
Post on 14-Jun-2015



News & Politics



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Presented at Symposium on Bangalore - a growing or dying city


R K Ullash Kumar

ullaashkumar@gmail.comFacebook: ullash kumar

Mobile: 99867-12532


More and more roads Lakes dumped and made into real estate

properties. Lakhs of Trees Cut Glass Buildings all over. More vehicles registered and added daily

into the existing fleet Mall Culture Multiplex Cultures Hills and Valley’s cut and shaved for granite

Small Joints Small Get togethers Good theatres Lovely Parks all over the city Lung spaces all over Lakes that connected each other and

flowed acted as big lungs kept city cool. Pristine Air and AC City

Destruction happens due to people with money who preach for URBANISATION

New “So Called Bangaloreans who matter” promoted by media without understanding who these people are…..

What they preach? Same Stupid Urbanisation Mantra, Signal Free Roads, More and more infrastructure, they just don’t bother abt environment at all……

That is why so many problems Looting and raping mother Earth Living without responsibility Polluted Minds- Polluted Souls Unless we stop raping of Mother Earth

how to stop rapes in this country?

Environment devastation is class war by other means. It is not about attitudes or habits, nor about tree huggers vs tree cutters. Not about Labour Vs Conservatives or Democrats vs Republicans or BJP Vs Cong. It is the rich vs the rest of us........that is the truth.

The Milton Friedman school of economics calls crimes against our planet "externalities" which must steadfastly be in the ignored in the drive for wealth creation......(this is the truth).

The rising sea level is a direct consequence of rising inequality....

The current social system that governs human system--capitalism---blindly sticks to its guns and resists the changes that are indispensable if we want to preserve the dignity and promise of human existence........

A perfect scenario for doomsday----most of the surface of the globe will change into desert due to excessive greed. The survivors will gather around the Arctic. But there wont be enough room for everybody, so there will be wars, raging populations, warloads. As I say, it is not the Earth that is threatened, but civilisation.......we all will be dead and gone......Earth-she will survive.

Ecological crisis and Social crisis are two faces of the same disaster. This disaster is implemented by a system of power that has no other objective than to maintain the privileges of the ruling classes......

Most of the westerners spend their greater time in a close space, going from his car to his ac office via ac lift, buying his groceries in a windowless super market or mall, dropping his children off the car, amusing himself at home in an intimate conversation with his television, computer, facebook and so on...This makes them cut off from the social and natural environment. There is total disconnect.......that is why they dont our middle class and modern rich friends are living similar lives.....others are following them or trying to

Unsatisfied Inextinguishable Desire- razzle dazzle, squandering ........can we stop this? then environment will be safe.....we got to replace brains of 99 percent of the population........since the very fibre of human population is polluted.

  The rich are the biggest threat to our planet.

They do so much green washing thru media and thru their business activities. Ecological Crisis cannot be solved without attacking the social one.......Environment Days are just an eye use.

Financially elites are obstructing the changes we so urgently need. The neoliberal ideology they embrace has no purpose but to celebrate itself----its vision of boundless greed is acted out thru the wasteful lifestyles of the super wealthy.

Big Monocultures like Eucalyptus Plantations.

Homogeneity in the name of Urbanisation Police States and Gated Communities Human Robots Are Humans Machines? Total disconnect with fellow human

beings, flora fauna and with Earth herself. Heartless Moving Corpses….we are


Promoting human well being that entails dignity, freedom, security, equality and good quality of life for all the people

Climate change in an unequal and divided world: Is media part of the problem?


1 US citizen =

107 Bangladeshis 134 Bhutanese 19 Indians 269 NepaleseRICH Bangalorean= 1 US Citizen

Unacceptable. Need to secure ecological space for growth

In UK, cars became more efficient; emissions increased as people bought more; drove more

Politics and Policy

Scale, distribution of regional impacts Tipping points Aerosols, clouds Glacier melt rates Arctic sea ice melt rates Sea-level rise rate Earth’s “missing” carbon

India Climate Key Impacts Flooding Drought Per capita water decline Black carbon Monsoon variability Himalayan glacier melt Mangrove forests Heat stress Sea-level rise/saline water intrusion Storms grow more intense Coastal erosion/land loss Wetlands drying up

Does it work? What’s the cost? Who makes it? Who’s opposed? Who’s funding it? Geo specific? Tradeoffs? Political support? Gov’t subsidies? *Efficiency?

Electricity Gadgets Automobiles Plastic waste Paper (loss of trees) Timber Agriculture Pollution



700 million rural population depend upon for subsistence and livelihoods: Climate sensitive sectors – agriculture, forestry

and fishing Natural resources – water, biodiversity,

mangroves, coastal zones, grass lands Low awareness and adaptive capacity of – dry

land farmers, forest dwellers, fisher folk, nomadic shepherds, etc.

300 million urban population and city dwellers: Frequent flooding and inundation, sea level rise

in coastal cities Natural resource crunch- food, fuel, drinking

water shortages Increase in pollution and wastes Vector borne diseases



Growing Population Congestion Increasing disparity Economic instability Dwindling Resources Climate Change Local Economics driven Politics Technology driven Global Markets Consumerism Pollution & dwindling green cover Lack of basic civic amenities NO PLANNING !!! Dynamic Life-style

Ecological Wisdom Grassroots Democracy Social Justice and Equal Opportunity Non-Violence Decentralization Community Based Economics Feminism Respect for Diversity Personal and Global Responsibilty Future focus and Sustainability.

We abuse land because we regard is as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong we may begin to use it with love and respect.

Plant trees and develop carbon sinks Promote Green and Clean culture Promote fuels, energy and material

conservation Explore new vistas Develop new and efficient alternatives Personal involvement, team building and

social networking

When “all roads lead to doom” and not travelling is not an option? The answer is, of course, pave a new road!. A road that avoids the pitfalls of the existing roads, a road that takes us to bloom instead of doom!!!

A serious discussion should be based on (a) science of conservation (b) law and governance(c) economic model and its relationship to the politics of resource use(d) development model, resource use and sustainability

Cluster Villages Moving back to villages, small towns No more cities Bangalore has to be decongested and

depopulated Sustainable Growth based on capitalist basis

is not feasible. Environment is treated as “free good” by

MNCs Capitalistic Market system is killing cities and

environment so that shud go.

Consume less; share better........ Sharing is Indian Concept. Simple Living is an solution. Don’t allow markets to determine what

we want. Stop watching gambling games like IPL,

they are promoted to stop us from thinking.

Understand Reality Feel Mother Earth. Become Human Beings, not machines.



Thank you

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