bad weight training techniques you must avoid

Post on 26-May-2015






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You've probably done some weight training before. Maybe you did it back in high school as part of gym or sports training. Or perhaps you and your friends used to get together to lift weights on your own. If so, there's a good chance that you learned some wrong techniques. It's not your fault. But you do need

to forget about those bad techniques so that you can get good results.

Here are some of the top bad techniques and advice you've heard...

Focus on your chest and arms. Yes, of course you need to do lifts for your pecs and guns. But if you just focus on these parts, you're going to have a really unbalanced look. So be sure to work your whole body, including legs, back,

shoulders, abs, chest and arms.

Lift heavy. Really heavy. Sometimes ego comes into play, and guys spend a lot of time seeing just how much they can lift...once. Forget about that. Instead,

focus on using a weight that you can lift about 8 to 12 times before you fatigue.

Spend hours in the gym. You probably don't have the time to do this anyway. And it's bad advice. That's because your muscles grow while you're resting, not while you're lifting. So you don't need to spend a lot of time in the gym to get

great results.

Now let's talk about what you should do:

Get used to weight training. For the first few weeks of training you need to get your muscles used to lifting weights. Thus you should start with weights that

you can easily lift about 15 to 20 times. Use these weights for two weeks, and then switch to heavier weights.

Develop a routine. For starters, use a simple routine where you do the upper body on one day and the lower body on the alternate day. You can do this three

to four times per week, always alternating upper-lower-upper-lower (etc).

Choose the right weight. Once you're warmed up and used to lifting, then choose a weight that you can lift 8-12 times (repetitions) before your muscles fail. Don't worry about what others in the gym are using - just focus on your

own lifts.

Always warm up first. Spend at least 5-10 minutes doing light cardio before you work out. Then do a few lifts using light weights. Once you feel warmed up,

then you can start lifting.

You know what to do next - start going to the gym and lifting light weights. But the point is, get your body used to lifting.

For more great tips on how to get the most out of your weight training click HERE or visit:

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