barham public school newsletter€¦ · swim in the middle-sized pool and practise swimming drills...

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Barham Public School Newsletter


In this week’s issue …

Principal’s Message

Professional Learning for Staff

Staffing & Classes in 2018

Kindergarten Students Begin

Hats at School

Swimming Practice & Swimming Carnival

Beginning School Information

RFF/Support Staff

School Hours

What do students need to bring for learning?

Induction Assembly


Tues 13 Feb

P&C Meeting at 7.30pm (in classroom next to the office)

Thurs 15 Feb

Induction Assembly at 2.30pm - all School Leaders

Fri 16 Feb

School Swimming Carnival - assemble at 9.30am

Fri 2 Mar District Swimming Carnival

Wed 14 Feb

Principals’ Network Meeting

Fri 13 Apr Last Day of Term 1

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Welcome to the 2018 school year! For schools in the Eastern Division of NSW, school began last week - NSW Week 1. Our school is in the Western Division of NSW and so begins today – Tuesday of NSW Week 2. All schools operate according to NSW DoE weeks, and so we begin referring to this week as ‘Week 2’.

This year, we welcome two new teachers to our school - Mrs Sheridan Sweeney joins us in the role of Relieving Assistant Principal and Ms Rachel Johnson joins us for Term 1 on Year 5/6 as we move to fill the vacancy that results from Mrs Laughlin’s retirement on 22nd February 2018 (as per NSW DoE Staffing Agreement). We welcome both teachers to Barham and are very much looking forward to having them as part of our teaching team.

Today, students moved into their new classes, and will spend time getting to know their fellow class mates and teachers. Importantly, students will participate in activities that will help them become familiar with the routines and expectations for learning and behaviour in the classroom.

2018 NSW Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter T: 03 54 532 133 06/02/2018 F: 03 54 532 972 E:


Barham Public School Newsletter


Families are reminded that the class structure set and announced at the end of last year may need to change as we move into the circumstances if 2018. We will discuss any changes with parents should the need arise.

It is planned to hold Parent-Teacher meetings. These meetings will allow parents and carers to meet with their child’s teacher and discuss the term’s learning goals and class organisations. Details will be issued in the coming days.

This year, we have our Kindergarten students joining us today as well. I know you will join with me in making them and the families new to our school feel very welcome.

A new structure for teachers’ release will run in 2018. RFF teachers will teach Kitchen, Garden, Library and Music – we are excited to welcome Mr Richard Smeal to our school to teach Music. The schedule for Release lessons is included in this newsletter. There is, though no release lessons this week. School families should note that students will not eat in the Kitchen until Week 5.

Our newsletter is an important communication tool. Enjoy reading the news of what is happening at school, and look out for details of events and happenings that you need to know about. Look also for news on our Facebook page.

I am looking forward to working with you and our school staff to support students to be the best they can be. 2018 is set to be a great year.

Catherine Peach

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING FOR SCHOOL STAFF Yesterday, our staff returned to school for a full day of professional learning prior to students returning today. Staff completed mandatory training and engaged in professional development activities addressing the priorities of our Strategic Directions related to Quality Teaching and Quality Learning. It was a great way to get to know our new teachers, and to connect as a whole staff as we re-committed to the educational journey mapped out for 2018-2020. STAFFING AND CLASSES IN 2018 This year, we have two teacher vacancies - one due to a leave entitlement and the other as a result of Mrs Laughlin’s retirement.

Mrs Sweeney has been engaged to cover the leave entitlement for Term 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Ms Johnson is covering Term 1 until the NSW Department of Education staffing processes fill Mrs Laughlin’s vacancy.

Classes for 2018 are as follows: • Kindergarten/Year 1: Mrs Buchanan

• Year 1: Mr Marsh

• Year 2/3: Mrs Drysdale

• Year 4: Mrs Disher

• Year 5/6 Red: Ms Johnson (Tm 1 only)

• Year 5/6 Blue: Mrs Sweeney

Parents are encouraged to enjoy getting to know their child’s teacher. Parents and carers will have opportunity to formally meet with class teachers at Parent Information sessions in the near future.

Barham Public School Newsletter


Many factors have been considered in putting the classes together. The priority is for your child to be positively and effectively engaged in learning. As we begin the year, we are mindful of the need to be flexible in our arrangements to make the student mix as productive as possible. Any changes will be discussed if the need arises. If you have any questions, please make an appointment to see Mrs Peach.

KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS BEGIN Welcome to our Kindergarten students and their families. This year, we have 10 students starting school and are looking forward to getting to know each of them. Mrs Buchanan will greet and meet the students today and has a fun first week planned.

All Kindergarten students in NSW participate in Best Start Assessment in the first few weeks of Term 1. This assessment helps teachers identify the literacy and numeracy skills of each student at the beginning of Kindergarten so that they can develop effective learning programs that build upon what students know and can do when they start Kindergarten. Mrs Buchanan will conduct this assessment over the next couple of weeks, and discuss the results with parents. The first few weeks can be tiring for Kindergarten students. Regular attendance is important, and there are many strategies that can help parents and children cope with the demands of school life. Parents are encouraged to chat with Mrs Buchanan if they have any concerns or questions about

their child’s progress or how they are coping with full time school.

SWIMMING PRACTICE & SCHOOL CARNIVAL Swimming Practice Students from Year 3 to 6 will travel to the Koondrook Pool for swimming practice sessions (2.00-3.00pm) this Thursday 8th, and next Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th February. These sessions have been organised to give students the opportunity to develop their swimming abilities and techniques ahead of the School Swimming Carnival. The Carnival will be held on Friday, 16th February at the Koondrook Pool. Students will be given the opportunity to swim lengths of the pool in each of the swimming strokes at the practice sessions. They will have time to become more confident at swimming each stroke and to increase the distances they can master. Teachers will encourage and support all students to have a go, and they will be able to then consider the events they enter at the carnival. Those students who are not yet able to swim the length of the 33m pool, will be able to swim in the middle-sized pool and practise swimming drills appropriate to their swimming level.

HATS AT SCHOOL School hats must be worn when

outside for learning and play in Tm 1.

Please make sure your child has their school hat with them each day, and

that it is labelled with their name.

Barham Public School Newsletter


These practice sessions are to be positive for everyone and all children will be encouraged according to their ability. Details are in the information/permission note that went home yesterday. Teachers will appreciate any time parents can volunteer to assist with these sessions. Let the school know if you can help. Thank you in anticipation! Swimming Carnival Our Swimming Carnival will be held next Friday, 16th February at the Koondrook Pool. Students will assemble for the start of the carnival at 9.30am. Students are to arrive at school as normal on the day. The class rolls will be marked before catching the buses to the pool. All students from Years 3 to 6 (and those Year 2 students able to swim 33m confidently) are to attend the school carnival. The Year 2 students will have their own 33m race on the day. However, they do not qualify for the District Swimming Carnival to be held at Swan Hill, on Friday, 2nd March, 2018, and will return to school from the carnival shortly after their race. A program will be issued in next week’s newsletter so that parents know when this will happen. Novelty events will be held throughout the day in the middle sized pool for those Year 3-6 students who do not swim in the official races. Students are encouraged to come dressed in their house colours to support their team but crepe paper is not permitted.

Students are asked to bring swimmers, a towel and hat for the carnival, and their own water bottles and lunch. Students will be able to buy snacks, drinks etc. from the pool canteen but there will be no school Canteen operating on the day. It will be school as normal for students in Kinder and Year 1, and for those students in Year 2 who are unable to swim 33m. Please indicate on the return permission note that was sent home yesterday if you are able to assist with the running of the Carnival on Friday. Your help will be very much appreciated and will assist teachers to ensure the carnival runs smoothly and safely. BEGINNING SCHOOL INFORMATION Each year, it is important for the school to have up-to-date information about your child and your contact details. Your child’s safety is our priority.

Family & Emergency Contacts Please review your emergency contact lists and notify the school of any changes to your circumstances. This includes parents’ contact details and address, emergency carers and their contact details, and any other details which may affect access to and supervision of your child.

Health Care Needs Students with specific health care needs (e.g. Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Diabetes, etc.) are required by NSW Department of Education policy to supply the school with an updated Health Care/Action Plan and details of medication. These plans are essential to manage health conditions and emergency situations if and when they arise.

Barham Public School Newsletter


Please make sure any medication sent to school as part of a Health Care/Action Plan is ‘in date’ and that the school has prescription administration instruction and Emergency Response details. Ask at the office if you are unsure of what to do. Food at School The school manages a number of different health needs through school processes and individual Health Care Plans. All school families are asked to remind children that they are only to eat their own food – the food you pack for them. With the prevalence of food allergies, serious health consequences can result if a child eats food not prepared for them. Teachers monitor students at school while they eat, but we ask that families also teach this important health and safety message. Please speak to your child’s teacher or the Principal with any health concerns you may have for your child.

Reviewing Permissions Families with children returning to school, rather than beginning for their first year, are reminded to review the permissions given regarding General Excursion Consent, Child Protection Lessons, Drug Education Lessons PG Rated Movies, and Media Permissions. The school holds such permission as ‘current and in effect’ in any given year unless you indicate a change in your preferences.

Parents are required to notify the school in writing of any change to the permissions they have given on enrolment. A pack of permissions will be issued for you to update. The beginning of the school year is a good time to think about the permission you have given.

All families will receive a new permission form to enable the use the programs of third party providers to enhance learning at our school. Please make sure you read this note carefully and return it with your permissions/ preferences. Attendance at School Regular attendance at school is important. It makes learning easier for your child and helps them to build and maintain friendships. It is also a requirement by law to send your child to school unless they are ‘sick, injured, there is a special religious ceremony or there is a serious family incident’. > If your child is away or you know they are

going to be away, you need to supply a note of explanation. This is a legal requirement.

> It is also important that students attend on time. If students are late for school, they must sign in at the office and collect a late note.

> If you are collecting your child early or for a period during the day for some reason, please inform the office and complete a leave slip to present to your child’s class teacher.

Barham Public School Newsletter


Our Core Values Students will be enjoying learning about the core values of our school in the coming weeks. Students will unpack the behaviours expected at school and discuss how important these positive behaviours are to allow every student to learn effectively.


• Mrs Mathers: Literacy & Numeracy Support; Garden/Library; Executive and Special Programs Release

• Mrs Blight-Lipp: Literacy & Numeracy Support; Special Programs Release

• Mrs Alexander: Computers; Computer Coordinator

• Mrs Wickham: Special Programs Release

• Mrs McConnell: Reading Recovery (2018 school-based model)/ LaST/Welfare Teacher

Our support structure also includes engaging Student Learning Support Officers. We are pleased to have Jenny Gordon, Di Dean and Shirley Brumby returning this year to support our school. SCHOOL HOURS School hours remain unchanged in 2018. Direct supervision of students does not commence until 8.30am and we ask that students not be at school before this time. If you require you child to arrive before 8.30am

for some reason, please discuss this with the Principal to make appropriate arrangements. 8.30-8.50: Supervised playground

8.50am: Enter class

9.00-11.00: Morning session

11.00-11.30: Recess

11.30-1.15: Middle Session

1.15-2.00: Lunch

2.00-3.00: Afternoon session

3.00: Students dismissed for Home Release (RFF) Lessons: Kitchen, Garden, Library, Computers Please note the following RFF Lesson schedule for Term 1, which will begin in Week 3 (next week)..


Monday Yr 1 Kinder/1

Tuesday Yr 4 Yr 2/3

Wednesday Yr 5/6 Red Yr 5/6 Blue



Yr 1 Kinder/1

Yr 4 Yr 2/3

Yr 5/6 Red Yr 5/6 Blue

Garden & Library ODD WEEK EVEN WEEK

Monday Kinder/1 Yr 1

Tuesday Yr 2/3 Yr 4

Wednesday Yr 5/6 Blue Yr 5/6 Red

WHAT DO STUDENTS NEED TO BRING FOR LEARNING? YEARS 3 TO 6 (at start of the year) − 2 x Box of tissues - large − 2 x 36g Glue sticks − 2 x Medium blue biro pens (not year 3)

Barham Public School Newsletter


− 2 x Medium red biro pens (not year 3) − 2 x 2B or HB lead pencils − 1 x Pencil sharpener − 1 x Eraser − 1 x Ruler - with cm and mm markings − 1 x Small pencil case for desk tops

Please note: Students will be using blue and red pens and greylead pencils, but not black pens. White out liquid or tape, or erasable pens are not to be used or brought to school. Coloured pencils and textas are at the discretion of families, as are any other stationery items. It is requested that these items be in a separate pencil case and not included with those items listed above. KINDERGARTEN TO YEAR 2 (at start the year) − 2 x box of tissues - large − 2 x 36g Glue sticks

Please note: It is requested that K-2 students do not have their own coloured pencils or textas at school, as the school supplies these in classrooms. Tissues and glue sticks will be pooled into a classroom resource and will not remain with individual students. INDUCTION ASSEMBLY THURSDAY 15th FEBRUARY School Leaders, including School Captains, Prefects, House Captains and Vice Captains and Library Monitors, will be officially inducted at a special assembly next Thursday, 15th February, at 2.30pm. This allows for our House captains to be ready for the Swimming Carnival on Friday, 16th February. Parents and school families and friends are invited to attend. We look forward to seeing you there to congratulate and encourage our School Leaders for 2018.

Mon 5th Feb SDD Tues 6th Feb Rae Farrant Wed 7th Feb Maree Telford Thurs 8th Feb Alleena Burger Fri 9th Feb Natalie Lake Mon 12th Feb Kylie Molin Tues 13th Feb Julie Estep Wed 14th Feb Mandy Anthony Thurs 15th Feb Alleena Burger Fri 16th Feb NO CANTEEN

If you are unavailable, please arrange your own substitute, or contact Sonya at the canteen

on 5453 2321

PLEASE NOTE K-6 Kitchen lessons will focus on hygiene and

safety in the first two weeks of Term 1. Students will not eat in their Kitchen lesson

until Week 5.

Mrs Lake will update parents and carers about the 2018 Kitchen program next week.

P&C Meeting Tuesday, 13th February

7.30pm (in classroom next to the office)

All school families and interested community members are invited to


Barham Public School Newsletter



We welcome newcomers to Barham High & Primary Schools, and are also aware that people’s circumstances change each year and we are seeking your responses to successfully fill our canteen roster each term for 2018.

The canteen is owned and run by the High School P & C committee and a canteen subcommittee and the profits are distributed for the betterment of both the High and Primary Schools. It employs a fulltime co-ordinator, Sonya Harrison, and Kaylene Wren on a one day a fortnight rotation and relies on volunteers for the rest of its duties. It is very important that parents/carers from both the High and Primary Schools assist. 8.30AM till 9.00AM is collecting of the primary school lunches. 9.00 AM till 11 AM is preparation time at the Barham High School and after this, duties can involve serving students at recess and lunch. Primary school lunches are delivered at 1.00pm.


Volunteering in our Canteen is a great way of assisting your children within their School environment. It’s as easy as spending a few hours each term assisting the Canteen employee with that days operation.

All you need to do to be able to help IN your children’s school is to have/obtain a Working With Children Check (WWCC) or sign a Working with Children Declaration at the Canteen and provide a 100 point check and your good to go.

To obtain a Working With Children Check(wwcc) all you do is go to the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian website, complete the application form, have your identity verified at the Shire Office and provide your WWCC reference number and your date of birth to Sonya at the Canteen for 1 final verification. If you would prefer to complete a Working With Children Declaration then just pop up to the Canteen, complete the declaration and provide your 100 points (Passport/Birth Certificate and a drivers Licence). The declaration and a copy of your 100 points will then be stored in the office at the school.

1. Were you on the canteen roster as a helper in 2017, your circumstances have not changed and you wish to continue as previously advised? YES / NO

If you answered Yes, please proceed to the bottom of the form and complete your details.

If No and you can help please continue and circle the appropriate answers.

2. Are you available to collect orders at BPS & deliver to canteen? YES / NO.

(8:30 AM to 9:00 AM)

3. I would prefer a late shift (11:30 AM till 12.00PM or 1.00 PM YES / NO.

4. Please circle days you are available.

All days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday.

5. How many days are you prepared to do each term? 1 2 3 4 5 more

6. I would like to contribute towards the running of the canteen.

Please find attached my donation of $………..

Other Comments:

NAME:......................................................… Student names and years…………………………… PHONE:...................................MOBILE………...................Email:…………………………………. Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out. Please return by Friday February 23th to either the High or Primary School office.

P & C and Canteen Committee.

Phone Sonya at the Canteen 54532321 if you require more information.

Barham Public School Newsletter


Barham Public School Newsletter


New Kindergarten Students for 2018

Our Kindergarten/Year 1 Class for 2018

Our 2018 Year 1 Class busily working.

Our Year 2/3 Class for 2018

Our 2018 Year 4 Class

Year 5/6 Blue Class for 2018

Year 5/6 Red Class for 2018

Barham Public School Newsletter


Welcome Kindergarten students! It is exciting to have our new Kindergarten students begin their first year of ‘big school’. It was lovely to see their eager, happy faces on Day One, and to hear their excited chatter at break times. All these young students seemed to be having a wonderful time.

We have such dedicated and talented teachers at Barham PS, and Mrs Buchanan, our Kindergarten teacher, is certainly a leader in our school with her expertise in teaching the foundation years, and in literacy and numeracy. The routines of her classroom and learning programs see students quickly settle and see how to be an effective learner and a positive member of their classroom. All teachers and staff are excited to be part of each child’s journey at school and to be working in partnership with families to have children explore their potential.

Kindergarten children may well become very tired in the first few weeks of school. Remember to give your child time to rest after school, and keep routines as simple and consistent as you can as they settle into the new routines of school, and school every day! Mrs Buchanan is available to chat with parents and carers about any concerns they may have or simply if they would like to hear how their child is doing.

As a school, we focus on every child being happy at school, and having each child engage in interesting learning that promotes individual success. We are delighted to welcome our Kindergarten students and their families and look forward to the exciting times in learning ahead.

Mrs Peach

Barham Public School Newsletter


Welcome BBQ & Classroom Information Sessions

Wednesday 14th February

5.30pm – 7.00pm

You are invited!

Parents and carers are invited to attend a special Welcome BBQ on Wednesday evening, and spend time meeting teachers and hearing information about the

year ahead in each class.

The BBQ will be available from 5.30pm, and families are invited to socialise and chat with teachers while enjoying a sausage before or after heading into their

child’s class session. Information Sessions will run for 20min at the following times for parents of children in each class.

5.30-5.50pm Kindergarten/Year 1 & Year 1 5.50-6.10pm Year 2/3 & Year 4 6.10-6.30pm Year 5/6 Red & Year 5/6 Blue

Parents and carers, teachers will also issue a Class Information sheet. WE will also issue a sheet requesting information about your child so that you can highlight any concerns you may have about your child (socially, academically, medically), or share important information that you feel your child’s teacher should know. Bring this sheet with you on Wednesday, or send it back into your child’s class teacher.

Parent-Teacher meeting times can be arranged in the following week if you would like to speak to your child’s teacher further. Speak to teachers about this on Wednesday to book a time that suits.

We look forward to seeing families on Wednesday evening!

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