bch 3033 general biochemistry flipped welcome to the fall-2013 inverted or flipped general...

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BCH 3033General Biochemistry Flipped

Welcome to the Fall-2013Inverted or Flipped General Biochemistry Course

The “Lectures” are OnlineYou Need to Gain Biochemical Knowledge BEFORE Class

Class Time = Quizzes + Problem Solving + Case Studies


© 2013 W. H. Freeman and Company

Syllabus on Blackboard Learn

And at… http://www.fiu.edu/~bch3033

Advantages of Blackboard Learn: 1. The “Lectures” = Narrated Power Points

2. Case studies as pdf files.3. You can create your Discussion Groups4. Grade Book…keeps updating your grades

with each class…Clicker Scores and Exams..includes class statistics

You Need to get an iClicker…the graded part of class time begins next week.

What’s Involved ?


The Standard 3 Credit Course generally needs 6-8 hours SERIOUS study/week

You will need to LEARN the “Lectures” and Solve End of Chapter Problems BEFORE Class Time

You will see that some “Lectures” are short, ~35 minutes, others are about an hour. BEFORE CLASS you will need to practice what you

learned from the “lecture” by doing end of chapter problems.

Study ? Gain Knowledge ?

What is the “trick”? DO IT BEFORE CLASS !!

BEFORE CLASS LEARNING to develop Deep Knowledge….

not shallow knowledge !

Study ? Gain Knowledge ?

What is the Deal? Each Flipped Class requires Mindful Study.

Flipped Classes: EXERCISE Your Knowledge IN CLASS


This Inverted or Flipped ClassAll the “Lectures” are on-line narrated PowerPoints…..

You need to LEARN the PowerPoints and DO Selected End of Chapter Problems BEFORE CLASS

Class time will be used doing “advanced homework”: problem solving using chemistry, math, and biochemical


Every Class has a Graded Component = 1/3 of Total Grade, Class Grade comes from iClickers

The Syllabus is on Blackboard Learn

Answers and Short Solutions to EOC Problems start after page 1198 in the text.

Class Response System: iClickers

iClickers come in different forms

You can buy new or used iClickersfrom the bookstore or used ones from friends, older

models will work fine as long as the batteries are working.

or get an App for your Smart Phone, Tablet or Laptop

iClicker Registration

You need to REGISTER your iClicker: go to iClicker.com

You need: Your name, PantherID and the iClicker Serial Number (on the back of the iClicker)

If you get a used iClicker, make sure the Serial Number is clearly visible and not rubbed off.

General Biochemistry has 3 Parts

PART 1: Chemical Structure of: Proteins (amino acids), Polysaccharides (sugars), Nucleic Acids (nucleotides) and Lipids (glycerol and fatty acids, steroids, ceramides)…and chemical methods of their purification and their structure determination.

PART 2: Mechanisms: Ionic dissociation, pH, enzyme kinetics, thermodynamics, signaling mechanisms. This part integrates into Parts 1 and 3.

PART 3: Metabolic Pathways and Their Control. We will focus on Central Metabolism: Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Citric Acid Cycle, Fatty Acid and Amino Acid catabolism and Electron Transport.

General Biochemistry has 3 Parts

PART 1: Chemical Structure of: Proteins (amino acids), Polysaccharides (sugars), Nucleic Acids (nucleotides) and Lipids (glycerol and fatty acids, steroids, ceramides)…and chemical methods of their purification and their structure determination.

PART 2: Mechanisms: Ionic dissociation, pH, enzyme kinetics, thermodynamics, signaling mechanisms. This part integrates into Parts 1 and 3.

PART 3: Metabolic Pathways and Their Control. We will focus on Central Metabolism: Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Citric Acid Cycle, Fatty Acid and Amino Acid catabolism and Electron Transport.

Biochemistry Celebrates Biological Diversity

What about the Microbes ? Biochemistry Students ?

The Tree of Life: Three Domains

Six kingdoms• Archaea• Bacteria• Protista• Fungi• Plantae• Animalia

Cellular organizationUnicellular prokaryoteUnicellular prokaryoteUnicellular eukaryoteUni- or Multicellular eukaryoteMulticellular eukaryoteMulticellular eukaryote

The Six Kingdoms of Life

Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells

Biochemists Grind-Up Cells to get the Molecules of Life

Centrifugation Separates Light from Heavy

The Liver

Cell Fractionation

Fractionation by Density

Molecules sediment based on mass + friction (shape)…measured in Svedbergs (a multidimensional unit)

OK, Lets Do Some Practice Clicker Questions

1. You have a solution of 4 nM bovine serum albumin. The concentration of bovine serum albumin is:

A. 4 x 10-6 M. B. 40 x 10-8 M. C. 0.4 x 10-10 M. D. 4 x 10-9 M.

OK, Lets Do Some Practice Clicker Questions

1. You have a solution of 4 nM bovine serum albumin. The concentration of bovine serum albumin is:

A. 4 x 10-6 M. B. 40 x 10-8 M. C. 0.4 x 10-10 M. D. 4 x 10-9 M.

m = milli 10-3

μ = micro 10-6

n = nano 10-9

p = pico 10-12

f = femto 10-15

a = atto 10-18

Lets Do Some Practice Clicker Questions

2. Membrane transport proteins are found in:A. Cell membrane. B. Endoplasmic reticulum membrane.C. Mitochondrial membrane. D. Nuclear MembraneE. All of the above.

Lets Do Some Practice Clicker Questions

3. Which pair below is wrong in showing oxidized/reduced forms of carbon.



E. All are wrong.

Practice Graphing QuestionsHere is a pH titration of a purified but unknown organic molecule in

100mL of water. Examine in the titration carefully.

Graphing Practice Question

4. Which titration graph is the most meaningful?

A. 1. B. 2.

Graph 1 Graph 2

Same Data in Excel

0 100 200 300 400 500 6000







14pH Titration Unknown Compound

WaterUnk Cpd in Water



Clicker Question: What is going on? (back to General Chemistry !)

The unknown is a:a. strong base.b. strong acid.c. ester.d. aldehyde.e. none of these

Clicker Practice Questions

5. Water at Room Temperature is a(n):A. Acid. B. Organic compound. C. Metal.

D. Solid. E. None of these.

Clicker Practice Questions

6. 5 μmoles/mL isA. 5 x 10-6 M. B. 5 x 10-3M. C. 5 x 10-9M.D. 50 nM. E. none of these.

Clicker Practice Questions

7. Arrange in order of reduced oxidized forms of nitrogen.A. Amine/Amide/Nitro.B. Nitro/Amide/Amine.C. Nitro/Amine/Amide.D. Amide/Amine/Nitro.E. Amide/Nitro/Amine.

Clicker Practice Question

Here is the drug morphine. How many Hydrogen atoms does it have ?

Where Are They

Here is the drug morphine. How many Hydrogen atoms does it have ?

Where Are They

Here is the drug morphine. How many Hydrogen atoms does it have ?

A. 7. B. 19. C. 14. D. 18. E. 17.

Where Are They

Here is the drug morphine. How many Hydrogen atoms does it have ?

A. 7. B. 19. C. 14. D. 18. E. 17.






1 2





More Clicker Questions

9. “femto” is between:A. milli and nano. B. micro and pico.C. atto and pico. D. micro and macro.E. sad and happy.

More Clicker Questions

10. A spherical cell, 1 µm in diameter, has eight molecules of the protein lacR. What is the concentration of the protein in the cell?

More Clicker Questions

10. A spherical cell, 1 µm in diameter, has eight molecules of the protein lacR. What is the concentration of the protein in the cell?

Solution: Cell volume = 4/3 πr3 = 4/3 π (5 x 10-7m)3 = 5.24 x 10-19m3 = 5.24 x 10-16 L

8 molecules / (6.02 x 1023 molecules/mole) = 1.33 x 10-23 moles

1.33 x 10-23 moles / 5.24 x 10-16 L = 2.5 x 10-8 M or ?

More Clicker Questions

10. A spherical cell, 1 µm in diameter, has eight molecules of the protein lacR. What is the concentration of the protein in the cell?

What is 2.5 x 10-8 M?A. 25 nM. B. 0.025 mM. C. 2.5 µM.

Class Periods

Can Start with an iClicker Quiz on the Lecture and

End of Chapter Problems (EOC problems).

These are Graded Activities that are 1/3rd of your Grade!

Some classes will have a Case Study.

The Case Studies will NOT be on any Exam, but will have Graded iClicker Questions exercising what you learned

from Narrated Power Point and Interpreting Biochemical Data and solving Problems for that Case Study.

STUDY to LEARN before EACH CLASS1. Mindfully Examine (do not passively

listen) the Narrated PowerPoint. .. Mindfully test yourself on it to make sure you know this biochemistry…so you can use it in Class.

2. Do the practice End of Chapter Problems…be able to do them with the book closed….

3. Check out the Case Study for that day on Blackboard (some will not have a Case Study, most do).

The Course is in Blackboardand on the Web


The Web version Lacks what Blackboard Has:1. The Lectures as MP4 files on FIU Media


2. Grade book…you can keep track of how you are doing.

3. and more.

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