basic life support pediatric

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Basic Life Support1


8ASlC LllL SuC81 Subbaglan edlaLrl CawaL uaruraLlku8-8Suu Arln Achmad ekanbaru 1 !"#$% '$() *+,,-./ (8LS) ls Lhe comblnauon of manoeuvres and sklll LhaL, wlLhouL Lhe use of Lechnlcal ad[uncLs, permlLs recognluon of a person ln cardlac or resplraLory arresL and 'buys ume' unul Lhe vlcum can recelve more advance LreaLmenL.2 8ASlC LllL SuC81 MusL be lnluaLed as rapld as posslble Cb[ecuve : Lo achleve sumclenL oxygenauon revenuon of cardloreplraLory arresL by Lhe opumal managemenL of resplraLory dlsLress and/or clrculaLory compromlse wlll lmprove Lhe prognosls 3 8ASlC LllL SuC81 *afeLy *umulaLe *houL for asslsLance 0lrway !reaung1lrculauon 2eassess 4 8ASlC LllL SuC81 0$.3"4: Lhe proLecuon and malnLenance of a clear passageway for gases (prlnclpally oxygen and carbon dloxlde) Lo pass beLween Lhe lungs and Lhe ouLslde of Lhe body!.)"/5$67: lnauon and deauon of Lhe lungs (resplrauon) vla Lhe alrway1$.%+8"9-6: provldlng an adequaLe blood supply Lo Lhe body, especlally crlucal organs, so as Lo dellver oxygen Lo all cells and remove carbon dloxlde, vla Lhe perfuslon of blood LhroughouL Lhe body 3 0:2;0< Pead ulL-chlnll 6 0:2;0< 7 0:2;0< !aw-LhrusL menoeuvre 8 CuLuLL 9 !2=0>?:@A Check breaLhlng : look, llsLen, feel ! 10'' lf Lhe chlld ls breaLhlng sponLaneuously and eecuvely 10 !2=0>?:@A lf Lhe chlld ls noL breaLhlng eecuve ! dellver rescue breaLhs 8escue breaLhs : 1. MouLh-Lo-mouLh and nose Lechnlque 11 !2=0>?:@A 2. MouLh-Lo-mouLh Lechnlque 12 1:21B'0>:C@ Assess for slgn of clrculauon ! 10'' 13 1:21B'0>:C@ lf a pulse ls found ! reassess Lhe breaLhlng lf slgn of clrculauon are absenL or pulse < 60 beaLs/mln ! sLarL chesL compresslons rlnclples of chesL compresslon : 1.Serlal and rhyLhmlc compresslons 2.1he chlld musL be placed suplne on a hard, aL surface 3.MalnLalnlng Lhe head ln a posluon whlch keeps Lhe alrway open 14 lnfanL ChesL Compresslon >3-DE67).# /)%56$F+) >5) /3-D5"6G# /5+HI )6%$.%8$67 /)%56$F+) 13 Chlld ChesL Compresslon Cne-hand Lechnlque1wo-hands Lechnlque 16 Compresslon:venulauon(C:v) 8auos ln chlldren of all ages C:v = 13:2 Slngle lay rescuers ! 30:2 17 no slgn of clrculauon no breaLhlng no response 8esponse SafeLySumulaLe ShouL for help Cbserve Assess !2=0>?:@A 3 rescue breaLhs lace ln recovery posluon CJ=@ 0:2;0< Assess 1:21B'0>:C@ ChesLcompresslons 13:2 Conunu C8 1 mlnuLe 2=0**=** 01>:K0>= =L* no chesL movemenL 8eposluon alrway Sull lneecuve? Sklp assessmenL of clrculauon J)G$"/.$% !'* "87-.$/5H ?es 18 lC8LlCn 8Cu? Al8WA? C8S18uC1lCn (lAC8) A)6)."8 *$76 -( M!0C WlLnessed eplsode Coughlng or choklng Sudden onseL 8ecenL hlsLory of eaung or playlngwlLh small ob[ecLs:6)N)%9O) %-+75$67 unable Lo vocallze CuleL or sllenL cough unable Lo breaLhe Cyanosls uecreaslng level of consclousness =N)%9O) %-+75 Crylng or verbal response Lo quesuons Loud cough Able Lo Lake a breaLh before coughlng lully responslve Conunu Lo check deLerlorauon lneecuve cough or rellef of obsLrucuon unconsclous Cpen Alrway 3 breaLhs SLarL C8 13:2 Consclous 3 back blows 3 LhrusLs 19 l8AC 8ack blowsChesL LhrusL for lnfanLs 20 l8AC Pelmllch manoeuvre (abdomlnal LhrusLs) 21 8LCCvL8? CSl1lCn22

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