
Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Film classification

By Roie Ziser


BBFC stands for British Board of Film Cirtification

The BBFC is a non-government organization which is funded by the film industry and is in charge of classifying films in the United Kingdom

They have the power to decide what films get played in cinemas and what age groups can see the films.

Classification - U

U stands for universal- essentially meaning that its suitable for ages four and over

Should be set within a positive framework and should offer a reassuring counterbalance to any violence or horror

Should include only mild sexual references (kissing)

Any threats should be mild or brief

Classification - PG

PG is short for parental guidance meaning that the film is safe for general viewings but may contain scenes that can be unsuitable for a younger audience

The film should not unsettle any child over the aged of eight

Sexual references are permitted in certain context

No details of violence, mostly implied injuries and jump cuts are acceptable.

Classification - 12A

12A implies suitable for 12 years of age and over

No one younger than 12 may see a 12a film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult

Sexual references may be used briefly and discreetly.

Moderate violence is allowed by there should be no emphasis on injuries or blood

Some psychological thrillers may be passed as 12 with mild disturbing sequence

Classification - 15

No one under the age of 15 is allowed to see the film

Strong violent, frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, nudity, drug taking.

There can be strong use of violence though there should be no emphasis on inury or pain and gore is minimal

Many horror/thriller films are classified 15 as they can be a use strong threat and violence.

Classification – 18

No one under the age of 18 is allowed to see the film

Very strong language, strong horror, sexual portrayals

Only the strongest horror films with an emphasis on gore are classified as 18

Self harm and other strong issues which may affect or influence the viewer may be cut

In the context of my thriller…

Taking our film opening into consideration and stratifying it to gauge the rest of the film I have decided that it most likely would be classified 15

I feel this classification would allow me to authentically portray a feeling of fear with the use of strong violence and/or drugs in the film to support this portrayal

In addition the target audience for this film is of ages 15 and up as it would be created as a physiological thriller with quite mature themes.

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