bear friends look book

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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A look book to show more images, detail and information and a couple of free patterns relating to Claire Garland's knitting pattern pdfs - Bear Friends


Bear friends.


Lovely toy patternsfor you to knit and sew

this here is A LOOK BOOK(to give you an idea of what you can make if you buy my Bear Friends Pattern Pdfs but there are a couple of free patterns in here too!)


1st up...



Floss the horse with a

huge hearty heart.


quite possibly

the cuddliest mule you’ll

ever possess!


HELLOsorry about my writing but it’s quite hard to write with hooved handsi I really like cheese and crackers the really salty ones you know and i like to play this hobby horse game with my friends it’s really funny

my swirly whirly wavey woolly pully! .


this is a really nice jumper to play in and it looks good too

yuma pair of plum coloured dungarees

a little picture how-to on ‘sock toe cast on’ which is the starting point for many of my patterns

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what sizes are the dolls?

well each doll is 43cm/ about 17 inches tall& 34cm/ 13 1/4 inches wide - that’s with the a rms outstreched

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Pipo C

Pretty and fair

and full of




& lots of fun...

Pizza is my favourite food just cheese, lots of cheese, and tomato and some basil and after that some toffee flavoured ice cream


i lovewhat

me Pipo Y

colourful feet, feetfullofcolour.

a pretty smock - like a summer meadow on a very lovely summer day.what’s more it’s easy to sew, i made mine from patterned muslin

easy-peasy playsuit to make and wear - you could make many in different colours and different types of fabric tootoo muchchoicesometimes

crochet flowers for decoration

duplicate stitchalso known as swiss darning


Using yarn MC, cast on 60 sts.

Row 1 K.

Rep last row (garter st) 7 times.

...change to yarn C...

Row 9 K.

Row 10 P.

Rep last 2 rows once.

...change to yarn MC...

Row 13 K.

Row 14 P.

Rep last 2 rows once... ...change to yarn C...

Cont in st st for 8 rows changing yarn colour after every four rows.

pink rose & leaf coloured cardi

YARN 50g DK yarn - you will need about 43 metres/ 47 yards

SHOWN AS Garn Studio Drops Baby Alpaca Silk shades 3125 Light Pink (MC) and 7219

Pistachio (C)

NEEDLES pair 3.25 (US 3) needles

TENSION 12 stitches and 16 rows counted over a 5cm/ 2in square as stocking stitch and as main

colour using size 3.25mm (US 5) needles

NOTIONS button to match the size of your buttonhole

free pattern time

Divide for sleeves

Row 25 (dec) In yarn C, k13, bind off 4 (right armhole), k25, bind off 4

(left armhole), k12. 52sts

...left front...

Cont in st st on the last 13 sts for left front for 11 rows - working the

stripe pattern as set (changing colour after every four rows).

Break yarn and leave the stitches on a length of spare yarn or safety pin.


WS facing, rejoin yarn C to 26 back sts, cont in st st on these sts for back

for 11 rows - working the stripe pattern as set (changing colour after

every four rows).

Break yarn and leave the stitches on a length of spare yarn or safety pin.

...right front...

WS facing, rejoin yarn C to 13 back sts, cont in st st on the last 13 sts for

left front for 11 rows - working the stripe pattern as set (changing colour

after every four rows).

Break yarn and leave the stitches on a length of spare yarn or safety pin.

Right sleeve

With RS facing, in yarn MC, beg at the right front, pup&k 26 stitches

along row ends from front, across bind off and up row ends from back.

*Beg with a p row, cont in st st for 31 rows - working the stripe pattern

as set (changing colour after every four rows).

Work 8 rows garter stitch in yarn MC only.

Bind off leaving a long tail end for sewing up sleeve seam.

Mattress sew the sleeve seam as neatly as you can as the seam lies at the

top of the sleeve.**

Left sleeve

With RS facing, in yarn MC, beg at the back, pup&k 26 stitches along

row ends from back, across bind off and up row ends from left front.

Cont as right sleeve from * to **.


Slip all 42 sts that are held on spare yarn or safety pins onto a knitting

needle RS ready to work and in this order: right front sts then back sts

then left front sts.

Rejoin yarn MC and k across all 42 pulling tension tight as you knit

across the shoulder joins.

Work 7 rows garter stitch.

Bind off.

Weaving in the ends takes a little bit of your time and if you don’t want

this hassle you could always knit the whole little cardigan in one colour.

Work a button hole half way down the front by working buttonhole

stitch over a loop of yarn. Sew on a button.


IT Is in the details: a crocheted badge

roses in the garden and cabling in your cardi.

IT Is in the details: a crocheted badge

roses in the garden and cabling in your cardi.

FINISHED SIZE to fit knitted Bear’s Friend dolls

FABRIC fat quarter of any dressmaking weight fabric of your choice

YARN tiny amount of any 2 shades or aran (worsted) yarn

NOTIONS pinking shears would be good here because the item is quite tiny and the shears

will prevent the edges from fraying (if not then good dressmaking shears), pins and thread,

sewing needle and/ or sewing machine (optional), tape measure, water soluble pen and iron

NEEDLES set 4, 5mm (US 8) double pointed needles (dpns)

TENSION 9 stitches and 11 rows counted over a 5cm/ 2in square as stocking stitch using

size 5mm (US 8) needles

Step 1

Cut two rectangles each 25cm (10in) wide x 20cm (8in) long for the


Step 2

Fold each leg in half along the width (RS facing) and press.

Step 3

Beginning at shortest side (trouser hem end) sew each leg seam,

allowing for 6mm (0.25in) seam, along 12.5cm (5in) of its length. Turn

one leg out to RS and slip inside the other leg, RS facing and matching

the seams. Join along the front and back seams to join both trouser

legs, allowing for 6mm (0.25in) seam. Turn out to RS.

free pattern time


Step 4

Work a gathering stitch 6mm (0.25in) down from waist


Step 5

Turn under 3mm at trouser hem edge and turn under same

again. Press.

Work a gathering stitch 2mm up from folded edge and

gently pull gathers slightly remembering that it still needs to

fit over the bear’s foot. Secure end of the thread.

Step 6 - knitted waist band

Cast on 36sts. Divide 36sts over 3 dpns and begin to work

in the round.

Rnd 1 *[K2, P2] 18 times.

Rep last rnd once - change colour and work last two

rounds once more in new colour.**

Work last four rows from * to ** once more, cast off in rib.

Pull gathers on top of sewn piece to fit knitted waistband

and secure the gathers.

Whip stitch the knitted waistband in place.

ALFIEthe gentle, gentle giant - well he's really no bigger than the other two but he has a big heart...and he's a real softie.

i'm typing this be-cause i love my old typewriter.

i also like swimming and pasta with pesto.

and banana fla-voured milkshake whic h i like drink-ing with a straw in particular a yellow and white striped one because thsoe are my favourite colurs.


Afor Alfie,

for playtime & for playtime dungarees

P & P


back view

and a little bit of the front view



green, green, grass green tank top or pullover what ever you like to call it, another easy little number with a little bit of simple patterning to keep it interesting


What yarn?my favourite yarns of the moment are the wondrous BC Garn

Studio yarns also known as Drops yarn.

Why? Because they come in a fabulous array of colours and the

ones I use are all pure wool and...

they are tremendously and amazingly good value for money!

I also like to use bamboo needles - the yarn doesn’t keep

sliding off when working sock toe cast on & they feel nice!





...and to end what better to almost end with than Kitchen stitch... here’s how .....

C C1. divide sts onto 2 parallel needles, pass needle into 1st st on front needle purl wise.

2. pass needle into 1st st on back needle knit wise.

5. pass needle into next stitch purl wise

6. pass needle into 1st st on back needle purl wise.

9. keep repeating steps 1-8, pull tension quite tight 10. until you have...

...and to end what better to almost end with than Kitchen stitch... here’s how .....

C 3. pass needle into 1st st on front needle again this time knit wise.

4. and drop that stitch off the needle.

7. and drop that stitch off the needle. 8. pass needle into next stitch knit wise.

11. your last stitch on the back needle, pass needle through purl wise.

12. pull up and secure and weave in end.

...and so TO BED


to buy the patterns that are showcased with-in this booklet please go to:


or pop in and visit my blog:

...thank you!


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