bank-o-voice - sbioa o voice june 2019.pdf · 2019-06-07 · 3 junestate...

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BANK-O-VOICE A monthly bulletin of SBIOA, Jaipur Circle

June, 2019


2 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

REBUILD ODISHA In the aftermath of Odisha facing fury of cyclone “Fani”, wrecking many parts of the State, we had called upon the Bank as well as our comrades to contribute to the relief measures initiated by Odisha and in its efforts to mitigate the hardship faced by the citizenry there. We are thankful to our comrades who have shown compassion through their contribution. Bank had also appealed to officers and staff to contribute for the cause. 2. In line with the tradition to rise to the such occasions, Federation has also contributed Rs.10 lakh to Chief Minister's Relief Fund to "Rebuild Odisha". A cheque was handed over to Shri Naveen Patnaik, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Odisha by the Federation leadership. 3. The Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri Patnaik acknowledged the contribution and expressed his satisfaction and gratitude. 4. While bank officers and in particular our comrades in Odisha led by SBIOA Bhubaneswar Circle have been making every effort to help the citizenry in all possible ways, it is necessary that each one of us extend our hands to put Odisha back on its track. We appeal to all to join their hands in this pious activity.

Probationary Officers -2017 Branch – Recruited vide Advertisement No.CRPD/PO/2017-18/19 Court Case: LPA 10/2018, before Hon’ble High Court of Delhi You may be aware, a writ petition has been filed before Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in connection with their non-selection as Probationary Officers in the Bank. Consequent upon this, Hon’ble High Court of Delhi passed an interim order that the result/selection of POs is subject to the outcome of the pending writ petition. The Division Bench of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi has directed the Appellant/Petitioner to implead the Probationary Officers of the batch as Party Respondents in the Appeal as their selection has been challenged in the Writ/Appeal to meet the ends of Natural Justice. 2. AISBOF has taken up the issue with the Bank as well as with legal counsels to secure the interest of the officers of the batch. As there are large number of officers, legal counsel has suggested that such officers, instead of representing individually, may be represented by AISBOF. Towards this, a Power of Attorney has to be executed by the Probationary Officers of 2017 batch in favour of Federation. We enclose a copy of the Power of Attorney. Please contact concerned officers and seek execution of Power of Attorney and forward them to us. So that, we can file a counter affidavit and represent them. Also,

3 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

please assure the concerned officers that we will be engaging an advocate of repute to represent the case before Hon’ble Delhi High court and every possible step would be pursued to the protect their interest.




We are happy to

inform all our

members that the


Committee of the

All India State

Bank Officers’

Federation which

met at Mumbai on 28th April 2019

unanimously decided to co-opt

Com.Soumya Datta, as the General

Secretary of the Federation with effect

from 1st May 2019 in the vacancy caused

due to the superannuation of

Com.Ramkumar Sabapathy, the present

General Secretary who will be retiring

on the 30th April 2019, as per the rich

tradition that has been established by

the Federation since its inception that

the serving members only should lead

the organization. Com.Soumya Datta

was unanimously elected as the

President of the Federation in the

General Council held at Chennai during

June, 2018.

2. Our members may also recollect

that during the last General Council

meeting the issue of the succession plan

was elaborately discussed and certain

understandings were reached as per the

wishes of the General Council and the

same is now being implemented in letter

and spirit.

3. Com.Soumya Datta, who is

presently holding the position of the

General Secretary of the Confederation

and also General Secretary, SBIOA,

Bengal Circle will now take over as the

General Secretary of the All India State

Bank Officers’ Federation which is the

largest supervisory cadre organization

in the banking industry responsible for

taking care of the interest of the officers

fraternity in the industry. He has a long

career as a militant leader in the banking

industry serving in various capacities

4 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

both in the Federation and the

Confederation. Under his able

leadership, we are all looking for an

excellent salary revision. He has been

relentlessly waging battles against the

several initiatives of the Government

which aims at handing over the Public

Sector Banks to the multinationals and

the private sector in the country. With

his varied experience, grit and

determination he should be able to carry

forward this movement to a greater

heights in the days to come.

4. Com. Soumya Datta, was born on

27th November, 1962 at Kolkatta. After

completion of B.A (Economics) L.L.B.,

MBA, he joined the State Bank of India

as probationary officer on 02.02.1987. He

rose to the post of General Secretary,

SBIOA, Bengal Circle during the

triennial period of 2012-2015. In the 27th

Triennial Conference of AISBOF at

Chennai, he was unanimously elected as

President of AISBOF. He had

participated in literary mission,

environment awareness programme

and acquired an excellent oratorical skill

and won many prizes in debate

competitions during his student days.

He is instrumental in conducting

numerous social activities throughout

in the state of West Bengal and Sikkim.

5. On this happy occasion, we on

behalf of the Federation convey our

happiness over his succession as the

General Secretary of the Federation and

appeal to all our affiliates and members

to continue to extend their full co-

operation and support in his endeavor

to carry forward the lofty ideals which

the Federation has been carrying

forward since its inception in the


5 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019




We are happy to

inform all our

members that


Mishra, the

Senior Vice

President of the

Federation and the General Secretary of

Bhubaneshwar Circle Association has

been co-opted as the President of the

Federation in the meeting of the

Executive Committee of the All India

State Bank of India Officers’ Federation

held at Mumbai on 28th April 2019, in

the vacancy caused due to the Co-option

of Com.Soumya Datta, as the General

Secretary of the Federation

2. Com.Sambit Mishra, who was

holding the position of Senior Vice

President of the Federation, is a veteran

with a long experience in the trade

union movement ever since he joined

the bank in the Bhubaneshwar Circle.

He served the Circle Association in

various capacities before taking over the

position of the General Secretary of the

Circle Association. With his rich

experience and knowledge he was a

natural choice for the post of the

President of the Federation and hence

the Executive Committee co-opted him


3. Com. Sambit Mishra was born on

5.5.1960 at BanapurKhurda dist. Odisha.

After completion of B.A (Hons.), joined

the State Bank of India on 03.12.1984 as

probationary officer. He rose to the post

of General Secretary, SBIOA,

Bhubaneshwar Circle in Sept. 2012.

4. We are confident that under his

leadership as the President of the

Federation, the future of the Federation

is in the safe hands and he will continue

to carry forward the rich legacy of this

organization in scaling greater heights

in the days to come.

5. We take this opportunity on

behalf of the Federation to extend our

warm felicitation and wish him all

6 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

success in his endeavor in the days to


AIBOC holds a meeting with

major Pensioners’ and Retirees’

organisations of Banking sector

on 20th May, 2019 at New Delhi

Based on the discussions held last GS

Meet of all affiliates of AIBOC held in

New Delhi on 12th March, 2019 to hold a

broad-based consultation with the major

Pensioners’ and Retirees’ organisations

of the banking sector on different issues

affecting the interest of retirees, we had

approached the leaders of such

organisations and invited them at a

meeting in New Delhi organised by the

Confederation for this purpose.

Although it was contemplated to be an

unofficial one, the presence of very

senior leaders of the pensioners and

retirees movement and the gravity of

deliberations made by them virtually

made the meeting held in New Delhi on

20th May, 2019 a very meaningful one.

We are very happy to share that the

leaders of SBIPA, AIBPARC, all the

affiliates of CBPRO and AIBRF

remained present in the meeting at the

invitation of AIBOC.

2. The undersigned, in his initial

address, briefed the house about the

present stalemate persisting in the

industrial relations scenario of the

banking industry arising out of the issue

of fractured mandate. He expected that

IBA would resume talks after formation

of popular government. This is high

time, he felt, that the fight of retirees

and the serving people should be

synchronised and the sentiment of

retirees should be addressed with all

earnestness and sensitivity. It is matter

of hope that each and every constituent

of UFBU has already started showing

interest in resolving the issues of retirees

and pensioners but the degree of

intensity is probably not the same. He

once again reiterated that AIBOC is

committed to resolve the issues of

retirees before any agreement is


3. Very senior leaders viz. Com. S.C. Jain

(AIBRF), Com. Gandhi and Com.

Ramesh Babu (SBIPA), Com. K.V.

Acharya and Com. S. Sarkar

(AIBPARC), Com. Ahuja (RNBOC),

Com. A.K. Goel (FORBE) of the

pensioners and retirees movement took

part in deliberations. The following

points were discussed and stressed


a) Although this has been an informal

meeting, the leadership of AIBOC

should take initiative to carry

forward all the demands of retirees

7 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

and pensioners to a logical


b) The notification of GOI in the matter

of updation of RBI pension has

created a new hope in the minds of

retirees and there is a need to study

the financial and legal implication of

RBI updation; utmost importance

should be given on improvement of

family pension; the hiking of

medical insurance premium, which

was virtually unaffordable and

IBA/GOI should be urged upon to

issue necessary directions to banks

to bear the premium. IBA/GOI will

have to think about the pathetic

plight of super senior citizens who

have crossed 80 years of age and

been drawing a pittance in the name

of pension / family pension.

c) In Pension Regulation 35(1), the

modalities of updation of pension

have already been spelt out and in

subsequent govt notification, this

provision has been made all

comprehensive. It is unfortunate

that Govt/IBA has denied to

understand and implement this

provision in letter and spirit.

Officials of Govt of India have

already executed an affidavit that

they are not in a position to allow

updation of pension in RBI because

it has a larger ramification. Now

when pension in RBI has been

updated, it cannot be denied in

banking industry. The unresolved

issues of special allowance and

stagnation increment should also be

looked into.

d) The fight launched by different

sections of RBI employees and

officers in favour of retirees is noted

with satisfaction and same kind of

involvement of UFBU in regard to

demands of retirees / pensioners is

also hoped.

4. Com Sanjay Manjrekar, Senior Vice

President, AIBOC also addressed the

house. He assured the leaders present

that Confederation has always been

sympathetic and sensitive to the issues

of Retirees. He also expects that other

constituents of UFBU will also be

coming forward with the same degree of

intensity. Com Harvinder Singh, former

General Secretary of AIBOC also

addressed the house. He mentioned that

the promises made by IBA in the Record

Note should be carried forward to a

logical conclusion.

5. The undersigned in his concluding

remark, opined that this meeting was

the beginning of a consolidated

movement. In future, when the

negotiations will resume in full swing,

the consultative process will continue

and he wanted that a small committee

should be formed in this regard.

Booklets prepared by AIBPARC and

AIBRF on legal and financial

implications of pension updation and

8 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

improvement of family pension were

also handed over to the undersigned for

information. Com Dipak Basu (SBIPA)

proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of

Pensioners’ and Retirees’ organisations

and pledged that all the organisations

would extend all possible support to

AIBOC in the days to come.

6. We note with satisfaction that this

meeting has been an enlightening one

for each one of us. The sharing of

information and thought was

appreciated by all present in the

meeting. The undersigned also

acknowledges the support received

from SBI Officers’ Association (Delhi

Circle) for shouldering the

responsibility of hosting the meeting at

a very short notice.




CC MUMBAI The Deputy Managing Director & CDO State Bank of India, Corporate Centre Madame Cama Road, MUMBAI

Dear Sir

Volatile connectivity It is reported that there has been continued disruption in connectivity at all our branches and offices across the country. The quality of connectivity has been deteriorating, severely impeding the functioning of the branches. As a consequence, our employees and officials are incurring the ire and wrath of customers. It is directly affecting the work-life balance as our officers are forced to work for extended hours to complete the day’s work. This has not only impacted the quality of service, but is also inimical for our esteemed institution too. 2. We request you to look into the matter urgently and arrange for immediate resolution. With best regards Yours sincerely, Sd/- General Secretary

9 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019


ELECTION DUTY The Deputy Managing Director & CDO

State Bank of India, Corporate Centre,

Madame Cama Road

MUMBAI - 400 021

Dear Sir, 15.5.2019

You are aware that a large number of

our officers have been deputed for

election duty as per the orders of the

Election Commission across the country.

2. In most cases, the officers were

released by the respective election

authorities late in the night on the day

of polling and in some cases, even past

midnight. The Chief Electoral Officer of

various states have also issued

instructions that such officers shall be

treated as on Election duty on the day

following the polling, considering the

long hours of work put in by these

officers. We have been given to

understand that in some cases the

officers who were unable to join the

bank the following of day of polls were

treated as absent by the Bank.

3. In this backdrop, we request you to

issue necessary instructions to treat the

next day of polling as ”on duty”.

Yours sincerely, Sd/- General Secretary


The DMD & CDO State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Madame Cama Road MUMBAI - 400 021

Dear Sir,

At the very outset, we wish to

congratulate you on your richly

deserved elevation and subsequent

assumption of charge as Deputy

Managing Director & CDO, Corporate

Centre, Mumbai.

We take this opportunity to assure you

of our unstinted support and

cooperation for the growth of the Bank

and the betterment of the officers’


We have few important issues to

discuss, for which we seek an audience

with your good office at mutually

convenient date and time.

With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,

Sd/- General Secretary

10 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

Nomination of Non-workmen Director

on the Board of the Bank

The Chairman State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Madame Cama Road MUMBAI - 400 021.

Dear Sir,

In keeping with the true spirit of

participative management and as major

stake-holder of the Bank, we refer to

clause (cb), Sub-section (1) of section 19

of the Act of SBI Act 1955, wherein the

representation of a Non-Workmen

Director on the Central Board of the

Bank is made mandatory. Incidentally,

this post has been lying vacant since

completion of the tenure of Shri Samir

Mukherjee in 2015.

2. We had since recommended

nomination of an officer to the Board,

vide our letter No.6056/33 /15 dated

17/06/2015 in place of Shri Mukherjee,

the Non-Workmen Director. However,

we were given to understand that

despite being recommended by the

Bank, the same was not approved by the

DFS. In fact, presently none of the PSBs

have any employee or Non-workmen

Director representative in their boards.

3. Subsequently, All India Bank Officers’

Confederation (AIBOC), our apex

organization has filed a Writ Petition –

WP 9749/2017 before Honourable High

Court of Delhi, demanding nomination

of Non-Workmen Directors on the

Board of all Public Sector Banks. In

response to the direction of Hon’ble

High Court, DFS has communicated to

the Banks to complete the exercise in all


4. As per latest update received, the

process for appointment of Non-

Workmen Director has been completed

in respect of 7 Banks. We also

understand that our Bank is one of the

three Banks, which are yet to submit the

panel of officers to the competent

authority for Nomination of Non-

Workmen Director. In this context, we

urge upon your good office to

recommend the panel of officers as

communicated by us, vide our letter No.

6056/25/15 dated 02/07/2018,

forthwith for nomination to the Central


With best regards

Yours sincerely, Sd/- General Secretary

11 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019



The Deputy Managing Director & CDO State Bank of India Corporate Centre Madam Cama Road Mumbai 400 0021

16.5.2019 Dear Sir You are aware presently, the extant rules permit additional Voluntary Contribution to Provident Fund (VPF) by officers & employees upto 15% of Basic Pay and eligible allowances ranking for superannuation benefits, as the case may be. 02. While contribution to pension fund is defined in National Pension System (NPS), the returns are uncertain. This uncertainty needs to be addressed not only to instill confidence, but also as a measure of hedging to take care of any eventuality. Towards this, we request you to enhance the cap of additional Voluntary Contribution to 25%. We perceive that this decision, if implemented, would provide an opportunity to our employees, specially the new recruits who have joined our esteemed organization after Aug 2010, who are cover under NPS. This will not only encourage the habit of savings, but also ensures financial security to our employees and would be hailed as a game-changing HR initiative

implemented by our esteemed institution. With best regards Yours sincerely, Sd/- General Secretary



The Dy. Managing Director & CDO, State Bank of India Corporate Centre Mumbai. Dear Sir,


We invite your kind attention to our

letter No.3180/69/18 dated 7TH

December 2018 on the need for a review

in approach towards Manpower


2. We now observe that as against the

approved vacancies of JMGS I

numbering more than 8300, the actual

promotions are 2473, which works out

to 29 % of the vacancies. As a result of

this, the net addition of officers in

almost all the Circles is negligible. This

12 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

could have a cascading effect on the

Customer Service, Business

Development, increase in number of

Single Officer Branches, stress on

individual Officers and the

performance of the Officers which could

eventually affect their CDS scores. We

have received feedback that the main

reason for the huge number of clerical

Staff opting out of promotion exercise is

the work life balance of the Officers

fraternity, placement related issues and

humiliation meted out by senior

functionaries. We enclose herewith an

annexure giving the position of

promotion to JMGS I in various Circles.

3. In view of the acute shortage of

Officers in the Circles, we request you to


I. Special Dispensation of releasing

the supplementary list of

promotions to the JMGS 1.

II. Conduct of supplementary

Promotion exercise immediately

by permitting the staff who have

opted out of the promotion

process one time opportunity to

opt in and reducing the eligibility

criteria for promotion from

Clerical to JMGS I to four years.

III. Consider reduction in the

training period of Probationary

Officers/Trainee Officers.

IV. Special recruitment of JMGS I

Officers directly.

We request your urgent intervention in

the matter.

Yours sincerely,


General Secretary Encl: As stated above.

13 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019



DATE: 16.05.2019

The Chairman, State Bank of India State Bank Bhavan, Corporate Centre, Madam Cama Road, MUMBAI. Dear Sir,

You are aware that the state of Odisha

has been ravaged by the cyclone

“FANI”, which has wreaked havoc in 14

coastal districts viz., Puri, Khurda,

Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara,

Dhenkanal, Nayagarh, Jajpur, Bhadrak,

Baleswar, Gajapati, Ganjam, Keonjhar

and Mayurbhanj. There has been

precious loss of human lives, half a

million dwellings have been damaged,

hundreds of thousand trees were

uprooted and entire communication

system was knocked out. The citizens

are subjected to extreme misery as

power and water supply is scarce and

the price of essentials have sky rocketed.

02. The state is doing its best to

rebuild itself. Support is pouring in

Sl. Circles Vacancy


to JMG-I


to TO





1 Ahmedabad 420 112 46 26.67

2 Amaravathi 533 128 36 24.02

3 Bangalore 574 139 63 24.22

4 Bengal 542 265 36 48.89

5 Bhopal 1176 198 58 16.84

6 Bhubaneswar 899 126 21 14.02

7 Chandigarh 100 100 67 100.00

8 Chennai 158 114 52 72.15

9 Delhi 101 97 77 96.04

10 Hyderabad 976 164 60 16.80

11 Jaipur 729 160 57 21.95

12 Kerala 190 138 52 72.63

13 Lucknow 576 231 47 40.10

14 Mumbai 1015 250 73 24.63

15 North East 164 151 29 92.07

16 Patna 100 100 67 100.00


2473 841

14 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

from all quarters as organisations,

individuals have spontaneously

responded to the appeal of the State

Government to support the noble cause.

Incidentally, ICICI Bank has supported

the cause with a contribution of Rs.11

crore and HDFC Bank has followed

with a donation of Rs. 10 crore. Other

PSBs and PSUs are also making

substantial contribution for the cause. It

is pertinent to mention that all

employees of RBI, Bhubaneshwar

Regional Office, has donated one day’s

Privilege Leave, which RBI has

contributed to the Chief Minister’s relief

fund. Till date, our Bank, which is the

principal Banker in the state, is yet to

come forward with any significant

monetary contribution to support the

cause. Although the effort of our

employees in restoring banking services

in these trying times have been

appreciated and lauded, we sincerely

feel that the Bank must make our

presence felt at this hour of need by

contributing generously.

03. We are confident that your good

office would initiate suitable measures so

that the premier financial institution of

the country can rise to the occasion and

support a noble cause without any further


With best regards,

Yours sincerely,


General Secretary






The Deputy Managing Director & CDO State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Madame Cama Road MUMBAI - 400 021

Dear Sir,


You are aware that extensive damage

has been caused to properties of

employees by the effect of Cyclone

“FANI” in the fourteen affected districts

of the state of Odisha, viz., Puri,

Khurda, Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur,

Kendrapara, Dhenkanal, Nayagarh,

Jajpur, Bhadrak, Baleswar, Gajapati,

15 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

Ganjam, Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj. The

property of many of our employees and

officers have also been severely

damaged and in some cases, even

destroyed beyond repair. Despite

constraints, our employees and officers

are trying their earnest best to restore

banking services to the people, which

has been in entire disarray.

02. In this backdrop, we will request

your good office to consider extending

an interest free loan to all our employees

having property in the afore-mentioned

districts to facilitate them to

repair/refurbish the damaged property.

We feel that such act of compassion

would go a long way to boost employee

morale in these trying times.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely, Sd/- General Secretary


SURVEY You are aware that CDS has been introduced in the Bank in the year 2014 -2015 as a tool for measuring performance of the Officers, to grade them on various parameters and also to

incentivize. CDS not only plays an important role in the performance appraisal and motivation but also has huge ramification on career progression of the Officer. Recently, Bank has completed CDS exercise for the year 2018-19 and launched the exercise for the ensuing year 2019-20. 2. While CDS is proclaimed to be a transparent, objective oriented exercise to assess the performance of the officers, responses and comments / complains received, indicate that implementation of CDS has caused more pain, anguish, uncertainty and unhappiness than otherwise. We have also observed its opaqueness, inconsistencies, aberrations and that majority of our officers are not aware as to how CDS works. We have always voiced our concern against the forced ranking, which has led to severe resentment and dissatisfaction amongst the rank and file. While many of our suggestions have been accepted and the scheme has been modified many times, the discontent amongst the officers have not been addressed in entirety. 3. Perceiving the prevailing dissatisfaction among officers about CDS, in our pursuit to have realistic and factual response, we have launched a survey on CDS today. We request all our affiliates/members to actively participate and ensure submission of honest feedback. This will help us in knowing the depth of awareness of Officers, gaps, arears of concerns, deficiencies in CDS and possible solutions also, so that we can take up

16 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

with the Bank for necessary modifications and even for a suitable replacement, in the effort to find an appraisal system suitable to the current times and the requirement of the Bank and its officers. 4. We urge upon our affiliates to give wide scale publicity to elicit substantial response from our members for a meaningful assessment. The link for submitting the Survey response is appended;

The link will be available till 31.05.2019. Please ensure active participation as this will enable and empower us with your valuable suggestions/feedback. With greetings, Comradely yours, Sd/- General Secretary

17 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019

Officer’s Retirements June - 2019 (JAIPUR CIRCLE)

S/Shree Place of Posting Designation

Bharat Bhushan Chawla Asst. Gen. Manager RASECC, Sriganganagar

Ravindra Kumar Agarwal Asst. Gen. Manager ABU, NW-2, LHO, Jaipur

Ummed Mal Suthar Chief Manager Bhinmal

Balla Ram Nimesh Chief Manager Alwar

Sita Ram Jeengar Chief Manager Fatehpur

M. L. Goyal Chief Manager RBO-4, Hanumangarh

Kailash Narayan Meena Manager L C P C, Jaipur

Ram Kishan Meena Manager Spl.Cash Admin. Br., Jaipur

Lokesh Kumar Arha Manager RBO-4 Bhilwara

Sunil Chandra Mathur Manager Pokaran

Prabhu Dayal Manager RSETI-Bikaner-2

Radhey Shyam Manager Udaipur Wati

Mahavir Prasad Sharma Manager Khetri Nagar

Mahesh Chandra Sharma Deputy Manager Nagaur

R D Rankawat Deputy Manager UIT, Jodhpur

Sevanti Lal Ameta Deputy Manager RBO-2, Udaipur

Suresh Kumar Lohar Deputy Manager Pal Road, Jodhpur

Vinod Kumar Agrawal Deputy Manager Girdhar Marg, Malviya nagar, jaipur

Pardeep Kumar Bhargava Deputy Manager Alwar K.U.M.

Pabudan Singh Rajput Deputy Manager RACPC, Jaipur

Shambhu Dwivedi Assistant Manager Sawai Madhopur, Indra Colony

Jethu Singh Shekhawat Assistant Manager Bhopalgarh

SBIOA Jaipur Circle wishes a very happy, healthy and peaceful

and contended retired life to all the officer’s retiring from the

Bank’s service.

18 State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle June, 2019


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Published on behalf of State Bank of India Officer’s Association, Jaipur Circle by Ramavtar Sigh Jakhar – President and Vinay Kumar Bhalla-General Secretary

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