basic training with vpioneer communications team

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Our Basic Training aim give our volunteers the foundation to serve God best in church. This will help every one review what we’ve discussed during our first Basic Training for Communications Team volunteers in Victory Pioneer.


Victory Pioneer




This presentation is our Communications Ministry volunteers foundation. It is the starting point of every participant who wants to play a part in promoting God’s Word in this congregation, Victory Pioneer. We will share three different relationships that will prepare yourself in taking part of this ministry.

What is communication?

Essentially, it is sharing. In the world of Social Media, you can share almost any thing you want: From personal experiences, to tips, to recommendations, - anything! The question that you have to ask yourself now is, “What are you sharing?”

Basic Training, Basic Lesson

Are you sharing something that brings life or are you sharing something that destroys another?

Basic Training, Basic Lesson

Jesus said just before He ascended to heaven, “…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…” What Jesus taught is what we can share to others.

Basic Training, Basic Lesson

Think of your family and/or friends for a moment. What was the relationship experience like with them?

It’s the same with God. The more you know God, the more you can express to others what you have with Him.

Basic Training, Basic Lesson: Your relationship with God is VERY IMPORTANT!

Your relationship with God is first and foremost ESSENTIAL. It will not just put value in your volunteer work but it will also profit your life and those around you.

Basic Training, Basic Lesson

Read Exodus 4:1-5 for our second point. God asked Moses, “What is that in your hand?” Moses realized that God has equipped Him to help men know who He is. Now…

Basic Training, Basic Lesson – God has given your talent to honor Him

…look at the skills and talent/s God has given you. Are you making good use of what He has given you? Are you using it to honor God? Your talent is directly related to God’s plan.

Basic Training, Basic Lesson

Lastly, Matthew 18:12 puts our work in perspective, “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?”

Basic Training, Basic Lesson – Our relationship with one another is important

If God commanded us to reach the lost, then we need to understand that our relationship with one another and to those who need God’s Word makes it all worth the hard work we put in to bring home one lost soul and lead them to Jesus Christ.

So Let’s recap, shall we?

In our Communications Team Basic Training, we shared the following principles in becoming a Victory Pioneer Volunteer:•Your relationship with God is important in this work•God gave you skills and talents to declare His message to men.•Our relationship with one another puts in perspective our main goal to reach and engage every one for Jesus Christ and His teachings.

As we strengthen all these qualities, we can now Go and take part in sharing God’s Word and the Victory we experienced in our lives.

Happy to serve you!

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