banking basics keynote -€¦ · amac accessibility amac creates practical solutions...

Post on 10-Oct-2020






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Banking BasicsPresented by Danny Housley

AMAC Accessibility AMAC creates practical solutions that work, with a focus on utility, ease of use, and high quality. • Accessibility Consulting focuses on organizational accessibility needs with evaluation,

technical assistance, customer support, and web accessibility solutions. • Braille Services produces customized projects from both print materials and electronic

text including partial books and chapters or graphics • Captioning Services makes classrooms, meetings, labs and other audio environments fully

accessible for deaf or hard-of-hearing. • Professional E-Text Producers provide high-quality e-text in many formats such as PDF,

DOC, DAISY, and HTML. • Certified Assistive Technology team provides on-site and remote assessments,

demonstrations, training and technical assistance for education, work, and daily living environments.

• For more information:

Tools for LifeTools for Life, Georgia's Assistive Technology Act Program, is dedicated to increasing access to and acquisition of assistive technology (AT) devices and services for Georgians of all ages and disabilities so they can live, learn, work and play independently and with greater freedom in communities of their choice.

AT Solutions Lab

What is Assistive Technology?Low Tech

•Pencil grip •Adapted books •Slant board •Highlighters •Tape •Magnifiers •Color coding •Colored •Transparencies

Mid Tech •Word prediction •Text-to-speech •Speech-to-text •Spell checkers •Adapted mouse •E-books •CCTV •Adapted toys •Apps < $100

High Tech •Computer •Tablets •Smartphones •Smartpens •OCR device •Magnification software •Switch access •Apps > $100

Goals for Today• Develop a budget

• Explore how to choose a bank

• Learn how to deposit, withdraw and manage funds

• Discuss the differences between a bank and credit union

Budget A step-by-step plan for

meeting expenses in a given period of time

Why Budget?• Reduces money-related


• Allows you to plan for wants/needs

• Gives you control

Know Where Your Money is Going • Spending diary

• Income and expenses worksheet

• List all sources of income

• List all expenses

• Monthly payment schedule

Useful Tool: Spending Diary

Useful Tool: Mint• Free app

• You financial life all in one place

• Link accounts, set reminders

• See spending and income visually

• Pay bills in the app for free now

Types of Income and ExpensesIncome

• Wages


• Child Support

• Other public assistance

Fixed Expenses

• Rent/Mortgage

• Property Tax

• Car payment

• Insurance

• Loan Payments

Flexible Expenses

• Phone

• Gas

• Power

• Water

• Personal expenses

Keeping A Record• Keep receipts/bills in

a safe place

• Keep them organized

• Hold for at least three years

• Make payments early

• Keep a calendar

Pop Quiz!Why is budgeting important?

Banks• 6,799 FDIC-insured banks

• Branches can be common

• More options

• Low/no interest rates for savings


• Customer service experience

Credit Unions• 5,954 insured


• Community based

• Fewer fees

• Better rates for loans and savings

• Chance for involvement

So, which is better?

It All Depends on You• Find a location that is convenient

• Fight fees

• Pay attention to interest rates offered

• Ask about accessibility

Accommodations• Tactile/large print


• Alternate format statements

• Assistance

• Accessible website/app

• TTY/Interpreter/Relay

Managing Money

Going Paperless

Some General Tips• Keep your passwords and PIN SECRET, Never


• Make a password that is unique

• Track spending and keep records/receipts

• Keep card secured, add an image if you can

• For mobile devices, keep passwords secured and lock down apps

Any Questions?

The Tools for Life TeamCarolyn Phillips Director, Tools for Life

Sarah Endicott Research Scientist

Danny Housley AT Funding & Resource Specialist

Justin Ingham Support Specialist

Ben Jacobs Accommodations Specialist

Krista Mullen Speech Language Pathologist

Samantha Peters Support Specialist

Liz Persaud Training and Outreach Coordinator

Martha Rust AT Specialist

Rachel Wilson AT Specialist

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