be your own valentine!

Post on 07-May-2015






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Love is in the air with this Valentine issue. Discover the three balances you need to enjoy romantic love and a life of love. For single or married women who want to be their own Valentine and attract or retain the love of their lives. Four love experts share tips and secrets to magnetize love, love yourself and celebrate Valentine Day. Find out why Self-love Day comes before Valentine Day! If you want to see this in the beautiful flip magazine format, go to:


Emerge! Express your Unique Gifts in the world

Butterfly You! February 2014

Inspirational Article

Inside: Self-love and Valentine Gifts

Instantly downloadable


Poem I am Ode to


Sacred Self





Are you Facing Illness?

Love can Help You!



Want Soulmate?


Love Yourself Unconditionally

Romance Life Openly

Receive Love Tenderly

Are you single?

8 ideas on

how to


St. Valentine

Go from Caterpillar You to Butterfly You!

Join the MagicMark your Life Community

Your Life-creation Daily Toolkit

Emerge in your true colors.

Express your unique gifts in the world.

Click here to Join our FREE community!

Manifest your dreams > Embody your Purpose > Express your gifts

You were born

to delight

the world with

the beauty

of your Essence.


I Am Ode to your Sacred Self

Illustrated poem by Maria Mar

This poem inspires you to name your gifts and value as an

exercise to increase self-love. Includes writing instructions.

Page 6

Julie-Anne Shapiro

5 Top Things to Attract and Keep

Your Valentine Valentine Day is here. If you’re single this may fill you with

dread as you contemplate yet another year watching couples

celebrating together while you wonder when your true love will

come along. Here’s what to do instead to have a great

Valentine day and attract your Valentine for the rest of your

wonderful life. Page 11

Shannon R. Rios

Guest Articles 2

Includes a

Valentine Gift

and a discount!

Includes a

Valentine Gift!

Be your own valentine! 8 ideas

on how to celebrate St. Valentine

There’s a reason that Self-love Day comes before Valentine

Day! Your soulmate is out there, but he (or she) is a Sacred

Mirror to you. Therefore, in this Valentine, don’t sulk, complain

or ignore the whole subject. Instead, use these 8 ideas to be

your own Valentine and ignite your sensuality, self-love and

delight. Give yourself the love you want your soulmate to give

you, and you will attract the love you desire. Page 16

Misa Hopkins

Are you facing Illness?

Love can help you!

You don’t have to be perfect to love yourself. What if you are ill? Healing is a

spiritual journey but we often feel so much pain and frustration that instead of

receiving the lessons and growth in our healing we become bitter and cranky, and

end up abusing ourselves and others who want to love and support us through it.

I’m so grateful to best selling author Rev. Misa Hopkins, a breakthrough healing

coach, for this article on how to bring love to yourself and others if you are going

through an illness or physical limitation right now. Find out how love and kindness

are part of your healing toolkit. Page 20

Maria Mar

Whether you are happily single, manifesting a

soulmate or happily married but in need of revamping

your love life, there are three powerful alchemical

actions you need to do to in order to be a love magnet!

In my life as a Wise Woman I’ve lived and loved deeply.

I’ve also struggled with wounds that steal love both

from myself and from my beloved. In this article, I go

to the deepest well of love and wisdom within me to

reveal the three alchemical actions essential for your

love life… and to have a life you love! Page 26


Want Soulmate?


Love Yourself unconditionally

Romance Life Openly

Receive Love Tenderly

Not perfect? Love yourself as you are!

Featured Inspirational Article



Gift and





Julie-Anne Shapiro

You Want his Love!

Sure, but are you Ready

to RECEIVE it?

Like the shamans of old, we dance, tell stories and create

ceremonies of transformation that empower women and

their communities to release fear and limitations and express

their beautiful essence, tapping into their full potential. The

Dream Alchemist is one of our sites.

219 E 97th Street, New York, NY 10029, USA

Tel. 715-303-7326



This magazine is published by

ShamansDance Publishing & Productions


One of the gifts of the Sacred Feminine is the Art of Receiving. You heard right!

Receiving is a power and an art. Many of us are great at giving and at praying for

what we want. But we are not ready to receive it. Get ready to receive love with this

bonus article by Julie-Ann Shapiro. Page 38



Featured Art

I’m doing Julie-Anne’s 14-day “Attract Your Valentine” Boot

Camp to attract my soulmate this year. She recommends to

place images of loving couples in your home and environment.

What a great idea! I’ve added this sensual art created by my

best friend and Goddess artist Tanya Torres. I invite you to do

the same. This piece is called Eros & Psyche.

See Back cover for link to purchase this art.


This Valentine Issue inspires you

to infuse your psyche and your life with

the magic of love, starting with self-

love. It helps you with the alchemy of

igniting love as part of a romantic

couple or magnetizing your soulmate. Maria Mar


Download this magazine and schedule the reading into your

calendar so that you take advantage of each article.

To print: Select the “Scale to fit paper” option, as magazine is

10X13 size.

Find Maria in Social Media

Love requires an almost mystical balance. The balance between self-love and love

for your beloved is perhaps the fundamental one; and many women suck at it because

we’ve been indoctrinated to be selfless. Shannon’s article and mine help you to sustain

the self-love essential to enjoy a healthy relationship. The balance between giving our

best and accepting our limitations is often challenged by our belief that we need to be

perfect. Misa’s article helps you confront illness from a place of love. The third

balance we address is between giving and receiving. Here again modern Western

women have been indoctrinated into being independent by not receiving (while still

giving excessively) and then told that we are assertive when we pursue a man. This

combination is a recipe for exhaustion. Julie-Anne’s two articles help you restore this

balance by magnetizing a man instead of pursuing him and receiving instead of

constantly giving. With these three balances in place, you have a good chance in love!


I Am…

I am

A tiny drop

in the vast ocean.

The drop that joins others

to rise in a huge wave.

The drop that carries

food to a school of fish.

By Maria Mar

… A speck of dust

flying in the wind.

The pollen perhaps

that germinates a field.

The oxygen atom

that revives a breathless man.

How can you know and love your Sacred Self? Go deep into your BodySoul and

connect to your inner truth. Find out how to Shapeshift into your Dream in this

shamanic journey with Maria Mar. (See Page 9.)

Ode to Your Sacred Self

Every year for my birthday I

write an Ode to my Sacred

Self and entitle it “I Am.” It

is a ceremony to name my

deepest, truer self and

recognize how my Essence

unfolds as I grow in my life.

This is one of my poems,

followed by instructions to

write your own.


I am not so big

that I burst out of

my own skin.

Not so small

to be insignificant.

Not less.

Not more.

I am enough;

perfect, in fact,

for the purpose for


I was created.

Pin this issue of Butterfly You!


And while that


may not fill a


it feels my heart.

And that is a


for which no

words exist

except my own.

I am

a wee light

glowing in the



The light that

brings the

lost ships to


and guides

the child

safely home.

Maria Mar

March 30, 2012

*From Diary of Now

If you like poetry, you will enjoy my Sacred Poetry Transmissions. You

can also subscribe to my free newsletter Life is Poetry.


Use the I Am poem to create a life retrospective and self-celebration, self-

love poem.

STEP 1: Find something in nature that is very tiny, yet carries a great

elemental power, like a drop of rain or snow. Describe its smallness and its


STEP 2: Describe how you are as small and as great as that element.

STEP 3: Repeat this process with 3 to 5 elements, each time describing an

aspect of your "smallness" (your human frailties, mistakes, limitations) and

your greatness (your human superpowers, values, creativity) that is like that

element. You can compare yourself to the element (simile) or describe

yourself as if you were that element (metaphor).

STEP 4: Reflect on the measure of your smallness that helps you to stay

"within your skin" and in the measure of your greatness that helps you to

transcend any limitation and create new experiences.

STEP 5: End the poem by describing how you are perfect for your purpose

That's it. Happy poetizing!

Writing exercise to create the

I Am Ode to your Sacred Self

Includes: Live video journeying with Maria Mar, Slide

presentation for retention, Playsheets to apply

knowledge, Chat Interaction and conversation breaks

for individual guidance and Q&A session.

• Close the distance between where

you are and where you want to be.

• Learn the secret language of your

BodySoul and discover the source of

disease, self-sabotage and other

inner obstacles in your body.

• Discover what's possible in your life

with a shift of posture & perception.

• Raise your vibrations of self love and

love for healing or manifesting love.

• Discover why your actions are

ineffective and how to charge your

actions with electro-magnetic power.

• Shapeshift the energy patterns that

hold you back. Master the art of

transforming your world.

• Go from Caterpillar You to

Butterfly You!

Shapeshift from Caterpillar to


Early Bird Special


Great Self-love Gifts for you and your girlfriends!


Girlfriends Holiday Special


Regular Price $125 USD

Use Discount Code: 99EARLYBIRD

Valid until 7 days before the date of the event.

$80 discount. One payment with one credit card

or PayPal Account for the same date. This is a half-day LIVE online intensive

shamanic journey with Maria Mar in a small

group setting. Immerse yourself in a deeply

relaxing, uplifting experience that generates

immediate transformation.

February 27. 2014


More dates.

Great Self-love Gifts

This Valentine Day issue features

love-enhancing gifts that you can

give yourself or your girlfriends.

Digital gifts can feel a bit “abstract.” That’s

why we’ve created a beautiful line of

egreetings featuring Maria Mar’s art. After

you pay, you will find a link to our unique

egreetings, which you can personalize and

send to warm your beloved or friend’s heart

before the gift arrives. Perfect for friends that

live far or those you won’t see in person… or

for an added surprise! 10

Give & Receive Specials

Wherever you see this badge, you can get your

own gift when you purchase one for your

girlfriends. You download your own gift

immediately, then send the egreeting to your

friend. We will deliver the gift directly to your


Great Self-love Gifts for you and your girlfriends!

Stop wishing – be on

a mission!

Are you dreaming, hoping, wishing

and longing for love?

You can go for years wishing and

dreaming. Like most of us, you were

probably brought up to believe in

fairytales – that one day (if you wait

long enough) your prince will come and

you will live happily ever after!

Perhaps you think that you’re at the

mercy of love coming your way –

maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Or

maybe you think that only lucky

people have love.

Success in attracting true love can only

happen from a place of joy and happiness

within yourself. So what can you do in

order to keep your joy flowing and your

attractor power high?

Here are 5 top things that work from the

inside out to attract your 2014 Valentine –

and make him your very own Valentine for

the rest of time!

5 Top Things

to Attract and Keep Your Valentine

Valentines Day is here. If

you’re single this may fill

you with dread as you

contemplate yet another

year watching couples

celebrating together while

you wonder when your

true love will come along.

BONUS ARTICLE See Julie-Anne’s generous

Bonus Article on Page 38




But love has less to do with what

you’re doing and everything to do

with the person you are being. When

you stop focusing on finding the right

person and instead focus on being the

right person, magically the right

person comes along.

So concentrate on becoming the

most delicious version of yourself you

can be and you’ll attract a man who

finds you totally irresistible.

Love yourself up

At this time of year the loneliness can

feel crushing and old negative thoughts

such as “Everyone gets love except me”

or “I’m not good enough” can set in.

But these beliefs actually run your

love life. So if you are walking around

thinking you’re not good enough or are

not lovable, then you will probably meet

men who don’t think you are either.

A confident, radiant woman who

knows her worth is incredibly attractive

to a man.

Start to catch those negative voices

and begin telling your self what you

would like your Valentine to tell you;

that you’re beautiful, lovable and so

worthy of love.

Stop “doing” and

start “being”

Our society teaches us to depend on

external factors for love. In other words

if only you were slimmer, younger, fitter,

had more money, had better hair and

teeth or joined the next dating site then

maybe just maybe you would “get” love. 12



A confident, radiant woman who knows her worth is incredibly attractive to a man.

Be around supportive,

uplifting people

When you’re on a mission to become

your best you to attract love, it’s vital to

surround yourself with positive people

who uplift you and make you feel good.

Limit the time you spend with

unsupportive people. Make sure you

don’t engage in negative conversations

for example: how men are all the same or

love is impossible. These just keep you

going in a downward spiral.

Tell friends you trust about your

mission and ask for their support.

Get clear on the type of man you are

looking for and what you need in a

relationship. Then tell your friends that

you’re open to meeting anyone they

know who may be a good match.

Get clear on the type of man you are looking

for and what you need in a relationship. 13

4 Write an Irresistible

Online Dating Profile

So now that you’ve focused on the

inner you, it’s time to put out your love

signal! This kind of profile will

eliminate the kinds of men you don’t

want and only attract good matches

for you.

You want your profile to state clearly

and confidently who you are, what you

need and what you’re looking for, while

also being receptive, open, engaging and

welcoming to another person.

Here are some tips:

• Write about your life-values and your

life-vision: Shared life-values and life-

vision are essential for lasting love so

get clear on yours now.


• Use sensory language: Describe how it feels to do the things you love and enjoy in

order to give the reader an experience of you.

• Ask a friend to write about their experience of being your friend: Then use some of

these elements in your profile. This gives the reader an insight into what it’s like to

be in relationship with you.

• Know the top 3 things you must have for it to work: Get clear on the things you

MUST have.

• Be honest! Don’t lie about your age or use false photos! If you want children,

state it clearly. If you don’t, state it clearly.

• Your Photos: Use photos that convey warmth, confidence and radiance.

Follow these top 5 things now and draw towards you your 2014 Valentine – like

a magnet.

JULIE-ANNE SHAPIRO is an International Love & Relationship Expert,

Speaker and Founder of Magnetizing Love. She has helped thousands of

women around the world to find and keep the love of their life through her

private coaching (available via Skype or phone from anywhere in the world),

dynamic live events and home study programs.

Sign up for her complimentary Ebook & Video Series: Your 7-Step Path to Mr.

Extraordinary on her website:


This series of three audios takes you into a

peaceful shamanic journey that energizes

each of your cells with the experience of

the intrinsic value of your Unique Essence.

•Know and feel that you are a success right


•Dissolve the emotional blocks that stand

on the way to your success and love

•Enjoy peace of mind and relaxation

•Achieve a genuine sense of fulfillment

•Experience a deep appreciation for the

authentic value you bring to the world

• Know the value you bring into


• Discover the

Essential Gifts with

which you were born.

• Love yourself, just

as you are right now.

• Clarify your life


Great Holiday Gifts for you and your girlfriends!

Buy Now! MP3 format

Only $45 USD For the set of 3 MP3 audios

20MB to 49.7MB Immediately Downloadable


Be your

Own valentine!

I can guarantee you that the more you

love you, the easier it will be to attract that

next amazing partner.

Send yourself flowers! I did

when I was single and it was wonderful. I

signed it “I love you beautiful girl!” You

can make yourself happy.

8 Ideas on

How to Celebrate

St. Valentine 16

Do whatever you love to

do: get a massage, take a hot bath, take

care of you and love you!

Buy a card for your

future partner; know they are on the

horizon, envision all of their wonderful

characteristics and write those

down! Believe it will happen and feel

the love you will feel with this person.


This year, my advice is

just focus on loving

YOU! You deserve it.

Get together with

girlfriends and have a wonderful dinner.

Send your best single

girlfriend flowers so she has a happy day


Volunteer somewhere in

your community today or commit to

volunteering. There is nothing like

focusing on others to let us know how

lucky we are. 17

Decide to take yourself

on a solo journey of self-love – have fun

solo, you can take a charter trip or just

go anywhere solo! I traveled to

Guatemala, Bolivia, Peru, India and

Thailand Solo. Best trips of my life!

Do whatever it takes to

love yourself more! Whether you have a

partner or not, this is the key to happy

life and relationships!

My wish for you is an amazing

and love-filled Valentine’s Day

where you celebrate the most

important person in the world –

YOU! If I could send flowers to

every single one of you I would, but

instead I am sending you a BIG

virtual hug all the way from

Denver, Colorado! Take a deep

breath and feel it!


Leadership Coach and a Marriage and Family

Therapist. Her passion in life is partnering with

clients as a coach to allow them to manifest their full

potential in the world. She is honored to partner with

you on this beautiful journey. Please visit her website for further information on

her self-love programs and books.

Her new book, In Love With Me: 7 Self-Love

Strategies for Successful Partnerships, Parenting and

Performance will be released Spring/Summer 2014. To

pre-order a PDF copy, go to

websites: 18

Your Valentine Gift This heart-opening meditation allows you to:

•Work with your heart to receive love and

universal messages for yourself.

•Open your all-knowing heart and hear it

speak to you.

It has been useful for individuals that have

had or are going to have heart surgery to

really connect to their hearts.

“I was surprised that this

meditation actually connected

with me and enrolled me to

envision the strength and love my

heart still expresses and feels. My

first time ever meditating was

quite healing and comforting to

me”. 58 year-old, four-time heart surgery

patient who previously had never meditated

Abundance and Love Whatever is currently happening in your life right

now, if you have chosen these meditations, you

have chosen a life of love.

Healing ourselves is the first step in becoming all

we came here to be. Sometimes this process

involves pain and transition. We can transform

this pain into abundant love.

You deserve the life of your dreams. The key to

manifesting this life is deep self-love. When we

love ourselves, we create abundance in our lives

and in the world.

Sign up to receive this healing

meditation and her monthly


Two for One Deal ONLY $8.99 USD for two MP3 Format

downloadable audios

Yes! I want my Valentine Gift!

MP3 downloadable audio

Once more, she is frustrated by Aunt Emma’s constant refusal

to receive help. But this time, Night Wolf shows the shaman

her own refusals as the she-wolf tracks down the family karma.

As a reader, you witness the multiple dimensions in the

shaman's psyche: the Hunter Power Animal, the conscious

mind, the Inner Children, the Wise Woman and the Victim who

still carries her learned limitations. As you witness the

shaman’s struggle, you gain understanding of your own karmic

challenge, with a resulting increase in self-compassion.

Buy Now! PDF format

Inspirational Novella

An inspiring story that takes you in a

magical journey of discovery to find

and heal the wounds you’ve inherited

that steal health, wealth and love

from you. Break free from your

family karma and personal history.

A story to change your story

and claim your victory!

Walk the Sacred Feminine Storytelling

Path to transformation.


$25 USD

Great Holiday Gifts for you and your girlfriends! 19

It is Christmas, and the shaman prepares to visit her Aunt Emma. Why is she feeling

so stressed out? Why is her stomach churning? Why is she forgetting where she put

her things? At Aunt Emma’s Night Wolf, the shaman's Power Animal, follows the

scent of a Shadow that has been stealing the shaman's health, wealth and love.

It becomes far too easy to blame and

difficult to be kind. In fact, we sometimes

use the fact that we are not feeling well to

be tough on someone else—to be rude or

cranky. Somehow we think because we are

feeling bad, it gives us the right to take it

out on the people around us. I share this

from first-hand experience. I’ve been rude

to a loved one when I wasn’t feeling well.

I wish that I had understood then that

my lack of kindness was feeding my

illness. It is almost impossible to heal in

the midst of frustration and anger. 20

Not perfect? Love yourself as you are!

Healing and bad feelings are not

compatible. And bad feelings make us

and everyone around us feel worse.

In fact, many illnesses are born from

negative emotions, so perpetuating

them won’t help us find any relief or

comfort, and may very well drive away

the very people that are there to

help us.

I remember when my mother was

dying. Bless her heart, she was tough

on her kids.

Love can help you! REV. MISA HOPKINS

When you just aren’t seeing

the healing process that you

would like to see, you can

become quite discouraged.

That discouragement can

lead to you being really hard

on yourself, your doctor,

your healer, your family or

the Divine.

But when my aunts or the caretaker

from hospice came over to help, she was

as sweet as she could be, even in the midst

of the worst pain.

After a couple of days, I decided not to

tend to her because my presence only

stimulated her frustration. I left her in

the care of my aunts for my sake—so

that I wouldn’t have to face her growing


Given the same scenario today, I would

choose to talk with her about my desire

to leave and why I would prefer to stay,

experiencing our last days together with

as much pleasantness as possible.

I also understand that if my mother

was able to be kind toward my aunts, she

might have been experiencing a little

more kindness for herself, and kindness

makes any experience a little sweeter.

“In fact, many illnesses are born from negative emotions, so perpetuating them won’t help us find any relief or comfort, and may very well drive away the very people that are there to help us.”

In my first career as a Special

Education teacher, I spent a year

teaching children that were terminally

ill. They showed me that a person can

be quite ill and yet be quite kind. They

were amazingly gentle with others and

grateful even as their bodies gave way

to their illnesses. Their little souls

showed me the power of kindness

amidst adversity.

If you are suffering from a chronic

illness, the illness is there because of

something that is out of balance

emotionally and physically that

perhaps you do not yet remember or

have not yet been able to forgive

or heal.

Rev. Misa Hopkins


Getting to the place of complete surrender to the Divine is a

journey —some days clearer and easier than others.

Kindness carries you through the days when you might not feel like you are

making enough progress. It is your love that makes it safe for memories and

emotional wounds to heal. And it is your love that invites Divine assistance. Anger

and frustration with your illness and others keeps away what you most need in

order to heal.

If anger and frustration is coming up, then it is these emotions that need your

attention most…and your kindness. In the presence of your kindness the healing

energy of love can flow.

REV. MISA HOPKINS is the author of the Amazon best-selling book, The Root of All

Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything, which has been called the first-aid handbook for

the new 21st century consciousness. With over 30 years of teaching and training

experience, including teaching hundreds of healers, Hopkins is an astute observer of

human motivation and potential. Her observations about the healing progress of her

clients, students and friends, and her own miraculous healings led her to ground-

breaking conclusions about how miracles are created.

Free Downloadable Report! Beating the Odds: 10 Beliefs that can short-circuit your Healing, plus regular

Inspired Healing messages from Misa Hopkins at:


Healing Your Heart Attracting Your Desires- Through the Power of Sound

(Sound Healing for Wellness)

• Discover Your Own Sound Healing Power with the Sound Healing for Wellness Audio


• You’ll experience your fundamental or signature sounds for healing and well-being.

• You’ll experience conscious breathing – opening the resonating chamber of your


• You will learn how to take your breathing into the cellular-level.

• Powerful exercises you can do at home.

• Inspirational stories so that you can consider what is truly possible.

• Actual case studies as Misa addresses participant’s specific conditions. 23

Yes! I’m ready to receive 12 sessions,

delivered weekly, with over 15 hours of

training to develop my sound healing

abilities with Misa.

I understand that I will also receive MP3

audio recordings of the Breathing Your

Way to Physical Freedom Meditation and

the first step of the Creation Meditation—

The Holding.

I understand that I am receiving over $150

off the original price of the live tele-course.

The original live tele-course sold for $365 to overflow capacity… but

today you can receive the recorded Audio Course for just $197…

more than $150 off the original course price!

I want to unlock my sound

healing powers in 12 sessions!

Click any of the banners below to receive this magical, inspiring weekly free

blog newsletters rich in content that helps you embody your purpose, express

your gifts and fulfill your goals. The best of Maria Mar’s blog plus exercises! 24

Turn your magic on!

Express your

unique gifts

and talents in

the world to

make a BIG


Break free from

what holds you

back. Drop fear

and grow wings

to embody your

potential now.

Attract what you

want. Learn how

to flow the Law

of Attraction and

other Dream

Laws to manifest.

Live your purpose full

time. Start or grow

your purpose-based

business. Own your

expertise. Serve the

world with your gifts.

Great Valentine Gifts for you and your girlfriends!

This first book in the Bless your Success Book

Series is a portal for women and Spiritual

Creatives to walk into Authentic Success.

• It helps you find the Unique Essence at

the core of your being that ALREADY is

the success you long for.

• It allows you to experience right now that

you are a success and were born a success.

• With that experience, your heart is full

and you do not mistake what you have or

achieve with your inherent worth.

• This makes you fearless and unstoppable,

as you will not weaken with any failure

or difficulty.

• This book helps you to spot and release

the Prohibitions to Success and Happiness

which have been laid over you, like

Cinderella’s ashy rags.

• When you release these self-diminishing

notions that hold you back, you become

an Authentic Success right now.

Digital book. 60 pages. PDF Format. Includes inspiring

quotes, journal writing exercises, creative projects and

clickable resources. 25

Do you Deserve Success?

The Answer is Yes!

Get the


version Gift one, get

one special

does not apply.


$9.99 Purchase Kindle Edition


$15 USD

I say Yes to success! Click to buy this book

Instantly downloadable.

Gift one, get one!

Maria Mar

Enter the story!

Meet the Sacred Storyteller 26

Featured Resource

Discover how your favorite childhood fairy tales reveal the secret "curse" or prohibition that you suffered as a child and that is still enchanting you out of your greatness.

Rewrite your Fairy Tales for Success (Unleash your Greatness) is a book especially written for spiritual, creative women who struggle to achieve the success they want and deserve.

It presents five archetypal mother-daughter wounds and shows you how they became a "curse" that sabotages your success.

It then uses five popular fairy tales to help you transmute those "curses" or wounds into Female Leadership, leading to your authentic, out-of-the-box success.

The book combines fairy tales and true stories with self-help insights and shamanic wisdom. It then allows you to enjoy journal and creative writing as well as arts & crafts projects to use your favorite fairy tales as maps to break free. Find the “cure” to the "curse" that's stealing your dreams and sabotaging your greatness! 27


Your Fairy Tales for Success Unleash your Greatness!


$25 USD


Maria Mar

Featured Inspirational Article

A woman’s ride from her pressing problems to her brightest potential

I am an elder and I have lived and loved magically, freely

and passionately. Like a ripe fruit, love has yielded its

delicious essence and poured it abundantly into my heart.

Today I want to share some secrets it has whispered and

others it has roared.

Single? •If you long for love so bad that it hurts,

don’t seek it yet. Instead, make a fierce

commitment to love yourself unconditionally just as you

are right now.

Soulmate Searching? •If you are committed to finding your

soulmate this year, don’t go in a dating

binge. Instead, romance life openly every day, savoring each

moment and enjoying the presence of each

person you choose to meet and the magic

each brings into your life.

Married? •If you are in a long-term love relationship

and you feel that the magic is dwindling,

don’t push to “spice up” things. Instead

open your heart to receive love tenderly.


29 30

At the same time, I am a baby boomer

who started youth as a feminist, a child of

divorced parents and a woman wounded by

the arrows of 20th century biases and

traumas around love and gender. This

personal herstory has left deep imprints that

I’ve had to lovingly, painfully remove, like

long sharp splinters embedded in my heart.

These splinters harden the female heart

with lonely beliefs that pit love against

freedom, independence or personal power.

Our fear shows up in each love story and

gives it the same painful ending until we stop

believing in happy endings and romance.

Though I still believe in romance, my fears

and defensiveness have often gone to battle

with my romantic, sensual nature.

Unfortunately, they have often won.

The Gift in Heartbreak

My heart has been broken often. Not only

by romantic love, but by filial or family love,

friendly love and most frequently by my own

faltering self-love.

But in each heart break I have noticed a

recurrent story. I am suddenly thrown into a

situation that breaks my heart. The pain

seems unbearable. My heart is stabbed,

pierced, shattered and finally broken. The

agony is excruciating. I think I’m going to

die of heartbreak. But I don’t. Instead,

something different happens. My heart is

cleansed, renewed, remodeled and expanded

into a higher frequency of love.

I have finally

understood what love is

telling me at the

moment of heartbreak.

It is showing me

something that I did

not want to see about

my own capacity to love

and be loved, to give

and receive and to be

fully me and fully alive

and awaken or to put

away pieces of me in

order to be accepted,

loved or safe.

In my 20s I used to chase love with the

same desperation that I rejected it. The

battle between love and freedom was part

of it. But the larger enemy in this battle

was my utter lack of self-love. I spent my

energy defending myself from ghost

attacks, mirages of the self-attacks I

perpetrated daily against my

vulnerability, sensuality and deep

empathy. And sure enough, the Men

Mirrors showed me again and again how I

was devaluing my Female Gifts and

trampling all over my heart.

The Love Hunger

If you long for love so bad that it hurts,

this is not the moment to search for it out

there. Or if you do, understand that it’s

not about there being no “good men out

there.” What is happening is that you are

meeting your Sacred Masculine in the men

you attract.

A good self-love practice for you right

now is to understand how your Sacred

Masculine responds to your Sacred


• Does your logical mind honor your


• Do your skill and choices serve your

Soul’s desires?

• Do you listen as much as you talk? Do

you listen to yourself? Your BodySoul? 31

• Do you receive as much as you give?

• Do you feel beautiful, lovable and


• Do you nurture your creativity and

trust your intuition?

• Do you value your vulnerability or

are you constantly hardening up

against it?

Vulnerability is the power to

dive into your loss to find

your love.

Make a fierce commitment to love

yourself unconditionally just as you

are right now, without judgment.

Cultivate the gifts of your Sacred

Feminine: vulnerability, compassion,

love, grace, soul, receptivity, beauty,

creativity, intuition and intimacy.

As you do, observe how your Sacred

Masculine reacts to these gifts.

• Is it defensive against your


• Is it cynical about your romanticism?

• Does it reproach you when you don’t

talk and instead listen?

• Does it badger you when you don’t

argue to win, but try to understand


• Does it judge your intuitive choices?

Heal your Shiva (Male) Energy and

nurture your Shakti (Female) Energy

and you will experience a subtle shift.

• You will be less hungry, less empty

and more balanced.

• You will not feel alone in your own


• You will stop defending yourself

against the world.

• You will not be scared of male


• You will not be at war with it, either.


The Soulmate Search

If you are committed to finding your

soulmate this year, I have a recommen-

dation. Before you send a call to arms to

all your friends announcing that you are

seeking to meet available men, spend

some months Romancing Life.

What do I mean by that?

There was a period in my life

where I engaged in the terrible

practice of Kissing Frogs.

This is my name for something women

often do. We project our magic, majesty

and mojo onto little men who cannot

handle or understand our greatness.

We dress them up with kingly attire

and pour onto them the magic that is

ours. We fall in love with a frog that we

have turned into a Prince.

Then one day, shazam! The frog

escapes our spell and we are faced with a

frog in our bed.

The men you are attracting now are

Sacred Mirrors that show you how

your Shiva is treating your Shakti. If

you don’t like the outer relationship,

change the inner relationship.

Before you invent a romance with a

man, spend sometimes Romancing Life,

romancing yourself.

• What magic do you bring to an


• What magic do you need in life?

• What are you passionate about?

• What awakens your sensuality?

• What makes you laugh?

• What fills your heart?

• What brings you delight each day?

• What are you grateful for?


For some reason, women tend to deny

ourselves the things that make us happy.

As long as you are doing this, you will


• Attract men who won’t make you


• Allow your man to transgress

boundaries, take you for granted,

make you invisible, etc.,

• Lose yourself in him,

Wake yourself back to the

aliveness and wonder you had

as a child. Enjoy the adventure

of life. Do things that make

you happy.

After a particular bad choice

in an almost-date, still in the

high of the oxytocin burst; but

clear headed, I examined what

happened inside me when I was

“in love.”

• I was happy for no reason,

• I was kinder,

• I smiled spontaneously and

• Not receive his love,

• Resent and blame him for all of the

above, and

• Still you won’t do things that make

you happy!

The way I healed my Kissing Frog

malady was simple, though not easy

because it demanded that I change the

way I lived to match the way I create

as a poet and artist.

• In the presence of the beloved my

body produced huge clouds of

oxytocin that mellowed me down,

sweetened me up and brightened

the colors of every object in the


As I observed this state, I realized

that the man was not there, and it

was still happening. Therefore, I was

doing this! The other person was just

a catalyst.

At that point I decided that I was going to live in a state of being in love.

But how to do this, how to “fall in love” when there is no man who arouses your

passion, when you are alone?

I discovered that to be in love is to Romance Life. In Spanish we talk of “El

Duende” —the mysterious force that poet Federico Garcia Lorca describes as a half-

angel, half-demon that possesses the artist after he abandons the muse, wrestles

with his fear and surrenders beyond his skill. 34

Romancing life is

To see the immense magic

in a tiny coincidence,

to dive, heart first, into the sunset

drinking its vibrancy and

swimming in the ebb and flow

of its hues.

It is to caress each perfect vein

in the leaf,

trembling in awe.

It is to seize

the passionate metaphors

life throws at you.

Suddenly, like a burst of crystal marbles

rolling under your feet,

they trample your plans.

You lose your footing.

You fall and fall deeper and deeper.

Any moment now you will break

against the bottom!

Instead your wings open.

Love shows up as El Duende.

You rise.

You fly in the ecstasy

of your unfolding soul.

Source your experience from the

compass of your Soul and you will

Romance Life.

• Do what makes you happy,

• Fill your heart with the beauty and

magic of this world,

• Dare to dive deeply into your truth,

• Dare to fly high into your

possibilities and

• Open your heart to let your Essence

step into your present.

When you are living in a state of love,

you won’t have to seek. Your soulmate

will show up. He will be a mirror of the

best in you and you will be ready to

embrace that mirror.

You Love but are no Longer

“In Love”

If you let it, routine can settle in. But

that routine that you keep using as an

excuse to keep romance at bay is not

real. It is a mask. 35

Routine is the facsimile of

life we create when we close

our heart to life.

I remember once as a young woman

protesting to my beloved because I did

not want to fall into any routine in our

budding relationship. Wise as he was,

he said nothing. He simply pointed

towards the sunset right in front of us.

At that moment I felt a spiritual

slap that woke me up. Without words,

he gave me a great gift that until this

day paints my life in wonder.

Routine is an illusion. Life is a

miracle. Every second is a wonder.

Like the sunset, life happens every day

with its trillion miracles. The sunset is

never a routine. Yet, you may walk

past it without noticing it if you are


There is no routine. It is our senses

that get stale, our mind that gets

blunt, our imagination that goes to

sleep. And then we live in autopilot,

wrapped in the veils of routine.

Yet it is normal and simply human.

Dealing with the bills, the kids, the

mortgage or the in-laws can take a toll.

If you are in a long-term love

relationship that’s been going on for a

while, you may love your partner deeper

than ever; yet you may feel that you are

no longer “in love.”

If this is happening to you, it’s

probably happening to him, too. But

before you try the Kama Sutra or sky

diving to spice things up, try a simple,

subtle Internal Action.

Open your heart to receive

love tenderly.

Here are things that help you do this:

• Walk in nature. Earth Mother’s

magic awakens our innermost being

to love.

• Listen to the song of birds, the

whispers of trees and the ecstasy of

flowers. They will help you listen to

your own Sacred Heart.


Savor the tiny moments with your

beloved. Trace the lines in his face with

your fingers and allow the wonder of his

life to climb into your nerves. Feel the

miracle that brought this man into your

life. Look at him. Really look at him. Let

his beloved countenance enter your heart.

Carve his features into your Soul.

Dare to stay there, feeling this

tenderness, this vulnerability and this

tremor in your heart. Stay. Don’t go.

Don’t change the topic. Don’t do or say

anything. Stay in your heart, with him.

Dive deeply into his eyes until you feel

his soul. Open your heart and let him dive

deeply into your eyes until you feel him

touching your soul and you become one.

Dare to open your heart and

receive love so tenderly.

The truth is that we stop seeing the

people, sites and situations that become

familiar. We take them for granted. And

as we do, our heart closes a little

each time.

When you open your heart to the beloved,

his love will pour onto you,

for it is a river that has been struggling to reach you,

that wants to shower you in its passion;

that longs to bathe you in its sweet waters.

You are blessed with love.

Receive this miracle anew.

We stop kissing, hugging, contemplating

each other, enjoying the magic of the

moment. We become scared little creatures,

moving jerkily from one thing to the other,

fearful of resting in the beloved’s arms. We

go up into our heads and talk, talk, talk,

do, do, do, think, think, think to cover the

pain that we feel for abandoning our soul.

We become habituated to this veil of

routine that separates us from the beloved

and truth be said, from our own Sacred

Self. This makes us fearful of opening our

heart again, fearful of being rejected.

But our heart won’t give up. If we listen,

we can hear its cries.

Your Sacred Heart wants to be as open as

the silence that stretches far into the night

while it wraps around your skin, singing

you into harmony with creation. 37

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Maria Mar is the creator of the Butterfly You ! magazine. Here are some juicy bits about her.

She is a storyteller. Whether in her writings or

performances, her stories are journeys of instant


She is an alchemist that creates ARTchemy; art as

alchemy. If you are a crafty chica, you will love the

arts & crafts alchemical projects Maria creates to

help you express your mojo and achieve

manifestation and transformation, as well as

specific life or business goals.

She is a mystical, ceremonial poet. Her poetry is

created as a ceremony for deep insight into your

soul and radical healing of limiting patterns.

She is a Woman of Power. She was trained as a

shaman and underwent her death and rebirth .

She loves dancing, writing and sharing poetry,

enjoying the beauty of the natural world and

having rich conversations with other Butterfly


She is the CEO and founder of ShamansDance

Publishing & Productions.


I went from Caterpillar Self to Butterfly Woman.

That’s why I can help you in your metamorphosis!

I’ve done it so often it’s become a way of life.

Here’s my last journey: I went from homeless

to the CEO of my own corporation! The

I Ching has a number that means both

Emergency and Emergence. Do not confuse

where you are at with who you are. No

matter your conditions now, you can

EMERGE because the Butterfly You is growing within you right now.

Angelina and the Law of Attraction is an inspirational story about a woman who is on the verge of giving up on her dream and unique gifts to “settle down,” make money and satisfy other people’s expectations.

Angelina is taking the train to what she believes is her destination, ~her new corporate job~ when she meets a magical lady who guides her to her true destiny. The ordinary train ride becomes a quest for Angelina to find her DreamSelf, the part of her soul that carries her dream and that is now sequestered and rapidly fading.

Will Angelina have the wisdom to spot and release the obstacles she has unconsciously created in her life? Will she have the courage and stealth to save her DreamSelf and become her most cherished Dream? Find out!

•If you love fantasy or women’s fiction, you’ll enjoy this story.

•If you are applying the Law of Attraction to your life, this story is a must read. It reveals shamanic details on how to flow the Law of Attraction using your Sacred Feminine aspect to dissolve obstacles and quicken your manifestation.


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Bonus Article

In romantic relationships, there is a

giver and a receiver.

Some people call this a pursuer and an accepter,

but the central idea is that one person leads the

dance and the other follows as long as the

second person feels happy and comfortable

following. The receiver/accepter can always bow

out and stop dancing at any time.

Typically, male energy wants to pursue. That’s

a man’s natural state. Female energy receives

and appreciates.

Women have more and more power in the

workforce, politically, and personally. This leads

to living in male energy that spills over into

relationships and short circuits the close, loving

bond based on this giving and receiving

dynamic with a special man that every

heterosexual woman craves.

When we women allow someone to give to

us and receive their gift with appreciation, a

connection forms. Continue to receive, and the

connection grows. 40

You Want his Love!


Yes, but are you ready to RECEIVE it?




Giving and Receiving: The Core

Elements of Romantic Relationships

Open up to receiving those non-

negotiable needs by allowing the

warm energy of appreciation to

flow out of you. Be concise and

clear about what you need, and

give him a choice to give to you

rather than demanding. Ask him,

“What do you need from me in

order to give me what I need?”

Make it easy to give to you. Enroll

and inspire him to give to you.

Even when we ask, sometimes

people can't give us what we

need. Maybe the man you are with

doesn’t know how to give.

Tapping into your female energy, ask

yourself, Am I more comfortable giving or

receiving? If giving, what is your underlying

motivation for giving? Are you trying to gain

love, acceptance and approval? Proving that you

are worthy and capable? Protecting yourself from

being vulnerable? Do you feel like asking for

support makes you a burden to others? Self-

sufficiency takes away our capacity to receive and

have healthy mutuality in a romantic


Sometimes mother energy also steps in and

causes us to over-deliver, to mother and smother

our man. This is another way to shut down his

natural desire to give to us. Then we wonder why

he stops giving and becomes distant.

What are your non-negotiable needs? Write

them down. Here are a few to get you started:

• I need to be told I’m beautiful.

• I need to be cherished.

• I need to be seen and heard.

List everything you can think of, then ask

yourself:” For which of these would I rather be

alone than do without?” These are non-negotiable

for you. These will qualify the man who becomes

your man.


Maybe he wants to give you things that make you uncomfortable. Don't

make that mean something about you. Your value is sure and constant. You are

a deeply worthy and beautiful woman with so much to contribute. If he is not

willing or able give you what you need, you are simply not a match.

There is someone out there who will be excited and “lit up” by you. There is

someone who can’t wait to give to you. That person is waiting to meet you too,

so don’t waste time and energy on someone who is not a match or on devaluing

yourself. Shine your radiant light and you will draw your true love to you.

What new choices and actions can you take today to put yourself in

alignment with expanding and receiving from that special someone?

Would you like help with making new choices and actions right now? Ones

that will bring brand new results – an extraordinary, loving partner? Are you

READY and WILLING to go for it?

JULIE-ANNE SHAPIRO is an International Love & Relationship Expert,

Speaker and Founder of Magnetizing Love. She has helped thousands of

women around the world to find and keep the love of their life through her

private coaching (available via Skype or phone from anywhere in the world),

dynamic live events and home study programs.

Find the program for you here.

If you are ready, then consider this very comprehensive downloadable

program that takes you on a step-by-step journey to love. It covers a wide

range of topics – everything from opening up and setting your intention for

love, healing past pain and patterns, becoming your best, irresistible and

radiant self, navigating dating and the exact steps to determining and

attracting your ideal match. Read more.


Featured Resource 43

Unclip your Wings

Ignite the powerful

metamorphosis from

Caterpillar You to

Butterfly You!

Why curl,



MagicMark your Life Private Session

Apply the fun, creative, spiritual practices of

the MagicMark your Life tm system and

principles to your current situation.

•Find out how you may still be trapped in the

Caterpillar Mindset without even knowing!

•Debunk the stories and myths that are creating a

reality where you play small, second-guess yourself and

hold back.

•Get a firm grip of your Human Creative Palette and

learn to use it every day to transmute your obstacles

into stepping stones to your Dream.

•Discover that you are a radiant gem right now, shake

the old dirt from your radiance and be dazzled by a

charismatic, expert, bright Butterfly You!

•Activate your Personal Compass and move forward!

•Achieve this in a month with my ongoing love, support

and shamanic tools and teachings from the Sacred

Feminine Wisdom School.

Maria Mar 44

Master the art of shaping your life into your dream.

$500 USD

(* For face-to-face you need internet and a

webcam. We use Skype or Oovo.)

crawl or

when you


and Fly now! The MagicMark your Life Private Session

with course materials and follow-up support

allows you to address your current obstacles

from a place of power. Activate your Creative

Genius to see the life lessons, seize the

possibilities and own your authority.

Unclip your wings now.

Become Butterfly Woman!

In this private Guidance Session artist-

shaman Maria Mar guides you in the juicy

process of using your creativity to transform

your current situation, to create new

solutions and master the art of shaping your

life into your masterpiece.


•Private face-to-face 2-hour session with

Maria Mar*

•The MagicMark your Life Course Material

•One-month private online support and

direct communication with Maria Mar.

Click here to register.

After registration, you will land on a page where you

can book your appointment. You will begin receiving

course material and direct communication with Maria

Mar immediately.

I can only see 10

women each year

for this service.

Act now.

Join the MagicMark Your Life Tribe!


Calling all spiritual, creative women who are working to serve

the world through the expression of their own unique gifts

and talents. Share your story of how you shed Caterpillar You

and embrace your Butterfly Self.

What to do: Submit your Butterfly You story summary in any of these formats: video, writing or audio, plus

at least one full-figure, frontal facing high resolution photo. (To give you the Butterfly Woman

Wings). You also need to submit your social media, blog, site, articles, videos and stores URLs,

so that we can appreciate what you are sharing with the world.

Submit your entry, get instructions and terms here.

If you are selected, you receive: •A face-to-face interview with Maria Mar to share your Butterfly Woman Story. Maria will

transform this interview into an article and you will be featured in an issue of the magazine.*

•A MagicMark your Life Private Session with Maria Mar to explore how to fly higher,

strengthen your wings and increase your expressive power to embody your purpose and live

ecstatically. (2 hours).

In return, you agree to: You agree to participate in the promotion of that issue of the Butterfly You! Magazine,

promoting it in social media and to your list for the launching week.

*You need Skype and a webcam for this.

Join the

ButterflyYou Fall 2013 Contest

YES! I join the Butterfly You Contest

Click the button to fill out the form and read the instructions and terms.


Eros & Psyche By Tanya Torres

Available in greeting card or art print in several sizes at

Etsy’s Yellow Butterfly Store

I want to have these lovers in my home!

To celebrate my love/ attract my soulmate

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