balb0-2516 - yola · i miiiiiiiiiiiiiiibii u 1111111111111111 balb0-2516 · b.a. l.l.b....

Post on 09-Sep-2019






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I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBII U 1111111111111111 BALB0-2516

· B.A. L.L.B. (Semester- VU) Examination, October 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks : 75

Instructions: 1) Answer any eight questions from Q. No. ·1. to 12. 2) Q. No. 13 an(i 14 compulsory.

1. Government based on principles of law not of _men. Elucidate. . . .


2. Examine the growth of Administrative Law in th~ context of Indian sc~nario.

3. Exa~ine judicial control over administrative discretion.

4. 'Excessive Delegation is unconstitutional'. Elucidate. ·

. 5. Ana!yse the various problems of administrative decision making in India.

6. Examine the various exceptions to the Rule of Natural Justice. . .

7. Examine the scope of Article 136 in the context of Administrative Action. . .

8. Analyse the significance of Ombudsmen in th~ field of administrative law.

9. Examine the concept qf Government promise and estoppel followed in America and England.

10. Examine the various controls over public undertakings.

11. Examine the equitable remedies in the context of Administrative Action. ,·

12. Examine the concept of AUDI AL TERAM PARTEM in detail.

13. An~wer any two_: (2x3=6)

a) . Laches and delay.

b) Personal bias.

c) Counsel D' etat.

14. Answer any two : (2x2%=5)

a) Government privileges.

b) Right to information.

c) Government liability under.tort.

. · 111111011 IIIII 111111111111 IIW IIIII 1m 1111 BALBA~816· ··

.- B.A.LL.B. ·(semester ~ VII) Exa~ination, April .2016 . ADMINISTRATIVE .· LAW .

Duration.: 3 Hours Totai·Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Answer any eight questions from Q._ Np. 1 to 12.

_. :2)" Q. No.13and-14arecompulsory.

1. Examine the concept of Rule of Law in detail. {8x8--64)

2. Essential legislative functions can't be delegated elucidate.·

3 . .- State and explain the exceptions to the principles of natural justice.

4. Examine the s~ructure and procedure of adjudicatory bodies i~ the area of

administrative adjudication.

5. Analyse the judicial control mechanism in case of administrative discretion.

6. Examine the writ of ·certiorari and Quo Warranto to challenge ~administrative .


· 7. Examine the Jurisdiction ~f Article 136 in the ~rea of administrative actions.

8. Analyse the tortious liability of goyernment in detail.

9. Examine the growth of administrative law with special reference to French ·Legal .


10. Examine the rule of fair hearing with relevant case law. . . .- . . .

. 11. Examine the reley~nce of promissory estoppel in India. ·

. . . 12. Examine in detail the mechanism of OMBUDSMEN and its ~mportance in the .

field of Administrative Law.


. BALBA.:.. 816 11111111111~ m1~ 11m IU~IIm II Ill lim '

. . 13. Write note on any two : . (3x2=6)

a) Separation of powers.

b) Departmental bias. . .

c) Writ of prohibition.

14. Write note on any two : . · (2Y2x2=5)

a) ·Injunction as equitable remeey.

b) ()ne who hears must decide.

· c) Di~~retion to disobey.



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II II . B~tBQ~- 1513 I

EJ.A~~L..a; (Semester ~- . VII) Ex~mlnatloo, October 20~ 5 ADMIINISllR~lFIVE lAW .

Duratiom : 3 Heurs Total Marks : 75 \ I • •

• . . ...

· lnslruetlons : 1j Ans·wer BR¥; .. elght qliieSiions fre.rrn Q. N€l. 1 to 12 . . . •

. 21 €1. No. ~3an·il14arecorijpulsoff¥~ . ts><a=64> · • . . .

• . . ~

1. . Exam-hile the ·defi.niti(l£1, n,atll~fie amt!f scep)e ·of a.Gt~ministrativ~· law. •

. . . . ,

2. · Anal¥:se tne Judicial oohtrol eVoer delegated legislation. . .. . . . . •

. . . • •

3. Exa.mi~me tn~ ~uJ.e· ag:~imst l:>i,as im detaiL . .

• • • . . . • •

4. Explain ~Re- reasons ·~or tb~· grreMm 0f ad~inistrative trft>unals. .. . . . \

5. E>eamime tne w~it Juris·dictiorn ef ·ltitl§m Oeur:t aver A~ttlJl.i~nfstrr~tive ·Acti0ms .. . - ' . . . . .

"" . • •

: · 6~ . Analyse· the impeittamce o~ ~~0nnissortY laste~(Del i~ lnd18'. . · . '

. ' . . , . • •

7. E~~lair:1 th,e ~ele of G)M:sv. DSME·~ in tme field of Admi:aistrative Law.. . •

.. . . ...

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~ 0... A\rn,.al~se ihe ef4·Ui~able ,Beme)di,EJ.s ~~ l:rnj'w.rn~tien anQ Deola~Fato.~ Actto,rns . • • •

)~ 1 ~ Exarmifile the Gov.el!nmenlliabili~ in r:elatiom ta. cOntract. · •

. . • • • . . . . .

· 12.·JQS~arlee 0." w~ri~ of ·ceai~orari eM,er Adm·inistrative . J\!cti.on~. . . . .. .. .. .. . . -


·13. \«(rite ,r~ote ern.any twe .: ,

· . ·a) · Right fa ~mew . ~~ JD-ice~ G0.flCE!.f).t ot· aw~le of lWaw~

. · . · C) ~tat~ro.~ ~l:Jdieial F:iemedies. •


. 14. W!rite nate e>m any two : •

a~ ~Beas&As for; the g·~rowth of·b.lie tJitl.dertal(i,ngs '

b) . Anicte· 136 •

• J

e) Writ of Prohibition. •

• • •

• . . . 4


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