basisregistratie grootschalige topografie · basisregistratie grootschalige topografie (core...

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Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie (Core registration - large scale Topography) Margriet Liemburg 23-04-2014


• Core registrations Dutch government • Aim of the core registrations • Project Registration Large Scale Topography

(Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topography) • Questions

Core registrations

• Officially designed registration containing high quality data. Dutch governmental organizations are obliged to use this data, without further investigation, when executing tasks under Public Law;

• Set of core registrations; • Thirteen core registrations;

Thirteen registrations


• BRV – Core registration vehicles • BRI – Basic registration Income • BLAU – Core registration for payroll, labor relations and

unemployment • BRK - Core registration land registry office (kadaster); • BRT – Core registration Topography (scale < 1:10.000) • WOZ – Registration value of real estate • BGT – Registration large scale Topography • BRO – Registration Ondergrond • RNI – Registration no Resident • GBA – Municipality registration with data from persons • NHR – Dutch Trade Register • BAG – Registration Adresses and Buildings

Multiple use of registrations

•Improve service to inhabitants and companies; •Reduce administrative costs; •Improve transparency of data; •Improve fraud measures, maintenance and supervision; •Realize a good quality and modern governmental information structure; •Efficient spending of community money;

Registration large scale Topography (BGT)

•Digital map containing topographical objects on ground level, like: roads, buildings, water bodies etc.; •Scale 1:500 – 1:5000; •Input data: GBKN (infrastructure), BAG (Buildings), management maps of public area’s (pavement, vegetation).

Combining data

Combining data

Build the registration together

Seven agencies are responsible

– Municipalities; – Waterschap (body of surveyors of the dikes); – Rijkswaterstaat (highways and main waterways); – Prorail (rail company); – Ministry of defense; – Provinces; – Ministry Economical businesses.

Contents of the BGT

•Obliged content by law; •Optional content; •According to the information model IMGEO; •Manual with all obliged objects and all optional objects; •Visualization manual.

BGT Manual national

BGT Manual municipality Veenendaal

•All obligatory objects which occur in the municipality of Veenendaal; •All optional objects which are used by the managers of the public area; •No point objects; •Manual for the municipality Veenendaal.

BGT Manual municipality Veenendaal

•All obligatory objects which occur in the municipality of Veenendaal; •All optional objects which are used by the managers of the public area; •No point objects; •Manual for the municipality Veenendaal.

Steps to take

•Build dataset which is completely filled (objects); •Write down and implement al new processes; •Maintain the BGT (maintenance organization); •Arrange all application facilities plugins to national dataset.



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