be a kickass speaker - mozcamp 2011

Post on 12-Sep-2014






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An introduction how to be a public speaker for people of the Mozilla community.


How to be a kick-asspublic speaker!

Chris Heilmann, MozCamp Berlin 2011

Developer Engagement

Go into the open and speak for Mozilla!

We need you to go on stage and rock the show!

Reasons: 1) Why go where you already are?

Reasons: 2) Why send a few people when we have hundreds?

Reasons: 3) Speaking can be dangerous.

Let’s start with some homework.

What keeps interested people from public speaking?

Common myths...

“Everybody can give a talk, just send them a slide deck”

BS“Everybody can cook a 5 star meal, just give them

the right ingredients!”

“Nobody wants to hear from unknown speakers!”

BSWhere do known speakers come from?

“Speaking means you stopped doing a real job!”

BSSo why do people pay to see others speak about the things they obviously know better?

Personal reasons and barriers.

“I am not a speaker!”“I got nothing to say...”“Others already covered that...”“I am scared of doing it wrong!”“I will need training”“I have no chance to speak!”

“I am not a speaker!”

A good a person so passionate about a topic that they want to share.

“I am not a speaker!”

A kick-ass a person passionate about a topic and about sharing that passion.

“I am not a speaker!”

A kick-ass speaker...... is a mix of reporter, educator and entertainer.

Five things that make you a speaker - regardless of your performing talent.

Know your stuff

Everything can go wrong on stage. Be the expert. Then they are a minor inconvenience.

Run the show

It is you on stage - do not give someone else’s talk.

Run the show

Be proud of your style and do it your way!

Run the show

It gets easier the more you do it

My first talks were awful. Really!

Listen to feedback and judge

It hurts, it is annoying, but you get better by seeing yourself.

Listen to feedback and judge

Danger: immediate feedback *is* polarised.

“I got nothing to say...”

Mozilla has lots of stuff you can tell people about!

“Others already covered that...”

Topics get re-used over and over again.

“Others already covered that...”

But they were never covered in your personal style and with your experiences.

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

If you stop being scared, get off the stage!

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

Mistakes happen, we learn from them!

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

Look at other presentations and note down what annoys you...

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

...then make sure you don’t do the same! Simple, isn’t it?

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

Same goes for finding things that you like. Do them.

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

But don’t copy other people’s styles!

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

For example...Some presentation styles and moments that make me cringe:

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

The teleshopping presentation a.k.a. “my pet techie”

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

Live coding LIKE A BOSS!

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

A day at the movies...

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

Numbers, graphs and bullet points.

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

So inspiring, like REALLY, sooooo inspiring!

“I am scared of doing it wrong!”

Reading time with you, me, and my slide deck.

“I will need training!”

Training can be given, but I can predict what you really need is experience.

“I will need training!”

That said, I’d love us to have workshops to take this further. Demand them and they will come!

“I have no chance to speak!”

Meetups, unconferences, lightning talks rounds, meets and greets happen *all* the time *all* over the globe!

“I have no chance to speak!”


... amongst others.

“I have no chance to speak!”

Find something, then tell us if you want to go!

“I have no chance to speak!”

“I have no chance to speak!”

Tell us where you think we should be and how we can support the event.

Talk to us!

http://hacks.mozilla.org on IRC@codepo8, @robertnyman, @robhawkes, @mozhacks on Twitter.

Chris Heilmann



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