of CWP sites targeting the unemployed youth in informal settlements to render day to day services such as cutting grass, patching potholes, cleaning cemeteries, etc. From: Back to Basics: Serving our Communities Better!
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  • Focus Areas for Municipalities (cont.) (2) Basic Services: Creating conditions for decent living (cont.) Extend reach of basic services to communities living in informal settlements by providing temporary services such as: (i) potable water, (ii) temporary sanitation facilities, (iii) grading of gravel roads and (iv) refuse removal. Improve policing and installation of high mast lighting. Cities to announce plans for township establishment where they exist. (3) Good governance Municipalities will ensure transparency, accountability and regular engagements with communities. All municipal council structures must be functional and meet regularly. Council Meetings to sit at least quarterly. All Council Committees sitting and processing items for council decisions. Clear delineation of roles and responsibilities between key leadership structures. Functional oversight committees must be in place, e.g. Audit Committee and MPACs. From: Back to Basics: Serving our Communities Better!
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  • Focus Areas for Municipalities (cont.) (4) Sound financial management All municipalities must have a functional financial management system which includes rigorous internal controls. Cut wasteful expenditure. SCM structures and controls with appropriate oversight. Cash-backed budgets. Post Audit Action Plans are addressed. Act decisively against fraud and corruption. Supply Chain Management structures in place and functional according to regulations. Conduct campaigns on culture of payment for services led by councillors. Conduct campaigns against illegal connections, cable theft, manhole covers etc. From: Back to Basics: Serving our Communities Better!
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  • Focus Areas for Municipalities (cont.) (5) Building Capable Institutions and Administrations All municipalities enforce competency standards for managers and appoint persons with the requisite skills, expertise and qualifications. All staff to sign performance agreements. Implement and manage performance management systems. Municipal management to conduct regular engagements with labour. From: Back to Basics: Serving our Communities Better!
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  • What is my role? The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke (1729-1797); Statesman, Author, Philosopher Be the Person you were meant to be!
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  • 10 Qualities of a Lady A lady is generous with her time, wisdom, and resources. She is a woman of her word and follows through with her commitments, whatever the cost. She willingly serves others and extends a hand to those in need. She manages her priorities and time well understanding that she can only serve others after she has taken care of herself. A lady possesses a positive outlook on life. Her humour, wisdom, and consistent encouragement attract others to her. From: What would Mrs King do?
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  • 10 Qualities of a Lady A lady is a lifelong learner. She maintains a teachable posture and embraces change for the better. She does not compare herself to others, but embraces her strengths and accepts her weaknesses. A lady models civility in how she treats others. She demonstrates respect, restraint, and personal responsibility in her appearance, behaviour, and communication. She is honourable, and values and respects others. From: What would Mrs King do? (Cont.)
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  • 10 Qualities of a Lady A lady is well-mannered and knows what is appropriate. She is able to navigate various social and professional settings with ease and proficiency. She embraces all people those from other cultures, as well as individuals from various social and economic backgrounds. A lady possesses a strong work ethic. She takes pride in her labour at home and in the community, and strives to give her very best. She is trustworthy, loyal, and people speak well of her. A lady is poised, graceful, and confident. Her posture and body language communicate a strong personal presence. From: What would Mrs King do? (Cont.)
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  • 10 Qualities of a Lady A lady is well-dressed. She knows how to select clothing that is modest, age appropriate, within her budget, and perfect for the occasion. She is well-groomed, practices good hygiene, and maintains her health. She understands that her personal appearance the way she chooses to dress, groom, and carry herself communicates instantly to others who she is. A lady is well-spoken and a generous listener. She knows how to effectively connect with others and communicate her message. Her words are kind, tactful, and free from gossip. She is gracious and inclusive From: What would Mrs King do? (Cont.)
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  • 10 Qualities of a Lady A lady manages her home and the needs of her family. She creates a welcome, peaceful, loving, and nourishing environment a safe shelter from the storms of life. Her actions reflect whom she has chosen to be rather than base them upon the opinions of others From: What would Mrs King do? (Cont.)
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  • A lady understands that her real strength is not found in trying to be like a man, but rather, in being gracious, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, self-assured, and poised.
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  • CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODERN WOMAN Until our homes are simpler and less an object of care and anxiety, until our dress is determined by beauty, health and utility rather than by fashion or caprice, and until our tables are ordered with regard to physical well-being, we do wrong to lay the various forms of nervous prostration to the account of thought and study. By MRS. CAROLINE K. SHERMAN - 1893
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  • Thank you! Presentation by Louise Muller, Past President of IMFO, at the 2015 IMFO Women in Leadership Seminar

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