barbara hemphill's virtual birthday party!

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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December 18, 2007


Welcome to your very own Surprise

Virtual Birthday Party!

We have a few words to share…

Cathy SextonYour influence has taken my company and my life in a new direction. I am now living my passion and it gives me great joy. Thank you and Happy Birthday!


I'm so glad that I met you 7 years ago.  You have been a huge part of my success in the organizing industry!  Thank you for all the work you do.

Elizabeth Hagen

Kathy Paauw

You have really blazed a trail for all of us, and I am so grateful to you.  You have been my mentor and have so generously and graciously shared your knowledge.  I have done my best to "pay it forward" with the belief that together we ARE better. 

Lee Donald

After 30 years of being in business I feel that you have reached your Commencement Ceremony.  Your “job” has just begun! Mighty blessings!

Denise Landers

Thank you for your time, caring, and constant striving to provide new opportunities for all of us.

Stacy Shoher

Tony will also be taking the PTAC

class this next year. We look

forward to meeting you in


Diane Judd

Limerick for BarbaraHemphill’s Productive

Environment Process™ empirical

Has been studied in segments of the great spherical.

Throughout these five daysOur eyes seldom glazeAs we endeavor to master The 8-

Hour Miracle™….

Stephen “Barney” BarnesIf anyone would have told me 30 years ago, I'd be partner to the most profound organizing brain on the planet, and a lovely, gracious human being to boot, I could never have imagined, let alone believed them. Let the good times roll......

Linda and Steve Vreatt

Although we have known you only a short time, we can already see how much we enjoy working with you and knowing you!

Jennifer Furrier

Listen fully because I hope your heart hears these words… Through your generosity, wisdom and inspiration, you have led me to greater places than I could have EVER gotten to on my own!

Cindy Backiel

I feel privileged to be part your PTAC program. God has certainly blessed you with many gifts and talents and I am thankful that you have developed a way of sharing them with us. Wishing you an abundance of our Lord’s blessings on your birthday and always.  

Debbie Gilster

We go back many years and though I don’t have tons of pictures to show it, memories of you live in my heart. I will always remember the fun we had doing “The View” panel at the NAPO Conference 2002.

Jackie Tiani

I know how hard you have worked to get to this point, and we are all so blessed to have been included in your journey.

Sandy Stelter

Happy Birthday to one of the most gracious, warm, and giving people I know.  You truly are one of God’s special creations!  Have a Happy Birthday and look back over all the 30 years and all the accomplishments you’ve had and made happen in other’s lives, including mine.

Gerrit Cloete

I wish you lots of energy (as well as opportunities to expend the energy on!) for your next life year….With a warm virtual hug from Cape Town.

Athenée Mastrangelo

I haven’t been on your team too long, but in this short period of time I have learned so much from you and I have to say “You inspire me to do more and to do better!” 

Debbie Carney It was wonderful to

experience you in those fun-loving moments during the retreat.  You're a hoot!  I love how you and Andrea call each other "peanut butter & jelly"... but I was kinda thinking that "Lucy & Ethel" was more like it!

Terry Watson

You are to me what Stephanie Winston was to you all those many years ago when we met at the Seashores.  Thank you for your guidance, inspiration and especially your willingness to share your experience and knowledge all these years. I feel blessed to be a part of your "family."

Lori Vande Krol

Throughout my professional life, I’ve searched for a good mentor that I felt comfortable with both professionally and personally.  I had not found that mentor until I met you. 

Kathleen Cowley

A very special woman like you deserves a special birthday! I feel blessed to have met you and  appreciate all your generous sharing of yourself. You are a true inspiration and example of how we should live our lives and share our talents to help others.

Anne Sedler

• Openhanded generosity

• An uncanny way of making the best of any situation

• Creativity• Spirituality • Humility• A smile that lights

a room

The Barbara I first met (and know today) possesses these qualities:

Meggin McIntosh

The fact that you are leading all of us—and that you were featured in Guideposts—makes my Mom a happy person! Me, too!

Tracy Campbell

I am grateful to know you and so appreciative of the attitude of grace and service that emanates from everything you do. Looking forward to knowing you better in the months and years to come as you continue to stand as a light for the hope and glory of Jesus. Luke 11:33

Barry J. Izsak

In celebration of the person you've become and sincerest thanks for your selfless leadership and guidance.


If I hadn’t learned so much about going after your dreams from working with you and the PTACs, I may have never gone back to school to achieve my dream of being a therapist. 

Walt and Louisa


Dawn Martin

Here's to you, Barbara, for your dogged persistence, faith in others, kindness, generosity, transparency, wisdom, vision, and so much more. You have given endlessly to so many, for so long.

Ramona Field

Happy Birthday, Barbara!  Thank you for all you do!  All the best!

Debby Brauer

This operation is one class act—and it comes from your vision. Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do to live “Together we are better.”

Mary Lynne Murray

With your generosity, kindness, and strong role model, I am standing strong, and I am better today. I recognize and applaud your influence on my life, as well as the entire professional organizing industry.

Jan Limpach

Thank you for all of your encouragement throughout the years and all of your support through the tuff times.  You are an inspiration!  Bless you on this Birthday and many more to come.

Cynthia Carstens

Happy Birthday Barbara!

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still” 

Chinese Proverb

Anne McGurty

You are very sincere person who is always there to be supportive.  You want others to achieve success and you’re eager to share your experiences to make that happen.  I wish you a happy birthday and even more success in the upcoming years!!!!

Jocelyn Coverdale

Congratulations, girlfriend!  I'm proud to be a PTAC and honored to be part of the team headed by our industry's leader!

Penny Reynolds

No one deserves a blessed birthday than you do!  We have worked together for a number of years, and been through good times and bad...but through it all I have always felt you valued our friendship, and for that I thank you.  I wish you the best birthday ever and a wonderfully blessed year to come.

Mary Ann Pate

I am so glad that you decided to place that ad in Wisdoms Child Newspaper back in 1978.  I am sure that my business would have been very different if I had not met you. 

Andrea Anderson

Words cannot describe the respect I have for you as a business partner, an entrepreneur and as a friend. The message I hope you receive from this gift is that you are loved, respected, valued, and most of all…we believe in you!

Here’s to 30 more years! ;-)


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