background information. real name was eric blair lived june 25 1903 – january 21 1950 (46 years...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Animal Farm

Background Information

Real name was Eric Blair Lived June 25 1903 –

January 21 1950 (46 years old).

Born in Bengal, India to British Colonists.

Politically: Socialist Disliked Communism for

the political aspects.

About the Author: George Orwell

Socialism believes that people should be given resources based on how much work they put in.

Communism believes people should get resources according to his/her needs. Also, they believe in the power of the worker. They are similar, but Communism can be seen as a more extreme form of Socialism.

Karl Marx is seen as the father of Communism after writing the Communist Manifesto.

Socialism and Communism

Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown during the Russian Revolution in 1917 (during WWI) and a provisional government was set up.

Rise of Communism in the Soviet Union

When this government failed, the Bolshevik Party took over under Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin called for an end to the Soviet Union’s involvement in WWI.

Lenin had two main followers, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky.

After Lenin died, Stalin made an alliance with Trotsky, but soon Stalin became the new leader of Communist Party (which developed from the Bolshevik Party).

Stalin then turned on Trotsky and exiled him from the country. Stalin pinned the death of a well-like politician on Trotsky.

The Rise of Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) called Trotsky a traitor. He would claim that his enemies were followers of Trotsky. This ensured that they were banished from the Communist party.

These people were then executed or sent to labor camps where they often died.

The “Great Purge” was his initial act of “purging the Communist party”. He was responsible for 700,000 murders in only 2 years.

The Evils of Stalin

Joseph Stalin is estimated to be responsible for the deaths of 10-20 million people during his reign from 1929 to 1953. Some estimate it to be higher.

In comparison, Adolf Hitler was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 11-12 million people.

Joseph Stalin was in power until his dying day.

The Worst of Stalin

George Orwell lived through both World Wars and saw Stalin’s rise to power and all of the atrocities that he committed.

Orwell wrote Animal Farm as an Allegorical Satire. He points out the faults and evils of Joseph Stalin and Soviet Union Communism.

Because he lived in England, he was able to get away with this. What would have happened to George Orwell if he lived in the Soviet Union and wrote this novel?

How does this History tie in with Animal Farm?

The main characters in Animal Farm represent the historical figures we’ve discussed. The events parallel the historical events we have discussed.

Premise: The Animals on the farm rise up against the humans and gain control of the Farm

About Animal Farm

Old Major – The Old Boar who preaches the power of the worker and inspires the revolt.

Napoleon – The pig who emerges as leader of Animal Farm. Treacherous, crafty, and uses military force to intimidate others.

Snowball – The pig who challenges Napoleon for control. Intelligent, passionate, strait-forward. Napoleon’s character foil.

Boxer/Clover – The Cart-Horses who are hard working, strong, dedicated, and loyal. Boxer is Naïve and trusts the pigs to make decisions for them.


Squealer – Pig who Spreads Napoleon’s propaganda (a form of communication that influences the masses)

Moses – The Raven who tells them of a paradise when they die.

Mollie – Mare (female horse) who misses the humans.

Benjamin – Old Donkey opposed to rebellion Muriel – White goat who cares about rules. Minimus –The pig who writes about Napoleon The Dogs – Napoleon’s army.

More Characters

Mr. Jones – Runs Manor Farm before the Animals take over.

Mr. Frederick – untrustworthy neighbor Mr. Pilkington – Mr. Frederick’s enemy Mr. Whymper – Man Napoleon hires to

represent Animal Farm in human society.

More Characters…The Humans

Old Major – Vladimir Lenin/Karl Marx Napoleon – Joseph Stalin Snowball – Leon Trotsky Boxer/Clover – The Working Class Squealer – Propaganda Moses – Communist exploitation of religion. The dogs – Stalin’s Military Force. Mr. Jones – Tsar Nicholas II Mr. Frederick – Adolf Hitler/(Pinchfield –

Germany) Mr. Pilkington – England and the United States

Who Characters Represent

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